
science Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Forschungspark m
science park
Nahrungsmittelwissenschaft f
food science
Ertragskunde f
yield science
Raumforschung f
space science
Wissensgebiet n
science field
(akademische) Fachrichtung f stud.
science field
social science
angewandte Naturwissenschaft
applied science
Science-fiction f
Wissenschaftsrat m
science council
medical science
Science Fiction
science fiction
natural science
Atomwissenschaft f
nuclear science
domestic science
Hauswirtschaftslehre f
domestic science
Wehrwissenschaft f
military science
computer science
military science
ancillary science
Materialwissenschaft f, Materialwirtschaften pl
materials science
Staatswissenschaft f
political science
political science
Materialwissenschaft f; Materialwirtschaften pl
materials science
Ökosystemwissenschaft f envir.
ecosystem science
Staatslehre f
political science
Wissenschaft von der Erdatmosphäre und dem Weltraum sci.
aerospace science
Versicherungsmathematik f
actuarial science
Werkstoffwissenschaft f sci.
materials science
wissenschaftliche Betriebsführung
management science
Geschichtswissenschaft f
science of history
Tierheilkunde f
veterinary science
Wissenschaftsgeschichte f
history of science
veterinary science
Süßwasserkunde f (Lehre von den Süßwassergewässern) envir.
freshwater science
Vegetationskunde f geogr.
vegetation science
Science Fiction (Literatur- und Filmgattung)
science fiction SF
Ingenieurwissenschaft f
engineering science
niedriger akademischer Grad (BSC)
bachelor of science
Gefügekunde f
science of structure
Agrarwissenschaften pl; Agrarwissenschaft f; Agronomie f agr.
agricultural science
science of management
der Bereich der Naturwissenschaft
the domain of science
Wissenschaft der Betriebsführung
science of management
Hilfswissenschaft f
complementary science
Kommunikationswissenschaft f
communication science
Zukunftsroman m
science fiction novel
science fiction novel
science of journalism
Umweltwissenschaft f envir.
environmental science
Bodenkunde f
pedology, soil science
Arzneistoffwissenschaft f pharm.
drug discovery science
Bodenkunde f; Pedologie f geol.
pedology; soil science
Haushaltungsschule f
domestic science school
Magister m der Naturwissenschaften
MSc : Master of Science
domestic science school
hauswirtschaftliche Berufsfachschule f; Hauswirtschaftsschule f; Haushaltungsschule f
domestic science school
medico-actuarial science
angewandte Informatik
applied computer science
Fachinformationszentrum n
science information center
wissenschaftlich adj
wissenschaftlich begründet; wissenschaftlich basiert
Kriminaltechnik f
forensic science, forensics
Politikwissenschaft f, Politwissenschaften pl, Politologie f
political science, politics
Werkstoffkunde f
materials, material science
Kriminaltechnik f
forensic science; forensics
Politikwissenschaft f; Politikwissenschaften pl; Politwissenschaften pl; Politologie f
political science; politics
Werkstoffkunde f
materials; material science
Wissenschaftsfeindlichkeit f
hostility to(wards) science
Nautik f, Schifffahrtskunde f
nautical science, navigation
Dr. rer.nat. : Doktor der Naturwissenschaften
DSc, ScD : Doctor of Science
Nautik f; Schifffahrtskunde f
nautical science; navigation
Gesundheitslehre f; Hygiene f med.
science of health; hygienics
Wissenschaftsladen m
Wissenschaftsläden pl
science shop
science shops
Wissenschaftspark m (neben einer Universität)
Wissenschaftsparke pl
science park
science parks
Limnologie f
fimnology; freshwater science
Wissenschaftslehre f (Fichte) phil.
science of knowledge (Fichte)
Science Fiction (Literatur- und Filmgattung)
SF (abbr. of Science Fiction)
Bakkalaureus m der Naturwissenschaften
BS : Bachelor of Science Am.
Planetologie f astron. phys.
planetary science; planetology
Bakkalaureus m der Naturwissenschaften
BSc : Bachelor of Science Br.
Ernährungswissenschaft f
nutritional science; dietectics
Sozialwissenschaft f, Gesellschaftswissenschaft f
Sozialwissenschaften pl, Gesellschaftswissenschaften pl
social science
social sciences
Sportwissenschaft f
sports science, science of sport
Sozialwissenschaft f; Gesellschaftswissenschaft f
Sozialwissenschaften pl; Gesellschaftswissenschaften pl
social science
social sciences
Sportwissenschaft f
sports science; science of sport
Barbarella (Science-Fiction-Film)
Barbarella (science-fiction film)
Populärwissenschaft f
Populärwissenschaften pl
popular science
popular sciences
Wissenschaftskultur f sci.
scientific culture; science culture
Wirtschaftswissenschaft f
Wirtschaftswissenschaften pl
economic science
economic sciences
Cyberpunk m (Zweig der Science-Fiction-Literatur) lit.
cyberpunk (science fiction subgenre)
Wissenschaft f, Naturwissenschaft f
Wissenschaften pl
angewandte Wissenschaften
applied sciences
Forstwissenschaft f; Forstwissenschaften pl
science of forestry; forestry science
Wissenschaft f; Naturwissenschaft f
Wissenschaften pl
angewandte Wissenschaften
applied sciences
Verlagerungsgeschwindigkeit f (Bodenkunde) envir.
translocation velocity (soil science)
Bakkalaureus m der Wirtschaftswissenschaften
BScEcon : Bachelor of Economic Science
Kognitionswissenschaft f
Kognitionswissenschaften pl
cognitive science
cognitive sciences
graduiert adj grad. stud.
ein graduierter Informatiker
a computer science graduate
Internationaler Wissenschaftsrat m
International Council for Science ICSU
adaptive Programmierung f (Informatik)
adaptive programming (computer science)
Biowissenschaft f; Biowissenschaften pl; Lebenswissenschaften pl
life science; life sciences; bioscience
Wissenschaftstheorie f
philosophy of science, theory of science
Geschichtswissenschaft f
science of history; history as a science
Wissenschaftstheorie f
philosophy of science; theory of science
entdeckungsorientierte (wissenschaftliche) Disziplin f
discovery-based science; discovery science
kriminaltechnischer Dienst m; Kriminaltechnik f ugs.
forensic science service; forensic service
Abbildungsoptik f (Fachgebiet)
focusing optics; focussing optics (science)
Fachinformation f
specialized information, science information
Fachinformation f
specialized information; science information
Zeitungswissenschaft f
Zeitungswissenschaften pl
science of journalism
sciences of journalism
kriminalpsychologischer Dienst m (bei der Polizei)
Behavioural Science Service (within the police)
Verhaltensforschung f
behavioral science Am., behavioural science Br.
Verhaltensforschung f
behavioural science Br.; behavioral science Am.
Erkenntniswissenschaft f; Kognitionswissenschaft f phil.
science of knowledge; cognitive science; epistemics
Naturwissenschaft f
Naturwissenschaften pl, Wissenschaften pl
science, natural science, physical science
Naturwissenschaft f
Naturwissenschaften pl; Wissenschaften pl
science; natural science; physical science
Fachinformationszentrum n
Fachinformationszentren pl
science information center
science information centers
sozialwissenschaftlich adj
socioscientific; socio-scientific; social science related
(physikalisch-chemische) Gesteinskunde f; Gesteinslehre f; Petrologie f geol.
science of rocks; petrology; lithology; lithologic geology
Raketentechnik f; Raketenwissenschaft f
Das ist nicht so kompliziert.; Das ist keine schwarze große Kunst.
rocketry; rocket science
It's not rocket science. fig.
Raketentechnik f; Raketenwissenschaft f
Das ist nicht so kompliziert.; Das ist keine schwarze große Kunst.; Das ist kein Hexenwerk.
rocketry; rocket science
It's not rocket science. fig.
Luftfahrtelektronik f; Avionik f (Fachgebiet und Bordgeräte ) aviat.
aircraft electronics; avionics (science and on-board devices)
Luftfahrtelektronik f; Avionik f (Fachgebiet und Bordgeräte) aviat.
aircraft electronics; avionics (science and on-board devices)
wissenschaftlich adj
am wissenschaftlichsten
wissenschaftlich begründet; wissenschaftlich basiert
more scientific
most scientific
Bakkalaureus m, Bachelor m
niedrigster akademischer Grad
bachelor of science (B.Sc.), bachelor of arts (B.A.)
Wirtschaftsinformatik f
information systems for business, computer science in economics
Grenze f (zu unbekanntem Terrain); Grenzgebiet n geogr.; Grenzbereich n übtr.
Grenzen pl; Grenzgebiete pl; Grenzbereiche pl
das Leben im Grenzgebiet
im Grenzbereich der Wissenschaft
frontier life
at the frontiers of science
Broteinheit f (Ernährungswissenschaft) cook. sci.
carbohydrate exchange Br.; bread unit Am. (nutritional science)
Religionswissenschaft f
vergleichende Religionswissenschaft
religious studies; religious science
comparative religious science
physikalische Meereskunde f; Meereswissenschaft f; Ozeanografie f; Ozeanologie f sci.
marine science; oceanography; oceanology; thalassography; thalassology
MINT-Fächergruppe f (Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaft, Technik) school stud.
STEM subject group (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics)
Wissenschaftsmuseum n
Wissenschaftsmuseen pl
science museum; museum of science
science museums; museums of science
Wissenschaftsbereich m; Wissenschaftsgebiet n; Wissenschaftszweig m sci.
Wissenschaftsbereiche pl; Wissenschaftsgebiete pl; Wissenschaftszweige pl
branch of science; science sector
branches of science; science sectors
Farbenlehre f phys.
Goethes Farbenlehre
science of colours; chromatics; chromatology
Goethe's theory of colours
zum Anfassen
Stars zum Anfassen
Wissenschaft zum Anfassen
at your fingertips
stars at your fingertips
science at your fingertips
Ministerium n pol.
Ministerien pl
Wissenschaftsministerium n
ministries; ministeries
science ministry; ministry of science
Rechtswissenschaft f; Jurisprudenz f; Jura f; Jus n Ös. Schw. jur.
Studium der Rechtswissenschaft; Jurastudium; Jusstudium Ös. Schw.
Jura Jus Ös. Schw. studieren
legal science; jurisprudence; law
law studies
to study read take do law
Informatik f
angewandte Informatik
computer science, informatics, information science
applied computer science
Informatik f
angewandte Informatik
computer science; informatics; information science
applied computer science
das Gebot einer Sache; der Grundsatz einer Sache
das Gebot der Wissenschaftlichkeit
Er predigte das Gebot vom Teilen.
the gospel of sth.
the gospel of science
He preached a gospel of sharing.
Informatik f; Computerwissenschaft f
angewandte Informatik
computer science; informatics; information science
applied computer science
Medizin f, Heilkunde f, Heilkunst f
Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin (TCM)
Medizin im Altertum
medicine, medical science
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
ancient medicine
Forensik f
digitale Forensik f; Datenforensik f; Computerforensik f; IT-Forensik f comp.
digital forensic science; data forensics; computer forensics; IT forensics
Labor n, Laboratorium n
Labors pl, Labore pl, Laboratorien pl
kriminaltechnisches Labor
im Labor nachgewiesen
lab, laboratory
labs, laboratories
forensic science laboratory
Universitätslehrgang m für Bibliothekswissenschaft stud.
Ausbildung in Bibliothekswissenschaft
graduate school of library science Am.; library school Am.
library school education
Promotionsurkunde f stud. adm.
Promotionsurkunden pl
PhD certificate; MD certificate (for medical science)
PhD certificates; MD certificates
Triffids pl (Pflanzen im Science-Fiction-Roman "Die Triffids" von John Wyndham)
triffids {pl} (plants in the science-fiction novel "The Day of the Triffids" by John Wyndham)
Verhaltenswissenschaft f sci.
Verhaltenswissenschaften pl
behavioural science Br.; behavioral science Am.
behavioural sciences; behavioral sciences
diplomiert; graduiert; mit Hochschulabschluss (nachgestellt) adj (Person) stud.
ein graduierter Informatiker
eine diplomierte Krankenschwester
graduate; grad coll. (of a person)
a computer science graduate
a graduate nurse; a grad nurse

Deutsche Wissenschaft Synonyme

Forschung  ÂLehre  ÂWissenschaft  
Limnologie  ÂWissenschaft  der  Binnengewässer  
Mediävistik  ÂWissenschaft  vom  Mittelalter  
Dermatologie  (fachsprachlich)  ÂWissenschaft  der  Hautkrankheiten  
Edelsteinkunde  ÂGemmologie  ÂWissenschaft  von  den  Edelsteinen  
Geologie  ÂWissenschaft  vom  Aufbau  der  Erde  
Astrobiologie  ÂExobiologie  ÂWissenschaft  vom  außerirdischen  Leben  
Organisation  der  Vereinten  Nationen  für  Erziehung,  Wissenschaft  und  Kultur  ÂUNESCO  
Organisation der Vereinten Nationen für Erziehung, Wissenschaft und Kultur  UNESCO  

Englische science Synonyme

science  academic discipline  academic specialty  applied science  area  arena  art  body of knowledge  branch  concern  craft  department of knowledge  discipline  domain  electrobiology  electrochemistry  electrokinetics  electromechanics  electrometallurgy  electrometry  electronics  electrooptics  electrophysics  electrostatics  electrotechnics  electrotechnology  erudition  expertise  field  field of inquiry  field of study  galvanism  information  knowledge  learning  lore  magnetics  mechanics  mechanism  method  natural science  ology  proficiency  province  pure science  realm  scholarship  skill  social science  specialty  sphere  study  subject  system  technic  technical know-how  technical knowledge  technical skill  technicology  technics  technique  technology  thermionics  wisdom  
science fiction  Marchen  Western  Western story  Westerner  adventure story  allegory  apologue  bedtime story  detective story  fable  fabliau  fairy tale  fantasy  fiction  folk story  folktale  gest  ghost story  horse opera  legend  love story  mystery  mystery story  myth  mythology  mythos  nursery tale  parable  romance  shocker  space fiction  space opera  suspense story  thriller  whodunit  work of fiction  

science Definition

(n.) Knowledge
(n.) Accumulated and established knowledge, which has been systematized and formulated with reference to the discovery of general truths or the operation of general laws
(n.) Especially, such knowledge when it relates to the physical world and its phenomena, the nature, constitution, and forces of matter, the qualities and functions of living tissues, etc.
(n.) Any branch or department of systematized knowledge considered as a distinct field of investigation or object of study
(n.) Art, skill, or expertness, regarded as the result of knowledge of laws and principles.
(v. t.) To cause to become versed in science

science Bedeutung

big science scientific research that requires massive capital investment but is expected to yield very significant results
Cooper Union
Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art
university founded in by Peter Cooper to offer free courses in the arts and sciences
research lab
research laboratory
science lab
science laboratory
a workplace for the conduct of scientific research
science museum a museum that collects and displays objects having scientific interest
ability to produce solutions in some problem domain, the skill of a well-trained boxer, the sweet science of pugilism
creation science an effort to give scientific support for the truth of the account of Creation given in the Book of Genesis
scientific discipline
a particular branch of scientific knowledge, the science of genetics
natural science the sciences involved in the study of the physical world and its phenomena
life science
any of the branches of natural science dealing with the structure and behavior of living organisms
biological science r
the science that studies living organisms
biomedical science the application of the principles of the natural sciences to medicine
medical science the science of dealing with the maintenance of health and the prevention and treatment of disease
environmental science
the branch of biology concerned with the relations between organisms and their environment
genetic science
the branch of biology that studies heredity and variation in organisms
brain science the branch of neuroscience concerned with the brain
zoological science
the branch of biology that studies animals
chemical science r
the science of matter, the branch of the natural sciences dealing with the composition of substances and their properties and reactions
physics physical science the physical properties, phenomena, and laws of something, he studied the physics of radiation
earth science any of the sciences that deal with the earth or its parts
geophysical science
geology that uses physical principles to study properties of the earth
engineering science
applied science
the discipline dealing with the art or science of applying scientific knowledge to practical problems, he had trouble deciding which branch of engineering to study
computer science
the branch of engineering science that studies (with the aid of computers) computable processes and structures
psychological science
the science of mental life
information science
information processing
the sciences concerned with gathering, manipulating, storing, retrieving, and classifying recorded information
cognitive science the field of science concerned with cognition, includes parts of cognitive psychology and linguistics and computer science and cognitive neuroscience and philosophy of mind
social science the branch of science that studies society and the relationships of individual within a society
political science
the study of government of states and other political units
home economics
home ec
domestic science
household arts
theory and practice of homemaking
economic science
political economy
the branch of social science that deals with the production and distribution and consumption of goods and services and their management
library science the study of the principles and practices of library administration
Christian Science religious system based on teachings of Mary Baker Eddy emphasizing spiritual healing
military science the discipline dealing with the principles of warfare
science fiction literary fantasy involving the imagined impact of science on society
Associate in Applied Science
an associate degree in applied science
Bachelor of Arts in Library Science
a bachelor's degree in library science
Bachelor of Naval Science
a bachelor's degree in naval science
Bachelor of Science
a bachelor's degree in science
Bachelor of Science in Architecture
a bachelor's degree in architecture
Bachelor of Science in Engineering a bachelor's degree in engineering
Master of Arts in Library Science
a master's degree in library science
Master of Library Science
a master's degree in library science
Master of Science
a master's degree in science
Master of Science in Engineering a master's degree in engineering
Doctor of Science
an honorary degree in science
Christian Science
Church of Christ Scientist
Protestant denomination founded by Mary Baker Eddy in
department of computer science the academic department responsible for teaching and research in computer science
National Science Foundation
an independent agency of the federal government responsible for the promotion of progress in science and engineering by supporting programs in research and education
science teacher someone who teaches science
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Science:58 is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.