
secondary Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

zweitrangig, sekundÀr, untergeordnet, nebensÀchlich adj
zweitrangig, untergeordnet, nebensaechlich
zweitrangig; sekundÀr; untergeordnet; nebensÀchlich adj
secondary aim
SekundÀrluft f
secondary air
SekundÀrrecht n jur.
secondary law
Zweitverwertung f
secondary use
SekundÀrdatei f
secondary file
SekundÀrdaten pl
secondary data
secondary data
secondary file
Antriebskette f techn.
secondary chain
aktives Ortungsverfahren n (Radar)
secondary radar
SekundÀrstadium n; SekundÀrstufe f; sekundÀre Phase f
secondary stage
SekundÀrstufe f school
secondary stage
secondary effect
Schule im Sekundarbereich
secondary school
sekundÀrer Wirtschaftssektor
secondary sector
Sekundarschule, weiterfĂŒhrende Schule
secondary school
secondary strike
Nachfilter m
secondary filter
Nebenspannung f
secondary stress
SekundÀrenergie f
secondary energy
SekundÀrmedium n
secondary medium
secondary object
weiterfĂŒhrende Schule
secondary school
Gegenakkreditiv n fin.
secondary credit
indirekter Boykott
secondary boycott
Personen mit instabilem ArbeitsverhÀltnis
secondary workers
SekundÀrspeicher m
secondary storage
secondary objects
secondary storage
KnĂ€pperschießen n; KnĂ€ppern n; KnĂ€ppersprengung f min.
secondary blasting
RĂŒcksprĂŒhen n (E-Filter) mach.
secondary emission
Hauptschulbildung, Realschulbildung
secondary education
höhere Schulbildung
secondary education
Sekundarausbildung, Sekundarschulwesen
secondary education
Streikposten bei nichtbetroffenen Firmen
secondary picketing
Nebenziel n
secondary objective
Oberschulbildung f, Oberschulwesen n
secondary education
höhere Schulbildung f, Oberschulbildung f
secondary education
secondary objective
Oberschulbildung f; Oberschulwesen n
secondary education
höhere Schulbildung f; Oberschulbildung f school
secondary education
SekundÀrelektronen pl
secondary electrons
Zweithaftung f
secondary liability
Nachbehandlung f min. (Erzaufbereitung)
secondary treatment
Nebenwohnung f adm.
secondary residence
nicht dauerhaft beschÀftigte ArbeitskrÀfte
secondary employment
SekundÀrliteratur f
secondary literature
Datenerfassung vom Urbeleg
secondary data entry
SatellitengerÀt n comp.
satellite; secondary
secondary wage earner
SekundÀrsetzung m geol.
secondary compression
SekundÀrsetzung f geol.
secondary compression
nicht dauerhaft beschÀftigte ArbeitskrÀfte
secondary labour force
unterlagert adj
secondary, subordinate
NachgÀrung f
secondary fermentation
Raumwellen-Empfangsbereich m electr.
secondary service area
unterlagert adj
secondary; subordinate
SekundÀrmarktrendite f econ.
secondary market yield
sekundÀrer Arbeitsmarkt
secondary labour market
SekundÀrluftbeaufschlagung f mach.
secondary air admission
SekundÀrrohstoffe pl
secondary raw materials
SekundÀrenergietrÀger m
secondary energy carrier
ZwÀngungsmoment n
secondary bending moment
Studienrat m; StudienrÀtin f
secondary-school teacher
SekundÀrlufttemperatur f mach.
secondary air temperature
Nebeneintragung f
added entry, secondary entry
Realschulabschluss m
secondary school certificate
Realschulabschluss m school
secondary school certificate
Syphilis f med.
sekundÀre Syphilis, SekundÀrstadium der Lues
secondary syphilis
Syphilis f med.
sekundÀre Syphilis; SekundÀrstadium der Lues
secondary syphilis
Schulabschluss m
secondary school qualifications
Schulabschluss m school
secondary school qualifications
PennĂ€ler m obs.; SchĂŒler m school
student (of a secondary school)
Nebenstraße f
Nebenstraßen pl
secondary road
secondary roads
Seitenwurzel f
Seitenwurzeln pl
secondary root
secondary roots
Nachklassieren n; Nachklassierung f techn.
rescreening; secondary screening
SekundÀrdatei f comp.
SekundÀrdateien pl
secondary file
secondary files
SekundÀrmedium n
SekundÀrmedien pl
secondary medium
secondary media
Typenvariante f auto
Typenvarianten pl
secondary model
secondary models
höhere Bildungsanstalt f; weiterfĂŒhrende Schule f Ös. school
post-secondary education institute
Mittelschule f
Mittelschulen pl
secondary school
secondary schools
Nebengedanke f
Nebengedanken pl
secondary object
secondary objects
SekundÀrbestattung f
SekundÀrbestattungen pl
secondary burial
secondary burials
SekundÀrfilter m
SekundÀrfilter pl
secondary filter
secondary filters
Mittelschule f school
Mittelschulen pl
secondary school
secondary schools
Nachfilter m
Nachfilter pl
secondary filter
secondary filters
Zweitschuldner m
Zweitschuldner pl
secondary debtor
secondary debtors
SekundÀrwald m
secondary forest, secondgrowth forest
SekundÀrwald m
secondary forest; secondgrowth forest
Nachbrecher m mach.
Nachbrecher pl
secondary crusher
secondary crushers
SekundÀranzeige f comp. electr.
SekundÀranzeigen pl
secondary display
secondary displays
SekundÀrluftgeblÀse n mach.
SekundÀrluftgeblÀse pl
secondary air fan
secondary air fans
Nachsenkung f geol.
delayed subsidence; secondary settling
Zweitplazierung f; Wertpapierangebot n auf dem SekundÀrmarkt fin.
secondary offering; secondary placement
Nebendiagonale f
Nebendiagonalen pl
secondary diagonal
secondary diagonals
SekundÀremission f
SekundÀremissionen pl
secondary emission
secondary emissions
SekundÀrluftleitung f mach.
SekundÀrluftleitungen pl
secondary air duct
secondary air ducts
ZusatzbehÀlter m
additional container; secondary container
SekundÀrmarkttitel m (Börse) fin.
secondary market security (stock exchange)
SekundĂ€rluftdĂŒse f mach.
SekundĂ€rluftdĂŒsen pl
secondary air nozzle
secondary air nozzles
jds. zweite Persönlichkeit; jds. Alter Ego n psych.
sb.'s secondary personality; sb.'s alter ego
Bio-Nachrotteturm m mach.
Bio-NachrottetĂŒrme pl
secondary bio-reactor
secondary bio-reactors
NachĂŒberhitzer m techn.
NachĂŒberhitzer pl
secondary superheater
secondary superheaters
Satellit m; Trabant m astron.
Satelliten pl; Trabanten pl
satellite; secondary
satellites; secondaries
Schulabschluss m school
school degree; (secondary) school qualifications
Realschule f
Realschulen pl
secondary modern school
secondary modern schools
Realschule f school
Realschulen pl
secondary modern school
secondary modern schools
Realschule f school
Realschulen pl
secondary modern school
secondary modern schools
NachbehandlungsgerÀt n
NachbehandlungsgerÀte pl
secondary treatment unit
secondary treatment units
Aufprall m; Einschlag m; Aufschlag m
Aufpralle pl; EinschlÀge pl; AufschlÀge pl
primÀrer Einschlag
sekundÀrer Einschlag
primary impact
secondary impact
Nachbrechanlage f mach.
Nachbrechanlagen pl
secondary crushing plant
secondary crushing plants
nebenberuflich; nebenamtlich; nebenher; nebenbei adv
as a secondary occupation; as a sideline; on the side
Datenerfassung f
beleglose Datenerfassung
Datenerfassung f vom Urbeleg
data entry
primary data entry
secondary data entry
britische SchulabschlussprĂŒfung
GCSE : General Certificate of Secondary Education Br.
Krankheitsgewinn m (Gewinn aus dem Status eines Kranken) psych.
primÀrer Krankheitsgewinn; innerer Krankheitsgewinn
sekundĂ€rer Krankheitsgewinn; Ă€ußerer Krankheitsgewinn
morbid gain
primary morbid gain
secondary morbid gain
Verkittung f geol.
cementation (of rock); secondary cementation (of sediment)
Nachbrennkammer f techn. (Abfallverbrennung)
Nachbrennkammern pl
secondary combustion chamber
secondary combustion chambers
Nebeneintragung f
Nebeneintragungen pl
added entry; secondary entry
added entries; secondary entries
Altemission f (Börse) fin.
Altemissionen pl
secondary market issue (stock exchange)
secondary market issues
Dominante f (fĂŒnfte Stufe einer Tonart) (Harmonielehre) mus.
Zwischendominante f
dominant (fifth degree of a key) (harmonics)
secondary dominant
SekundÀrfarbe f
SekundÀrfarben pl
secondary color, secondary colour
secondary colors, secondary colours
SekundÀrfarbe f
SekundÀrfarben pl
secondary color; secondary colour
secondary colors; secondary colours
SekundÀrmarkt m (Börse) fin.
AbschlĂŒsse pl am SekundĂ€rmarkt
secondary market (stock exchange)
secondary dealings (stock exchange)
Assistenzfigur f art
Assistenzfiguren pl
auxiliary figure; secondary figure
auxiliary figures; secondary figures
Virilismus m (Ausbildung sekundÀrer mÀnnlicher Geschlechtsmerkmale bei einer Frau) med.
virilism (development of secondary male sexual characteristics in a woman)
Gymnasium n
Gymnasien pl
secondary school, grammar school Br.
secondary schools, grammar schools
VorlÀufer m geogr. phys.
erster VorlÀufer
zweiter VorlÀufer
foreshock (seismics)
primary wave
secondary wave; equivolumnar wave; S-wave
(manuelle) Dateneingabe f; Datenerfassung f comp.
beleglose Datenerfassung
Datenerfassung f vom Urbeleg
data input; data entry; entry of data
primary data entry
secondary data entry
Server m (Netzwerkrechner der Dienste fĂŒr andere bereitstellt) comp.
Server pl
sekundÀrer Server
server (network computer offering services for others)
secondary server
Knochenkern m (Centrum ossificationis) med.
primÀrer sekundÀrer Knochenkern
ossification centre Br. center Am.
primary secondary ossification centre center
Mundhöhle f (Cavum oris) anat.
primÀre Mundhöhle
sekundÀre definitive Mundhöhle
oral cavity (often wrongly: buccal cavity)
primary oral cavity
secondary oral cavity
Mundhöhle f (Cavum oris) anat.
primÀre Mundhöhle
sekundÀre definitive Mundhöhle
oral cavity; (often wrongly: buccal cavity)
primary oral cavity
secondary oral cavity
NebenbeschÀftigung f, nebenberufliche TÀtigkeit f
NebenbeschÀftigungen pl, nebenberufliche TÀtigkeiten
second job, sideline, secondary employment
second jobs, sidelines, secondary employments
SekundÀrmarkt m; Umlaufmarkt m (Börse) fin.
AbschlĂŒsse pl am SekundĂ€rmarkt
secondary market; aftermarket Am. (stock exchange)
secondary dealings (stock exchange)
Viktimisierung f psych.
erneute Opfertraumatisierung f; SekundÀrviktimisierung f
victimization eAm.; victimisation Br.
secondary victimization; secondary victimisation
britische SchulabschlussprĂŒfung school
General Certificate of Education GCE ; General Certificate of Secondary Education GCSE Br.
Wirtschaftssektor m econ.
Wirtschaftssektoren pl
primÀrer Wirtschaftssektor
sekundÀrer Wirtschaftssektor (verarbeitender industrieller Sektor)
economic sector
economic sectors
primary sector
secondary sector (manufacturing sector)
Wirtschaftssektor m; Wirtschaftsbereich m econ.
Wirtschaftssektoren pl; Wirtschaftsbereiche pl
primÀrer Wirtschaftssektor
sekundÀrer Wirtschaftssektor (verarbeitender industrieller Sektor)
economic sector
economic sectors
primary sector
secondary sector (manufacturing sector)
Jugendlicher m mit Hauptschulabschluss; Jugendlicher m mit Pflichtschulabschluss Ös.
teenager who leaves left school at 16; teenager with only a basic level of secondary education
britische SchulabschlussprĂŒfung school
General Certificate of Education GCE ; General Certificate of Secondary Education GCSE Br.
Altmaterial n (fĂŒr die Wiederverwertung) envir.
secondary raw material; secondary material; recovered material; reclaimed material (for recycling)
jdn. abschieben v (auf eine Position)
jdn. in die zweite Reihe verbannen ĂŒbtr.
to relegate sb. (to a position)
to relegate sb. to (a) secondary position
Hauptschule f (etwa)
Hauptschulen pl
secondary modern school Br., junior high school Am.
secondary modern schools, junior high schools
Opfertraumatisierung f; Viktimisierung f psych.
erneute Opfertraumatisierung; SekundÀrviktimisierung f
tertiÀre Viktimisierung
victimization; victimisation Br.
re-victimization; secondary victimization
tertiary victimization

Deutsche zweitrangig Synonyme

auch  ÂbeilĂ€ufig  Ânachrangig  ÂNeben...  ÂnebensĂ€chlich  ÂsekundĂ€r  Âuntergeordnet  Âzweitrangig  

Englische secondary Synonyme

secondary  Janus-like  Maxwell triangle  Munsell scale  accessory  accident  accidental  addendum  addition  additional  adjunct  adscititious  adventitious  advocate  agent  alter ego  alternate  alternative  ambidextrous  amicus curiae  analogy  ancillary  appendage  appurtenance  appurtenant  ascititious  assistant  attorney  auxiliary  backup  backup man  bifacial  bifold  biform  bilateral  binary  binate  biparous  bivalent  borrowed  casual  champion  change  changeling  chromatic circle  chromatic spectrum  chromaticity diagram  circumstantial  cog  collateral  color circle  color cycle  color index  color mixture curve  color solid  color spectrum  color system  color triangle  coming  common  commonality  commonalty  comparison  complementary color  conduplicate  consequent  contingency  contingent  copied  copy  counterfeit  covert  creature  demeaning  demitint  dependent  deputy  derivational  derivative  derived  dinky  disadvantaged  disomatous  double  double-faced  dual  dummy  duple  duplex  duplicate  employee  equal  equivalent  ersatz  eventual  exchange  executive officer  exponent  extra  fake  feather  feathers  figurehead  fill-in  final  flunky  follower  fortuitous  full color  fundamental colors  geminate  geminated  ghost  ghostwriter  hackle  half tint  halftone  happenstance  helper  hoi polloi  hue cycle  humble  imitated  imitation  in the shade  incidental  indirect  inessential  inferior  infra dig  insignificant  junior  last  less  lesser  lieutenant  lightweight  locum  locum tenens  low  low-priority  lower  lower class  lower orders  lowly  mail  makeshift  marginal  masses  mere chance  metamer  metaphor  metonymy  minor  mock  modest  monochrome  next best thing  no great shakes  nonessential  not-self  of no account  of no consequence  of no matter  of no significance  ordinary  other  paranymph  pawn  personnel  phony  pinch  pinch hitter  pleader  plumage  poor relation  primary  primary color  procurator  provisional  pr  
secondary school  Gymnasium  Latin school  Realgymnasium  Realschule  academy  grammar school  high  high school  intermediate school  junior high  junior high school  middle school  prep school  preparatory school  public school  seminary  senior high  senior high school  

secondary Definition

(a.) Suceeding next in order to the first
(a.) Acting by deputation or delegated authority
(a.) Possessing some quality, or having been subject to some operation (as substitution), in the second degree
(a.) Subsequent in origin
(a.) Pertaining to the second joint of the wing of a bird.
(a.) Dependent or consequent upon another disease
(n.) One who occupies a subordinate, inferior, or auxiliary place
(n.) A secondary circle.
(n.) A satellite.
(n.) A secondary quill.

secondary Bedeutung

secondary censorship armed forces censorship of the personal communications of officers or civilian employees or enlisted personnel not subject to primary censorship
secondary education education beyond the elementary grades, provided by a high school or college preparatory school
auxiliary storage
external storage
secondary storage
a data storage device that is not the main memory of a computer
secondary coil
secondary winding
coil such that current is induced in it by passing a current through the primary coil
storage cell
secondary cell
a cell that can be recharged
secondary sex characteristic
secondary sexual characteristic
secondary sex character
the genetically determined sex characteristics that are not functionally necessary for reproduction (pitch of the voice and body hair and musculature)
secondary dentition dentition of permanent teeth
secondary diagonal the diagonal of a square matrix running from the lower left entry to the upper right entry
secondary school
middle school
a school for students intermediate between elementary school and college, usually grades to
secondary modern school a former British secondary school emphasizing practical rather than academic education
secondary the defensive football players who line up behind the linemen
secondary emission the emission of electrons from a surface that is bombarded by higher energy primary electrons
secondary hypertension hypertension that is secondary to another disease
secondary syphilis the second stage, characterized by eruptions of the skin and mucous membrane
secondary amenorrhea cessation of menstruation in a woman who had previously menstruated
secondary dysmenorrhea painful menstruation that is caused by some specific disorder (as endometriosis)
General Certificate of Secondary Education
O level
the basic level of a subject taken in school
secondary belonging to a lower class or rank
secondary not of major importance, played a secondary role in world events
secondary being of second rank or importance or value, not direct or immediate, the stone will be hauled to a secondary crusher, a secondary source, a secondary issue, secondary streams
secondary depending on or incidental to what is original or primary, a secondary infection
inferior in rank or status, the junior faculty, a lowly corporal, petty officialdom, a subordinate functionary
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Secondary is an adjective meaning "second" or "second hand". It may refer to: