
secretary Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Sekretär, Sekretärin
Protokollführer m
Innenminister (Br.)
Home Secretary
Sekretär m (Sagittarius serpentarius) ornith.
secretary bird
home secretary
Sekretär m ornith.
Secretary Bird
Sekr. : Sekretärin f, Sekretär m
Sec. : Secretary
Sekretär m (Schreibschrank)
secretary, bureau
foreign secretary
Sekretär m (Schreibschrank)
secretary; bureau
private secretary
Protokollführer m; Schriftführer m
minutes secretary
secretary general
Generalsekretär m
Verkehrsminister m; Verkehrsministerin f pol.
transport secretary
Rennsekretär m
secretary of the race
Fremdsprachenkorrespondent m, Fremdsprachenkorrespondentin f
multilingual secretary
Gesundheitsminister m, Gesundheitsministerin f
Health Secretary Br.
Gesundheitsminister m; Gesundheitsministerin f
Health Secretary Br.
Fremdsprachenkorrespondent m; Fremdsprachenkorrespondentin f
multilingual secretary
Fraktionsgeschäftsführer m; Fraktionsgeschäftsführerin f pol.
Parliamentary Secretary
Sekretärin f, Sekretär m, Schriftführer m
Sekretärinnen pl, Sekretäre pl
administration secretary
Wirtschaftsminister m pol.
business secretary Br.
Rennsekretär m
secretary of the meeting
secretary of the interior
Wirtschaftsminister m pol.
Secretary of Commerce Am.
Sekretärin f Sekr. ; Sekretär m
Sekretärinnen pl; Sekretäre pl
secretary Sec.
Minister für Raumordnung und Naturschutz in den USA pol.
Secretary of the Interior (USA)
Innenminister m
Secretary of the Interior Am.
Vorzimmerdame f
reception secretary; receptionist
Staatssekretär m
permanent secretary, State Secretary
Sekretariat n
office, secretary's office, secretariat
Chefsekretärin f
Chefsekretärinnen pl
executive secretary
executive secretaries
Innenminister m
minister of the interior, Home secretary Br.
Innenminister m; Bundesminister m des Inneren Dt. adm.; Bundesminister m für Inneres Ös. adm.; Vorsteher m des Eidgenössischen Justiz- und Polizeidepartements Schw. adm. pol.
minister of the interior; Home Secretary Br.
Sekretärin f Sekr. ; Sekretär m
Sekretärinnen pl; Sekretäre pl
Privatsekretärin f
secretary Sec.
private secretary
Verwaltungsangestellte m,f; Verwaltungsangestellter
administration employee; administration secretary
Verwaltungsangestellte m f , Verwaltungsangestellter
administration employee, administration secretary
Verwaltungsangestellte m f; Verwaltungsangestellter
administration employee; administration secretary
Arbeitsminister m, Arbeitsministerin f
Secretary of Employment Br., Secretary of Labor Am.
Arbeitsminister m; Arbeitsministerin f
Secretary of Employment Br.; Secretary of Labor Am.
Sprechstundenhilfe f; Ordinationshilfe f med.
doctor's receptionist; GP receptionist; medical secretary
Generalsekretär m; Generalsekretärin f adm.
Generalsekretäre pl; Generalsekretärinnen pl
general secretary; secretary-general
general secretaries
Gereralsekretär m der Vereinten Nationen; Gereralsekretärin f der Vereinten Nationen pol.
UN secretary general; secretary-general of the United Nations
Bumserei f; Rammelei f (kurzes Sexabenteuer) pej.
mit seiner Sekretärin ins Bett hüpfen
sexual romp; sex romp; romp
to have a romp with your secretary
Umweltminister m
Environment Secretary, Secretary of State for the Environment Br.
Rechtsanwaltsgehilfin f; Anwaltsgehilfin f jur.
Rechtsanwaltsgehilfinnen pl; Anwaltsgehilfinnen pl
legal assistent; legal secretary
legal assistents; legal secretaries
Minister m; Ministerin f pol.
Minister pl; Ministerinnen pl
Minister ohne Geschäftsbereich
minister; Secretary of State Br.
minister without portfolio
Arzthelferin f, Arzthelfer m, Notarzthelfer m
doctor's assistant, doctor's receptionist, practice nurse, medical secretary
Wirtschaftsminister m pol.
Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, Trade and Industry Secretary Br.
halb offen adj (Tür, Lader)
Die Sekretärin ließ die Lade etwas offen.
ajar; on the jar (door, drawer)
The secretary left the drawer slightly ajar.
halb offen adj (Tür Lader)
Die Sekretärin ließ die Lade etwas offen.
ajar; on the jar (door drawer)
The secretary left the drawer slightly ajar.
Staatssekretär m pol.
Staatssekretäre pl
permanent secretary; State Secretary
permanent secretaries; State Secretaries
angeknackst; beschädigt; minderwertig; nicht (mehr) vollwertig (Person) adj übtr.
Der Parteisekretär gilt als beschädigt.
damaged goods (person) fig.
The party secretary is considered damaged goods.
Innenminister m; Innenministerin f pol.
Innenminister m; Innenministerin f pol.
minister of the interior; Home secretary Br.
Secretary of the Interior Am.
Außenminister m pol.
Rat der Außenminister
foreign minister, Foreign Secretary Br.
Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs
Sekretariat n
Sekretariate pl
office; secretary's office; secretariat
offices; secretary's offices; secretariats
Minister m; Ministerin f pol.
Minister pl; Ministerinnen pl
Bundesminister m; Bundesministerin f
Minister ohne Geschäftsbereich
minister; Secretary of State Br.
federal minister
minister without portfolio
Planfeststellungsbeschluss m Dt. (Raumplanung) adm.
Secretary of State approval of a plan Br.; design and location approval Am. (spatial planning)
Ministerialrat m pol.
Ministerialrätin f
Ministerialräte pl
Deputy Assistant Under-Secretary
Deputy Assistant Under-Secretary
Deputy Assistant Under-Secretaries
Außenminister m; Außenministerin f pol.
Rat der Außenminister
foreign minister; Foreign Secretary Br.; Secretary of State Am.
Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs
Bauminister m pol.
Bundesminister für Bauwesen und Städtebau
Minister for Construction Br.; Construction Secretary Am.
Federal Minister of Building and Urban Affairs
Schnittstelle f; Nahtstelle f; Verbindung f (zwischen jdm. zu jdm. einer Sache) übtr.
Schnittstellen pl; Nahtstellen pl; Verbindungen pl
an einer Schnittstelle
Das Sekretariat stellt die Schnittstelle zu unseren Kunden dar.
interface (between sb. with sb. sth.) fig.
at an interface
The secretary's office is the interface with our clients.
Wirtschaftsminister m pol.
minister for economic affairs; Secretary of State for Trade and Industry Br.; Trade and Industry Secretary Br.; Secretary of Commerce Am.
Fremdsprachensekretärin f
Fremdsprachensekretärinnen pl
eine erfahrene Fremdsprachensekretärin mit langjähriger Berufserfahrung
foreign language secretary
foreign language secretaries
an experienced foreign language secretary with many years of professional experience
etw. inserieren; annoncieren; als Anzeige schalten v
inserierend; annoncierend; als Anzeige schaltend
inseriert; annonciert; als Anzeige geschaltet
inseriert; annonciert; schaltet als Anzeige
inserierte; annoncierte; schaltete als Anzeige
eine Stelle inserieren
eine Sekretärin per Inserat suchen
etw. nochmals inserieren; etw. noch einmal annoncieren v
to advertise sth.
to advsertise a job
to advertise for a secretary
to re-advertise sth.
Gesundheitsminister m; Bundesminister m für Gesundheit Dt. Ös. adm. pol.
minister for public health; minister of health; Secretary of State for Health Br.; Health Secretary Br.; Secretary of Health and Human Services Am.
Arbeitsminister m; Arbeitsministerin f pol.
Bundesarbeitsminister m
Bundesminister für Arbeit und Soziales Dt.
minister for employment; Secretary of Employment Br.; Secretary of Labor Am.
Federal Minister for Employment
Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs
jdn. hinausbegleiten; jdn. hinausführen; jdn. hinausbringen v soc.
hinausbegleitend; hinausführend; hinausbringend
hinausbegleitet; hinausgeführt; hinausgebracht
Meine Sekretärin begleitet Sie hinaus.
Danke, ich finde alleine hinaus.
to see out () sb.; to see sb. to the door
seing out; seing to the door
seen out; seen to the door
My secretary will see you out.
I can see myself out, thanks.
Umweltminister m; Umweltministerin f pol.
Umweltminister m
Umweltminister m
environment minister; minister of the environment
Environment Secretary; Secretary of State for the Environment Br.
Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency Am.
sich um etw. kümmern; sich einer Sache annehmen v; etw. übernehmen; etw. erledigen v adm.
sich kümmernd; sich einer Sache annehmend; übernehmend; erledigend
sich gekümmert; sich einer Sache angenommen; übernommen; erledigt
Seine Sekretärin kümmert sich um die Einzelheiten.
Mach dir um um deine Unterkunft keine Sorgen - dafür ist gesorgt.
Wir übernehmen die anfallenden Gebühren.
to take care of sth.
taking care
taken care
His secretary takes care of the details.
Don't worry about your accommodation - it is all taken care of.
We'll take care of the ongoing fees.
Wirtschaftsminister m pol.
Bundeswirtschaftsminister m
Bundesminister für Wirtschaft und Energie Dt.
minister for economic affairs; Secretary of State for Trade and Industry Br.; Trade and Industry Secretary Br.; Secretary of Commerce Am.
Federal Minister for Economic Affairs
Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy
jdn. anweisen; auffordern; beauftragen etw. zu tun
Seine Sekretärin wurde angewiesen alle seine Termine zu streichen.
In dem Schreiben wurde er aufgefordert sich in der Zentrale zu melden.
Der Richter gab Anweisung den Untersuchungshäftling zu entlassen enthaften Ös..
Er traf anweisungsgemäß um 9 Uhr ein.
to instruct sb. to do sth.
His secretary was instructed to cancel all his engagements.
The letter instructed him to report to headquarters.
The judge instructed that the detainee awaiting trial be released.
He arrived at 9 o'clock as instructed.
jdn. anweisen; auffordern; beauftragen, etw. zu tun v
Seine Sekretärin wurde angewiesen, alle seine Termine zu streichen.
In dem Schreiben wurde er aufgefordert, sich in der Zentrale zu melden.
Der Richter gab Anweisung, den Untersuchungshäftling zu entlassen enthaften Ös..
Er traf anweisungsgemäß um 9 Uhr ein.
to instruct sb. to do sth.
His secretary was instructed to cancel all his engagements.
The letter instructed him to report to headquarters.
The judge instructed that the detainee awaiting trial be released.
He arrived at 9 o'clock, as instructed.
in Abgrenzung zu; was nicht dasselbe ist wie; was von … zu unterscheiden ist; und nicht (nur)
höfische Musik in Abgrenzung zu Kirchenmusik
Unternehmensstrategien, die man von ihrer betrieblichen Umsetzung trennen muss
Sie ist persönliche Assistentin, was nicht dasselbe ist wie eine Sekretärin.
Ich genieße es und erlebe es nicht nur.
as distinct from
music of the court as distinct from that of the Church
entrepreneurial strategies as distinct from their managerial implementation
She is a personal assistant, as distinct from a secretary.
I enjoy it as distinct from experiencing it.
Verkehrsminister m; Verkehrsministerin f pol.
Europäische Konferenz der Verkehrsminister
minister of transport; transport minister; Secretary of State for Transport Br.; Transport Secretary Br.; Secretary of Transportation Am.; Transportation Secretary Am.; Minister of Transport Can. Austr. NZ
European Conference of Ministers of Transport
sich um etw. kümmern; sich einer Sache annehmen v; etw. übernehmen; etw. erledigen v adm.
sich kümmernd; sich einer Sache annehmend; übernehmend; erledigend
sich gekümmert; sich einer Sache angenommen; übernommen; erledigt
Seine Sekretärin kümmert sich um die Einzelheiten.
Mach dir um um deine Unterkunft keine Sorgen – dafür ist gesorgt.
Wir übernehmen die anfallenden Gebühren.
Sie können den Termin streichen, die Sache hat sich erledigt.
to take care of sth.
taking care
taken care
His secretary takes care of the details.
Don't worry about your accommodation – it is all taken care of.
We'll take care of the ongoing fees.
You can cancel the appointment, because the matter has taken care of itself.
etw. suchen v; sich nach etw. umsehen v
suchend; sich umsehend
gesucht; sich umgesehen
er sie sucht; er sie sieht sich um
ich er sie suchte; ich er sie sah mich sich um
er sie hat hatte gesucht; er sie hat hatte sich umgesehen
Beschäftigung suchen; Arbeit suchen
Nach den Gründen muss man nicht lange suchen.
Hochqualifizierte Sekretärin sucht Anstellung.
Attraktive Frau sucht Mann mittleren Alters zwecks Freundschaft.
Den Autofahrern wird geraten, sich nach Alternativrouten umzusehen.
Wir suchen zur Zeit neue Wege der Produktvermarktung über das Internet.
Die Ursachen frühkindlicher Neurosen sind weniger bei den Kindern als bei den Eltern zu suchen.
to seek sth. {sought; sought} (look for sth.)
he she seeks
I he she sought
he she has had sought
to seek employment
The reasons are not far to seek.
Highly qualified secretary seeks employment.
Attractive woman seeks middle-aged male for friendship.
Drivers are advised to seek alternative routes.
We are currently seeking new ways of marketing products using the Internet.
The causes of infantile neuroses are to be sought less in the children than in the parents.
etw. suchen; sich nach etw. umsehen
suchend; sich umsehend
gesucht; sich umgesehen
er sie sucht; er sie sieht sich um
ich er sie suchte; ich er sie sah mich sich um
er sie hat hatte gesucht; er sie hat hatte sich umgesehen
Beschäftigung suchen; Arbeit suchen
Nach den Gründen muss man nicht lange suchen.
Hochqualifizierte Sekretärin sucht Anstellung.
Attraktive Frau sucht Mann mittleren Alters zwecks Freundschaft.
Den Autofahrern wird geraten sich nach Alternativrouten umzusehen.
Wir suchen zur Zeit neue Wege der Produktvermarktung über das Internet.
Die Ursachen frühkindlicher Neurosen sind weniger bei den Kindern als bei den Eltern zu suchen.
to seek sth. {sought; sought} (look for sth.)
he she seeks
I he she sought
he she has had sought
to seek employment
The reasons are not far to seek.
Highly qualified secretary seeks employment.
Attractive woman seeks middle-aged male for friendship.
Drivers are advised to seek alternative routes.
We are currently seeking new ways of marketing products using the Internet.
The causes of infantile neuroses are to be sought less in the children than in the parents.
jdn. etw. (öffentlich oder formell) vorschlagen; (jdm.) etw. vorschlagen v
schlägt vor
schlug vor
die Änderungen, die die Planungsbehörden vorschlagen
In dem Bericht wird auch die Verlängerung der U-Bahn-Linie vorgeschlagen.
Um als Präsident nominiert werden zu können, braucht man jemanden, der einen vorschlägt und jemand anderen, der einen unterstützt.
Bei der letzten Sitzung wurde der Vorschlag gemacht, die Bauten innerhalb von Grünflächen systematisch zu erfassen.
Der scheidende Parteivorsitzende schlug den jungen Parteisekretär als seinen Nachfolger vor.
Ich schlage Claire Duncan für den Vorsitz vor.
Was wäre Ihr Vorschlag?
to propose sb. sth. (to sb.) formal
the changes currently proposed by the planning authorities
The report also proposes extending the underground line.
To be nominated for president you need one person to propose you and another to second you.
At the last meeting it was proposed that there (should Br.) be a survey of structures in green spaces.
The retiring party leader proposed the young party secretary as his successor.
I propose Claire Duncan for (the position of) chairman.
What would you propose?
jdn. etw. (öffentlich oder formell) vorschlagen; (jdm.) etw. vorschlagen v
schlägt vor
schlug vor
die Änderungen die die Planungsbehörden vorschlagen
In dem Bericht wird auch die Verlängerung der U-Bahn-Linie vorgeschlagen.
Um als Präsident nominiert werden zu können braucht man jemanden der einen vorschlägt und jemand anderen der einen unterstützt.
Bei der letzten Sitzung wurde der Vorschlag gemacht die Bauten in Grünflächen systematisch zu erfassen.
Der scheidende Parteivorsitzende schlug den jungen Parteisekretär als seinen Nachfolger vor.
Ich schlage Claire Duncan für den Vorsitz vor.
Was wäre Ihr Vorschlag?
to propose sb. sth. (to sb.) (formal)
the changes currently proposed by the planning authorities
The report also proposes extending the underground line.
To be nominated for president you need one person to propose you and another to second you.
At the last meeting it was proposed that there (should Br.) be a survey of structures in green spaces.
The retiring party leader proposed the young party secretary as his successor.
I propose Claire Duncan for (the position of) chairman.
What would you propose?

Deutsche Sekretaer Synonyme


Englische secretary Synonyme

secretary Definition

(n.) One who keeps, or is intrusted with, secrets.
(n.) A person employed to write orders, letters, dispatches, public or private papers, records, and the like
(n.) An officer of state whose business is to superintend and manage the affairs of a particular department of government, and who is usually a member of the cabinet or advisory council of the chief executive
(n.) A piece of furniture, with conveniences for writing and for the arrangement of papers
(n.) The secretary bird.

secretary Bedeutung

Secretary of Agriculture
Agriculture Secretary
the position of the head of the Department of Agriculture, the post of Secretary of Agriculture was established in
Secretary of Commerce
Commerce Secretary
the position of the head of the Department of Commerce, the position of Commerce Secretary was created in
Secretary of Defense
Defense Secretary
the position of the head of the Department of Defense, the position of Defense Secretary was created in
Secretary of Education
Education Secretary
the position of the head of the Education Department, the post of Education Secretary was created in
Secretary of Energy
Energy Secretary
the position of the head of the Department of Energy, the post of Energy Secretary was created in
Secretary of Health and Human Services the position of the head of the Department of Health and Human Services, the post of Secretary of Health and Human Services was created by Congress in
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development the position of the head of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the position of Secretary of Housing and Urban Development was created in
Secretary of Labor
Labor Secretary
the position of the head of the Department of Labor, the post of Labor Secretary was created in
Secretary of State the position of the head of the State Department, the position of Secretary of State was established in
Secretary of the Interior
Interior Secretary
the position of the head of the Department of the Interior, the position of Interior Secretary was created in
Secretary of the Treasury
Treasury Secretary
the position of the head of the Treasury Department, the position of Treasury Secretary was created in
Secretary of Transportation
Transportation Secretary
the position of the head of the Department of Transportation, the post of Transportation Secretary was created in
Secretary of Veterans Affairs the position of the head of the Department of Veterans Affairs, the post of Secretary of Veterans Affairs was created in
Secretary of War
War Secretary
head of a former executive department, combined with the Navy Secretary to form the Defense Secretary in
Secretary of the Navy
Navy Secretary
head of a former executive department, combined with the War Secretary to form the Defense Secretary in
Secretary of Commerce and Labor head of a former executive department created inand divided into two departments in
Secretary of Health Education and Welfare head of a former executive department created in and divided into two departments in
secretary bird
Sagittarius serpentarius
large long-legged African bird of prey that feeds on reptiles
writing table
a desk used for writing
Chief Secretary a member of the British Cabinet
executive secretary a secretary having administrative duties and responsibilities
foreign minister
secretary of state
a government minister for foreign relations
Home Secretary
Secretary of State for the Home Department
the British cabinet minister who is head of the Home Office
a person to whom a secret is entrusted
secretarial assistant
an assistant who handles correspondence and clerical work for a boss or an organization
secretary a person who is head of an administrative department of government
Secretary of Agriculture
Agriculture Secretary
the person who holds the secretaryship of the Department of Agriculture, the first Secretary of Agriculture was Norman J. Colman, who was appointed by Cleveland
Secretary of Commerce
Commerce Secretary
the person who holds the secretaryship of the Department of Commerce, the first Commerce Secretary was William C. Redfield who was appointed by Wilson
Secretary of Defense
Defense Secretary
the person who holds the secretaryship of the Defense Department, the first Defense Secretary was James V. Forrestal who was appointed by Truman
Secretary of Education
Education Secretary
the person who holds the secretaryship of the Department of Education, Carter appointed Shirley Hufstedler as the first Secretary of Education
Secretary of Energy
Energy Secretary
the person who holds the secretaryship of the Department of Energy, the first Secretary of Energy was James R. Schlesinger who was appointed by Carter
Secretary of Health and Human Services the person who holds the secretaryship of the Department of Health and Human Services, the first Secretary of Health and Human Services was Patricia Roberts Harris who was appointed by Carter
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development the person who holds the secretaryship of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the first Secretary of Housing and Urban Development was Robert C. Weaver who was appointed by Johnson
Secretary of Labor
Labor Secretary
the person who holds the secretaryship of the Department of Labor, the first Labor Secretary was William B. Wilson who was appointed by President Wilson
Secretary of State the person who holds the secretaryship of the Department of State, the first Secretary of State was Thomas Jefferson
Secretary of the Interior
Interior Secretary
the person who holds the secretaryship of the Interior Department, President Taylor appointed Thomas Ewing as the first Secretary of the Interior
Secretary of the Treasury
Treasury Secretary
the person who holds the secretaryship of the Treasury Department, Alexander Hamilton was the first Secretary of the Treasury
Secretary of Transportation
Transportation Secretary
the person who holds the secretaryship of the Department of Transportation, Johnson appointed Alan S. Boyd as the first Transportation Secretary
Secretary of Veterans Affairs the person who holds the secretaryship of the Department of Veterans Affairs, Bush appointed Edward J. Derwinski as the first Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Secretary General a person who is a chief administrator (as of the United Nations)
social secretary a personal secretary who handles your social correspondence and appointments
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A secretary, or personal assistant is a person whose work consists of supporting management, including executives, using a variety of project management, communication, or organizational skills. These functions may be entirely carried out to assist one other employee or may be for the benefit of more than one. In other situations a secretary is an officer of a society or organization who deals with correspondence, admits new members, and organizes official meetings and events.

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