
self potential Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Potenzial, potenziell
Potenzial n, Potential n alt
möglich, eventuell adj
möglich; eventuell adj
Potentialsprung m
potential step
Potenzialsprung m; Potentialsprung m
potential step
Zetapotenzial n phys.
zeta potential
mögliche Umsätze
potential sales
möglicher Käufer
potential buyer
Absatzmöglichkeiten pl econ.
sales potential
Potenzialverlauf m
potential curve
Redox-Potential n
redox potential
sales potential
market potential
entwicklungsfähiger Markt
potential market
market potential
growth potential
Aktionspotenzial n, Aktionspotential n alt
action potential
Einsparpotenzial n, Einsparpotential n alt
saving potential
Marktpotenzial n, Marktpotential n alt, Absatzpotenzial n, Absatzpotenzial n alt econ.
market potential
Schadenspotential n
damage potential
Wachstumspotenzial n, Wachstumspotential n alt
growth potential
Aktionspotenzial n; Aktionspotential n alt
action potential
Gewinnpotenzial n econ.
profit potential
Schadpotenzial n; Schadenspotenzial n
damage potential
Oberflächenpotenzial n
surface potential
Potenzialschwelle f
potential barrier
Spannungsteiler m
potential divider
touristisches Potential, Urlaubspotential
tourist potential
Ruhepotenzial n
resting potential
manpower potential
möglicher Kunde
potential customer
economic potential
Geschäftspotenzial n, Geschäftspotential n alt, unternehmerisches Potenzial
business potential
Geschäftspotenzial n; Geschäftspotential n alt; unternehmerisches Potenzial
business potential
Potenzialgefälle n; Potentialgefälle n
potential gradient
Abschreckungspotenzial n, Abschreckungspotential n alt
deterrent potential
Halbstufenpotenzial n
half-wave potential
Abschreckungspotenzial n; Abschreckungspotential n alt
deterrent potential
Suchtpotenzial n
potential addiction
Oxidationskapazität f biochem.
oxidizing potential
Bezugspotenzial n; Bezugspotential n alt
reference potential
Oxidationskapazität f envir.
oxidizing potential
technisches Potenzial n; technisches Potential n phys.
technical potential
Elektrodenpotential n; Elektrodenpotenzial n chem. electr.
electrode potential
industrial potential
Auftrittspotenzial n, Auftrittspotential n
appearance potential
Ionisierungspotenzial n
ionization potential
Leistungskraft f
economical potential
Auftrittspotenzial n; Auftrittspotential n alt
appearance potential
Ãœberwachungspotenzial n
monitoring potential
achievement potential
potentielle Konkurrenz, mögliche Konkurrenz
potential competition
Bebaubarkeit f
development potential
Entwicklungspotenzial f
development potential
Erklärungspotenzial n, Erklärungspotential n alt
explanatory potential
Leistungspotenzial n, Leistungspotential n alt
achievement potential
achievement potential
Erklärungspotenzial n; Erklärungspotential n alt
explanatory potential
Leistungspotenzial n; Leistungspotential n alt
achievement potential
Wählerpotenzial n
potential voters {pl}
Entwicklungspotenzial n; Entwicklungspotential n
development potential
labour force potential
potential labour force
labour force potential
potential equalization
Fehlerbestimmung f anhand des Spannungsabfalls electr.
fall-of-potential test
Gewaltpotenzial n
potential for violence
Machtpotential; Machtpotenzial n
power; power potential
Suchtpotenzial n med. pharm. psych.
potential for addiction
Xylemdruckpotential n bot.
xylem pressure potential
use-of-potential analysis
Ozonbildungspotenzial f; Ozonbildungspotential n biochem.
ozone formation potential
Ozonzerstörungspotenzial n; Ozonzerstörungspotential n biochem.
ozone depleting potential
Ozonbildungspotenzial n; Ozonbildungspotential n bot.
ozone formation potential
Ozonzerstörungspotenzial n; Ozonzerstörungspotential n bot.
ozone depleting potential
potenziell, potentiell alt
potenzielle Energie f
potential energy
potenziell; potentiell alt adj
potenzielle Energie f
potential energy
Treibhauspotenzial n
global warming potential GWP
Treibhauspotenzial n
global warming potential (GWP)
Treibhauspotenzial n
global warming potential GWP
Erdpotenzial n
Erdpotential-Verbindung f
earth potential
Earth bonding
Ableitung f min.
derivative (of a potential field)
Arbeitskräftepotenzial n, Arbeitskräftepotential n alt
work force, labour force potential
potenzialfrei, potentialfrei alt adj
potential-free, floating, isolated
Arbeitskräftepotenzial n; Arbeitskräftepotential n alt
work force; labour force potential
Potenzialverlauf m
Potenzialverläufe pl
potential curve
potential curves
Spannungsverlust m electr.
loss of potential; loss of voltage
potenzialfrei; potentialfrei alt adj
potential-free; floating; isolated
Ergiebigkeit f; Menge f der Quellpunkte (Potentialtheorie) phys.
source function (potential theory)
Abschwächungsaussichten pl (Börse) fin.
downside potential (stock exchange)
Marktpotenzial n; Marktpotential n alt; Absatzpotenzial n; Absatzpotential n alt econ.
Marktpotenziale pl; Marktpotentiale pl; Absatzpotenziale pl; Absatzpotentiale pl
market potential
market potentials
Schadenspotenzial n; Schadenspotential n alt
Schadenspotenziale pl; Schadenspotentiale pl
damage potential
damage potentials
Wachstumspotenzial n; Wachstumspotential n alt
Wachstumspotenziale pl; Wachstumspotentiale pl
growth potential
growth potentials
Gefahrenpotenzial n; Gefahrenpotential n
Gefahrenpotenziale pl; Gefahrenpotentiale pl
hazard potential
hazard potentials
Wachstumspotenzial n; Wachstumspotential n alt econ.
Wachstumspotenziale pl; Wachstumspotentiale pl
growth potential
growth potentials
vektoriell; Vektor… adj electr.
vektorielles Potential; Vektorpotential n
vectorial; vector
vector potential
Eigenpotenzial n; Eigenpotential n alt
spontaneous potential; self potential
Gefährdungspotenzial n
Gefährdungspotenzial n
potential for danger
risk potential
Flimmerpotential n; Fibrillationspotential n (beim Herz)
fibrillation potential (of the heart)
Kursgewinn-Chancen pl (Börse) fin.
upside down potential (stock exchange)
Oberflächenpotenzial n
Oberflächenpotenziale pl
surface potential
surface potentials
Potenzialschwelle f
Potenzialschwellen pl
potential barrier
potential barriers
Zentrifugalpotenzial n; Zentrifugalpotential n (Kernphysik) phys.
centrifugal potential (nuclear physics)
Spannungsgefälle n; Spannungsabfall m electr.
potential difference P.D. pd ; line drop
Studieninteressierte pl
prospective students; potential students
erbgutveränderndes Potenzial n envir.
mutagenic potential; genotoxic potential
Bereitschaftspotenzial n, Bereitschaftspotential n alt
Bereitschaftspotenziale pl, Bereitschaftspotentiale pl
readiness potential
readiness potentials
Bereitschaftspotenzial n; Bereitschaftspotential n alt
Bereitschaftspotenziale pl; Bereitschaftspotentiale pl
readiness potential
readiness potentials
Spannungsgefälle n; Spannungsabfall m electr.
potential difference P.D. pd ; line drop
Aktivierungspotential n chem. phys.
Aktivierungspotentiale pl
activation potential
activation potentials
Potenzialausgleich m, Potentialausgleich m alt
potential equalization, equipotential bonding
Potenzialdifferenz f; Potentialdifferenz f electr.
potential difference; difference of potential
Tätigkeits-Knoten-Darstellung f; Vorgangs-Knoten-Darstellung f; Metra-Potential-Methode f (Projektplanung)
metra potential method MPM (project planning)
Redox-Potenzial n; Redox-Potential n chem.
redox potential; oxidation-reduction potential
etw. ausschöpfen v (z. B. Möglichkeiten, Potential)
to exhaust sth. (e.g. possibilities, potential)
Erwerber m; Erwerberin f; Ankäufer m; Ankäufering f
Erwerber pl; Erwerberinnen pl; Ankäufer pl; Ankäuferingen pl
potenzielle Käufer
acquirer Am.
potential acquirers
mögliche Strahlenbelastung in der Nähe von kerntechnischen Anlagen (Kerntechnik) f phys.
nuclear proximity potential (nuclear engineering)
mögliche Strahlenbelastung f in der Nähe von kerntechnischen Anlagen (Kerntechnik) phys.
nuclear proximity potential (nuclear engineering)
Gefälle n (eines Flusses)
nutzbares Gefälle (eines Flusses)
drop (of a river)
available head, potential head
Gefälle n (eines Flusses)
nutzbares Gefälle (eines Flusses)
drop (of a river)
available head; potential head
Potenzialtopf m phys.
Quantentopf m
Mehrfachquantentopf m
potential well
quantum well
multiple-quantum well
Feststoffpotenzial n; mobilisierbare Feststoffmenge f geol.
sediment yield potential; sediment production potential
Eigenpotenzialmessung f; Eigenpotentialmessung f alt
self-potential measurement; spontaneous potential logging
Unternehmensprüfung und -bewertung f (durch Kaufinteressenten oder Bieter) adm. econ.
due diligence examination (by potential buyers or bidders)
Geräteausfall m
Geräteausfälle pl
möglicher Geräteausfall
device failure
device failures
potential device failure
Konfliktpotenzial n; Konfliktpotential n alt
Konfliktpotenzial bergen in sich tragen
potential for conflict
to create the potential for conflict
Konfliktpotenzial n; Konfliktpotential n alt
Konfliktpotenzial bergen in sich tragen
potential for conflict
to create the potential for conflict
Kursgewinn-Chancen pl (Börse) fin.
upside price potential; upside down potential (stock exchange)
Optimierungspotenzial n; Optimierungspotential n
potential for optimisation Br.; potential for optimization eAm.
Schufa-Auskunft f Dt. fin.
confidential information on a (potential) borrower's credit standing
Einbuße f; Verlust m (Verlorengehen) electr. phys. techn.
Einbußen pl; Verluste pl
Qualitätseinbuße f
Genauigkeitseinbuße f
Spannungsverlust m electr.
loss of quality
loss of accuracy
loss of potential
Personendruck m (bei Veranstaltungen)
Bereiche vor der Bühne mit potenziellem Personendruck
crowd pressure (at events)
potential crowd pressure areas in front of the stage
Potenzialausgleich m; Potentialausgleich m alt
potential equalization eAm.; potential equalisation Br.; equipotential bonding
Entwicklungspotenzial n; Entwicklungspotential n
Weiterentwicklungspotenzial n; Weiterentwicklungspotential n
development potential; potential for development
potential for further development
Ionisierungspotenzial n; Ionisationspotential n alt
Ionisierungspotenziale pl; Ionisationspotentiale pl
ionization potential eAm.; ionisation potential Br.
ionization potentials; ionisation potentials
Klüftung f geol.
griffelige Klüftung
konzentrische Klüftung
kugelschalige Klüftung
latente Klüftung
jointing; cleaving; cleavage
linear cleavage
ball jointing
cup-and-ball jointing
potential fissuration
Schadenspotenzial n; Schadenspotential n; Schadpotenzial n
Schadenspotenziale pl; Schadenspotentiale pl; Schadpotenziale pl
damage potential; potential for damage; vulnerability
damage potentials; potentials for damage; vulnerabilities
Zukunftsbranche f; Zukunftssektor m econ.
Zukunftsbranchen pl; Zukunftssektoren pl
sunrise industry; future-oriented sector
sunrise industries; future-oriented sectors; sectors with future potential
Anbieter m
Anbieter pl
supplier, provider, tenderer, bidder, (potential) seller
suppliers, providers, tenderers, bidders, (potential) sellers
Anbieter m; Ausstatter m econ.
Anbieter pl; Ausstatter pl
supplier; provider; tenderer; bidder; (potential) seller
suppliers; providers; tenderers; bidders; (potential) sellers
vektoriell; Vektor… adj math. phys.
vektorielle Darstellung
vektorielle Dichte
Vektorpotential der magnetischen Flussdichte
vektorielle Summe; geometrische Summe
vectorial; vector …
vectorial representation
vector density
magnetic vector potential
vector sum; geometrical sum
elektrisches Potenzial n; elektrostatisches Potenzial n electr.
Berührungspotenzial n electr.
electric field potential; electric potential; electrostatic potential; potential drop
contact potential; touch potential
Spannungswandler m electr.
Spannungswandler pl
voltage converter, voltage transformer, potential transformer
voltage converters, voltage transformers, potential transformers
Spannungswandler m electr.
Spannungswandler pl
voltage converter; voltage transformer; potential transformer
voltage converters; voltage transformers; potential transformers
falsche Behauptung f; verleumderische Behauptung f; Unwahrheit f über jdn. jur.
Eine falsche Behauptung, die eine Öffentlichkeit von Millionen erreicht, kann mehr Schaden anrichten als eine, die nur eine Handvoll Menschen erreicht.
libel on sb.
A libel published to millions has a greater potential to cause damage than a libel published to a handful of people.

self potential Definition

(a.) Being potent
(a.) Existing in possibility, not in actuality.
(n.) Anything that may be possible
(n.) In the theory of gravitation, or of other forces acting in space, a function of the rectangular coordinates which determine the position of a point, such that its differential coefficients with respect to the coordinates are equal to the components of the force at the point considered
(n.) The energy of an electrical charge measured by its power to do work

self potential Bedeutung

potential divider
voltage divider
resistors connected in series across a voltage source, used to obtain a desired fraction of the voltage
action potential the local voltage change across the cell wall as a nerve impulse is transmitted
brain wave
cortical potential
(neurophysiology) rapid fluctuations of voltage between parts of the cerebral cortex that are detectable with an electroencephalograph
elastic energy
elastic potential energy
potential energy that is stored when a body is deformed (as in a coiled spring)
electric potential
potential difference
potential drop
the difference in electrical charge between two points in a circuit expressed in volts
evoked potential the electrical response of the central nervous system produced by an external stimulus, he measured evoked potentials with an electroencephalogram
resting potential the potential difference between the two sides of the membrane of a nerve cell when the cell is not conducting an impulse
potential energy
the mechanical energy that a body has by virtue of its position, stored energy
potential unit a measure of the potential energy of a unit charge at a given point in a circuit relative to a reference point (ground)
the inherent capacity for coming into being
existing in possibility, a potential problem, possible uses of nuclear power
operating on or powered by a high voltage, a high-voltage generator
expected to become or be, in prospect, potential clients
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