
self seal Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Plombe, verschließen
Siegel, siegeln, versiegeln, plombieren
abdichten, Dichtung
Runddichtung f
seal up
Öldichtung f techn.
oil seal
Radialdichtring f
oil seal
Radialwellendichtring m
oil seal
oil seal
oil seal
oil seal
Abdichtwand f
seal wall
Kabeldichtung f
cable seal
Tuchplombe f
cloth seal
Radialdichtung f techn.
radial seal
Ringelrobbe f zool.
ringed seal
Rundgummidichtung f
O-ring seal
o ring seal
Mützenrobbe f; Klappmütze f (Cystophora cristata)
hooded seal
customs seal
Geflechtdichtung f
braided seal
customs seal
official seal
Siegel, Dienstsiegel, Amtssiegel
official seal
Flachdichtring m techn.
flat seal ring
seal off (sth)
Rostabschlusswand f mach.
grate air seal
Plombe f, Verplombung f
lead seal, seal
Ringschneide f tech.
knife edge seal
Umfangsdichtung f
peripheral seal
seal of approval
Runddichtung f
Runddichtungen pl
(luft- bzw. wasserdichter) Verschluss m
Folienverschluss m
foil seal
selbstklebender Umschlag
self-seal envelope
Kabeldurchführungsdichtung f
cable grommet seal
Rundschnurring m techn.
round section seal
Kassettendichtung f techn.
cassette seal ring
Siegel n, Stempel m
seal, official seal
sich abschotten
to seal oneself off
Wellendichtring m
oil seal, shaft seal
Lippenring m techn.
Lippenringe pl
lip seal
lip seals
Radialdichtring f
Radialdichtringe pl
oil seal
oil seals
Wellendichtring m
oil seal; shaft seal
eindämmen v
to seal off (a mine)
Gütesiegelgemeinschaft f; Gütesiegelverbund m; Gütezeichengemeinschaft f econ.
quality seal network
Radialdichtring m
Radialdichtringe pl
oil seal
oil seals
Dienstsiegel n
official seal (stamp)
Dienstsiegel n; Amtssiegel n
official seal (stamp)
Dichtring m
sealing ring, oil seal
Funkschutzzeichen n
radio suppression seal
Kegelrobbe f zool.
Kegelrobben pl
grey seal
grey seals
Sattelrobbe f zool. (Pagophilus groenlandicus)
Sattelrobben pl
harp seal
harp seals
Türdichtung f
Türdichtungen pl
door seal
door seals
besiegeln, siegeln v (Urkunde)
to affix one's seal to
Seehundjunge n; Heuler m zool.
Seehundjungen pl; Heuler pl
baby seal
baby seals
Rossmeerrobbe f; Rossrobbe f (Ommatophoca rossii) zool.
Rossmeerrobben pl; Rossrobben pl
Ross seal
Ross seals
Drehkolben-Dichtleiste f (Drehkolbengebläse) tech
rotary piston apex seal
Gerätedichtung f
Gerätedichtungen pl
panel seal
panel seals
Tuchplombe f
Tuchplomben pl
cloth seal
cloth seals
Halsdichtung f mach.
Halsdichtungen pl
collar seal
collar seals
Kolbendichtung f techn.
Kolbendichtungen pl
piston seal
piston seals
Robbe f, Seehund m zool.
Robben pl, Seehunde pl
Gemeiner Seehund (Phoca vitulina)
common seal
etw. von etw. abschotten übtr.
to seal sth. off from sth.
(Straße) befestigen, mit Fahrbahndecke versehen v
befestigend, mit Fahrbahndecke versehend
befestigt, mit Fahrbahndecke versehen
to seal
Ringelrobbe f zool.
Ringelrobben pl
ringed seal
ringed seals
Robbe f; Seehund m zool.
Robben pl; Seehunde pl
Gemeiner Seehund (Phoca vitulina)
common seal
Rundgummidichtung f
Rundgummidichtungen pl
O-ring seal
O-ring seals
etw. von etw. abschotten v übtr.
to seal sth. off from sth.
Radialwellendichtring m
oil seal; radial shaft seal
Brandschottung f techn.
fire barrier; firestop seal
Dichtungsnut f
Dichtungsnuten pl
seal channel
seal channels
Dichtungsunterlage f
Dichtungsunterlagen pl
seal support
seal supports
Zollplombe f
Zollplomben pl
customs seal
customs seals
Banderole f; Verschlussstreifen m (für Steuerzwecke) adm.
Banderolen pl; Verschlussstreifen pl
revenue seal
revenue seals
Weddellrobbe m (Leptonychotes weddellii) zool.
Weddellrobben pl
Weddell seal
Weddell seals
Pulpete f (Orgel) mus.
pull-down seal (of an organ)
Magnetdichtung f
Magnetdichtungen pl
magnetic seal
magnetic seals
O-Ring m, O-Dichtring m techn.
seal ring, O-ring, O-ring seal
Seeleopard m zool.
Seeleoparden pl
leopards seal
leopards seals
Seeelefant m zool.
Seeelefanten pl
elephant seal
elephant seals
Druckverschlussbeutel m
Druckverschlussbeutel pl
grip seal bag
grip seal bags
Nockenwellendichtung f techn.
Nockenwellendichtungen pl
camshaft seal
camshaft seals
Notariatsstempel m
Notariatsstempel pl
notarial seal
notarial seals
Sperrgas n (Kerntechnik) techn.
seal gas (nuclear engineering)
Labyrinthdichtung f techn.
Labyrinthdichtungen pl
labyrinth seal
labyrinth seals
Bartrobbe f (Erignathus barbatus) zool.
bearded seal; square flipper seal
Ringschneide f techn.
Ringschneiden pl
knife edge seal
knife edge seals
Verschluss m
unter Verschluss
lock, seal
under lock, under seal
Plombe f; Plombierung f; Verplombung f
Plomben pl; Plombierungen pl; Verplombungen pl
lead seal; seal
lead seals; seals
Adhäsionsverschluss m
self adhesive seal, adhesion sealing
Simmerring m techn.
shaft seal, seal ring, oil-seal ring
Adhäsionsverschluss m
self adhesive seal; adhesion sealing
Simmerring m techn.
shaft seal; seal ring; oil-seal ring
Sperrluftkammer f mach.
Sperrluftkammern pl
seal-air chamber
seal-air chambers
Ventilführungsdichtung f techn.
Ventilführungsdichtungen pl
valve guide seal
valve guide seals
abriegeln, dicht machen
abriegelnd, dicht machend
abgeriegelt, dicht gemacht
to seal off
seal offing
sealed off
Mühlensperrluftgebläse n mach.
Mühlensperrluftgebläse pl
mill seal-air fan
mill seal-air fans
abriegeln; dicht machen v
abriegelnd; dicht machend
abgeriegelt; dicht gemacht
to seal off
seal offing
sealed off
Beichtgeheimnis n
confessional secret, seal of confession
Beichtgeheimnis n
confessional secret; seal of confession
Hygieneverschluss m (Teil eines Staubsaugers)
hygiene seal (vacuum cleaner component)
Abdichtung f
Abdichtungen pl
kabelseitige Abdichtung
sealing, seal
cable sealing
Rundschnurring m techn.
Rundschnurringe pl
round section seal
round section seals
Seebär m zool.
Seebären pl
Nördliche Seebär (Callorhinus ursinus)
fur seal
fur seals
Northern Fur Seal
Robbenfänger m
Robbenfänger pl
sealer, seal hunter
sealers, seal hunters
siegeln, versiegeln
to seal
versiegeln, verplomben, plombieren, besiegeln, siegeln
versiegelnd, verplombend, plombierend, besiegelnd, siegelnd
versiegelt, verplombt, plombiert, besiegelt, gesiegelt
versiegelt, verplombt, plombiert, besiegelt, siegelt
versiegelt, verplombte, plombierte, besiegelte, siegelte
to seal
Seelöwe m zool.
Seelöwen pl
sea lion, lion seal
sea lions, lion seals
Robbenfänger m
Robbenfänger pl
sealer; seal hunter
sealers; seal hunters
Seelöwe m zool.
Seelöwen pl
sea lion; lion seal
sea lions; lion seals
siegeln; versiegeln v
siegelnd; versiegelnd
gesiegelt; versiegelt
to seal
versiegeln; verplomben; plombieren; besiegeln; siegeln v
versiegelnd; verplombend; plombierend; besiegelnd; siegelnd
versiegelt; verplombt; plombiert; besiegelt; gesiegelt
versiegelt; verplombt; plombiert; besiegelt; siegelt
versiegelt; verplombte; plombierte; besiegelte; siegelte
to seal
Stempelaufdruck m; Stempel m; Stampiglie f Ös. adm.
printed stamp; impressed stamp: stamped seal
zukleben v
den Brief zukleben
to seal
to seal a letter
Gleitringdichtung f techn.
mechanical seal, shaft seal, slip ring sealing
Gleitringdichtung f techn.
mechanical seal; shaft seal; slip ring sealing
eine Straße mit Asphalt Teer vergießen v (Straßenbau) constr.
to seal a road with asphalt tar (road building)
Arztstempel m
Arztstempel pl
doctor's personal seal
doctor's personal seals
Halsringkammer f mach.
Halsringkammern pl
ring-shaped collar seal
ring-shaped collar seals
Kegelrobbe f (Halichoerus grypus) zool.
Kegelrobben pl
grey seal; horsehead seal
grey seals; horsehead seals
Steuerbanderole f; Steuerzeichen n (Verschlussstreifen auf Produktverpackungen) adm.
Steuerbanderolen pl; Steuerzeichen pl
Fälschung f von Steuerzeichen; Steuerzeichenfälschung f
revenue seal
revenue seals
forging of revenue seals
Geruchsverschluss m
mit Geruchsverschluss versehen
anti-siphon trap
to provide with a water seal, to seal
fest adj
ein fester Verschluss
secure (stable, fixed)
extremely secure
a secure seal
Verschluss m (Geheimhaltungsschutz) adm.
ein Schriftstück unter Verschluss halten
seal (protection of secrecy)
to keep a document under seal
abdichten, dichten v
abdichtend, dichtend
abgedichtet, gedichtet
to seal up, to seal
sealing up, sealing
sealed up, sealed
abdichten; dichten v
abdichtend; dichtend
abgedichtet; gedichtet
to seal up; to seal
sealing up; sealing
sealed up; sealed
Beutel m; Sackerl n Ös.; Säckli n Schw.
Beutel pl; Sackerln pl; Säckli pl
wiederverschließbarer Beutel
kantenversiegelter Beutel
resealable bag; recloseable bag
corner-seal bag
sich abschotten v
sich abschottend
sich abgeschottet
to seal oneself off
sealing oneself off
sealed oneself off
abdichten v
to seal (up); to plug; to mud off; to clench; to make watertight
Plombenverschluss m; Plombierung f; Verplombung f; Plombe f
Plombenverschlüsse pl; Plombierungen pl; Verplombungen pl; Plomben pl
lead sealing; lead seal; seal
lead sealings; lead seals; seals
Dichtungssatz m techn.
Dichtungssätze pl
seal kit; seal set; gasket kit
seal kits; seal sets; gasket kits
Fugenabdichtungsmasse f; Fugendichtungsmasse f; Fugenmasse f constr.
joint sealing material; joint seal; joint sealant; sealant compound
Gehäusedichtung f
Gehäusedichtungen pl
housing seal; gasket seating seal
housing seals; gasket seating seals
besiegeln; siegeln v (Urkunde)
besiegelnd; siegelnd
besiegelt; gesiegelt
to affix one's seal to
affixing one's seal to
affixed one's seal to
Dichtklebstoff m
Dichtklebstoffe pl
seal adhesive; waterproof adhesive
seal adhesives; waterproof adhesives
Barriere f geol.
Barrieren pl
geochemische Barriere
unterirdische Barriere
barrier; seal
barriers; seals
geochemical barrier
subsurface barrier
Weißwurzen pl; Gelenkwurzen pl; Salomonssiegel pl (Polygonatum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Quirlblättrige Weißwurz f; Quirl-Weißwurz f; Schlangenkraut n (Polygonatum verticillatum)
King Solomon's seals; Solomon's seals (botanical genus)
whorled Solomon's seal
Federbalgventil n techn.
Federbalgventile pl
bellows-sealed valve; bellows-seal valve
bellows-sealed valves; bellows-seal valves
Gummidichtung f techn.
Gummidichtungen pl
rubber seal, rubber grommet, rubber-joint
rubber seals, rubber grommets, rubber-joints
Gummidichtung f techn.
Gummidichtungen pl
rubber seal; rubber grommet; rubber-joint
rubber seals; rubber grommets; rubber-joints
Verschluss m
eine Waffe unter Verschluss halten
ein Schriftstück unter Verschluss halten adm.
lock techn.; seal adm.
to keep a weapon under lock
to keep a document under seal
Stempelaufdruck m; Stempelabdruck m; Stempel m; Stampiglie f Ös. adm.
Ausreisestempel m
Dienststellenstempel m
Einreisestempel m
printed stamp; impressed stamp: stamped seal
exit stamp; departure stamp
unit stamp
entry stamp
Dichtung f techn.
Dichtungen pl
Dichtung am Montageausschnitt
elektrisch geleitete Dichtung
hermetische Dichtung
seal, gasket, packing
seals, gasket, packing
panel seal
electric conductive gaske
hermetic seal
etw. mit Blei vergießen; ausgießen; eingießen v techn.
to lead sth.; to seal sth. with lead; to bed in () sth. with molten lead; to run in () sth. with molten lead

self seal Definition

Broad seal
() The great seal of England
Lady's seal
() The European Solomon's seal (Polygonatum verticillatum).
Lady's seal
() The black bryony (Tamus communis).
(n.) Any aquatic carnivorous mammal of the families Phocidae and Otariidae.
(n.) An engraved or inscribed stamp, used for marking an impression in wax or other soft substance, to be attached to a document, or otherwise used by way of authentication or security.
(n.) Wax, wafer, or other tenacious substance, set to an instrument, and impressed or stamped with a seal
(n.) That which seals or fastens
(n.) That which confirms, ratifies, or makes stable
(n.) An arrangement for preventing the entrance or return of gas or air into a pipe, by which the open end of the pipe dips beneath the surface of water or other liquid, or a deep bend or sag in the pipe is filled with the liquid
(v. t.) To set or affix a seal to
(v. t.) To mark with a stamp, as an evidence of standard exactness, legal size, or merchantable quality
(v. t.) To fasten with a seal
(v. t.) Hence, to shut close
(v. t.) To fix, as a piece of iron in a wall, with cement, plaster, or the like.
(v. t.) To close by means of a seal
(v. t.) Among the Mormons, to confirm or set apart as a second or additional wife.
(v. i.) To affix one's seal, or a seal.
(a.) Of a rich dark brown color, like the fur of the fur seal after it is dyed.

self seal Bedeutung

seal any of numerous marine mammals that come on shore to breed, chiefly of cold regions
crabeater seal
crab-eating seal
silvery grey Antarctic seal subsisting on crustaceans
eared seal pinniped mammal having external ear flaps and hind limbs used for locomotion on land, valued for its soft underfur
fur seal eared seal of the southern hemisphere, the thick soft underfur is the source of sealskin, the male fur seal is much larger than the female
guadalupe fur seal
Arctocephalus philippi
a fur seal of the Pacific coast of California and southward
fur seal an eared seal of the northern Pacific
Alaska fur seal
Callorhinus ursinus
of Pacific coast from Alaska southward to California
earless seal
true seal
hair seal
any of several seals lacking external ear flaps and having a stiff hairlike coat with hind limbs reduced to swimming flippers
harbor seal
common seal
Phoca vitulina
small spotted seal of coastal waters of the northern hemisphere
harp seal
Pagophilus groenlandicus
common Arctic seal, the young are all white
elephant seal
sea elephant
either of two large northern Atlantic earless seals having snouts like trunks
bearded seal
squareflipper square flipper
Erignathus barbatus
medium-sized greyish to yellow seal with bristles each side of muzzle, of the Arctic Ocean
hooded seal
Cystophora cristata
medium-sized blackish-grey seal with large inflatable sac on the head, of Arctic and northern Atlantic waters
break seal a seal that must be broken when first used and cannot easily be resealed, it was stored in a tube with a break seal
great seal the principal seal of a government, symbolizing authority or sovereignty
Great Seal of the United States the seal of the United States government
a device incised to make an impression, used to secure a closing or to authenticate documents
seal fastener that provides a tight and perfect closure
seal a finishing coat applied to exclude moisture
seal bomb a small explosive device (resembling a firecracker) that is used underwater in order to frighten mammals away from fishing grounds
sealing wax
fastener consisting of a resinous composition that is plastic when warm, used for sealing documents and parcels and letters
signet ring
seal ring
a ring bearing a signet
sealed instrument
contract under seal
special contract
a contract that is signed and has the (wax) seal of the signer attached
seal of approval
an indication of approved or superior status
seal a stamp affixed to a document (as to attest to its authenticity or to seal it), the warrant bore the sheriff's seal
Star of David
Shield of David
Magen David
Mogen David
Solomon's seal
a six-pointed star formed from two equilateral triangles, an emblem symbolizing Judaism
Lord Privy Seal the senior cabinet minister in the British Cabinet who has no official duties
a member of a Naval Special Warfare unit who is trained for unconventional warfare, SEAL is an acronym for Sea Air and Land
golden seal
yellow root
turmeric root
Hydrastis Canadensis
perennial herb of northeastern United States having a thick knotted yellow rootstock and large rounded leaves
Solomon's-seal any of several plants of the genus Polygonatum having paired drooping yellowish-green flowers and a thick rootstock with scars shaped like Solomon's seal
great Solomon's-seal
Polygonatum biflorum
Polygonatum commutatum
North American perennial herb with smooth foliage and drooping tubular greenish flowers
seal limbs
an abnormality of development in which the upper part of an arm or leg is missing so the hands or feet are attached to the body like stumps, rare condition that results from taking thalidomide during pregnancy
hudson seal muskrat fur dressed to simulate sealskin
the pelt or fur (especially the underfur) of a seal, a coat of seal
seal oil a pale yellow to red-brown fatty oil obtained from seal blubber, used in making soap and dressing leather and as a lubricant
seal decide irrevocably, sealing dooms
seal off
impose a blockade on
seal hunt seals
cover with varnish
lock in seal in close with or as if with a tight seal, This vacuum pack locks in the flavor!
seal close with or as if with a seal, She sealed the letter with hot wax
seal seal off make tight, secure against leakage, seal the windows
seal affix a seal to, seal the letter
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