
sense Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Wahrnehmung f
abfuehlen, Wahrnehmung, abtasten, empfinden, Gefuehl
to sense
in gewissem Sinne
in a sense
in gewisser Hinsicht
in a sense
Was für eine Unverschämtheit
what sense
Sinn ergeben
make sense
sense organ
Was fuer eine Unverschaemtheit!
what sense!
Moralempfinden n; sittliches Empfinden n; Sittlichkeitsgefühl n phil.
moral sense
Farbgefühl n
colour sense
vernünftig, gesund adj
common sense
gesunder Menschenverstand
common sense
Sinnstiftung f psych.
vernünftig; gesund adj
Pflichtbewusstsein n, Pflichtgefühl n
sense of duty
Taktgefühl n
sense of tact
Wortsinn m
literal sense
vernünftig sein
to talk sense
literal sense
sense of duty
sense of duty
Pflichtbewusstsein n; Pflichtgefühl n
sense of duty
räumliches Vorstellungsvermögen n
spatial sense
Zeitgefühl n
sense of time
vernünftig sein v
to talk sense
Mangelbewusstsein n phil.
sense of lack
vernünftig sein v
to talk sense
Wortsinn m ling.
literal sense
Selbstwahrnehmung f; Selbstempfinden n
sense of self
engerer Sinn
narrower sense
Geschmackssinn m, Geschmacksempfindung f
sense of taste
Sehvermögen n
sense of sight
Tastsinn m
sense of touch
Wohlgefühl n
sense of being
sense of being
sense of smell
sense of taste
sense of touch
Geschmackssinn m; Geschmacksempfindung f
sense of taste
Ehrgefühl n
sense of honour
Zeichenlochkarte f
mark sense card
mark sense card
sense of honour
stylistic sense
Sinn für Humor
sense of humour
Familiensinn m
sense of family
Gerechtigkeitssinn m
sense of justice
Gleichgewichtssinn m
sense of balance
Rechtsempfinden n, Rechtsgefühl n
sense of justice
Sendungsbewusstsein n
sense of mission
sense of justice
Realitätssinn m
sense of reality
Rechtsempfinden n; Rechtsgefühl n
sense of justice
Bedeutung f, Sinn f (eines Wortes)
sense (of a word)
sense of identity
im rechtlichen Sinne
in the legal sense
Orientierungssinn m, Ortssinn m, Richtungssinn m
sense of direction
sense of direction
Orientierungssinn m; Ortssinn m; Richtungssinn m
sense of direction
Füllebewusstsein n phil.
sense of abundance
ein Gefühl der Einheit
a sense of oneness
Augenmaß n übtr.
sense of proportion
Wohlgefühl n
sense of well-being
mit Einschränkungen
in a qualified sense
Urvertrauen n
sense of basic trust
Der Sinn leuchtet mir nicht ein
the sense escapes me
Raum-Zeit-Gefühl n; Raum-Zeit-Empfinden n med.
spatiotemporal sense
Überlegenheitsgefühl n
sense of superiority
Schamgefühl m
sense of shame, shame
etw. verstehen, aus etw. schlau werden
to make sense of sth.
Der Sinn leuchtet mir nicht ein.
The sense escapes me.
Alarmstimmung f
sense of alarm; alarm
etw. verstehen; aus etw. schlau werden
to make sense of sth.
Geschmackssinn m; Geschmack m med.
sense of taste; taste
etw. verstehen v; aus etw. schlau werden
to make sense of sth.
Zusammengehörigkeitsgefühl n (Familie)
sense of a common bond
Das hat keinen Sinn.
It doesn't make sense.
Sie war so vernünftig und …
She had the sense to …
Verantwortungsbewusstsein n, Verantwortungsgefühl n
sense of responsibility
Jetzt wird einem alles klar.
It all makes sense now.
Verantwortungsbewusstsein n; Verantwortungsgefühl n
sense of responsibility
Rechtsbewusstsein n
sense of right and wrong
grundvernünftig sein
to be full of good sense
Ich werde aus dir nicht schlau.
You're not making sense.
Jetzt verstehe ich, was Sie meinen.
Now you're making sense.
Sie war so vernünftig und ...
She had the sense to ...
Jetzt verstehe ich was Sie meinen.
Now you're making sense.
grundvernünftig sein v
to be full of good sense
Jetzt redest du vernünftig.
Now you're talking sense.
sinngetreu adj
true to the sense meaning
Erfolgserlebnis n
sense of achievement, lift
Sinnesorgan n
Sinnesorgane pl
sense organ
sense organs
Das hat keinen Sinn.
There is no sense in that.
Es ist zwecklos (sinnlos).
There is no sense in that.
Werden Sie daraus klug?
Does it make sense to you?
Erfolgserlebnis n
sense of achievement; lift
Sinnesorgan n anat.
Sinnesorgane pl
sense organ
sense organs
Zugehörigkeitsgefühl n psych.
sense feeling of belonging
Er war so gescheit und …
He had the good sense to …
abfühlen, abtasten v
abfühlend, abtastend
abgefühlt, abgetastet
to sense
ökonomisch sinnvoll sein
to make good economic sense
Werden Sie daraus klug
does this make sense to you
abfühlen; abtasten v
abfühlend; abtastend
abgefühlt; abgetastet
to sense
ökonomisch sinnvoll sein v
to make good economic sense
Er war so gescheit und ...
He had the good sense to ...
Werden Sie daraus klug?
Does this make sense to you?
Augenmaß n übtr.
nach Augenmaß
sense of proportion
by eye
Gesichtssinn n; Sehsinn m
sense of sight; visual sense
fehlender Sinn für Humor
sense of humour failure SOHF
Wohlfühlen n, allgemeines Wohlbefinden n, Wellness f
wellness, sense of well-being
das leuchtet mir nicht ein
that doesn't make sense to me
Lagesinn m med.
sense of position; acrognosis
übertragen; bildlich; figurativ adj
übertragene Bedeutung f
figurative sense
Das leuchtet mir nicht ein.
That doesn't make sense to me.
fehlender Sinn für Humor
SOHF : sense of humour failure
das leuchtet mir nicht ein
that does not make sense to me
Laufrichtung f
moving direction; moving sense
fehlender Sinn für Humor
sense of humour failure SOHF
Heimatgefühl n
Heimatgefühle pl
sense of home
senses of home
Anosmie f, Geruchsminderung f med.
anosmia, lack of sense of smell
inwiefern adv
in what way, how, in what sense
Das hat Hand und Fuß.
There's a lot of sense in that.
Das ist ganz vernünftig.
There's a lot of sense in that.
Anosmie f; Geruchsminderung f med.
anosmia; lack of sense of smell
inwiefern adv
in what way; how; in what sense
Geschäftssinn m econ.
business sense; business acumen
Gehörsinn m, Gehör n
sense of hearing, auditory sense
Schönheitssinn m
sense of beauty, aesthetic sense
Gehörsinn m; Gehör n
sense of hearing; auditory sense
Schönheitssinn m
sense of beauty; aesthetic sense
normales Geruchsempfinden n; Normosmie f med.
normal sense of smell; normosmia
etw. abtasten; abfühlen v comp. electr.
abtastend; abfühlend
abgetastet; abgefühlt
to sense sth.
Tastsinn m
tactile sense, tactile perception
vernünftigerweise etw. tun
to have the good sense to do sth.
Es wäre ganz vernünftig, das zu tun.
There's some sense in doing that.
Tastsinn m
tactile sense; tactile perception
ausgefallen; unkonventionell adj
ausgefallener Sinn für Humor
offbeat sense of humour
Es wäre ganz vernünftig das zu tun.
There's some sense in doing that.
Wortbedeutung f ling.
meaning of a the word; word sense
vernünftigerweise etw. tun v
to have the good sense to do sth.
Stilgefühl n
Stilgefühle pl
stylistic sense
stylistic senses
Schuldempfinden n
sense of guilt; sentiment of guilt
moralisch, sittlich adj
moralisches Bewusstsein
moralische Unterstützung
moral sense
moral support
moralisch; sittlich adj
moralisches Bewusstsein
moralische Unterstützung
moral sense
moral support

Deutsche Sinn Synonyme

Sinn  ergeben  ÂSinn  haben  ÂSinn  machen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âsinnvoll  sein  
Aussage  ÂBedeutung  ÂSemantik  ÂSinn  
einfallen  Âerinnern  Âin  den  Sinn  kommen  Âmemorieren  
Nutzen  ÂSinn  ÂSinnhaftigkeit  ÂZiel  ÂZweck  
Ahnung  ÂBauchgefühl  ÂEingebung  ÂGespür  ÂInstinkt  ÂIntuition  Âsechster  Sinn  (umgangssprachlich)  
Sinn ergeben  Sinn haben  Sinn machen (umgangssprachlich)  sinnvoll sein  

Englische sense Synonyme

sense  IQ  absorb  acceptation  admissibility  affect  affection  affective meaning  air  anticipate  appreciate  appreciation  appreciation of differences  appreciativeness  apprehend  apprehension  artistic judgment  assimilate  atmosphere  aura  awareness  balance  be aware of  be conscious of  be sensible of  be with one  bearing  believe  brains  burden  caliber  capacity  catch  catch on  center  climate  cognizance  coherence  coloring  common sense  comprehend  comprehension  conceive  conception  connoisseurship  connotation  consciousness  consequence  consider  cool head  coolheadedness  coolness  core  credit  critical niceness  criticalness  deductive power  deem  delicacy  denotation  descry  detect  dig  digest  discern  discernment  discretion  discriminating taste  discriminatingness  discrimination  discriminativeness  distinguish  divine  drift  due sense of  effect  emotion  emotional charge  emotional shade  esemplastic power  espy  essence  experience  extension  faculty  fastidiousness  fathom  feel  feel deeply  feel intuitively  feeling  feeling tone  fine palate  finesse  focus  follow  force  foreboding  foresight  get  get hold of  get the drift  get the idea  get the picture  gist  good sense  grammatical meaning  grasp  gumption  gut reaction  have  have a feeling  have a hunch  have a sensation  have it taped  have the impression  hear  heartthrob  hold  horse sense  idea  ideation  identify  impact  implication  import  impression  integrative power  intellect  intellectual grasp  intellectual power  intellectualism  intellectuality  intelligence  intelligence quotient  intelligibility  intendment  intension  intuit  intuition  judgement  judgment  judiciousness  just know  justifiability  justness  ken  know  knowledge  learn  level head  levelheadedness  lexical meaning  literal meaning  logic  logicality  logicalness  lucidity  make out  making distinctions  marbles  master  matter  meaning  meat  mental age  mental capacity  menta  
senseless  abiotic  abnormal  absonant  absurd  aimless  amorphous  anesthetized  apish  asinine  asleep  azoic  batty  befooled  beguiled  benumbed  bereft of reason  besotted  brainless  brainsick  buffoonish  capricious  casual  cataleptic  catatonic  cockeyed  cold  comatose  contradictory  contrary to reason  crackbrained  cracked  crazed  crazy  credulous  daffy  daft  dazed  dead  deadened  deluded  demented  deprived of reason  deranged  designless  desultory  dippy  disarticulated  discontinuous  disjunct  disordered  disoriented  dispersed  disproportionate  distraught  dizzy  doped  doting  drugged  dumb  empty  empty-headed  erratic  exanimate  fallacious  fatuitous  fatuous  faulty  fitful  flaky  flawed  flighty  fond  fool  foolheaded  foolish  formless  frivolous  fuddled  futile  gaga  garbled  goofy  gratuitous  gulled  half-conscious  hallucinated  haphazard  headless  hit-or-miss  idiotic  ignorant  ill-advised  ill-considered  ill-contrived  ill-devised  ill-gauged  ill-judged  illogical  imbecile  imbecilic  immethodical  impolitic  importless  imprudent  inadvisable  inane  inanimate  inanimated  inauthentic  inchoate  incoherent  inconclusive  incongruous  inconsequent  inconsequential  inconsiderate  inconsistent  indiscreet  indiscriminate  inept  inert  inexpedient  infatuated  injudicious  insane  insensate  insensible  insensitive  insentient  insignificant  invalid  irrational  irregular  kooky  lackbrained  lean-minded  lean-witted  lifeless  loco  loony  loose  ludicrous  lunatic  mad  maddened  manic  maudlin  mazed  meaningless  mental  mentally deficient  meshuggah  mindless  misadvised  misguided  misshapen  moon-struck  moronic  mute  myopic  narcotized  nirvanic  nitwitted  non compos  non compos mentis  nonconnotative  nonconscious  nondenotative  nonliving  nonscientific  nonsensical  nonsymmetrical  nonsystematic  nonuniform  not all there  not bright  not following  not right  null  numbed  nutty  oblivious  odd  of little b  
senses  balance  chromesthesia  color hearing  consciousness  contact with reality  faculties  five senses  healthy mind  hearing  intellectual gifts  intellectuals  lucid interval  lucidity  mental balance  mental equilibrium  mental health  mental hygiene  mental poise  normalcy  normality  normalness  parts  phonism  photism  rationality  reason  reasonableness  receptor  right mind  sanemindedness  saneness  sanity  sense organ  sensillum  sensorium  sensory organ  sight  sixth sense  smell  sober senses  sobriety  sound mind  soundness  soundness of mind  synesthesia  taste  touch  wholesomeness  wits  

sense Definition

Common sense
() See Common sense, under Sense.
(v. t.) A faculty, possessed by animals, of perceiving external objects by means of impressions made upon certain organs (sensory or sense organs) of the body, or of perceiving changes in the condition of the body
(v. t.) Perception by the sensory organs of the body
(v. t.) Perception through the intellect
(v. t.) Sound perception and reasoning
(v. t.) That which is felt or is held as a sentiment, view, or opinion
(v. t.) Meaning
(v. t.) Moral perception or appreciation.
(v. t.) One of two opposite directions in which a line, surface, or volume, may be supposed to be described by the motion of a point, line, or surface.
(v. t.) To perceive by the senses

sense Bedeutung

humor humour sense of humor
sense of humour
the trait of appreciating (and being able to express) the humorous, she didn't appreciate my humor, you can't survive in the army without a sense of humor
sense of purpose
the quality of having a definite purpose
sense organ
sensory receptor
an organ having nerve endings (in the skin or viscera or eye or ear or nose or mouth) that respond to stimulation
common sense
good sense
horse sense
sense mother wit
sound practical judgment, Common sense is not so common, he hasn't got the sense God gave little green apples, fortunately she had the good sense to run away
road sense good judgment in avoiding trouble or accidents on the road
sense sensation sentience
sensory faculty
the faculty through which the external world is apprehended, in the dark he had to depend on touch and on his senses of smell and hearing
sense modality
sensory system
a particular sense
vision visual sense
visual modality
the ability to see, the visual faculty
touch sense of touch
skin senses
touch modality
cutaneous senses
the faculty by which external objects or forces are perceived through contact with the body (especially the hands), only sight and touch enable us to locate objects in the space around us
auditory sense
sense of hearing
auditory modality
the ability to hear, the auditory faculty, his hearing was impaired
taste gustation
sense of taste
gustatory modality
the faculty of distinguishing sweet, sour, bitter, and salty properties in the mouth, his cold deprived him of his sense of taste
smell sense of smell
olfactory modality
the faculty that enables us to distinguish scents
kinesthesia kinaesthesia kinesthetics
muscle sense
sense of movement
the ability to feel movements of the limbs and body
labyrinthine sense
vestibular sense
sense of balance
sense of equilibrium
a sensory system located in structures of the inner ear that registers the orientation of the head
somatosensory system
somatic sensory system
somatic sense
the faculty of bodily perception, sensory systems associated with the body, includes skin senses and proprioception and the internal organs
sense a general conscious awareness, a sense of security, a sense of happiness, a sense of danger, a sense of self
sense of direction an awareness of your orientation in space
sense of responsibility an awareness of your obligations
sixth sense
grasping the inner nature of things intuitively
sense experience
sense impression
sense datum
an unelaborated elementary awareness of stimulation, a sensation of touch
sense a natural appreciation or ability, a keen musical sense, a good sense of timing
sense tagger a tagging program whose labels indicate the meanings of words or expressions
the meaning of a word or expression, the way in which a word or expression or situation can be interpreted, the dictionary gave several senses for the word, in the best sense charity is really a duty, the signifier is linked to the signified
word meaning
word sense
the accepted meaning of a word
moral sense
sense of right and wrong
motivation deriving logically from ethical or moral principles that govern a person's thoughts and actions
sense of shame
sense of duty
a motivating awareness of ethical responsibility
sense of the meeting general agreement reached by an assembled group, no vote was taken, but after each discussion the chair summed up the sense of the meeting
sense comprehend, I sensed the real meaning of his letter
smell out
become aware of not through the senses but instinctively, I sense his hostility, i smell trouble, smell out corruption
perceive by a physical sensation, e.g., coming from the skin or muscles, He felt the wind, She felt an object brushing her arm, He felt his flesh crawl, She felt the heat when she got out of the car
sense detect some circumstance or entity automatically, This robot can sense the presence of people in the room, particle detectors sense ionization
make sense
add up
be reasonable or logical or comprehensible
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A sense is a physiological capacity of organisms that provides data for perception. The senses and their operation, classification, and theory are overlapping topics studied by a variety of fields, most notably neuroscience, cognitive psychology , and philosophy of perception. The nervous system has a specific sensory system or organ, dedicated to each sense.