
sent Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Satz, Urteil, verurteilen
Strafe verbüßen, Strafe absitzen
serve a sentence
Beispielsatz m
Beispielsätze pl
example sentence
example sentences
Bewährung f jur.
unter Bewährung stehen
jdn. auf Bewährung entlassen
eine Strafe zur Bewährung aussetzen
to be on parole
to let sb. out on parole, to parole sb.
to give a suspended sentence
Empfindungsvermögen n
Freiheitsstrafe f
custodial sentence, prison sentence
Haftstrafe f
prison sentence
Haftverschonung f
suspended sentence
Meinung f
Meinungen pl
Satz m
Sätze pl
Satz für Satz
sentence by sentence
Satzbau m
sentence construction
Satzbetonung f, Satzakzent m ling.
sentence stress
Satzgefüge n
compound sentence
Satzstellung f
word order (in a sentence)
Satzteil m
part of a sentence
Strafmaß n
Strafvollstreckung f
execution of sentence
Todesurteil n
Todesurteile pl
death sentence, sentence of death
death sentences, sentences of death
Urteil n, Ausspruch m
Urteile pl, Aussprüche pl
ein Urteil fällen
das Urteil fällen, das Urteil verkünden
to pass a sentence
to pass sentence
Urteilsspruch m jur.
Urteilssprüche pl
sentence, judgement
sentences, judgements
Urteilsverkündung f jur.
Urteilsverkündungen pl
proclamation of sentence, pronouncement of judgement
proclamations of sentence, pronouncements of judgement
Vollstreckung f (eines Todesurteils)
carrying out (of a death sentence)
to pass sentence on, to pass judgement on
mitten im Satz stecken bleiben
to break off in mid-sentence
rechtskräftig verurteilt sein
to be issued with a final sentence
verbüßen v
sie verbüßt
sie verbüßte
to serve a sentence
serving a sentence
served a sentence
she serves a sentence
she served a sentence
verdonnern ugs.
jdn. dazu verdonnern, etw. zu tun
zu einem Bußgeld verdonnert werden
to sentence
to make sb. do sth.
to be ordered to pay a fine
zum Tode verurteilen
to sentence
to sentence to death
Ich habe den Satz nicht verstanden.
I didn't catch the sentence.
compound sentence
execution of sentence
part of a sentence
Urteilsspruch fällen
pass a sentence
Urteil fällen
pass sentence
proclamation of sentence
Empfindungsvermoegen, Satz, Meinung
sentence of death
das Urteil wird morgen verkündet
sentence will be pronounced tomorrow
serve a sentence
served a sentence
serves a sentence
serving a sentence
ein Urteil faellen
to pass a sentence
ein Urteil faellen
to pass sentence
Urteil des Gerichts
Bandwurmsatz m ugs. ling.
Bandwurmsätze pl
excessively long sentence
excessively long sentences
Beispielsatz m
Beispielsätze pl
example sentence; illustrative sentence
example sentences; illustrative sentences
Bewährung f (im Strafvollzug) jur.
auf Bewährung
Bewährung haben; auf Bewährung sein
eine Bewährungsstrafe aussprechen
jds. Strafe zur Bewährung aussetzen
Anordnung der Strafaussetzung (zur Bewährung)
den zur Bewährung ausgesetzten bedingt erlassenen nachgesehenen Ös Teil einer früheren Strafe wieder in Kraft setzen
on probation
to be on probation
to give a suspended sentence Br.
to suspend sb.'s sentence on probation; to place sb. on probation
probation order
to reinstate the suspended part of a previous sentence
Bewährung f jur.
unter Bewährung stehen
jdn. bedingt entlassen; jdn. auf Bewährung entlassen (aus der Strafhaft)
eine Strafe zur Bewährung aussetzen
to be on parole
to let sb. out on parole; to parole sb.
to give a suspended sentence
Erlass m (einer Schuld; Strafe; Steuer)
Vergebung f der Sünden relig.
Erlass der Zollgebühr
Gebührenbefreiung f; Gebührenerlass m
Schulderlass m
Straferlass m
remission (of a debt; penality; tax)
remission of sins
release of customs duty
release of charges fees
remission release forgiveness Am. of a debt
remission of a sentence
Ersatzfreiheitsstrafe f jur.
imprisonment in default of payment (of a fine); alternative sentence Am.
Erschießung f; Erschießen n; Füsilieren n
jdn. zum Tod durch Erschießen verurteilen
to sentence sb. to be executed by firing squad
Freiheitsentzug m; Gefängnis n; Haft f (Strafart) jur.
lebenslange Haft f
hinter Schloss und Riegel
Er wurde zu zwei Jahren Freiheitsentzug Gefängnis Haft verurteilt.
Sie wurde nach sechsmonatiger Haft entlassen.
imprisonment; durance obs. (type of sentence)
life imprisonment
in durance vile
He was sentenced to two years' imprisonment.
She was released after six months' imprisonment.
Freiheitsstrafe f; Haftstrafe f; Gefängnisstrafe f jur.
zwei Monate Gefängnis ausfassen bekommen
Zuchthaus bekommen hist.
custodial sentence; prison sentence; jail sentence
to get a two-month sentence
to be given a prison sentence
(ungrammatische) Aneinanderreihung f von Hauptsätzen ohne Beiordnung
run-on sentence ling.
Merksatz m
Merksätze pl
mnemonic sentence; mnemotechnic verse
mnemonic sentences; mnemotechnic verses
Reststrafe f jur.
Erlass der Reststrafe
remainder of sentence; remaining sentence
remission of the remaining sentence
Satzanfang m ling.
am Satzanfang
am Satzanfang stehen
etw. an den Satzanfang stellen
beginning of the sentence; initial position of in the sentence
at the beginning of the sentence; in the initial first position of the sentence
to occur at the beginning of the sentence; to occupy take the initial first position in the sentence
to place sth. at the beginning of the sentence first in the sentence
Satzbau m ling.
sentence construction
Satzbetonung f; Satzakzent m ling.
sentence stress
Satzbildung f
sentence formation
Satzende n ling.
am Satzende
am Satzende stehen
etw. ans Satzende stellen
end of the sentence; final last position of in the sentence
at the end of the sentence; in the final last position of the sentence
to occur at the end of the sentence; to appear in the final last position in the sentence
to place sth. at the end of the sentence last in the sentence
Satzfragment n; Satzfetzen m ugs. ling.
Satzfragmente pl; Satzfetzen pl
sentence fragment
sentence fragments
Satzteil m
Satzteile pl
part of a sentence
parts of a sentence
Schlusssatz m (Text)
Schlusssätze pl
concluding sentence; last sentence
concluding sentences; last sentences

Deutsche Satz Urteil verurteilen Synonyme

(öffentlich)  anprangern  Âbrandmarken  Âgeißeln  Âverurteilen  
missbilligen  Ânicht  für  richtig  halten  Âverurteilen  
Ausspruch  ÂUrteil  
Spruch  ÂUrteil  ÂUrteilsspruch  
Beschluss  ÂEntscheidung  ÂEntschluss  ÂUrteil  
Satz  ÂSprung  
Abschätzung  ÂBeurteilung  ÂBewertung  ÂEinschätzung  ÂGutachten  ÂUrteil  
bejahender  Satz  ÂBejahung  
Garnitur  ÂReihe  ÂSatz  
kurzer  Satz  ÂWortverbindung  
Rate  ÂSatz  ÂTarif  
Haufen  ÂMenge  ÂSatz  ÂStapel  ÂStoß  
Satz  Sprung  
bejahender Satz  Bejahung  
kurzer Satz  Wortverbindung  

Englische sentence Synonyme

sentence  Parthian shot  acquittal  act on  action  adage  address  adjectival phrase  adjudge  adjudicate  affirmation  allegation  ana  analects  anathematize  anathematizing  answer  aphorism  apostrophe  apothegm  article  assertion  attaint  averment  award  axiom  back matter  blacklist  blame  book  bring home to  byword  catchword  censure  chapter  clause  collected sayings  comment  condemn  condemnation  consideration  construction  convict  conviction  crack  current saying  damn  damnation  death sentence  death warrant  decision  declaration  decree  deliverance  denounce  denouncement  denunciate  denunciation  determination  devote  diagnosis  dictate  dictum  distich  doom  epigram  exclamation  excommunicate  excommunication  expression  fascicle  find  find against  find for  find guilty  finding  folio  front matter  gathering  gnome  golden saying  greeting  guilty verdict  headed group  idiom  idiotism  interjection  judge  judgement  judgment  landmark decision  locution  manner of speaking  maxim  mention  moral  mot  motto  note  noun phrase  number  observation  oracle  ordain  order  page  paragraph  pass judgment  pass sentence  pass sentence on  passage  peculiar expression  penalize  penalty  period  phrasal idiom  phrase  pithy saying  position  precedent  precept  prescript  prognosis  pronounce  pronounce judgment  pronounce on  pronounce sentence  pronouncement  proscribe  proscription  proverb  proverbial saying  proverbs  punish  punishment  question  rap  reflection  remark  report  resolution  return a verdict  rule  ruling  saw  say  saying  section  sententious expression  set phrase  sheet  signature  sloka  standard phrase  statement  stock saying  subjoinder  sutra  syntactic structure  teaching  term  text  thought  turn of expression  turn of phrase  usage  utter a judgment  utterance  verb complex  verb phrase  verbalism  verdict  verdict of guilty  verse  way of speaking  wisdom  wisdom literature  wise saying  witticis  
sententious  Gongoresque  Johnsonian  Spartan  abbreviated  abridged  admonitory  advisory  affected  allegorical  aphoristic  aposiopestic  associational  axiomatic  bedizened  big-sounding  brief  brusque  cautionary  clipped  close  compact  compendious  compressed  concise  condensed  connotational  connotative  consultative  consultatory  contracted  convoluted  crisp  curt  cut  declamatory  definable  denotational  denotative  didactic  directive  docked  elevated  elliptic  eloquent  epigrammatic  euphuistic  exhortative  exhortatory  expostulative  expostulatory  expressive  extended  extensional  facund  figurative  flamboyant  flaming  flashy  flaunting  formulaic  formulistic  full of meaning  full of point  full of substance  fulsome  garish  gaudy  gnomic  grandiloquent  grandiose  grandisonant  high-flowing  high-flown  high-flying  high-sounding  highfalutin  hortative  hortatory  indicative  inkhorn  instructive  intelligible  intensional  interpretable  labyrinthine  laconic  lexiphanic  lofty  lurid  magniloquent  meaning  meaningful  meaty  meretricious  metaphorical  monitorial  monitory  moralistic  orotund  ostentatious  overdone  overelaborate  overinvolved  overwrought  pedantic  piquant  pithy  platitudinous  pointed  pompous  preachy  pregnant  pretentious  proverbial  pruned  pungent  readable  recommendatory  referential  remonstrant  remonstrative  remonstratory  reserved  rhetorical  rich  sensational  sensationalistic  short  short and sweet  shortened  showy  significant  significative  sonorous  stilted  substantial  succinct  suggestive  summary  symbolic  synopsized  taciturn  tall  terse  tight  to the point  tortuous  transferred  truncated  warning  
sentience  affectibility  alertness  all-night vigil  consciousness  impressibility  impressionability  insomnia  insomniac  insomnolence  insomnolency  lidless vigil  limen  openness to sensation  perceptibility  physical sensibility  readiness of feeling  receptiveness  receptivity  restlessness  sensation level  sensibility  sensibleness  sentiency  sleeplessness  susceptibility  susceptivity  threshold of sensation  tossing and turning  vigil  wake  wakefulness  
sentient  alive  alive to  au courant  awake  aware  cognizant  conscious  conversant  emotionable  feeling  impressible  impressionable  impressive  knowing  open  perceptive  reactive  receptive  responsive  sensible  sensile  sensitive  sensitive to  susceptible  susceptive  witting  
sentiment  Amor  Christian love  Eros  Platonic love  admiration  adoration  affect  affection  affections  affective faculty  affectivity  agape  apprehension  ardency  ardor  assumption  attachment  attitude  bathos  belief  bias  bleeding heart  bodily love  brotherly love  caritas  charity  climate of opinion  cloyingness  common belief  community sentiment  conceit  concept  conception  conclusion  conjugal love  consensus gentium  consideration  conviction  desire  devotion  disposition  emotion  emotional charge  emotional life  emotional shade  emotionalism  emotions  emotivity  estimate  estimation  ethos  experience  eye  faithful love  fancy  feeling  feeling tone  feelings  fervor  finer feelings  flame  fondness  foreboding  free love  free-lovism  general belief  goo  gut reaction  heart  hearts-and-flowers  heartthrob  hero worship  idea  idolatry  idolism  idolization  image  imago  impression  inclination  inclining  intellectual object  judgement  judgment  lasciviousness  leaning  libido  lights  like  liking  love  lovemaking  married love  maudlinness  mawkishness  memory-trace  mental attitude  mental image  mental impression  mind  mush  mushiness  mystique  namby-pamby  namby-pambyism  namby-pambyness  nostalgia  nostomania  notion  observation  opinion  outlook  oversentimentalism  oversentimentality  partiality  passion  passions  penchant  perception  personal judgment  persuasion  physical love  point of view  popular belief  popular regard  popularity  position  posture  predilection  predisposition  presentiment  presumption  prevailing belief  profound sense  propensity  psychology  public belief  public opinion  reaction  recept  reflection  regard  representation  response  romanticism  sensation  sense  sensibilities  sensibility  sentimentalism  sentimentality  sentiments  sex  sexual love  shine  sight  slop  sloppiness  slush  soap opera  sob story  spiritual love  stance  supposition  susceptibilities  susceptibility  sweetness  
sentimental  adoring  affectionate  apish  asinine  bathetic  batty  beery  befooled  beguiled  besotted  brainless  buffoonish  cloying  cockeyed  compassionate  conjugal  corny  crazy  credulous  daffy  daft  dazed  demonstrative  devoted  dizzy  doting  dreamy  drippy  dumb  emotional  faithful  fatuitous  fatuous  filial  flaky  fond  fool  foolheaded  foolish  fuddled  futile  gaga  gooey  goofy  gulled  gushing  gushy  husbandly  icky  idiotic  imbecile  inane  inept  infatuated  insane  insipid  jejune  kooky  languishing  loony  lovelorn  lovesick  lovesome  loving  mad  maternal  maudlin  mawkish  melting  moist  moonstruck  moronic  mushy  namby-pamby  nauseating  nostalgic  nostomanic  nutty  oversentimental  oversentimentalized  parental  passionate  paternal  romantic  saccharine  sappy  schmaltzy  schoolgirlish  screwy  senseless  sentimentalized  sickening  silly  simpering  sloppy  slushy  soft  soppy  soupy  sticky  stupid  sweet  sympathetic  syrupy  tacky  tear-jerking  tearful  teary  tender  thoughtless  uxorious  vapid  wacky  warm-hearted  weepy  wet  wifely  witless  yucky  
sentimentality  affection  affectionateness  amativeness  amorousness  bathos  bleeding heart  cloyingness  corn  corniness  demonstrativeness  ecstasy  emotionalism  enchantment  goatishness  goo  gushiness  hearts-and-flowers  horniness  lovelornness  lovesickness  maudlinness  mawkishness  mush  mushiness  namby-pamby  namby-pambyism  namby-pambyness  nostalgia  nostomania  oversentimentalism  oversentimentality  pathos  rapture  romanticism  sentiment  sentimentalism  sexiness  slop  sloppiness  slush  slushiness  soap opera  sob story  soppiness  stickiness  susceptibility  sweetness  sweetness and light  tackiness  tearfulness  tearjerker  tenderness  weepiness  
sentry  Argus  Cassandra  Charley  Jeremiah  admonisher  airplane spotter  cautioner  fire patrolman  fire warden  fireguard  flagman  forward observer  lighthouse keeper  lookout  lookout man  monitor  night watchman  patrol  patroller  patrolman  picket  prophet of doom  roundsman  scout  sentinel  signaler  signalman  spotter  vedette  ward  warner  watch  watcher  watchkeeper  watchman  
sentry box  Nissen hut  Quonset hut  booth  crib  gatehouse  hut  hutch  kiosk  lean-to  outbuilding  outhouse  pavilion  shack  shanty  shed  stall  tollbooth  tollhouse  

sent Definition

sent Bedeutung

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114 Bewertungen 4


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Sent is a former municipality in the district of Inn in the Swiss Canton of Graubünden. On 1 January 2015 the former municipalities of Ardez, Guarda, Tarasp, Ftan and Sent merged into the municipality of Scuol.

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