
series Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Reihe, Datenreihe, Zahlenreihe, Serie
Schriftenreihe f
Sendereihe f (TV, Radio)
Typenreihe f
Reihe, Folge
Serie, Reihe
serienmäßig, serienweise adv
in series
in series
serienmäßig; serienweise adv
in series
in Folge; in Reihe; hintereinander adv; nacheinander adv
in series
test series
time series
Zeitreihe f
time series
test series
Potenzreihe f math.
power series
Bildreihe f
image series
Doppelreihe f math.
double series
Taylorreihe f math.
Taylor series
in Reihe schalten
put in series
Fourierreihe f math.
Fourier series
Konzertreihe f
concert series
Rentenreihe f, Rentenfolge f
annuity series
Rentenreihe, Rentenfolge
annuity series
Fourier-Reihe f; Fourier'sche Reihe f math.
Fourier series
Rentenreihe f; Rentenfolge f
annuity series
Ringvorlesung f stud.
lecture series
series discount
Binomische Reihe f math.
binomial series
Serienreife f
series maturity
Vorschubreihe f mach.
series of feeds
Vorwiderstand m electr.
series resistor
eine Reihe von Handlungen
a series of acts
Zahlenreihe f
numerical series
Autoserienlacke pl chem. auto.
car series paint
steigende Reihe
ascending series
numerical series
Grundkartenwerk n
basic map series
Monozytenreifungsreihe f; Monozytenreihe f biol.
monocytic series
Reihenentwicklung f math.
series expansion
Zeitungsserie f
newspaper series
Chargenfertigung, Serienfertigung
series production
Fertigungsserie f
production series
Längswiderstand m
series resistance
Reihenwiderstand m electr.
series resistance
Serienproduktion f, Serienherstellung f
series production
Serienschaltung f, Reihenschaltung f electr.
series connection
Serienwiderstand m
series resistance
Vorwiderstand m
series resistance
arithmetische Reihe
arithmetic series
series connection
series production
series resistance
Holozän m geol.
Holocene (series)
Mordserie f
series of murders
Datenreihe, Zahlenreihe
statistical series
Exponentialreihe f math.
exponential series
Teleskopreihe f math.
telescoping series
Vortragsfolge f
series of lectures
reihenweise adv
in rows, in series
alternierende Reihe
alternating series
reihenweise adv
in rows; in series
Fotoserie f
series of pictures
Baureihe f
(production) series
series of reactions
series manufacturing
Ergänzungswerk n
supplementary series
Zeitreihenanalyse f
time series analysis
Muschelkalk m geol.
Muschelkalk (series)
Änderungsserie f jur.
series of amendments
Videoserie f im Internet
web series; webisodes
Kurzfilmreihe f
series of short films
Zeitreihenregression f
time-series regression
Mississippium n geol.
Mississippian (Series)
Staffel f (einer TV-Serie)
season (of a TV series)
Buchreihe f
series of books, library
Buchreihe f
series of books; library
Mischkristallreihe f min.
series of mixed crystals
Trend m (in einer Zeitreihe) statist.
trend (in a time series)
Emitterbahnwiderstand m electr.
emitter series resistance
Dinant n geol.
Dinantian (Series; Epoch)
Ludlow n geol.
Ludlovian (Series; Epoch)
Oligozän n geol.
Oligocene (series; epoch)
Zeitreihe f statist.
Zeitreihen pl
time series
time series
seriell; serienmäßig adj
series; production-line …
Personalrochade f
series of staffing changes
Wenlock n; Wenlockium n geol.
Wenlockian (series; epoch)
Modulreihe f (Zahnrad) techn.
module series (gear wheel)
Kollektorbahnwiderstand m electr.
collector series resistance
seriell, serienmäßig adj
series, production-line ...
seriell; serienmäßig adj
series; production-line ...
Fernsehserie f, TV-Serie f
TV series, television series
Versuchsreihe f, Testreihe f, Testserie f
test series, series of tests
Versuchsreihe f; Testreihe f; Testserie f
test series; series of tests
Veranstaltungsreihe f
series of events; event series
homolog; ähnlich math. chem. biol. adj
homologe Reihe f
homologous series
Produktreihe f
Produktreihen pl
product series
product series
Konzertreihe f
Konzertreihen pl
concert series
concert series
Fußpunktspeisung f (Antenne) techn.
base feed; series feed (antenna)
Serienschaltung f; Reihenschaltung f electr.
in Reihe geschaltet
series connection
Stücktitel m
title of a single item of a series
Messreihe f
series of measurements, test series
Serienfertigung f
batch production, series production
Messreihe f
series of measurements; test series
Familie Feuerstein (Zeichentrickserie)
The Flintstones (TV cartoon series)
Bestrahlungsserie f med.
irradiation series; radiation series
Oberjura m; Malm m geol.
Upper Jurassic; Malm (series; epoch)
Mittelkarbon n geol.
Middle Carboniferous (series; epoch)
Sendereihe f; Serie f (abgeschlossener Sendungen) (TV; Radio)
series (of self-contained programmes)
Paläozän n geol.
Paleocene; Palaeocene (series; epoch)
Zeitreihe f statist.
Zeitreihen pl
time series (statistics)
time series
Bildserie f, Bilderserie f
series of pictures, sequence of pictures
Bildserie f; Bilderserie f
series of pictures; sequence of pictures
Vorschalttransformator m techn.
Vorschalttransformatoren pl
series transformer
series transformers
elektrochemisch adj chem. electr.
elektrochemische Spannungsreihe f
electrochemical series
Llandóvery n geol.
Llandovery; Llandoverian (series; Epoch)
Valentium n geol.
Llandovery; Llandoverian (series; epoch)
Llandóvery n geol.
Llandovery; Llandoverian (series; Epoch)
Terminserie f
appointment series; recurring appointment
Nullserie f
pilot-run series, pilot lot, initial batch
Nullserie f
pilot-run series; pilot lot; initial batch
Monotoniekriterium n; Kriterium n der monotonen Konvergenz (Folgen, Reihen) math.
monotonicity criterion (sequences, series)
Reihenentwicklung f math.
Doppelreihenentwicklung f
series expansion
double series expansion
Zeichentrickserie f (in Zeitungen Zeitschriften)
comic strip series; newspaper cartoon series
Dauerkarte f (Veranstaltungsreihe) art sport
Dauerkarten pl
season ticket (event series)
season tickets
Zeichentrickserie f (im Fernsehen)
animated television series; TV cartoon series
binomisch adj math.
Binomische Reihe f
Binomischer Lehrsatz m
binomial series
binomial theorem
Trendkurve f (in einer Zeitreihe) statist.
Trendkurven pl
trend curve (in a time series)
trend curves
Zeichentrickserie f; Comicserie f (im Fernsehen)
animated television series; TV cartoon series
Zeitreihenzerlegung f; Zeitreihenanalyse f statist.
time series analysis; analysis of time series
ungeklärt; nicht aufgeklärt adj (Straftat)
eine ungeklärte Mordserie
unsolved (crime)
a series of unsolved murders
Pannenserie f (auffeinanderfolgende Unglücke)
series of mishaps breakdowns accidents glitches
Pannenserie f (aufeinanderfolgende Unglücke)
series of mishaps breakdowns accidents glitches
homolog; ähnlich adj biochem. chem. math.
homologe Reihe f biochem. chem.
homologous; homologue Br.
homologous series
alternierend adj math.
alternierende Gruppe f
alternierende Reihe f
alternating group
alternating series
Lias m geol.
Lower Jurassic; Black Jurassic; Lias (Series; Epoch)
Kettenreaktion f
Kettenreaktionen pl
chain reaction, series of reactions
chain reactions
Kettenreaktion f
Kettenreaktionen pl
chain reaction; series of reactions
chain reactions
jemand, der sich Fernsehserien am Stück anschaut
binge series watcher; binge tv watcher; binge watcher
Trendkomponente f (einer Zeitreihe) statist.
Trendkomponenten pl
trend component (of a time series)
trend components
Impfstoffcharge f; Impfstoffpartie f pharm.
series of the vaccine; batch of vaccine; lot of vaccine
Oxfordkomma n; serielles Komma n ling.
Oxford comma; Harvard comma, serial comma; series comma
Sendereihe f; Serie f (mit abgeschlossenen Sendungen) (TV; Radio)
set of programmes; series (of self-contained programmes)
Serien-am-Stück-Schauen n; Serien-Komaschauen n; Komaschauen n (TV)
binge series watching; binge tv watching; binge watching
Was bisher geschah: (Zusammenfassung bisheriger Folgen) (TV)
Previously on the series: (recap of previous episodes) (TV)
Messreihe f sci.
series of measurements; measurement series; measuring series
Produktreihe f econ.
Produktreihen pl
product series; product line
product series; product lines

Deutsche Reihe Datenreihe Zahlenreihe Serie Synonyme

Abfolge  ÂAufeinanderfolge  ÂFolge  ÂRangfolge  ÂReihe  ÂReihenfolge  ÂSequenz  ÂSerie  
auf  die  Reihe  bekommen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âauf  die  Reihe  kriegen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âbewältigen  Âbewerkstelligen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âgebacken  kriegen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âgeregelt  bekommen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âgeregelt  kriegen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âmeistern  Âpacken  (umgangssprachlich)  Âschaffen  Âschaukeln  (umgangssprachlich)  
in  Serie  Ânacheinander  Âseriell  Âserienmäßig  
Anzahl  ÂReihe  (von)  
Rang  ÂReihe  
Garnitur  ÂReihe  ÂSatz  
Reihe  ÂSchlange  ÂWarteschlange  
aberrant  Âabnorm  Âabnormal  Âanomal  Âanormal  Âaußer  der  Reihe  Âaußertourlich  (österr.)  Âmit  ungewöhnlichem  Verlauf  Âregelwidrig  Âungewöhnlich  Âvon  der  Regel  abweichend  
in  Serie  hergestellt  werden  Âseriell  hergestellt  werden  Âserienmäßig  hergestellt  werden  
Reihe  Schlange  Warteschlange  
auf die Reihe bekommen (umgangssprachlich)  auf die Reihe kriegen (umgangssprachlich)  bewältigen  bewerkstelligen (umgangssprachlich)  gebacken kriegen (umgangssprachlich)  geregelt bekommen (umgangssprachlich)  geregelt kriegen (umgangssprachlich)  meistern  packen (umgangssprachlich)  schaffen  
in Serie hergestellt werden  seriell hergestellt werden  serienmäßig hergestellt werden  
in Serie  nacheinander  seriell  serienmäßig  

Englische series Synonyme

series  Indian file  alternation  array  arsis  articulation  back number  bank  battery  beat  biotype  block  bout  branch  buzz  category  catena  catenation  chain  chain reaction  chaining  chasing  circle  circuit  class  collection  column  coming after  concatenation  connection  consecution  consecutiveness  continuance  continuation  continuity  continuum  copy  course  cycle  descent  diastole  dogging  downbeat  drone  edition  endless belt  endless round  extension  family  file  filiation  following  gamut  genotype  genus  geometrical progression  gradation  group  heeling  hounding  hum  impression  issue  kingdom  kit  library  library edition  line  lineage  logical sequence  monotone  nexus  number  order  order of succession  outfit  pack  pendulum  periodicity  phylum  plenum  posteriority  postposition  powder train  printing  procession  progression  prolongation  pulse  pursual  pursuance  pursuit  queue  range  rank  recurrence  reticulation  revolution  rotation  round  routine  row  run  scale  school edition  section  sequel  sequence  set  shadowing  single file  species  spectrum  spell  string  subclass  subfamily  subgenus  subjunction  subkingdom  suborder  subspecies  subtribe  succession  successiveness  suffixation  suit  suite  superclass  superfamily  superorder  superspecies  swath  systole  tailing  thesis  thread  tier  trade book  trade edition  trailing  train  tribe  turn  upbeat  variety  volume  wheel  windrow  

series Definition

(n.) A number of things or events standing or succeeding in order, and connected by a like relation
(n.) Any comprehensive group of animals or plants including several subordinate related groups.
(n.) An indefinite number of terms succeeding one another, each of which is derived from one or more of the preceding by a fixed law, called the law of the series

series Bedeutung

series circuit a circuit having its parts connected serially
GI series diagnostic tests of the alimentary canal, usually involves inserting a contrast medium (such as barium sulfate) and taking an Xay
series (mathematics) the sum of a finite or infinite sequence of expressions
power series the sum of terms containing successively higher integral powers of a variable
geometric series a geometric progression written as a sum
Fourier series the sum of a series of trigonometric expressions, used in the analysis of periodic functions
time series a series of values of a variable at successive times
serial serial publication
a periodical that appears at scheduled times
a serialized set of programs, a comedy series, the Masterworks concert series
series (sports) several contests played successively by the same teams, the visiting team swept the series
World Series series that constitutes the playoff for the baseball championship, we watched the World Series on TV
electromotive series
electromotive force series
electrochemical series
a serial arrangement of metallic elements or ions according to their electrode potentials determined under specified conditions, the order shows the tendency of one metal to reduce the ions of any other metal below it in the series
series similar things placed in order or happening one after another, they were investigating a series of bank robberies
series a group of postage stamps having a common theme or a group of coins or currency selected as a group for study or collection, the Post Office issued a series commemorating famous American entertainers, his coin collection included the complete series of Indian-head pennies
exponential series a series derived from the expansion of an exponential expression
series (electronics) connection of components in such a manner that current flows first through one and then through the other, the voltage divider consisted of a series of fixed resistors
scale scale of measurement
graduated table
ordered series
an ordered reference standard, judging on a scale of to
actinide series (chemistry) a series of radioactive elements with increasing atomic numbers from actinium to lawrencium
lanthanide series the rare-earth elements with atomic numbers through , having properties similar to lanthanum
methane series
alkane series
paraffin series
a series of non-aromatic saturated hydrocarbons with the general formula CnH(n)
in series(p)
of or relating to the sequential performance of multiple operations, serial processing
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