
shell and tube Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Rohrbündelwärmeaustauscher m mach.
Rohrbündelwärmeaustauscher pl
shell-and-tube heat exchanger
shell-and-tube heat exchangers
Wärmeübertrager m; Wärmetauscher m; Wärmeaustauscher m; Rückströmer m; Gegenströmer m techn.
Wärmeübertrager pl; Wärmetauscher pl; Wärmeaustauscher pl; Rückströmer pl; Gegenströmer pl
Abgaswärmeübertrager m; Abggaswärmetauscher m
Rohrbündelwärmeübertrager m; Rohrbündelwärmetauscher m; Rekuperator m
Wärmeübertrager durch sprudelnde Wasserschicht
Wärmetauscher, Typ Kettle
heat exchanger
heat exchangers
exhaust-gas heat exchanger
shell and tube heat exchanger; calandria; recuperator
U-tube exchanger
froth-contact heat exchanger
Kettle type heat exchange
fluorescent tube
Schale, Muschel
Tube, Röhre
Abschussrohr n
Abschussrohre pl
launching tube
launching tubes
Aluminiumrohr n
Aluminiumrohre pl
aluminium tube Br., aluminum tube Am.
aluminium tubes, aluminum tubes
Aschefangrost n mach. (Kessel)
slag (tube) screen
Atomhülle f
atomic shell
Ausgleichschale f techn.
balance piston shell
Außenhaut f, Gerippe n
Babymuschel f
baby shell
Bildröhre f
Bildröhren pl
picture tube
picture tubes
Blütenkelchröhre m bot.
Blütenkelchröhren pl
calyx tube
calyx tubes
Bogenentladungsröhre f
arc discharge tube
Brennkammerkühlrohr f mach.
Brennkammerkühlrohre pl
combustion chamber cooling tube
combustion chamber cooling tubes
D-Sub-Haube f techn.
junction shell
Dachschale f
Distanzbuchse f techn.
spacer bushing, distance tube, distance bush
Distanzhülse f, Abstandhalterhülse f techn.
spacer sleeve, distance bush, spacer tube
Distanzrohr n techn.
Distanzrohre pl
spacer tube, distance tube
spacer tubes, distance tubes
Doppelmantel m
double shell
Doppelrohrwärmetauscher m mach.
Doppelrohrwärmetauscher pl
field-tube heat exchanger
field-tube heat exchangers
Druckröhrenreaktor m mach.
Druckröhrenreaktoren pl
pressure-tube reactor
pressure-tube reactors
Duodenalsonde f med.
duodenal tube
Eckrohrkessel m mach.
Eckrohrkessel pl
corner-tube boiler
corner-tube boilers
Eileiter m
fallopian tube
Einfach-Gehäuse n
one-gang shell
Einfüllstutzen m
Einfüllstutzen pl
filler, filler tube, filling orifice
fillers, filler tubes, filling orifices
Einsatzbüchse f
insert shell
Einschmelzrohr n
Einschmelzrohre pl
Carius tube
Carius tubes
Eisenrohr n
Eisenrohre pl
iron tube
iron tubes
Elektronenröhre f
Elektronenröhren pl
electron tube, electronic tube
electron tubes, electronic tubes
Elektronenröhre f, Ionenröhre f
Elektronenröhren pl, Ionenröhren pl
gas tube
gas tubes
Elektronenstrahlröhre f
Elektronenstrahlröhren pl
electron ray tube
electron ray tubes
Endgehäuse n
gerades Endgehäuse
endbell, end shell
straight endbell
Entladepistole n techn.
Entladepistolen pl
discharge tube
discharge tubes
Eustachische Röhre f (im Ohr) anat.
Eustachian tube (in the ear)
Fahrradschlauch m
Fahrradschläuche pl
inner tube
inner tubes
Fernsehapparat m, Fernsehgerät n, Fernseher m, Glotze f ugs.
in Rückenlehne eingebauter Fernseher
television set, TV set, TV, telly, boob tube coll.
at-seat TV
Festrohrbündelwärmetauscher m techn.
fixed tube exchanger
Feuerrohr n
Feuerrohre pl
(large) flue tube
flue tubes
Flammrohrkessel m mach.
Flammrohrkessel pl
flame-tube boiler
flame-tube boilers
Führungsrohr n
Führungsrohre pl
guide tube
guide tubes
Futterrohr n
Futterrohre pl
scabbard tube
scabbard tubes
Gabelrohr n techn.
Gabelrohre pl
steer tube
steer tubes
Gabelschaft m
steer tube
Gasse f (in einem Rohrbündel) mach.
lane (in a tube bank)
Gehäuse n, Zylindergehäuse n
Gehäuseform f
Gehäuseformen pl
shell style
shell styles
Gehäusegröße f
shell size
Gehäuseoberfläche f
shell finish
Gehäuseteile pl
shell parts
Geschoss n mil.
Geschosse pl
verirrtes Geschoss
projectile, bullet, shell
projectiles, bullets, shells
stray projectile
Glasrohr n
Glasrohre pl
glass tube
glass tubes
Granate f mil.
Granaten pl
shell, grenade
shells, grenades
Granatsplitter m
Granatsplitter pl
shell splinter
shell splinters
Granattrichter m
shell crater, shell hole
Großwasserraumkessel m mach.
Großwasserraumkessel pl
shell boiler
shell boilers
Grünschalenmuschel f zool.
green shell mussel
Hauptrahmenrohr n
Hauptrahmenrohre pl
main frame tube
main frame tubes
Heizzug m
einschaliger Heizzug
heating gas pass
single-shell heating gas pass
Hochflanschnabenkörper m
large flange hub shell
Hochleistungs-Rohrbündelverdampfer m techn.
high-efficiency tube bundel evaporator
Hülle f mit ansteigendem Reinheitsgrad
shell of increasing cleanliness
Hüllrohr n
Hüllrohre pl
cladding tube
cladding tubes
Intubation f, Einführung eines Schlauches med.
intubation, inserting a tube
Kanüle f
Kanülen pl
drain tube, tube
drain tubes, tubes
Kapillarrohr n
Kapillarrohre pl
capillary tube
capillary tubes
Kapillarrohrhalter m
capillary tube support
Kathodenstrahlröhre f electr.
Kathodenstrahlröhren pl
cathode ray tube
cathode ray tubes
Keimfaden m
Keimfäden pl
germ tube
germ tubes
Kriegsneurose f
shell shock, battle fatigue, combat fatigue, combat neurosis
Kufenrohr n aviat.
Kufenrohre pl
landing gear skid tube
landing gear skid tubes
Lagerflanschrohr n techn.
Lagerflanschrohre pl
bearing flange tube
bearing flange tubes
Lagerschale f techn.
Lagerschalen pl
bearing shell, bearing half
bearing shells, bearing halves
Lateralrohr n
Lateralrohre pl
lateral tube
lateral tubes
Leuchtstoffröhre f
Leuchtstoffröhren pl
fluorescent tube
fluorescent tubes
Luftschlauch m
Luftschläuche pl
air hose, air tube
air hoses, air tubes
Magenschlauch m med.
stomach tube
Magensonde f med.
Magensonden pl
transnasale Magensonde
stomach tube, feeding tube
stomach tubes, feeding tubes
nasogastric tube
Mantel m
jacket, liner, shell, wrap
Mantelflansch m für Vorkammer techn.
shell flange channel end
Mantelkühler m
shell type cooler
Metallrohr n
Metallrohre pl
flexibles Metallrohr
metal tube
metal tubes
flexible metal tube
Mitnehmerrohr n
Mitnehmerrohre pl
towing arm tube
towing arm tubes
Muschel f, Schale f
Muschelhaufen m
shell midden
Nabenkörper m techn.
Nabenkörper pl
hub shell
hub shells
Niedrigflanschnabenkörper m techn.
small flange hub shell
Oberrohr n
Oberrohre pl
abfallendes Oberrohr
top tube
top tubes
sloping top tube
Patrone f
Patronen pl
shell Am.
Quarzrohr n
Quarzrohre pl
quartz tube
quartz tubes
Rauchrohr n
Rauchrohre pl
(large) flue tube
flue tubes
Reagenzglas n chem.
Reagenzgläser pl
test tube
test tubes
Reagenzglasgestell n chem.
test tube rack
Rennruderboot n sport
Rennruderboote pl
Retortenbaby n med. ugs.
Retortenbabys pl
test-tube baby
test-tube babies
Röhre f
Röhren pl
Rohbau m
Das Haus ist im Rohbau fertig.
shell, shell construction
The shell of the house is complete.
Rohbaumaß n
shell dimension
(dünnwandiges) Rohr n, Schlauch m
Rohre pl, Schläuche pl
geplatztes Rohr
geriffeltes Rohr
quadratisches Rohr
rechteckige Rohre
burst pipe
corrugated tube
square tube
rectangular tubes
Rohrauftreibdorn m
tube flaring punch
Rohrboden m techn.
Rohrboden, am Mantel verschweißt
tube bottom
stationary tubesheet
Rohrbogen m
Rohrbögen pl
pipe bend, tube turn
pipe bends, tube turns
Rohrbrunnen m
Rohrbrunnen pl
tube well
tube wells
Rohrbündel-Wärmetauscher m
tube bundel heat exchange
Röhrenverpackung f
tube packaging
Rohrfeder-Manometer n
Bourdon-tube gauge
Rohrlänge f
length of tube
Rohrmühle f techn.
Rohrmühlen pl
tube mill
tube mills
Rohrsatz m techn.
tube set
Rohrverbindung f
Rohrverbindungen pl
pipe connection, tube joint
pipe connections, tube joints
Rührwerk n
Rührwerke pl
tube extruder
tube extruders
Saugrohr n, Ansaugleitung f techn.
Saugrohre pl, Ansaugleitungen pl
suction tube, suction pipe
suction tubes, suction pipes
Schalenbrennen n astron.
Schalenelement n
Schalenelemente pl
shell element
shell elements
Schildpatt n
tortoise shell
Schlauch m
mit Schlauch versehen
flexible tube
Schlauchnaht f
inner-tube joint, inner-tube splice
Schlauchzusammensetzung f
lap joint (tube)
Schlauchreifen m
Schlauchreifen pl
tube type tyre, tubed tyre, tubular tyre (tire Am.)
tube type tyres, tubed tyres, tubular tyres
Schlauchventil n
Schlauchventile pl
inner-tube valve
inner-tube valves
Schlauchventileinsatz m
Schlauchventileinsätze pl
inner-tube valve insert
inner-tube valve inserts
Schneckenhaus n
Schneckenhäuser pl
snail shell
snail shells
Schrägrohrkessel m mach.
Schrägrohrkessel pl
inclined-tube boiler
inclined-tube boilers
Schrägrohrmanometer n
inclined-tube gauge
Schutzrohr n
Schutzrohre pl
protective tube
protective tubes
Schwerstlastbehälter m mil.
Canadian tube
Schwingmühle f, Schwingrohrmühle f techn.
Schwingmühlen pl, Schwingrohrmühlen pl
vibrating tube mill
vibrating tube mills
Senderöhre f
radio tube
Siederohr n
Siederohre pl
small flue tube, smoke tube
small flue tubes, smoke tubes
Siederohrkessel m, Wasserrohrkessel m, Wasserröhrenkessel m
Siederohrkessel pl, Wasserrohrkessel pl, Wasserröhrenkessel pl
water tube boiler
water tube boilers
Sitzrohr n
Sitzrohre pl
seat tube
seat tubes
Speicherbildschirm m comp.
storage tube
Sprachrohr n
Sprachrohre pl
speaking tube
speaking tubes
Stabrohrmühle m techn.
Stabrohrmühlen pl
rod mill, rod tube mill
rod mills, rod tube mills
Stahlrohr n
Stahlrohre pl
steel tube
steel tubes
Staurohr n
Staurohre pl
pitot tube
pitot tubes
Steuerrohr n
Steuerrohre pl
head tube
head tubes
Steuerstange f aviat.
tube assy
Strahlrohr n
Strahlrohre pl
jet tube
jet tubes
Stutzen m, Endstück n techn.
Stutzen auf Mantel
Stutzen auf Vorkammer
shell nozzle
channel nozzle
Tube f, Röhre f anat.
Tuben pl, Röhren pl
Tonarmrohr n
Tonarmrohren pl
arm tube
arm tubes
Tretlagergehäuse n techn.
Tretlagergehäuse pl
bottom bracket shell
bottom bracket shells
Tretlagerrohr n
Tretlagerrohre pl
bottom tube
bottom tubes
Türgriffschale f
Türgriffschalen pl
doorhandle shell
doorhandle shells
U-Bahn f
underground Br., subway Am., tube (London)
U-Bahnhof m, U-Bahn-Station f
U-Bahnhöfe pl, U-Bahn-Stationen pl
underground station Br., subway station Am., tube station (London)
underground stations, subway stations, tube stations
Untergrundbahn f
Unterrohr n
Unterrohre pl
down tube
down tubes

Deutsche Rohrbündelwärmeaustauscher {m} [mach.] / Rohrbündelwärmeaustauscher {pl} Synonyme

Beeilung!  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂEin  bisschen  dalli!  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂMach  fix!  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂMach  hin!  (umgangssprachlich)  
Ade  ÂAdieu  ÂAuf  bald  ÂAuf  Wiedersehen  ÂBis  bald  ÂBis  dann  ÂBye  ÂCiao  ÂMach's  gut  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂSalü  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂServus  ÂTschau  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂTschö  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂTschüs  ÂTschüss  ÂWir  sehen  uns!  

Englische shell-and-tube heat exchanger Synonyme

shell and tube Definition

(n.) One of the sessile cirripeds
Argus shell
() A species of shell (Cypraea argus), beautifully variegated with spots resembling those in a peacock's tail.
Ark shell
() A marine bivalve shell belonging to the genus Arca and its allies.
Boat shell
() A marine gastropod of the genus Crepidula. The species are numerous. It is so named from its form and interior deck.
Boat shell
() A marine univalve shell of the genus Cymba.
Bubble shell
() A marine univalve shell of the genus Bulla and allied genera, belonging to the Tectibranchiata.
Crookes tube
() A vacuum tube in which the exhaustion is carried to a very high degree, with the production of a distinct class of effects
(n.) A flattened marine univalve shell of the genus Haliotis
(n.) A marine univalve shell of the genus Pyrula, or Ficula, resembling a fig in form.
Geissler tube
() A glass tube provided with platinum electrodes, and containing some gas under very low tension, which becomes luminous when an electrical discharge is passed through it
Goroon shell
() A large, handsome, marine, univalve shell (Triton femorale).
(a.) Unyielding
Ioqua shell
() The shell of a large Dentalium (D. pretiosum), formerly used as shell money, and for ornaments, by the Indians of the west coast of North America.
Maara shell
() A large, pearly, spiral, marine shell (Turbo margaritaceus), from the Pacific Islands. It is used as an ornament.
(n.) A chiton.
Mask shell
() Any spiral marine shell of the genus Persona, having a curiously twisted aperture.
Pitot's tube
() A bent tube used to determine the velocity of running water, by placing the curved end under water, and observing the height to which the fluid rises in the tube
(n.) A small British and American pond snail (Bulinus hypnorum).
(n.) Any one of numerous species of small white polished marine shells of the genus Olivella.
(n.) A hard outside covering, as of a fruit or an animal.
(n.) The covering, or outside part, of a nut
(n.) A pod.
(n.) The hard covering of an egg.
(n.) The hard calcareous or chitinous external covering of mollusks, crustaceans, and some other invertebrates. In some mollusks, as the cuttlefishes, it is internal, or concealed by the mantle. Also, the hard covering of some vertebrates, as the armadillo, the tortoise, and the like.
(n.) Hence, by extension, any mollusks having such a covering.
(n.) A hollow projectile, of various shapes, adapted for a mortar or a cannon, and containing an explosive substance, ignited with a fuse or by percussion, by means of which the projectile is burst and its fragments scattered. See Bomb.
(n.) The case which holds the powder, or charge of powder and shot, used with breechloading small arms.
(n.) Any slight hollow structure
(n.) A coarse kind of coffin
(n.) An instrument of music, as a lyre, -- the first lyre having been made, it is said, by drawing strings over a tortoise shell.
(n.) An engraved copper roller used in print works.
(n.) The husks of cacao seeds, a decoction of which is often used as a substitute for chocolate, cocoa, etc.
(n.) The outer frame or case of a block within which the sheaves revolve.
(n.) A light boat the frame of which is covered with thin wood or with paper
(v. t.) To strip or break off the shell of
(v. t.) To separate the kernels of (an ear of Indian corn, wheat, oats, etc.) from the cob, ear, or husk.
(v. t.) To throw shells or bombs upon or into
(v. i.) To fall off, as a shell, crust, etc.
(v. i.) To cast the shell, or exterior covering
(v. i.) To be disengaged from the ear or husk
(n.) Alt. of Shellac
(a.) Having no shell.
(n.) Any species of Pleurotomaria, a genus of beautiful, pearly, spiral gastropod shells having a deep slit in the outer lip. Many fossil species are known, and a few living ones are found in deep water in tropical seas.
(a.) Alt. of Soft-shelled
(n.) Any one of several species of handsome gastropod shells of the genus Trochus, or Imperator. The shell is conical, with the margin toothed somewhat like the rowel of a spur.
(n.) Any species of Lingula.
(n.) Any one of numerous species of marine top-shaped shells of the genus Trochus, or family Trochidae.
(n.) Any bivalve shell of the genus Mactra. See Mactra.
(n.) A hollow cylinder, of any material, used for the conveyance of fluids, and for various other purposes
(n.) A telescope.

shell and tube Bedeutung

shell game
a swindling sleight-of-hand game, victim guesses which of three things a pellet is under
shell collecting
the collection and study of mollusc shells
neural tube a tube of ectodermal tissue in the embryo from which the brain and spinal cord develop
grass parakeet
lovebird shell parakeet
Melopsittacus undulatus
small Australian parakeet usually light green with black and yellow markings in the wild but bred in many colors
shell cuticle
shield a
hard outer covering or case of certain organisms such as arthropods and turtles
shell the hard largely calcareous covering of a mollusc or a brachiopod
scallop shell a shell of a scallop
oyster shell a shell of an oyster
tooth shell
tusk shell
any of various seashore mollusks having a tapering tubular shell open at each end and a foot pointed like a spade for burrowing
any of various large edible marine gastropods of the genus Haliotis having an ear-shaped shell with pearly interior
scorpion shell any of numerous tropical marine snails that as adults have the outer lip of the aperture produced into a series of long curved spines
moon shell
marine gastropods having smooth rounded shells that form short spires
bubble shell marine gastropod mollusk having a very small thin shell
coat-of-mail shell
sea cradle
primitive elongated bilaterally symmetrical marine mollusk having a mantle covered with eight calcareous plates
soft-shell clam
steamer clam
long-neck clam
Mya arenaria
an edible clam with thin oval-shaped shell found in coastal regions of the United States and Europe
hard-shell clam
hard clam
round clam
Venus mercenaria
Mercenaria mercenaria
an edible American clam, the heavy shells were used as money by some American Indians
ark shell marine bivalve mollusk having a heavy toothed shell with a deep boat-like inner surface
hard-shell crab edible crab that has not recently molted and so has a hard shell
soft-shell crab
soft-shelled crab
edible crab that has recently molted and not yet formed its new shell
harpy harpy bat
tube-nosed bat
tube-nosed fruit bat
any of various fruit bats of the genus Nyctimene distinguished by nostrils drawn out into diverging tubes
lamp shell
marine animal with bivalve shell having a pair of arms bearing tentacles for capturing food, found worldwide
tube foot tentacular tubular process of most echinoderms (starfish and sea urchins and holothurians) having a sucker at the end and used for e.g. locomotion and respiration
acorn tube a small vacuum tube, used at high frequencies
artillery shell a shell fired by artillery
dummy blank shell
a cartridge containing an explosive charge but no bullet
blowpipe blowtube blow tube
a tube through which darts can be shot by blowing
blow tube
a tube that directs air or gas into a flame to concentrate heat
boron counter tube a proportional counter tube for counting neutrons
rear of barrel
rear of tube
opening in the rear of the barrel of a gun where bullets can be loaded
capillary tube
capillary tubing
a tube of small internal diameter, holds liquid by capillary action
cathodeay tube
a vacuum tube in which a hot cathode emits a beam of electrons that pass through a high voltage anode and are focused or deflected before hitting a phosphorescent screen
color tube
colour tube
color television tube
colour television tube
color TV tube
colour TV tube
a television tube that displays images in full color
counter tube a measuring instrument for counting individual ionizing events
Crookes tube the original gas-discharge cathodeay tube
diode rectifying tube
rectifying valve
a thermionic tube having two electrodes, used as a rectifier
driven well
tube well
a well made by driving a tube into the earth to a stratum that bears water
endotracheal tube a catheter that is inserted into the trachea through the mouth or nose in order to maintain an open air passage or to deliver oxygen or to permit the suctioning of mucus or to prevent aspiration of the stomach contents
gas shell (military) bomb consisting of an explosive projectile filled with a toxic gas that is released when the bomb explodes
gas-discharge tube a tube in which an electric discharge takes place through a gas
Geiger tube
Geiger-Muller tube
an ionization chamber contained in a tube in a Geiger counter
glow tube a gas-discharge tube consisting of a cold cathode and a diode in a tube filled with gas, the color of the glow depends on the particular gas
inner tube an inflatable rubber tube that fits inside the casing of a pneumatic tire
ionization chamber
ionization tube
a measuring instrument that measures the amount of ionizing radiation
picture tube
television tube
a cathodeay tube in a television receiver, translates the received signal into a picture on a luminescent screen
Kundt's tube a measuring instrument used to measure the speed of sound
mess jacket
monkey jacket
shell jacket
waist-length jacket tapering to a point at the back, worn by officers in the mess for formal dinners
tube underground
subway system
an electric railway operating below the surface of the ground (usually in a city), in Paris the subway system is called the `metro' and in London it is called the `tube' or the `underground'
nasotracheal tube a tube inserted into the trachea through the nose and pharynx, used to deliver oxygen
neon lamp
neon induction lamp
neon tube
a lamp consisting of a small gas-discharge tube containing neon at low pressure, luminescence is produced by the action of currents at high frequencies that are wrapped a few turns around the tube
pipe wrench
tube wrench
adjustable wrench for gripping and turning a pipe, has two serrated jaws that are adjusted to grip the pipe
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