
shooting Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

emporschießend adj
emporschiessend, scharfschiessen
auf die Jagd gehen
go shooting
Jagdhütte f
shooting box
shooting box
Luftschuss m; Luftschuß m alt
air shooting
Stückeschießen n min.
Entenjagd f
duck shooting
Scharfschießen n
live shooting
duck shooting
live shooting
shooting down
shooting star
Schussbein n sport (Fußball)
shooting foot
Erschießen n
shooting dead
stechender Schmerz m
shooting pain
Jagdrecht n
shooting right
shooting boxes
shooting right
shooting stand
auf die Jagd gehen
to go shooting
shooting match
Fotoshooting n
photo shooting
Schussweite f sport
shooting range
shooting rights
shooting stands
Moorhuhnjagd f
grouse shooting
Pistolenschießen n sport
pistol shooting
trouble shooting
Problembehandlung f
shooting gallery
shooting licence
Armbrustschießen n
shooting licences
shooting to death
shooting holidays
Jagdausübung f
hunting; shooting
Schussentfernung f; Schussdistanz f; Entfernung f zum Ziel mil. sport
shooting distance
shooting galleries
der Schießsport m sport
the shooting sport
Schießerei f
Schießereien pl
Wurftaubenschießen n
clay pigeon shooting
Wettkampfschießen n; Leistungsschießen n mil. sport
competitive shooting
Skeet n, Skeetschießen n sport
skeet, skeet shooting
Skeet n; Skeetschießen n sport
skeet; skeet shooting
Murmelwerfen n (Spiel)
marble shooting (game)
Jagd f
Jagden pl
hunt, shoot, shooting
Jagdgesellschaft f
hunting party, shooting party
Jagd f
Jagden pl
hunt; shoot; shooting
(täglicher) Drehbeginn m; Beginn m der Filmaufnahmen (Film, TV)
shooting call time (film, TV)
Entenjagd f
Entenjagden pl
duck shooting
duck shootings
Angriff m Schüsse pl eines Heckenschützen
sniper attack; sniper shooting
Angriff m Schüsse pl eines Heckenschützen
sniper attack; sniper shooting
Schießeisen n ugs.
shooting iron, rod, gat coll.
Scheibenschießen n
target practice, target shooting
Zielschießen n mil.
target practice, target-shooting
Jagdstock m
Jagdstöcke pl
shooting stick
shooting sticks
Scheibenschießen n
target practice; target shooting
Stoßlade f
Stoßladen pl
shooting board
shooting boards
Zielschießen n mil.
target practice; target-shooting
Abkommen n (vom anvisierten Zielpunkt) (Schießen) mil.
aiming off the target (shooting)
Kugelfang m (am Schießstand) mil.
backstop (at the shooting range)
Fehlersuche f
trouble-shooting, troubleshooting
Jagdkleidung f textil.
hunting clothes; shooting clothes
Eisstockschießen n sport
ice stick shooting, Bavarian curling
Eisstockschießen n sport
ice stick shooting; Bavarian curling
Preisschießen n mil. sport
shooting competition; shooting match
Schießbude f
Schießbuden pl
shooting gallery
shooting galleries
Jagdausrüstung f
hunting equipment; shooting equipment
vorschnellen v
to shoot out
shooting out
shot out
Jagd f, Jagen n, Jagd...
auf die Jagd gehen
to go hunting, to go shooting
(Wild) erlegen v
to shoot {shot, shot}
(Wild) erlegen v
to shoot {shot; shot}
schießen; erlegen v (Tier)
schießend; erlegend
geschossen; erlegt
to shoot {shot; shot}
Du hast die richtige Revolverschnauze! übtr.
Stop shooting off your big mouth! fig.
Abschussliste f (Jagd)
Abschusslisten pl
shooting list (hunting)
shooting lists
Schießstock m; Zielstock m; Pirschstock m (Gewehrauflage) mil.
shooting stick; shooting rest (gun rest)
niederschießen, zusammenschießen, niederknallen ugs. v
niederschießend, zusammenschießend, niederknallend
niedergeschossen, zusammengeschossen, niedergeknallt
to shoot down
shooting down
shot down
Schießerei f
Schießereien pl
shooting; shoot-out
shootings; shoot-outs
Jagdrecht n jur.
hunting right; shooting right; sporting right
Schussloch n (Schießsport) sport
Schusslöcher pl
entrance hole (shooting sport)
entrance holes
jdn. niederschießen; zusammenschießen selten v mil.
niederschießend; zusammenschießend
niedergeschossen; zusammengeschossen
to shoot down () sb.
shooting down
shot down
Schießarbeit f min.
blasting; shot firing; shooting; primary blasting
Drehplan m (Film, TV) art
Drehpläne pl
shooting schedule (film, TV)
shooting schedules
durchschießen v
to shoot through
shooting through
shot through
Amen n
so sicher wie das Amen in der Kirche übtr.
as sure as shooting; as sure as eggs is eggs
Dreharbeiten pl, Filmdreh m (Film)
shooting, film shooting, filming, making of the film
Dreharbeiten pl; Filmdreh m (Film)
shooting; film shooting; filming; making of the film
Schussleistung f (einer Schusswaffe) mil.
shooting performance; shooting efficiency (of a gun)
totschießen v
to shoot to death
shooting to death
shot to death
Jagdzeit f; Jagdsaison f
hunting season; shooting season; open season for game
Abschuss m; Abschießen n; Herunterholen n ugs. (eines Flugzeugs) mil.
shooting-down; bringing-down; downing (of an aircraft)
schießen v
to shoot {shot, shot}
Jagdwesen n; Jagen n; Jagd f
auf die Jagd gehen
Hohe Jagd hist.
to go hunting; to go shooting
noble hunting
Schussbeobachter m mil.
Schussbeobachter pl
shooting spotter; spotter
shooting spotters; spotters
Erschießung f; Erschießen n; Füsilieren n
jdn. zum Tod durch Erschießen verurteilen
to sentence sb. to be executed by firing squad
jdn. totschießen v Kindersprache
to shoot sb. to death
shooting to death
shot to death
Schießstand m
Schießstände pl
shooting stand, rifle range
shooting stands, rifle ranges
Sternschnuppe f
Sternschnuppen pl
shooting star, falling star
shooting stars, falling stars
Mauerschütze m hist.
GDR border guard shooting political fugitives (at the Wall)
Schießstand m
Schießstände pl
shooting stand; rifle range
shooting stands; rifle ranges
Sternschnuppe f
Sternschnuppen pl
shooting star; falling star
shooting stars; falling stars
Jagdausflug m
Jagdausflüge pl
hunting trip; shooting trip
hunting trips; shooting trips
Volltreffer m (Schießsport) sport übtr.
einen Volltreffer landen
bullseye; bull Br. (shooting sport)
to score a bullseye
Drehtag m (Film, TV)
Drehtage pl
letzter Drehtag
shooting day (film, TV)
shooting days
final shooting day
Schießplatz m
Schießplätze pl
firing range, shooting range
firing ranges, shooting ranges
Schießplatz m
Schießplätze pl
firing range; shooting range
firing ranges; shooting ranges
Jagdhütte f
Jagdhütten pl
shooting box; shooting lodge
shooting boxes; shooting lodges
Austreiben n; Austrieb m bot.
leafing-out; shooting-out; unfolding foliage; spring bud break
Schusslochprüfer m; Schusslehre f (Schießsport) sport
Schusslochprüfer pl; Schusslehren pl
scoring plug; scorer (shooting sport)
scoring plugs; scorers
kleiner magmatischer Gesteinsausläufer m; magmatisches Trum n; Apophyse f geol.
small off-shooting dike; magmatic offshoot; dikelet; apophysis
Amoklauf m
Amokläufe pl
shooting rampage; gun rampage
shooting rampages; gun rampages
Götterblumen pl (Dodecatheon) (botanische Gattung) bot.
shooting stars; American cowslips; sailor caps (botanical genus)
Jagdgesellschaft f
Jagdgesellschaften pl
hunting party; shooting party
hunting parties; shooting parties
jdn. anschießen v
to shoot and wound sb.
shooting and wounding
shot and wounded
Jagdgesellschaft f; Jagdpartie f
Jagdgesellschaften pl; Jagdpartien pl
hunting party; shooting party
hunting parties; shooting parties
50-Meter-Pistole; Freie Pistole frühere Bezeichnung (Schießsportdisziplin) sport
50 metre pistol; free pistol former name (shooting sport event)
jdn. anschießen v mil.
to shoot and wound sb.
shooting and wounding
shot and wounded
Abschuss m (von Tieren)
Wildtiere zum Abschuss freigeben
shooting (of animals)
to permit the shooting of wildlife animals
bewaffneter Täter m; Schütze m
bewaffnete Täter pl; Schützen pl
Todesschütze m
gunman behind responsible for the fatal shooting
25-Meter-Pistole; Sportpistole frühere Bezeichnung (Schießsportdisziplin) sport
25 metre pistol; sport pistol former name (shooting sport event)
(Flugzeug) abschießen v mil.
schießt ab
schoss ab
to shoot down
shooting down
shot down
shoots down
shot down
Wurfscheibenschießen n; Wurftaubenschießen n; Tontaubenschießen n sport
inanimate bird shooting; clay target shooting; clay pigeon shooting
etw. abschmettern; etw. rundweg ablehnen v (Idee, Theorie usw.)
abschmetternd; rundweg ablehnend
abgeschmettert; rundweg abgelehnt
to shoot down () sth. (idea, theory, etc.)
shooting down
shot down
Jagdsitzstock m; Jagdstock m
Jagdsitzstöcke pl; Jagdstöcke pl
hunting sit stick; shooting stick
hunting sit sticks; shooting sticks
(vom anvisierten Zielpunkt) abkommen v (Schießen) mil.
links abkommen
zu hoch abkommen
to aim off the target (shooting)
to aim to the left
to aim too high
abdüsen v
to zoom off; to shoot off
zooming off; shooting off
zoomed off; shot off
Meteor m; Sternschnuppe f astron.
Meteore pl; Sternschnuppen pl
meteor; shooting star; falling star
meteors; shooting stars; falling stars
Sprengung f
Sprengungen pl
nukleare Sprengung
seismische Sprengung
blasting; exploding; shooting
blastings; explodings
nuclear shooting
Wildtierattrappe f; Attrappe f (Jagd, Schießsport); Lockattrappe f (Jagd)
Vogelattrappe f; Lockvogel m
wildlife decoy; hunting decoy; decoy (hunting; shooting sport)
wildfowl decoy
niederschießen; zusammenschießen; niederknallen ugs. v
niederschießend; zusammenschießend; niederknallend
niedergeschossen; zusammengeschossen; niedergeknallt
to shoot down; to gun down
shooting down; gunning down
shot down; gunned down
Apophyse f
apophysis; appophyse; dikelet; off-shooting tongue; (off-)shoot; offset of the bed
Schützenverein n mil.
Schützenvereine pl
shooting club; rifle club; gun club rare
shooting clubs; rifle clubs; gun clubs
bewaffneter Täter m; Schütze m
bewaffnete Täter pl; Schützen pl
Todesschütze m
gunman; gun Am.
gunmen; guns
gunman behind responsible for the fatal shooting
Amen n relig.
so sicher wie das Amen in der Kirche Dt. Schw.; so sicher wie das Amen im Gebet Ös.
as sure as death; as sure as eggs is eggs; as sure as shooting coll. rare
Erschießung f; Erschießen n; Füsilieren n; Füsillade f hist.
jdn. zum Tod durch Erschießen verurteilen
shooting; execution by firing squad
to sentence sb. to be executed by firing squad
CinemaScope tm (anamorphotisches Verfahren der Breitbildaufzeichnung)
CinemaScope tm; Scope coll CS (anamorphic technique for shooting widescreen movies)
Hochsitz m; Hochstand m; Ansitz m; Anstand m; Jagdkanzel f; Kanzel f (Jagd)
Hochsitze pl; Hochstände pl; Ansitze pl; Anstände pl; Jagdkanzeln pl; Kanzeln pl
screened shooting stand; raised hide (hunting)
screened shooting stands; raised hides
Fehlersuche f
error search; fault-finding Br.; trouble-shooting troubleshooting Am.; service diagnosis
filmen, verfilmen, drehen v
filmend, verfilmend, drehend
gefilmt, verfilmt, gedreht
filmt, verfilmt, dreht
filmte, verfilmte, drehte
nicht gefilmt
to film, to shoot
filming, shooting
filmed, shot
filmed, shoots
filmed, shot
Amok m
Amok laufen (blindwütig töten)
Dann geriet die Sache völlig aus dem Ruder.
to run amok; to go on a gun shooting rampage
This is where things started to run amok.
Jagdmesser n; Weidmesser n; Waidmesser n Jägersprache
Jagdmesser pl; Weidmesser pl; Waidmesser pl
hunting knife; shooting knife; bowie-knife Am.
hunting knives; shooting knives; bowie-knives
Eisstockschießen n; Eisstocksport m sport
Sommerstockschießen n; Asphaltstockschießen n; Sommerstocksport m
ice stock shooting; ice stock sport; Bavarian curling
tarmac stock shooting; tarmac stock sport
Sprengung f
Sprengungen pl
Lawinensprengung f
nukleare Sprengung
seismische Sprengung
blasting; exploding; shooting
blastings; explodings
avalanche blasting
nuclear shooting
Jagdhütte f; Jagdhaus n
Jagdhütten pl; Jagdhäuser pl
einfache Jagdhütte
hunting lodge; shooting lodge Br.; lodge
hunting lodges; shooting lodges; lodges
shooting box Br.
Kleinkalibergewehr liegend (Schießsportdisziplin) sport
Kleinkalibergewehr liegend der Männer Frauen
50 metre rifle prone; standard rifle former name (shooting sport event)
Men's Women's 50 metre rifle prone

Deutsche emporschießend {adj} Synonyme

Englische shooting Synonyme

shooting  acute  acute pain  afflictive  agonizing  antiaircraft fire  archery  atrocious  bane  beheading  bite  biting  blood  bloodletting  bloodshed  boring pain  braining  burning  capital punishment  casting  charley horse  chase  chevy  chivy  chucking  coursing  cramp  cramping  cramps  crick  cross fire  crucifixion  cruel  curtain fire  cynegetics  darting pain  dealing death  decapitation  decollation  defenestration  destruction  destruction of life  direct fire  dispatch  distressing  dry fire  electrocution  euthanasia  excruciating  execution  extermination  falconry  file fire  fire  fire of demolition  firepower  fireworks  firing  flack  flak  flinging  flow of blood  fox hunting  fulgurant pain  fusillade  garrote  gassing  girdle pain  gnawing  gore  grave  griping  ground fire  gunfight  gunfire  gunnery  gunning  gunplay  hanging  hard  harrowing  harsh  hawking  heaving  hemlock  high-angle fire  hitch  horizontal fire  hunt  hunting  hurling  hurtful  hurting  immolation  interdiction fire  jaculation  judicial murder  jumping pain  kill  killing  kink  knifelike  lancinating pain  lapidation  lobbing  machine-gun fire  martyrdom  martyrization  mercy killing  mortar fire  musketry  necktie party  nip  painful  pang  paroxysm  paroxysmal  percussion fire  piercing  pinch  pistol fire  pitching  poignant  poisoning  prick  projection  pungent  racking  raking fire  rapid fire  ricochet fire  rifle fire  ritual killing  ritual murder  sacrifice  seizure  severe  sharp  sharp pain  shellfire  shikar  shoot  shoot-out  shooting pain  skeet  skeet shooting  slaughter  slaying  slinging  spasm  spasmatic  spasmic  spasmodic  sport  sporting  stab  stabbing  stabbing pain  stalking  still hunt  stinging  stitch  stoning  strangling  strangulation  taking of life  the ax  the block  the chair  the gallows  the gas chamber  the guillotine  the hot seat  the rope  thrill  throes  throwing  time fire  tormen  tormenting  torturous  trajection  trapshoot  
shooting star  aerolite  angry clouds  black cat  black clouds  bolide  broken mirror  chondrite  cosmic dust  fireball  gathering clouds  halcyon bird  meteor  meteor crater  meteor dust  meteor shower  meteor swarm  meteor trail  meteor train  meteoric shower  meteorite  meteoroid  meteorolite  micrometeorite  micrometeoroid  owl  radiant  radiant point  rainbow  raven  siderite  siderolite  storm clouds  stormy petrel  tektite  thundercloud  thunderhead  

shooting Definition

(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Shoot
(n.) The act of one who, or that which, shoots
(n.) A wounding or killing with a firearm
(n.) A sensation of darting pain
(a.) Of or pertaining to shooting

shooting Bedeutung

the act of firing a projectile, his shooting was slow but accurate
skeet shooting
the sport of shooting at clay pigeons that are hurled upward in such a way as to simulate the flight of a bird
shooting killing someone by gunfire, when the shooting stopped there were three dead bodies
drive-by shooting shooting someone from a car as it is driven past the victim
wing shooting shooting game birds that are flying (on the wing)
crap shooting
crap game
playing craps
side arm
shooting iron
a firearm that is held and fired with one hand
shooting brake another name for a station wagon
shooting gallery
shooting range
an enclosed firing range with targets for rifle or handgun practice
shooting gallery a building (usually abandoned) where drug addicts buy and use heroin
shooting lodge
shooting box
a small country house used by hunters during the shooting season
shooting stick device that resembles a spiked walking stick but the top opens into a seat
shooting script the final detailed script for making a movie or TV program
an instance of boastful talk, his brag is worse than his fight, whenever he won we were exposed to his gasconade
shooting preserve a preserve on which hunting is permitted during certain months of the year
shooting star
a streak of light in the sky at night that results when a meteoroid hits the earth's atmosphere and air friction causes the meteoroid to melt or vaporize or explode
sure as shooting absolutely certain, it is sure as shooting that they will come
for sure
for certain
sure enough sure as shooting
definitely or positively (`sure' is sometimes used informally for `surely'), the results are surely encouraging, she certainly is a hard worker, it's going to be a good day for sure, they are coming, for certain, they thought he had been killed sure enough, he'll win sure as shooting, they sure smell good, sure he'll come
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Shooting is the act or process of discharging firearms or other projectile weapons such as bows or crossbows. Even the firing of artillery, rockets, and missiles can be called shooting. A person who specializes in shooting is a marksman. Shooting can take place in a shooting range or in the field in hunting, in shooting sports, or in combat.

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