
shop assembled Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

fabrikfertig; fabriksfertig adj
Abteilung fĂŒr Mal- und Spritzarbeiten
paint shop
alle gehören der Gewerkschaft an
closed shop
angestaubt, angeschmutzt
baker's shop
BeschÀftigung ohne Gewerkschaftszugehörigkeit
open shop
shop morale
shop steward
shop committee
delicatessen shop
Diskontladen (Br.)
discount shop
print shop
printers' shop
printing shop
ehrenamtlicher Gewerkschaftsvertreter
shop steward
einen Laden fĂŒhren
keep a shop
retail shop
specialty shop
FachgeschÀft, SpezialgeschÀft
one-line shop
fahrbare VerkaufsstÀtte
mobile shop
fabrication shop
production shop
multiple shop
Fluchtbetrieb (US)
runaway shop
greengrocer's shop
gewerkschaftlicher Vertrauensmann
shop steward
Kettenladen (Br.)
Laden an der Ecke, Tante-Emma Laden
corner shop
Laden der mit reduzierten Preisen verkauft
discount shop
Laden, Werkstatt, Betrieb
owner of a shop
grocer's shop
pawn shop
machine shop
butcher's shop
milk shop
fitting shop
assembly shop
nicht an Gewerkschaft gebunden
open shop
nur leicht beschÀdigt, leicht benutzt
junk shop
shop window advertising
self-service shop
solch ein Laden hat große Anziehungskraft
such a shop has a great appeal
tobacconist's shop
Unternehmen nur mit Gewerkschaftsangehörigen
union shop
shop assistant
Vertrauensmann der Arbeiter
shop steward
Wagen auf RĂ€dern
mobile shop
shop fabrication
shop clerk
Winkelbörse, nicht konzessionierter Makler
zollfreier Laden
duty-free shop
AbholgeschÀft n
AbholgeschÀfte pl
cash-and-carry shop
cash and carry shops
Abholrestaurant n
takeaway shop
Andenkenladen m, Souvenirladen m, SouvenirgeschÀft n
AndenkenlÀden pl, SouvenirlÀden pl, SouvenirgeschÀfte pl
souvenir shop, souvenir store Am.
souvenir shops, souvenir stores
AntiquitÀtengeschÀft n, AntiquitÀtenhandlung f, AntiquitÀtenladen m
AntiquitÀtengeschÀfte pl, AntiquitÀtenhandlungen pl, AntiquitÀtenlÀden pl
antique shop, antiques shop
antique shops, antiques shops
Apotheke f
chemist's shop Br.
Arbeiter m, Arbeiterin f
Arbeiter pl
Arbeiter in der Produktion
shop floor workers
Arbeitsgang m
shop operation
AusfĂŒhrungszeichnung f, Fertigungszeichnung f
shop drawing
Autowerkstatt f
AutowerkstÀtten pl
garage, car repair shop
garages, car repair shops
BÀckerladen m, BÀckergeschÀft n
BÀckerlÀden pl, BÀckergeschÀfte pl
baker's, baker's shop
baker's shops
BekleidungsgeschÀft n, KleidergeschÀft n
BekleidungsgeschÀfte pl, KleidergeschÀfte pl
clothes shop, apparel shop Br., apparel store Am.
clothes shops, apparel shops, apparel stores
Betriebsrat m
BetriebsrÀte pl
works council, workers' council, works committee, industrial council, shop committee
works councils
Betriebsratsvorsitzender m
shop chairman, shop steward
Betriebsunfall m
BetriebsunfÀlle pl
shop-accident, operating accident
shop-accidents, operating accidents
Bijouterie f
jeweller, jeweller's shop
BlumengeschÀft n, Blumenladen m
BlumengeschÀfte pl, BlumenlÀden pl
florist's, flower shop
flower shops
Cafe n, Café n
cafe, café, coffee shop
Café n, Kaffeehaus n
Cafés pl, KaffeehÀuser pl
cafe, coffeehouse, coffe shop, coffee bar
cafes, coffeehouses, coffee shops, coffee bars
ComputergeschÀft n, Computerladen m
ComputergeschÀfte pl, ComputerlÀden pl
computer shop, computer store
computer shops, computer stores
Delikatessenhandlung f, FeinkostgeschÀft n, Feinkostladen m
Delikatessenhandlungen pl, FeinkostgeschÀfte pl, FeinkostlÀden pl
delicatessen shop, deli
delicatessen shops, delis
DetailgeschÀft n, LadengeschÀft n
retail shop
DiscountgeschÀft n, Discountladen m, Discounter m
DiscountgeschÀfte pl, DiscountlÀden pl, Discounter pl
discount, discount shop
discounts, discount shops
Drogenzubehör-Fachhandel m
head shop
Drogerie f
chemist's, chemist's shop Br., drugstore Am.
Druckerei f
Druckereien pl
print shop, printing works, printing house, printer's, printery
print shops, printing works, printing houses, printeries
ElektrogeschÀft n
ElektrogeschÀfte pl
electric shop
electric shops
FachgesprÀch n
shop talk
Fachsimpelei f
shop talk, shoptalk
Fachsprache f
shop language
FachverkÀufer m, FachverkÀuferin f
FachverkÀufer pl, FachverkÀuferinnen pl
specialized shop assistant
specialized shop assistants
Fleischerei f, Metzgerei f, Fleischerladen m, Metzgerladen m, SchlÀchterei f, Fleischhauerei f
Fleischereien pl, Metzgereien pl, FleischerlÀden pl, MetzgerlÀden pl, SchlÀchtereien pl, Fleischhauereien pl
butcher's, butcher's shop
butcher's shops
Formerei f mach.
Formereien pl
moulding shop Br., molding shop Am.
moulding shops, molding shops
GemĂŒseladen m
GemĂŒselĂ€den pl
greengrocer's (shop)
greengrocer's shops
GeschÀft n, Laden m
GeschÀfte pl, LÀden pl
Geschenkboutique f
Geschenkboutiquen pl
gift shop
gift shops
GlĂŒherei f techn.
GlĂŒhereien pl
annealing shop
annealing shops
HĂ€rterei f
hardening plant, hardening shop
JuweliergeschÀft n
jeweller's shop, jeweler's shop
Karosseriewerkstatt f
Lackier- und Karosseriewerkstatt f
body shop
paint and body shop
Kaufladen m
KauflÀden pl
(small) shop
(small) shops
Kaufmannsladen m (Spielzeug)
KaufmannslÀden pl
toy shop
toy shops
KettengeschÀft n, Kettenladen m
KettengeschÀfte pl, KettenlÀden pl
chain store, multiple-shop Br.
chain stores, multiple-shops
Konditorei f, Konfiserie f
cake shop, pastry shop
Lackiererei f
paint shop
Ladenbesitzer m, Ladenbesitzerin f
owner of a shop
Ladeneinrichtung f
shop fittings
Ladenfassade f
shop front
Ladenschild n
Ladenschilder pl
shop sign
shop signs
Ladenschlusszeit f
shop closing time
LebensmittelgeschÀft n, Lebensmittelladen m
LebensmittelgeschÀfte pl, LebensmittellÀden pl
grocery, grocer's, grocer's shop, food shop
groceries, food shops
Maschinenhalle f
Maschinenhallen pl
machine shop
machine shops
Maschinenwerkstatt f, Maschinenabteilung f, mechanische Bearbeitung f
machine shop
Montagehalle f
fitting shop
Montagewerkstatt f, Montagehalle f
assembly shop
Öffnungszeit f
Öffnungszeiten pl
außerhalb der Öffnungszeit
opening time, opening hours, business hours
opening hours, business hours, shop hours
out of business hours
ProduktionsstÀtte f, Werkstatt f
shop floor
RadiogeschÀft n
RadiogeschÀfte pl
radio shop
radio shops
Ramschladen m
RamschlÀden pl
shop selling trashy goods, jumble shop
shops selling trashy goods, jumble shops
Reden n ĂŒber die Arbeit
shop talk
Reformhaus n
ReformhÀuser pl
health food shop
health food shops
ReparaturwerkstÀtte f, Reparaturwerkstatt f
ReparaturwerkstÀtten pl
repair shop, workshop, garage
repair shops, workshops, garages
Schaufenster n
Schaufenster pl
shop window
shop windows
Schaufensterpuppe f
Schaufensterpuppen pl
shop window dummy, display dummy
shop window dummies, display dummies
SchlÀchterei f, Schlachterei f
SchlÀchtereien pl, Schlachtereien pl
butcher's, butcher's shop
butcher's shops
Schlosserei f
metalworking shop, locksmith's shop
SchreibwarengeschÀft n
SchreibwarengeschÀfte pl
stationer's, stationery shop
stationery shops
SchuhgeschÀft n
SchuhgeschÀfte pl
shoe shop
shoe shops
Sexshop m, Sexboutique f
sex shop
Sexversand m, Sexversandhaus n
SexversandhÀuser pl
mail-order sex shop
mail-order sex shops
SpezialgeschÀft n
specialist shop
SpielwarengeschÀft n, Spielwarenhandlung f
SpielwarengeschÀfte pl, Spielwarenhandlungen pl
toy shop, toyshop
toy shops, toyshops
Stanzerei f
punching shop, stamping
Steckverbinder m electr.
Steckverbinder pl
angegossener Steckverbinder
anwendungsspezifischer Steckverbinder
berĂŒhrungssicherer Steckverbinder
fester Steckverbinder
freier Steckverbinder
gasdichter Steckverbinder
geschirmter Steckverbinder
hoch beanspruchbarer Steckverbinder
komponentenseitiger Steckverbinder
rechteckiger Steckverbinder
schwimmend befestigter Steckverbinder
tauchfester Steckverbinder
umweltbestÀndiger Steckverbinder
vorgerasteter Steckverbinder
Steckverbinder mit Bajonett-Verschluss
Steckverbinder mit Drehverriegelung
Steckverbinder fĂŒr Chipkarten
Steckverbinder fĂŒr direktes Stecken
Steckverbinder fĂŒr direktes Stecken
Steckverbinder fĂŒr gedruckte Schaltungen
Steckverbinder fĂŒr Leiterplattenmontage
Steckverbinder mit Schnellkupplung
Steckverbinder mit Zentralschraube
plug connector, circuit connector, male connector
plug connectors, circuit connectors, male connectors
one-piece connector
application related connector
non-touchable connector
fixed connector
free connector, plug straight
sealed connector
shielded connector
heavy-duty connector
assembled connector
rectangular connector
float mounted connector
submersible connector
environment-resistant connector
pre-assembled connector
bayonet nut connector (BNC, Bajonet Neill Concelman)
twist-on connector
smart card connectors
edge board connector
edge-socket connector
printed circuit types
board-mounted connector
quick disconnect connector
connector with center screw
SĂŒĂŸwarengeschĂ€ft n
SĂŒĂŸwarengeschĂ€fte pl
sweet shop
sweet shops
Tante-Emma-Laden m ugs.
small corner shop
Tierhandlung f, Zoohandlung f
Tierhandlungen pl, Zoohandlungen pl
pet shop
pet shops
VerkÀufer m, VerkÀuferin f (im GeschÀft)
shop assistant Br., sales assistant, clerk, shop clerk Am.
Vertragswerkstatt f
appointed repair shop, authorized repairer, licensed garage
gewerkschaftlicher Vertrauensmann m
shop steward
Videothek f, Videoverleih m
Videotheken pl, Videoverleihe pl
video library, video rental shop, video shop, video rental
video libraries, video rental shops, video shops, video rentals
Werkstattmontage f
shop assembly
Werkstattschweißung f
shop welding
Werkstattzeichnung f
shop drawing
Zollfreies GeschÀft
duty free shop
to assemble
assemblierte Programmstelle f
assembled program count
kauft ein
kaufte ein
to shop
fachsimpeln, von der Arbeit reden
to talk shop
geschlossen adj
geschlossener (Regel-) Kreis
geschlossener (Strom-) Kreis
geschlossener Kreislauf
geschlossener Rechenzentrumsbetrieb
geschlossenes Regelkreissystem
closed loop
closed circuit
closed circuit
closed shop
closed system
montieren v
to assemble, to fit, to install, to mount, to erect
assembling, fitting, installing, mounting, erecting
assembled, fitted, installed, mounted, erected
assembles, fits, instals, mounts, erects
assembled, fitted, installed, mounted, erected
offener Rechenzentrumsbetrieb
open shop
(sich) versammeln
to assemble
zusammengestellt, montiert, angebaut adj
Gussputzerei f, Gußputzerei f techn.
Gussputzereien pl, Gußputzereien pl
fettling shop
fettling shops
Er benimmt sich wie ein Elefant im Porzellanladen. ĂŒbtr.
He behaves like a bull in a china shop.
Stier m, Bulle m zool.
Stiere pl, Bullen pl
den Stier bei den Hörnern packen ĂŒbtr.
wie ein Elefant im Porzellanladen ĂŒbtr.
to take the bull by the horns fig.
like a bull in a china shop fig.
Apothekenbau m pharm.
chemist?s shop construction
Autolackierereibedarf m techn. mach.
automotive paint shop need

Deutsche fabrikfertig; fabriksfertig {adj} Synonyme

Englische shop-assembled Synonyme

shop assembled Definition

(imp. & p. p.) of Assemble
Bucket shop
() An office or a place where facilities are given for betting small sums on current prices of stocks, petroleum, etc.
() imp. of Shape. Shaped.
(n.) A building or an apartment in which goods, wares, drugs, etc., are sold by retail.
(n.) A building in which mechanics or artisans work
(v. i.) To visit shops for the purpose of purchasing goods.

shop assembled Bedeutung

shop class
a course of instruction in a trade (as carpentry or electricity), I built a birdhouse in shop
betting shop a licensed bookmaker's shop that is not at the race track
dress shop
a shop that sells women's clothes and jewelry
bucket shop (formerly) a cheap saloon selling liquor by the bucket
butcher shop
meat market
a shop in which meat and poultry (and sometimes fish) are sold
coffee shop
coffee bar
a small restaurant where drinks and snacks are sold
chop shop a place where stolen cars are disassembled for their parts
food shop
a shop selling ready-to-eat food products
display window
shop window
show window
a window of a store facing onto the street, used to display merchandise for sale in the store
apothecary's shop
chemist's shop
a retail shop where medicine and other articles are sold
espresso shop a cafe where espresso is served
florist shop
flower store
a shop where flowers and ornamental plants are sold
gift shop
novelty shop
a shop that sells miscellaneous articles appropriate as gifts
hardware store
ironmonger's shop
a store selling hardware, in Great Britain they used to call a hardware store an ironmonger's shop
head shop a shop specializing in articles of interest to drug users, he bought some roach clips and hashish pipes at the head shop
junk shop a shop that sells cheap secondhand goods
machine shop workshop where metal is cut and shaped etc., by machine tools
millinery hat shop shop selling women's hats
pawnbroker's shop
loan office
a shop where loans are made with personal property as security
pet shop a shop where pet animals can be purchased
pizza shop
pizza parlor
a shop where pizzas are made and sold
print shop
printing shop
a workplace where printing is done
repair shop
fix-it shop
a shop specializing in repairs and maintenance
salon beauty salon
beauty parlor
beauty parlour
beauty shop
a shop where hairdressers and beauticians work
shoe shop
shoe store
a shop where shoes are sold
a mercantile establishment for the retail sale of goods or services, he bought it at a shop on Cape Cod
shop bell a bell attached to the door of a small shop, warns the proprietor that a customer has entered the shop
shop floor workplace consisting of the part of a factory housing the machines, the productive work is done on the shop floor
slopseller's shop
a store that sells cheap ready-made clothing
tobacco shop
tobacconist shop
a shop that sells pipes and pipe tobacco and cigars and cigarettes
tuck shop a candy store in Great Britain
small workplace where handcrafts or manufacturing are done
shop talk talk about your business that only others in the same business can understand
bucket shop an unethical or overly aggressive brokerage firm
open shop a company whose workers are hired without regard to their membership in a labor union
closed shop a company that hires only union members
union shop a company allowed to hire nonunion workers on the condition that they will join the union within a specified time
shop mechanic
a craftsman skilled in operating machine tools
shop clerk
clerk shop assistant
a salesperson in a store
shop boy a young male shop assistant
shop girl a young female shop assistant
shop steward
a union member who is elected to represent fellow workers in negotiating with management
a denounce tell on
give away rat grass shit shop snitch stag a
give away information about somebody, He told on his classmate who had cheated on the exam
talk shop discuss matters that are related to work, As soon as they met, the linguists started to talk shop
shop do one's shopping, She goes shopping every Friday
shop browse shop around, not necessarily buying, I don't need help, I'm just browsing
comparison-shop compare prices for a given item
window-shop examine the shop windows, shop with the eyes only
shop at
buy at
do one's shopping at, do business with, be a customer or client of
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