
short clawed Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Betschuanalerche f ornith.
Short-clawed Lark
Aufträge zur umgehenden Ausführung
short-term orders
Geld auf Abruf
money at call and short notice
short-distance hauling
in Verlegenheit
short of cash
knapp an Geld
short of money
knapp an Kapital
short of capital
Kredit mit kurzer Laufzeit
short-term credit
kurz, knapp
Kurzarbeit leisten
work short-time
Kurzarbeit, Teilzeitbeschäftigung
short-time work
work short-time
worker on short time
Kurzarbeiter, Teilzeitbeschäftigter
short-time worker
short-time allowance
short-time compensation
short-time working benefit
kurze Terminsicherung
short hedge
kurze Verzögerung
short delay
short form
at short notice
short dated
short term
kurzfristig, befristet, auf kurze Sicht
kurzfristig, befristet, auf kurze Sicht
kurzfristige Anlagewerte
short-maturing securities
kurzfristige Deckung
short period cover
kurzfristige Verbindlichkeiten
short-term obligations
kurzfristige Verschuldung
short-term debt
kurzfristige Verschuldung
short-term indebtedness
kurzfristiger Wechsel
short-dated bill
kurzfristiges Geld
short-term money
short-run analysis
short-run behaviour
Liste der engeren Wahl
short list
Mangel an etwas
short of sth.
goods in short supply
short delivery
short delivery
short-term objective
nichtgelandete Ware
short-landed goods
nichtgelieferte Ware
short-shipped goods
nur für einen kurzen Zeitraum
for a short term only
short weight
unvollständige Verschiffung
short shipment
Wechsel auf kurze Sicht
short bill
Wechsel auf kurze Sicht
short-dated bill
wenn die Entfernung gering ist
if the distance is short
wenn Sie knapp an Ware sind
when you are in short supply
Zinssatz für kurzfristige Anleihen
short-term interest rate
fall short
Adernschluss m electr.
interwire short
Anfangskurzschlusswechselstrom m electr.
initial symmetrical short-circuit current
dumm wie Bohnenstroh übtr.
as thick as two short planks fig.
Dauerkurzschlussstrom m electr.
sustained short-circuit current
Erwartung f
Erwartungen pl
hinter den Erwartungen zurückbleiben
seinen Erwartungen entsprechen
jds. Erwartungen gerecht werden
alle Erwartungen übertreffen
den Erwartungen nicht entsprechen
Erwartungen in etw. setzen
Erwartungen wecken
to be falling short of expectations
to come up to one's expectations, to meet one's expectations
to come up to sb.'s expectations
to surpass all expectations
to fall short of one's expectations
to have expectations of sth.
to raise expectations
Fernsehspot m, Fernsehwerbespot m
Fernsehspots pl, Fernsehwerbespots pl
TV advertisement, TV short
TV advertisements, TV shorts
Fixgeschäft n fin.
short selling
Genauigkeit f, Exaktheit f
einfache Genauigkeit f
doppelte Genauigkeit f
mehrfache Genauigkeit f
übergroße Genauigkeit f
short precision
long precision
multiple precision
fest im Griff übtr.
by the short hairs fig.
Güternahverkehr m
short hauls
Hagelschauer m
Hagelschauer pl
(short) hailstorm
Hemd n
Hemden pl
kurzärmeliges Hemd
besticktes Hemd
jdm. sein letztes Hemd geben
offenes Hemd
short-sleeved shirt
embroidered shirt
to give sb. the shirt off one's back
open-necked shirt
Hermelin n (Mustela erminea) zool.
Hermeline pl
stoat, short-tailed weasel
Investition f, Anlage f, Kapitalanlage f
Investitionen pl, Anlagen pl, Kapitalanlagen pl
die Investition hereinwirtschaften
kurzfristige Anlage
langfristige Anlage
mittelfristige Anlage
investment, capital investment
to recoup one's initial outlay, to recoup one's investment
short-term investment
long-term investment
medium-term investment
Kanzleipapier n (Papiergröße in Großbritannien)
short demy paper, foolscap (paper size in the UK)
knapp bei Kasse sein übtr.
to be short of money, to be short of cash, to be a bit hard up
Katzensprung m übtr.
Der Park ist nur einen Katzensprung entfernt.
Es ist ja nur ein Katzensprung.
Es ist nur einen Katzensprung entfernt.
nur ein Katzensprung
stone's throw fig.
The park is only a stone's throw away.
It is only a stone's throw away.
It's only a stone's throw from here.
only a short hop
Kleingeld n, Wechselgeld n
jdm. zu wenig Wechselgeld geben
to short-change sb.
Kredit m, Darlehen n
Kredit mit kurzer Laufzeit, Darlehen mit kurzer Laufzeit, kurzfristiges Darlehen
Darlehen ohne Deckung
Not leidender Kredit m (Kredit mit überfälligen Raten) jur. fin.
Darlehen aushandeln
einen Kredit aufnehmen
jdm. einen Kredit gewähren
short-term loan
unsecured loan
non performing loan
to arrange a loan
to take out a loan
to grant sb. a loan
Kurzarbeit f
short time, short-time work
Kurzarbeitergeld n
short-time compensation, reduced hours compensation, short-time allowance
Kurzaufenthalt m
short-term stay
Kurzausleihe f
short-term loan
Kurzform f
Kurzformen pl
short form, shortened form
short forms, shortened forms
Kurzgeschichte f
Kurzgeschichten pl
short story
short stories
Kurzmeldung f
short news item
Kurzprogramm n, Kurzkür f sport
short program
Kurzschluss m, Kurzschluß m alt
Kurzschlüsse pl
einen Kurzschluss haben
short-circuit, bypass
short circuits
to be short-circuited
Kurzschlusssicherung f electr.
short circuit fuse
Kurzschlussstrom m electr.
short circuit current
Kurzstator-Linearmotor m techn.
Kurzstator-Linearmotoren pl
short stator linear motor
short stator linear motors
Kurzstreckenflug m aviat.
Kurzstreckenflüge pl
short-haul flight
short-haul flights
Kurzstreckenflugzeug n aviat.
Kurzstreckenflugzeuge pl
short haul aircraft, short range aircraft
short haul aircraft, short range aircraft
Kurzstreckenlauf m sport
Kurzstreckenläufe pl
short-distance race
short-distance races
Kurzstreckenrakete f mil.
Kurzstreckenraketen pl
short-range missile
short-range missiles
Kurztelegramm n
Kurztelegramme pl
short message
short messages
Kurzurlaub m
short holiday
Kurzurlaub m mil.
short leave
Kurzwelle f
Kurzwellen pl
über Kurzwelle, auf Kurzwelle
short wave, shortwave
short waves
on short wave
Kurzwellenempfänger m
short-wave receiver
Kurzwellensender m
short-wave transmitter
short-term, short-time
Kurzzeitbetrieb m
short time operation
Kurzzeitgedächtnis n
short-term memory
Liste f der engeren Wahl, engere Auswahlliste f
jdn. in die engere Auswahl ziehen
shortlist, short-list
to shortlist sb.
Magerton m
short clay
Mangelware f
Mangelware sein
scarce commodity, scarce goods
to be in short supply, to be scarce, to be rare
Minderlieferung f
Minderlieferungen pl
short delivery
short deliveries
Mürbeteig m, Mürbteig m cook.
short pastry, shortcrust
Mürbeteiggebäck n
short bread
zur Neige gehen
to run short
Nennkurzzeitstrom m
rated short-time current
Nennstehwechselspannung f
rated short-duration power frequency withstand voltage
Novelle f
novella, short story
Pause f (Schule)
Pausen pl
kleine Pause
break, recess Am.
breaks, recesses
short break, little break
Polohemd n
polo shirt, polo, short-sleeved shirt
Psychiater m, Klapsdoktor (scherzhaft)
shrink (short for headshrinker), couch doctor
Rock m, Damenrock m
Röcke pl
Röckchen n
little skirt, short skirt
Rumpfgeschäftsjahr n fin.
short fiscal year
SMS f, Kurznachrichtensystem n
short messaging system (SMS)
Spitzenbelastung f, Höchstlast f
kurzzeitige Spitzenbelastung
peak load
short-time peak load, maximum short-time load
Stellungnahme f
schriftliche Stellungnahme
begründete Stellungnahme
eine kurze Stellungnahme
eine Stellungnahme abgeben (zu)
opinion, comment, statement
written opinion
reasoned opinion
a short statement
to make a statement, to deliver an opinion (on)
Stummelpfeife f
Stummelpfeifen pl
short-stemmed pipe
short-stemmed pipes
Teegebäck n
short cake
Teekuchen m
short bread
Teillieferung f
short delivery
Ultrakurzwelle f
Ultrakurzwellen pl
ultra-short wave
ultra short waves
Ultrakurzwellensender m
Ultrakurzwellensender pl
ultra short wave transmitter
ultra short wave transmitters
nicht viel Umstände machen mit
to make short work of
Ventileinsatz m techn.
Ventileinsätze pl
Ventileinsatz m kurz
Ventileinsatz m lang
barrel (valve), core (valve), valve barrel, valve core
barrels, cores, valve barrels, valve cores
short core
long core
Zeitraum m, Frist f
eine Zeit lang
ein Weilchen
ein angemessener Zeitraum
innerhalb zwei Stunden
space, space of time
for a space
a short space
a reasonable time
within the space of two hours
Zentner m
britischer Zentner (ca. 50, 8 kg)
amerikanischer Zentner (ca. 45, 36 kg)
metric hundredweight
(long) hundredweight Br.
(short) hundredweight Am.
Zwischenspurt m sport
short burst of speed
abbrechen v
to cut short, to cut down
cutting short, cutting down
cut short, cut down
jdn. kurz abfertigen, jdm. eine Absage erteilen
to give sb. short shrift
abkürzen v
to cut short
abschneiden, stutzen, scheren v
abschneidend, stutzend, scherend
abgeschnitten, gestutzt, geschoren
schneidet ab, stutzt, schert
schnitt ab, stutzte, schor
kurz geschoren
kurz geschorenes Haar
to crop
hair cropped short
anhalten, stoppen, halten, stehen bleiben, aufhören v
anhaltend, stoppend, haltend, stehen bleibend, aufhörend
angehalten, gestoppt, gehalten, stehen geblieben, aufgehört
hält an, stoppt, hält, bleibt stehen, hört auf
hielt an, stoppte, hielt, blieb stehen, hörte auf
plötzlich anhalten
etw. vollends anhalten
das Rad der Zeit anhalten wollen
mit dem Rauchen aufhören
to stop
to stop short
to stop cold sth.
to try to stop the march of time
to stop smoking
ausgeloste Short-Position f
assigned short position
to short-change
gut betucht sein
not to be short of a bob or two coll.
fürs erste, fürs Nächste
in the short run
fürs erste
for the short time
jdn. übers Ohr hauen übtr.
übers Ohr hauend
übers Ohr gehauen
to short-change sb.
cold short
klein, kurz adj
knapp an
short of
knapp werden
to run short
kürzestmöglich adv
as short as possible
kurz, klein adj
am kürzesten
kurz gesagt
to make a long story short
kurzen Prozess machen, nicht viel Federlesen machen
to give short shrift
kurzatmig adj med.
kurzatmig werden
short-winded, short of breath
to become short of breath
kurzärmelig adj
kurzfaserig adj
kurzfristig adj
short-dated, short-term
kurzfristig adv, für kurze Zeit
for a short time

Deutsche Betschuanalerche {f} [ornith.] Synonyme

Englische Short-clawed Lark Synonyme

short clawed Definition

(imp. & p. p.) of Claw
(a.) Furnished with claws.
(a.) Brittle when cold
(a.) More or less brittle when heated
(a.) Hot-short
(superl.) Not long
(superl.) Not extended in time
(superl.) Limited in quantity
(superl.) Insufficiently provided
(superl.) Deficient
(superl.) Not distant in time
(superl.) Limited in intellectual power or grasp
(superl.) Less important, efficaceous, or powerful
(superl.) Abrupt
(superl.) Breaking or crumbling readily in the mouth
(superl.) Brittle.
(superl.) Engaging or engaged to deliver what is not possessed
(adv.) Not prolonged, or relatively less prolonged, in utterance
(n.) A summary account.
(n.) The part of milled grain sifted out which is next finer than the bran.
(n.) Short, inferior hemp.
(n.) Breeches
(n.) A short sound, syllable, or vowel.
(adv.) In a short manner
(v. t.) To shorten.
(v. i.) To fail
(a.) Having short-breath, or quick respiration.
(a.) Having short life.
Short circuit
() A circuit formed or closed by a conductor of relatively low resistance because shorter or of relatively great conductivity.
(imp. & p. p.) of Short-circuit
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Short-circuit
(v. t.) To join, as the electrodes of a battery or dynamo or any two points of a circuit, by a conductor of low resistance.
(a.) Having little time to run from the date.
(a.) Short of, or lacking the regular number of, servants or helpers.
(a.) Having short intervals between the joints
(a.) Not living or lasting long
(a.) Speaking in a quick or short manner
(a.) Having a short waist.
(a.) Affected with shortness of breath
(a.) Having little wit

short clawed Bedeutung

short sale
short selling
sale of securities or commodity futures not owned by the seller (who hopes to buy them back later at a lower price)
short covering the purchase of securities or commodities by a short seller to close out a short sale
long whist
short whist
a card game for four players who form two partnerships, a pack of cards is dealt and each side scores one point for each trick it takes in excess of six
the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed between second and third base
cat sleep
forty winks
short sleep
sleeping for a short period of time (usually not in bed)
short division the operation of division in which the sequence of steps is performed without writing them out
sedge wren short-billed marsh wren
Cistothorus platensis
small American wren inhabiting wet sedgy meadows
harrier eagle
short-toed eagle
any of numerous large Old World hawks intermediate in some respects between typical hawks and typical eagles
African clawed frog
Xenopus laevis
a tongueless frog native to Africa, established in the United States as result of release of laboratory and aquarium animals
short-tailed shrew
Blarina brevicauda
North American shrew with tail less than half its body length
German short-haired pointer liver or liver-and-white hunting dog developed in Germany,
pointer and
short-horned grasshopper
grasshopper with short antennae
short the location on a baseball field where the shortstop is stationed
short circuit
accidental contact between two points in an electric circuit that have a potential difference
short iron an iron with a short shaft and pitched face, for hitting short high shots
short line a transportation system that operates over relatively short distances
short pants
trousers that end at or above the knee
short sleeve a sleeve extending from the shoulder to the elbow
stop bath
short-stop bath
an acid bath used to stop the action of a developer
short bone
os breve
a bone that is of approximately equal dimension in all directions
short gastric artery
arteria gastrica breves
vasa brevis
several small arteries branching off of the splenic artery and going to the greater curvature of the stomach
short saphenous vein a vein running from the foot up the back of the leg to the knee
short-term memory
immediate memory
what you can repeat immediately after perceiving it
short story a prose narrative shorter than a novel
short list
a list of applicants winnowed from a longer list who have been deemed suitable and from which the successful person will be chosen
short subject a brief film, often shown prior to showing the feature
note short letter
line billet
a short personal letter, drop me a line when you get there
short account the aggregate of short sales on an open market
short aria
a short aria
short shrift
summary treatment
a brief and unsympathetic rejection, they made short shrift of my request
short order an order for food that can be prepared quickly
short temper
quick temper
a feeling of resentful anger
chuck short ribs between the chuck and the brisket
short ribs cut of beef containing rib ends near the sternum
Pepin III
Pepin the Short
king of the Franks and father of Charlemagne who defended papal interests and founded the Carolingian dynasty in (-)
short wave a radio wave with a wavelength less than meters (a frequency greater than megahertz)
shortleaf pine
short-leaf pine
shortleaf yellow pine
Pinus echinata
large pine of southern United States having short needles in bunches of - and red-brown bark when mature
Short's aster
Aster shortii
perennial of southeastern United States having usually blue flowers
short-spurred fragrant orchid
Gymnadenia odoratissima
similar to Gymnadenia conopsea but with smaller flowers on shorter stems and having much shorter spurs
any of various grasses that are short and can tolerate drought conditions, common on the dry upland plains just east of the Rocky Mountains
hundredweight cwt short hundredweight
centner cental
a United States unit of weight equivalent to pounds
short ton
ton net ton
a United States unit of weight equivalent to pounds
short account a brokerage account of someone who sells short (sells securities he does not own)
short-staple cotton cotton with relatively short fibers
curtail cut short
terminate or abbreviate before its intended or proper end or its full extent, My speech was cut short, Personal freedom is curtailed in many countries
cut short
make shorter as if by cutting off, truncate a word, Erosion has truncated the ridges of the mountains
cut short break short
break off
interrupt before its natural or planned end, We had to cut short our vacation
cut short cause to end earlier than intended, The spontaneous applause cut the singer short
sell short underestimate the real value or ability of, Don't sell your students short--they are just shy and don't show off their knowledge
go around get around
avoid something unpleasant or laborious, You cannot bypass these rules!
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