
single source Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Gesamtsystemanbieter m econ. (fĂŒr)
Gesamtsystemanbieter pl
single-source supplier; single-source provider (for)
single-source suppliers; single-source providers
Motor m auto techn.
Motoren pl
Blockmotor m
Doppelreihenmotor m auto
Einreihenmotor m
Saugmotor m
Trommelmotor m
abgasoptimierter Motor
bĂŒrstenloser Motor; Stromrichtermotor
liegender Motor
quer eingebauter Motor; Quermotor auto
bei mit laufendem Motor auto
den Motor warmlaufen lassen
den Motor hochjagen; mit Bleifuß fahren; auf die Tube drĂŒcken ugs.
engine (generating energy through a chemical reaction); motor (receiving propelling power from an external source)
engines; motors
block-cast motor engine; monobloc motor engine; block motor engine
twin-bank engine; double-tandem engine
single-line engine
aspirating engine; naturally aspirated engine
drum motor
exhaust gas optimized motor
brushless motor; BL-motor
horizontal motor; flat motor
transverse engine
with the engine running
to warm up the engine
to gun the engine Am. coll.
deduction at source
address source
bestÀndige Ursache von Reibungen
constant source of friction
dauerhafte Einkommensquelle
perpetual source of income
einfache BuchfĂŒhrung
single entry bookkeeping
einfaches PrÀmiengeschÀft
single option
source of earnings
single premium
einzeln, einzig
single item
single premium
single-premium insurance
single column
FachgeschÀft (US)
single line store
money source
key source
source of supply
Unterhaltsquelle, Quelle des Lebensunterhalts
source of livelihood
Unterhaltsquelle, Quelle des Lebensunterhalts
source of subsistence
wir haben nur einen einzigen Lieferanten
we have a single supplier only
Abbildungsbreite f, Klangkörperausdehnung f (Akustik)
apparently source width, auditory source width
Absenderkennung f
source identifier
Alleinerziehende m f , Alleinerziehender
Alleinerziehenden pl, Alleinerziehende
single parent, lone parent
single parents, lone parents
Anmelden n comp.
einmaliges Anmelden
single sign-on (SSO)
Apostroph m, Hochkomma n
single quotation mark
Ausgangssprache f
source language
Backenbrecher m techn.
Backenbrecher pl
Ein-Kniehebelbrecher m
Doppel-Kniehebelbrecher m
jawcrusher, jaw crusher
jawcrushers, jaw crushers
single-toggle jaw crusher
double-toggle jaw crusher
Bezugsquelle f, Lieferquelle f
source of supply
Bezugsquelle f
supplier, buying source
Binnenmarkt m
EuropÀischer Binnenmarkt
single market
European Single Market (ESM)
Brandherd m
Brandherde pl
source of fire
sources of fire
Bremsnabe f techn.
Bremsnaben pl
rear brake hub
rear brake hubs
single speed back-pedalling brake hub
Brennofen m
Brennofen mit ĂŒberschlagender Flamme
Brennofen mit einer Kammer
Brennofen mit aufsteigender Flamme
Brennofen mit durchziehender Flamme
Frontlader-Brennofen m
mit Kohle geheizter Brennofen
kiln, pottery-kiln
downdraught kiln
single-chambered kiln
updraught (updraft Am.) kiln
cross-draught kiln
front loading kiln
coal burning kiln
BuchfĂŒhrung f
einfache BuchfĂŒhrung
doppelte BuchfĂŒhrung
single-entry bookkeeping
double-entry bookkeeping
Datenquelle f
Datenquellen pl
data origin, data source
data origins, data sources
Einadressrechner m
single-address computer
Einbettzimmer n, Einzelzimmer n
Einbettzimmer pl, Einzelzimmer pl
single room
single rooms
one-chip, single-chip
Einchipprozessor m
single-chip microprocessor
Einer m (Rudern) sport
single scull
Einfachstangenkopf m techn.
Einfachstangenköpfe pl
single tie rod
single tie rods
Einfamilienhaus n
EinfamilienhÀuser pl
freistehendes Einfamilienhaus
one-family house, single-family house
one-family houses, single-family houses
detached house
EinfeldtrÀger m techn.
EinfeldtrÀger pl
single span girder
single span girders
Einhebelarmatur f
single-lever fitting
Einheitsliste n
single list, single ticket Am.
EinheitswÀhrung f
single currency
Einhieb-Feile f
Einhieb-Feilen pl
single-cut file
single-cut files
Einholm-Dachstromabnehmer m
single-arm pantograph
Einkanalschreiber m
single-channel recorder
Einkommensteuer f, Einkommenssteuer f
Einkommensteuer einbehalten
gestaffelte Einkommensteuer
income tax
to deduct income tax at source
graduated income tax
Einloch-Montage f
single-hole mounting
Einmalzahlung f fin.
Einmalzahlungen pl
single payment
single payments
Einnahmequelle f (des Staates)
source of revenue
Einnahmequelle f
source of income
Einphasenwechselstrom m electr.
single phase alternating current
Einplatinenrechner m
single-board computer
Einplatzsystem n
single-station system
Einscheibenkupplung f
single disc clutch Am., single disk clutch Br.
Einscheibensicherheitsglas n (ESG)
single-pane safety glass
Einschriftleser m
single-font reader
Einseitenbandmodulation f
single-sideband modulation, SBB modulation
EinstÀrkenglas n (Brille)
EinstÀrkenglÀser pl
single vision lens
single vision lenses
EintrÀger-Deckenkran m
single girder underslung crane
EintrÀger-Laufkran m
single girder overhead travelling cran
Einwalzenbrecher m techn.
Einwalzenbrecher pl
single roll crusher
single roll crushers
Einwalzenschlackebrecher m techn.
Einwalzenschlackebrecher pl
single roll slag crusher
single roll slag crushers
Einwellenanordnung f (Turbine) mach.
single-shaft arrangement, tandem-compound arrangement
Einzeladerabdichtung f electr.
single-wire sealing
Einzelbeleg m
Einzelbelege pl
single document
single documents
Einzelbeleg m
single-user ...
Einzelbaumauslese f
single tree selection
Einzelbeulspannung f techn.
single bulging stress
EinzelblĂŒte f bot.
EinzelblĂŒten pl
single flower
single flowers
Einzelfund m
single find
EinzelgerÀt n
EinzelgerÀte pl
single device
single devices
Einzelkabine f
Einzelkabinen pl
single cabin
single cabins
Einzelkampf m
EinzelkÀmpfe pl
single combat
single combats
Einzelkraft f
single force, concentrated force
Einzellast f
Einzellasten pl
single load
concentrated loads, single loads
Einzellitzen pl
single strands
Einzelperson f
fĂŒr eine Einzelperson
single person, unaccompanied person
for one person (only)
Einzelplatzsystem n
Einzelplatzsysteme pl
single-position system
single-position systems
Einzelposten m
Einzelposten pl
single item
single items
Einzelpreis m
Einzelpreise pl
flat rate, price of a single piece, price of a single item
flat rates, prices of a single piece, prices of a single item
Einzelschleifensteuerung f
single-loop controller
Einzelschritt m
Einzelschritte pl
single step
single steps
Einzelspindelantrieb m techn.
single spindle drive
EinzelstĂŒck n
single copy
Einzelteilfertigung f
single item production system
Einzelverdrahtung f
single-wire harnessing
Einzelzimmer n (EZ)
Einzelzimmer pl
single room
single rooms
Einzelzimmerzuschlag m
EinzelzimmerzuschlÀge pl
surcharge for single occupancy
surcharges for single occupancy
Einzylinder-PrĂŒfstand m
single cylinder test station
Emission f
Emissionen pl
punktuelle Emissionen
diffuse Emissionen
point source emissions
non-point source emissions
Energiequelle f
energy source
EnergietrÀger m
source of energy, energy carrier
Ergiebigkeit f
source function
Erwerbsquelle f
Erwerbsquellen pl
source of income
sources of income
Fahrkarte f
Fahrkarten pl
einfache Fahrkarte f
eine Fahrkarte kaufen, eine Fahrkarte lösen
single ticket, one way ticket Am.
to buy a ticket
Fehlerquelle f
source of error, source of trouble
Fehlerstelle f, Problemstelle f
Fehlerstellen pl, Problemstellen pl
einzelne Fehlerstelle
point of failure
points of failure
single point-of-failure (SPOF)
Felge f
Felgen pl
abnehmbare Felge
dreiteilige Felge
einteilige Felge
empfohlene Felge
fĂŒnfteilige Felge
genietete Felge
geschweißte Felge
mittengeteilte Felge
mögliche Felge
nicht zerstörbare Felge
schlauchlose Felge
theoretische Felge
vierteilige Felge
zweiteilige Felge
zweiteilige Felge mit geteilter Radscheibe
demountable rim
three-piece rim
one piece rim, single piece rim
recommended rim
five-piece rim
riveted rim
welded rim
centre split rim
alternative rim
non-fangible rim
tubeless rim
theoretical rim
four-piece rim
two-piece rim
divided wheel, split (divided) rim
Flugdach n
FlugdÀcher pl
shed roof, pent roof, single-pitch roof
shed roofs, pent roofs, single-pitch roofs
Fundgrube f
Fundgruben pl
rich source
rich sources
im GĂ€nsemarsch gehen
to go in single file
GefĂ€ĂŸ n, BehĂ€lter m
GefĂ€ĂŸe pl, BehĂ€lter pl
einschaliger BehÀlter techn.
single-wall vessel
Geldquelle f
Geldquellen pl
source of capital
sources of capital
GewÀhrsmann m
informant, source
Gewerbeabfall m, GewerbeabfÀlle pl
Gewerbeabfall zur Verwertung
commercial waste, waste collected from a commercial source
commercial waste to be re-used
Hakenflasche f, Hakengeschirr n
Hakenflasche 2-strÀngig
Hakengeschirr 1-strÀngig
bottom hook block
two-fall bottom hook block
single-fall bottom hook block
Hauptquelle f
Hauptquellen pl
key source, main source
key sources, main sources
Heizzug m
einschaliger Heizzug
heating gas pass
single-shell heating gas pass
Herkunftsangabe f
indication of source
Informationsquelle f
information source
Inspirationsquelle f, Impulsgeber m
source of inspiration
Kettenrad n
KettenrÀder pl
chain wheel, chain pulley, chain sprocket
chain wheels, chain pulleys, chain sprockets
single chainwheel
double chainwheel
triple chainwheel
Lebewesen n biol.
Lebewesen pl
einzellige Lebewesen pl
living thing, living being, living creature
living things, living beings, living creatures
single-celled creatures, unicellular organisms
Lichtquelle f
source of light
Literaturquelle f
reference, literature source
Makel m, Fehler m
ohne einen (einzigen) Makel
mit einem Makel behaftet
flaw, blemish
without a (single) flaw
marked with a blemish
Monokristall m
single crystal
Originalbeleg m
source document
Portierung f (eines Computerprogrammes) comp.
porting, transferring (of source code)
PrimÀrbibliothek f
source library
PrimÀre Informationsquelle f
chief source of information
PrimÀrprogramm n comp.
source program
Quelle f, Quell m
heiße Quellen
source, spring
hot springs
Quelle f, Ursprung m
Quellen pl
aus zuverlÀssiger Quelle
aus sicherer Quelle
aus guter Quelle
eine Quelle erschließen
die Quelle allen Übels
an der Quelle sitzen
from a reliable source
from a trustworthy source
on good authority
to develop a source, to exploit a source
the root of all evil
to be well-placed
Quellcode m
source code
Quelle-Senke-Abstand m
source-drain spacing
Quellenkarte f
source map
Quellenmaterial n
source material
Quellensteuer f
tax at source, withholding tax
Quellgebiet n, QuellflĂŒsse pl
headwater, source region
Quellprogramm n comp.
Quellprogramme pl
source program
source programs
Quelltext m comp.
source code
RĂ€umlichkeit f (Akustik)
spaciousness, early spacial impression, auditory source width
ReibungsflĂ€che f ĂŒbtr.
source of friction
Rohstoffquelle f
Rohstoffquellen pl
source of raw materials
sources of raw materials
Einfach-Schalthebel m
frame-mounted single derailleur control
Seitenquelltext m comp.
website source code
Spannungsquelle f
voltage source

Deutsche Gesamtsystemanbieter {m} [econ.] (fĂŒr) / Gesamtsystemanbieter {pl} Synonyme


Englische single-source supplier; single-source provider Synonyme

single source Definition

(a.) One only, as distinguished from more than one
(a.) Alone
(a.) Hence, unmarried
(a.) Not doubled, twisted together, or combined with others
(a.) Performed by one person, or one on each side
(a.) Uncompounded
(a.) Not deceitful or artful
(a.) Simple
(v. t.) To select, as an individual person or thing, from among a number
(v. t.) To sequester
(v. t.) To take alone, or one by one.
(v. i.) To take the irrregular gait called single-foot
(n.) A unit
(n.) The reeled filaments of silk, twisted without doubling to give them firmness.
(n.) A handful of gleaned grain.
(n.) A game with but one player on each side
(n.) A hit by a batter which enables him to reach first base only.
(a.) Having simplicity of action
(a.) Lapping over the breast only far enough to permit of buttoning, and having buttons on one edge only
(n.) An irregular gait of a horse
(a.) Having but one hand, or one workman
(a.) Having an honest heart
(a.) Having a single purpose
(n.) The act of rising
(n.) The rising from the ground, or beginning, of a stream of water or the like
(n.) That from which anything comes forth, regarded as its cause or origin

single source Bedeutung

line-drive single
line single
a single resulting from a line drive
a base hit on which the batter stops safely at first base
a rapid gait of a horse in which each foot strikes the ground separately
single entry
single-entry bookkeeping
a simple bookkeeping system, transactions are entered in only one account
single combat a fight between two people, in all armies there were officers who needed to prove their bravery by single combat
detached house
single dwelling
a house that stands alone
light source
any device serving as a source of illumination, he stopped the car and turned off the lights
racing skiff
single shell
a shell for a single oarsman
single bed a bed for one occupant
single-breasted jacket a jacket having fronts that overlap only enough for a single row of buttons
single-breasted suit a suit having a single-breasted jacket
single crochet
single stitch
a crochet stitch
single prop
single-propeller plane
a propeller plane with a single propeller
source a facility where something is available
source of illumination any device serving as a source of visible electromagnetic radiation
ultraviolet lamp
ultraviolet source
any source of illumination that emits ultraviolet radiation
single-mindedness characterized by one unified purpose
anything that provides inspiration for later work
uninominal system
uninominal voting system
single-member system
scrutin uninomial system
scrutin uninominal voting system
based on the principle of having only one member (as of a legislature) selected from each electoral district
source language a language that is to be translated into another language
source code program instructions written as an ASCII text file, must be translated by a compiler or interpreter or assembler into the object code for a particular computer before execution
single-spacing typing that does not leave lines blank
source book a collection of historically important documents published together as a book
source program a program written in a language from which statements are translated into machine language
source a document (or organization) from which information is obtained, the reporter had two sources for the story
source materials publications from which information is obtained
single quote a single quotation mark
reference source a publication (or a passage from a publication) that is referred to, he carried an armful of references back to his desk, he spent hours looking for the source of that quotation
light cream
coffee cream
single cream
cream that has at least % butterfat, in England they call light cream `single cream'
single file
Indian file
a line of persons or things ranged one behind the other
the place where something begins, where it springs into being, the Italian beginning of the Renaissance, Jupiter was the origin of the radiation, Pittsburgh is the source of the Ohio River, communism's Russian root
point source a concentrated source (especially of radiation or pollution) that is spatially constricted
quasi-stellar radio source
a starlike object that may send out radio waves and other forms of energy, many have large red shifts
radio source an object that radiates radio waves
anything (a person or animal or plant or substance) in which an infectious agent normally lives and multiplies, an infectious agent depends on a reservoir for its survival
someone who originates or causes or initiates something, he was the generator of several complaints
a person who supplies information
passive source an informant who is not assigned to obtain specific intelligence but who routinely passes on whatever information he or she has
single nucleotide polymorphism
(genetics) genetic variation in a DNA sequence that occurs when a single nucleotide in a genome is altered, SNPs are usually considered to be point mutations that have been evolutionarily successful enough to recur in a significant proportion of the population of a species
single-leaf pine
single-leaf pinyon
Pinus monophylla
pinon of southwestern United States having solitary needles and often many stems, important as a nut pine
California single-leaf pinyon
Pinus californiarum
very small tree similar to Rocky mountain pinon but having a single needle per fascicle, similar to Parry's pinyon in range
single tax a system of taxation in which a tax is levied on a single commodity (usually land)
single supplement a surcharge added to the cost per person when traveling alone
source (technology) a process by which energy or a substance enters a system, a heat source, a source of carbon dioxide
the smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number, he has the one but will need a two and three to go with it, they had lunch at one
mathematical function
single-valued function
(mathematics) a mathematical relation such that each element of a given set (the domain of the function) is associated with an element of another set (the range of the function)
source specify the origin of, The writer carefully sourced her report
single out select from a group, She was singled out for her outstanding performance
single hit a single, the batter singled to left field
single crochet
single stitch
make by single stitching
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