
site specific Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

standortspezifisch adj
Erbgutveränderung f; Mutagenese f biochem.
Erbgutveränderungen pl; Mutagenesen pl
gerichtete Mutagenese
ortsspezifische Mutagenese
oriented mutagenesis
site-specific mutagenesis
Anschlagbrett, Anschlagtafel
poster site
ausdrückliches Vermächtnis
specific legacy
site development
building site
besondere Gründe
specific reasons
effektive Vertragserfüllung
specific performance
Fertigung vor Ort
on-site fabrication
in einzelnen Geschäftszweigen üblich
in specific trades
Lageplan, Grundstücksplan
plan of site
näher bezeichnete Ware
specific goods
Parken im Firmengelände
on-site parking
Platz, Lage
sollte spezielle Weisungen enthalten
should give specific instrunctions
specific function
specific training
spezielle Probleme
specific problems
spezielle Schadensversicherung
specific insurance
wenn besondere Bestimmungen fehlen
failing specific stipulations
Abgrabung f
excavation, excavation site
Abmessen n der Baustelle
survey of site
Abstellplatz m
Abstellplätze pl
compound site
compound sites
Adresse f comp.
absolute Adresse
absolute Adresse, Maschinenadresse
absolute Adresse, echte Adresse
absolute (wirkliche) Adresse
alphanumerische Adresse
explizite Adresse, ausdrückliche Adresse
implizite Adresse
physische Adresse
relative Adresse
symbolische Adresse
tatsächliche Adresse
virtuelle (gedachte) Adresse
specific address
actual address
effective address
absolute address
alphanumeric address
explicit address
implicit address
physical address
symbolic address
real address
virtual address
Ankerloch n
Ankerlöcher pl
Ankerlöcher sind auf der Baustelle zu bohren.
anchor hole
anchor holes
Anchor holes must be drilled at the building site.
Anpassen n
site fitting
besondere Art der baulichen Nutzung
specific land-use type
Aufmaß n
site measuring, measurement (of quantities)
bauliche Aufnahme f
survey of buildings and site
Aufstellungsort m, Standort m
Ausgrabungsstätte f, Stätte f
Ausstellungsplatz m, Messegelände n
exhibition site
Baubüro n, Baustellenbüro n
site office
Baugebiet n
allgemeine Zweckbestimmung des Baugebiets
Eigenart des Baugebiets
specific land-use area
general function of the specific land-use area
special character of the specific land-use area
Baugelände n, Baugebiet n
building site
Baugrundstück n
site, building plot
Bauleiter m
site manager, construction manager, construction supervisor
kaufmännischer Leiter einer Baustelle, Verwaltungschef auf der Baustelle constr.
site administrator
Baumaschinen pl
Baumaschinen pl
construction machine, piece of construction machinery
construction machines, construction machinery, construction site equipment
Bauplatz m
building lot, building ground, building site
Bauplatz m, Lage f
Baustelle f constr.
Baustellen pl
auf der Baustelle anpassen
auf der Baustelle kürzen
building site, construction site
building sites, construction sites
to adapt at the building site
to shorten at the building site
Baustellenanschluss m
site connection, field connection
Baustellenanstrich m
site painting, field painting
Baustellenbaracke f
building site hut
Baustellenbesichtigung f
building site visit
Baustelleneinrichtung f
building site facilities
Baustellenschweißung f
site welding, field welding
Baustellenzaun m
Baustellenzäune pl
building site fence, site fence
building site fences, site fences
Baustrom m constr.
power consumed on a construction site
Bauunterkunft f
site accommodation
Branchenstruktur f
structure of the branch, structure of the specific sectors
Bruchstelle f
Bruchstellen pl
site of fracture
sites of fracture
Campingplatz m
camp site, campground, camping ground Am.
Dichte f, Wichte f, spezifisches Gewicht phys.
specific gravity (S.G.)
elektrischer Eigenbedarf zum Betreiben einer Anlage electr.
on-site power
Einzelzulassung f
approval for specific use
Einzugsgebietsanalyse f
site catchment analysis
Elektrogerät m, Elekroapparat m
Elektrogeräte pl, Elekroapparate pl
Elektrogeräte vor Ort
electric appliance, electrical device
electric appliances, electrical devices
electrical devices on site
Endlager n (für Atommüll)
permanent disposal site (for nuclear waste)
Enthalpie f phys.
spezifische Enthalpie
specific enthalpy
Fachmaßnahmen pl
specific measures
Festpunkt m, Höhenfestpunkt m (Vermessung)
amtlicher Höhenfestpunkt
örtlicher Höhenfestpunkt
ordnance datum
site datum
Feuchtbodenfundstätte f
water saturated site
Gelände n
im Gelände
außerhalb des Geländes befindlich
site, ground, premises
Gitterleerstelle f, Gitterlücke f (Kristall)
empty lattice site, vacant lattice site
Gitterplatz m (Kristall)
lattice site
Grabungstagebuch n
site notebook
Grund m, Ursache f, Anlass m
Gründe pl
mit Grund, mit Recht
der alleinige Grund
gar kein Grund
aus welchem Grund?
besondere Gründe
aus diesem Grund
aus politischen Gründen
aus gesundheitlichen Gründen
aus verschiedenen Gründen
aus welchen Gründen auch immer
besondere (zwingende) städtebauliche Gründe
nicht ohne Grund
with reason
the only reason
no reason whatsoever, no reason at all
for what reason?
specific reasons
it is for this reason
for political reasons
for health etc reasons, on health grounds
for various reasons, for a variety of reasons
for whatever reasons
special (urgent) urban-planning reasons
not for nothing
Höhensiedlung f hist.
Höhensiedlungen pl
hilltop site
hilltop sites
Kennwert m
Kennwerte pl
characteristic value, specific value
characteristic values, specific values
Lage f
Lagen pl
Lageplan m
Lagepläne pl
site plan, key plan
site plans
Lochstelle f
hole site
Maßnahme f
spezifische Maßnahmen
direkte Maßnahme
indirekte Maßnahme
sich zu Maßnahmen gezwungen sehen
specific action
direct action
indirect action
to be forced to take action
Materialbenennung f
allgemeine Materialbenennung f
spezifische Materialbenennung f
material designation
general material designation
specific material designation
Mülldeponie f, Abfalldeponie f, Müllhalde f, Schutthalde f
Mülldeponien pl, Abfalldeponien pl, Müllhalden pl, Schutthalden pl
(garbage) dump, waste disposal site, landfill (site) Am.
dumps, waste disposal sites, landfill sites
Naturschönheit f
Naturschönheiten pl
natural beauty, site of natural beauty
natural beauties, sites of natural beauty
Oberbauleiter m, Oberbauleiterin f constr.
Oberbauleiter pl, Oberbauleiterinnen pl
senior site engineer, senior site manager
senior site engineers, senior site managers
Objektschutz m (Baustelle)
site security
Objektschutzbeauftragte m f , Objektschutzbeauftragter (Baustelle)
Objektschutzbeauftragten pl, Objektschutzbeauftragte
head of site security
heads of site security
vor Ort, Vor-Ort...
on-site, on the ground
on-site supervision
Ortsplan m, Plan m
Ortspläne pl, Pläne pl
site map
site maps
Pegelstandort m
gauging site
Radarstellung f mil. aviat.
radar site
Schaltkreis m
Schaltkreise pl
integrierter Schaltkreis, integrierte Schaltung f
anwendungsspezifischer integrierter Schaltkreis
Schaltleistung f
integrated circuit (IC), chip
application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC)
switching capacity
Schweißnaht f, Naht f techn.
Schweißnähte pl, Nähte pl
sämtliche Schweißnähte
Schweißnähte auf Baustelle schweißen
welded joint, weldseam, weld, welding seam
welded joints, weldseams, welds, welding seams
all welding seams
welded parts to be welded on building site
Siedlungsplatz m, Siedlungsstelle f
settlement site
Sonderbetriebsmittel n (SBM)
Sonderbetriebsmittel pl
type specific tool (TST)
type specific tools
Spezifikum n
Spezifika pl
Standortanalyse f econ.
Standortanalysen pl
production site analysis
production site analyses
Standortverbesserung f
Standortverbesserungen pl
site improvement
site improvements
Standortvorbereitung f
Standortvorbereitungen pl
site preparation
site preparations
Stätte f
historische Stätte f
an historischer Stätte
eine Stätte des Friedens
historical site
on historical ground
a haven of peace
Stellplatz m (auf Campingplatz)
pitch, site
Tatort m
Tatorte pl
site of crime, scene of a crime, crime scene
sites of crime
Trümmergebiet n, Trümmergrundstück n
bomb site
Umweltqualität f
Umweltqualität eines Industriestandorts
environmental quality
environmental quality of an industrial site
Unterstützung f, Stütze f, Rückhalt m
zur Unterstützung, zugunsten
kostenlose Unterstützung
spezielle Unterstützung, angemessene Unterstützung
angemessene Unterstützung
zur Unterstützung
in support of
free support
specific support
appropriate support
in support of
Versuchsgelände n
testing ground, test ground, test site
Vorfluter m
receiving water course, on-site preflooder
Wärme f techn. phys.
spezifische Wärme
specific heat
Wärmekapazität f
spezifische Wärmekapazität
effective heat capacity
specific heat capacity
Website f, Web-Angebot n, Netzplatz m
ein Web-Angebot, an dem man kleben bleibt
website, web site
sticky site
Weltkulturerbe n, Liste f der Weltkulturgüter
Stätte des Weltkulturerbes
world heritage, world heritage list
world heritage site
Windschatten m, Windschattenseite f, Lee f
lee, lee site
Zeltplatz m, Campingplatz m
camping site
Zielplatz m, Zielgelände n, Zielort m mil.
target site
altersspezifisch adj
age specific
bauseits adv
on the part of the building site
benutzerspezifisch adj
bereichsspezifisch adj
area specific
bestimmt, speziell adj
gerätespezifisch adj
geschlechtsspezifisch adj
herstellerspezifisch adj
account specific
kundenspezifisch adj
länderspezifisch adj
spezifisch, gezielt, besonders, präzise adj
unspezifisch, nicht spezifisch adj
nonspecific, unspecific
zweckgebunden adj
for a specific purpose
Altlastenanalytik techn.
contaminated site analyses
age specific
approval for specific use
area specific
building site
camp site
camping site
camping site
hole site
Bauplatz, Lage
site of crime
site of fracture
site plan
site plans
spezifisch, spezifische
absolute Adresse
specific address
einen Zeltplatz reservieren lassen
book a camping-site
historische Stätte
historical site
Camping-Anlage am See
lake-side camping site

Deutsche standortspezifisch {adj} Synonyme

Englische site-specific Synonyme

site specific Definition

(n.) The place where anything is fixed
(n.) A place fitted or chosen for any certain permanent use or occupation
(n.) The posture or position of a thing.
(a.) Of or pertaining to a species
(a.) Specifying
(a.) Exerting a peculiar influence over any part of the body
(n.) A specific remedy. See Specific, a., 3.
(a.) Anything having peculiar adaption to the purpose to which it is applied.

site specific Bedeutung

specific performance the performance of a legal contract as specified by its terms
site visit a visit in an official capacity to examine a site to determine its suitability for some enterprise
wrong-site surgery a surgical operation performed on the wrong part of the body
drill site workplace that is the site of a drill hole
specific a medicine that has a mitigating effect on a specific disease, quinine is a specific for malaria
specific gravity the density of a substance relative to the density of water
a fact about some part (as opposed to general), he always reasons from the particular to the general
web site
internet site
a computer connected to the internet that maintains a series of web pages on the World Wide Web, the Israeli web site was damaged by hostile hackers
portal site
a site that the owner positions as an entrance to other sites on the internet, a portal typically has search engines and free email and chat rooms etc.
bomb site an area in a town that has been devastated by bombs, they opened a parking lot on the bomb site
camping site
camping ground
camping area
a site where people on holiday can pitch a tent
burial site
burial ground
burying ground
memorial park
a tract of land used for burials
archeological site
the site of an archeological exploration, they set up camp next to the dig
toxic waste dump
toxic waste site
toxic dumpsite
a location where toxic wastes can be or have been disposed of (often illegally)
launching site a place for launching pads
site situation physical position in relation to the surroundings, the sites are determined by highly specific sequences of nucleotides
active site the part of an enzyme or antibody where the chemical reaction occurs
restriction site the specific sites at which a restriction enzyme will cleave DNA
land site
the piece of land on which something is located (or is to be located), a good site for the school
toxic site
toxic waste area
Superfund site
a site where toxic wastes have been dumped and the Environmental Protection Agency has designated them to be cleaned up
orphan site a toxic waste area where the polluter could not be identified or the polluter refused to take action or pay for the cleanup
vacant lot
building site
a lot on which there are no permanent buildings
specific heat the heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of a substance one degree centigrade
prostate specific antigen
a protein manufactured exclusively by the prostate gland, PSA is produced for the ejaculate where it liquifies the semen and allows sperm cells to swim freely, elevated levels of PSA in blood serum are associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer
locate place
assign a location to, The company located some of their agents in Los Angeles
specific stated explicitly or in detail, needed a specific amount
specific (sometimes followed by `to') applying to or characterized by or distinguishing something particular or special or unique, rules with specific application, demands specific to the job, a specific and detailed account of the accident
specific being or affecting a disease produced by a particular microorganism or condition, used also of stains or dyes used in making microscope slides, quinine is highly specific for malaria, a specific remedy, a specific stain is one having a specific affinity for particular structural elements
on-site taking place or located at the site, on-site inspection
off-site taking place or located away from the site, an off-site waste treatment operation
specific relating to or distinguishing or constituting a taxonomic species, specific characters
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