
sitz bath Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Sitzbad n, Sitzbadewanne f
sitz-bath, hip bath
Sitzbad n; Sitzbadewanne f
sitz-bath; hip bath
Ätzbad n
etch bath
Aromabad n
aromatic bath
Bad n
Bäder pl
türkisches Bad
ein Bad nehmen, baden
ein Bad nehmen, in der Wanne baden
baths, bathhouses
Turkish bath
to take a bath
to have a bath
Bademantel m
Bademäntel pl
bath robe, bathrobe
bath robes
Badematte f, Badevorleger m
Badematten pl, Badevorleger pl
bathtub mat, bath mat
bathtub mats, bath mats
Bademeister m, Bademeisterin f
Bademeister pl, Bademeisterinnen pl
bath attendant, pool attendant
bath attendants, pool attendants
Badesalz n
bath salts
Badetuch n
Badetücher pl
bath towel, swimming towel
bath towels
Badewärter m
bath attendant
Badewanne f
Badewannen pl
bath, bathtub, bath tub
bath tubs
Badewasser n
bath water
Badezimmer n
Badezimmer pl
bathroom, bath room
bathrooms, bath rooms
Badtür f
Badtüren pl
bath door
bath doors
Beizbad n
pickling bath
Dampfbad n
Dampfbäder pl
steam bath
steam baths
Duschbad n
shower bath
Fixierbad n
Fixierbäder pl
fixing bath
fixing baths
Freibad n
open-air swimming pool, open-air bath
Heilbad n
Heilbäder pl
therapeutic bath
therapeutic baths
Kleiebad n
bran bath
Kurort m, Bad n
spa, health resort, sanitarium, bath
Mischbatterie f
bath mixer, mixer tap Br.
Ölbad n
oil bath
Ölbadschmierung f techn.
oil-bath lubrication
Salzbad n, Solbad n
saline bath
Schaumbad n
Schaumbäder pl
foam bath
foam baths
Schlammbad n
mud bath
Schwefelbad n
Schwefelbäder pl
sulphur bath
sulphur baths
Schwimmanstalt f
Schwimmanstalten pl
swimming bath
swimming baths
Schwitzbad n
Schwitzbäder pl
sweating bath, sweat bath
sweating baths
Sitzbad n, Sitzbadewanne f
sitz-bath, hip bath
Solbad n
saltwater bath, brine bath
Stahlbad n
chalybeate bath
Staubbad n
Thermalbad n
Thermalbäder pl
thermal bath, thermal spa, hot springs
thermal baths, thermal spas
Tonbad n
Tonbäder pl
toning bath
toning baths
Vogelbad n
bird bath
Wasserbad n cook.
bain-marie, water bath
Wechselbad n
contrast bath
das Kind mit dem Bade ausschütten übtr.
to pour out
to throw the baby out with the bath water
baden v
sie badet
sie badete
to bath
she bathes
she bathed
eingelassen adj (Badewanne)
sunken (bath)
Ich lasse dir ein Bad ein.
I'll run you a bath.
Acrylbadewannen pl chem. techn.
acrylic Bath Tubs
Bad, Badewanne, baden
bath attendant
bath robe
bath robes
bath room
bath rooms
bath salts
bath towel
bath towels
bath tub
bath tubs
chalybeate bath
contrast bath
fixing bath
foam bath
have a bath
ein Bad nehmen, in der Wanne baden
have a bath
hip bath
mud bath
oil bath
open air bath
Einzelzimmer mit Etagenbad
single room with bath
Einzelzimmer mit Bad
single room with private bath
steam bath
sulphur bath
sun bath
sweating bath
swimming bath
therapeutic bath
to take a bath
ein Bad nehmen
to take a bath
toning bath
ein Bad nehmen
take a bath
carbonic-acid bath
Bad; Badewanne
Anlassbad n (Metallurgie) techn.
tempering bath (metallurgy)
Bad n chem. techn.
chemisches Bad
Säurebad n
etw. durch das Bad gehen lassen
ein Bad abschwächen
chemical bath
bath of acid
to run sth. through the bath
to lessen a bath
Bad n; Badeanstalt f
Bäder pl; Badeanstalten pl
die antiken römischen Bäder
bathhouse; swimming pool; swimming bath Br. (old-fashioned); bath hist.
bathhouses; swimming pools; swimming baths; baths
the ancient Roman baths
Badablauf m
Badabläufe pl
bath waste gully; bath waste drain
bath waste gullies; bath waste drains
Badaufkohlen n chem.
bath carburizing
Badebombe f
Badebomben pl
bath bomb
bath bombs
Bademantel m
Bademäntel pl
bath robe; bathrobe
bath robes
Badematte f; Badevorleger m
Badematten pl; Badevorleger pl
bath mat
bath mats
Bademeister m; Bademeisterinnen pl; Badewärter m; Badewärterinnen pl (im Badehaus; Kurhaus)
Bademeister pl; Bademeisterinnen pl; Badewärter pl; Badewärterinnen pl
bath attendant
bath attendants
Badeöl n
bath oil
Badesalz n; Badezusatz m
bath salts
Badetuch n
Badetücher pl
bath towel; swimming towel
bath towels
Badewanne f
Badewannen pl
begehbare Badewanne
ein Bad einlassen
bath; bathtub; bath tub
bath tubs
walk-in bathtub
to run a bath; to fill a bathtub
Badewanneneinlage f; Badewannenmatte f
Badewanneneinlagen pl; Badewannenmatten pl
bath mat Br.; bathtub mat Am.
bath mats; bathtub mats
Badewannenkurve f electr.
bath-tub life curve
Badezimmer n
Badezimmer pl
Sie haben ihr eigenes Badezimmer.
bathroom; bath room
bathrooms; bath rooms
They have a separate bathroom.
Badnebel m chem.
bath vapour
Badnitrieren n chem.
bath nitriding; liquid nitriding
Badpatentieren n min.
bath patenting
Badstrom m (Galvanisieren) chem.
bath current (electroplating)
Bad-Kryostat m chem.
bath cryostat
Badzementieren n chem.
salt bath nitriding
Belebungsbad n (Badezusatz)
energising bath Br.; energizing bath Am.
Beschichtungsbad n
coating bath
Blauholzeinbadschwarz n textil.
single-bath logwood black
Brausebad n obs.
Einbad... (Färben)
singe-bath ... (dyeing)
Einbadfärben n
singe-bath dyeing
Entspannungsbad n (Badezusatz)
relaxation bath (essence)
Erfrischungsbad n (Badezusatz)
refreshment bath (essence)
Erkältungsbad n (Badezusatz) med.
cold and flu bath (essence)
Flotte f; Bad n textil.
Waschflotte f
Färbeflotte f; Färbebrühe f; Tränkflüssigkeit f
Nachlaufflotte f; Speiseflotte f
das Bad abschwächen
liquor; bath
washing scouring liquor; washing scouring bath
colouring liquor; colouring bath
feeding liquor; replenishing liquor
to lessen the bath
Flottenverhältnis f textil.
bath ratio
Flussmittel n; Schmelzmittel n (für Glas Metall) techn.
Flussmittelbad n (Galvanisieren)
fluxing agent; flux (for glass metal)
flux bath (electroplating)
Freibad n
open-air swimming pool; open-air bath
Gäste-WC n; Gästetoilette f
Gäste-WCs pl; Gästetoiletten pl
guest bathroom; half bath arch.
guest bathroom; half baths
Hamam m; Türkisches Bad
Turkish bath; hamam
Kochsalzbad n chem.
brine bath
Kohlensäurebad n
carbon dioxide bath; effervescent bath
Kurort m; Bad n
spa; health resort; sanitarium; bath
Mischbatterie f
Mischbatterien pl
bath mixer; mixer unit; mixer tap Br.
bath mixers; mixer units; mixer taps
Moorbad n med.
(natural) peat bath; peat-bog bath; moor mud bath
Salzbad n; Solbad n
saline bath
Sandbad n
sand bath; arenation
Sauerstoffbad n med.
oxygen bath
Schmelze f; Bad n (Metallurgie) techn.
Aluminiumbad n
melting bath; molten bath (metallurgy)
molthen bath of aluminium
Schwitzbad n
Schwitzbäder pl
sweat bath; sudatorium
sweat baths
Sitzbad n; Sitzbadewanne f
sitz-bath; hip bath
Solbad n
saltwater bath; brine bath
Thermalbad n
Thermalbäder pl
thermal bath; thermal spa; hot springs
thermal baths; thermal spas
Ultraschallbad n
Ultraschallbäder pl
ultrasonic bath
ultrasonic baths
Verstärkungsbad n photo.
intensifying bath
Vollbad n
ein Vollbad nehmen
to sink into the bath(tub)
Wannenbad n; Bad n
Wannenbäder pl; Bäder pl
ein Bad nehmen; (in der Wanne) baden
ansteigendes Bad
adstringierendes Bad
fiebersenkendes Bad
heißes Bad
hydroelektrisches Bad
lauwarmes Bad
medizinisches Bad
türkisches Bad
Badest oder duschst du lieber?
Er war gerade in der Badewanne als das Telefon läutete.
Nach der Operation können sie einmal pro Woche baden.
Ich habe ein ausgiebiges heißes Bad genommen.
Ich werde jetzt die Kinder baden.
Soll ich dir ein Bad einlassen?
Das Filmstudio ist mit seinem letzten Film baden gegangen.
bath; tub coll. Am.
to have Br. take Am. a bath
a graduated bath
astringent bath
fever-reducing bath
hot tub
hydroelectric bath
tepid bath
medicinal bath
Turkish bath
Do you prefer baths or showers?
He was having taking a bath when the phone rang. He was in the bath when the phone rang.
You can take a bath a week after the surgery.
I had a long soak in a hot bath.
I'll give the children their bath.
Would you like me to run draw a bath for you?
The movie studio took a bath on its last picture. Am. coll.
Wasserbad n cook.
bain-marie; water bath
Wechselbad n med.
Wechselbäder pl
contrast bath; hot-cold immersion
contrast baths; hot-cold immersions
ausschütten v
das Kind mit dem Bade ausschütten übtr.
to pour out
pouring out
poured out
to throw out the baby with the bath water; to throw the baby out with the bath water
jdn. etw.baden v
er sie badet
ich er sie badete
schweißgebadet sein
Hast du das Baby schon gebadet?
Der Hügel war in helles Sonnenlicht getaucht.
to bath sb. sth.; to bathe sb. sth. Am.
he she bathes
I he she bathed
to be bathed in sweat; to be covered in sweat
Have you bathed the baby yet?
The hill was bathed in brilliant sunshine.
baden; schwimmen v
badend; schwimmend
gebadet; geschwommen
Die Prinzessin badete im See.
to bath Br.; to bathe Am. (old-fashioned)
The princess bathed in the lake.
einlassen; einfüllen v
einlassend; einfüllend
eingelassen; eingefüllt
jdm. ein Bad einlassen
to run
to run sb. a bath; to run a bath for sb.
galvanisch adj techn.
galvanisches Element
galvanische Zelle f
galvanische Beschichtung f
galvanische Verzinkung f
ein galvanisches Bad auffrischen nachschärfen
galvanic; galvanical
galvanic cell
voltaic cell
to regenerate top up Br. an eletroplating bath
Badaustattung f; Badezimmerausstattung f arch. constr.
bathroom equipment; bathroom furnishings; bath equipment
Badeanstaltseinrichtung f constr.
public bath equipment
Badearmaturen pl arch. constr.
Badearmaturen pl
bathroom fittings
bath fittings
Badehilfe f constr.
Badehilfen pl
bath support
bath supports
Badelift m constr.
bath elevator
Badeplattform f constr.
Badeplattformen pl
bath platform
bath platforms
Badetextilien pl textil.
bath textiles

Deutsche Sitzbad {n} Sitzbadewanne {f} Synonyme

Englische sitz-bath hip bath Synonyme

sitz bath Definition

(n.) The act of exposing the body, or part of the body, for purposes of cleanliness, comfort, health, etc., to water, vapor, hot air, or the like
(n.) Water or other liquid for bathing.
(n.) A receptacle or place where persons may immerse or wash their bodies in water.
(n.) A building containing an apartment or a series of apartments arranged for bathing.
(n.) A medium, as heated sand, ashes, steam, hot air, through which heat is applied to a body.
(n.) A solution in which plates or prints are immersed
(n.) A Hebrew measure containing the tenth of a homer, or five gallons and three pints, as a measure for liquids
(n.) A city in the west of England, resorted to for its hot springs, which has given its name to various objects.
Sitz bath
() A tub in which one bathes in a sitting posture
Water bath
() A device for regulating the temperature of anything subjected to heat, by surrounding the vessel containing it with another vessel containing water which can be kept at a desired temperature

sitz bath Bedeutung

shower bath
washing yourself by standing upright under water sprayed from a nozzle, he took a shower after the game
bath you soak and wash your body in a bathtub, he has a good bath every morning
bubble bath a bath in which you add something to foam and scent the bath water
mud bath a bath in warm mud (as for treating rheumatism)
sponge bath you wash your body with a sponge or washcloth instead of in a bathtub
Turkish bath
steam bath
vapor bath
vapour bath
you sweat in a steam room before getting a rubdown and cold shower
bath a vessel containing liquid in which something is immersed (as to process it or to maintain it at a constant temperature or to lubricate it), she soaked the etching in an acid bath
bath chair a wheelchair usually pushed by an attendant, as at a spa
bath linen linens for use in the bathroom
bath mat a heavy towel or mat to stand on while drying yourself after a bath
bath oil a scented oil added to your bath water
a room (as in a residence) containing a bathtub or shower and usually a washbasin and toilet
bath salts a preparation that softens or scents a bath
bath towel a large towel, to dry yourself after a bath
bathing tub
a relatively large open container that you fill with water and use to wash the body
shower stall
shower bath
booth for washing yourself, usually in a bathroom
sitz bath
hip bath
a bathtub in which your buttocks and hips are immersed as if you were sitting in a chair and you bathe in a sitting position
steam bath
steam room
vapor bath
vapour bath
a room that can be filled with steam in which people bathe, `vapour bath' is a British term
stop bath
short-stop bath
an acid bath used to stop the action of a developer
swimming pool
swimming bath
pool that provides a facility for swimming, `swimming bath' is a British term
toilet powder
bath powder
dusting powder
a fine powder for spreading on the body (as after bathing)
toilet soap
face soap
bath soap
soap used as a toiletry
Turkish bath a steam room where facilities are available for a bath followed by a shower and massage
bat mitzvah
bath mitzvah
bas mitzvah
(Judaism) an initiation ceremony marking the th birthday of a Jewish girl and signifying the beginning of religious responsibility
Bath a town in southwestern England on the River Avon, famous for its hot springs and Roman remains
bath asparagus
Prussian asparagus
Ornithogalum pyrenaicum
Old World star of Bethlehem having edible young shoots
bath an ancient Hebrew liquid measure equal to aboutgallons
bath water water used for a bath
bathe bath clean one's body by immersion into water, The child should bathe every day
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