
skin Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Haut, Fell, abhäuten
Schlauch m (zur Aufbewahrung von Flüssigkeiten)
Fell, Haut
Haut; Schale
Fell abziehen
to skin
to skin
cat skin
oberflächlich adj
Hautcreme f
skin cream
Hautverätzung f
skin burns
Hornhaut f
horny skin
horny skin
onion skin
skin graft
skin tight
Gesichtswasser n
skin tonic
Hornhaut f med.
horny skin
zarte Haut
tender skin
Hautkrebs m med.
skin cancer
Kaninchenfell n
rabbit skin
rabbit skin
skin grafts
Gesichtshaut f anat.
facial skin
Hautfetzen m
flap of skin
tauchen (als Sport)
to skin-dive
skin disease
Hautbild n med.
skin texture
Hautoberfläche f
skin surface
Hautschicht f
layer of skin
skin diseases
unter die Haut
under the skin
Hautaufheller m
skin lightener
Hautschutz m
skin protection
Erscheinungsbild n comp.
im Erscheinungsbild änderbar
care of the skin
Mischhaut f med.
combination skin
Hautbildungszeit f
skin building time
colour of the skin
schuppig adj
schuppige Haut f
flaky skin
tiefschwarz; schwarz wie Ebenholz adj
tiefschwarze Haut
ebony skin
colours of the skin
Blößling m; Blöße f; abgehaartes Fell n textil.
skin free from hair
Katzenfell n
Katzenfelle pl
cat skin
cat skins
Hautbiopsieprobe f med.
skin biopsy specimen
Spalthaut f med.
split-thickness skin
Zwiebelschale f cook.
onion skin, onionskin
hauteng adj
skin tight, skintight
Zwiebelschale f cook.
onion skin; onionskin
hauteng adj
skin tight; skintight
Hauttyp m
Hauttypen pl
skin type
skin types
Schale f (Obst, Gemüse)
skin (fruit, vegetable)
(angenehm) auf der Haut prickeln, kribbeln
to make the skin tingle
Hauttransplantation f med.
Hauttransplantationen pl
skin graft
skin grafts
Ich wurde bis auf die Haut naß
i got soaked to the skin
Apfelschale f
Apfelschalen pl
apple skin
apple skins
Tünchschicht f; Vertünchung f (einer Mauer) constr.
setting skin (of a wall)
Verbrennungen pl; Verbrennungsspuren pl; Brandmale pl; Brandspuren pl (auf der Haut)
burn marks (on the skin)
Ich wurde bis auf die Haut nass.
I got soaked to the skin.
mit Ach und Krach
by the skin of one's teeth
Büffelleder m
buffalo hide, buffalo skin
mit Hängen und Würgen
by the skin of one's teeth
Leberfleck m, Pigmentfleck m
liver spot, mole (on skin)
Bananenschale f
Bananenschalen pl
banana skin
banana skins
Büffelleder m
buffalo hide; buffalo skin
Geschmeidigkeit f; Anschmiegsamkeit f (Haut Leder)
suppleness (skin leather)
Bananenschale f bot.
Bananenschalen pl
banana skin
banana skins
Geschmeidigkeit f; Anschmiegsamkeit f (Haut, Leder)
suppleness (skin, leather)
dünnhäutig sein übtr.; empfindlich sein v (zu sensibel)
to have a thin skin fig.
Hautpflege f
skin care, care of the skin
Cellulite f; Zellulite f; Orangenhaut f med.
cellulite; orange-peel skin
(dünne) Schale f (von Obst Gemüse) bot.
skin (of fruits vegetables)
ein Hungerhaken sein; nur Haut und Knochen sein übtr. v
to be skin and bones fig.
(dünne) Schale f; Fruchtschale f (von Obst Gemüse) bot.
skin (of fruits vegetables)
Hautkrankheit f med.
Hautkrankheiten pl
skin disease
skin diseases
Hautfetzen m
Hautfetzen pl
flap of skin
flaps of skin
Hautwolle f; Schlachtwolle f; Pelzwolle f; Raufwolle f; Mazametwolle f textil.
skin wool; fellmongered wool
transdermal adj, durch die Haut hindurch med.
transdermal, through the skin
transdermal adj; durch die Haut hindurch med.
transdermal; through the skin
Hornhaut f med.
hard skin; horny skin; callus
Hautlappen m
Hautlappen pl
lappet, flap of skin
Hautlappen m anat.
Hautlappen pl
lappet; flap of skin
Hautschicht f
Hautschichten pl
layer of skin
layers of skin
Mariskenkranz m med.
circumferential anal skin tags
Pelle f ugs.
jdm. auf die Pelle rücken übtr.
to get on someone's back
Rötung f (in Zusammensetzungen); Rotwerden n (der Haut) med.
Hitzerötung f
flush (of the skin)
hot flush
Tauchen n
Tauchen ohne Atemgerät
diving, skin-diving
Ich bin gerade noch davongekommen.
I escaped by the skin of my teet
Blaufärbung f der Haut; Hautzyanose f; Zyanoderma n med.
cyanoderma; cyanosis of the skin
Blechhaut f mach.
innere Blechhaut
stell skin
internal stell skin
Speckkäfer pl (Dermestidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
skin beetles (zoological family)
Tauchen n
Tauchen ohne Atemgerät
diving; skin-diving
ich bin gerade noch davongekommen
i escaped by the skin of my teeth
Hornschuppe f (Haut) anat.
Hornschuppen pl
horny scale (skin)
horny scales
Das juckt mich nicht; Das ist mir schnurz (egal). ugs.
It's no skin off my nose. coll.
Pelletoberfläche f (Kerntechnik) techn.
pellet skin (nuclear engineering)
Hautreizung f
Hautreizungen pl
skin irritation
skin irritations
Ich bin gerade noch davongekommen.
I escaped by the skin of my teeth.
Hautfreundlichkeit f (Kleidung) textil.
next-to-skin comfort (of clothing)
Schuppen pl (beim Tier)
dander (flakes of skin in animals)
Fell n, Haut f, Balg m
Felle pl, Häute pl, Bälge pl
ein dickes Fell haben übtr.
to have a thick skin
Hautalterung f; Alterung f der Haut med.
skin ageing Br.; skin aging Am.
Außenhaut f (eines Flugzeugs); Außenbeplankung f aviat.
outside skin; skin (of an aircraft)
Punkttherapie f (für Hautveränderungen) med.
spot therapy (for skin alterations)
Schlangenhaut f
Schlangenhäute pl
snake's skin, snakeskin
Pigmentverarmung f; Depigmentierung f; Pigmentschwund m med.
Pigmentverarmung der Haut
skin depigmentation
Schlangenhaut f
Schlangenhäute pl
snake's skin; snakeskin
viel Haut zeigen v (weit ausgeschnittene Kleidung tragen) übtr.
to reveal a lot of skin flesh fig.
Pellkartoffeln pl cook.
jacket potatoes, potatoes in the skin
Er kam mit knapper Not davon.
He got away by the skin of his teeth.
Hautpflege f
skin care; skincare; care of the skin
(sich) schürfen
sich die Haut schürfen
to graze oneself
to graze one's skin
Hautpflegemittel n; Hautpflegeprodukt n
Hautpflegemittel pl; Hautpflegeprodukte pl
skin care product
skin care products
Krokodilhaut f med.
crocodile skin; toad skin; phrynoderma
Taucher m, Taucherin f
Taucher pl, Taucherinnen pl
diver, skin-diver
divers, skin-divers
Taucher m; Taucherin f
Taucher pl; Taucherinnen pl
diver; skin-diver
divers; skin-divers
hautfreundlich adj
hautfreundlich adj
skin-friendly; skin friendly
Hautfarbe f
Hautfarben pl
colour of the skin
colours of the skin
Hautkrankheit f; Dermatose f med.
Hautkrankheiten pl
skin disease; dermatosis
skin diseases
Schmetterlingshaut f (Epidermolysis bullosa) med.
butterfly skin; Epidermolysis bullosa EB
Fleischseite f; Veloursseite f (von Leder) textil.
fleshside; suede side (of a hide or skin)
Hornschicht f der Haut (Stratum corneum) anat.
horny cell layer; horny layer of the skin
Streifen m ugs.; Film m art
Aktionfilm m
Film mit viel nackter Haut
flick coll.
action flick
skin flick
Streifen m ugs.; Film m art
Actionstreifen m
Film mit viel nackter Haut
flick coll.
action flick
skin flick
Kaninchenfell n
rabbit skin; rabbit fur; coney; cony Br.
Haut und Knochen
nur noch Haut und Knochen
skin and bones
nothing but skin and bones
Häutchen n
Häutchen pl
membrane; thin skin
membranes; thin skins
Seitenreibung f
side friction; wall friction; skin friction
Melanose f, Dunkelfärbung der Haut med.
melanosis, abnormal pigmentation of the skin
Melanose f; Dunkelfärbung der Haut med.
melanosis; abnormal pigmentation of the skin
aufspringen; aufplatzen; aufreißen v (Haut Lippe etc.)
aufspringend; aufplatzend; aufreißend
aufgesprungen; aufgeplatzt; aufgerissen
to chap (skin lip etc.)
aufspringen; aufplatzen; aufreißen v (Haut, Lippe usw.)
aufspringend; aufplatzend; aufreißend
aufgesprungen; aufgeplatzt; aufgerissen
to chap (skin, lip etc.)
Hautpilz m med.
fungus parasitic on the skin, cutaneous fungus
häuten, enthäuten, entpellen, pellen, abziehen v
häutend, enthäutend, entpellend, pellend, abziehend
gehäutet, enthäutet, entpellt, gepellt, abgezogen
häutet, enthäutet, entpellt, pellt, zieht ab
häutete, enthäutete, entpellte, pellte, zog ab
to skin
Hautpilz m med.
fungus parasitic on the skin; cutaneous fungus
Schafsleder n; Schafleder n
Schafsleder Schafleder n (für Bucheinbände)
ungefärbtes Schafsleder; ungefärbtes Schafleder n
sheep skin
roan Br.; rutland Am.
hautgängig adj chem. med.
skin-penetrating; able to penetrate (the) skin
'Wir sind noch einmal davongekommen' (von Wilder Werktitel) lit.
'The Skin of our Teeth' (by Wilder work title)
Blockschale f; Ãœberwalzung f (Fehler) (Walzwerk) techn.
double skin; curtaining (defect) (rolling mill)
Leberfleck m; Pigmentfleck m anat.
Leberflecken pl; Pigmentflecken pl
liver spot; mole (on skin)
liver spots; moles
Kaltnachwalzen n; Nachwalzen n; Dressieren n (Walzwerk) techn.
skin-pass rolling; temper rolling (rolling mill)
Viele Wege führen nach Rom. Sprw.
There is more than one way to skin a cat. prov.
'Wir sind noch einmal davongekommen' (von Wilder Werktitel) lit.
'The Skin of our Teeth ' (by Wilder work title)
Gesundheitsschädlich Giftig bei Berührung mit der Haut. (Gefahrenhinweis)
Harmful Toxic in contact with skin. (hazard note)
Pornofilm m
porn movie, blue movie, hardcore movie, skin flick
etw. in Falten legen v (Stoff Haut)
to wrinkle sth.; to wrinkle up sth. (fabric skin)
etw. in Falten legen v (Stoff, Haut)
to wrinkle sth.; to wrinkle up sth. (fabric, skin)
Hautbarriere f med.
die natürliche Hautbarriere wiederherstellen
skin barrier
to restore the natural skin barrier
Hautgängigkeit f chem. med.
skin-penetrating ability; skin-penetrating property
Gesundheitsschädlich Giftig bei Berührung mit der Haut. (Gefahrenhinweis)
Harmful Toxic in contact with skin. (hazard note)

Deutsche Haut Fell abhäuten Synonyme

(behaarte)  Haut  ÂFell  ÂPelz  
hypodermal  (fachsprachlich)  Âsubkutan  (fachsprachlich)  Âunter  der  Haut  Âunter  die  Haut  
Fell  des  Stinktiers  ÂSkunk  ÂStinktier  
Blaufärbung  der  Haut  ÂLivedo  (fachsprachlich)  
Blaufärbung  der  Haut  ÂZyanose  (fachsprachlich)  
Dermatomykose  (fachsprachlich)  ÂPilzerkrankung  der  Haut  
Dunkelfärbung  der  Haut  ÂMelanose  (fachsprachlich)  
Geschwulstbildungen  der  Haut  ÂMelanom  (fachsprachlich)  
Haut  ÂPelle  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂWursthaut  
durch  die  Haut  hindurch  Âtransdermal  (fachsprachlich)  
Haut  und  Schleimhaut  betreffend  Âmukokutan  (fachsprachlich)  
lederartiges  Aussehen  der  Haut  ÂLichenifikation  (fachsprachlich)  
mit  bloßer  Haut  Ânackert  (umgangssprachlich)  Ânackig  (umgangssprachlich)  Ânackt  Âsplitterfasernackt  (umgangssprachlich)  Âsplitternackt  (umgangssprachlich)  Âunbekleidet  
(behaarte) Haut  Fell  Pelz  
Blaufärbung der Haut  Livedo (fachsprachlich)  
Blaufärbung der Haut  Zyanose (fachsprachlich)  
Dunkelfärbung der Haut  Melanose (fachsprachlich)  
Fell des Stinktiers  Skunk  Stinktier  
Geschwulstbildungen der Haut  Melanom (fachsprachlich)  
Haut und Schleimhaut betreffend  mukokutan (fachsprachlich)  
Haut  Pelle (umgangssprachlich)  Wursthaut  
durch die Haut hindurch  transdermal (fachsprachlich)  
lederartiges Aussehen der Haut  Lichenifikation (fachsprachlich)  
mit bloßer Haut  nackert (umgangssprachlich)  nackig (umgangssprachlich)  nackt  splitterfasernackt (umgangssprachlich)  splitternackt (umgangssprachlich)  unbekleidet  
fell  Draconian  Leatherette  Leatheroid  Tartarean  align  alkali flat  alluvial plain  animal  anthill  
haut monde  FFVs  Vanity Fair  ancienne noblesse  aristocracy  baronage  baronetage  beau monde  beautiful people  best people  

Englische skin Synonyme

skin  C  C-note  G  G-note  IUD  ablate  abrade  abrase  acne  acne vulgaris  bag  bark  barrel  bear the palm  beat  beat all hollow  beat hollow  beeline  best  bill  birth control device  blame  bleed  bleed white  blemish  bloody  bone  border  bran  break  buck  bucket  bullet  burn  capsule  cartwheel  case  casing  censure  cent  century  chafe  chaff  cheapskate  cheat  check  chip  circumference  clad  claw  clip  clobber  coat  coating  collop  con man  condemn  condom  contraceptive  contraceptive foam  copper  cork  corn shuck  cornhusk  cortex  cover  covering  crack  craze  crust  cursoriness  cut  cut off  deal  decorticate  defeat  defoliate  defrauder  denounce  denude  denunciate  deplume  derma  dermamycosis  dermatitis  dermatosis  despoil  destroy  diaphragm  diddler  dime  disk  dismember  displume  divest  do in  dollar  dollar bill  double-dealer  drain  draw and quarter  drub  dry  eczema  elephantiasis  enamel  envelope  epicarp  epidermis  epithelioma  erase  erode  erysipelas  erythema  exanthem  excoriate  exhaust  exploit  exterior  exteriority  external  facade  face  facet  facing  fell  feuille  fifty cents  file  film  fin  fish  five cents  five hundred dollars  five-dollar bill  five-hundred-dollar bill  five-spot  fiver  fix  flap  flay  fleece  fleet  flimflammer  foil  fold  four bits  fracture  fray  frazzle  fret  fringe  frogskin  front  fur  gall  gash  gloss  gnaw  gnaw away  gouge  grand  grate  graze  grind  gyp  half G  half a C  half dollar  half grand  haste  hasten  heat rash  herpes  herpes simplex  herpes zoster  hide  highball  hives  hold up  hors de combat  hull  hundred-dollar bill  hurt  husk  hustle  impetigo  impoverish  incise  incrustation  injure  integument  intrauterine device  iron man  itch  jacket  jungle rot  knock  lacerate  lacquer  lambaste  lamella  lamina  laminated glass  laminated wood  lap  lather  leaf  leprosy  lichen  lichen primus  lick  lineaments  lupus  lupus vulgaris  maim  make minc  
skin deep  ankle-deep  cortical  cursory  cutaneous  depthless  dermal  dermic  ecderonic  ectodermal  ectodermic  endermatic  endermic  epicarpal  epidermal  epidermic  few  footling  furry  hypodermal  hypodermic  inconsequential  inconsiderable  insignificant  jejune  knee-deep  light  little  low  meager  miniature  negligible  no great shakes  not deep  on the surface  petty  picayune  picayunish  shallow  shallow-rooted  shoal  short  skinny  slight  small  subcutaneous  superficial  surface  testaceous  thin  tiny  trifling  trivial  unprofound  
skin flick  3-D  Cinemascope  Cinerama  Rabelaisianism  Technicolor  Western  X-rated movie  animated cartoon  bawdiness  bawdry  black-and-white film  blue movie  cartoon  chiller  cinema  color film  creepie  dirt  dirtiness  dirty movie  documentary  documentary film  educational film  erotic art  erotic literature  erotographomania  feature  fescenninity  film  filth  filthiness  flick  flicker  foulness  horror picture  horse opera  iconolagny  lewdness  motion picture  motion-picture show  movie  moving picture  nastiness  newsreel  nudie  obscenity  offensiveness  photodrama  photoplay  picture  picture show  pornographic art  pornographic film  pornographic literature  pornographomania  pornography  preview  ribaldry  salaciousness  salacity  scurrility  sexploitation  short  silent  silent film  smut  smuttiness  sneak preview  soft-core pornography  spaghetti Western  stag film  talkie  talking picture  thriller  trailer  underground film  vileness  
skin popping  antitoxin  bag  bang  booster  booster dose  booster shot  deck  dose  draft  dropping  drug packet  fix  hit  hypodermic  hypodermic injection  injection  inoculation  jet injection  mainlining  narcotic injection  narcotic shot  overdose  popping  portion  potion  shooting up  shot  vaccination  vaccine  
skinful  bellyful  bumper  capacity  charge  complement  cram  crush  engorgement  fill  full house  full measure  fullness  glut  jam up  lading  load  more than enough  mouthful  repletion  satiation  satiety  satisfaction  saturatedness  saturation  saturation point  snootful  supersaturation  surfeit  
skinned  all up with  beat  beaten  bested  confounded  defeated  discomfited  done for  done in  down  fallen  fixed  floored  hors de combat  lambasted  lathered  licked  on the skids  outdone  overborne  overcome  overmastered  overmatched  overpowered  overridden  overthrown  overturned  overwhelmed  panicked  put to rout  routed  ruined  scattered  settled  silenced  skinned alive  stampeded  trimmed  trounced  undone  upset  whelmed  whipped  worsted  
skinny  angular  bony  cortical  cutaneous  dermal  dermic  ecderonic  ectodermal  ectodermic  emaciated  endermatic  endermic  epicarpal  epidermal  epidermic  flat  flat-chested  fleshless  furry  gangling  gangly  gaunt  gawky  half-starved  hypodermal  hypodermic  lank  lanky  lean  lean-fleshed  lean-looking  meager  pinched  rawboned  scraggy  scrawny  shrunken  skeletal  skin-deep  spare  spidery  spindling  spindly  subcutaneous  testaceous  thin  thin-bellied  thin-fleshed  twiggy  undernourished  undersized  underweight  wasted  weedy  

skin Definition

(n.) The external membranous integument of an animal.
(n.) The hide of an animal, separated from the body, whether green, dry, or tanned
(n.) A vessel made of skin, used for holding liquids. See Bottle, 1.
(n.) The bark or husk of a plant or fruit
(n.) That part of a sail, when furled, which remains on the outside and covers the whole.
(n.) The covering, as of planking or iron plates, outside the framing, forming the sides and bottom of a vessel
(v. t.) To strip off the skin or hide of
(v. t.) To cover with skin, or as with skin
(v. t.) To strip of money or property
(v. i.) To become covered with skin
(v. i.) To produce, in recitation, examination, etc., the work of another for one's own, or to use in such exercise cribs, memeoranda, etc., which are prohibited.
(a.) Not deeper than the skin

skin Bedeutung

skin diving
underwater swimming without any more breathing equipment than a snorkel
skin care
care for the skin
galvanic skin response
psychogalvanic response
electrodermal response
electrical skin response
Fere phenomenon
Tarchanoff phenomenon
a change in the electrical properties of the skin in response to stress or anxiety, can be measured either by recording the electrical resistance of the skin or by recording weak currents generated by the body
pilomotor reflex
goose bump
goose pimple
goose skin
reflex erection of hairs of the skin in response to cold or emotional stress or skin irritation
body covering of a living animal
thick skin skin that is very thick (as an elephant or rhinoceros)
artificial skin a synthetic covering with two layers used experimentally to treat burn victims
skin an outer surface (usually thin), the skin of an airplane
skin a bag serving as a container for liquids, it is made from the hide of an animal
transdermal patch
skin patch
a medicated adhesive pad placed on the skin for absorption of a time released dose of medication into the bloodstream
water skin
a container of skin for holding water
skin color
skin colour
the coloring of a person's face
a natural protective body covering and site of the sense of touch, your skin is the largest organ of your body
skin graft a piece of skin taken from a donor area and surgically grafted at the site of an injury or burn
skin cell any of the cells making up the skin
touch sense of touch
skin senses
touch modality
cutaneous senses
the faculty by which external objects or forces are perceived through contact with the body (especially the hands), only sight and touch enable us to locate objects in the space around us
tactual sensation tactility
touch perception
skin perceptiveness
the faculty of perceiving (via the skin) pressure or heat or pain
cutaneous sensation
haptic sensation
skin sensation
a sensation localized on the skin
skin test any test to determine immunity or sensitivity to a disease by introducing small amounts on or into the skin
tuberculin test
tuberculin skin test
a skin test to determine past or present infection with the tuberculosis bacterium, based on hypersensitivity of the skin to tuberculin
skin flick a pornographic movie
potato skin
potato peel
potato peelings
crisp fried potato peeling
the rind of a fruit or vegetable
banana peel
banana skin
the skin of a banana (especially when it is stripped off and discarded), he slipped on a banana skin and almost fell
skin doctor
a doctor who specializes in the physiology and pathology of the skin
an underwater swimmer equipped with a face mask and foot fins and either a snorkel or an air cylinder
thin person
skin and bones
a person who is unusually thin and scrawny
skin effect the tendency of high-frequency alternating current to distribute near the surface of a conductor
skin a person's skin regarded as their life, he tried to save his skin
skin disease
disease of the skin
skin disorder
a disease affecting the skin
skin tumor
a neoplasm originating in the epidermis
skin cancer a malignant neoplasm of the skin
skin eruption
eruption on the skin occurring as a symptom of a disease
skin rash
any red eruption of the skin
animal skin the outer covering of an animal
skin over grow new skin over an injury
skin pop inject (drugs) into the skin
strip the skin off, pare apples
remove the bark of a tree
skin scrape bruise, cut, or injure the skin or the surface of, The boy skinned his knee when he fell
get get under one's skin irritate, Her childish behavior really get to me, His lying really gets me
scramble shin
climb awkwardly, as if by scrambling
skin-dive swim underwater with no breathing apparatus other than a snorkel
so tight as to cling to the skin, skintight jeans
skin-deep penetrating no deeper than the skin: her beauty is only skin-deep
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Skin is the soft outer covering of vertebrates. Other animal coverings, such as the arthropod exoskeleton have different developmental origin, structure and chemical composition. The adjective cutaneous means "of the skin" . In mammals, the skin is an organ of the integumentary system made up of multiple layers of ectodermal tissue, and guards the underlying muscles, bones, ligaments and internal organs. Skin of a different nature exists in amphibians, reptiles, and birds. All mammals have some hair on their skin, even marine mammals like whales, dolphins, and porpoises which appear to be hairless. The skin interfaces with the environment and is the first line of defense from external factors. For example, the skin plays a key role in protecting the body against pathogens and excessive water loss. Its other functions are insulation, temperature regulation, sensation, and the production of vitamin D folates. Severely damaged skin may heal by forming scar tissue. This is sometimes discoloured and depigmented. The thickness of skin also varies from location to location on an organism. In humans for example, the skin located under the eyes and around the eyelids is the thinnest skin in the body at 0.5 mm thick, and is one of the first areas to show signs of aging such as "crows feet" and wrinkles. The skin on the palms and the soles of the feet is 4 mm thick and the back is 14 mm thick and is the thickest skin in the body. The speed and quality of wound healing in