
slide Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Formschieber m
Gleiten n
Haarspange f
Schlitterbahn f
gleiten, Dia, abgleiten, schieben
Abrutschen n
Einschub.., einschieben
to slide
Oberschlitten m (einer Drehmaschine) techn.
top slide
slide rule
rückfällig werden
slide back
Querschlitten m (einer Drehmaschine) techn.
cross slide
Schiebeverriegelung f
slide latch
Schiebegleitung f phys.
shear slide
colour slide
Drehschieber m
rotary slide
object slide
rotary slide
slide (irr.)
Schuttrutschung f geol.
debris slide
to slide into
Kluppe f; Gabelmaß n
slide caliper
herunterrutschen v
to slide down
anhaltende Abwärtsentwicklung f
downward slide
Lichtbild n, Dia n
Lichtbilder pl, Dias pl
Rutsche f, Rutschbahn f
Rutschen pl, Rutschbahnen pl
Schlittenbahn f
coasting slide
coasting slide
Gleiten n
slide; sliding
Lichtbild n; Dia n
Lichtbilder pl; Dias pl
Präsentationsfolie f comp.
Präsentationsfolien pl
Rutsche f; Rutschbahn f
Rutschen pl; Rutschbahnen pl
Schlittenbahn f techn.
coasting slide
slide projector
Spielplatzrutsche f
playground slide
die Dinge laufen lassen
let things slide
Notrutsche f
evacuation slide
slide advertising
Rutsch m
slide, slip, fall
etw. vernachlässigen, etw. schleifen lassen ugs.
to let sth. slide
Rutsch m
slide; slip; fall
etw. vernachlässigen; etw. schleifen lassen ugs.
to let sth. slide
Schlepptrage f
slide car; travois
Schlitteneinheit f; Bettschlitten m mit Aufbauten (Drehbank) techn.
slide unit (lathe)
die Dinge laufen lassen
to let things slide
dahingleiten v
dahingleiten v
to glide
to slide
to slide (slid,slid)
Er lässt den lieben Gott einen guten Mann sein.
He lets things slide.
Diaschau f
slide show; slideshow
Gleitmutter f techn.
Gleitmuttern pl
slide nut
slide nuts
Gleitverschluss m
slide mating engagement
Zug m (Blasinstrument) mus.
slide (wind instrument)
Gleitebene f
slide plane; slip plane
Schiebeflügel m
Schiebeflügel pl
slide wing
slide wings
Schieber m; Schlitten m; Gleitschuh m; Verschlussstück n; Visierblatt n (einer Schusswaffe) mil.
Schieber pl; Schlitten pl; Gleitschuhe pl; Verschlussstücke pl; Visierblätter pl
slide (of a gun)
Formschieber m techn.
Formschieber pl
mould slide
mould slides
Kimmenschieber m mil.
rear sight elevating slide
Mundblech n
scabbard slide, sword slide
Ladebühne f
scraper slide; slusher ramp
Mundblech n
scabbard slide; sword slide
Objektträger m
Objektträger pl
object slide
object slides
Drehschieber m
Drehschieber pl
rotary slide
rotary slides
Dia-Betrachter m photo.
Dia-Betrachter pl
slide viewer
slide viewers
Drehschiebervakuumpumpe f techn.
slide vane rotary vacuum pump
Schiebeschalter m
Schiebeschalter pl
slide switch
slide switches
Schlitterbahn f; Schlinderbahn f Mittelwestdt. (für Kinder)
Schlitterbahnen pl; Schlinderbahnen pl
slide (for children)
Rutschbahn f (im Schnee); Schlitterbahn f; Schlinderbahn f Mittelwestdt. (für Kinder)
Rutschbahnen pl; Schlitterbahnen pl; Schlinderbahnen pl
slide (for children)
Zugtrompete f mus. (Blasinstrument)
Zugtrompeten pl
slide trumpet
slide trumpets
Bockaufsatz m (beim Schieber) techn.
Bockaufsätze pl
yoke (of a slide valve)
Hülse f; Schieber m techn.
Hülsen pl; Schieber pl
slide; runner
slides; runners
Schlitten m mach.
Schlitten pl
slide; cradle
slides; cradles
Einschub m
slide-in unit, withdrawable unit
Zugposaune f mus. (Blasinstrument)
Zugposaunen pl
slide trombone
slide trombones
hineinschieben v
to push in into; to slide in into
Diaprojektor m
Diaprojektoren pl
slide projector
slide projectors
Schleudern n der Räder; Galoppieren n der Räder (Bahn)
slide; sliding; slippage (railway)
Durchladen n (einer Schusswaffe) mil.
retraction of the slide (of a gun)
Laterna-magica-Bild n; Laternbild n photo. hist.
magic lantern slide; lantern slide
Diaschacht m (bei einem Diaprojektor)
Diaschächte pl
gate (of a slide projector)
Spielplatzrutsche f
Spielplatzrutschen pl
playground slide
playground slides
Schlammrutschung f (beim Erdbau) envir.
flow slide (in earthwork operations)
Stimmschieber m (Orgel) mus.
Stimmschieber pl
tuning slide (organ)
tuning slides
einschieben v
to slide-in
Felsrutsch m; Felssturz m geol.
rock slide; rock avalanche; rock fall
schieben, gleiten lassen
schiebend, gleiten lassend
geschoben, gleiten lassen
to slide {slid, slid}
schieben; gleiten lassen
schiebend; gleiten lassend
geschoben; gleiten lassen
to slide {slid; slid}
Schlittenbezugspunkt m techn.
Schlittenbezugspunkte pl
slide datum point
slide datum points
Großbilddia n
Großbilddias pl
large format slide
large format slides
Kleinbilddia n
Kleinbilddias pl
small format slide
small format slides
Schieberegler m techn.
Schieberegler pl
slide control knob
slide control knobs
aufschwingen v
to slide open
sliding open
slid open
Gleitklemme f (Infusionsbesteck) med.
Gleitklemmen pl
slide clamp (infusion set)
slide clamps
Gleitklotz m; Schlitten m (Dampfmaschine)
Gleitklötze pl; Schlitten pl
slide block (steam engine)
slide blocks
Rutschung f envir. geogr.
Rutschung mit flüssigem Material
soil slippage
flow slide; rapid flowage
Absperrschieber m; Sperrschieber m; Schieber m (Silo Kanalrohr) techn.
Absperrschieber pl; Sperrschieber pl; Schieber pl
slide gate (silo sewer pipe)
slide gates
Objektträgerkultur f (Mikroskop) biol.
Objektträgerkulturen pl
slide culture (microscope)
slide cultures
Absperrschieber m; Sperrschieber m; Schieber m (Silo, Kanalrohr) techn.
Absperrschieber pl; Sperrschieber pl; Schieber pl
slide gate (silo, sewer pipe)
slide gates
Laufführungsring m (Schusswaffe) mil.
Laufführungsringe pl
barrel slide ring (gun)
barrel slide rings
in etw. hineingleiten v
to slide into sth.
sliding into
slid into
Diashow f, Diavorführung f, Diavortrag m
Diashows pl, Diavorführungen pl, Diavorträge pl
slideshow, slide show
slideshows, slide shows
Diashow f; Diavorführung f; Diavortrag m
Diashows pl; Diavorführungen pl; Diavorträge pl
slideshow; slide show
slideshows; slide shows
Nebenluftschieber m (Teil eines Staubsaugers)
air adjustment slide (vacuum cleaner component)
in etw. hineingleiten v
to slide into sth.
sliding into
slided into
Felsrutsch m (großflächige Rutschung von Felsmaterial) envir. geogr.
Felsrutsche pl
rock-slide; rockslide
rock-slides; rockslides
Langdrehschlitten m techn.
plain turning slide; carriage of an automatic lathe
Gleitschutz m
Schleuder-Gleitschutz m
wheel slide protection
wheel slip slide protection
Rechenschieber m, Rechenstab m
Rechenschieber pl, Rechenstäbe pl
slide rule, sliding rule
slide rules, sliding rules
Rechenschieber m; Rechenstab m
Rechenschieber pl; Rechenstäbe pl
slide rule; sliding rule
slide rules; sliding rules
Schiebetür f
Schiebetüren pl
sliding door; slide door
sliding doors; slide doors
Lettenkluft f; Lettenbesteg m (schmieriger Gesteinsbelag) min.
clay coat of veins; clay wall; slide; flookan; flucan
Stapellaufschlitten m (Schiff) naut.
launching slide; launching cradle; sliding ways (ship)
Haarspange f
Haarspangen pl
hair slide Br.; barette Am.
hair slides; barettes
Talhang m
Talhänge pl
valley slide; valley slope
valley slides; valley slopes
Schubladenführung f; Ladenführung f; Auszugsführung f; Schienenführung f
Schubladenführungen pl; Ladenführungen pl; Auszugsführungen pl; Schienenführungen pl
drawer slide; drawer guide
drawer slides; drawer guides
Gleitfuge f
Gleitfugen pl
skidding joint; slide joint
skidding joints; slide joints
Scheide f (Blasinstrument) mus.
Scheiden pl
slide casing; case (wind instrument)
slide casings; cases
Heißwindschieber m (Metallurgie) techn.
Heißwindschieber pl
hot-blast slide valve (metallurgy)
hot-blast slide valves
Rutschung f geol.
earth slip; earth fall; landslide; shear slide; rapid flowage
Objektträgeretikett n (Labor)
Objektträgeretiketten pl
microscope slide label (laboratory)
microscope slide labels
Drehschiebervakuumpumpe f techn.
Drehschiebervakuumpumpen pl
slide vane rotary vacuum pump
slide vane rotary vacuum pumps
Schiebehandy n telco.
Schiebehandys pl
slide mobile (phone); slide phone
slide mobiles; slide phones
Schiebeschalter m electr.
Schiebeschalter pl
slide switch; sliding switch
slide switches; sliding switches
sich verschieben v geol.
to thrust; to shift; to slide; to displace (e.g. with crystals)
Laufschrift f; Lauftext m; Laufband n (Fernsehen Anzeigetafeln)
news ticker; ticker; crawler; slide (television display panels)
Absperrschieber m mach. (Bunker, Silo, Trichter)
Absperrschieber pl
slide gate valve, shutter valve
slide gate valves, shutter valves
Lichtbildervortrag m
Lichtbildervorträge pl
slide lecture, illustrated talk
slide lectures, illustrated talks
Erdfließen n geol.
earthflow; soil-flow; mud flow; mud slide; solifluction solifluxion
Lichtbildervortrag m
Lichtbildervorträge pl
slide lecture; illustrated talk
slide lectures; illustrated talks
Einschub m
Einschübe pl
slide-in unit; withdrawable unit
slide-in units; withdrawable units
Lafettenrahmen m mil.
Lafettenrahmen pl
slide frame of a the gun carriage
slide frames of a the gun carriage
Dia n, Diapositiv n
Dias pl, Diapositive pl
slide, transparency, diapositive
slides, transparencies, diapositives
Dia n; Diapositiv n
Dias pl; Diapositive pl
slide; transparency; diapositive
slides; transparencies; diapositives
ausstemmen v (Skifahren) sport
to stem (slide the tail of a ski outwards) (skiing)
Kreuzkopfgleitschiene f (Dampfmaschine) techn.
Kreuzkopfgleitschienen pl
piston cross-head slide bar (steam engine)
piston cross-head slide bars
Geröll n geol.
pebble (stone); rubble (stone); debris; detritus; scree; wash; slide Am.
Schleifmarke f
Schleifmarken pl
slide mark; drag mark; groove cast
slide marks; drag marks; groove casts
Rechenschieber m; Rechenstab m
Rechenschieber pl; Rechenstäbe pl
Schieber eines Rechenschiebers
slide rule; sliding rule
slide rules; sliding rules
slide of a sliding rule
über etw. hinweggehen v (nicht kritisieren)
Ich kann über diese Bemerkung nicht einfach hinweggehen.
to let sth. slide (refrain from criticizing it)
I cannot let this comment slide.
(zeitliches) Voreilen n; Voreilung f electr. techn.
Voreilen des Feldes electr.
Voreilung des Schiebers (Dampfmaschine)
advance; lead; leading
lead of the field
lead of the slide valve (steam engine)
Krawattenhalter m; Krawattenspange f; Krawattenklemme f textil.
Krawattenhalter pl; Krawattenspangen pl; Krawattenklemmen pl
tie clip; tie slide tie bar; tie clasp
tie clips; tie slide tie bars; tie clasps
Seilrutsche f; Guerillarutsche f Ös.; Tyrolienne f Schw.
zip-line; zip-wire; aerial runway; aerial ropeslide; foefie slide; Tyrolean crossing
Krawattenhalter m; Krawattenspange f; Krawattenklemme f textil.
Krawattenhalter pl; Krawattenspangen pl; Krawattenklemmen pl
tie clip; tie slide, tie bar; tie clasp
tie clips; tie slide, tie bars; tie clasps
(in etw.) hineinrutschen; rutschen; schlittern; hineinschlindern Mittelwestdt.; schlindern Mittelwestdt. v übtr.
hineinrutschend; rutschend; schlitternd; hineinschlindernd; schlindernd
hineingerutscht; gerutscht; geschlittert; hineingeschlindert; geschlindert
in die Pleite schlittern schlindern Mittelwestdt.
to slide {slid; slid} (into sth.) fig.
to slide into bankruptcy

Deutsche gleiten Synonyme

fliegen  Âgleiten  Âsegeln  
abgleiten  Âden  Halt  verlieren  Âflutschen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âgleiten  Ârutschen  

Englische slide Synonyme

slide  Photostat  Telephoto  Wirephoto  Xerox  Xerox copy  advance  aerial photograph  aerophone  alabaster  avalanche  be effortless  be painless  bell  billiard table  black-and-white photograph  blowup  blueprint  bolt-hole  bowling alley  bowling green  candid photograph  cheesecake  chronophotograph  coast  coasting  color photograph  color print  contact printing  continue  crawl  creep  cyanotype  decline  decrease  diapositive  die  dip  double reed  downslide  downswing  downtrend  downturn  drift  drop  drop off  ebb  ejection seat  elapse  embouchure  emergency exit  endure  enlargement  escape hatch  expire  fade  fail  fall  fall away  fall off  falloff  fire escape  flat  flit  flow  flow on  flowing  fly  forget  give no trouble  glass  glide  gliding  glissade  glissando  gloss over  glossy  go by  go down  go downhill  go easily  go like clockwork  go off  go on  heliochrome  heliograph  hit a slump  hit rock bottom  hit the skids  hologram  horn  ice  ice-skate  ignore  inflatable slide  ivory  key  landslide  landslip  lantern slide  lapse  last  let slide  level  life buoy  life net  life raft  lifeboat  lifeline  lip  lurk  mahogany  marble  matte  microcopy  microprint  montage  mouse  mouthpiece  move  mug  mug shot  neglect  pass  pass by  pass over  photo  photobiography  photochronograph  photocopy  photograph  photogravure  photomap  photomicrograph  photomontage  photomural  photostatic copy  picture  pinup  pipe  plane  portrait  positive  present no difficulties  press on  print  proceed  projection printing  reach the depths  reed  roll  roll on  roller-skate  run  run down  run its course  run on  run out  run smoothly  sag  sail  sailing  sally port  satin  semi-matte  shift  shirk  shot  sideslip  silk  sink  skate  skateboard  skating  ski  skid  skiing  skim  skulk  sled  sledding  sleigh  slick  slidder  slide down  sliding  slink  slip  slippage  slipping  slither  slithering  slump  slur  smooth  snake  snap  snapshot  snowslid  
slide back  backslide  fall  fall again into  fall back  fall from grace  have a relapse  lapse  lapse back  recidivate  recur to  regress  relapse  return to  revert  revert to  sink back  slip back  yield again to  
slide trombone  alpenhorn  alphorn  althorn  alto horn  ballad horn  baritone  bass horn  brass choir  brass wind  brass-wind instrument  brasses  bugle  bugle horn  clarion  cornet  cornet-a-pistons  corno di caccia  cornopean  double-bell euphonium  euphonium  helicon  horn  hunting horn  key trumpet  lituus  lur  mellophone  ophicleide  orchestral horn  pocket trumpet  post horn  sackbut  saxhorn  saxtuba  serpent  sliphorn  sousaphone  tenor tuba  tromba  trombone  trumpet  tuba  valve trombone  valve trumpet  

slide Definition

(v. t.) To move along the surface of any body by slipping, or without walking or rolling
(v. t.) Especially, to move over snow or ice with a smooth, uninterrupted motion, as on a sled moving by the force of gravity, or on the feet.
(v. t.) To pass inadvertently.
(v. t.) To pass along smoothly or unobservedly
(v. t.) To slip when walking or standing
(v. t.) To pass from one note to another with no perceptible cassation of sound.
(v. t.) To pass out of one's thought as not being of any consequence.
(v. t.) To cause to slide
(v. t.) To pass or put imperceptibly
(n.) The act of sliding
(n.) Smooth, even passage or progress.
(n.) That on which anything moves by sliding.
(n.) An inclined plane on which heavy bodies slide by the force of gravity, esp. one constructed on a mountain side for conveying logs by sliding them down.
(n.) A surface of ice or snow on which children slide for amusement.
(n.) That which operates by sliding.
(n.) A cover which opens or closes an aperture by sliding over it.
(n.) A moving piece which is guided by a part or parts along which it slides.
(n.) A clasp or brooch for a belt, or the like.
(n.) A plate or slip of glass on which is a picture or delineation to be exhibited by means of a magic lantern, stereopticon, or the like
(n.) The descent of a mass of earth, rock, or snow down a hill or mountain side
(n.) A small dislocation in beds of rock along a line of fissure.
(n.) A grace consisting of two or more small notes moving by conjoint degrees, and leading to a principal note either above or below.
(n.) An apparatus in the trumpet and trombone by which the sounding tube is lengthened and shortened so as to produce the tones between the fundamental and its harmonics.
(n.) A sound which, by a gradual change in the position of the vocal organs, passes imperceptibly into another sound.
(n.) Same as Guide bar, under Guide.
(n.) A slide valve.

slide Bedeutung

the act of moving smoothly along a surface while remaining in contact with it, his slide didn't stop until the bottom of the hill, the children lined up for a coast down the snowy slope
sloping trough
sloping channel through which things can descend
hair slide a decorative hinged clip that girls and women put in their hair to hold it in place
pump action
slide action
action mechanism in a modern rifle or shotgun, a back and forward motion of a sliding lever ejects the empty shell case and cocks the firearm and loads a new round
slide lantern slide a transparency mounted in a frame, viewed with a slide projector
slide microscope slide a small flat rectangular piece of glass on which specimens can be mounted for microscopic study
slide playground slide
sliding board
plaything consisting of a sloping chute down which children can slide
slide fastener
zip fastener
a fastener for locking together two toothed edges by means of a sliding tab
slide projector projector that projects an enlarged image of a slide onto a screen
slide rule
analog computer consisting of a handheld instrument used for rapid calculations, have been replaced by pocket calculators
slide valve valve that opens and closes a passageway by sliding over a port
(music) rapid sliding up or down the musical scale, the violinist was indulgent with his swoops and slides
slide (geology) the descent of a large mass of earth or rocks or snow etc.
slue slew slide
move obliquely or sideways, usually in an uncontrolled manner, the wheels skidded against the sidewalk
to pass or move unobtrusively or smoothly, They slid through the wicket in the big gate
slide down
fall or sink heavily, He slumped onto the couch, My spirits sank
pass slip by
glide by
slip away
go by
slide by
go along
pass by, three years elapsed
slide move smoothly along a surface, He slid the money over to the other gambler
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