
small part Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Anhängsel n; Endstück n
Anhängsel pl; Endstücke pl
(versteiftes) Endstück eines Schuhbandes
(andersfarbige) Schwanzspitze eines Tieres
tag (small part attached to a main body)
tag of a shoelace
tag of an animal's tail
Kleindarsteller m, Kleindarstellerin f (Theater)
Kleindarsteller pl, Kleindarstellerinnen pl
small-part actor, small-part actress, bit-part actor, bit-part actress, bit player
small-part actors, small-part actresses, bit-part actors, bit-part actresses, bit players
Kleindarsteller m; Kleindarstellerin f (Theater)
Kleindarsteller pl; Kleindarstellerinnen pl
small-part actor; small-part actress; bit-part actor; bit-part actress; bit player
small-part actors; small-part actresses; bit-part actors; bit-part actresses; bit players
Schauspieler m; Schauspielerin f; Darsteller m; Darstellerin f art
Schauspieler pl; Schauspielerinnen pl; Darsteller pl; Darstellerinnen pl
Bühnenschauspieler m; Bühnenschauspielerin f; Bühnendarsteller m; Bühnendarstellerin f
Charakterschauspieler m; Charakterschauspielerin f; Charakterdarsteller m; Charakterdarstellerin f; Mime m geh.; Mimin f geh.
Filmschauspieler m; Filmschauspielerin f; Filmdarsteller m; Filmdarstellerin f
Kleindarsteller m; Kleindarstellerin f
Komödiendarsteller m; Komödiendarstellerin f; Komödiant m; Komödiantin f
Nachwuchsschauspieler m
Pornodarsteller m; Pornodarstellerin f
Seriendarsteller m
regieführender Schauspieler
actor; actress; player dated (usually in proper names)
actors; actresses; players
stage actor; stage actress
character actor; character actress
film actor Br.; film actress Br.; movie actor Am.; movie actress Am.
small-part actor; small-part actress; bit-part actor; bit-part actress; bit player
comic actor; comic actress
up-and-coming actor
pornographic actor; pornographic actress; porn actor; porn actress
series actor; serial actor

Deutsche Anhängsel {n}; Endstück {n} / Anhängsel {pl}; Endstücke {pl} / (versteiftes) Endstück eines Schuhbandes / (andersfarbige) Schwanzspitze eines Tieres Synonyme

Endstück  ÂTerminator  
Anhängsel  ÂBeifügung  ÂBeiwerk  ÂZierwerk  
Obmann  eines  Vereines  ÂVereinsobmann  
Rollen  (eines  Schiffes)  ÂSchlingern  
Einführung  eines  Schlauches  ÂIntubation  
Amtsinhaber  ÂInhaber  eines  Amtes  
Folie  (eines  Geschehens)  ÂHintergrund  
Erwerb  eines  Doktortitels  ÂPromotion  
Auflösung  ÂAusgang  (eines  Konfliktes)  
Stase  (fachsprachlich)  ÂStillstand  eines  Flüssigkeitsstromes  
(scherzhafte)  Umgestaltung  (eines  Gedichts)  ÂTravestie  
Einengung  eines  Kanals  ÂStenose  (fachsprachlich)  
Entfernung  eines  Eierstockes  ÂOophorektomie  (fachsprachlich)  
Entwicklung  eines  Geschwürs  ÂUlzeration  (fachsprachlich)  
in  Umgebung  eines  Gefäßes  Âperivaskulär  (fachsprachlich)  
Jahrestag  ÂJubiläum  ÂWiederkehr  eines  Gedenktages  
Resektion  (fachsprachlich)  ÂTeilentfernung  eines  Organs  
Prolaps  (fachsprachlich)  ÂVorfall  eines  Gewebes  
Adlerhorst  ÂAdlernest  ÂNest  eines  Adlers  
anschlagen  ÂTaste  eines  Musikinstruments  drücken  
Biegung  ÂKrümmung  ÂKurve  ÂSchleife  (eines  Flusses)  
abgestorbenes  Teil  eines  Organs  ÂSequester  (fachsprachlich)  
Abriss  (eines  Buches)  ÂAuszug  ÂExzerpt  ÂInhaltsangabe  
Insuffizienz  (fachsprachlich)  Âungenügende  Leistung  eines  Organs  
sechzig  Minuten  ÂStunde  ÂVierundzwanzigstel  eines  Tages  
Gebiss  ÂGebissstange  (eines  Pferdes)  ÂKandare  ÂTrense  
Anhang  ÂBegleitperson  ÂBegleitung  ÂGefolge  (eines  Prominenten)  
falscher  Gebrauch  eines  Wortes  ÂMalapropismus  ÂWortverwechslung  
Ansatzpunkt  eines  Muskels  am  Knochen  ÂInsertion  (fachsprachlich)  
Aplasie  (fachsprachlich)  ÂAusbleiben  der  Entwicklung  eines  Körperteils  
Aufnahme  eines  Stoffes  ÂEinverleibung  ÂInkorporation  (fachsprachlich)  
Embolie  (fachsprachlich)  Âplötzlicher  Verschluss  eines  Blutgefäßes  
Ausfällung  eines  Niederschlags  ÂAusflockung  ÂFällung  ÂPräzipitation  
die  Rinde  eines  Organs  betreffend  Âkortikal  (fachsprachlich)  
Dateneinheit  ÂEntität  ÂEntity  ÂSatzinhalt  eines  Datenbanksegmentes  
Bekleidung  (eines  Amtes)  ÂBesetzung  (einer  Stelle)  
Bergspitze  ÂGipfel  Âhöchste  Stelle  eines  Berges  
Akku  eines  Mobiltelefons  ÂHandyakku  ÂHandybatterie  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂMobiltelefonakku  
Agentur  ÂBüro  eines  Agenten  ÂGeschäftsstelle  ÂVermittlung  ÂVertretung  
Retraktion  (fachsprachlich)  ÂSchrumpfen  eines  Organs  oder  Gewebes  
Thromboembolie  (fachsprachlich)  ÂVerschluss  eines  Blutgefäßes  durch  einen  Blutpfropf  
Abdruck  ÂAuflage  ÂAusgabe  (eines  Buches)  ÂDruck  ÂEdition  ÂFassung  
Kolumne  Âregelmäßig  erscheinender  Artikel  eines  Autors  ÂSpalte  (umgangssprachlich)  
Corporate  Governance  ÂSystem  zur  Kontrolle  und  Führung  eines  Unternehmens  ÂUnternehmensverfassung  
Maklercourtage  ÂMaklergebühr  ÂMaklerprovision  ÂProvision  ÂProvision  eines  Maklers  ÂVermittlungsgebühr  ÂVermittlungsprovision  
großes  Werk  (eines  Künstlers)  ÂKunstwerk  ÂMeisterwerk  ÂOpus  Âopus  magnum  (lat.)  
Laibung  ÂLeibung  ÂUnterseite  einer  Decke  ÂUnterseite  eines  Gewölbes  
über  kurz  oder  lang  Âeines  Tages  Âfrüher  oder  später  Âirgendwann  
Änderung  des  Weltbilds  ÂÄnderung  eines  Blickwinkels  ÂÄnderung  von  Denkmustern  ÂParadigmenwechsel  
Anhängsel  Beifügung  Beiwerk  Zierwerk  
Endstück  Terminator  

Englische tag Synonyme

small part Definition

Fore part
(n.) Alt. of Forepart
(n.) One of the portions, equal or unequal, into which anything is divided, or regarded as divided
(n.) An equal constituent portion
(n.) A constituent portion of a living or spiritual whole
(n.) A constituent of character or capacity
(n.) Quarter
(n.) Such portion of any quantity, as when taken a certain number of times, will exactly make that quantity
(n.) That which belongs to one, or which is assumed by one, or which falls to one, in a division or apportionment
(n.) One of the opposing parties or sides in a conflict or a controversy
(n.) A particular character in a drama or a play
(n.) One of the different melodies of a concerted composition, which heard in union compose its harmony
(n.) To divide
(n.) To divide into shares
(n.) To separate or disunite
(n.) Hence: To hold apart
(n.) To separate by a process of extraction, elimination, or secretion
(n.) To leave
(v. i.) To be broken or divided into parts or pieces
(v. i.) To go away
(v. i.) To perform an act of parting
(v. i.) To have a part or share
(adv.) Partly
(superl.) Having little size, compared with other things of the same kind
(superl.) Being of slight consequence
(superl.) Envincing little worth or ability
(superl.) Not prolonged in duration
(superl.) Weak
(adv.) In or to small extent, quantity, or degree
(adv.) Not loudly
(n.) The small or slender part of a thing
(n.) Smallclothes.
(n.) Same as Little go. See under Little, a.
(v. t.) To make little or less.

small part Bedeutung

office part role
the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group, the function of a teacher, the government must do its part, play its role
contribution part share the part played by a person in bringing about a result, I am proud of my contribution in advancing the project, they all did their share of the work
part-singing singing with three or more voice parts
small civet
Viverricula indica
Viverricula malaccensis
a common civet of southeast Asia
small white
Pieris rapae
small widely distributed form
auto part
car part
a component of an automobile, his business is auto parts
piece small-arm
a portable gun, he wore his firearm in a shoulder holster
something less than the whole of a human artifact, the rear part of the house, glue the two parts together
small boat a boat that is small
small computer system interface
interface consisting of a standard port between a computer and its peripherals that is used in some computers
small ship a ship that is small
small stores personal items conforming to regulations that are sold aboard ship or at a naval base and charged to the person's pay
small stuff any light rope used on shipboard
spare part
an extra component of a machine or other apparatus
after part
the rear part of a ship
small beer a
something of small importance
good part a place of especial strength
weak part
weak spot
soft spot
a place of especial vulnerability
small a garment size for a small person
body part any part of an organism such as an organ or extremity
external body part any body part visible externally
anatomical structure
complex body part
bodily structure
body structure
a particular complex anatomical part of a living thing, he has good bone structure
part parting a line of scalp that can be seen when sections of hair are combed in opposite directions, his part was right in the middle
small intestine the longest part of the alimentary canal, where digestion is completed
small the slender part of the back
part that which concerns a person with regard to a particular role or situation, it requires vigilance on our part, they resisted every effort on his part
one of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole, the written part of the exam, the finance section of the company, the BBC's engineering division
character role
theatrical role
part persona
an actor's portrayal of someone in a play, she played the part of Desdemona
bit part
minor role
a small role
title role
name part
the role of the character after whom the play is named
part name
a word that names a part of a larger whole, `brim' and `crown' are meronyms of `hat'
part of speech
form class
word class
one of the traditional categories of words intended to reflect their functions in a grammatical context
part-of-speech tagger
pos tagger
a tagging program whose labels indicate a word's part of speech
small print
fine print
material printed in small type, he needed his glasses in order to read the fine print
fine print small print the part of a contract that contains reservations and qualifications that are often printed in small type, don't sign a contract without reading the fine print
fixed-point part
the positive fractional part of the representation of a logarithm, in the expression log . the mantissa is .
small letter
lowerase letter
the characters that were once kept in bottom half of a compositor's type case
small capital
small cap
a character having the form of an upperase letter but the same height as lowerase letters
four-part harmony harmony in which each chord has four notes that create four melodic lines
the melody carried by a particular voice or instrument in polyphonic music, he tried to sing the tenor part
part music vocal music for several voices in independent parts (usually performed without accompaniment)
voice part a part written for a singer
bass bass part the lowest part in polyphonic music
d chitchat
chit chat
small talk
chin wag
chin wagging
causerie b
light informal conversation for social occasions
little slam
small slam
winning all but one of the tricks in a hand of bridge
small cap a corporation with a small capitalization, this annual conference is a showcase for ambitious small caps
small town
a community of people smaller than a town
Small Business Administration
an independent agency of the United States government that protects the interests of small businesses and ensures that they receive a fair share of government contracts
consumer finance company
small loan company
a finance company that makes loans to people who have trouble getting a bank loan
the extended spatial location of something, the farming regions of France, religions in all parts of the world, regions of outer space
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