
software Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Computer Programme
Auto-software f auto. mach.
car software
CAD-Software f comp.
CAD software
Anwendersoftware f, Anwendungssoftware f
user software
software tool
Anwendersoftware, Anwendungssoftware
user software
Anwendersoftware f; Anwendungssoftware f comp.
user software
Bankensoftware f comp. techn.
bank software
Softwarekombination f comp.
mixed software
Softwarewerkzeuge pl comp.
software tools
mixed software
Basissoftware f comp. techn.
basic software
Systemsoftware f, Betriebssystem n comp.
system software
Autorensoftware f comp. techn.
author software
Systemsoftware, Betriebssystem
system software
Raubkopieren n comp.
software piracy
Softwarepiraterie f
software piracy
Systemsoftware f; Betriebssystem n comp.
system software
Dentalsoftware f med. comp.
dental software
Designersoftware f comp.
design software
Softwarepiraterie f comp.
software piracy
Softwaresicherheit f comp.
software safety
Softwaresystem n comp.
software system
Programmpaket n, Softwarepaket n
software package
Adresssoftware f comp. techn.
address software
Programmpaket, Softwarepaket
software package
Schadsoftware f comp.
harmful software
Analysesoftware f comp. techn.
analysis software
Businesssoftware f comp. econ.
business software
Computersoftware f
computer software
Datenbanksoftware f
database software
Programmfehlerfreiheit f
software integrity
Archivsoftware f techn.
archiving software
software integrity
Betriebssoftware f comp.
operating software
Diktiersoftware f comp.
dictation software
Programmfehlerfreiheit f comp.
software integrity
Berechnungssoftware f comp.
computing software
Diktatsoftware f comp.
dictation software
Antivirus-Software f comp.
anti-virus software
Softwaretechnologie f
software technology
Antivirensoftware f comp. techn.
anti-virus software
Auswertesoftware f, Auswertsoftware f, Auswertungssoftware f comp. techn.
evaluation software
Automatisierungssoftware f comp. techn.
automation software
Antivirensoftware f; Antivirus-Software f comp.
anti-virus software
Ãœberwachungssoftware f comp.
monitoring software
Chiffrierungssoftware f comp.
encryption software
Softwaretechnologie f comp.
software technology
Anwendersoftware f
software application
Anwendungssoftware f comp.
application software
Software-Anwendung f comp.
software application
Software-Entwicklung f comp.
software development
Softwaretechnik f comp.
software engineering
Applikationssoftware f comp. techn.
application software
Anwaltssoftware f comp.
software for lawyers
application software
Softwareerweiterung f; Softwareverbesserung f comp.
software enhancement
Entwicklungssoftware f comp. techn.
development software
Architektensoftware f comp. techn.
architecture software
Architektursoftware f comp. techn.
architecture software
Anwendungs Software
applications software
Korrekturprogramm n (für Softwarefehler); Direktkorrektur f (auf Objektprogrammebene); Patch m comp.
software patch; patch
Softwarearchitektur f comp.
software architecture
Architecktensoftware f comp. techn.
architectural software
Archivierungssoftware f techn.
software for archiving
Software-Entwurfstechnik f comp.
software design methods
Administrationssoftware comp. techn.
administration software
Automationssoftware f comp. techn.
software for automation
Anschluss m; Port m (Ein- und Ausgabekanal für Netzwerkverbindungen) comp.
Anschlüsse pl; Ports pl
port (software)
Notensatzprogramm n; Notensatzsoftware f mus. comp.
music notation software
Chromatographiesoftware f comp.
chromatography software
Dialogsoftware f comp.
conversational software
Entsorgungssoftware f comp. techn.
waste disposal software
Software, Shareware
SW : software, shareware
Datenauswertungssoftware f
data evaluation software
Anwendungsoftware f comp. techn.
application user software
Open Source Software f; quelloffene Software f comp.
open source software OSS
Computerlernprogramm n
computer learning software
Spracherkennungssoftware f comp.
speech recognition software
Adressmanagementsoftware f comp. techn.
address management software
Computeranimationssoftware f comp.
computer animation software
Schadprogramm n, Schaden verursachende Software comp.
malware (malicious software)
Schadprogramm n; Schadsoftware f; Schaden verursachende Software comp.
malware (malicious software)
Dokumentenmanagementsoftware f
document management software
Fehlerbestätigung (Software) f comp.
persistency check (software)
Organisation zur Förderung freier Software
Free Software Foundation FSF
Produktaktivierung f (Software) comp.
product activation (software)
Betriebsfestigkeitssoftware f
operational stability software
Programmentwicklungssystem n
Programmentwicklungssysteme pl
software tool
software tools
Softwareentwicklungssystem n comp.
software development kit (SDK)
Organisation zur Förderung freier Software
FSF : Free Software Foundation
Betriebsfestigkeitssoftware f comp.
operational stability software
Programmentwicklungssystem n comp.
Programmentwicklungssysteme pl
software tool
software tools
Organisation zur Förderung freier Software
Free Software Foundation FSF
Softwarewerkzeug n comp.
Softwarewerkzeuge pl
software tool
software tools
Softwarebetreuer m; Softwarepfleger m comp.
software maintainer; maintainer
Arbeitsschutzsoftware comp. techn.
software for occupational safety
Software f für die Steuererklärung; Steuersoftware f; Steuerprogramm n comp. fin.
tax return software; tax software
Treibersoftware f; Treiber m comp.
Treiber pl
driver software; driver
Kopierschutzstecker m; Dongle m; Hardlock comp.
software protection dongle; dongle
Raubkopierer m comp.
Raubkopierer pl
software pirate
software pirates
Softwareaktualisierung f comp.
Softwareaktualisierungen pl
software update
software updates
Abkündigung f (eines Softwareprodukts) comp.
deprecation (of a software product)
Kalenderprogramm n; Kalendersoftware f comp.
calendar program; calendar software
Programmpaket n; Softwarepaket n comp.
Programmpakete pl; Softwarepakete pl
software package
software packages
implementierbar adj (Hardware Software) comp.
implementable (of hardware software)
Diese Software läuft nicht unter Windows.
This software doesn't run on Windows.
barrierefrei; schrankenlos adj
barrierefreie Software f; barrierefrei gestaltete Software f comp.
accessibility software
Inbetriebnahme f; Implementierung f (von Hardware Software) comp.
implementation (of hardware software)
ein Gerät eine Software zergliedern und analysieren, um seine ihre Funktionsweise zu entschlüsseln v comp. techn.
to reverse engineer a device software
Softwareanbieter m comp.
Softwareanbieter pl
software provider
software providers
Wasserfallmodell n (Softwareentwicklung) comp.
waterfall model (software development)
quelloffen adj comp.
quelloffene Software
open-source software OSS
Vereinigung gegen den Diebstahl von Software
Federation Against Software Theft FAST
Abrechnungssoftware f fin. comp. techn.
accounting software, invoicing software
Dateimanager m (Software) comp.
Dateimanager pl
file manager (software)
file managers
nicht vernetzt adj (Gerät Computer Software) comp.
standalone (device computer software)
nicht vernetzt adj (Gerät, Computer, Software) comp.
standalone (device, computer, software)
Vereinigung gegen den Diebstahl von Software
FAST : Federation Against Software Theft
Softwarekomponente f comp.
Softwarekomponenten pl
software component
software components
Vereinigung gegen den Diebstahl von Software
Federation Against Software Theft FAST
Software auf den Computer aufspielen; Software am in den Comuter einspielen v comp.
to deploy software onto on to a computer
Buchhaltungssoftware f comp. techn.
bookkeeping software; accounting software
Metrik f comp.
Netzwerkmetrik f
Softwaremetrik f
network metric
software metric
Projektarchiv n; Programmpaketquelle f; Repositorium n comp.
Projektarchive pl; Programmpaketquellen pl; Repositorien pl
software repository
software repositories
Software-Voraussetzung f comp.
Software-Voraussetzungen pl
software requirement
software requirements
Wiki-Software f comp.
wiki software; wiki engine; WikiWikiWeb tm
Prototyping n (Softwareentwicklung) comp.
software prototyping; prototype construction
Videoschnitt-Software f comp.
video editing software; movie editing software
Fernsteuerungsprogramm n; Fernsteuerungssoftware f comp.
remote control program; remote control software
Bildbearbeitungsprogramm n; Bildbearbeitungssoftware f comp.
image editing program; image processing software
Virensuchprogramm n; Virenscanner m comp.
virus-scanning software; virus-checking software
Software f comp.
werbefinanzierte Software
adware, ad-supported computer software
Grafiksoftware f; Graphiksoftware f (selten); Grafikprogramm n comp.
graphics software; graphics program; plot program
Austesten n (von Hardware Software); Fehlersuche f; Fehlerbeseitigung f (bei Hardware Software) comp.
Zeit der Kinderkrankheiten comp.
debugging (of hardware software)
debugging time
Finanz- und Warenwirtschaftssoftware f; Ressourcenplanungssoftware f (oft fälschlich: Warenwirtschaftssystem) econ. comp.
enterprise resource planning software; ERP system
Grafiksoftware f; Graphiksoftware f selten; Grafikprogramm n comp.
graphics software; graphics program; plot program
Softwareentwicklung f comp.
agile Softwareentwicklung
software development
agile software development
bedienbar adj
Die Software ist intuitiv bedienbar.
The software can be operated intuitively.
ein Softwareprodukt abkündigen; zum Auslaufmodell erklären v comp.
nicht mehr Standard sein
to deprecate a software product
to be deprecated
Programmentwicklungsphase f
Programmentwicklungsphasen pl
(software) construction phase
construction phases
Programmentwicklungsphase f comp.
Programmentwicklungsphasen pl
(software) construction phase
construction phases
Insellösung f (Software) comp.
Insellösungen pl
siloed application (software)
siloed applications
Zahlenfresser m; Rechengenie n (Großrechner oder Software) comp.
number cruncher coll. (large computer or software)
(Software) deinstallieren v comp.
to uninstall (software)
Client m; Client-Anwendung f (Netzwerkprogramm das mit einer Server-Software kommuniziert) comp.
client program; client application; client (software)
Client m; Client-Anwendung f (Netzwerkprogramm, das mit einer Server-Software kommuniziert) comp.
client program; client application; client (software)
Modulbibliothek f comp.
Modulbibliotheken pl
module library; component software
module libraries
Softwareentwicklungssystem n comp.
Softwareentwicklungssysteme pl
software development kit SDK
software development kits

Deutsche Computer Programme Synonyme

auf  Computer  umstellen  Âcomputerisieren  
CCC  ÂChaos  Computer  Club  
(Computer)  hochfahren  Âbooten  Âinitialisieren  Âstarten  
CAM  ÂComputer  Aided  Manufacturing  Âcomputergestützte  Fertigung  
CIM  ÂComputer  Integrated  Manufacturing  Âcomputergestützte  Produktion  
Computer-Visualisierungsverfahren  durch  Strahlenverfolgung  ÂRaytracing  
Klapprechner  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂLaptop  ÂMobilrechner  ÂNotebook  Âtragbarer  Computer  
Anwender  ÂBenützer  (schweiz.,  Ã¶sterr.)  ÂBenutzer  ÂComputer-Nutzer  ÂNutzer  ÂUser  (umgangssprachlich)  
Datenautobahn  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂHochgeschwindigkeitsnetz  Âinternationales  (Computer-)Netzwerk  ÂInternet  ÂNetz  der  Netze  (umgangssprachlich)  
Blechidiot  (derb)  ÂComputer  ÂDatenverarbeitungsanlage  ÂElektronenhirn  (umgangssprachlich)  Âelektronische  Datenverarbeitungsanlage  ÂRechner  ÂUniversalrechner  (fachsprachlich)  
Kiste  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂPC  ÂPersonal  Computer  ÂPersonalcomputer  ÂRechner  (umgangssprachlich)  
daddeln  (umgangssprachlich)  Âgamen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âspielen  (am  Computer)  Âzocken  (umgangssprachlich)  
CNC  ÂComputer  Numerical  Control  ÂComputergestützte  numerische  Steuerung  ÂComputerized  Numerical  Control  
(Computer) hochfahren  booten  initialisieren  starten  
Computer-Visualisierungsverfahren durch Strahlenverfolgung  Raytracing  
auf Computer umstellen  computerisieren  
computer program  ALGOL  COBOL  FORTRAN  alphabetic data  alphanumeric code  angular data  assembler  binary digit  binary scale  
computer  IBM machine  IDA  Teleplotter  Telereader  abacist  accountant  actuary  adder  analog computer  
programme  abstract  activities  affairs  agenda  arrange  bill of fare  book  broadcast  calendar  

Englische software Synonyme

software Definition

software Bedeutung

software package
software product
merchandise consisting of a computer program that is offered for sale
software program
computer software
software system
software package
(computer science) written programs or procedures or rules and associated documentation pertaining to the operation of a computer system and that are stored in read
memory, the market for software is expected to expand
alpha software a first release of a software product that is usually tested only by the developers
beta software software that has not yet been released but has received an alpha test and still has more bugs than a regular release, beta software is usually available only to particular users who will test it
compatible software software that can run on different computers without modification
compatible software application software programs that share common conventions so they can be utilized together
system program
systems program
systems software
a program (as an operating system or compiler or utility program) that controls some aspect of the operation of a computer
shrink-wrapped software software on CD-ROMs that are boxed and shrink-wrapped and sold in stores (implying a widely supported standard platform)
supervisory software specialized programs that reside permanently in the computer's main memory and control the processing of user's programs
software documentation
program listings or technical manuals describing the operation and use of programs
software error
programming error
error resulting from bad code in some program involved in producing the erroneous result
computer programmer
software engineer
a person who designs and writes and tests computer programs
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Einfach einen Begriff in der Tabelle rechts anklicken um weitere Übersetzungen in dieser Sidebar zu erhalten.

Computer software, or simply software, is that part of a computer system that consists of encoded information or computer instructions, in contrast to the physical hardware from which the system is built.