
spasm Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Spasmus m, Verkrampfung f med.
Spasmus m; Verkrampfung f med.
Gaumensegelkrampf m; Spasmus palatinus med.
palatal spasm
Adduktorenspasmus m med.
adductor spasm
Krampf m
Krämpfe pl
Tetanie f, Krampfkrankheit f med.
tetany, muscle spasm
Tetanie f; Krampfkrankheit f med.
tetany; muscle spasm
Arteriospasmus m med.
arteriospasm; arterial spasm
Magenpförtnerspasmus m; Pyloruskrampf m; Pylorospasmus m med.
spasm of the pylorus; pylorospasm
Mundsperre f; Kaumuskelkrampf m; Krampf m der Kaumuskulatur; Trismus m med.
lockjaw; masticatory spasm; trismus
Riktus m (Krampf der Gesichtsmuskulatur mit erstarrtem Grinsen) (Risus sardonicus) med.
rictus (spasm of the facial muscles that produces a fixed grinning)
Fazialiskrampf m; Fazialiszucken n med.
Fazialiskrämpfe pl
facial spasm; mimic spasm; mimentic convulsion; convulsive (facial) tic
facial spasms; mimic spasms; mimentic convulsions; convulsive tics
Verkrampfung f; Krampf m; Spasmus m med.
Adduktorenspasmus m
Akkomodationskrampf m (im Auge)
Arterienkrampf m; Arteriospasmus m
Gaumensegelkrampf m (Spasmus palatinus)
spasm; spasmus
adductor spasm
spasm of accommodation (in the eye)
arterial spasm; arteriospasm
spasm of the soft palate; palatal spasm; palatine spasm
Gesichtskrampf m med.
Gesichtskrämpfe pl
mastikatorischer Gesichtskrampf
mimischer Gesichtskrampf
facial spasm; facial tic; prosopospasm
facial spasms; facial tics; prosopospasms
masticatory spasm of the face
mimetic spasm of the face; mimetic convulsion
Muskelkrampf m; Krampf m (unwillkürliche Muskelkontraktionen) med.
Muskelkrämpfe pl; Krämpfe pl
Muskelkrampf der Extremitäten
generalisierter Muskelkrampf
sich generalisierender Muskelkrampf
klonischer Muskelkrampf; Muskelklonus m; Klonus m
klonisch-tonischer Krampf
Schreibkrampf m
tonischer Muskelkrampf
Uhrmacherkrampf m
Wadenkrampf m; Krampf der Wadenmuskulatur
einen Krampf bekommen
einen Krampf haben
muscle cramp; cramp; muscular spasm; myospasm (involuntary muscular contractions)
muscle cramps; cramps; muscular spasms; myospasms
generalized muscular spasm; generalized tonic spasm; holotetanus; holotonia
clonic muscle cramp; clonic cramp; clonus
clonic-tonic cramp; clonicotonic cramp
writer's cramp; spasm in writing
tonic muscle spasm; myotonus
watchmaker's cramp
cramp in the calf; calf cramp; spasm of the calf muscles; systremma
to get a cramp
to have a cramp

Deutsche Spasmus {m} Verkrampfung {f} [med.] Synonyme

Krampf  ÂMuskelkrampf  ÂSpasmus  ÂVerkrampfung  
Spasmus  Verkrampfung  

Englische spasm Synonyme

spasm  Jacksonian epilepsy  Rolandic epilepsy  abdominal epilepsy  abscess  access  ache  aching  acquired epilepsy  activated epilepsy  acute pain  ado  affect epilepsy  agitation  ague  akinetic epilepsy  amok  anemia  ankylosis  anoxia  apnea  apoplexy  arrest  asphyxiation  asthma  ataxia  atrophy  attack  autonomic epilepsy  backache  bite  blaze  bleeding  blennorhea  blockage  bloodless revolution  blow  boring pain  bother  botheration  bouleversement  breakdown  breakup  bumpiness  burst  bustle  cachexia  cachexy  cardiac epilepsy  cataclysm  catastrophe  charley horse  chill  chills  chorea  clean slate  clean sweep  climax  clonic spasm  clonus  cold shivers  colic  commotion  computer revolution  constipation  convulsion  cortical epilepsy  coughing  counterrevolution  cramp  cramps  crick  cursive epilepsy  cut  cyanosis  cyclone  darting pain  debacle  diarrhea  diastrophism  disaster  distress  diurnal epilepsy  dizziness  dolor  dropsy  dysentery  dyspepsia  dyspnea  eclampsia  edema  emaciation  epilepsia  epilepsia gravior  epilepsia major  epilepsia minor  epilepsia mitior  epilepsia nutans  epilepsia tarda  epilepsy  epitasis  eruption  explosion  fainting  falling sickness  fatigue  feery-fary  ferment  fever  fibrillation  fidgetiness  fit  fits and starts  flap  flare-up  flurry  fluster  flutter  flutteriness  flux  focal epilepsy  frenzy  fulgurant pain  furor  fury  fuss  fussiness  gale  girdle pain  gnawing  grand mal  grief  grip  griping  growth  gust  haute mal  hemorrhage  high blood pressure  hitch  hubbub  hullabaloo  hurricane  hurt  hydrops  hypertension  hypotension  hysterical epilepsy  icterus  ictus  indigestion  inflammation  injury  insomnia  irruption  itching  jactation  jactitation  jaundice  jerkiness  joltiness  jumping pain  kink  labored breathing  lancinating pain  larval epilepsy  laryngeal epilepsy  laryngospasm  latent epilepsy  lesion  lockjaw  low blood pressure  lumbago  maelstrom  marasmus  matutinal epilepsy  
spasmodic  acute  adrift  afflictive  afloat  agonizing  aimless  alternating  amorphous  arrhythmic  atrocious  biting  broken  broken off  capricious  careening  casual  cataclysmic  catchy  changeable  changeful  changing  chopped-off  choppy  convulsive  cramping  cruel  cyclical  decousu  desultory  deviable  deviating  deviative  deviatory  different  disarticulated  disastrous  disconnected  discontinued  discontinuous  discrete  disjunct  disjunctive  disordered  disorderly  dispersed  disproportionate  distressing  divaricate  divergent  diversified  diversiform  dizzy  eccentric  eclamptic  episodic  erose  erratic  excruciating  fast and loose  fickle  fidgety  fitful  flickering  flighty  flitting  fluctuating  formless  freakish  frivolous  giddy  gnawing  gratuitous  grave  griping  guttering  halting  haphazard  hard  harrowing  harsh  herky-jerky  heteroclite  hit-or-miss  hurtful  hurting  immethodical  impetuous  impulsive  inchoate  incoherent  inconsistent  inconstant  indecisive  indiscriminate  infirm  intermittent  intermitting  interrupted  irregular  irresolute  irresponsible  jagged  jerking  jerky  jiggety  jumpy  lurching  mazy  meaningless  mercurial  misshapen  moody  motley  mutable  nonconformist  noncontinuous  nonlinear  nonsequential  nonserial  nonstandard  nonsymmetrical  nonsystematic  nonuniform  occasional  orderless  orgasmic  painful  parenthetic  paroxysmal  patchy  periodic  piercing  planless  pluralistic  poignant  promiscuous  pulsating  pungent  racking  ragged  rambling  random  restless  rough  roving  saltatory  scatterbrained  scrappy  seismic  senseless  severe  shapeless  sharp  shifting  shifty  shooting  shuffling  snatchy  spasmatic  spasmic  spasmodical  spastic  spineless  sporadic  spotty  stabbing  staggering  stinging  straggling  straggly  sudden  suspended  systemless  tormenting  torturous  twitchety  twitching  twitchy  unaccountable  unarranged  uncertain  unclassified  unconnected  uncontrolled  und  
spasmodically  at haphazard  at intervals  at irregular intervals  at random  brokenly  by catches  by chance  by fits  by jerks  by snatches  capriciously  carelessly  chaotically  desultorily  disconnectedly  discontinuously  eccentrically  erratically  every which way  fitfully  flutteringly  haltingly  haphazardly  helter-skelter  higgledy-piggledy  hit or miss  impulsively  in snatches  in spots  inconsistently  inconstantly  indiscriminately  intermittently  irregularly  jerkily  lurchingly  nonuniformly  off and on  patchily  promiscuously  quakingly  quaveringly  quiveringly  randomly  roughly  saltatorily  shakily  shudderingly  sloppily  sporadically  spottily  tremblingly  tremulously  uncertainly  unequally  unevenly  unmethodically  unpredictably  unrhythmically  unsteadily  unsystematically  ununiformly  variably  waveringly  whimsically  wobblingly  


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A spasm is a sudden involuntary contraction of a muscle,[1] a group of muscles, or a hollow organ such as the heart.