
spell Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Zauberspruch, Zeitdauer, Weile
buchstabieren, richtig schreiben
(kurzer) Zeitraum m; Zeit f; Weile f
richtig schreiben
to spell
spell out
spell aid
Trockenperiode f; Trockenzeit f
dry spell
Rechtschreibhilfe f
spell aid
Hitzewelle f
hot spell
Kälteperiode f
cold spell
cold spell
cold spell
spell bound
spell binds
bezaubert adj
spell bound
spell (irr.)
Heulkrampf m
crying spell
faszinierender Redner
spell binder
Zauberbann m
(magic) spell
faszinierende Rednern
spell binders
spell binding
Zauberwort n
magic word, spell
Unglück bedeuten
to spell disaster
Rechtschreibprüfung f
spell verification
den Bann brechen
to break the spell
spell verification
kurze Periode f, Zeit f
eine Weile
for a spell
kurze Periode f; Zeit f
eine Weile
for a spell
etw. darlegen; etw. klarmachen; etw. genau erklären v
to spell out () sth.
etw. darlegen; etw. klarmachen; etw. genau erklären
to spell out () sth.
spell of bad weather
Dauer der Arbeitslosigkeit
spell of unemployment
jdn. verzaubern; jdn. in seinen Bann ziehen; jdn. ganz für sich einnehmen v
to cast a spell on sb.
Kältewelle f meteo.
Kältewellen pl
cold spell
cold spells
jdn. verzaubern, jdn. in seinen Bann ziehen
to cast a spell over sb.
unproduktiv adj
Durststrecke f
dead; barren
barren spell
Zauberformel f
spell, charm, magic formula
eine lange Zeit schoenen Wetters
a long spell of fine weather
Zauberspruch m
Zaubersprüche pl
charm, spell
charms, spells
Zauberspruch m
Zaubersprüche pl
charm; spell
charms; spells
Rechtschreibprüfung f
spell-checker; spelling checker
mager adj übtr.
eine Durststrecke
lean {adj} fig.
a lean spell
Ohnmachtsanfall m med.
Ohnmachtsanfälle pl
fainting spell
fainting spells
ablösen v
to spell
spelled, spelt
ablösen v
to spell
spelled; spelt
Zauberwort n
Zauberworte pl
magic word; spell
magic words; spells
Gundel Gaukeley (Walt Disney-Figur) lit.
Magica De Spell (Walt Disney character)
Rechtschreibprüfung f; Rechtschreibüberprüfung f
Rechtschreibprüfungen pl; Rechtschreibüberprüfungen pl
spell verification
spell verifications
to spell out
spelling out
spelled out
richtig schreiben
to spell {spelled, spelt, spelled, spelt}
richtig schreiben
to spell {spelled spelt; spelled spelt}
vorbuchstabieren v
to spell out
spelling out
spelled out
Schlechtwetterperiode f meteo.
Schlechtwetterperioden pl
spell of bad weather
spells of bad weather
Wetterperiode f meteo.
günstige Wetterperiode constr.
weather spell; weather period
weather window
Redner m; Rednerin f; Sprecher m; Sprecherin f; Referent m; Referentin f
guter Redner
schlechter Redner
faszinierender Redner
good speaker
poor speaker
spell binder
Redner m, Rednerin f, Sprecher m, Sprecherin f, Referent m, Referentin f
guter Redner
schlechter Redner
faszinierender Redner
good speaker
poor speaker
spell binder
Zauberbann m; Bann m
in jds. Bann stehen
spell; geas Ir.; blessing obs.
to be under sb.'s spell
Zauberformel f
Zauberformeln pl
spell; charm; magic formula
spells; charms; magic formulas
Periode f; Abschnitt m meteo.
Perioden pl; Abschnitte pl
Schlechtwetterperiode f
Hitzeperiode f
spell of bad weather
hot spell; warm spell
Zauber m (Bann), Zauberspruch m
Zaubersprüche pl
in jds. Bann stehen
spell, blessing obs.
spells, blessings
to be under sb.'s spell
to spell {spelled, spelt, spelled, spelt}
spelled, spelt
etw. buchstabieren v
to spell sth. {spelled spelt; spelled spelt}
spelled; spelt
etw. buchstabieren v
to spell sth. {spelled, spelt; spelled, spelt}
spelled; spelt
Zauberbann m; Bann m
in jds. Bann stehen
den Bann brechen
spell; geas Ir.; blessing obs.
to be under sb.'s spell
to break the spell
typischer Bodengeruch m bei Regen nach längerer Trockenheit envir. meteo.
petrichor (typical scent of the soil when rain falls after a dry spell of weather)
Schwindelanfall m med.
Schwindelanfälle pl
dizziness; fit of dizziness; spell of dizziness
fits of dizziness; spells of dizziness
Schwindelanfall m
Schwindelanfälle pl
dizziness, fit of dizziness, spell of dizziness
fits of dizziness, spells of dizziness
richtig schreiben v
richtig schreibend
richtig geschrieben
Rechtschreibfehler machen
Seine Rechtschreibung ist sehr schwach.
to spell {spelled, spelt; spelled, spelt}
to spell incorrectly
He spells poorly.
Rechtschreibprogramm n; Rechtschreibprüfung f comp.
Rechtschreibprogramme pl; Rechtschreibprüfungen pl
spell-checking program; spellchecker; spelling checker
spell-checking programs; spellcheckers; spelling checkers
Niederschlagsperiode f meteo.
Niederschlagsperioden pl
precipitation period; period of precipitation; spell of precipitation
precipitation periods; periods of precipitation; spells of precipitation
Zauberspruch m; Zauberformel f; Zauber m; Abracadabra n selten
Zaubersprüche pl; Zauberformeln pl; Zauber pl
Hexenspruch m
Feuerzauber m
Liebeszauber m
magic spell; spell; magic formula; charm; incantation
magic spells; spells; magic formulas; charms; incantations
witches' spell; witchcraft spell
fire spell
love spell
Fiasko n; Desaster n; Debakel n (schwerer Misserfolg)
Fiaskos pl; Desaster n; Debakel pl
finanzielles Fiasko; Finanzdesaster n; Finanzdebakel n
(bei etw.) in ein Fiasko schlittern
Die neuen Vorschriften können für Kleinbetriebe in ein Desaster münden.
fiasco; disaster; debacle (complete failure)
fiascos; disasters; debacles
financial fiasco; financial disaster; financial debacle
to end up in a fiasco (over sth.)
The new regulations could spell disaster for small businesses.
Katastrophe f; Unglück n (Ereignis)
Katastrophen pl; Unglücke pl
Brandkatastrophe f
Explosionskatastrophe f
Flugzeugkatastrophe f; Flugzeugunglück n
Grubenunglück n min.
Hochwasserkatastrophe f; Flutkatastrophe f
Naturkatastrophe f
Umweltkatastrophe f envir.
eine Katastrophe erwarten
zu einer Katastrophe (für jdn. etw.) führen
disaster (event)
fire disaster
explosion disaster
aviation disaster
mine disaster; mining disaster; pit disaster
flood disaster
natural disaster; calamity of nature
ecological disaster; environmental catastrophe; eco-catastrophe
to anticipate disaster
to spell disaster (for sb. sth.)
Zeit f
Zeiten pl
zur rechten Zeit
zur rechten Zeit
in schlechten Zeiten
angegebene Zeit
die meiste Zeit
die meiste Zeit des Jahres
seine meiste Zeit
Zeit brauchen
Zeit finden für, dazu kommen
jdm. Zeit lassen
sich Zeit lassen
Zeit und Ort bestimmen
die Zeit totschlagen, die Zeit vertreiben
die Zeit verbringen
sich die Zeit vertreiben
seine Zeit vertrödeln
die Zeit vertrödeln
eine schöne Zeit haben, viel Spaß haben
in kurzer Zeit
von der Zeit an
harte (schwere, schlimme) Zeiten
mit der Zeit Schritt halten
mit der Zeit gehen
seiner Zeit voraus
etw. zur falschen Zeit tun
eine schöne Zeit haben
Zeit vergeuden
Zeit verwenden auf
Zeit zu gewinnen suchen
eine lange Zeit schönen Wetters
der Zahn der Zeit
zur rechten Zeit
absolute Zeit
höchste Zeit
in due time
in good season
in times of scarceness
indicated time, time indicated
most of the time
most of the year
most of his time
to take time
to get round to
to give sb. time
to take up time
to set time and place
to kill time
to spend the time
to while away the time
to while away one's time
to fritter away time
to have a nice time
in a little while
from that time on
hard times
to keep up with the time
to keep up with the times
ahead of the times
to sing the Magnificat at matins fig.
to have a good time, to have a blast coll.
to waste time
to spend time on
to play for time
a long spell of fine weather
the ravages of time
absolute time
about time
Zeit f
Zeiten pl
zur rechten Zeit
zur rechten Zeit
angegebene Zeit
die meiste Zeit
in nächster Zeit
die meiste Zeit des Jahres
seine meiste Zeit
Zeit brauchen
jdm. Zeit lassen
sich Zeit lassen
Zeit und Ort bestimmen
die Zeit totschlagen; die Zeit vertreiben
die Zeit verbringen
sich die Zeit vertreiben
seine Zeit vertrödeln
die Zeit vertrödeln
eine schöne Zeit haben; viel Spaß haben
in kurzer Zeit
vor kurzer Zeit
von der Zeit an
etw. zur falschen Zeit tun
eine schöne Zeit haben
Zeit vergeuden
Zeit verwenden auf
Zeit zu gewinnen suchen
eine lange Zeit schönen Wetters
der Zahn der Zeit
zur rechten Zeit
absolute Zeit
höchste Zeit
Es ist höchste Zeit ins Bett zu gehen.
alles zu seiner Zeit; alles mit Maß und Ziel
eine Zeit hindurch
Es wird wohl langsam Zeit zu ...
Die Zeit drängt.
Es ist höchste Zeit.; Es ist höchste Eisenbahn. humor.
in due time
in good season
indicated time; time indicated
most of the time
some time soon; in the near future
most of the year
most of his time
to take time
to give sb. time
to take up time
to set time and place
to kill time
to spend the time
to while away the time
to while away one's time
to fritter away time; to faff slang
to have a nice time
in a little while
a short time ago
from that time on
to sing the Magnificat at matins fig.
to have a good time; to have a blast coll.
to waste time
to spend time on
to play for time
a long spell of fine weather
the ravages of time
absolute time
about time; in the nick of time
It's high time to go to bed.
all in good time
throughout a period (of time); for a time
I guess it's time to ...
Time presses.; Time is pressing.; Time is short.
It is high time.
Zeit f
Zeiten pl
zur rechten Zeit
zur rechten Zeit
angegebene Zeit
in nächster Zeit
die meiste Zeit des Jahres
die meiste Zeit
Zeit brauchen
jdm. Zeit lassen
sich Zeit lassen
Zeit und Ort bestimmen
die Zeit totschlagen; die Zeit vertreiben
die Zeit verbringen
sich die Zeit vertreiben
seine Zeit vertrödeln
die Zeit vertrödeln
eine schöne Zeit haben; viel Spaß haben
eine tolle Zeit haben; sich großartig amüsieren
in kurzer Zeit
vor kurzer Zeit
eine schöne Zeit haben
Zeit vergeuden
viel wenig Zeit für etw. aufwenden auf etw. verwenden geh.
Zeit zu gewinnen suchen; Zeit schinden
eine lange Zeit schönen Wetters
der Zahn der Zeit
zur rechten Zeit
absolute Zeit
höchste Zeit
wenn ich Zeit finde; (immer) wenn es mir meine Zeit erlaubt geh.
sobald ich Zeit habe
Es ist höchste Zeit, ins Bett zu gehen.
Alles zu seiner Zeit!
eine Zeit hindurch
Es wird wohl langsam Zeit zu …
Die Zeit drängt.
Bis dahin ist noch lange Zeit.; Da ist es noch lange hin. ugs.
Es ist höchste Zeit.; Es ist höchste Eisenbahn. humor.
Es ist allerhöchste Zeit Eisenbahn ugs., dass der Direktor eine Entscheidung trifft.
Die Zeit arbeitet für ihn.
Das kommt schon mit der Zeit.
Das braucht einfach seine Zeit.
in due time
in good season
indicated time; time indicated
some time soon; in the near future
most of the year
most of my his her our their time
to take time
to give sb. time
to take up time
to set time and place
to kill time
to spend the time
to while away the time
to while away one's time
to fritter away time; to faff slang
to have a nice time
to have a whale of a time fig. coll.
in a little while
a short time ago
to have a good time; to have a blast coll.
to waste time
to spend much little time on sth.
to play for time
a long spell of fine weather
the ravages of time
absolute time
about time; in the nick of time
when my time allows (it)
as soon as I have time
It's high time to go to bed.
All in good time!
throughout a period (of time); for a time
I guess it's time to …
Time presses.; Time is pressing.; Time is short.
That's still some time away.; That's still a long time away.; That's still a long way off.
It is high time.
It's more than high time that the manager made a decision.; It's more than high time for the manager to make a decision.
Time is on his side.
Time will take care of that.
Only time will take care of that.

Deutsche Zauberspruch Zeitdauer Weile Synonyme

Bann  ÂVerhexung  ÂZauber  (Bann)  ÂZauberspruch  
(zeitlicher)  Abstand  ÂDauer  ÂFrist  ÂIntervall  ÂPeriode  ÂPhase  ÂSpanne  ÂWeile  ÂZeit  ÂZeitabstand  ÂZeitdifferenz  ÂZeitlang  ÂZeitraum  ÂZeitspanne  

Englische spell Synonyme

spell  Jonah  access  act for  add up to  alchemy  allure  alternate  amount to  appeal  argue  arsis  attraction  augur  bad influence  be construed as  beat  becharm  beguile  bespeak  betoken  bewitch  bewitchery  bewitching  bit  bode  bout  break  breath  breathe  breather  breathing place  breathing space  breathing spell  breathing time  captivate  captivation  carry away  cast a spell  chance  change places with  charm  cigarette break  circle  circuit  clarify  cocktail hour  coffee break  conjuration  connote  course  cover  crowd out  curse  cut out  cycle  day  delineate  denote  diastole  displace  divination  divine  do a hitch  do a stint  do a tour  do time  double for  downbeat  downtime  draw  duration  elucidate  enchant  enchanting  enchantment  enforced respite  enlist  enrapture  enravish  enthrall  entrance  evil eye  evil genius  evil star  express  fascinate  fascination  fateful moment  fetishism  fill in for  fit  folklore  foretoken  formula  ghost  ghostwrite  glamour  go  gramarye  halt  happy hour  have a go  have tenure  hex  hint  hold office  hoodoo  hour  hypnotize  ill wind  imply  import  incantation  indicate  infatuate  influence  inning  innings  instant  intend  interlude  intermission  interval  intrigue  jinx  juju  jujuism  juncture  kairos  keep a watch  lay off  letup  lie by  look like  lore  lull  lure  magic  magnetism  malevolent influence  malocchio  mean  mesmerism  mesmerize  minute  moment  moment of truth  natural magic  necromancy  obeah  omen  opportunity  orthographize  outspell  patch  pause  period  pinch-hit  place  point  point to  popular belief  portend  prefigure  pregnant moment  preindicate  presage  presign  presignal  presignify  pretypify  promise  psychological moment  pull  pulse  re-up  recess  reenlist  refer to  relay  relief  relieve  replace  represent  respite  rest  revolution  rotation  round  run  rune  say  season  seizure  series  serve time  shamanism  shift  sign up  signify  sorcer  
spell out  account for  adduce  allegorize  amplify  anatomize  atomize  circumstantiate  cite  clarify  clear up  complete  construe  crack  decipher  demonstrate  demythologize  descend to particulars  detail  document  elaborate  elucidate  enlarge  enlarge upon  enlighten  enter into detail  euhemerize  exemplify  expand  explain  explain away  explicate  exposit  expound  get across  get over  give full particulars  give reason for  give the meaning  go into  illuminate  illustrate  individualize  instance  interpret  itemize  labor  make clear  make it clear  make plain  orthographize  outspell  particularize  peculiarize  personalize  popularize  precise  put across  put over  rationalize  shed light upon  show  show how  show the way  simplify  solve  specialize  specify  spell  spell backward  substantiate  syllabize  syllable  throw light upon  trace out  unfold  unlock  unravel  vulgarize  work out  write out  
spellbind  absorb  absorb the attention  arrest  becharm  beguile  bewitch  captivate  carry away  cast a spell  catch  catch up  charm  enchant  engage  engage the attention  engage the mind  engage the thoughts  engross  engross the mind  engross the thoughts  enrapture  enravish  enthrall  entrance  exercise  fascinate  grab  grip  hold  hold spellbound  hold the interest  hypnotize  immerse  infatuate  intrigue  involve  involve the interest  mesmerize  monopolize  obsess  occupy  occupy the attention  preoccupy  shine  spell  take up  trance  transport  vamp  witch  
spellbinder  Cicero  Circe  Demosthenes  Euryale  Gorgon  Medea  Medusa  Stheno  William Jennings Bryan  Winston Churchill  bewitcher  charmer  enchanter  enchantress  orator  platform orator  public speaker  rhetor  rhetorician  siren  soapbox orator  soapboxer  stump orator  vampire  
spellbinding  Ciceronian  Circean  Demosthenian  Demosthenic  Tullian  absorbing  alchemy  alluring  appealing  appetizing  arresting  articulate  attractive  beguiling  bewitchery  bewitching  blandishing  cajoling  captivating  catching  charismatic  charm  charming  coaxing  come-hither  consuming  coquettish  divination  eloquent  enchanting  enchantment  engaging  engrossing  enravishing  enthralling  enticing  entrancing  exciting  exotic  facund  fascinating  felicitous  fetching  fetishism  flirtatious  glamorous  glamour  glib  gramarye  gripping  holding  hoodoo  hypnotic  illusionary  illusive  illusory  interesting  intriguing  inviting  irresistible  juju  jujuism  magic  magnetic  mesmeric  mesmerizing  mouth-watering  natural magic  necromancy  obeah  obsessing  obsessive  overpowering  piquant  prepossessing  provocative  provoquant  ravishing  rune  seducing  seductive  shamanism  silver  silver-tongued  siren  sirenic  slick  smooth  smooth-spoken  smooth-tongued  sorcery  sortilege  spell  spellcasting  spellful  sympathetic magic  taking  tantalizing  teasing  tempting  thaumaturgia  thaumaturgics  thaumaturgism  thaumaturgy  theurgy  tickling  titillating  titillative  vampirism  voodoo  voodooism  wanga  well-spoken  white magic  winning  winsome  witchcraft  witchery  witching  witchwork  wizardry  
spellbound  agape  aghast  agog  all agog  amazed  arrested  astonished  astounded  at gaze  awed  awestruck  becharmed  beguiled  bewildered  bewitched  breathless  captivated  castle-building  caught  charm-bound  charmed  confounded  daydreaming  daydreamy  dreamful  dreaming  dreamlike  dreamy  dreamy-eyed  dreamy-souled  dumbfounded  dumbstruck  enchanted  enraptured  enravished  enthralled  entranced  fascinated  fixed  flabbergasted  gaping  gauping  gazing  gripped  held  hypnotized  in a trance  in awe  in awe of  lost in wonder  marveling  mesmerized  open-eyed  openmouthed  overwhelmed  pipe-dreaming  popeyed  puzzled  rapt  rapt in wonder  spell-caught  spelled  staggered  staring  stupefied  surprised  thunderstruck  tranced  under a charm  under a spell  wide-eyed  wonder-struck  wondering  
speller  abecedarium  abecedary  alphabet book  battledore  casebook  exercise book  gradus  grammar  hornbook  manual  manual of instruction  primer  reader  schoolbook  spelling book  t  text  workbook  

spell Definition

(n.) A proverb.
(n.) A spelk, or splinter.
(v. t.) To supply the place of for a time
(n.) The relief of one person by another in any piece of work or watching
(n.) The time during which one person or gang works until relieved
(n.) One of two or more persons or gangs who work by spells.
(n.) A gratuitous helping forward of another's work
(n.) A story
(n.) A stanza, verse, or phrase supposed to be endowed with magical power
(v. t.) To tell
(v. t.) To put under the influence of a spell
(v. t.) To constitute
(v. t.) To tell or name in their proper order letters of, as a word
(v. t.) To discover by characters or marks
(v. i.) To form words with letters, esp. with the proper letters, either orally or in writing.
(v. i.) To study by noting characters

spell Bedeutung

magic spell
magical spell
a verbal formula believed to have magical force, he whispered a spell as he moved his hands, inscribed around its base is a charm in Balinese
sinking spell a temporary decline in health or value
a psychological state induced by (or as if induced by) a magical incantation
spell patch
a period of indeterminate length (usually short) marked by some action or condition, he was here for a little while, I need to rest for a piece, a spell of good weather, a patch of bad weather
cold spell
cold snap
a spell of cold weather
hot spell a spell of hot weather
breathing place
breathing space
breathing spell
breathing time
a short respite
a time for working (after which you will be relieved by someone else), it's my go, a spell of work
spell take turns working, the workers spell every four hours
communicate by means of specific gestures, as an alternative to sign language, The Deaf often fingerspell
spell import indicate or signify, I'm afraid this spells trouble!
spell out
orally recite the letters of or give the spelling of, How do you spell this word? We had to spell out our names for the police officer
spell out make explicit, specify in detail, You should spell out your demands
spell place under a spell
write or name the letters that comprise the conventionally accepted form of (a word or part of a word), He spelled the word wrong in this letter
spell out spell fully and without abbreviating, Can you spell out your middle name instead of just giving the initial?
spell relieve (someone) from work by taking a turn, She spelled her husband at the wheel
fascinated hypnotized
having your attention fixated as though by a spell
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Spell or The Spell may refer to: