
stage coachman Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Bühne, Stufe
stage of production
hinter den Kulissen
off the stage
landing stage
Stand der Dinge
stage of affairs
laboratory stage
wir wollen eine Ausstellung veranstalten
we intend to stage an exhibition
Abschnitt m, Etappe f, Teilstrecke f
Abschnitte pl, Etappen pl, Teilstrecken pl
etappenweise adv
in stages, by stages
Altersstufe f
age, stage in life
Anfangsphase f, Anfangsstadium n
Anfangsphasen pl, Anfangsstadien pl
im Anfangsstadium
initial phase, first phase, early stage
initial phases, first phases, early stages
in the early stages
Anfangsstadium n
initial stage
Anlegestelle f
Anlegestellen pl
landing stage
landing stages
Anzapfstufe f
Anzapfstufen pl
extraction stage
extraction stages
Ausbildungsstufe f
Ausbildungsstufen pl
training level, training stage
training levels, training stages
Bauabschnitt m
stage of construction, construction stage, job section
Brennphase f
Brennphasen pl
firing stage
firing stages
Bühne f, Podium n
Bühnen pl, Podien pl
auf der Bühne
die Bühne betreten
to go on stage
auf die Bühne bringen, (Stück) aufführen
auf die Bühne bringend, aufführend
auf die Bühne gebracht, aufgeführt
to stage
Bühnenanweisung f, Regieanweisung f
Bühnenanweisungen pl, Regieanweisungen pl
stage direction
stage directions
Bühnenbild n
stage design
Drehbühne f
revolving stage
Druckstufe f
pressure stage
Endschaufel f (Turbine) mach.
Endschaufeln pl
last-stage blade
last-stage blades
Endschaufelkranz m (Turbine) mach.
last-stage blade ring
Endstadium n, Endphase f
final stage, terminal stage, terminal phase
Entwicklungsstand m, Entwicklungsstufe f, Entwicklungsphase f
stage of development, state of development, level of development
Entwicklungsstufe f (der Menschheit)
evolutionary stage
Frühstadium n
im Frühstadium
early stage
at an early stage
Grundstudium n
Abschluss des Grundstudiums
foundation course, stage studies, basic study
completion of basic studies
Künstlername m
stage name
Kutscher m
Kutscher pl
coachman, coach driver
Lampenfieber n
stage fright
Lebensabschnitt m
stage of life, period of one's life
Leistungsstufe f
power stage
Lösungsansatz m
Lösungsansätze pl
initial stage for a solution
initial stages for a solution
Niedergangsphase f
abandonment stage
Orientierungsstufe f
Orientierungsstufen pl
orientation stage
orientation stages
Patentanmeldung f
nationale Phase einer Patentanmeldung
patent application, application for a patent, caveat Am.
national stage application for a patent
Planungsstadium n
planning stage
Primärstadium n
primary stage
Raketenstufe f
Raketenstufen pl
rocket stage
rocket stages
Regelstufe f
control stage, governing stage
Regisseur m
stage director
Schauplatz m
Schichtstufe f geol.
Spätstadium n
Spielalter m
playing age, playing stage
Stadium n, Phase f, Stufe f, Station f
Stadien pl, Phasen pl, Stufen pl, Stationen pl
in diesem Stadium
at this stage
Theater n
Theater pl
ins Theater gehen
beim Theater sein
absurdes Theater
theatre, theater Am.
theatres, theaters Am.
to go to the theatre, to go to the theater Am.
to be on the stage
theatre of the absurd
Theaterrequisiten pl
stage properties
Theaterstück n
play, stage play
Ãœbergangsstadium n
Ãœbergangsstadien pl
transitional stage
transitional stages
Verfahrensstufe f
vorgeschaltete Verfahrensstufe
nachgeschaltete Verfahrensstufe
process stage
upstream process stage
downstream process stage
Versuchsstadium n
experimental stage
Versuchsstadium n
laboratory stage
Vierstufenrakete f
Vierstufenraketen pl
four-stage rocket, four-stage missile
four-stage rockets, four-stage missiles
Vorbereitungsphase f
preparation phase, preparation stage
Vorstufe f
Vorstufen pl
preliminary stage
preliminary stages
Weiterentwicklung f
further development, further stage
Wertungsprüfung f (Motorsport)
special stage
Zwischenstufe f
Zwischenstufen pl
intermediate stage, interstage
intermediate stages, interstages
aufbegehren, reklamieren, rumoren
aufbegehrend, reklamierend, rumorend
aufbegehrt, reklamiert, rumort
to protest, to stage protests
ausrichten v (Fest)
to stage, to organize
staging, organizing
staged, organized
einstufig adj
single-level, single-stage, one-level
inszenieren, arrangieren v
inszenierend, arrangierend
inszeniert, arrangiert
inszeniert, arrangiert
inszenierte, arrangierte
to stage, to stage-manage
staging, stage-managing
staged, stage-managed
so weit sein, dass ...
to be so far along that ..., to be at the stage where ..., to be at a point where ...
zweistufig adj
two-stage, two-step
Herstellungsstufe f
Herstellungsstufen pl
manufacturing stage
manufacturing stages
Arbeitspodeste techn.
stage platforms
abandonment stage
in diesem Stadium
at this stage
experimental stage
initial stage
intermediate stage
landing stage
revolving stage
Buehne, veranstalten, Podium
stage design
stage direction
stage directions
stage director
stage manager
stage of life
stage properties
to stage
transitional stage
two stage
Stadium, Bühne
Gerüst, Gestell, Bühne, Plattform
stage coach
stage door
Abbauphase f; Abbaustadium n biol. chem.
Abbauphasen pl; Abbaustadien pl
degradation downgrade stage; degenerate phase (in a succession)
degradation downgrade stages; degenerate phases
Abflussmengenkurve f; Abflusskurve f envir.
Abflussmengenkurven pl; Abflusskurven pl
discharge-rating curve; discharge curve; stage-discharge curve
discharge-rating curves; discharge curves; stage-discharge curves
Abflusstabelle f (Darstellung der Pegelrelation) envir.
Abflusstabellen pl
discharge table (expressing the stage-discharge relation)
discharge tables
Abschnitt m; Etappe f; Teilstrecke f
Abschnitte pl; Etappen pl; Teilstrecken pl
etappenweise adv
in stages; by stages
Akt m; Aufzug m (Abschnitt eines Bühnenstück) art
Akte pl; Aufzüge pl
act (division of a work for the stage)
Altersstufe f
age; stage in life
Sicht f (auf etw.); Sichtweite f; Blickfeld n
verdeckt; verborgen; nicht sichtbar sein
in Sicht kommen; sichtbar werden
aus dem Blickfeld von der Bildfläche verschwinden
Du verstellst mir die Sicht.
Wir hatten keine gute Sicht auf die Bühne.
Einige stiegen auf Stühle um besser zu sehen.
Es war niemand zu sehen.
Der Raubüberfall fand vor den Augen der Schüler statt.
Kinder bleibt in Sichtweite.
Das Museum liegt in Sichtweite unseres Hotels.
view (of sth.)
to be hidden from view
to come into view
to disappear vanish from view
You're blocking my view.
We didn't have a good view of the stage.
Some stood on chairs to get a better view.
There was nobody in view.
The robbery took place in full view of the students.
Children stay within view.
The museum is within view of our hotel.
ein schöner Anblick m; eine Augenweide; ein Augenschmaus m humor.; ein Hochgenuss m
Die Bühnenshow war eine Augen- und Ohrenweide ein Hochgenuss.
Es war eine Augenweide die Mannschaft so organisiert und konzentriert spielen zu sehen.
a sight for sore eyes
The stage show was a sight for sore eyes and ears.
It was a sight for sore eyes to see watch the team play with that organisation and focus.
Anfangsphase f; Anfangsstadium n
Anfangsphasen pl; Anfangsstadien pl
im Anfangsstadium
Das Projekt ist in über das Anfangsstadium nicht hinausgekommen.
initial phase; first phase; early stage
initial phases; first phases; early stages
in the early stages
The project did not progress beyond the early stage.
Anfangsstadium n
Anfangsstadien pl
initial stage
initial stages
Auflösungsstadium n
stage of dissolution
Ausbeutungsstadium n
Ausbeutungsstadien pl
exploitation stage
exploitation stages
Ausbildungsstufe f
Ausbildungsstufen pl
training level; training stage
training levels; training stages
wieder zum Ausgangspunkt zurückkommen übtr.
Damit sind wir wieder beim Ausgangspunkt unserer Diskussion.
womit ich wieder zur ursprünglichen Frage zum ursprünglichen Thema zurückkomme
Früher oder später kommt jede Mode wieder.
Mit ihrer Rückkehr auf die Bühne ist sie zu den Anfängen ihrer Karriere zurückgekehrt.
to come turn go full circle
Here we come full circle in our discussion; So we've come full circle in our discussion.
and here I turn full circle
Sooner or later fashion comes full circle.
Now that she is back on the stage her career has gone full circle.
Ausstellung f (+Gen über etw.) (Veranstaltung)
Ausstellungen pl
Kunstausstellung f
Fotoausstellung f
eine Ausstellung zeitgenössischer Bildhauerkunst
eine Ausstellung über das Leben von Anne Frank
eine Ausstellung zeigen veranstalten präsentieren
eine Ausstellung eröffnen
exhibition; exhibit Am. (of sth. on sth.; featuring sth.; devoted to sth.)
exhibitions; exhibits
art exhibition
exhibition of photographs
an exhibition of modern scupture
an exhibition on the life of Anne Frank
to stage mount hold an exhibition
to open an exhibition
Automatisierungsstufe f techn.
Automatisierungsstufen pl
automation stage
automation stages
Bauabschnitt m; Baustufe f constr.
Bauabschnitte pl; Baustufen pl
stage phase of construction; construction stage phase; job section
stages phases of construction; construction stages phases; job sections
Baugerüst n; Gerüst n constr.
Baugerüste pl; Gerüste pl
fahrbares Gerüst
Gerüst aus Schnittholz
ein Gerüst aufstellen; rüsten
scaffolding; scaffold
scaffoldings; scaffolds
mobile scaffolding
gabers scaffold
to raise a scaffolding; to scaffold; to stage
Bergfest n ugs.
party to celebrate reaching the halfway stage
Bildendstufe (TV) f
final video stage
Blütenknospenstadium n bot.
flower bud stage
Bösewicht m (Figur im Buch Film auf der Bühne) art
Der Schauspieler war im Film auf Bösewichte abonniert.
bad guy; heavy coll.; baddy Br. coll.; baddie Br. coll. (book film stage character)
The actor played the heavy in film after film.
Bühne f; Podium n
Bühnen pl; Podien pl
auf der Bühne
hinter der Bühne
die Bühne betreten
to go on stage
etw. auf die Bühne bringen; etw. szenisch darstellen; (Stück) aufführen v
auf die Bühne bringend; aufführend
auf die Bühne gebracht; aufgeführt
to stage sth.; to put sth. on stage
staging; putting on stage
staged; put on stage
Bühnenanweisung f; Regieanweisung f
Bühnenanweisungen pl; Regieanweisungen pl
stage direction
stage directions
Bühnenarbeiten pl; Bühnenproduktionen pl art
work for the stage
Bühnenbildner m; Bühnenbildnerin f art
Bühnenbildner pl; Bühnenbildnerinnen pl
stage designer; scenic designer; scene-painter
stage designers; scenic designers; scene-painters
Bühnenmaschine f; Bühnenmaschinerie f; Theatermaschine f
Bühnenmaschinen pl; Bühnenmaschinerien pl; Theatermaschinen pl
stage machine
stage machines
Bühnenname m; Theatername m; Scenonym n art
Bühnennamen pl; Theaternamen pl; Scenonymen pl
stage name; theatrical name; scenonym
stage names; theatrical names; scenonyms
Bühnenpräsenz f
stage presence
Dekoration f; Deko f ugs.; Kulisse f (Film TV); Bühnenbild n; Bühnenausstattung f; Bühnendekoration f; Kulissen pl (Theater Oper) art
hinter den Kulissen
set; setting Am.; scenery; scene; stage set; stage setting Am.; stage design
behind the scenes
Dormanz f; Dormanzzustand m biol.
angeborene prospektive Dormanz
erzwungene Dormanz
induzierte Dormanz
konsekutive Dormanz
innate primary predictive dormancy; resting stage
enforced dormancy
induced dormancy
consequential secondary dormancy
Drehbühne f
Drehbühnen pl
revolving stage
revolving stages
Drei-Stufen-Plan m adm.
Drei-Stufen-Pläne pl
three-stage plan
three-stage plans
Druckstufe f
Druckstufen pl
pressure stage
pressure stages
Druckstufensystem n DSS mach.
Druckstufensysteme pl DSS
pressure stage system
pressure stage systems
Endstadium n; Endphase f; Endstufe f
Endstadien pl; Endphasen pl; Endstufen pl
final stage; terminal stage; terminal phase; final phase
final stages; terminal stages; terminal phases; final phases
Entwicklungsstadium n
Entwicklungsstadien pl
evolutionary stage; developmental stage; stage of development; stage of evolution
evolutionary stages; developmental stages; stages of development; stages of evolution
Entwicklungsstand m; Entwicklungsstufe f; Entwicklungsphase f
Entwicklungsstände pl; Entwicklungsstufen pl; Entwicklungsphasen pl
stage of development; state of development; level of development
stages of development; states of development; levels of development
Entwicklungsstufe f (der Menschheit)
Entwicklungsstufen pl
evolutionary stage
evolutionary stages
Erforschung f; Erkundung f (von etw.)
Erforschungen pl; Erkundungen pl
Erforschung der lebenden Ressourcen
Erforschungsstadium n
exploration (of sth.)
exploration of living resources
exploration stage
Eröffnungsphase f
Eröffnungsphasen pl
die Eröffnungsphase einer Konferenz
opening stage
opening stages
the opening stage of a conference
Experimentierstadium n
experimental stage
Gelbkörperphase (des Eizyklus) f biol.
luteal phase; progestation stage (of the ovarian cycle)
Grundpraktikum n
stage I practical; work placement
Grundstudium n stud.
Abschluss des Grundstudiums
foundation course; stage studies; basic study; basic studies
completion of basic studies
Gruppenphase f (Fußballturnier) sport
group stage (football tournament) Br.
Hauptstudium n stud.
main course; stage II studies
Hochwasserstand m
Hochwasserstände pl
kritischer Hochwasserstand
mittlerer Hochwasserstand
high-water level
high-water levels
flood stage
mean high water level
Hochwasserwarnstufe f
Hochwasserwarnstufen pl
flood warning stage; flood warning level
flood warning stages; flood warning levels

Deutsche Postillion Synonyme


Englische stage-coachman Synonyme

stage coachman Definition

(n.) A man whose business is to drive a coach or carriage.
(n.) A tropical fish of the Atlantic ocean (Dutes auriga)
(n.) A floor or story of a house.
(n.) An elevated platform on which an orator may speak, a play be performed, an exhibition be presented, or the like.
(n.) A floor elevated for the convenience of mechanical work, or the like
(n.) A platform, often floating, serving as a kind of wharf.
(n.) The floor for scenic performances
(n.) A place where anything is publicly exhibited
(n.) The platform of a microscope, upon which an object is placed to be viewed. See Illust. of Microscope.
(n.) A place of rest on a regularly traveled road
(n.) A degree of advancement in a journey
(n.) A degree of advancement in any pursuit, or of progress toward an end or result.
(n.) A large vehicle running from station to station for the accomodation of the public
(n.) One of several marked phases or periods in the development and growth of many animals and plants
(v. t.) To exhibit upon a stage, or as upon a stage
(a.) Fascinated by the stage

stage coachman Bedeutung

a section or portion of a journey or course, then we embarked on the second stage of our Caribbean cruise
fare-stage a section along the route of a bus for which the fare is the same
stage dancing
a show involving artistic dancing
business stage business
incidental activity performed by an actor for dramatic effect, his business with the cane was hilarious
outdoor stage
a platform where a (brass) band can play in the open air
landing stage platform from which passengers and cargo can be (un)loaded
mise en scene
stage setting
arrangement of scenery and properties to represent the place where a play or movie is enacted
stage a large platform on which people can stand and can be seen by an audience, he clambered up onto the stage and got the actors to help him into the box
stage microscope stage a small platform on a microscope where the specimen is mounted for examination
a large coach-and-four formerly used to carry passengers and mail on regular routes between towns, we went out of town together by stage about ten or twelve miles
stage door an entrance to the backstage area of theater, used by performers and other theater personnel
stage set
representation consisting of the scenery and other properties used to identify the location of a dramatic production, the sets were meticulously authentic
theater stage
theatre stage
a stage in a theater on which actors can perform
thrust stage a theater stage that extends out into the audience's part of a theater and has seats on three sides
stage effect a special effect created on the stage
stage name the pseudonym of an actor
stage direction an instruction written as part of the script of a play
stage the theater as a profession (usually `the stage'), an early movie simply showed a long kiss by two actors of the contemporary stage
stage whisper a loud whisper that can be overheard, on the stage it is heard by the audience but it supposed to be inaudible to the rest of the cast
final stage
the concluding parts of an event or occurrence, the end was exciting, I had to miss the last of the movie
stage fright fear that affects a person about to face an audience
stage crew crew of workers who move scenery or handle properties in a theatrical production
center stage
centre stage
the central area on a theater stage
stage right
right stage
the part of the stage on the actor's right as the actor faces the audience
stage left
left stage
the part of the stage on the actor's left as the actor faces the audience
stage any scene regarded as a setting for exhibiting or doing something, All the world's a stage--Shakespeare, it set the stage for peaceful negotiations
coachman a man who drives a coach (or carriage)
stage director someone who supervises the actors and directs the action in the production of a stage show
stage technician
an employee of a theater who performs work involved in putting on a theatrical production
stage manager
someone who supervises the physical aspects in the production of a show and who is in charge of the stage when the show is being performed
degree level
a specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process, a remarkable degree of frankness, at what stage are the social sciences?
center stage
centre stage
a position of prominence or importance
anal stage
anal phase
(psychoanalysis) the second sexual and social stage of a child's development during which bowel control is learned
genital stage
genital phase
(psychoanalysis) the fifth sexual and social stage in a person's development occurring during adolescence, interest focuses on sexual activity
latency stage
latency phase
latency period
(psychoanalysis) the fourth period (from about age or until puberty) during which sexual interests are supposed to be sublimated into other activities
oral stage
oral phase
(psychoanalysis) the first sexual and social stage of an infant's development, the mouth is the focus of the libido and satisfaction comes from suckling and chewing and biting
phallic stage
phallic phase
(psychoanalysis) the third stage in a child's development when awareness of and manipulation of the genitals is supposed to be a primary source of pleasure
any distinct time period in a sequence of events, we are in a transitional stage in which many former ideas must be revised or rejected
stage arrange plan, organize, and carry out (an event), the neighboring tribe staged an invasion
stage direct direct for the stage
represent b
perform (a play), especially on a stage, we are going to stage `Othello'
take the stage
take stage
attract attention onto oneself
stage-struck infatuated with or enthralled by the theater especially the desire to act
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Stage or stages may refer to: