
stroke Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Streich m, Schlag m, Strich m
Takt m, Hub m
Zug m (beim Schwimmen)
Schicksalsschlag, Schlag, Schlaganfall, streicheln
Streich m; Schlag m; Strich m
Takt m; Hub m
Federstrich m, Federzug m
pen stroke
Zweitakt m, Zweitakter m
Zweitakt m; Zweitakter m
Schlaganfall-Spezialstation f med.
stroke unit
Seitenschwimmen n
side stroke
four stroke
heat stroke
side stroke
Schlagzahl f sport
stroke rate
langhubig adj mach.
long stroke
mit einem Schlag; auf einen Streich
at a stroke
final stroke
kurzhubig adj mach.
short stroke
Arbeitshub m techn.
working stroke
Arbeitshub m techn. (Zerspanung)
cutting stroke
Aphasie f, Sprachstörung f med.
aphasia, stroke
Traversenhub m
traverse stroke
keyboard stroke
Aphasie f; Sprachstörung f med.
aphasia; stroke
Schicksalsschlag m, Schlag m
SchicksalsschlÀge pl
Schlag m, Hieb m, Stoß m, Strich m
SchlĂ€ge pl, Hiebe pl, StĂ¶ĂŸe pl, Striche pl
ein Gluecksfall
a stroke of luck
Hubwechsel m techn.
change of stroke
Schicksalsschlag m; Schlag m
SchicksalsschlÀge pl
two stroke engine
four stroke cycles
Er ging heimwÀrts
he stroke for home
two stroke engines
GeschÀftsabschluss m; GeschÀft n econ.
stroke of business
Viertaktverfahren n
four-stroke process
Er ging heimwaerts.
he stroke for home.
stroke of a feather
stroke of lightning
stroke of the brush
piston stroke travel
TastenwechselbetÀtigung f
alternate key stroke
alternate key stroke
Kolbenhub m
piston stroke travel
Schlag 5 Uhr
on the stroke of five
Strichbreite f (Schreibstift)
stroke width (of a pen)
BlÀservorschublÀnge f mach.
sootblower stroke length
Ruderschlag m
RuderschlÀge pl
oar stroke
oar strokes
Schwein haben ugs.
to have a stroke of luck
Federstrich m; Federzug m
Federstriche pl; FederzĂŒge pl
pen stroke
pen strokes
Schwein haben v ugs.
to have a stroke of luck
ein gutes Geschaeft
a good stroke of business
Schlaganfall-Spezialstation f med.
Schlaganfall-Spezialstationen pl
stroke unit
stroke units
Arbeitstakt m (Motor)
firing stroke, power stroke
Delfin m; Delphin m; Delfinschwimmen n; Delfinstil m; Schmetterling m; Schmetterlingstil m (Schwimmstil) sport
butterfly; butterfly stroke
Schlagsport m ugs. sport
stroke sports Am. coll.
mit einem Pinselstrich ĂŒbtr.; mit einer einzigen Unterschrift
at the stroke of pen fig.
Schlussstrich m
Schlussstriche pl
final stroke
final strokes
Zweitakt m auto
two-stroke cycle; two-stroke
Hub m (eines Kolbens) auto
HĂŒbe pl
stroke (of a piston)
Hubhöhe f; HublÀnge f (eines Kolbens) auto
length of stroke (of a piston)
Ansaugtakt m techn.
induction stroke, intake period
Arbeitshub m techn. (Motor)
firing stroke, expansion stroke
Arbeitshub m techn. (Motor)
firing stroke; expansion stroke
GlĂŒcksfall m
GlĂŒcksfĂ€lle pl
stroke of luck
strokes of luck
Viertakt m
Viertakte pl
four-stroke cycles
Schlaganfallpatient m; Schlaganfallpatientin f med.
Schlaganfallpatienten pl; Schlaganfallpatientinnen pl
stroke patient
stroke patients
Hubbewegung f
lifting movement; stroke movement
Tastenanschlag m
TastenanschlÀge pl
keyboard stroke
keyboard strokes
Von einem Streich fÀllt keine Eiche.
A single stroke won't fell an oak.
Schwimmstil m (Technik)
Schwimmstile pl
swimming stroke
swimming strokes
Von einem Streich fÀllt keine Eiche. Sprw.
A single stroke won't fell an oak.
Zweitaktmotor m auto
two-stroke engine; two-cycle engine
Hub m
HĂŒbe pl
upstroke, stroke
upstrokes, strokes
Hub m
HĂŒbe pl
upstroke; stroke
upstrokes; strokes
Schlag m; Hieb m; Stoß m; Strich m
SchlĂ€ge pl; Hiebe pl; StĂ¶ĂŸe pl; Striche pl
stroke; dint (dated)
strokes; dints
Zweitaktmotor m techn.
Zweitaktmotoren pl
two-stroke engine
two-stroke engines
Fallhöhe f
Fallhöhe des Meißels
height of fall
percussion bit stroke
Anschlag m (Schreibmaschine)
AnschlÀge pl
180 AnschlÀge pro Minute
180 strokes a minute
Blitzschlag m meteo.
BlitzschlÀge pl
stroke of lightning
strokes of lightning
Pinselstrich m
Pinselstriche pl
stroke of the brush
strokes of the brush
Anschlag m (Gitarre) mus.
freier Anschlag
gestĂŒtzter Anschlag
stroke (guitar)
free stroke
rest stroke
HubzÀhler m techn.
lift counter; stroke counter; ratchet counter
Schickung f
act of providence; stroke of fate; act of God
streicheln, streichen
streichelnd, streichend
gestreichelt, gestrichen
to stroke
streicheln; streichen
streichelnd; streichend
gestreichelt; gestrichen
to stroke
Hitzschlag m med.
HitzschlÀge pl
heat stroke, heatstroke
heat strokes, heatstrokes
HolzflÀchen abziehen (Tischlerei) v
to give the finishing stroke of planing (carpentry)
einen Schlag Schwung Tritt durchziehen v (Ballsport) sport
to follow through a stroke swing kick (ball sports)
Anschlag m (Schreibmaschine)
AnschlÀge pl
180 AnschlÀge pro Minute
stroke (typewriter)
180 strokes a minute
Wiederholungsschlag m (Golf) sport
mulligan (extra stroke after a poor shot) (golf) Am.
glĂŒckliches Zusammentreffen n; GlĂŒck n
ein GlĂŒcksfall
serendipity (formal)
a fortunate stroke of serendipity
glĂŒckliches Zusammentreffen n; GlĂŒck n
ein GlĂŒcksfall
serendipity formal
a fortunate stroke of serendipity
Geniestreich m
Geniestreiche pl
stroke of genius, bright idea
strokes of genius, bright ideas
Geniestreich m
Geniestreiche pl
stroke of genius; bright idea
strokes of genius; bright ideas
Hitzschlag m; Hitzefieber n med.
HitzschlÀge pl
heat stroke; heatstroke; heat pyrexia
heat strokes; heatstrokes
LangschubblÀser m mach.
LangschubblÀser pl
long (stroke) retractable sootblower
long retractable sootblowers
Blitzstromableiter m
Blitzstromableiter pl
lightning stroke current arrester
lightning stroke current arresters
Handschlag m
HandschlÀge pl
per Handschlag, mit Handschlag, durch Handschlag
keinen Handschlag tun ugs.
with a handshake
not to do a stroke of work
Blitzschlag m; Blitzeinschlag m meteo.
BlitzschlÀge pl; BlitzeinschlÀge pl
lightning strike; lightning stroke
lightning strikes; lightning strokes
Zweitaktmotor m; Zweitakter m ugs. auto
Zweitaktmotoren pl; Zweitakter pl
two-stroke engine; two-cycle engine
two-stroke engines; two-cycle engines
GeschÀft n
ein GeschĂ€ft fĂŒhren
ein GeschÀft leiten
ein gutes GeschÀft
to run a business
to direct a business
a good stroke of business
LangschraubblÀser m; LangschubdrehblÀser m mach.
LangschraubblÀser pl; LangschubdrehblÀser pl
rotary long (stroke) retractable sootblower
rotary long retractable sootblowers
Aphasie f; Sprachstörung f med.
Wernicke-Aphasie; sensorische Aphasie
aphasia; stroke
receptive aphasia; Wernicke's aphasia; fluent aphasia; sensory aphasia
Schlag m (Schlagsport) sport
SchlÀge pl
Überkopfschlag m
Sie gewann das Golfturnier mit vier SchlÀgen.
stroke (stroke sports)
overhead stroke
She won the golf competition by four strokes.
Schlussstrich m
Schlussstriche pl
einen Schlussstrich unter etw. ziehen
final stroke; line at the end of sth.
final strokes
to draw a line under sth.; to put an end to sth.
genau; exakt adv (+ Zeitangabe)
genau um Mitternacht
exakt zur Halbzeit zum Ende der Spielzeit sport
on the stroke of (+ expression of time)
at the stroke of midnight
on the stroke of half-time full-time
noch nie im Leben einen vernĂŒnftigen Handgriff getan haben v
to never have done a stroke of proper work in your life; to never have done a proper day's work in your life
FĂŒgung f, Zufall m
durch Zufall
ein merkwĂŒrdiger Zufall
eine glĂŒckliche FĂŒgung
coincidence, chance
by coincidence
a remarkable coincidence, a strange coincidence
a stroke of good fortune
Hubkolben m; Kolben m techn.
Hubkolben pl; Kolben pl
Kolbenaufgang m; aufwÀrtsgehender Kolbenhub m
KolbenrĂŒckgang m; abwĂ€rtsgehender Kolbenhub m
upstroke; ascending stroke of the piston
downstroke; return stroke; backstroke of the piston
Viertaktmotor m, Viertakter m ugs. auto
Viertaktmotoren pl
four-stroke engine Br.., four-cycle engine Am., four-stroker coll. Br.
four-stroke engines, four cycle engines
Schlaganfall m, Apoplexie f, primÀr ischÀmischer Hirninfarkt med.
SchlaganfÀlle pl
leichter Schlaganfall
(fit of) apoplexy, seizure, stroke, apoplectic fit, cerebrovascular accident (CVA)
strokes, apoplectic fits
(einen Stil eine Strecke) schwimmen v
an einem Wettschwimmen teilnehmen
Kannst du schon rĂŒckenschwimmen im RĂŒckenstil schwimmen?
Sie war die erste Frau die den Ärmelkanal schwimmend durchquerte.
to swim sth. (stroke stretch)
to swim a race
Can you swim backstroke yet?
She was the first woman to swim the Channel.
(einen Stil, eine Strecke) schwimmen v
an einem Wettschwimmen teilnehmen
Kannst du schon rĂŒckenschwimmen im RĂŒckenstil schwimmen?
Sie war die erste Frau, die den Ärmelkanal schwimmend durchquerte.
to swim sth. (stroke, stretch)
to swim a race
Can you swim backstroke yet?
She was the first woman to swim the Channel.
Schlag m; Hieb m (mit einem Gegenstand) mil.
SchlÀge pl; Hiebe pl
Er schrie bei jedem Peitschenhieb auf.
Die Bestrafung bestand aus zehn StockschlÀgen.
stroke; dint dated
strokes; dints
He cried out at each stroke of the whip.
The punishment was ten strokes of the cane.
Pinselstrich m art
Pinselstriche pl
mit einem Pinselstrich ĂŒbtr. hist. selten (mit nur einer Unterschrift)
stroke of the brush; brush stroke; brushstroke
strokes of the brush; brush strokes; brushstrokes
at the stroke of pen fig. rare
Betrieb m; GeschÀft n econ.
ein GeschĂ€ft fĂŒhren
ein GeschÀft leiten
ein GeschÀft eröffnen
ein GeschĂ€ft fortfĂŒhren
ein gutes GeschÀft
to run a business
to direct a business
to open a business; to establish a business
to continue a business
a good stroke of business
Handschlag m
HandschlÀge pl
per Handschlag; mit Handschlag; durch Handschlag
keinen Handschlag tun ugs.
ein Mann mit HandschlagqualitĂ€t SĂŒddt.
ein Mann ohne HandschlagqualitÀt
with a handshake
not to do a stroke of work
a man who will always live up to his handshake
a man who can't stand by his handshake
Geschick n; Schicksal n
GlĂŒck n
UnglĂŒck n
zum GlĂŒck; glĂŒcklicherweise adv
eine glĂŒckliche FĂŒgung
der Kriegsverlauf; die Kriegsereignisse
im Laufe ihres wechselvollen Lebens
Das KriegsglĂŒck wendete sich gegen das Kaisereich.
good fortune
bad fortune
by good fortune
a stroke of good fortune
the fortunes of war
during her changing fortunes
The fortunes of war turned against the empire.
Geschick n; Schicksal n
GlĂŒck n
UnglĂŒck n
zum GlĂŒck; glĂŒcklicherweise adv
eine glĂŒckliche FĂŒgung
der Kriegsverlauf; die Kriegsereignisse
im Laufe ihres wechselvollen Lebens
Das war ein unglaublicher GlĂŒcksfall.
Das KriegsglĂŒck wendete sich gegen das Kaiserreich.
good fortune
bad fortune
by good fortune
a stroke of good fortune
the fortunes of war
during her changing fortunes
It's the darnedest stroke of good fortune.
The fortunes of war turned against the empire.
Schlaganfall m; Gehirnschlag m; Hirnschlag m; Hirninfarkt m; Gehirninfarkt m; Schlagfluss m; zerebrale Apoplexie f; Apoplex m ugs.; apoplektischer Insult m (Apoplexia cerebri) med.
SchlaganfĂ€lle pl; GehirnschlĂ€ge pl; HirnschlĂ€ge pl; Hirninfarkte pl; Gehirninfarkte pl; SchlagflĂŒsse pl; zerebrale Apoplexien pl; Apoplexe pl; apopplektische Insulte pl
leichter Schlaganfall
akuter Schlaganfall
BulbÀrapoplexie f
Scheinapoplexie f
(apoplectic) stroke; cerebrovascular accident CVA ; cerebral apoplexy; cerebral infarction; cerebral infarct
strokes; cerebrovascular accidents; cerebral apoplexies; cerebral infarctions; cerebral infarcts
acute stroke
bulbar apoplexy
Schlaganfall m; Gehirnschlag m; Hirnschlag m; Hirninfarkt m; Schlagfluss m; zerebrale Apoplexie f; Apoplex m ugs.; apoplektischer Insult m (Apoplexia cerebri) med.
SchlaganfĂ€lle pl; GehirnschlĂ€ge pl; HirnschlĂ€ge pl; Hirninfarkte pl; SchlagflĂŒsse pl; zerebrale Apoplexien pl; Apoplexe pl; apopplektische Insulte pl
leichter Schlaganfall
akuter Schlaganfall
BulbÀrapoplexie f
Scheinapoplexie f
(apoplectic) stroke; cerebrovascular accident CVA ; cerebral apoplexy; cerebral infarction; cerebral infarct
strokes; cerebrovascular accidents; cerebral apoplexies; cerebral infarctions; cerebral infarcts
acute stroke
bulbar apoplexy
Viertaktmotor m; Viertakter m ugs. auto
Viertaktmotoren pl
Ansaugtakt m
Verdichtungstakt m; Kompressionstakt m
Arbeitstakt m; Expansionstakt m
Ausstoßtakt m
four-stroke engine Br.; four-cycle engine Am.; four-stroker coll. Br.
four-stroke engines; four cycle engines
intake stroke; suction stroke; induction stroke; intake period
compression stroke
expansion stroke; power stroke; firing stroke
exhaust stroke
Viertaktmotor m; Viertakter m ugs. auto
Viertaktmotoren pl
Ansaugtakt m
Verdichtungstakt m; Kompressionstakt m
Arbeitshub m; Arbeitstakt m; Ausdehnungshub m; Expansionstakt m (Kolbenmotor)
Ausstoßtakt m
four-stroke engine Br.; four-cycle engine Am.; four-stroker Br. coll.
four-stroke engines; four cycle engines
intake stroke; suction stroke; induction stroke; intake period
compression stroke
working stroke; power stroke; firing stroke; expansion stroke (piston engine)
exhaust stroke
(um) Punkt, genau um; Schlag veraltet (+ Uhrzeit)
genau um drei Uhr
(um) Punkt zehn (Uhr) ankommen
Es war Punkt 11 Uhr.; Es war auf den Glockenschlag genau 11 Uhr. geh.
Jeden Tag, Schlag neun, klopfte sie leise an meine TĂŒre.
on the stroke of; on the dot (prepositive); precisely; sharp; on the dot, on the button Am. coll. (postpositive) (+ time of the day)
at three o'clock exactly precisely
to arrive on the dot at ten o'clock; to arrive at ten o'clock sharp
It was 11 o'clock precisely.
Each day, at the stroke of nine, she knocked softly at my door.
Missgeschick n; Misserfolg m; Bauchlandung f; EnttÀuschung f
Missgeschicke pl; Misserfolge pl; Bauchlandungen pl; EnttÀuschungen pl
selbstverschuldete Missgeschicke
finanzielle FehlschlÀge
EnttÀuschungen in der Liebe
die Lehren aus frĂŒheren Misserfolgen und FehlschlĂ€gen
sich am UnglĂŒck anderer weiden ergötzen; schadenfroh sein
misfortune; misadventure; stroke of bad luck; unfortunate incident
misfortunes; misadventures; strokes of bad luck; unfortunate incidents
misfortunes of your own making
financial misfortunes
romantic misfortunes
the lessons learned from past misfortunes and failures
to delight in take delight in revel in derive pleasure from enjoy other people's misfortune

Deutsche Streich {m} Schlag {m} Strich {m} Synonyme

Coup  Âgelungener  Streich  ÂStreich  ÂUlk  
Gerade  ÂLinie  ÂStrecke  ÂStrich  
Maser  ÂMaserung  ÂStreifen  ÂStrich  
Kapriole  ÂnĂ€rrischer  Einfall  ÂStreich  
Finte  ÂHinterlist  ÂKniff  ÂList  ÂStreich  ÂTrick  
Knall  ÂSchlag  
Schicksalsschlag  ÂSchlag  
Schlag  ÂSchlaghose  
(Schlag)  versetzen  Âausteilen  
Detonation  ÂExplosion  ÂSchlag  
Hieb  ÂSchlag  ÂStoß  
ad  hoc  Âauf  Anhieb  Âauf  einen  Schlag  Âgleich  beim  ersten  Mal  
Kaliber  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂSchlag  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂSorte  ÂTyp  
(Schlag) versetzen  austeilen  
Schlag  Schlaghose  

Englische stroke Synonyme

stroke  Jacksonian epilepsy  Rolandic epilepsy  abdominal epilepsy  abuse  access  accomplished fact  accomplishment  ache  achievement  aching  act  acta  action  activated epilepsy  ad hoc measure  adventure  affect epilepsy  akinetic epilepsy  aneurysm  angina  angina pectoris  answer  aortic insufficiency  aortic stenosis  apoplectic stroke  apoplexy  approach  arrest  arrhythmia  arteriosclerosis  artifice  assay  atherosclerosis  atrial fibrillation  attack  attempt  auricular fibrillation  autonomic epilepsy  band  bang  bar  bash  bat  beat  beating  belt  beriberi heart  bid  biff  bit  blarney  bleed  bleed white  blockage  blow  bonk  breakup  breath  brush  butter  butter up  cardiac arrest  cardiac epilepsy  cardiac insufficiency  cardiac shock  cardiac stenosis  cardiac thrombosis  carditis  caress  cataclysm  catalepsy  cataplexy  chop  climax  clip  clonic spasm  clonus  clout  clump  congenital heart disease  contact  contrivance  convulsion  cor biloculare  cor juvenum  cor triatriatum  coronary  coronary insufficiency  coronary thrombosis  cortical epilepsy  countermove  coup  course of action  crack  cramp  cross-hatching  cursive epilepsy  cut  cutaneous sense  dash  dealings  deed  delineation  demarche  device  diagonal  diastolic hypertension  diastrophism  dig  dint  diplegia  dirty work  disaster  distress  diurnal epilepsy  dodge  doing  doings  dolor  donkeywork  dotted line  drain  drub  drubbing  drudgery  drumming  eclampsia  effort  embolism  employment  encased heart  endeavor  endocarditis  enterprise  epilepsia  epilepsia gravior  epilepsia major  epilepsia minor  epilepsia mitior  epilepsia nutans  epilepsia tarda  epilepsy  epitasis  essay  example  expedient  experiment  exploit  extrasystole  fag  fait accompli  falling sickness  fatigue  fatty heart  feat  feel  feel up  feeling  fibroid heart  fingertip caress  fit  flash  flask-shaped heart  flick  fling  flourish  focal epilepsy  fondle  frenzy  frictionize  frosted heart    

stroke Definition

(n.) An accidental or a slyly given stroke.
(a.) Making a stroke without recoil
(imp.) Struck.
(v. t.) The act of striking
(v. t.) The result of effect of a striking
(v. t.) The striking of the clock to tell the hour.
(v. t.) A gentle, caressing touch or movement upon something
(v. t.) A mark or dash in writing or printing
(v. t.) Hence, by extension, an addition or amandment to a written composition
(v. t.) A sudden attack of disease
(v. t.) A throb or beat, as of the heart.
(v. t.) One of a series of beats or movements against a resisting medium, by means of which movement through or upon it is accomplished
(v. t.) The rate of succession of stroke
(v. t.) The oar nearest the stern of a boat, by which the other oars are guided
(v. t.) The rower who pulls the stroke oar
(v. t.) A powerful or sudden effort by which something is done, produced, or accomplished
(v. t.) The movement, in either direction, of the piston plunger, piston rod, crosshead, etc., as of a steam engine or a pump, in which these parts have a reciprocating motion
(v. t.) Power
(v. t.) Appetite.
(v. t.) To strike.
(v. t.) To rib gently in one direction
(v. t.) To make smooth by rubbing.
(v. t.) To give a finely fluted surface to.
(v. t.) To row the stroke oar of

stroke Bedeutung

stroke stroking a light touch with the hands
stroke a single complete movement
key stroke
the stroke of a key, one depression of a key on a keyboard, the number of keystrokes was used as a measure of work
medal play
stroke play
golf scoring by total strokes taken
(sports) the act of swinging or striking at a ball with a club or racket or bat or cue or hand, it took two strokes to get out of the bunker, a good shot requires good balance and tempo, he left me an almost impossible shot
tennis stroke
tennis shot
the act of hitting a tennis ball with a tennis racket
backhand stroke
backhand shot
a return made with the back of the hand facing the direction of the stroke
forehand stroke
forehand shot
(sports) a return made with the palm of the hand facing the direction of the stroke (as in tennis or badminton or squash)
ground stroke a tennis return made by hitting the ball after it has bounced once
stroke any one of the repeated movements of the limbs and body used for locomotion in swimming or rowing
swimming stroke a method of moving the arms and legs to push against the water and propel the swimmer forward
butterfly stroke
a swimming stroke in which the arms are thrown forward together out of the water while the feet kick up and down
golf stroke
golf shot
the act of swinging a golf club at a golf ball and (usually) hitting it
four-stroke engine
four-stroke internalombustion engine
an internalombustion engine in which an explosive mixture is drawn into the cylinder on the first stroke and is compressed and ignited on the second stroke, work is done on the third stroke and the products of combustion are exhausted on the fourth stroke
stroke a mark made on a surface by a pen, pencil, or paintbrush, she applied the paint in careful strokes
hair stroke a very fine line in writing or printing
a punctuation mark (
used to separate related items of information
stroke fortuity
chance event
anything that happens suddenly or by chance without an apparent cause, winning the lottery was a happy accident, the pregnancy was a stroke of bad luck, it was due to an accident or fortuity
cam stroke
the maximum movement available to a pivoted or reciprocating piece by a cam
stroke a light touch
stroke the oarsman nearest the stern of the shell who sets the pace for the rest of the crew
stroke (golf) the unit of scoring in golf is the act of hitting the ball with a club, Nicklaus won by three strokes
cerebrovascular accident
a sudden loss of consciousness resulting when the rupture or occlusion of a blood vessel leads to oxygen lack in the brain
ischemic stroke
ischaemic stroke
the most common kind of stroke, caused by an interruption in the flow of blood to the brain (as from a clot blocking a blood vessel)
hemorrhagic stroke
haemorrhagic stroke
stroke caused by the rupture of a blood vessel in the brain
stroke treat gingerly or carefully, You have to stroke the boss
stroke strike a ball with a smooth blow
stroke row at a particular rate
stroke touch lightly and repeatedly, as with brushing motions, He stroked his long beard
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Stroke is when poor blood flow to the brain results in cell death. There are two main types of stroke: ischemic, due to lack of blood flow, and hemorrhagic, due to bleeding. They result in part of the brain not functioning properly. Signs and symptoms of a stroke may include an inability to move or feel on one side of the body, problems understanding or speaking, feeling like the world is spinning, or loss of vision to one side among others. Signs and symptoms often appear soon after the stroke has occurred. If symptoms last less than one or two hours it is known as a transient ischemic attack . Hemorrhagic strokes may also be associated with a severe headache. The symptoms of a stroke can be permanent. Long term complications may include pneumonia or loss of bladder control.