
structural Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

strukturell adj, Struktur...
strukturell, Struktur..
strukturell adj; Struktur...
strukturell adj; Struktur…
Bauform f
structural shape
Strukturfonds pl
structural funds
Strukturmodell n
structural model
structural model
Bauglas n constr. techn.
structural glass
structural policy
Strukturwandel, Strukturveränderung
structural change
Bauentwurf m
structural design
Baukonstruktionslehre f
structural theory
Konstruktionsgewicht n
structural weight
Strukturbruch m; strukturelle Veränderung f
structural change
Strukturwandel m
structural change
Tragwerksentwurf m; Tragwerksplanung f arch.
structural design
structural changes
Strukturformel f
structural formula
strukturdynamisch adj techn.
structural dynamic
Strukturanalyse f
structural analysis
Strukturdynamik f
structural dynamics
Konstruktionsbeton m constr.
structural concrete
strukturelle Inflation
structural inflation
Bauveränderung f
structural alteration
Tragwirkung f constr.
structural conditions
Hochbau m
structural engineering
Tragwirkung f constr.
structural condictions
Tragwerkslehre f
structural engineering
strukturelle Arbeitslosigkeit
structural unemployment
Hochbauarchitektur f arch.
structural architecture
Hohlprofil n; Formrohr n techn.
structural tubing shape
Baustahlprofil n
structural steel section
Grundeinheit f; Staudinger-Einheit f (Kunststoff) techn.
structural unit (plastics)
Umbauarbeiten pl constr.
structural alteration work
Stahlbau m (Technik)
structural steel engineering
strukturelle Integration f; Rolfing n med.
structural integration; rolfing
Stahlbauwerkstatt f constr.
structural engineering workshop
Automobilkonstruktionsteile pl auto. mach.
automobile structural components
Konstruktionsleichtbeton m constr.
structural light-weight concrete
Strukturkarte f
Strukturkarten pl
structural map
structural maps
Baustil m
tectonic style; structural style
Bauplanung f
project planning, structural design
Bauplanung f
project planning; structural design
Strukturmodell n
Strukturmodelle pl
structural model
structural models
bautechnisch adj
structural, of structural engineering
bautechnisch adj constr.
structural; of structural engineering
bauliche Begutachtung f; Baugutachten n constr.
structural survey Br.; survey Br.
Strukturänderung f
Strukturänderungen pl
structural change
structural changes
freitragend, frei stehend, selbsttragend adj arch.
self-supporting, structural supporting
Strukturreform f
Strukturreformen pl
structural reform
structural reforms
Pfettenaufhängung f (Stahlbau) techn.
sag bar (structural steel construction)
Standsicherheit f (von Bauwerken) constr.
structural stability (of constructions)
Strukturplanung f
structure planning; structural planning
Stahlkonstruktion f
structural steelwork, steel construction
Strukturformel f
Strukturformeln pl
structural formula
structural formulas
Strukturproblem n econ.
Strukturprobleme pl
structural problem
structural problems
vollwandig adj (Stahlbau)
solid-web (structural steel engineering)
Hochbauingenieur m, Hochbauingenieurin f
Hochbauingenieure pl, Hochbauingenieurinnen pl
structural engineer
structural engineers
Hochbauingenieur m; Hochbauingenieurin f
Hochbauingenieure pl; Hochbauingenieurinnen pl
structural engineer
structural engineers
Baukeramik f
architectural ceramics, structural ceramics
Baukeramik f
architectural ceramics; structural ceramics
Wassersack m (Stahlbau) techn.
water pocket (structural steel engineering)
Umbauarbeiten pl constr.
conversion work; structural alteration work
Aufbauprinzip n
Aufbauprinzipien pl
structural principle
structural principles
Bockstütze f; Biese f; Litzenbesatz m; Vorstoß m (Stahlbau) techn.
lean-to strut (structural steel engineering)
Strukturprinzip n
Strukturprinzipien pl
structural principle
structural principles
Strukturparameter m chem.
Strukturparameter pl
structural parameter
structural parameters
Trägerrost m; Kreuzwerk n (Stahlbau) techn.
grillage; grid (structural steel engineering)
Strukturanpassung f
Strukturanpassungen pl
structural adjustment
structural adjustments
Vollwandbinder m (Stahlbau)
solid web truss (structural steel engineering)
Bautechnik f; Bauwesen n constr.
structural engineering; construction engineering
Wurzelmaß n; Anreißmaß n (Stahlbau) constr.
tracing dimension (structural steel engineering)
Bautechnik f; Bauplanung und -leitung f; Bauwesen n constr.
structural engineering; construction engineering
Instrument n, Werkzeug n, Gerät n, Apparat m
Instrumente pl, Werkzeuge pl, Geräte pl, Apparate pl
strukturelle Instrumente
structural instruments
mit Bindeblechen zusammengesetzte Stütze f (Stahlbau) constr.
battened stanchion (structural steel engineering)
Instrument n; Werkzeug n; Gerät n; Apparat m
Instrumente pl; Werkzeuge pl; Geräte pl; Apparate pl
strukturelle Instrumente
structural instruments
Ausfachungsstab m (Stahlbau) constr.
strut member; member (structural steel engineering)
Rüstgewicht n aviat.
construction weight; structural weight; tare weight
selbsttragend; freitragend; freistehend adj constr.
self-supporting; structural supporting; unsupported
Hauptbaugruppe f
Hauptbaugruppen pl
main structural component
main structural components
Habitatvielfalt f; Lebensraumdiversität f; Biotopdiversität f; Arten-Turnover n; Beta-Diversität f (Unterschied in der lokalen Artenvielfalt) biol. envir.
structural diversity; beta diversity; species turnover
Kopfplatte f; Deckflachstahl m (Stahlbau) constr.
boom member plate (structural steel engineering) Br.
Deckenplatte f
Deckenplatten pl
top panel, structural slab
top panels, structural slabs
Deckenplatte f
Deckenplatten pl
top panel; structural slab
top panels; structural slabs
Traverse f (Stahlbau) techn.
equalizer; equaliser Br. (structural steel engineering)
Stahlkonstruktion f
Stahlkonstruktionen pl
structural steelwork; steel construction
steel structures
Pendellager n; Pendelwiege f (Stahlbau) techn.
tumbler bearing; swing bolster (structural steel engineering)
Vollwandbogen m (Stahlbau)
Vollwandbögen pl
solid web arch. (structural steel engineering)
solid webs
Verdrehen n; Verdrehung f; Verwindung f; Torsion f (eines Bauteils) (Mechanik) phys.
twist; twisting; torsion (of a structural element) (mechanics)
Fachwand f (Stahlbau)
Fachwände pl
framework wall (structural steel engineering)
framework walls
Schubanker m techn. (Stahlbau)
Schubanker pl
shear connector (structural steel engineering)
shear connectors
Strukturbeschreibung f (Parsing-Programm) comp.
Strukturbeschreibungen pl
structural description (parsing program)
structural descriptions
Kesselunterstützungskonstruktion f mach.
boiler supporting structure; boiler structural supporting steelwork
Vollwandträger m; Blechträger m (Stahlbau)
Vollwandträger pl; Blechträger pl
solid web girder (structural steel engineering)
solid web girders
Windverband m; Windverstrebung f; Windversteifung f techn. (Stahlbau)
wind brace; wind bracing; sway bracing (structural steel engineering)
Querverstrebung f (Stahlbau) techn.
transverse bracing; crosstie; crossties (structural steel engineering)
Strukturfarbe f; physikalische Farbe f
structural colour Br. color Am.; physical colour Br. color Am.
Strukturstockwerk n geol.
Strukturstockwerke pl
structural stage; structural layer
structural stages; structural layers
Gefügestabilität f; Strukturstabilität f; Aggregatstabilität f des Bodens
structural stability; aggregate stability; ped stability Am. of the soil
Belastbarkeitsprüfung f; Balstbarkeitstest m constr.
Belastbarkeitsprüfungen pl; Balstbarkeitstests pl
structural testing; structural test
structural testings; structural tests
Analoga pl; gleichartige chemische Verbindungen pl chem.
funktionale Analoga
strukturelle Analoga
analogues Br.; analogs Am.
functional analogues
structural analogues
Bauingenieur m, Bauingenieurin f
Bauingenieure pl, Bauingenieurinnen pl
Bauingenieur m, Bauingenieurin f (Hochbau)
civil engineer
civil engineers
structural engineer, architectural engineer
etw. mit Bindeblechen verbinden (Stahlbau) v constr.
to batten sth.; to join sth. with batten plates (structural steel engineering)
Bauholz n
Bauhölzer pl
timber, construction timber, structural timber Am., lumber
timbers, lumbers
Bauholz n
Bauhölzer pl
timber; construction timber; structural timber Am.; lumber
timbers; lumbers
Strukturelement n
Strukturelemente pl
structure element; structural element
structure elements; structural elements
Bauteil n; Baukomponente f constr.
Bauteile pl; Baukomponenten pl
building component; structural element
building components; structural elements
Bauingenieur m; Bauingenieurin f
Bauingenieure pl; Bauingenieurinnen pl
Bauingenieur m; Bauingenieurin f (Hochbau)
civil engineer CE
civil engineers
structural engineer; architectural engineer
Bindeblech n (Stahlbau) constr.
Bindebleche pl
batten plate; tie plate (structural steel engineering)
batten plates; tie plates
Bruch m (Zäsur im Ablauf) übtr.
Bruch in der Erzählung lit.
formale und inhaltliche Brüche art
discontinuity of narrative
structural and thematic discontinuity
Bauingenieur m; Bauingenieurin f
Bauingenieure pl; Bauingenieurinnen pl
Bauingenieur m; Bauingenieurin f (Hochbau)
civil engineer CE
civil engineers
structural engineer; architectural engineer
Bindeblech n (Stahlbau) constr.
Bindebleche pl
batten plate; tie plate (structural steel engineeering)
batten plates; tie plates
Standfestigkeit f; Standsicherheit f (gegen Umkippen) constr. envir. mach.
Standfestigkeit Standsicherheit von Bäumen
structural stability; stability
structural stability structural strength of trees
Baustahl m constr.
allgemeine Baustähle
construction steel, structural steel, engineering steel
general engineering steels
Baustahl m constr.
allgemeine Baustähle
construction steel; structural steel; engineering steel
general engineering steels
Ständerfachwerk n (Stahlbau) constr.
vertical truss; fink truss, Belgian truss; French truss (structural steel engineering)
Baustatik f; Statik f (der Baukonstruktionen); baustatische Berechnung f constr.
Statik der Baukonstruktionen
structural analysis; structural design; structural calculation
structural calculation
Ständerfachwerk n (Stahlbau) constr.
vertical truss; fink truss Belgian truss; French truss (structural steel engineeering)
Eckwinkel m; Saumwinkel m (Stahlbau) techn.
Eckwinkel pl; Saumwinkel pl
corner angle; angle bracket (structural steel engineering)
corner angles; angle brackets
Gabione f; Mauersteinkorb m; Drahtschotterkasten m; Drahtschotterkorb m; Drahtschotterkörper m; Drahtsteinkorb m; Drahtkorb m (Bauelement im Wasserbau)
Gabionen pl; Mauersteinkörbe pl; Drahtschotterkästen pl; Drahtschotterkörbe pl; Drahtschotterkörper pl; Drahtsteinkörbe pl; Drahtkörbe pl
gabion; wire mesh cage (structural element in water engineering)
gabions; wire mesh cages
Betonplatte f constr.
Betonplatten pl
Stahlbetonplatte f
concrete slab; structural slab
concrete slabs; structural slabs
reinforced concrete slab
Gurtplatte f; Lamelle f (Stahlbau) techn.
Gurtplatten pl; Lamellen pl
boom plate Br.; chord plate Am. (structural steel engineering)
boom plates; chord plates
Gitterpfette f (Stahlbau) constr.
Gitterpfetten pl
lattice purlin; trellis purlin (structural steel engineering)
lattice purlins; trellis purlins
Nietrisslinie f; Wurzellinie f (Stahlbau) constr.
centre line of rivet holes Br.; centerline of rivet holes Am. (structural steel engineering)
Baupappe f constr.
geleimte Baupappe
building paper; structural fibre insulation board; fiber-board sheathing
rosin-sized building paper
Horizontalverband m; waagrechter Windverband m (Stahlbau) constr.
horizontal wind brace; horizontal wind bracing; horizontal sway bracing (structural steel engineering)
Haushaltsdefizit n; Budgetdefizit n; Haushaltsloch n; Budget-Lücke f fin.
Haushaltsdefizite pl; Budgetdefizite pl; Haushaltslöcher pl; Budget-Lücken pl
Haushaltsdefizit des Staates; Staatsdefizit n
strukturelles Defizit (EU)
budget deficit; budget gap
budget deficits; budget gaps
national deficit
structural deficit (EU)
Nutzholz n; Bauholz n agr.
Er rief „Baum fällt“, als sich die Fichte zu Boden neigte.
timber; construction timber; structural timber Am.
He shouted 'Timber!' as the spruce began to fall.
Baustoff m; Baumaterial n constr.
Baustoffe pl; Baumaterialien pl
building material; construction material; structural material
building materials; construction materials
Fenster n geol.
geologisches Fenster
stratigraphisches Fenster
tektonisches Fenster
window; inlier; denuded cutting
geological window
tectonic window; fenster; structural inlier
Statiker m, Statikerin f, Tragwerksplaner m, Tragwerksplanerin f constr.
Statiker pl, Statikerinnen pl, Tragwerksplaner pl, Tragwerksplanerinnen pl
structural engineer, structural designer (concerned with statics)
structural engineers, structural designers
Eiweißstoff m; Eiweißkörper m; Eiweiß n; Protein n biochem.
Chromoprotein n
Gerüsteiweiß n; Strukturprotein n; Skleroprotein n
Mucoprotein n
Stressprotein n
Transportprotein n
protein; albuminous substance
structural protein
stress protein
carrier protein
(metallener) Tragbalken m; Träger m (Stahlbau) constr.
Tragbalken pl; Träger pl
Dreieckträger m
Kopfträger m
versteifter Träger
girder (structural steel engineering)
triangular girder; triangulated girder
trussed girder
Schutz m; Sicherung f
effektiver Schutz
baulicher Schutz
einstweiliger Schutz
Schutz gefährdeter Arten
effective protection
structural protection
provisional protection
protection of endangered species
Schutzwasserbau (wasserbauliche Maßnahmen) m
structural flood protection; structural flood control; structural flood mitigation (hydraulic engineering operations)
Baugruppe f; Aggregat n
Baugruppen pl; Aggregate pl
assembly; structural component; assembly unit; assy; ass'y coll.
assemblies; structural components; assembly units
Baustatiker m; Statiker m; Tragwerksplaner m constr.
Baustatiker pl; Statiker pl; Tragwerksplaner pl
structural designer; structural engineer (engaged in statical calculations)
structural designers; structural engineers
Stahlkonstruktion f; Stahlbau m
Stahlkonstruktionen pl; Stahlbauten pl
steel construction; steel structure; structural steel work
steel constructions; steel structures; structural steel works
baulich adj constr.
bauliche Änderungen
bauliche Anlagen
bauliche Durcharbeitung
bauliche Neugestaltung
baulicher Zierrat
constructional; structural
structural alterations
structural works
structural design
constructional ornament
Grobspanplatte f; OSB-Platte f constr.
Grobspanplatten pl; OSB-Platten pl
oriented strand board; oriented structural board OSB ; wafer board
oriented strand boards; oriented structural boards; wafer boards
Grobspanplatte f; OSB-Platte f constr.
Grobspanplatten pl; OSB-Platten pl
oriented strand board; oriented structural board OSB ; wafer board
oriented strand boards; oriented structural boards; wafer boards
Befestigungslasche f (Stahlbau) constr.
Befestigungslaschen pl
mounting strap plate link; fixing strap plate link (structural steel engineering)
mounting straps plates links; fixing straps plates links
etw. umbauen v constr.
to convert sth.; to make structural alterations to sth.
converting; making structural alterations
converted; made structural alterations
Baugruppe f, Aggregat n
Baugruppen pl, Aggregate pl
assembly, subassembly, structural component, assembly unit, assy, ass'y coll.
assemblies, subassemblies, structural components, assembly units
Bauteil n; Bauelement n techn.
Bauteile pl; Bauelemente pl
explosionsgeschütztes Bauelement
mechanische Bauteile
component part; component; structural element
component parts; components; structural elements
explosion-proof component
mechanical components
Befestigungswinkel m; Haltewinkel m (Stahlbau) constr.
Befestigungswinkel pl; Haltewinkel pl
mounting bracket; fixing bracket; fixing angle; clip angle (structural steel engineering)
mounting brackets; fixing brackets; fixing angles; clip angles
Merkmal n; Eigenschaft f; Besonderheit f
Merkmale pl; Eigenschaften pl; Besonderheiten pl
technisches Merkmal
eine durchgängige Eigenschaft
hervortretende Eigenschaft
geologisches Merkmal
lithologisches Merkmal
tektonisches Merkmal
feature; particular feature
technical feature
a constant feature
salient feature
geological feature
lithological character
structural feature
Verbesserungsmaßnahme f
Verbesserungsmaßnahmen pl
bauliche Verbesserungsmaßnahmen; bauliche Verbesserung
improvement action; improvement measure; improvement
improvement actions; improvement measures; improvements
structural improvement works; structural improvement

structural Definition

(a.) Of or pertaining to structure
(a.) Of or pertaining to organit structure

structural Bedeutung

structural member support that is a constituent part of any structure or building
structural gene a gene that controls the production of a specific protein or peptide
structural genomics the branch of genomics that determines the three-dimensional structures of proteins
structuralism structural sociology a sociological theory based on the premise that society comes before individuals
structuralism structural anthropology an anthropological theory that there are unobservable social structures that generate observable social phenomena
structuralism structural linguistics linguistics defined as the analysis of formal structures in a text or discourse
structural formula an expanded molecular formula showing the arrangement of atoms within the molecule
structural iron iron that has been cast or worked in structural shapes
structural steel a strong steel that is rolled into shapes that are used in construction
structural concerned with systematic structure in a particular field of study
structural affecting or involved in structure or construction, the structural details of a house such as beams and joists and rafters, not ornamental elements, structural damage
structural relating to or having or characterized by structure, structural engineer, structural errors, structural simplicity
structural relating to or caused by structure, especially political or economic structure, structural unemployment in a technological society
relating to or concerned with the morphology of plants and animals, morphological differences
morphologic morphological structural
pertaining to geological structure, geomorphological features of the Black Hills, morphological features of granite, structural effects of folding and faulting of the earth's surface
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