
subject related Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Fachsemester n stud.
Fachsemester pl
subject-related term; subject-related semester
subject-related terms; subject-related semesters
Praktikum n
Praktikum n in der Industrie; Industriepraktikum n
Fachpraktikum n
practical training; practical course; practical work; company placement; practical
(industrial) placement; job placement; industrial training; industrial practical
subject-related practical
Änderung vorbehalten
subject to change
Änderungen vorbehalten
subject to alterations
Angebot mit Zwischenverkaufsvorbehalt
offer subject to prior sale
Anordnung nach Sachgebieten
subject classification
bedarf des förmlichen Vertragsabschlusses
subject to formal contract
bei einem Thema verweilen
dwell upon a subject
bei monatlicher Kündigung
subject to a month's notice
subject to contributions
belastet mit einer Grunddienstbarkeit
subject to an easement
Bestimmungen, die sich auf etwas beziehen
provisions affecting a subject matter
britischer Staatsangehöriger von Geburt
natural-born British subject
ein Fach als Hauptfach studieren
major in a subject
Fachgebiet, Fach
Fachgebiet, Sachgebiet
subject area
Fachgebiet, Sachgebiet, Fächergruppe
subject group
subject matter
Gegenstand, Unterrichtsfach, Lehrfach
subject to
gemäß den Richtlinien
subject to the regulations
subject to approval
subject to authorization
Hauptfach, Hauptstudienfach
main subject
heikles Thema
tender subject
in Beziehung stehend
ist abgeändert worden
has been the subject of amendments
mit Prüfungsvorhalt
subject to inspection
related costs
nur in Ãœbereinstimmung mit
subject to compliance with
related to practice
Preisänderungen vorbehalten
subject to alteration of prices
subject to commission
authority on a subject
subject to seasonal influences
Schwankungen unterworfen
subject to fluctuations
steuerpflichtig, zu versteuernd
subject to income tax
subject to redemption
not subject to call
unter der finanziellen Last
subject to the financial burden
unter der Last der Schulden
subject to the burden of debts
unter diesen Beschränkungen
subject to these limitations
unter einer Bedingung
subject to some condition
unter Einhaltung einer Frist von 5 Tagen
subject to a term of 5 days
unter gewissen Bedingungen
subject to certain conditions
unterwerfen, Untertan
versicherte Sache, versicherter Gegenstand
subject-matter insured
von der Genehmigung abhängig
subject to approval
vorausgesetzt daß
subject to the condition that
vorausgesetzt daß bezahlt
subject to being paid
vorbehaltlich der Anweisungen des Käufers
subject to the buyer's instructions
vorbehaltlich der Bestimmungen
subject to the provisions
vorbehaltlich der Bestimmungen von
subject to the provisions of
vorbehaltlich, in Abhängigkeit von
subject to
Wahl des Faches, Fachwahl
subject choice
Wahl des Lehrfaches
choice of subject
Wahl des Lehrfaches
subject choice
Wahl des Unterrichtsfaches
choice of subject
elective subject
optional subject
subject to interest
zur Annahme innerhalb von 3 Tagen
subject to acceptance within 3 days
zur sofortigen Annahme
subject to immediate acceptance
Zwischenvarkauf vorbehalten
subject to goods being unsold
Zwischenverkauf vorbehalten
subject to prior sale
Änderungsvorbehalt m
subject to alterations (reservation of right)
Anordnung f nach Sachgebieten
subject classification
Aufsatzthema n
essay subject
Bedarfsprüfung f
needs-related examination
Berücksichtigung f
unter Berücksichtigung von
unter Berücksichtigung, anbetracht
unter Berücksichtigung des Allgemeinwohls
ohne Berücksichtigung von
ohne Berücksichtigung
unter Berücksichtigung aller Vorschriften
unter Berücksichtigung aller maßgeblichen Umstände
in consideration of
in due consideration of general public interest
without consideration for
regardless of
subject to all regulations
in the light of all the relevant circumstances
Beschaffungskriminalität f
drug-related crime
Betreff m
kein Betreff, ohne Thema
no subject
Brandbereich m
area subject to fire risk
Dauerfeuer n mil.
in ungezieltem Dauerfeuer schießen, sprayen, bratzen slang
unter Dauerfeuer stehen übtr.
automatic fire, fully automatic fire, automatic gunfire
spray and pray
to be the subject of relentless criticism
Drogentote m f , Drogentoter
drug-related death
Eingruppierungskatalog m für Patienten (DRG)
Healthcare Resource Groups (HRG) Br., Disease Related Groups (DRG)
Einzelkosten pl
product-related costs
Ergänzungsfach n
Ergänzungsfächer pl
complementary subject
complementary subjects
Experte m, Expertin f, Sachverständige m f , Sachverständiger
Experten pl, Expertinnen pl, Sachverständigen pl, Fachleute pl
Experte auf dem Gebiet sein
to be an expert on the subject
explosionsgefährdeter Bereich, Ex-Bereich m
area with potentially explosive atmosphere, area subject to explosion hazards
Fachlehrer m, Fachlehrerin f
specialist subject teacher
Fachreferat n
subject specialization
Fachreferent m
subject specialist
Fachrichtung f
subject area, field, branch of ...
Fehlen n der Geschäftsgrundlage
absence of valid subject matter
Frage f, Problem n, Punkt m, Streitpunkt m, Sachverhalt m
kontroverse Frage f
einen Sachverhalt anschneiden
auf eine Frage eingehen
strittige Frage f, der strittige Punkt
die damit zusammenhängenden Fragen
in einer Frage zwischen zwei Lagern schwanken
keine Probleme, kein Thema, nicht der Rede wert
bekannte Probleme
contentious issue
to raise an issue
to address the issue of
the point at issue
the related issues
to straddle an issue Am.
no issues
known issues
Fragenkomplex m
der ganze Fragenkomplex um
(problem) area, topic, subject
the whole array of questions concerning
Gegenstand m
(bestimmter) Gegenstand m
versicherter Gegenstand
subject-matter insured
Gesprächsgegenstand m
topic, subject under discussion
Gesprächsthema n
subject, topic, topic of conversation
Gleitpreis m econ.
price subject to variation, price subject to C.P.A. formula, price subject to escalation
Hauptfach n
Hauptfächer pl
main subject
main subjects
Hauptthema n
Hauptthemen pl
main subject
main subjects
Inhalt m
Inhalt eines Buches
subject matter
Kündigung f, Bemerkung f, Anzeige f, Notiz f
mit monatlicher Kündigung
subject to a month's notice
Lehrfach n, Unterrichtsfach n, Studienfach n
Lehrfächer pl, Unterrichtsfächer pl, Studienfächer pl
Leistungsfach n, Schwerpunktfach n
Leistungsfächer pl, Schwerpunktfächer pl
special subject
special subjects
Lektor m
subject specialist
Lernstoff m
subject matter
Lieblingsfach n
Lieblingsfächer pl
favourite subject
favourite subjects
Lieblingsthema n
Lieblingsthemen pl
pet subject
pet subjects
Lieferbarkeit f, Käuflichkeit f
nur solange Vorrat reicht
availability, deliverability
subject to availability
Liefermöglichkeit f
subject to availability
Makuladegeneration f med.
altersbedingte Makuladegeneration
macular degeneration
age-related macular degeneration
Materie f (Thema)
subject matter
Nebenfach n (Schule)
Nebenfächer pl
etw. als Nebenfach haben
Ich habe Deutsch als Nebenfach.
subsidiary subject, minor Am.
subsidiary subjects, minors
to minor in Am.
I minor in German. Am.
Patent n
Patente pl
abhängiges Patent
angemeldetes Patent
erloschenes Patent
unabhängiges Patent
Anwendung eines Patentes
Gegenstand des Patentes
ein Patent anmelden
ein Patent erteilen
ein Patent auf etw. erhalten
ein Patent abtreten
ein Patent verletzen
Patent angemeldet
dependent patent
patent applied for
expired patent
independent patent
implementation of a patent
patent subject matter
to file a patent application
to grant a patent
to take out a patent on sth.
to assign a patent
to infringe a patent
patent pending, patent applied for
Paukfach n
swot subject, a bear of a course
Pflichtfach n
Pflichtfächer pl
compulsory subject
compulsory subjects
Problemprognose f
problem-related forecasting
Qualitätsverbindlichkeiten pl
quality-related liabilities
Sachgebiet n
Sachgebiete pl
ein Sachgebiet durchnehmen
subject area, subject group
subject areas, subject groups
to cover a subject
Sachkatalog m
Sachkataloge pl
subject catalogue
subject catalogues
Sachkenntnis f
expertise, knowledge of the subject
Sachregister n
subject index
Schlagwort n
subject heading
Schlagwortkatalog m
subject heading catalogue
Schulfach n, Fach n
Schulfächer pl, Fächer pl
Spezialgebiet n
special subject
zur Sprache bringen
ein Thema zur Sprache bringen
to bring up
to bring up a subject
Staatsangehörige m f , Staatsangehöriger
national subject
Steckverbinder m electr.
Steckverbinder pl
angegossener Steckverbinder
anwendungsspezifischer Steckverbinder
berührungssicherer Steckverbinder
fester Steckverbinder
freier Steckverbinder
gasdichter Steckverbinder
geschirmter Steckverbinder
hoch beanspruchbarer Steckverbinder
komponentenseitiger Steckverbinder
rechteckiger Steckverbinder
schwimmend befestigter Steckverbinder
tauchfester Steckverbinder
umweltbeständiger Steckverbinder
vorgerasteter Steckverbinder
Steckverbinder mit Bajonett-Verschluss
Steckverbinder mit Drehverriegelung
Steckverbinder für Chipkarten
Steckverbinder für direktes Stecken
Steckverbinder für direktes Stecken
Steckverbinder für gedruckte Schaltungen
Steckverbinder für Leiterplattenmontage
Steckverbinder mit Schnellkupplung
Steckverbinder mit Zentralschraube
plug connector, circuit connector, male connector
plug connectors, circuit connectors, male connectors
one-piece connector
application related connector
non-touchable connector
fixed connector
free connector, plug straight
sealed connector
shielded connector
heavy-duty connector
assembled connector
rectangular connector
float mounted connector
submersible connector
environment-resistant connector
pre-assembled connector
bayonet nut connector (BNC, Bajonet Neill Concelman)
twist-on connector
smart card connectors
edge board connector
edge-socket connector
printed circuit types
board-mounted connector
quick disconnect connector
connector with center screw
Steuerung f
sicherheitsgerichtete Steuerung f
analoge Steuerung, Analogsteuerung f
asynchrone Steuerung f
binäre Steuerung f
digitale Steuerung f
konventionelle Steuerung
synchrone Steuerung f
safety-related control
analog control, analogue control
non-clocked control
binary control
digital control
conventional control
clocked control
Streitpunkt m
controversial subject
Subjekt n
Subjekte pl
Tabuthema n
Tabuthemen pl
taboo subject
taboo subjects
Testperson f
Testpersonen pl
test subject, subject
test subjects
Thema n
Themen pl, Themata pl
das Thema wechseln
vom Thema abschweifen
beim Thema bleiben
Ablenkung vom Thema
to change the subject
to stray from the subject, to wander off the point
to stick to the subject
changing of the subject
Thematik f
subject matter
Unterrichtsstoff m
subject matter
Untertan m, Untertanin f
Verschleißteil n
Verschleißteile pl
expendable part, wear part
parts subject to wear
Versicherungsgegenstand m
subject matter of the insurance
Versuchsperson f
test subject, test person, experimental subject, subject
Vertragsgegenstand m
subject matter of the contract, object of agreement
Vertragsinhalt m
subject matter of contract, subject terms of contract
Wahlfach n
Wahlfächer pl
optional subject
optional subjects
Wahlfach n, Wahlpflichtfach n
Wahlfächer pl, Wahlpflichtfächer pl
elective subject, elective
elective subjects, electives
Wandel m, Wechsel m, Wandlung f
dem Wandel unterliegen
Wandlung zum Guten
eine Wandlung durchmachen
to be subject to change
change for the better
to undergo a change
Zensur f
Zensur der Presse
der Zensur unterliegen
Zensur abschaffen
der Zensur zum Opfer fallen
press censorship, censorship of the press
to be subject to censorship
to abolish censorship
to fall victim to the censors
Zwischenverkauf m
Zwischenverkauf vorbehalten
prior sale
subject to prior sale
abwählen v
ein Fach abwählen (Schule)
to deselect
to give up, to drop a subject
altersbedingt adj
angeheiratet adj
related by marriage
anverwandt adj
related, akin, affined
anwenderbezogen adj
auditiv adj, das Gehör betreffend med.
auditory, hearing-related

Deutsche Fachsemester {n} [stud.] / Fachsemester {pl} Synonyme

stud.  ÂStudent  ÂStudierender  Âstudiosus  
stud.  Student  Studierender  studiosus  
stud  Houyhnhnm  ass  band  bar  bastard  bespangle  bespeckle  bespot  besprinkle  

Englische subject-related term; subject-related semester Synonyme

subject related Definition

(imp. & p. p.) of Relate
(p. p. & a.) Allied by kindred
(p. p. & a.) Standing in relation or connection
(p. p. & a.) Narrated
(p. p. & a.) Same as Relative, 4.
(a.) Placed or situated under
(a.) Placed under the power of another
(a.) Exposed
(a.) Obedient
(a.) That which is placed under the authority, dominion, control, or influence of something else.
(a.) Specifically: One who is under the authority of a ruler and is governed by his laws
(a.) That which is subjected, or submitted to, any physical operation or process
(a.) That which is brought under thought or examination
(a.) The person who is treated of
(a.) That of which anything is affirmed or predicated
(a.) That in which any quality, attribute, or relation, whether spiritual or material, inheres, or to which any of these appertain
(a.) Hence, that substance or being which is conscious of its own operations
(n.) The principal theme, or leading thought or phrase, on which a composition or a movement is based.
(n.) The incident, scene, figure, group, etc., which it is the aim of the artist to represent.
(v. t.) To bring under control, power, or dominion
(v. t.) To expose
(v. t.) To submit
(v. t.) To make subservient.
(v. t.) To cause to undergo
(n.) The matter or thought presented for consideration in some statement or discussion

subject related Bedeutung

depicted object
something (a person or object or scene) selected by an artist or photographer for graphic representation, a moving picture of a train is more dramatic than a still picture of the same subject
subject issue
some situation or event that is thought about, he kept drifting off the topic, he had been thinking about the subject for several years, it is a matter for the police
subject area
subject field
field of study
study bailiwick
a branch of knowledge, in what discipline is his doctorate?, teachers should be well trained in their subject, anthropology is the study of human beings
subject (grammar) one of the two main constituents of a sentence, the grammatical constituent about which something is predicated
subject (logic) the first term of a proposition
nominative case
subject case
the category of nouns serving as the grammatical subject of a verb
subject matter
what a communication that is about something is about
the subject matter of a conversation or discussion, he didn't want to discuss that subject, it was a very sensitive topic, his letters were always on the theme of love
short subject a brief film, often shown prior to showing the feature
a person who owes allegiance to that nation, a monarch has a duty to his subjects
subject case guinea pig a person who is subjected to experimental or other observational procedures, someone who is an object of investigation, the subjects for this investigation were selected randomly, the cases that we studied were drawn from two different communities
liege subject
a person holding a fief, a person who owes allegiance and service to a feudal lord
submit subject refer for judgment or consideration, The lawyers submitted the material to the court
subject make accountable for, He did not want to subject himself to the judgments of his superiors
subject cause to experience or suffer or make liable or vulnerable to, He subjected me to his awful poetry, The sergeant subjected the new recruits to many drills, People in Chernobyl were subjected to radiation
make subservient, force to submit or subdue
subject likely to be affected by something, the bond is subject to taxation, he is subject to fits of depression
safety-related providing or ensuring safety
related connected by kinship, common origin, or marriage
cognate consanguine
related by blood
related related to being connected either logically or causally or by shared characteristics , painting and the related arts, school-related activities, related to micelle formation is the...ability of detergent actives to congregate at oil-water interfaces
age-related changing (increasing or decreasing) as an individual's age increases
being under the power or sovereignty of another or others, subject peoples, a dependent prince
possibly accepting or permitting, a passage capable of misinterpretation, open to interpretation, an issue open to question, the time is fixed by the director and players and therefore subject to much variation
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