
super clean Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Reinstkohle f
super-clean coal
reinst adj
super-clean; highest-grade
bedingunsloses Akzept
clean acceptance
bei einfachen Inkassi
in respect of clean collections
ein reines begebbares Konnossement
a clean negotiable B
ein reines in ein unreines Konnossement
a clean into an unclean B
ein reines Transportdokument
a clean transport document
einfacher Stücklohn
clean piece rate
einfaches Inkasso
clean collection
einwandfreier Wechsel
clean bill
Konnossement ohne Einschränkung
clean bill of lading
muss rein sein, müssen rein sein
must be clean
nachprotestliches Indossament
endorsement super protest
peinlich sauber
scrupulously clean
prima, über
rein, ohne Einschränkung
reines Dokument
clean document
reines Konnossement
clean bill of lading
reines Verladedokument
clean shipping document
reinigen, sauber machen
clean copy
uneingeschränktes Akzept
clean acceptance
Wechsel ohne Dokumentensicherung
clean bill of exchange
Aktiva pl, Bilanzaktiva pl, Wirtschaftsgüter pl fin.
Aktiva und Passiva
sonstige Aktiva, sonstiges Vermögen
anrechnungsfähige Aktiva
mündelsichere Anlagen
assets and liabilities
other assets
admitted assets
squeaky-clean assets
Frühjahrsputz m, Hausputz m
(großen) Frühjahrsputz machen, gründlich reinigen
spring-cleaning, spring-clean
to spring-clean (the whole house)
Neuanfang m
einen Neuanfang machen
clean slate
to wipe the slate clean
Purosicherheitsbank f
clean safety bench
Purosondergerät n
specially designed clean-air device
Reingas n
clean gas
Reingaswert m
clean gas value
Reinluftgerät n, Reinraumgerät n
clean-air device
Reinraum m
modularer Reinraum
Reinraum m für die Herstellung pharmazeutischer und ähnlicher Produkte
clean room, cleanroom
modular cleanroom
health care cleanroom
Reinraumausführungsprotokoll n
clean construction protocol
Reinraumkabine f
clean booth
Reinst-Druckluft f
ultra clean compressed air
Sanierung f, Altlastensanierung f
langfristige Sanierung f
remediation, clean-up, reclamation of contaminated sites
long-term remediation
Stall m, Viehstall m
Ställe pl, Viehställe pl
den Stall ausmisten
stable, barn Am., barnstable
stables, barns Am., barnstables
to clean out the stable
Staub saugen, staubsaugen alt
Staub saugend
Staub gesaugt
sie saugt Staub
to vacuum-clean, to vacuum, to hoover Br.
vacuuming, hoovering
vacuumed, hoovered
she vacuum-cleans, he
she hoovers
Superfrau f
Tisch m, Tafel f
Tische pl, Tafeln pl
auf dem Tisch
bei Tisch
bei Tisch sitzen, bei Tisch sein
die Tafel aufheben
auf Böcken stehender Tisch
reinen Tisch machen mit übtr.
on the table
at table
to be at table
to rise from table
trestle table
to make a clean sweep of
over-, super-, über- (Uber)
eine weiße Weste haben, eine reine Weste haben übtr.
to have a clean slate fig.
reinen Tisch machen übtr.
to wipe the slate clean fig.
Wunderwaffe f
wonder weapon, super weapon
abputzen, saubermachen v
abputzend, saubermachend
abgeputzt, saubergemacht
to clean
alles pron
alles andere
alles eingerechnet
alles auf den Kopf stellen
alles setzen auf
alles eingestehen
alles mögliche
everything else
including everything
to turn everything topsy-turvy
to put one's shirt on fig.
to make a clean breast of fig.
all sorts of things, everything you can think of, everything or one can think of, everything feasible
to clean up
cleaning up
cleaned up
aufräumen, (ordentlich) sauber machen
aufräumend, sauber machend
aufgeräumt, sauber gemacht
räumt auf, macht sauber
räumte auf, machte sauber
to tidy, to clean up
tidying up, cleaning up
tidied up, cleaned up
tidies, cleans up
tidied, cleaned up
to clean out, to muck out, to tidy out
cleaning out, mucking out, tidying out
cleaned out, mucked out, tidyed out
besenrein adj
clean-swept, well-swept, broom-clean
beziehen, überziehen v
beziehend, überziehend
bezogen, überzogen
Betten frisch beziehen
to cover, to put a cover (on)
covering, putting a cover
covered, put a cover
to put clean sheets on the beds
chemisch reinigen
chemisch reinigend
chemisch gereinigt
to dry clean
dry cleaning
dry cleaned
dampfstrahlen v
to vapor-blast, to steam-clean
einreiben, abreiben, reiben v
einreibend, abreibend, reibend
eingerieben, abgerieben, gerieben
reibt ein, reibt ab, reibt
rieb ein, rieb ab, rieb
sich die Hände reiben
sich mit Sonnencreme einreiben
etw. blank reiben
etw. sauber reiben
etw. trocken reiben
to rub
to rub one's hands
to rub oneself with sun cream
to rub sth. until it shines
to rub sth. clean
to rub sth. dry
einwandfrei, fehlerfrei, fehlerlos, makellos, tadellos adj
fetzig adj ugs.
crazy, wild, super
gut aussehend, wohlgeformt adj
hochrein adj
ultra-clean, ultrapure
hochsatiniert, scharfsatiniert adj
peinlich sauber
neat and clean
pflegeleicht adj
am pflegeleichtesten
easy to clean
easier to clean
easiest to clean
putzen, reinigen, reinemachen, säubern v
putzend, reinigend, reinemachend, säubernd
geputzt, gereinigt, reinegemacht, gesäubert
putzt, reinigt
putzte, reinigte
nicht gereinigt
seine Kleider reinigen lassen
to clean, to clean up
to have one's clothes cleaned
putzen v (Gemüse)
to clean
rasieren v
glatt rasiert
to shave {shaved, shaved, shaven}
rückstandsfrei adj
residue-free, clean
sandstrahlen v
to blast clean, to sandblast
blasting clean, sandblasting
sanieren (Fluss)
to clean up (river)
cleaning up
cleaned up
sauber, rein adj
sauberer, reiner
am saubersten, am reinsten
schadstoffarm adj
low in harmful substances, clean-exhaust
steril, sauber adj
super, todschick adj
sich zurechtmachen
to clean up Am.
Superballonreifen m
super balloon tyre, super cushion tyre
Superniederquerschnittsreifen m
super low section tyre
Bring Ordnung in dein Leben!
Clean up your act!
Ein neuer Besen kehrt gut.
A new broom sweeps clean.
Er ist glattrasiert.
He's clean-shaven.
Ich möchte Ihnen reinen Wein einschenken.
I want to come clean with you.
Neue Besen kehren gut.
A new broom sweeps clean.
besonders vage (wilde) Vermutung
SWAG : super wild ass guess
Neue Besen kehren gut
a new broom sweeps clean
abputzen, sauber
clean up
clean up
chemisch reinigen
chemisch reinigen
dry clean
easier to clean
easiest to clean
easy to clean
reinen Tisch machen mit
make a clean sweep of
to clean
to clean
to clean up
sich zurechtmachen AM
to clean up
alles eingestehen
to make a clean breast of
reinen Tisch machen mit
to make a clean sweep of
ein sauberes Hemd
a clean shirt
halte dich sauber, bleib sauber
keep yourself clean
putze deine Zähne
clean your teeth
Super (Benzin)
Spitze, hervorragend
sauber machen
clean up
sauber und ordentlich
clean and tidy
clean up
säubern, reinigen
Aktiva pl; Bilanzaktiva pl; Wirtschaftsgüter pl fin.
Aktiva und Passiva
sonstige Aktiva; sonstiges Vermögen
anrechnungsfähige Aktiva
geringwertige Wirtschaftsgüter (des Anlagevermögens)
mündelsichere Anlagen
assets and liabilities
other assets
admitted assets
low-value assets; inferior assets
squeaky-clean assets
Altlastensanierung f; Altlastsanierung f envir.
langfristige Sanierung f
remediation reclamation clean-up of contaminated sites; polluted site remediation reclamation clean-up
long-term remediation
Bettzeug n
die Betten neu beziehen
bedcloths; bedding
to put on clean bedding
Detektiv m; Schnüffler m ugs. übtr.
Detektive pl; Schnüffler pl
Amateurdetektiv m
Hercule Poirot der Superdetektiv bei Agatha Christie
Ich fühlte mich wie ein Detektiv der versucht die Puzzlesteinchen zusammenzusetzen.
Bei gesunden Zellen spielt das Gen p53 die Rolle eines Detektivs der DNS-Schäden aufspürt.
detective; sleuth (old-fashioned); gumshoe Am. (old-fashioned); hawkshaw Am. (old-fashioned); dick Am. (old-fashioned)
detectives; sleuths; gumshoes; hawkshaws; dicks
amateur sleuth
Agatha Christie's super detective sleuth Hercule Poirot
I felt like a detective sleuth trying to piece it all together.
In healthy cells the gene p53 plays the role of a detective tracking down DNA damage.
Gemüse n cook.
frisches Gemüse
gekochtes Gemüse
viele Gemüse
Gemüse putzen
vegetable; vegetables {pl}; veggie coll.
fresh vegetables
cooked vegetables
lots of veggies coll.
to clean vegetables
Gesundheitszeugnis n
bill of health; clean bill of health
Gigaliner m; Lang-LKW m (überlanger LKW-Zug) auto
Gigaliner pl; Lang-LKWs pl
gigaliner; longer heavier vehicle LHV ; super lorry Br.
gigaliners; longer heavier vehicles; super lorries
Jokerspieler m; Joker m ugs. (Ballsport) sport
Jokerspieler pl; Joker pl
super substitute (ball sports)
super substitutes
Putzaktion f; Säuberung f; Reinemachen n Mitteldt. Norddt.; Putzete f BW Schw.
Hausputz m; Hausputzete BW Schw.
Großputz m; Großreinemachen Mitteldt. Norddt.; Großputzete BW Schw.
Frühjahrsputz m; Frühjahrsreinemachen Mitteldt. Norddt.; Frühjahrsputzete BW Schw.
Bachsäuberung f; Bachputzete BW Schw.
Seeufer-Säuberung f; Seeufer-Putzete BW Schw.
Waldsäuberung f; Waldputzete BW Schw.
(großen) Frühjahrsputz machen; gründlich reinigen
clean-up session; cleaning session; cleaning
house clean-up; house cleaning
big clean-up; big cleaning session
spring-clean-up; spring-cleaning (session)
brook river clean-up; brook river cleaning (session)
lakeside clean-up; lakeside cleaning (session)
forest clean-up; forest cleaning (session)
to spring-clean (the whole house)
Reaktorwasserreinigung f RWR techn.
reactor water clean-up
Rechtsvorschrift f jur.
Rechtsvorschriften pl
ergänzende Rechtsvorschriften
innerstaatliche Rechtsvorschriften
Harmonisierung der Rechtsvorschriften
Rechtsvorschriften bereinigen
piece of legislation; legislative provision; legal provision
pieces of legislation; legislative provisions; legal provisions; legislation
complementary legislation
national legislation
harmonization of legislation eAm.; harmonisation of legislation Br.
to clean up legislation
Reindruckbogen m print
Reindruckbögen pl
clean sheet; specimen sheet
clean sheets; specimen sheets
Reinkohle f; wasser und aschefreie Kohle f min.
clean coal; cleans; dry and ash free coal; DAF coal
Reinluftgerät n; Reinraumgerät n
clean-air device
Reinraum m; staubfreier Raum
Reinräume pl; staubfreie Räume
modularer Reinraum
Reinraum in einer medizinischen Einrichtung
unter Reinraumbedingungen
clean room; cleanroom
clean rooms; cleanrooms
modular cleanroom
health care cleanroom
under cleanroom conditions
Reinraumtechnik f
clean-room technology
Reinstkohle f
super-clean coal
Rückzahlung f (eines Kredits) fin.
clean-up Am.
Stall m; Viehstall m agr.
Ställe pl; Viehställe pl
den Stall ausmisten
stable; barn Am.; barnstable
stables; barns Am.; barnstables
to clean out the stable
Staub saugen; staubsaugen
Staub saugend; staubsaugend
Staub gesaugt; staubgesaugt
er sie saugt Staub
to vacuum-clean; to vacuum; to hoover Br.
vacuuming; hoovering
vacuumed; hoovered
he she vacuum-cleans; he she hoovers
Sterilbank f biol.
laminar flow cabinet; laminar flow closet; tissue culture hood; laminar flow hood; clean bench
Superballonreifen m
Superballonreifen pl
super balloon tyre; super cushion tyre; super balloon tire Am.; super cushion tire Am.
super balloon tyres; super cushion tyres; super balloon tires; super cushion tires
Superbantamgewicht n (Boxen) sport
super bantamweight (boxing)
Superfliegengewicht n (Boxen) sport
super flyweight (boxing)
Superkraft f
super power
Superleichtgewicht n (Boxen) sport
super lightweight (boxing)
Supermittelgewicht n (Boxen) sport
super middleweight (boxing)
Superniederquerschnittsreifen m
Superniederquerschnittsreifen pl
super low section tyre; super low section tire Am.
super low section tyres; super low section tires
Superschwergewicht n (Kampfsport) sport
super heavyweight (combat sports)
Superweltergewicht n (Boxen) sport
super welterweight (boxing)
Tisch m; Tafel f
Tische pl; Tafeln pl
vierflügeliger Tisch
auf dem Tisch
bei Tisch
bei Tisch sitzen; bei Tisch sein
die Tafel aufheben
auf Böcken stehender Tisch
reinen Tisch machen mit übtr.
ganz hinten am Tisch
Er sitzt am Tisch obenan.
Er sitzt ganz hinten am Tisch.
four-leaved table
on the table
at table
to be at table
to rise from table
trestle table
to make a clean sweep of
at the bottom of the table
He sits at the upper end of the table.
He sits at the bottom (lower end) of the table.
Tratte f; trassierter Wechsel m; gezogener Wechsel m ohne Akzept fin.
Tratte ohne Dokumente
Trattenankündigung f; Trattenavis n
Trattenbetrag m
eine Tratte ankaufen
eine Tratte einlösen
eine Tratte nicht einlösen
draft; non yet accepted bill
clean draft
advice of draft
amount of draft
to accept a draft
to honour a draft
to dishonour a draft
over-; super-; über- (Uber)
Unterwäsche f; Leibwäsche f (veraltet) textil.
Damenunterwäsche f; Damenwäsche f
Herrenunterwäsche f
Kinderunterwäsche f
neue Unterwäsche anziehen
keine Unterwäsche tragen
underwear; underclothing; underclothes; undergarments (old-fashioned); undies coll.
lingerie; ladies' underwear; women's underwear Am.
men's underwear
children's underwear
to put on clean underwear
to go commando coll.
Verfolger m (Scheinwerfer)
Verfolger pl
followspot; spotlight; follow spotlight; Super Trouper tm
followspots; spotlights; follow spotlights; Super Troupers
Wäsche f
saubere Wäsche
Wäsche waschen; waschen; die Wäsche machen ugs.
Sie wusch die Wäsche und hing sie zum Trocknen auf.
Die Wäsche hängt auf der Leine.
Ben war dabei Wäsche zusammenzulegen.
Die Wäsche muss noch gewaschen werden.
clean laundry
to do the laundry
She did the laundry and hung it out to dry.
The washing is on the line.
Ben was folding laundry.
The laundry still has to be done.
eine weiße Weste haben; eine reine Weste haben übtr.
to have a clean slate fig.
Wunderwaffe f
Wunderwaffen pl
wonder weapon; super weapon
wonder weapons; super weapons
ablecken; abschlecken; ausschlecken v
ableckend; abschleckend; ausschleckend
abgeleckt; abgeschleckt; ausgeschleckt
to lick off; to lick clean
licking off; licking clean
licked off; licked clean

Deutsche Reinstkohle {f} Synonyme

Englische super-clean coal Synonyme

super clean Definition

(superl.) Free from dirt or filth
(superl.) Free from that which is useless or injurious
(superl.) Free from awkwardness
(superl.) Free from errors and vulgarisms
(superl.) Free from restraint or neglect
(superl.) Free from moral defilement
(superl.) Free from ceremonial defilement.
(superl.) Free from that which is corrupting to the morals
(superl.) Well-proportioned
(adv.) Without limitation or remainder
(adv.) Without miscarriage
(a.) To render clean
(a.) See Clear-cut.
(a.) With well-proportioned, unblemished limbs
(a.) Well-proportioned
() A prefix signifying above, over, beyond, and hence often denoting in a superior position, in excess, over and above, in addition, exceedingly
() A prefix formerly much used to denote that the ingredient to the name of which it was prefixed was present in a large, or unusually large, proportion as compared with the other ingredients
(n.) A contraction of Supernumerary, in sense 2.

super clean Bedeutung

clean and jerk
a weightlift in which the barbell is lifted to shoulder height and then jerked overhead
clean bomb an atom bomb leaving little or no radioactive contamination
clean room
white room
a room that is virtually free of dust or bacteria, used in laboratory work and in assembly or repair of precision equipment
jet super acid
special K
honey oil
cat valium
super C
street names for ketamine
laminar flow clean room a clean room free of all extraneous particles, used in fabricating microprocessors
clean bill of health an assurance that someone is healthy or something is in good condition, the doctor gave him a clean bill of health
super heavyweight an amateur boxer who weighs more thanpounds
superintendent super a caretaker for an apartment house, represents the owner as janitor and rent collector
fresh start
clean slate
tabula rasa
an opportunity to start over without prejudice
clean one's body or parts thereof, as by washing, clean up before you see your grandparents, clean your fingernails before dinner
clean up make oneself clean, presentable or neat, Clean up before you go to the party
clean pick remove unwanted substances from, such as feathers or pits, Clean the turkey
clean remove shells or husks from, clean grain before milling it
remove unwanted substances from
tidy up
clean up neaten
straighten out
square away
put (things or places) in order, Tidy up your room!
clean out
clear out
empty completely, We cleaned out all the drawers
make a clean breast of
own up
fess up
admit or acknowledge a wrongdoing or error, the writer of the anonymous letter owned up after they identified his handwriting
clean with a vacuum cleaner, vacuum the carpets
steam clean
clean by means of steaming, steam-clean the upholstered sofa
clean remove while making clean, Clean the spots off the rug
make clean
make clean by removing dirt, filth, or unwanted substances from, Clean the stove!, The dentist cleaned my teeth
clean house
clean and tidy up the house, She housecleans every week
spring-clean thoroughly clean the entire house, often done only once a year, she started spring-cleaning on April
dry clean clean with chemical agents
clean strip remove all contents or possession from, or empty completely, The boys cleaned the sandwich platters, The trees were cleaned of apples by the storm
clean c deprive wholly of money in a gambling game, robbery, etc., The other players cleaned him completely
clean up dispose of, settle the bills
clean up make a big profit, often in a short period of time, The investor really cleaned up when the stock market went up
clean out deprive completely of money or goods, The robbers cleaned us out in a couple of hours
clean out force out, The new boss cleaned out the lazy workers
clean be cleanable, This stove cleans easily
clean free of drugs, after a long dependency on heroin she has been clean for years
free from clumsiness, precisely or deftly executed, he landed a clean left on his opponent's cheek, a clean throw, the neat exactness of the surgeon's knife
clean not carrying concealed weapons
clean free from dirt or impurities, or having clean habits, children with clean shining faces, clean white shirts, clean dishes, a spotlessly clean house, cats are clean animals
clean unobjectionable (of behavior or especially language) free from objectionable elements, fit for all observers, good clean fun, a clean joke
clean uncontaminating not spreading pollution or contamination, especially radioactive contamination, a clean fuel, cleaner and more efficient engines, the tactical bomb is reasonably clean
clean ritually clean or pure
clean thorough and without qualification, a clean getaway, a clean sweep, a clean break
super including more than a specified category, a super experiment
clean without difficulties or problems, a clean test flight
clear and distinct to the senses, easily perceptible, as clear as a whistle, clear footprints in the snow, the letter brought back a clear image of his grandfather, a spire clean-cut against the sky, a clear-cut pattern
exhibiting or calling for sportsmanship or fair play, a clean fight, a sporting solution of the disagreement, sportsmanlike conduct
(of a surface) not written or printed on, blank pages, fill in the blank spaces, a clean page, wide white margins
clean-burning leaving little contamination while consuming fuel, natural gas is a clean-burning fuel
free from evil or guilt, an innocent child, the principle that one is innocent until proved guilty
super extremely large, another super skyscraper
(of a manuscript) having few alterations or corrections, fair copy, a clean manuscript
morally pure, led a clean life
clean (of a record) having no marks of discredit or offense, a clean voting record, a clean driver's license
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