
supply side Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

angebotsorientierte Wirtschaftstheorie
supply-side economics
Angebotsseite des Arbeitsmarktes
supply side of the labour market
Abnahme des Angebots
decrease in supply
Änderung des Angebots
change in supply
Angebot an Arbeitskräften
labour supply
Angebot an Arbeitskräften
manpower supply
Angebot an Arbeitskräften
supply of labour
Angebot und Nachfrage
supply and demand
Angebot, Lieferung, Versorgung, Vorrat
shift in supply
supply curve
angebotsorientierte Wirtschaftstheorie
supply-side economics
Angebotsseite des Arbeitsmarktes
supply side of the labour market
shift in supply
Arbeitsangebot, Angebot an Arbeitskräften
labour supply
labour supply
manpower supply
supply of labour
labour supply curve
excess supply of labour
auf der Rückseite
on the back side
auf der Rückseite
on the reverse side
ausreichende Versorgung
full supply
Bedürfnis befriedigen
supply a want
beschränkte Lieferung
restricted supply
Beweis erbringen
supply evidence
dem Käufer etwas besorgen
supply the buyer with sth.
die andere Seite
reverse side
die Ware liefern
supply the goods
elastisches Angebot
elastic supply
Elastizität des Angebots
elasticity of supply
Elastizität des Arbeitskräfteangebots
elasticity of labour supply
electrical supply store
für die Lieferung eines Geräts
for the supply of one unit
gekoppeltes Angebot
joint supply
supply of money
money supply
money supply
aggregate supply
overall supply
total supply
Geschäft für Haushaltswaren, Haushaltsgeräte
household supply store
Gesetz von Angebot und Nachfrage
law of supply and demand
gold supply
im Haben verbuchen
enter on the credit side
im Soll verbuchen
enter on the debit side
Koeffizient der Angebotselastizität
coefficient of elasticity of supply
bright side
supply agreement
supply contract
goods in short supply
Nachfrage und Angebot
demand and supply
Nachfrage decken
supply a demand
source of supply
oben, diese Seite nach oben
this side up
reichlicher Vorrat
ample supply
Rückseite eines Dokuments
reverse side
side drawer
debit side
excess supply
Überangebot an Arbeitskräften
excess supply of labour
Unausgewogenheit von Angebot und Nachfrage
imbalance of supply and demand
unbeschränkte Lieferung
unrestricted supply
unelastisches Angebot
inelastic supply
Veränderung des Angebots
movement in supply
Verschiebung des Angebots
shift in supply
supply bottleneck
channel of supply
Vorrat an Öl
supply of oil
water supply
wenn Sie knapp an Ware sind
when you are in short supply
Werkzeugausgabe, Werkzeuganlieferung
supply of jigs and tools
Ableitung f der Steuerspannungsversorgung electr.
control voltage supply discharge
Abstecher m
Abstecher pl
side trip
side trips
Abtriebsseite f
power takeoff side, output end
Ätzgaszuführung f
etch gas supply
Aktivseite f
asset side
Analogquelle f
analog supply
Angebot n und Nachfrage f
supply and demand
Angebotskurve f
supply curve
Anodenspannung f
Anschlussleitung f
Anschlussleitungen pl
access line, flex, power supply cord
access lines, power supply cords
Anschlussspannung f electr.
supply voltage
Anschlusstor n, Anschlusstreffer m
goal which leaves the side only one down
Ansicht f
Ansicht im Grundriss
Ansicht im Schnitt
Ansicht im Seitenriss
Ansicht in natürlicher Größe
Ansicht von einem Ende aus
Ansicht im Aufriss
top view
sectional view
side view
full-size view
end-on view
Anzahlung f fin.
Anzahlungen pl
geleistete Anzahlungen
erhaltene Anzahlungen
erhaltene Anzahlungen auf Verkaufsverträge
keine Anzahlung
advances to supply
advances from demand
advances on sales contracts
nothing down
Arbeitnehmerseite f
employees' side
Arbeitskräfteangebotskurve f
labour supply curve
Arbeitskräfteüberangebot n
excess supply of labour
Aufriss m, Aufriß m alt, Aufrisszeichnung f
etw. im Aufriss zeichnen
to draw the side
front elevation
Backbord n, Backbordseite f
backbord, backbords adv
port, port side
on the port side
Bedarf m
den Bedarf decken
den Bedarf decken von
bei Bedarf
bei dringendem Bedarf
Dinge des täglichen Bedarfs
einem Bedarf abhelfen
to supply the need
to satisfy the needs of
if needed, when required, as required, on request
in cases of urgent need
everyday necessities, basic necessities
to meet a need
Bedienungsseite f
operating side
Begrenzungsleuchte f
Begrenzungsleuchten pl
side light
side lights
Beistelltisch m
Beistelltische pl
side table
side tables
Beiwagen m, Seitenwagen m
Beiwagen pl, Seitenwagen pl
side car
side cars
Bereitschaftsparallelbetrieb m electr.
continuous battery power supply
Bereitstellung f, Beistellung f
provision, supply
Bereitstellungszinsen pl fin.
supply rates, provision rates, commitment interest
Bestückungsseite f einer Platine
component side
Betriebsspannung f, Arbeitsspannung f electr.
operating voltage, supply voltage, working voltage
Betriebsstromversorgung f
auxiliary power supply
Bezugsquelle f, Lieferquelle f
source of supply
Bord n (eines Schiffes)
side (of a ship)
Bordwand f
plate, side plate
Brennervorlauf m (Rohr im Brenner) mach.
burner fuel supply barrel
Brennervorlaufleitung f mach.
Brennervorlaufleitungen pl
burner fuel supply line
burner fuel supply lines
Brennervorlaufmenge f mach.
burner fuel supply flow
Brennkammerseitenwand f mach.
Brennkammerseitenwände pl
combustion chamber side wall
combustion chamber side walls
Brennstoffzuführung f
fuel feed, fuel supply
Brillenbügel m, Bügel m
Brillenbügel pl, Bügel pl
earpiece, side piece
earpieces, side pieces
Bürobedarf m
office supply
Dampfzuleitung f
steam supply line
Damensattel m
Damensättel pl
side saddle
side saddles
Diversifikation f, Diversifizierung f, Vervielfältigung f des Angebotes econ.
diversification, diversification of supply, diversification of sources of supply
Druckgasversorgung f
compressed gas supply
Druckluftanschluss m
Druckluftanschlüsse pl
compressed air supply
compressed air supplies
Durchblutung f
blood flow, circulation, blood supply, perfusion
Einblastemperatur f comp.
supply air temperature
Einspeiseleitung f electr.
Einspeiseleitungen pl
power supply
power supplies
Einzelfilterversorgung f
individual filter supply
Energieversorgung f
energy supply, power supply
Energieversorgungsunternehmen n
power supply company
Fahrerseite f
driver's side
Fahrwerksschild n
trolley side cheek
Fernwärmeversorgung f
district heating supply
Flachschiebervergaser m techn.
Flachschiebervergaser pl
flat side carburetor, flat side carb
flat side carburetors, flat side carbs
Fremddampfzufuhr f techn.
auxiliary steam supply
Fremdeinspeisung f
third party supply
Frischluftzufuhr f
fresh air supply
Fuß m
Füße pl
zu Fuß gehen
jdm. auf den Fuß treten
auf eigenen Füßen stehen
auf großem Fuß leben
auf gutem Fuß stehen
auf schlechtem Fuß stehen
jdm. auf dem falschen Fuß erwischen übtr.
etw. auf dem Fuße folgen
etw. mit Füßen treten übtr.
festen Fuß fassen
kalte Füße bekommen
mit dem falschen Fuß aufstehen übtr.
to go on foot, to walk
to tread on sb.'s foot
to stand on one's own feet, to stand by oneself
to live like a lord, to live in style
to be on good terms
to be on bad terms
to catch sb. on the wrong foot
to be hot on the heels of sth., to follow hard on sth.
to trample all over so.
to gain a foothold
to get cold feet
to get up on the wrong side of bed fig.
Gasversorgung f
gas supply
Gegenseite f
Gegenseiten pl
opposite side
opposite sides
Geldmenge f
Zuwachsrate der Geldmenge
money supply, quantity of money
monetary growth rate
Geldmengenpolitik f
money stock policy, policy of money supply
Gesamtangebot n
aggregate supply
Getreideversorgung f
grain supply
Gleichstromversorgung f
DC supply
Hauptstromzuführung f electr.
main current supply line
Haushaltszähler m electr.
electronic domestic supply meter
Heizölstation f mach.
Heizölstationen pl
fuel oil supply station
fuel oil supply stations
Hilfslehrer m
Hilfslehrer pl
supply teacher
supply teachers
Hilfsspannungsversorgung f
auxiliary power supply
Innenseite f
Innenseiten pl
inner surface, inner side
inner surfaces, inner sides
Kabelstromzuführung f
festoon cable power supply
Kälteversorgung f
refrigeration supply
Kälteversorgungsanlage f
Kälteversorgungsanlagen pl
refrigeration supply system
refrigeration supply systems
Katzentisch m
Katzentische pl
side table
side tables
Kehrseite f, Schattenseite f übtr.
other side

Deutsche angebotsorientierte Wirtschaftstheorie Synonyme


Englische supply-side economics Synonyme

supply side Definition

Crown side
() See Crown office.
(n.) The margin, edge, verge, or border of a surface
(n.) Any outer portion of a thing considered apart from, and yet in relation to, the rest
(n.) One of the halves of the body, of an animals or man, on either side of the mesial plane
(n.) The right or left part of the wall or trunk of the body
(n.) A slope or declivity, as of a hill, considered as opposed to another slope over the ridge.
(n.) The position of a person or party regarded as opposed to another person or party, whether as a rival or a foe
(n.) A line of descent traced through one parent as distinguished from that traced through another.
(n.) Fig.: Aspect or part regarded as contrasted with some other
(a.) Of or pertaining to a side, or the sides
(a.) Hence, indirect
(n.) Long
(v. i.) To lean on one side.
(v. i.) To embrace the opinions of one party, or engage in its interest, in opposition to another party
(v. t.) To be or stand at the side of
(v. t.) To suit
(v. t.) To work (a timber or rib) to a certain thickness by trimming the sides.
(v. t.) To furnish with a siding
(n.) A taking sides, as with a party, sect, or faction.
(a.) Having a paddle wheel on each side
(v. t.) To fill up, or keep full
(v. t.) To serve instead of
(v. t.) To fill temporarily
(v. t.) To give
(n.) The act of supplying
(n.) That which supplies a want
(n.) Auxiliary troops or reenforcements.
(n.) The food, and the like, which meets the daily necessities of an army or other large body of men
(n.) An amount of money provided, as by Parliament or Congress, to meet the annual national expenditures
(n.) A person who fills a place for a time
(a.) Serving to contain, deliver, or regulate a supply of anything
Water supply
() A supply of water

supply side Bedeutung

a glance sideways, she shot him an impatient side-glance
provision supply
the activity of supplying or providing something
side-blotched lizard
sand lizard Uta stansburiana
one of the most abundant lizards in the arid western United States
building supply store
building supply house
a store where builders can purchase materials for building houses and related structures
side arm
shooting iron
a firearm that is held and fired with one hand
pommel horse
side horse
a gymnastic horse with a cylindrical body covered with leather and two upright handles (pommels) near the center, held upright by two steel supports, one at each end
side an extended outer surface of an object, he turned the box over to examine the bottom side, they painted all four sides of the house
side chapel a small chapel off the side aisle of a church
side door
side entrance
an exterior door at one side of a building
side pocket a pocket on the side of a billiard table
side road a minor road branching off of a main road
side street a street intersecting a main street and terminating there
side-wheeler a paddle steamer having a paddle wheel on each side
side yard the grounds at either side of a house
snare drum
snare side drum
a small drum with two heads and a snare stretched across the lower head
straight chair
side chair
a straight-backed chair without arms
supply chamber a mechanical device for holding something and supplying it as needed
supply closet a closet for storing supplies
supply ship
ship that usually provides supplies to other ships
water system
water supply
a facility that provides a source of water, the town debated the purification of the water supply, first you have to cut off the water
mutton chop
facial hair that has grown down the side of a man's face in front of the ears (especially when the rest of the beard is shaved off)
side either the left or right half of a body, he had a pain in his side
side an aspect of something (as contrasted with some other implied aspect), he was on the heavy side, he is on the purchasing side of the business, it brought out his better side
side view a view from the side of something
supply-side economics the school of economic theory that stresses the costs of production as a means of stimulating the economy, advocates policies that raise capital and labor output by increasing the incentive to produce
an opinion that is held in opposition to another in an argument or dispute, there are two sides to every question
(sports) the spin given to a ball by striking it on one side or releasing it with a sharp twist
silver lining
bright side
a consoling aspect of a difficult situation, every cloud has a silver lining, look on the bright side of it
side dish
side order
a dish that is served with, but is subordinate to, a main course
side of meat
a lengthwise dressed half of an animal's carcass used for food
side of beef dressed half of a beef carcass
flitch side of bacon salted and cured abdominal wall of a side of pork
side of pork dressed half of a hog carcass
side a family line of descent, he gets his brains from his father's side
side one of two or more contesting groups, the Confederate side was prepared to attack
a surface forming part of the outside of an object, he examined all sides of the crystal, dew dripped from the face of the leaf
lee side
the side of something that is sheltered from the wind
supply line
supply route
a route over which supplies can be delivered
side a line segment forming part of the perimeter of a plane figure, the hypotenuse of a right triangle is always the longest side
side a place within a region identified relative to a center or reference location, they always sat on the right side of the church, he never left my side
blind side the side on which your vision is limited or obstructed
east side the side that is on the east
north side the side that is on the north
south side the side that is on the south
west side the side that is on the west
top side
upper side
the highest or uppermost side of anything, put your books on top of the desk, only the top side of the box was painted
an elevated geological formation, he climbed the steep slope, the house was built on the side of a mountain
side judge a football official
supply officer a commissioned officer responsible for logistics
side effect
any adverse and unwanted secondary effect, a strategy to contain the fallout from the accounting scandal
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