
support Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

stützen, tragen
stützen, unterstützen, Unterstützung
Zuarbeit f
Befürwortung f
Träger m math.
stützen, unterstützen
unterstuetzen, Unterstuetzung
to support
foerdern, unterstuetzen
to support
Leiterplattenhalter m techn.
PCB support
pool support
Antriebsschwinge f techn.
gear support
Benutzerbetreuung f, Anwenderunterstützung f, Anwenderbetreuung f
user support
Regalkonsole f
rack support
Benutzerbetreuung f; Anwenderunterstützung f; Anwenderbetreuung f
user support
arch support
Auflageblock m
support block
Auflagepunkt m
support point
Verbau m; Ausbaugestell n min.
stope support
Blechunterlage f
metal support
Chassisträger m techn.
beam, support
Kinderbeihilfe f
child support
Rückenstärkung f übtr.
moral support
Stützblech n techn.
support plate
Chassisträger m techn.
beam; support
zum Beweis dafür
support of it
cable support
zur Unterstuetzung
in support of
Einkommenssicherung, Einkommensgarantie
income support
Erhaltung der Einkommen
income support
Plan unterstützen
support a plan
Sicherung der Einkommen
income support
jdm. Hilfestellung leisten v
to support sb.
Drehmomentstütze f
torque support
Drehmomentabstützung f auto
torque support
jdm. Hilfestellung leisten
to support sb.
Lagerstuhl m techn. (Behälterunterstützung)
cradle support
Pufferlager n
buffer support
Opferhilfe f
victim support
Opferbetreuung f
victim support
Lendenstütze f auto
lumbar support
Stützmoment n techn.
support moment
Kesselunterstützung f mach.
boiler support
Familienhilfe f
family support
Auflagelineale pl
support rulers
Partei unterstützen
support a party
Auflagekonsole f
support bracket
Bildschirmhalter m
monitor support
Streckenausbau m min.
roadway support
jdn. durchfüttern v übtr.
to support sth.
Kontaktaufnahme f electr.
contact support
Traggehäuse n
support housing
Betreuung von Kunden
support service
eine Politik unterstützen
support a policy
Familie ernähren
support a family
offizielle Unterstützung
official support
Theorie untermauern
support a theory
wirtschaftliche Hilfe
economic support
Abstützung f
support, shoring
(staatliche) Unterstützungsleistungen pl; (staatliche) Versorgungsleistungen pl Ös. fin.
support benefits
Auflagerpunkt m
point of support
Baubetreuung f
building support
Förderungsmaßnahmen pl
support measures
Datenbankbetreuung f
database support
Handlaufhalterung f
handrail support
Handlaufhalterung f; Geländerstangenhalterung f; Handstangenhalterung f
handrail support
unterstützenswert adj
worthy of support
Schmelzbadsicherung f; Badstütze f mach.
weld bead support
Seiltrommelverlagerung f
rope drum support
zentraler Telefonservice
telephone support
action for support
förderungsbedürftig adj
in need of support
Isolierungshalterung f
insulation support
Überleitungsgerüst n textil.
connection support
Träger m arch. math.
Träger pl
Stütze f; Verstärkung f
Stützen pl; Verstärkungen pl
Reaktorkerneinbauten pl techn.
core support stand
Stütze f
Stützen pl
advertising support
Koppeltraggestell n mil.
belt support braces
Seilrollenverlagerung f
rope pulley support
Kerzensteckdraht m; Kerzenstieldraht m
candles support wire
Kabelknickschutz m
cable sleeve support
Kabeltülle f
cable support sleeve
Schrankrohrlager n
hanging rail support
Mittelstütze f
intermediate support
Steuerhausunterstützung f
control room support
Fördergelder pl; Fördermittel pl; Förderungen pl adm. fin.
support funds; funds
Drehstabfeder f techn.
torsion beam support
Rollenbock m techn.
return pulley support
Wechselkursstützung f
exchange-rate support
Kapillarrohrhalter m
capillary tube support
Stützgerüst n; Stütze f anat.
support; sustentaculum
Antrag befürworten
support an application
Streitkräftebasis f (Bundeswehr) mil.
Joint Support Services
ernähren v übtr.
to maintain; to support
Entscheidungssystem n techn.
decision support system
Lebenshilfe f
life care; life support
Betreuungsangebot n school
learning support scheme
Gespräch in Gang halten
support the conversation
Raumfahrer-Bergungsschiff n naut.
space event support ship
Betreuung f von Kunden
support service, support
Betreuung f von Kunden
support service; support
Arbitrage-Interventionspunkte pl fin.
arbitrage support points
Bürgerdienst m; Bürgerservice n adm.
citizens' support service
Baggerstützenberme f min.
excavator support terrace
Zimmerung f
timbering; wooden support
zentraler Telefonservice
central telephone support
für etw. weibeln v Schw.
to gather support for sth.
Stützfuß m techn.
Stützfüße pl
support foot
support feet
Schachtausbau m min.
shaft lining; shaft support
Rah f; Rahe f (Segelträger) naut.
Rahen pl
yard (sail support)
Begleitfahrzeug n auto
support vehicle; support car
Auflagescheibe f techn.
Auflagescheiben pl
support disc
support discs
Grundträger m techn.
Grundträger pl
base support
base supports
Dichtungsunterlage f
Dichtungsunterlagen pl
seal support
seal supports
Badehilfe f constr.
Badehilfen pl
bath support
bath supports
Rahmenrennen n (bei einer Motorsportgroßveranstaltung) sport
Rahmenrennen pl
support race
support races
Rückendeckung f
backing, support, rear cover
Senkfußeinlage f med.
Senkfußeinlagen pl
arch support
arch supports
Tunnelausbau m min.
tunnel lining; tunnel support
Controllingsystem n; Entscheidungsunterstützungssystem n (EUS)
decision support system (DSS)
Aufstehhilfe f med.
raising support; stand-up aid
Stützblech n techn.
Stützbleche pl
support plate
support plates
Druckfingerplatte f electr. techn.
Druckfingerplatten pl
tooth support
tooth supports
Auflageteller m techn.
Auflageteller pl
support plate
support plates
Haltescheibe f techn.
Haltescheiben pl
support plate
support plates
Kabelhalter m
Kabelhalter pl
cable support
cable supports
Stützungspreis m
Stützungspreise pl
support price
support prices
Ventilhalterung f
Ventilhalterungen pl
valve support
valve supports
Ich lasse ihn fallen.
I won't support him any longer.
deren Unterstützung von Wert war
whose support has been of value
Auflage f, Stütze f
Auflagen pl, Stützen pl
rest, support
rests, supports
uneingeschränkt adj
volle rückhaltlose Unterstützung f
unreserved support
Strecktau n (zum Festhalten auf einem Schiff) naut.
manrope (for support on a ship)
Förderzentrum n
support centre, resource centre
uneingeschränkt adj
volle rückhaltlose Unterstützung f
unreserved support
Instandhaltungsbereitschaft f
maintenance-support performance
Stützverband m med.
support bandage, fixed dressing
Förderzentrum n
support centre; resource centre
gemeinschaftliche Förderkonzept n (EU)
Community support framework (EU)
Kabeltrassensystem n
ladder rack cable support system
Auflagezunge f techn.
Auflagezungen pl
support tongue
support tongues
Drehmomentstütze f
Drehmomentstützen pl
torque support
torque supports
Handgelenkschutz m; Handgelenkschoner m; Handgelenkbandage f sport
wrist guard; wrist support strap
Fördersystem n fin.
Fördersysteme pl
support scheme
support schemes
Geldunterhalt m; Alimente pl jur.
maintenance Br.; support Am.

Deutsche stützen tragen Synonyme

abstützen  Âstützen  Âtragen  Âunterstützen  
abstützen  Âbefestigen  Âstützen  Âverankern  Âversteifen  Âverstreben  
ankurbeln  Âintensivieren  Âstärken  Âstützen  Âuntermauern  Âverstärken  
(Kleidung)  tragen  Â(sich)  kleiden  Âanhaben  
verantworten  Âverantwortlich  (sein)  ÂVerantwortung  tragen  
(sich)  etwas  aufladen  Âschleppen  Âtragen  Âtransportieren  
(Verantwortung/Risiko)  tragen  Âauf  sich  nehmen  Âübernehmen  
(sich)  lehnen  (an)  Â(sich)  stützen  (auf)  Âabhängig  sein  (von)  
(Folgen)  tragen  Â(sich)  halten  (an)  Âbefolgen  Âeinhalten  Âerfüllen  
die  Kirche  ums  Dorf  tragen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âerschweren  Âkompliziert  machen  Âverkomplizieren  
beinhalten  Âeinbeziehen  Âeinschließen  Âenthalten  Âinkludieren  Âintegrieren  Âinvolvieren  Âtragen  Âumfassen  Âumschließen  
(eine)  Bezeichnung  tragen  Â(sich)  bezeichnen  (als)  Â(sich)  nennen  Âfirmieren  (unter)  Âheißen  
(einer  Sache)  Rechnung  tragen  Âberücksichtigen  Âeinberechnen  Âeinbeziehen  Âerwägen  Âin  Betracht  ziehen  Âin  Erwägung  ziehen  Âintegrieren  
(sich)  auszahlen  Â(sich)  bezahlt  machen  Â(sich)  lohnen  Â(sich)  rechnen  Â(sich)  rentieren  Âamortisieren  ÂFrüchte  tragen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âlohnenswert  (sein)  
(Folgen) tragen  (sich) halten (an)  befolgen  einhalten  erfüllen  
(Kleidung) tragen  (sich) kleiden  anhaben  
(einer Sache) Rechnung tragen  berücksichtigen  einberechnen  einbeziehen  erwägen  in Betracht ziehen  in Erwägung ziehen  integrieren  
(sich) stützen (auf)  abhängig sein (von)  
die Kirche ums Dorf tragen (umgangssprachlich)  erschweren  kompliziert machen  verkomplizieren  

Englische support Synonyme

support  A-frame  Maecenas  OK  TLC  abettor  abide  abide with  accept  acceptance  accession  accommodate  accredit  acquiescence  act a part  act out  admirer  advance  advocate  affirm  affirmation  afford  afford hope  afford support  aficionado  agreement  agreement in principle  aid  aid and comfort  aliment  alimentation  alimony  allege in support  allotment  allowance  alpenstock  amen  angel  annuity  answer  anvil  apologist  applaud  approve  argue for  arm  assent  assentation  assert  assist  assistance  assurance  assure  athletic supporter  attend to  attest  attestation  augur well  authenticate  authentication  authorize  autograph  auxiliaries  baby-sit  back  back rest  back up  backbone  backer  backing  backing up  backstop  backup  bandage  bandeau  bankroll  base  beam  bear  bear out  bear up  bear with  bearer  bearing out  beef up  benefit  bid fair  bide  bit player  block  blow to  bolster  bolster up  bolstering  boost  bounty  bra  brace  brace up  bracer  bracket  brassiere  brave  bread  brook  buck up  buff  buoy up  buttress  buttressing  cane  capitalization  capitalize  care  care for  carrier  carry  case harden  certification  certify  cervix  champion  chaperon  cheer  cherish  circumstantiate  circumstantiation  clothe  column  comfort  commend  compliance  concurrence  condolence  confirm  confirmation  consent  conservancy  conservation  conservationism  conserve  consolation  contend for  contribute  copyright  corroborate  corroboration  corroboratory evidence  corset  cosign  countenance  counter  countersign  cradle  create a role  crook  crosstree  crutch  cry up  cue rest  cushion  daily bread  defend  defender  deficit financing  dependence  depict  depletion allowance  document  documentation  dole  donate  ease  easel  easement  economic support  elect  embolden  enact  encourage  encouragement  encourager  endorse  endorser  endow  endowment  endure  environmental conservation  espouse  exponent  extra  face  fan  
supportable  acceptable  apodictic  attestable  authenticatable  bearable  believable  checkable  confirmable  defensible  demonstrable  demonstratable  endurable  evincible  livable  provable  substantiatable  sufferable  sustainable  tenable  tolerable  validatable  verifiable  
supporter  Maecenas  Santa Claus  abettor  acquaintance  adherent  admirer  advocate  aficionado  aid  almoner  almsgiver  alpenstock  alter ego  angel  apologist  appendage  arm  assignor  assistant  athletic supporter  attendant  awarder  back  backbone  backer  backing  bandeau  bearer  best friend  bestower  bosom friend  bra  brace  bracer  braces  bracket  brassiere  brother  buff  buttress  cane  carrier  casual acquaintance  cavaliere servente  cervix  champion  cheerful giver  close acquaintance  close friend  cohort  conferrer  confidant  confidante  consignor  contributor  corset  courtier  crook  crutch  dangler  defender  dependence  dependent  devotee  disciple  donator  donor  encourager  endorser  enthusiast  exponent  expounder  fairy godmother  familiar  fan  favorer  fellow  fellow creature  fellowman  feoffor  financer  flunky  follower  following  foundation garment  friend  friend at court  fulcrum  funder  galluses  girdle  giver  grantor  grubstaker  guard  guy  guywire  hanger  hanger-on  helper  henchman  homme de cour  imparter  inseparable friend  intimate  jock  jockstrap  lady bountiful  lover  mainstay  maintainer  mast  meal ticket  neck  neighbor  other self  pair of suspenders  paladin  paranymph  parasite  partisan  patron  patroness  philanthropist  pickup  presenter  promoter  prop  proponent  protagonist  protector  public  pursuer  pursuivant  reinforce  reinforcement  reinforcer  reliance  repository  rest  resting place  rigging  satellite  second  seconder  sectary  settler  shadow  shoulder  shroud  sider  spine  sponsor  sprit  staff  staker  stalwart  standby  standing rigging  stave  stay  stick  stiffener  stooge  strengthener  subscriber  successor  sugar daddy  support  suspender  suspenders  sustainer  sympathizer  tagtail  tail  testate  testator  testatrix  trainbearer  upholder  vindicator  votary  vouchsafer  walking stick  ward heeler  well-wisher  
supporting  advocating  approving  back of  backing  bearing  behind  bolstering  bracing  burdened  buttressing  carrying  confirmative  confirmatory  confirming  corroborating  corroborative  corroboratory  favorable  favoring  holding  in support of  maintaining  pro  propping  shoring  substantiating  supportive  suspensory  sustaining  sustentative  upholding  verificative  verifying  well-disposed  well-inclined  
supportive  assuring  auspicious  bearing  bolstering  bracing  bright with promise  burdened  buttressing  carrying  cheering  comforting  condolatory  condolent  condoling  confirmative  confirmatory  confirming  consolatory  consoling  corroborating  corroborative  corroboratory  encouraging  favorable  full of promise  heartening  helpful  holding  hospitable  inspiring  inspiriting  looking up  maintaining  of good comfort  of promise  pregnant of good  promising  propitious  propping  reassuring  relieving  shoring  substantiating  supporting  suspensory  sustaining  sustentative  sympathetic  understanding  upholding  verificative  verifying  

support Definition

(v. t.) To bear by being under
(v. t.) To endure without being overcome, exhausted, or changed in character
(v. t.) To keep from failing or sinking
(v. t.) To assume and carry successfully, as the part of an actor
(v. t.) To furnish with the means of sustenance or livelihood
(v. t.) To carry on
(v. t.) To verify
(v. t.) To vindicate
(v. t.) To uphold by aid or countenance
(v. t.) A attend as an honorary assistant
(n.) The act, state, or operation of supporting, upholding, or sustaining.
(n.) That which upholds, sustains, or keeps from falling, as a prop, a pillar, or a foundation of any kind.
(n.) That which maintains or preserves from being overcome, falling, yielding, sinking, giving way, or the like

support Bedeutung

documentary validation, his documentation of the results was excellent, the strongest support for this view is the work of Jones
support reinforcement reenforcement a military operation (often involving new supplies of men and materiel) to strengthen a military force or aid in the performance of its mission, they called for artillery support
close support close-in firing by one unit against an enemy engaged by another unit
direct support a mission requiring one force to support another specific force and authorizing it to answer directly the supported force's request for assistance
electronic warfare-support measures
electronic warfare undertaken under direct control of an operational commander to locate sources of radiated electromagnetic energy for the purpose of immediate threat recognition
support supporting the act of bearing the weight of or strengthening, he leaned against the wall for support
support aiding the cause or policy or interests of, the president no longer has the support of his own party, they developed a scheme of mutual support
support the activity of providing for or maintaining by supplying with money or necessities, his support kept the family together, they gave him emotional support during difficult times
logistic support
logistic assistance
assistance between and within military commands
integrated logistic support the pooling of specific resources by subscribing nations for the support of some joint operation
mutual aid
international logistic support
arrangements made between nations to assist each other
interdepartmental support
interagency support
provision of logistic (or administrative) support by one or more of the military services to one or more departments or agencies of the United States government
inter-service support action by one military service to provide logistic (or administrative) support to another military service
arch support a support for the arch of the foot
life-support system
life support
medical equipment that assists or replaces important bodily functions and so enables a patient to live who otherwise might not survive, the patient is on life support
life-support system life support equipment that makes life possible in otherwise deadly environmental conditions, the astronauts relied on their life-support systems
support any device that bears the weight of another thing, there was no place to attach supports for a shelf
support supporting structure that holds up or provides a foundation, the statue stood on a marble support
support column a column that supports a heavy weight
support hose
support stocking
elasticized stocking intended to reduce pressure on the veins of the leg (as in case of varicose veins)
support something providing immaterial assistance to a person or cause or interest, the policy found little public support, his faith was all the support he needed, the team enjoyed the support of their fans
musical accompaniment
a musical part (vocal or instrumental) that supports or provides background for other musical parts
Office of Intelligence Support
agency that oversees the intelligence relationships of the Treasury's offices and bureaus and provides a link between the Intelligence Community and officials responsible for international economic policy
support system a network of facilities and people who interact and remain in informal communication for mutual assistance, a network that enables you to live in a certain style
price support a government subsidy used to maintain prices at a certain level
support payment a payment made by one person for the support of another
child support court-ordered support paid by one spouse to the other who has custody of the children after the parents are separated
support level (stock market) the price at which a certain security becomes attractive to investors
bread and butter
the financial means whereby one lives, each child was expected to pay for their keep, he applied to the state for support, he could no longer earn his own livelihood
support financial support
financial backing
financial resources provided to make some project possible, the foundation provided support for the experiment
establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts, his story confirmed my doubts, The evidence supports the defendant
c digest endure
stick out
support brook
put up
put up with something or somebody unpleasant, I cannot bear his constant criticism, The new secretary had to endure a lot of unprofessional remarks, he learned to tolerate the heat, She stuck out two years in a miserable marriage
subscribe support adopt as a belief, I subscribe to your view on abortion
support fend for
argue or speak in defense of, She supported the motion to strike
support keep going
be a regular customer or client of, We patronize this store, Our sponsor kept our art studio going for as long as he could
hold support
hold up
be the physical support of, carry the weight of, The beam holds up the roof, He supported me with one hand while I balanced on the beam, What's holding that mirror?
support play a subordinate role to (another performer), Olivier supported Gielgud beautifully in the second act
support support materially or financially, he does not support his natural children, The scholarship supported me when I was in college
plump for
plunk for
be behind, approve of, He plumped for the Labor Party, I backed Kennedy i
back up
give moral or psychological support, aid, or courage to, She supported him during the illness, Her children always backed her up
bear out
support with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm, The stories and claims were born out by the evidence
life-support of or pertaining to equipment or methods used to sustain life
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129 Bewertungen 4


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Support may refer to:

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