
surgical Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

chirurgisch adj med.
chirurgisch, chirurgischen
chirurgische Abteilung f; chirurgische Station f; Chirurgie f ugs. med.
surgical ward
unfallchirurgisch adj med.
trauma surgical
OP-handschuhe pl; Operationshandschuhe pl
surgical gloves {pl}
Augenscheren pl mach.
eye surgical scissors
chirurgischer Löffel m med.
surgical spoon; scoop
surgical fees insurance
Dermatologie f med.
operative Dermatologie f
surgical dermatology
Gewebedurchzugsverhalten n (einer chirurgischen Naht) med.
tissue drag (of a surgical suture)
Wundklammer f; chirurgische Klammer f med.
Wundklammern pl; chirurgische Klammern pl
surgical staple
surgical staples
Verbandgips m med.
surgical plaster; plaster of Paris
Wundbenzin n chem. med.
medical grade benzine; surgical spirits
Operationstechnik f med.
Operationstechniken pl
surgical technique
surgical techniques
Feldlazaretteinheit f mil.
Feldlazaretteinheiten pl
army surgical unit
army surgical units
Nephrektomie f; operative Entfernung einer Niere med.
nephrectomy; surgical removal of a kidney
ohne Eingriff; ohne Operation adv med.
inoperatively; without a surgical operation
Verbandsraum m; Verbandszimmer n med.
Verbandsräume pl; Verbandszimmer pl
(surgical) dressings room
dressings rooms
Bandagist m med.
Bandagisten pl
surgical truss maker
surgical truss makers
Kittel m textil.
Kittel pl
Krankenhauskittel m; Spitalsgewand n Bayr. Ös.
Operationskittel m; OP-Kittel m
hospital gown
surgical gown
Kittel m textil.
Kittel pl
Krankenhauskittel m; Spitalsgewand n Bayr. Ös.
Operationskittel m; OP-Kittel m
hostpial gown
surgical gown
Schnitt m
Schnitte pl
chirurgischer Schnitt med.
cut; cutting
cuts; cuttings
surgical cut
Blepharoplastik f (chirurg. Augenlidkorrektur) med.
blepharoplasty (surgical eyelid modification)
operative Entfernung f eines Eierstocks; Ovariektomie f; Oophorektomie f med.
surgical removal of an ovary; ovariectomy; oophorectomy
Operationslampe f
Operationslampen pl
surgical light; operating light Am.
surgical lights; operating lights
chirurgisches Nahtmaterial n med.
das Nahtmaterial entfernen; die Nähte entfernen
surgical suture material; surgical suture; sutures
to remove the sutures
chirurgischer Wundhalter m med.
chirurgische Wundhalter pl
surgical retractor; wound retractor
surgical retractors; wound retractors
chirurgische Naht f med.
chirurgische Nähte pl
Allschichtennaht f
Katgutnaht f
surgical suture
surgical sutures
suture through all layers
catgut suture
Tupfer m med.
Tupfer pl
mit Kochsalzlösung getränkter Tupfer
swab; sponge; pledget; pack
swabs; sponges; pledgets; packs
saline-soaked surgical sponge
Eklampsiebehandlung f; Eklampsietherapie f med.
Eklampsietherapie der mittleren Linie
eclampsia treatment; eclampsia therapy
combination of conservative and surgical eclampsia treatment
Katgut n; Catgut n (chirurgisches Nahtmaterial aus Schafsdarm) med.
chromiertes Katgut
surgical gut; catgut (suture material made of sheep intestines)
chromicized catgut; chromized catgut
Orthopädie f med.
konservative Orthopädie f
orthopedics; orthopaedics
non-surgical diagnostic investigation and treatment of orthopaedic conditions
OP-Schleuse f med.
OP-Schleusen pl
surgical scrubbing area; surgical scrub and gowning area
surgical scrubbing areas; surgical scrub and gowning areas
Behandlung f med.
Behandlungen pl
in ärztlicher Behandlung sein
stationäre Behandlung
chirurgische Behandlung
pharmakologische Behandlung
Scheinbehandlung f
to be under medical treatment
stationary treatment
surgical treatment
pharmacologic treatment
placebo treatment
gebrannter Gips m; Gipshalbhydrat n
Putzgips m; Stuckgips m constr.
Verbandgips med.
plaster of Paris; calcined gypsum
finishing plaster; plaster of Paris for facing; plaster for facing
surgical plaster of Paris; surgical plaster
Kürette f med.
Küretten pl
Biopsiekürette f
Löffelkürette f
curette; surgical spoon; surgical scraper; abrasor
curettes; surgical spoons; surgical scrapers; abrasors
biopsy curette
bone curette; sharp spoon
Feldlazarett n med. mil.
Feldlazarette pl
field hospital; combat support hospital Am.; mobile army surgical hospital MASH Am.
field hospitals; combat support hospitals; mobile army surgical hospitals
Atemschutzmaske f; Atemmaske f
Atemschutzmasken pl; Atemmasken pl
Mund-Nase-Maske f; Mund-Nasenschutz m; OP-Gesichtsmaske f
Partikelfiltermaske f; partikelfilternde Halbmaske f; Feinstaubmaske f
breathing mask; respirator mask; respirator
breathing masks; respirator masks; respirators
medical mask; surgical mask; procedure mask
particle-filtering half mask; filtering facepiece mask; FFP mask; fine particle mask
Knoten m; Nodus m med.
Knoten pl; Nodi pl
Aschoff-Tawara'scher Knoten
Bouchard'scher Knoten
chirurgischer Knoten
entzündlicher Knoten (bei Gicht)
kalter Knoten (in der Schilddrüse)
Cloquet'scher Lymphknoten
Rosenmüller'scher Lymphknoten
Keith-Flack'scher Sinusknoten (Nodus sinoauricularis)
node; nodus
nodes; nodi
atrioventricular node; Tawara's node
Bouchard's node
surgical knot; surgeon's knot; double knot
cold nodule
Cloquet's gland node
gland node of Rosenmüller
node of Keith and Flack
operativ adj (mittels Operation bei einer Operation einen Eingriff erfordernd) med.
präoperativ; vor einer der Operation (nachgestellt)
postoperativ; nach einer der Operation (nachgestellt)
perioperativ; vor und nach einer Operation (nachgestellt)
operative (consisting of requiring during a surgical operation)
preoperative; pre-op; before a the surgical operation (postpositive)
postoperative; post-op; after a the surgical operation (postpositive)
perioperative; around the time of a surgical operation (postpositive)
etw. vornehmen; etw. durchführen; etw. führen v adm.
vornehmend; durchführend; führend
vorgenommen; durchgeführt; geführt
eine Änderung vornehmen
einen chirurgischen Eingriff vornehmen
eine Telefonumfrage durchführen
Ermittlungen durchführen
Verhandlungen führen
to carry out () sth.; to conduct sth.; to perform sth.; to make sth.
carrying out; conducting; performing; making
carried out; conducted; performed; made
to make a change
to perform a surgical intervention
to carry out a telephone survey
to conduct inquiries
to conduct negotiations
Spreizinstrument n; chirurgischer Spreizer m; chirurgischer Sperrer m med.
Spreizinstrumente pl; chirurgische Spreizer pl; chirurgische Sperrer pl
selbsthaltender Spreizer
Bauchdeckenspreizer m; Bauchdeckenhalter m; Bauchdeckenhaken m; Abdominalretraktor m
Rippenspreizer m
Vaginalspreizer m; Vulvaspreizer m
Wundspreizer m; Wundsperrer m
scharfer Wundspreizer nach Weitlaner
surgical spreader; spreading retractor
surgical spreaders; spreading retractors
self-retaining retractor
abdominal retractor
rib-spreading retractor; rib spreader; rib retractor; thoracic retractor; Finochietto retractor
vaginal spreading retractor; vaginal retractor; vulvar retractor
wound spreader
Weitlaner retractor
Medizin f; Heilkunde f; Heilkunst f med.
evidenzbasierte Medizin
ganzheitliche Medizin
innere Medizin
konservative Medizin
Kosmomedizin f
operative Medizin
orthodoxe Medizin; Orthomedizin f
physikalische Medizin
präventive Medizin
regenerative Medizin
suggestive Medizin
traditionelle chinesische Medizin TCM
Tropenmedizin f
Fortpflanzungsmedizin f; Reproduktionsmedizin f
Medizin im Altertum
medicine; medical science
evidence-based medicine EBM
integral medicine
internal medicine
non-surgical medicine
surgical medicine
orthodox medicine
physical medicine; physiatry; physiatrics
preventive medicine
regenerative medicine
suggestive medicine
traditional chinese medicine TCM
tropical medicine
reproductive medicine
ancient medicine
Operation f; operativer Eingriff m; chirurgischer Eingriff m; Eingriff m med.
Operationen pl; operative Eingriffe pl; chirurgische Eingriffe pl; Eingriffe pl
explorativer Eingriff; chirurgischer Eingriff zu diagnostischen Zwecken
großer (operativer) Eingriff
kleiner (operativer) Eingriff
Notoperation f; Sofortoperation f
Spreizer-Operation f
Zahnoperation f
sich operieren lassen; sich einer Operation unterziehen
operiert werden müssen
operation; surgery; surgical operation; surgical intervention; operative procedure
operations; surgeries; surgical operations; surgical interventions; operative procedures
exploratory operation; exploratory surgery
major surgery
minor surgery
emergency operation; immediate operation; emergency surgery; damage control surgery DCS
spacer operation
dental surgery; tooth operation
to undergo surgery; to have an operation
to need surgery
Sonde f med.
Sonden pl
Biopsiesonde f
Harnröhrensonde f
Knopfsonde f
doppelseitige Knopfsonde
Kugelsonde f
Öhrsonde f
stumpfe Sonde
Zahnsonde f; Dentalsonde f
Olive einer Sonde; Sondenolive f
etw. mit einer Sonde austasten
die Passage einer Sonde; die Sondenpassage
Spitze einer Sonde; Sondenspitze f
einen Hohlraum mit einer Sonde untersuchen
surgical probe; sound
surgical probes; sounds
biopsy probe
urethral sound
bulb-headed prob; bulbous probe; probang; pathfinder
double-ended probe
ball-and-socket probang; ball probang; searcher
probe with eye
blunt probe; dull probe
dental probe; dental explorer
probing olive
to probe sth.; to sound sth.
the passage of the probe
tip of the probe; probe tip
to probe a cavity; to sound a cavity; to explore a cavity with a sound
Medizin f; Heilkunde f; Heilkunst f med.
Biomedizin f
wissenschaftlich abgestützte Medizin; empirisch validierte Medizin
ganzheitliche Medizin; Ganzheitsmedizin f
individualisierte Medizin
innere Medizin
konservative Medizin
Kosmomedizin f
Luft- und Raumfahrtmedizin f
operative Medizin
orthodoxe Medizin; Orthomedizin f
physikalische Medizin
präventive Medizin
regenerative Medizin
Rehabilitationsmedizin f; rehabilitative Medizin f
Schlafmedizin f
suggestive Medizin
traditionelle chinesische Medizin TCM
Tropenmedizin f
Fortpflanzungsmedizin f; Reproduktionsmedizin f
Medizin im Altertum
medicine; medical science
evidence-based medicine EBM
holistic medicine
personalized medicine
internal medicine
non-surgical medicine
aerospace medicine
surgical medicine
orthodox medicine
physical medicine; physiatry; physiatrics
preventive medicine
regenerative medicine
rehabilitation medicine
sleep medicine
suggestive medicine
traditional chinese medicine TCM
tropical medicine
reproductive medicine
ancient medicine
Heilbehandlung f; medizinische Behandlung f; Behandlung f (von jdm.); Heilverfahren n; Therapie f (bei etw.) med.
chirurgische Behandlung
Folgebehandlung f; Folgetherapie f
Langzeitbehandlung f; Langzeittherapie f
pharmakologische Behandlung
Scheinbehandlung f
stationäre Behandlung
Symptombehandlung f
Sofortbehandlung f
therapiebegleitende Maßnahmen
Therapie statt Strafe (für Drogensüchtige)
in ärztlicher Behandlung sein
die Behandlung von Krebs; die Krebsbehandlung
eine neue Behandlung von bei Depressionen
sich wegen Nierensteinen behandeln lassen
Die beste Behandlung bei einer Erkältung ist Ruhe und viel Flüssigkeitszufuhr.
medical treatment; treatment (of sb.); therapy (for sth.)
surgical treatment
follow-on therapy
long-term treatment; long-term therapy
pharmacologic treatment
placebo treatment
stationary treatment
symptom treatment; treatment of symptoms rare
immediate therapy
treatments accompanied by therapy
therapy instead of punishment (for drug addicts)
to be under medical treatment
the treatment of cancer, cancer treatment
a new treatment for depression
to undergo treatment for kidney stones
The best treatment for a cold is to rest and drink lots of fluids.

Deutsche chirurgisch {adj} [med.] Synonyme

Englische surgical Synonyme

surgical  allopathic  chiropodic  chiropractic  clinical  dental  exodontic  homeopathic  hydropathic  iatric  medical  naturopathic  neurological  obstetric  orthodontic  orthopedic  osteopathic  pediatric  periodontic  prosthodontic  

surgical Definition

(a.) Of or pertaining to surgeons or surgery

surgical Bedeutung

surgery surgical operation
surgical procedure
surgical process
a medical procedure involving an incision with instruments, performed to repair damage or arrest disease in a living body, they will schedule the operation as soon as an operating room is available, he died while undergoing surgery
surgical incision
the cutting of or into body tissues or organs (especially by a surgeon as part of an operation)
surgical contraception contraception by surgical sterilization
surgical strike an attack (usually without prior warning) intended to deal only with a specific target
gown surgical gown
protective garment worn by surgeons during operations
surgical dressing a loosely woven cotton dressing for incisions made during surgery
surgical instrument a medical instrument used in surgery
surgical knife a very sharp knife used in surgery
suture surgical seam a seam used in surgery
surgical spirit methylated spirit used in the practice of medicine (especially for cleansing the skin before injections or before surgery)
surgical performed with great precision, a surgical air strike
relating to or requiring or amenable to treatment by surgery especially as opposed to medicine, a surgical appendix, a surgical procedure, operative dentistry
surgical of or relating to or involving or used in surgery, surgical instruments, surgical intervention
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