
swamp Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Sumpf, Morast
volllaufen lassen naut.
to swamp
swamp gas
Kaprohrsänger m ornith.
Swamp Warbler
Sumpfammer f ornith.
Swamp Sparrow
Mangrovensumpf m
mangrove swamp
Sumpf m
Sümpfe pl
Sumpffrankolin m ornith.
Swamp Partridge
Sumpfschnäpper m ornith.
Swamp Flycatcher
Sumpfland n, Sumpfgebiet n
swamplands, swamp
Sumpfland n; Sumpfgebiet n
swamplands; swamp
Raphiabülbül m ornith.
Swamp Palm Bulbul
Papyrusrohrsänger m ornith.
Rufous Swamp Warbler
Sumpfgas n
swamp gas; marsh gas
Sumpfmeerkatze f (Allenopithecus nigroviridis) zool.
Allen's swamp monkey
Gelbbauch-Rohrsänger m ornith.
Yellow Swamp Warbler
Sumpfgas n
swamp gas, marsh gas
Birkenbruch m
birch mire; birch swamp
Birkenbruch m
birch mire, birch swamp
Madagaskarrohrsänger m ornith.
Madagascar Swamp Warbler
Kapverdenrohrsänger m ornith.
Cape Verde Swamp Warbler
Sumpfgas n envir.
swamp gas; marsh gas; bog gas
Sumpf m
Sümpfe pl
mariner Sumpf
paralic swamp
Paludikultur f; Bewirtschaftung von Moorböden f agr.
paludiculture; swamp cultivation
Teich-Schachtelhalm m; Schlamm-Schachtelhalm m (Equisetum fluviatile) bot.
river water swamp pipes horsetail
Quirlblättriger Wasserweiderich m; Quirlblättriger Wasseroleander m (Decodon verticillatus) bot.
waterwillow; wateroleander; swamp loosestrife
Scheinkalla f; Riesenaronstab m; Stinkkohl m; Stinktierkohl m (Lysichiton) (botanische Gattung) bot.
swamp lanterns; skunk cabbage (botanical genus)
Vermoorung f, Versumpfung f
mire formation, swamp formation, paludification
überschwemmen, überfluten, unter Wasser setzen v
überschwemmend, überflutend, unter Wasser setzend
überschwemmt, überflutet, unter Wasser gesetzt
überschwemmt, überflutet
überschwemmte, überflutete
to swamp
Sumpfblutauge n; Sumpffingerkraut n (Comarum palustre) bot.
marsh cinquefoil; swamp cinquefoil; purple marshlocks
Ortstein m geol.
ortstein; hardpan; iron pan; moorband (pan); swamp ore
Vermoorung f; Versumpfung f
mire formation; swamp formation; paludification; swamping
Echte Katzen pl; Altwelt-Wildkatzen pl (Felis) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Rohrkatze f; Sumpfluchs m (Felis chaus)
feline cats (zoological genus)
jungle cat; reed cat; swamp cat
untergehen v (Dinge) naut.
Das Boot ging nicht unter.
to swamp (things)
The boat did not swamp.
Mangrovenfarne pl (Acrostichum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Goldener Mangrovenfarn m (Acrostichum aureum)
leather swamp ferns; leather ferns (botanical genus)
golden leather fern
Sumpfeisenerz n; Sumpferz n; Raseneisenerz n; Wiesenerz n min.
bog (iron) ore; swamp (iron) ore; marsh (iron) ore; morass (iron) ore; lake (iron) ore
urbar machen
urbar machend
urbar gemacht
einen Sumpf urbar machen
dem Meer Land abgewinnen
to reclaim
to reclaim a swamp
to reclaim land from the sea
Kanthaken m agr.
Kanthaken pl
cant-hook; swamp hook; cant-dog; rolling dog
cant-hooks; swamp hooks; cant-dogs; rolling dogs
Bruchwald m; Waldmoor n; Bruchmoor n; Bruch m,n geogr.
Bruchwälder pl; Waldmoore pl; Bruchmoore pl; Brüche pl
swamp wood; fen woodland; forest mire; carr Br.
swamp woods; fen woodlands; forest mires; carrs
Lampenputzergräser pl; Federborstengräser pl (Pennisetum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
australisches Lampenputzergras n; Federborstengras n (Pennisetum alopecuroides) bot.
fountain grasses; pennisetums (botanical genus)
dwarf swamp foxtail fountain grass; Chinese pennisetum
Kanthaken m (Forstwirtschaft) agr.
Kanthaken pl
cant-hook; swamp hook; cant-dog; rolling dog (forestry)
cant-hooks; swamp hooks; cant-dogs; rolling dogs
Badeallergie f; Badedermatitis f med.
bullöse Badedermatitis f
swimmer's itch; swamp itch; cercarial dermatitis; schistosome dermatitis
grass dermatitis; dermatitis pratensis
Sumpfzypressen pl (Taxodium) (botanische Gattung) bot.
echte Sumpfzypresse f; Sumpfeibe f (Taxodium distichum)
mexikanische Sumpfzypresse f; Montezuma-Zypresse f; Ahuehuete f (Taxodium mucronatum)
swamp cypresses (botanical genus)
swamp cypress; pond cypress; bald cypress
Montezuma cypress; sabino; ahuehuete
urbar machen v
urbar machend
urbar gemacht
einen Sumpf urbar machen
dem Meer Land abgewinnen
to reclaim
to reclaim a swamp
to reclaim land from the sea; to recover land from the sea
Parnassus-Gräser pl; Herzblatt n (Parnassia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Sumpfherzblatt n; Studentenröschen n; Schwanenrose f (Parnassia palustris)
grass-of-Parnassus; bog-stars (botanical genus)
marsh grass-of-Parnassus; swamp grass-of-Parnassus; northern grass-of-Parnassus
etw. unter Wasser setzen; etw. überfluten v (Dinge)
unter Wasser setzend; überflutend
unter Wasser gesetzt; überflutet
Das Boot sank nachdem es von den Wellen unter Wasser gesetzt worden war.
Wenn der Meeresspiegel ansteigt wird er die Küstenorte überfluten.
to swamp sth.
The boat sank after it was swamped by waves.
If the sea level rises it will swamp the coastal villages.
etw. unter Wasser setzen; etw. überfluten v (Dinge)
unter Wasser setzend; überflutend
unter Wasser gesetzt; überflutet
Das Boot sank nachdem es von den Wellen unter Wasser gesetzt worden war.
Wenn der Meeresspiegel ansteigt, wird er die Küstenorte überfluten.
to swamp sth.
The boat sank after it was swamped by waves.
If the sea level rises it will swamp the coastal villages.
Wasserhornfarne pl (Ceratopteris) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Feinblättriger Wasserhornfarn m; Feinblättriger Hornfarn m; Sumatrafarn m; Wasserstern m (Ceratopteris thalictroides)
Schwimmender Wasserhornfarn m; Schwimmender Hornfarn m (Ceratopteris pteridoides)
ceratopteris ferns (botanical genus)
oriental water-fern; water horn-fern; swamp fern; water sprite
floating antler-fern; floating water-sprite; giant floating-fern
Hibiskus m; Roseneibisch m (Hibiscus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Roseneibisch m; Sumpfeibisch m (Hibiscus moscheutos)
Stundenblume f; Stundeneibisch m; Stundenröslein n; Gelber Hibiskus m (Hibiscus trionum)
hibiscus; rose mallows (botanical genus)
swamp-rose mallow; rose mallow
flower-of-an-hour; flower-of-the-hour; Venice mallow; bladder hibiscus; bladder ketmia; bladder weed
Lebensbäume pl; Thujen pl (Thuja) (botanische Gattung) bot.
abendländischer Lebensbaum m; Smaragd-Lebensbaum m; gewöhnliche Thuja Thuje f Ös.; abendländische Thuja Thuje f Ös. (Thuja occidentalis)
morgenländischer orientalischer Lebensbaum m (Thuja orientalis Platycladus orientalis)
Riesenlebensbaum m; Riesenthuja f; Riesenthuje f Ös.; Rotzeder f (Thuja gigantea Thuja plicata)
arborvitaes; arbor vitaes; thujas (botanical genus)
Eastern arborvitae; Eastern Northern white cedar; swamp cedar
Oriental arborvitae
giant arborvitae; giant cedar; Western Pacific red cedar; canoe cedar
Lebensbäume pl; Thujen pl (Thuja) (botanische Gattung) bot.
abendländischer Lebensbaum m; Smaragd-Lebensbaum m; gewöhnliche Thuja Thuje f Ös.; abendländische Thuja Thuje f Ös. (Thuja occidentalis)
morgenländischer orientalischer Lebensbaum m (Thuja orientalis Platycladus orientalis)
Riesenlebensbaum m; Riesenthuja f; Riesenthuje f Ös.; Rotzeder f (Thuja gigantea Thuja plicata)
arborvitaes; arbor vitaes; thujas (botanical genus)
Eastern arborvitae; Eastern Northern white cedar; swamp cedar
Oriental arborvitae
giant arborvitae; giant cedar; Western Pacific red cedar; canoe cedar
Land urbar machen; (für die landwirtschaftliche Nutzung) gewinnen v geogr.
Land urbar machend; gewinnend
Land urbar gemacht; gewonnen
einen Sumpf urbar machen
dem Meer Land abgewinnen
to reclaim land; to bring land under cultivation
reclaiming land; bringing land under cultivation
reclaimed land; brought land under cultivation
to reclaim a swamp
to reclaim land from the sea; to recover land from the sea
Eichen pl (Quercus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Flaumeiche f (Quercus pubescens lanuginosa)
gelbe Eiche f (Quercus muehlenbergii)
Kastanieneiche f (Quercus montana)
Korbeiche f (Quercus michauxii)
Korkeiche f (Quercus suber)
Roteiche f (Quercus rubra)
Steineiche f (Quercus ilex)
Stieleiche f; Sommereiche; deutsche Eiche f (Quercus robur pedunculata)
Traubeneiche f (Quercus petraea sessilis)
oaks (botanical genus)
downy oak; pubescent oak
chinkapin oak; chinquapin oak
chestnut oak
swamp chestnut oak
cork oak
red oak
holm oak; holly oak
English oak; French oak; pedunculate oak
sessile oak; cornish oak; durmast oak
Eichenbäume pl; Eichen pl (Quercus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Flaumeiche f (Quercus pubescens lanuginosa)
gelbe Eiche f (Quercus muehlenbergii)
Kastanieneiche f (Quercus montana)
Korbeiche f (Quercus michauxii)
Korkeiche f (Quercus suber)
Roteiche f (Quercus rubra)
Steineiche f (Quercus ilex)
Stieleiche f; Sommereiche; deutsche Eiche f (Quercus robur pedunculata)
Traubeneiche f (Quercus petraea sessilis)
oak trees; oaks (botanical genus)
downy oak; pubescent oak
chinkapin oak; chinquapin oak
chestnut oak
swamp chestnut oak
cork oak
red oak
holm oak; holly oak
English oak; French oak; pedunculate oak
sessile oak; cornish oak; durmast oak
jdn. mit etw. überschwemmen; überhäufen v soc.
überschwemmend; überhäufend
überschwemmt; überhäuft
mit Geschenken überhäuft werden
Im Moment ersticke ich in Arbeit
Die Erdbebengeschädigten wurden mit Hilfsangeboten überschwemmt.
to flood; to inundate; to deluge; to swamp sb. with sth.
flooding; inundating; deluging; swamping
flooded; inundated; deluged; swamped
to be swamped with presents
I'm swamped with work at the moment.
The earthquake victims were flooded inundated deluged swamped with offers to help.
Gelsemium-Sträucher pl (Gelsemium) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Asiatischer Giftjasmin m (Gelsemium elegans)
Gelber Jasmin m; Falscher Jasmin m; Wilder Jasmin m; Giftjasmin m (Gelsemium sempervirens)
Sumpfjasmin m (Gelsemium rankinii)
gelsemium shrubs (botanical genus)
allspice jasmine; allspice jessamine Am.; heartbreak grass
yellow jasmine; false jasmine; wild jasmine; yellow jessamine Am.; false jessamine Am.; wild jessamine Am.; Carolina jessamine Am.; evening trumpet-flower
swamp jasmine; swamp jessamine Am.; Rankin's trumpetflower
Hickorynussbäume pl; Hickorybäume pl (Carya) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Bitternussbaum m; Bitternuss f (Carya cordiformis)
Ferkelnussbaum m; Ferkelnuss f (Carya glabra)
Pekannussbaum m; Pekannuss f (Carya illinoinensis)
Königsnussbaum m; Königsnuss f (Carya laciniosa)
Schuppenrinden-Hickorybaum m; Schindelborkiger Hickorybaum m (Carya ovata)
hickory trees (botanical genus)
bitternut hickory tree; bittnut hickory
pignut hickory tree; coast pignut hickory; pignut hickory; sweet pignut, smoothbark hickory; swamp hickory; broom hickory
pecan hickory tree; pecan tree; pecan
kingnut kickory tree; kingnut tree; shellbark hickory; Western shellbark
shagbark hickory tree; shagbark hickory
Hickorynussbäume pl; Hickorybäume pl (Carya) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Bitternussbaum m; Bitternuss f (Carya cordiformis)
Ferkelnussbaum m; Ferkelnuss f (Carya glabra)
Pekannussbaum m; Pekannuss f (Carya illinoinensis)
Königsnussbaum m; Königsnuss f (Carya laciniosa)
Schuppenrinden-Hickorybaum m; Schindelborkiger Hickorybaum m (Carya ovata)
hickory trees (botanical genus)
bitternut hickory tree; bittnut hickory
pignut hickory tree; coast pignut hickory; pignut hickory; sweet pignut smoothbark hickory; swamp hickory; broom hickory
pecan hickory tree; pecan tree; pecan
kingnut kickory tree; kingnut tree; shellbark hickory; Western shellbark
shagbark hickory tree; shagbark hickory
Weihen pl (Circus) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Elsterweihe f (Circus melanoleucus)
Fleckenweihe f (Circus assimilis)
Froschweihe f (Circus ranivorus)
Grauweihe f (Circus cinereus)
Kornweihe f (Circus cyaneus)
Madagaskarweihe f (Circus macrosceles)
Mangroveweihe f (Circus spilonotus)
Mohrenweihe f (Circus maurus)
Rohrweihe f (Circus aeruginosus)
Steppenweihe f (Circus macrourus)
Sumpfweihe f (Circus approximans)
Weißbrauenweihe f (Circus buffoni)
Wiesenweihe f (Circus pygargus)
harriers (zoological genus)
pied harrier
spotted harrier; smoke hawk
African marsh harrier
cinereous harrier
hen harrier
Madagascar marsh harrier; Madagascar harrier, Malagasy marsh harrier; Malagasy harrier
eastern marsh harrier
black harrier
western marsh harrier; Eurasian marsh harrier
pale harrier; pallid harrier
swamp harrier; Australasian marsh harrier; Pacific marsh harrier; swamp-hawk; New Zealand hawk
long-winged harrier
Montagu's harrier
Ahornbäume pl; Ahorne pl (Acer) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Bergahorn m (Acer pseudoplatanus)
Bläulicher Ahorn m; Indischer Ahorn m (Acer caesium)
Cissusblättriger Ahornm; Jungfernahorn m (Acer cissifolium)
Dreispitzahorn m; Dreizahnahorn m (Acer trifidum Acer buergerianum)
Eschenblättriger Ahorn m; Eschenahorn m (Acer negundo)
Japanischer Fächerahorn m; Japanischer Ahorn m; Fächerahorn m (Acer palmatum)
Feinzähniger Ahorn m; Spitzblättriger Ahorn m (Acer argutum)
Feldahorn m; Maßholder m (Acer campestre)
Französischer Ahorn m; Französischer Maßholder m; Dreilappiger Ahorn m; Felsenahorn m; Burgenahorn m (Acer monspessulanum)
Geschwänzter Ahorn m (Acer caudatum)
Hainbuchenblättriger Ahorn m; Hainbuchenahorn m (Acer carpinifolium)
Kolchischer Ahorn m (Acer cappadocicum)
Schneeballblättriger Ahorn m; Schneeballahorn m; Frühlingsahorn m; Italienischer Ahorn m; Schweizer Ahorn m (Acer opalus)
Silberahorn m (Acer saccharinum)
Schwarzer Zuckerahorn m; Schwarzahorn m (Acer saccharum subsp. nigrum Acer nigrum)
Spitzahorn m; Spitzblättriger Ahorn (Acer platanoides)
Weinblattahorn m; Weinahorn m; Rundblättriger Ahorn m (Acer circinatum)
Weißdornblättriger Ahorn m (Acer crataegifolium)
Zimtahorn m (Acer griseum)
Zwergahorn m; Kahler Ahorn m (Acer glabrum)
Zuckerahorn m; Honigahorn m (Acer saccharum)
maple trees; maples (botanical genus)
sycamore maple; plane-tree maple; false plane-tree; great maple; Scottish maple
Indian maple
ivy-leaved maple; vine-leafed maple, vineleaf maple
trident maple; three-toothed maple
ash-leaved maple; ash-leaf maple Br.; maple ash; boxelder maple; boxelder
smooth Japanese maple; Japanese maple; full-moon maple; palmate maple
pointed-leaf maple
field maple; hedge maple
French maple; Montpellier maple
candle-shape maple
hornbeam-leaved maple; hornbeam maple
Cappadocian maple; Caucasian maple
Italian maple
silverleaf maple; silver maple; white maple; water maple; creek maple; swamp maple
black sugar maple; black maple
Norway Maple
vine maple
hawthorn-leaved maple; hawthorn-leaf maple; hawthorn maple; uri maple
Chinese paperbark maple; paperbark maple
dwarf maple; mountain maple; rock maple
sugar maple; hard maple; rock maple

Deutsche Sumpf Synonyme

Pfuhl  ÂSumpf  ÂTümpel  
Bruch  ÂFeuchtgebiet  ÂMoor  ÂMoorland  ÂMorast  ÂSumpf  

Englische swamp Synonyme

swamp  baygall  be prodigal with  bind  bog  bottom  bottomland  bottoms  buffalo wallow  cascade  cataract  cesspool  cloaca  cloaca maxima  clutch  complication  crunch  deluge  dip  drain  drown  duck  dump  dunk  embarrassing position  embarrassment  engulf  everglade  fen  fenland  fine how-do-you-do  float  flood  flood the market  flow on  founder  garbage dump  glade  hell to pay  hobble  hog wallow  holm  hot water  how-do-you-do  imbroglio  immerse  inundate  jam  marais  marish  marsh  marshland  meadow  mere  mess  mire  mix  moor  moorland  morass  moss  mud  mud flat  overbrim  overburden  overcome  overdose  overequip  overflow  overfurnish  overlavish  overload  overprovender  overprovide  overprovision  overrun  oversell  overstock  oversupply  overtax  overwhelm  parlous straits  pass  peat bog  pickle  pinch  plight  pour on  pour out  pour over  predicament  pretty pass  pretty pickle  pretty predicament  purgatory  quag  quagmire  quicksand  rain  run over  salt marsh  scrape  scuttle  septic tank  sewer  shaking  sink  slob land  slop  slosh  slough  sluice  snow under  sough  spill  spill out  spill over  spot  squeeze  stew  sticky wicket  strait  straits  submerge  sump  swale  swampland  sweep  taiga  tight spot  tight squeeze  tightrope  tricky spot  unholy mess  view  wallow  wash  whelm  
swamped  afloat  aground  at flood  awash  bathed  castaway  deluged  dipped  drenched  dribbling  dripping  dripping wet  drowned  engulfed  flooded  foundered  grounded  high and dry  immersed  in spate  inflood  inundated  macerated  marooned  on the rocks  oozing  overflowed  overwhelmed  permeated  saturated  seeping  set fast  shipwrecked  soaked  soaking  soaking wet  soaky  sodden  soggy  sopping  sopping wet  soppy  soused  steeped  stranded  stuck  stuck fast  submerged  submersed  swept  washed  water-washed  waterlogged  watersoaked  weeping  weltering  whelmed  wrecked  wringing wet  
swampy  boggish  boggy  damp  dampish  dank  dewy  fenny  humid  marish  marshy  mirish  miry  moist  moorish  moory  muddy  muggy  paludal  paludous  poachy  quaggy  quagmiry  rainy  roric  roriferous  spouty  sticky  swampish  tacky  uliginous  undried  wet  wettish  

swamp Definition

(n.) Wet, spongy land
(v. t.) To plunge or sink into a swamp.
(v. t.) To cause (a boat) to become filled with water
(v. t.) Fig.: To plunge into difficulties and perils
(v. i.) To sink or stick in a swamp
(v. i.) To become filled with water, as a boat

swamp Bedeutung

swamp sparrow
Melospiza georgiana
North American finch of marshy area
swamp rabbit canecutter
swamp hare
Sylvilagus aquaticus
a wood rabbit of southeastern United States swamps and lowlands
marsh hare
swamp rabbit Sylvilagus palustris
a wood rabbit of marshy coastal areas from North Carolina to Florida
swamp buggy
marsh buggy
an amphibious vehicle typically having four-wheel drive and a raised body
Okefenokee Swamp a large swampy area of northeast Florida and southeast Georgia
swampland b
low land that is seasonally flooded, has more woody plants than a marsh and better drainage than a bog
swamp pine any of several pines that prefer or endure moist situations such as loblolly pine or longleaf pine
bald cypress
swamp cypress
pond bald cypress
southern cypress
Taxodium distichum
common cypress of southeastern United States having trunk expanded at base, found in coastal swamps and flooding river bottoms
Montezuma cypress
Mexican swamp cypress
Taxodium mucronatum
cypress of river valleys of Mexican highlands
sweet bay
swamp bay
swamp laurel Magnolia virginiana
shrub or small tree having rather small fragrant white flowers, abundant in southeastern United States
bayberry candleberry
swamp candleberry
waxberry Myrica pensylvanica
deciduous aromatic shrub of eastern North America with grey-green waxoated berries
swamp sunflower
Helianthus angustifolius
sunflower of eastern North America having narrow leaves and found in bogs
swamp candles
Lysimachia terrestris
North American plant with spikes of yellow flowers, found in wet places
rose mallow swamp mallow
common rose mallow
swamp rose mallow
Hibiscus moscheutos
showy shrub of salt marshes of the eastern United States having large roseolored flowers
swamp laurel bog laurel
bog kalmia
Kalmia polifolia
laurel of bogs of northwestern United States having small purple flowers and pale leaves that are glaucous beneath
swamp azalea
swamp honeysuckle
white honeysuckle Rhododendron viscosum
shrub growing in swamps throughout the eastern United States and having small white to pinkish flowers resembling honeysuckle
high-bush blueberry
tall bilberry
swamp blueberry
Vaccinium corymbosum
high-growing deciduous shrub of eastern North America bearing edible blueish to blackish berries with a distinct bloom, source of most cultivated blueberries
swamp white oak
swamp oak Quercus bicolor
large deciduous oak of the eastern United States with a flaky bark and leaves that have fewer lobes than other white oaks, yields heavy strong wood used in construction, thrives in wet soil
southern red oak
swamp red oak
turkey oak Quercus falcata
large round-topped deciduous tree with spreading branches having narrow falcate leaves with deeply sinuate lobes and wood similar to that of northern red oaks, New Jersey to Illinois and southward
swamp chestnut oak
Quercus michauxii
medium to large deciduous tree of moist areas of southeastern United States similar to the basket oak
pin oak swamp oak Quercus palustris fast-growing medium to large pyramidal deciduous tree of northeastern United States and southeastern Canada having deeply pinnatifid leaves that turn bright red in autumn, thrives in damp soil
swamp birch
water birch
mountain birch
Western paper birch
Western birch
Betula fontinalis
birch of western United States resembling the paper birch but having brownish bark
swamp ash
Fraxinus caroliniana
small ash of swampy areas of southeastern United States
bitternut hickory
bitter hickory
bitter pignut
swamp hickory
Carya cordiformis
hickory of the eastern United States having a leaves with or leaflets and thin-shelled very bitter nuts
mountain swamp gum
Eucalyptus camphora
medium-sized swamp gum of New South Wales and Victoria
swamp gum
Eucalypt ovata
medium-sized tree of southern Australia
water locust
swamp locust
Gleditsia aquatica
honey locust of swamps and bottomlands of southern United States having short oval pods, yields dark heavy wood
swamp oak
Viminaria juncea
Viminaria denudata
Australian leafless shrub resembling broom and having small yellow flowers
swamp dewberry
swamp blackberry
Rubus hispidus
of eastern North America
swamp fly honeysuckle a variety of fly honeysuckle
swamp willow
black willow
Salix nigra
North American shrubby willow having dark bark and linear leaves growing close to streams and lakes
swamp cottonwood
black cottonwood downy poplar
swamp poplar
Populus heterophylla
North American poplar with large rounded scalloped leaves and brownish bark and wood
red maple
scarlet maple
swamp maple
Acer rubrum
maple of eastern and central America, five-lobed leaves turn scarlet and yellow in autumn
marsh plant
bog plant
swamp plant
a semiaquatic plant that grows in soft wet land, most are monocots: sedge, sphagnum, grasses, cattails, etc, possibly heath
swamp lily
water dragon Saururus cernuus
North American herbaceous perennial of wet places having slender curled racemes of small white flowers
swamp horsetail
water horsetail
Equisetum fluviatile
Eurasia, northern North America to Virginia
swamp milkweed
Asclepias incarnata
densely branching perennial of the eastern United States with white to crimson or purple flowers
swamp a situation fraught with difficulties and imponderables, he was trapped in a medical swamp
swamp fever
an infectious disease cause by leptospira and transmitted to humans from domestic animals, characterized by jaundice and fever
fill quickly beyond capacity, as with a liquid, the basement was inundated after the storm, The images flooded his mind
drench or submerge or be drenched or submerged, The tsunami swamped every boat in the harbor
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