
target/actual comparison Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Soll-Ist-Vergleich m
Soll-Ist-Vergleich m fin.
actual-comparison, target-performance comparison
comparison of budget figures with actual figures
Soll-Ist-Vergleich m
Soll-Ist-Vergleich m fin.
target actual-comparison; target-performance comparison
comparison of budget figures with actual figures
angestrebter Preis
target price
ausgeübter Beruf
actual job
actual cash value
performance of comparison
actual balance
Effektivlohn, Reallohn
actual earnings
eigenes Verschulden
actual fault
factor comparison
production target
comparison of indices
actual amount
actual receipts
actual costs
actual value
comparison of costs
intermedia comparison
price comparison
target figures
summarische Arbeitsbewertung
factor comparison system
tatsächlich erreichte Leistung, Istleistung
actual output
tatsächlich gebrauchte Zeit, Istzeit
actual time
tatsächliche Kosten, Gestehungskosten
actual costs
tatsächliche Lage, Stand der Dinge
actual state of affairs
tatsächliche Leistung, Istleistung
actual attainment
tatsächliche Preis
actual price
tatsächliche Todesfälle
actual deaths
tatsächliche Verlust, wirkliche Verlust
actual loss
tatsächliche Zeit
actual time
tatsächlicher Bedarf
actual demand
tatsächlicher Betrag
actual amount
tatsächlicher Gesamtschaden
actual total loss
tatsächlicher Gesamtverlust
actual total loss
tatsächlicher Markt
actual market
tatsächlicher Schaden
actual loss
tatsächlicher Stundenverdienst
actual hourly earnings
tatsächlicher Totalschaden
actual total loss
tatsächlicher Verlust, tatsächlicher Schaden
actual loss
tatsächlicher Wert, wirklicher Wert
actual value
Vergleich der Marken
brand comparison
basis of comparison
target time
vorkalkulierte Kosten, angestrebte Kosten
target cost
Wachstumsziel, angestrebtes Wachstum
growth target
actual seizure
value comparison
wirklich, eigentlich
wirklich, tatsächlich
wirklicher Gesamtverlust
actual total loss
target group
target customer
target line
target market
target audience
Zielraum, Zielgebiet
target area
Zielzeit, angestrebte Zeit
target time
zwischenbetrieblicher Vergleich
inter-firm comparison
Absatzziel n, Absatzsoll n
sales target, sales goal
Adresse f comp.
absolute Adresse
absolute Adresse, Maschinenadresse
absolute Adresse, echte Adresse
absolute (wirkliche) Adresse
alphanumerische Adresse
explizite Adresse, ausdrückliche Adresse
implizite Adresse
physische Adresse
relative Adresse
symbolische Adresse
tatsächliche Adresse
virtuelle (gedachte) Adresse
specific address
actual address
effective address
absolute address
alphanumeric address
explicit address
implicit address
physical address
symbolic address
real address
virtual address
Adressschlüssel m comp.
aktueller Adressschlüssel
actual address key
actual address key
Aktualwert m
actual value
Archivnummernvergleich m
archive number comparison
Bestand m (an)
Bestände pl
tatsächlicher Bestand
stock (of)
actual stock
Direktwert m, Istwert m, Ist-Wert m
actual value
Druckdezimalpunkt m
actual decimal point
Effektivlohn m
actual earnings
Geldmengenvorgabe f
monetary target
Hauptverhandlung f jur.
Hauptverhandlungen pl
vor der Hauptverhandlung
trial, actual trial, main hearing
trials, actual trials, main hearings
Ist-Zahlen pl
actual figures, factual figures
Istausgaben pl
actual outlay
Istbestand m
actual result, actual amount, actual stock
Istbetrag m
Istbeträge pl
actual amount
actual amounts
Istdaten pl
actual data
Isteinnahmen pl
actual receipts
Istkapazität f
actual capacity
Istkosten pl
actual cost
Istkostenrechnung f
actual cost system
Istleistung f
actual attainment
Istleistung f
actual output
Istmaß n, Maßstab 1:1
actual size
Istmenge f
actual quantity
Istprämie f
actual premium
Istsaldo n
actual balance
Iststunden pl
actual manhours
Istzeit f
actual time
Istzustand m, Ist-Zustand m, Iststand m
actual state
Jahresziel n
full year target
Kalkulationszinsfuß m
adequate target rate
Kapitalkonsolidierung f
actual value method
Kostenvergleich m
comparison of costs
auf Kurs sein, im Plan sein
to be on target
den Kurs halten
to stay on target
Maschinenkode m, Rechnerkode m comp.
actual code
Nutzungsdauer f
betriebsgewöhnliche Nutzungsdauer f
betriebsgewöhnliche Nutzungsdauer f
tatsächliche Nutzungsdauer f
erwartete mittlere Nutzungsdauer
life, useful life
asset depreciation range
average useful life
actual life
anticipated average life
Planerfüllung f
attainment of the planned production target
Plankosten pl, Richtkosten pl, Sollkosten pl
target cost
Plansoll n
planned target, planned production target, output target
Plansumme f, Richtsumme f, Zielgröße f
target figure
Planziel n
Preisvergleich m
Preisvergleiche pl
comparison of prices, price comparison
comparisons of prices, price comparisons
Preisvergleichsliste f
Preisvergleichslisten pl
price survey, price comparison list
price surveys, price comparison lists
Produktionssoll n
production target
Richtpreis m
Richtpreise pl
offizieller Richtpreis m
basic price, norm price, suggested price, recommended price, target price
basic prices, norm prices, suggested prices, recommended prices, target prices
officially fixed base price
Richtsatz m
Richtsätze pl
target rate
target rates
Sanierungsziel n
remediation target
Scheibenschießen n
target practice, target shooting
Schießscheibe f
Schießscheiben pl
Schießübung f
target practice
Soll n, Plansoll n
Soll-Ist-Vergleich m
Soll-Ist-Vergleich m fin.
actual-comparison, target-performance comparison
comparison of budget figures with actual figures
Sollhöhe f
nominal height, target height, specified height
Sollzustand m
target state, should-be state, desired status
Stauung f
actual stowage
Steigerung f gramm.
Steigerungen pl
Steigerungsstufe f
degree of comparison
Stichtag m, Schlusstermin m, letzter Termin
Stichtage pl
deadline, effective day, target date
Synopse f
synopsis, textual comparison
Termin m
Termine pl
angestrebter Termin
einen Termin festlegen, einen Termin anberaumen
date, time limit
dates, time limits
target date
to fix a date
Todesfall m
Todesfälle pl
eingetretene Todesfälle
im Todesfall
actual deaths
in (the) case of death, in the event of death
Totalverlust m
wirklicher Totalverlust
total loss
actual total loss
Verdunstung f
tatsächliche Verdunstung
actual evaporation
Vergleich m
Vergleiche pl
im Vergleich
im Vergleich zu, Im Vergleich mit
Vergleiche ziehen, Vergleiche anstellen
in keinem Vergleich zu etw. stehen
dem Vergleich standhalten mit
by comparison
in comparison with, compared with, compared to
to make comparisons, to draw comparisons
to be out of all proportion to sth.
to stand comparison with, to bear comparison with
Vergleichsbasis f
basis of comparison
Vergleichsspannung f
comparison stress
Vergleichswert m
Vergleichswerte pl
comparison value, reference value, comparative value
comparison values, reference values, comparative values
Vermögenseinbuße f, Vermögensschaden m
actual loss
Vertretungsmacht f
actual authority
Wahrheit f
Wahrheiten pl
die halbe Wahrheit
der Wahrheit halber
hinter die Wahrheit kommen
empirische Wahrheit
truths, truthes
half the truth
to tell the truth
to get the truth
actual truth
Wirkwiderstand m electr.
active resitance, actual resistance
Zählerstand m
Zählerstände pl
aktueller Zählerstand
meter reading, count
meter readings, counts
actual count
Ziel n mil.
Ziele pl
im Ziel, erfasst, getroffen
danebengegangen, nicht getroffen
zum Ziel setzen, zum Ziel stellen
ins Ziel treffen
Ziel suchend
on target
off target
to target
to hit the target
target seeking
Zielbereich m
Zielbereiche pl
Zielbereich m, Zielgebiet n
Zielbereiche pl, Zielgebiete pl
target area
target areas
Zielbereich m math.
target, co-domain
Zielgrößenbestimmung f
Zielgruppe f
Zielgruppen pl
angesprochene Zielgruppe
target group, audienece
target groups
intended audience
Zielinformation f
Zielinformationen pl
target information
target information
Zielkorridor m
Zielkorridore pl
target range
target ranges
Zielkunde m
Zielkunden pl
target customer
target customers
Ziellinie f, Zielbereich m
target ceiling
Zielmarkt m
target market
Zielphase f
Zielphasen pl
target phase
target phases
Zielplanung f
target planning, target budgeting
Zielplatz m, Zielgelände n, Zielort m mil.
target site
Zielscheibe f, Schießscheibe f
Zielscheiben pl, Schießscheiben pl
Zielschießen n mil.
target practice, target-shooting
Zielsetzung f, Zielstellung f
bei unserer Zielsetzung
objective target
in establishing our objectives
Zielsprache f
object language, target language
Zielvereinbarung f
Zielvereinbarungen pl
target agreement, agreement on objectives
target agreements

target/actual comparison Definition

(a.) Involving or comprising action
(a.) Existing in act or reality
(a.) In action at the time being
(n.) Something actually received
(n.) The act of comparing
(n.) The state of being compared
(n.) That to which, or with which, a thing is compared, as being equal or like
(n.) The modification, by inflection or otherwise, which the adjective and adverb undergo to denote degrees of quality or quantity
(n.) A figure by which one person or thing is compared to another, or the two are considered with regard to some property or quality, which is common to them both
(n.) The faculty of the reflective group which is supposed to perceive resemblances and contrasts.
(v. t.) To compare.
(n.) A kind of small shield or buckler, used as a defensive weapon in war.
(n.) A butt or mark to shoot at, as for practice, or to test the accuracy of a firearm, or the force of a projectile.
(n.) The pattern or arrangement of a series of hits made by a marksman on a butt or mark
(n.) The sliding crosspiece, or vane, on a leveling staff.
(n.) A conspicuous disk attached to a switch lever to show its position, or for use as a signal.

target/actual comparison Bedeutung

the act of examining resemblances, they made a comparison of noise levels, the fractions selected for comparison must require pupils to consider both numerator and denominator
actual sin a sin committed of your own free will (as contrasted with original sin)
actual possession (law) immediate and direct physical control over property
target practice practice in shooting at targets
actual eviction the physical ouster of a tenant from the leased premises, the tenant is relieved of any further duty to pay rent
firing range
target range
a practice range for target practice
sports equipment consisting of an object set up for a marksman or archer to aim at
target acquisition system a shipboard system for the detection and identification and location of a target with enough detail to permit effective weapon employment
equivalence comparability
qualities that are comparable, no comparison between the two books, beyond compare
target cell an abnormal red blood cell with the appearance of a dark ring surrounding a dark center, associated with anemia
target organ (radiology) organ intended to receive the therapeutic dose of a radioactive substance
target cell any cell that has a specific receptor for an antigen or antibody or hormone or drug, or is the focus of contact by a virus or phagocyte or nerve fiber etc.
aim object
the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable), the sole object of her trip was to see her children
object language target language the language into which a text written in another language is to be translated
object program
target program
a fully compiled or assembled program ready to be loaded into the computer
object language target language a computer language into which something written in another computer language is to be translated
a reference point to shoot at, his arrow hit the mark
pip radar target
a radar echo displayed so as to show the position of a reflecting surface
target company
takeover target
a company that has been chosen as attractive for takeover by a potential acquirer
target area
the location of the target that is to be hit
fair game
a person who is the aim of an attack (especially a victim of ridicule or exploitation) by some hostile person or influence, he fell prey to muggers, everyone was fair game, the target of a manhunt
water-shield Brasenia schreberi
aquatic plant with floating oval leaves and purple flowers, in lakes and slow-moving streams, suitable for aquariums
actual damages
compensatory damages
general damages
(law) compensation for losses that can readily be proven to have occurred and for which the injured party has the right to be compensated
comparison relation based on similarities and differences
imaginative comparison the kind of mental comparison that is expressed in similes or metaphors or allegories
aim a place direct point
intend (something) to move towards a certain goal, He aimed his fists towards his opponent's face, criticism directed at her superior, direct your anger towards others, not towards yourself
comparison-shop compare prices for a given item
dead on target
accurately placed or thrown, his aim was true, he was dead on target
presently existing in fact and not merely potential or possible, the predicted temperature and the actual temperature were markedly different, actual and imagined conditions
actual being or existing at the present moment, the ship's actual position is miles due south of Key West
target-hunting guided automatically toward the target
actual taking place in reality, not pretended or imitated, we saw the actual wedding on television, filmed the actual beating
actual factual existing in act or fact, rocks and trees...the actual world, actual heroism, the actual things that produced the emotion you experienced
being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something, her actual motive, a literal solitude like a desert- G.K.Chesterton, a genuine dilemma
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