
text Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

eine SMS senden
Gesetzeswortlaut m
law text
Freitext m
free text
Textfile n, Textdatei f
text file
Volltext m
full text
Textsorte f ling.
text type
mit der Maschine geschriebener Text
typed text
Anlagentext m
asset text
asset text
error text
Textgrafik f comp.
text chart
Textfolge f
text string
Textende (EOT)
end of text
text string
großer verzierter Buchstabe m print
text letter
Texthöhe f
text height
Textprobe f
sample text
Textvorlage f
source text
jdm. eine SMS schicken; jdm. simsen ugs.
to text so.
großer, verzierter Buchstabe m print
text letter
jdm. simsen ugs.; jdm. eine SMS schicken v telco.
to text sb.
Mustertext m
sample text
verbesserter Text
revised text
Anredetext m, Adressentext m
address text
Nachrichteninhalt m
message text
Anredetext, Adressentext
address text
text editing
text message
Anredetext m; Adressentext m
address text
Textbearbeitung f comp. print
text editing
Nachrichtentext m comp. telco.
message text
original text
Absoluttext m
absolute text
Grundtext m, Urtext m, Originaltext m
original text
absolute text
Grundtext m; Urtext m; Originaltext m
original text
Textanfang m
start of text
Textbegrenzer m
text delimiter
in Versen stehen; ein Versmaß aufweisen v (Text) ling.
to scan (text)
Textverarbeitung f
text processing
Zusatztext m
additional text
additional text
text processing
Fließtext m
continuous text
Klartextdaten pl; unverschlüsselte Daten pl comp.
plain-text data
Textverwaltung f comp. print
text management
Textzeichen pl.
text characters
Textende n
end of text EOT
advertising text
Volltextsuche f
full-text search
Nachlass m (unveröffentlichte Texte)
unpublished text
Volltextsuche f comp.
full-text search
einen Text kürzen
abbreviate a text
Fehlertextnummer f
error text number
Textende n
end of text (EOT)
to write (a text)
error text number
Textangaben pl comp.
text declarations
Textende n
end of text EOT
Kontoklartext m
account plain text
account plain text
Textstelle f
passage in the text
Freitextsuche f
free-text searching
Freitextsuche f comp.
free-text searching
Vertragstext m
text of the contract
Zusatztextmaske f
additional text mask
additional text mask
Zusatztexteingabe f
additional text entry
additional text entry
Freitext m (in einem Formular)
free text (in a form)
Textfassung f
version of a the text
Textabschnitt m; Abschnitt m; Textteil m
text section; section
Kürzung eines Textes
abbreviation of a text
Textdatei f; Textfile n comp.
Textdateien pl; Textfilen pl
text file
text files
Textverarbeitungsprogramm n
text processing program
to write one's own text
Lesbarkeit f; Lesefreundlichkeit f (eines Textes) ling.
readability (of a text)
Fehlertext m
Fehlertexte pl
error text
error texts
Textbaustein m
Textbausteine pl
text block
text blocks
Prosatext m ling. lit.
Prosatexte pl
prose text
prose texts
Textmodus m; Betriebsart f Text comp.
text mode; character mode
Texteingabefeld n
text gadget, string gadget
Volltextdatenbank f
full text data base system
gebrochene Schrift f print
broken type; text typeface
Texteditor m; Text-Editor m comp.
Texteditoren pl; Text-Editoren pl
text editor
text editors
Texteingabefeld n
text gadget; string gadget
Textmarke f comp.
Textmarken pl
text anchor
text anchors
Textrand m print
Textränder pl
text margin
text margins
vom Text verursachte Probleme
problems caused by the text
Kurznachricht f; Kurzmitteilung f; SMS f telco.
text message; short message
Dasher m (Texteingabeprogramm) comp.
dasher (text input program)
Textformatierung f comp. print
text formatting; composition
Textfeld n comp.
freies Textfeld
text field
free text field
etw. kurzfassen; etw. straffen
to condense sth. (e.g. text)
etw. kurzfassen; etw. straffen v
to condense sth. (e.g. text)
Textbearbeitung f
word processing, text editing
lesbar; lesefreundlich adj (Text) ling.
nicht lesbar
readable (text)
Videotext m
videotex, video text, teletext
Zwischentext m
Zwischentexte pl
inserted text
inserted texts
Texteinblendung f; eingeblendete Textzeile f (TV Film)
caption (text line) (TV film)
Texteinblendung f; eingeblendete Textzeile f (TV, Film)
caption (text line) (TV, film)
eine Texpassage ausixen; aus-x-en (durch Ãœbertippen mit dem Buchstaben x unleserlich machen) v comp. print
to x out a passage from a text
Textausschnitt m; Textpassage f
Textausschnitt m; Textpassage f
(text) excerpt
(text) passage
simsen, smsen ugs., eine SMS senden
to text, to txt, to text-message
Textmenge f ling.
Textmengen pl
amount of text
amounts of text
Textverarbeitung f comp.
text processing; word processing
Interpretation f (eines literarischen Textes) lit.
explication (of a literary text)
Referenztext m; Bezugstext m; Hinweistext m
Referenztexte pl; Bezugstexte pl; Hinweistexte pl
reference text
reference texts
Textpassage f; Passage f ling.
Textpassagen pl; Passagen pl
passage (from a text)
Textausgabe f comp.
Textausgabe auf Papier
text output
text output on paper
Zusatztext m
Zusatztexte pl
additional text
additional texts
äußere Textmerkmale pl ling. lit.
bibliographic elements of the text
etw. aufpeppen (bspw. einen Text) ugs.
to leaven sth. (e.g. a text) fig.
etw. aufpeppen v (z. B. einen Text) ugs.
to leaven sth. (e.g. a text) fig.
Lückentext m ling.
gap-fill text; fill-in-the-blank text
Kurz-; gekürzt adj (Text Geschichte...)
potted {adj} Br. (a text story...)
Begleittext m
Begleittexte pl
accompanying text
accompanying texts
Lesetext m
Lesetexte pl
reading text
reading texts; readings
einrücken, einziehen v (Text)
einrückend, einziehend
eingerückt, eingezogen
to indent (text)
einrücken; einziehen v (Text)
einrückend; einziehend
eingerückt; eingezogen
to indent (text)
(einem Text) den letzten Schliff geben
to put the finishing touches (to a text)
Klartextbelegdrucker m comp.
Klartextbelegdrucker pl
plain-text printer
plain-text printers
Blindtext m; Platzhaltertext m
filler text; placeholder text; dummy text
Textkommunikation f
text communication; written communication
Klartextbeleg m; Klarschriftbeleg m comp.
Klartextbelege pl; Klarschriftbelege pl
plain-text document
plain-text documents
Texteingabe f; Texterfassung f comp.
text input; entering of text; text capture
Textstelle f
Textstellen pl
passage in the text
passages in the text
Rechtstext m ling.
Rechtstexte pl
in einem Rechtstext
legal text
legal texts
in a legal text
Textpassage f; Passage f; Textabschnitt m; Abschnitt m; Textteil m
Textpassagen pl; Passagen pl; Textabschnitte pl; Abschnitte pl; Textteile pl
passage in the text
passages in the text
Passus m (Teilbestimmung in einem Regelungstext) jur.
passage (part-provision in a regulating text)
Schwärzung f; Schwärzen n; Unkenntlichmachen n (von Textpassagen)
blacking out; redaction (of passages in a text)
Text durch Auslassungspunkte kürzen v
Einige Zeilen wurden gekürzt.
to ellipsize text
Some lines were ellipsized.
Gesetzestext m jur.
legislative text; text of a law; text of the Act
Textverarbeitungsprogramm n comp.
Textverarbeitungsprogramme pl
text processing program
text processing programs
Textumbruch m
Textumbrüche pl
wordwrap, text wrapping
wordwraps, text wrappings
Klartext m; Klarschrift f (unverschlüsselter Text) comp.
plain text; clear text; uncoded text; plain writing
Textumbruch m
Textumbrüche pl
wordwrap; text wrapping
wordwraps; text wrappings
Doxologie f; Lobpreis m Gottes in einem liturgischen Gebetstext relig.
doxology; praise to God in a liturgical prayer text
Byzantinischer Reichstext m; Mehrheitstext m (des Neuen Testaments) ling. relig.
Byzantine text; majority text (of the New Testament)
Chrestomathie f (Textsammlung für Unterrichtszwecke)
chrestomathy (text collection for teaching purposes)
Buchstaben Text sperren; gesperrt setzen v comp. print
sperrend; gesperrt setzend
gesperrt; gesperrt gesetzt
to space out letters text
spacing out
spaced out
Hinweistext m
Hinweistexte pl
information text; legend
information texts; legends
einen Text diktieren v adm.
einen Text diktierend
einen Text diktiert
to dictate a text
dictating a text
dictated a text
Textblock m comp.
Textbausteine pl
text block; block of text
text blocks; blocks of text
Klartextbelegleser m comp.
Klartextbelegleser pl
plain-text document reader
plain-text document readers
Volltextdatenbank f
Volltextdatenbanken pl
full text data base system
full text data base systems
Textvorlage f
Textvorlagen pl
text template; source text
text templates; source texts
Zentrierung f; mittige Anordnung f (von Text) comp. print
centring Br.; centreing Br.; centering Am. (of text)
Befehlszeilenergänzung f; Tab-Vervollständigung f (Texteingabefunktion) comp.
command-line completion; tab completion (text input function)

Deutsche Text Synonyme

Einrückung  ÂEinzug  (Text)  
Literatur  ÂSchriftwerk  ÂText  
Liedertext  ÂLiedtext  ÂLyrics  ÂSongtext  ÂText  
text  abecedarium  abecedary  abstract  acknowledgments  adage  advance sheets  advertising matter  alphabet book  ana  

Englische text Synonyme

text  abecedarium  abecedary  abstract  acknowledgments  adage  advance sheets  advertising matter  alphabet book  ana  analects  aphorism  apothegm  argument  arrangement  article  axiom  back  back matter  basis  bastard title  battledore  bibliography  book  burden  byword  case  casebook  catch line  catchword  chapter  clause  collected sayings  colophon  composite reading  concern  conflation  consideration  content  contents  contents page  continuity  copy  copyright page  critical edition  cue  current saying  dedication  dictate  dictum  diplomatic text  distich  draft  edited text  edition  endleaf  endpaper  endsheet  epigram  errata  essence  exercise book  expression  extract  fascicle  flyleaf  focus  focus of attention  focus of interest  folio  fore edge  foreword  front matter  fundamentals  gathering  gist  gnome  golden saying  gradus  grammar  half-title page  head  heading  hornbook  hymnal  hymnbook  idea  imprint  index  inscription  instrumental score  introduction  issue  leaf  lection  letterpress  libretto  line  lines  living issue  lute tablature  main point  makeup  manual  manual of instruction  matter  matter in hand  maxim  meat  moral  mot  motif  motive  motto  music  music paper  music roll  musical notation  musical score  normalized text  notation  number  opera  opera score  oracle  orchestral score  page  paragraph  part  passage  phrase  piano score  pithy saying  playbook  point  point at issue  point in question  precept  preface  preliminaries  prescript  primer  printed matter  problem  proverb  proverbial saying  proverbs  question  quotation  reader  reading  reading matter  recto  rendering  rendition  reverso  rubric  running title  saw  saying  scenario  scene plot  scholarly edition  schoolbook  score  script  section  sentence  sententious expression  sheet  sheet music  shooting script  short score  side  signature  sloka  songbook  songster  speller  spelling book  stock saying  subject  subject matter  subject  
textbook  abecedarium  abecedary  alphabet book  battledore  casebook  exercise book  gradus  grammar  hornbook  manual  manual of instruction  primer  reader  schoolbook  speller  spelling book  t  text  workbook  
textile  braided  cloth  drapery  dry goods  enlaced  entwined  etoffe  fabric  felt  fretted  goods  handwoven  interknit  interlaced  interthreaded  intertied  intertissued  intertwined  interwoven  knit  lace  laced  leather goods  leatherware  linens  loomed  material  napery  plaited  platted  pleached  raddled  rag  silk  soft goods  sporting goods  sportswear  stuff  textile fabric  textiles  texture  tissu  tissue  twined  weave  web  weft  white goods  woof  wool  woven  wreathed  yard goods  
textual  Biblical  Christian  Gospel  Mosaic  New-Testament  Old-Testament  accepted  apocalyptic  apostolic  approved  authentic  authoritative  canonical  conventional  correct  customary  evangelic  evangelical  evangelistic  faithful  firm  gospel  inspired  literal  of the faith  orthodox  orthodoxical  proper  prophetic  received  revealed  revelational  right  scriptural  sound  standard  textuary  theopneustic  traditional  traditionalistic  true  true-blue  
texture  anatomy  arabesque  architectonics  architecture  arrangement  basketry  basketwork  being  braiding  build  building  cancellation  character  cloth  composition  configuration  conformation  consistency  constitution  construction  creation  cross-hatching  crossing-out  drapery  enlacement  entwinement  entwining  essentiality  etoffe  fabric  fabrication  fashion  fashioning  features  feel  felt  fiber  filigree  forging  form  format  formation  frame  framework  fret  fretwork  getup  goods  grain  grate  grating  grid  gridiron  grille  grillwork  hachure  hatching  interknitting  interlacement  interlacery  interlacing  intertexture  interthreading  intertieing  intertwinement  intertwining  intertwisting  interweavement  interweaving  knitting  lace  lacery  lacework  lacing  lattice  latticework  make  makeup  making  manufacture  material  mesh  meshes  meshwork  mold  molding  napery  nature  net  netting  network  organic structure  organism  organization  pattern  patterning  physique  plaiting  plan  plexure  plexus  production  raddle  rag  reticle  reticulation  reticule  reticulum  riddle  scheme  screen  screening  setup  shape  shaping  sieve  silk  structure  structuring  stuff  substance  surface  tectonics  textile  textile fabric  tissu  tissue  tracery  trellis  trelliswork  twining  twisting  warp and woof  warpage  wattle  weave  weaving  web  webbing  webwork  weft  weftage  wicker  wickerwork  woof  wool  wreathing  
textured  broken  bumpy  choppy  coarse  coarse-grained  corrugated  cross-grained  grainy  granulated  homespun  horripilant  inequal  irregular  jolty  linsey-woolsey  pimply  pitted  pocky  potholed  rank  ripply  rough  rough-cast  rough-grained  rough-hewn  ruffled  rutted  rutty  shagged  shaggy  textural  uneven  unkempt  unlevel  unpolished  unrefined  unsmooth  ununiform  wimpled  

text Definition

(n.) A blundering preacher.
(n.) A discourse or composition on which a note or commentary is written
(n.) The four Gospels, by way of distinction or eminence.
(n.) A verse or passage of Scripture, especially one chosen as the subject of a sermon, or in proof of a doctrine.
(n.) Hence, anything chosen as the subject of an argument, literary composition, or the like
(n.) A style of writing in large characters
(v. t.) To write in large characters, as in text hand.
(n.) A book with wide spaces between the lines, to give room for notes.
(n.) A volume, as of some classical author, on which a teacher lectures or comments
(n.) A large hand in writing

text Bedeutung

written text
something written, especially copied from one medium to another, as a typewritten version of dictation
textual matter
the words of something written, there were more than a thousand words of text, they handed out the printed text of the mayor's speech, he wants to reconstruct the original text
text the main body of a written work (as distinct from illustrations or footnotes etc.), pictures made the text easier to understand
machine-displayable text electronic text that is stored and used in the form of a digital image
machineeadable text electronic text that is stored as strings of characters and that can be displayed in a variety of formats
electronic text text that is in a form that computer can store or display on a computer screen
text text edition
school text
a book prepared for use in schools or colleges, his economics textbook is in its tenth edition, the professor wrote the text that he assigned students to buy
sacred text
sacred writing
religious writing
religious text
writing that is venerated for the worship of a deity
text file
(computer science) a computer file that contains text (and possibly formatting instructions) using seven-bit ASCII characters
ASCII text file a text file that contains only ASCII characters without special formatting
text editor (computer science) an application that can be used to create and view and edit text files
text-matching a computer program that looks for text that matches a given text, Google uses text-matching to find web pages containing a particular text
text a passage from the Bible that is used as the subject of a sermon, the preacher chose a text from Psalms to introduce his sermon
copy editor
text editor
an editor who prepares text for publication
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