
three phase Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

zweiphasig adj
Phasenverschiebung f
phase angle
multi phase
phase shift
Flutphase f geogr. phys.
flood phase
Phasenraum m; Zustandsraum m math.
phase space
Startphase f
start phase
Mischphase f chem. phys.
mixed phase
einphasig adj
Phasenverlust m
einphasig, einphasige
single phase
Dampfphase f
vapour phase
Phasenrand m; Phasenreserve f
phase margin
Eintagsfliege f übtr., kein Dauerzustand
passing phase
Phasendiagramm n
phase diagram
Eintagsfliege f übtr.; kein Dauerzustand
passing phase
Konzeptphase f; Konzeptstadium n
concept phase
Arbeitsphase f
Arbeitsphase f
Phase f electr.
Phasen pl
Phasenfrequenzgang m
phase response
Umkehrphase f
reversed phase
Richtungstaktschrift (PE)
phase encoding
Phasengang m
phase response
Phasenschwingung f; Pendeln n von Synchronmaschinen electr.
phase swinging
Phasendreieck n phys.
phase triangle
Phasengeschwindigkeit f phys. telco.
phase velocity
Belebungsstufe f
activated phase
phasengleich adj (mit)
in phase (with)
Phasenfolge f
phase follow-up
phasenmoduliert adj
Pubertätsphase f
adolescent phase
symbolischer Abschnittsname
alias phase name
phase modulation
Jahrsiebt n psych.
septennial phase
Boom m; Boomphase f
boom; boom phase
Phasenübergang m (Änderung des Aggregatszustands) phys. techn.
phase transition
Phasenseparation f phys.
phase separation
Drehstromantrieb m
three-phase drive
Konvergenzphase f
convergence phase
Phasengleichgewicht n
phase equilibrium
phase locked loop
Richtungstaktschrift f
phase encoding PE
Bauphase f
construction phase
Drehstromsystem n
three-phase system
phasenanschnittsteuerbar adj
intermediate phase
Anschnittsteuerung f
phase angle control
Doppelwährungsphase f
dual currency phase
Drehstrommaschine f
three-phase machine
Mehrphasenstrom m
multi phase current
Phasenanschnittsteuerung f
phase angle control
Phasenausfallrelais n techn.
phase failure relay
Phasenshiftverfahren n
phase shift process
Richtungstaktschrift f
phase encoding (PE)
multi phase current
three-phase current
Mehrphasenstrom m electr.
multi phase current
Richtungstaktschrift f
phase encoding PE
gegenphasig adv techn.
in phase opposition
Datentransferphase f
data transfer phase
Ein-Phasen-Bereich m phys. techn.
single-phase region
Phasenregelung f; Phasenkompensation f; Phasenverbesserung f electr.
phase-shift control
Phasenumwandlung f
phase transformation
Phasor m; Zeiger m; komplexe Amplitude f; Amplitudenvektor m electr.
phasor; phase vector
phasengleich adj (mit etw.) electr.
in phase (with sth.)
Dampfphasenlötung f
vapor phase soldering
Einphasentransformator m
one-phase transformer
dreiphasig adj
three-phase, triphase
Lag-Phase f; Lag-Periode f (Wachstumsverzögerung bei Mikroorganismen im Substrat) biol.
lag phase; lag period
Festphasenextraktion f
Solid phase extraction
mehrphasig adj
polyphase, multi-phase
phasenverschoben adj
out of phase, dephased
mehrphasig adj
polyphase; multi-phase
phasenverschoben adj
out of phase; dephased
statorloser Phasenkompensator m electr.
expedor-phase advancer
Hochphase f
peak stage; boom phase
Drehstromtransformator m
three-phase transformer
Gaschromatograph m chem.
gas-phase chromatograph
phase-to-neutral voltage
Hauptphase f
Hauptphasen pl
main phase
main phases
Flegelalter n psych.
awkward adolescent phase
Phasenwechselmaterial n
phase-change material PCM
Dreiphasengrenze f (Brennstoffzelle) chem.
triple phase boundary TPB
Alarmstufe f
Alarmstufen pl
alert phase
alert phases
Phasentrennung f
Phasentrennungen pl
phase break
phase breaks
Drehstrombrückenschaltung f electr. techn.
three-phase bridge circuit
voreilen v electr.
in Phase voreilen
to lead
to lead in phase
Drehstrombrückenschaltung f electr.
three-phase bridge circuit
Phasengrenze f
phase boundary, phase limit
Phasenwechselmaterial n
phase-change material PCM
Planungsstufe f
Planungsstufen pl
design phase
design phases
Zielphase f
Zielphasen pl
target phase
target phases
Aufbauphase f (Bodybuilding) sport
bulking phase (bodybuilding)
Definitionsphase f (Bodybuilding) sport
cutting phase (bodybuilding)
Phasensensor m
Phasensensoren pl
phase sensor
phase sensors
Phasen-Doppler-Anemometrie f PDA techn.
Phase Doppler Anemometry PDA
Drehstrom-Asynchronmaschine f electr.
three-phase induction machine
Warmlaufphase f
warm-up phase; warm-up period
Lebensphase f
phase of life; period of life
Ruhephase f
Ruhephasen pl
resting phase
resting phases
Trotzphase n
Trotzphasen pl
defiant phase
defiant phases
Phase f electr.
Phasen pl
nacheilende Phase
lagging phase
Phasen-Doppler-Anemometrie f PDA techn.
Phase Doppler Anemometry PDA
Phasendiagramm n
Phasendiagramme pl
phase diagram
phase diagrams
Plateauphase f psych. med.
Plateauphasen pl
plateau phase
plateau phases
Startphase f (Raumfahrt)
launching phase (astronautics)
Trotzphase f
Trotzphasen pl
defiant phase
defiant phases
Findungsphase f
finding phase; discovery phase
Baubetriebsplanung f
planning the construction phase
Drehstrom-Asynchronmotoren pl mach.
three-phase Asynchronous motors
dreiphasig adj
three-phase; triphase; 3-phased
Startphase f auto
Auslaufphase f
start-up phase
run-down phase
gegenphasig adj (mit etw.) electr. phys.
in phase opposition (with sth.)
Aufbauphase f
Aufbauphasen pl
building phase
building phases
Drehstromgetriebemotor m
three-phase current geared motor
Einphasenwechselstrom m electr.
single phase alternating current
Notstufe f aviat.
Notstufen pl
distress phase
distress phases
Anlaufzeit f econ.
start-up period; phase-in period
Orgasmusphase f psych. med.
Orgasmusphasen pl
orgasmic phase
orgasmic phases
Phasensteller m auto
Phasensteller pl
phase adjuster
phase adjusters
Umkehrphase f
Umkehrphasen pl
reversed phase
reversed phases
Drehstromgenerator m
alternator, three-phase generator
Ãœbergangsphase f
transitional phase, interim phase
stationäre Phase f (Chromatografie) chem.
stationary phase (chromatography)
Phasenlage f
phase, phase shift, phase relation
Phasenlage f
phase; phase shift; phase relation
Wetterphase f meteo.
Wetterphasen pl
weather phase WPH
weather phases
Sprechphase f
Sprechphasen pl
phase of speech
phases of speech
Phasenkonzept n
concept of phases; phase conception
Erlebnisphase f
Erlebnisphasen pl
experience phase
experience phases
Neuordnungsphase f, Umbruchphase f
Neuordnungsphasen pl, Umbruchphasen pl
rebuilding phase
rebuilding phases
Vorbereitungsphase f
preparation phase, preparation stage
Erregungsphase f psych. med.
Erregungsphasen pl
excitement phase
excitement phases
Neuordnungsphase f; Umbruchphase f
Neuordnungsphasen pl; Umbruchphasen pl
rebuilding phase
rebuilding phases
Phasendifferenz f
Phasendifferenzen pl
phase difference
phase differences
Rückbildungsphase f psych. med.
Rückbildungsphasen pl
resolution phase
resolution phases
Strangspannung f electr.
phase voltage; phase-element voltage
Strangstrom f electr.
phase current; phase-element current
Trennphase f chem.
Trennphasen pl
separation phase
separation phases
Wetterphase f meteo.
Wetterphasen pl
weather phase WPH
weather phases
nacheilen v (in der Phase) electr.
to lag (in phase)
Entspannungsphase f
Entspannungsphasen pl
relaxation phase
relaxation phases

three phase Definition

(n.) That which is exhibited to the eye
(n.) Any appearance or aspect of an object of mental apprehension or view
(n.) A particular appearance or state in a regularly recurring cycle of changes with respect to quantity of illumination or form of enlightened disk
(n.) Any one point or portion in a recurring series of changes, as in the changes of motion of one of the particles constituting a wave or vibration

three phase Bedeutung

phase space (physics) an ideal space in which the coordinate dimensions represent the variables that are required to describe a system or substance, a multidimensional phase space
phase I clinical trial
phase I
a clinical trial on a few persons to determine the safety of a new drug or invasive medical device, for drugs, dosage or toxicity limits should be obtained
phase II clinical trial
phase II
a clinical trial on more persons than in phase I, intended to evaluate the efficacy of a treatment for the condition it is intended to treat, possible side effects are monitored
phase III clinical trial
phase III
a large clinical trial of a treatment or drug that in phase I and phase II has been shown to be efficacious with tolerable side effects, after successful conclusion of these clinical trials it will receive formal approval from the FDA
phase IV clinical trial
phase IV
sometimes the FDA approves a drug for general use but requires the manufacturer to continue to monitor its effects, during this phase the drug may be tried on slightly different patient populations than those studied in earlier trials
preclinical trial
preclinical test
preclinical phase
a laboratory test of a new drug or a new invasive medical device on animal subjects, conducted to gather evidence justifying a clinical trial
phase-out the act or instance of a planned discontinuation
phase (astronomy) the particular appearance of a body's state of illumination (especially one of the recurring shapes of the part of Earth's moon that is illuminated by the sun), the full phase of the moon
phase modulation
modulation of the phase of the carrier wave
phase change
phase transition
state change
physical change
a change from one state (solid or liquid or gas) to another without a change in chemical composition
phase of cell division a stage in meiosis or mitosis
(physical chemistry) a distinct state of matter in a system, matter that is identical in chemical composition and physical state and separated from other material by the phase boundary, the reaction occurs in the liquid phase of the system
dispersed phase
dispersed particles
(of colloids) a substance in the colloidal state
dispersing phase
dispersion medium
dispersing medium
(of colloids) a substance in which another is colloidally dispersed
anal stage
anal phase
(psychoanalysis) the second sexual and social stage of a child's development during which bowel control is learned
genital stage
genital phase
(psychoanalysis) the fifth sexual and social stage in a person's development occurring during adolescence, interest focuses on sexual activity
latency stage
latency phase
latency period
(psychoanalysis) the fourth period (from about age or until puberty) during which sexual interests are supposed to be sublimated into other activities
oral stage
oral phase
(psychoanalysis) the first sexual and social stage of an infant's development, the mouth is the focus of the libido and satisfaction comes from suckling and chewing and biting
phallic stage
phallic phase
(psychoanalysis) the third stage in a child's development when awareness of and manipulation of the genitals is supposed to be a primary source of pleasure
phase of the moon a time when the Moon presents a particular recurring appearance
new moon
new phase of the moon
the time at which the Moon appears as a narrow waxing crescent
full moon
full phase of the moon
the time when the Moon is fully illuminated, the moon is at the full
fertile period
fertile phase
the time in the menstrual cycle when fertilization is most likely to be possible ( days before to days after ovulation)
menstrual phase the phase of the menstrual cycle during which the lining of the uterus is shed (the first day of menstrual flow is considered day of the menstrual cycle)
secretory phase
luteal phase
the second half of the menstrual cycle after ovulation, the corpus luteum secretes progesterone which prepares the endometrium for the implantation of an embryo, if fertilization does not occur then menstrual flow begins
phase phase angle a particular point in the time of a cycle, measured from some arbitrary zero and expressed as an angle
any distinct time period in a sequence of events, we are in a transitional stage in which many former ideas must be revised or rejected
phase adjust so as to be in a synchronized condition, he phased the intake with the output of the machine
phase in introduce gradually
phase out terminate gradually
phase arrange in phases or stages, phase a withdrawal
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