
through the lens Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Objektiv (phot.)
Objektiv n photo.
lens hood
Sonnenblende f
lens hood
Brillentuch n
lens cloth
contact lens
Linsenstrom m techn.
lens current
Linse f
Linsen pl
Sichtfeld n photo.
lens coverage
ancillary lens
telephoto lens
Vorsatzlinse f
ancillary lens
Schlussleuchtenscheibe f
rear lamp lens
Scheinwerferscheibe f
head-lamp lens
Zoomobjektiv n; Gummilinse f photo.
zoom; zoom lens
Weitwinkelobjektiv n photo.
Zoomobjektiv n, Gummilinse f photo.
zoom, zoom lens
opacity of lens
Achromat-Linse f
achromatic lens
Linsenausleuchtung f (Optik)
lens irradiation
Eislinse f
Eislinsen pl
ice lens
ice lenses
Augenlinsenvorfall m; Linsendislokation f med.
dislocation of the lens
Varioobjektiv n photo.
Varioobjektive pl
zoom lens
zoom lenses
Ringlinse; Fresnel-Gürtellinse f phys.
Ringlinse; Fresnel-Gürtellinsen pl
drum lens
drum lenses
Zweilinsen-Spiegelreflexkamera f photo.
twin-lens (reflex) camera
Optik f; Linsensystem n techn.
Optiken pl; Linsensysteme pl
lens system
lens systems
Lichtstärke f; maximales Öffnungsverhältnis n (eines Objektivs) (Optik)
speed (of a lens) (optics)
Sammellinse f, Konvexlinse f
converging lens, convex lens
Zweistärkenglas n (Brille)
Zweistärkengläser pl
bifocal lens
bifocal lenses
Kristallinse f (des Auges) anat.
crystalline lens (of the eye)
Fischaugen-Objektiv n photo.
Fischaugen-Objektive pl
fisheye lens
fisheye lenses
Kunststoffglas n (Brille)
Kunststoffgläser pl
plastic lens
plastic lenses
Scheinwerferglas n auto
Scheinwerfergläser pl
headlamp lens
headlamp lenss
Brillenstärke f; (optische) Glasstärke f
glasses strength; lens strength
Gegenlichtblende f
lens shade; lens hood; sunshade
Abbildungsgleichung f; Newton'sche Linsengleichung f (Optik) phys.
Newton's lens equation (optics)
Dreistärkenglas n (Brille)
Dreistärkengläser pl
trifocal lens
trifocal lenses
Linsenstecker m; Linsenkopplung f (bei Lichtwellenleitern)
lens connector (in lightguides)
fototrop adj
fototropes Glas (Brille)
photochromic lens
Vorsatzlinse f
Vorsatzlinsen pl
ancillary lens
ancillary lenses
Abbildungsoptik f (Linsensystem) (Optik)
optical imaging unit (lens system)
Weitwinkelobjektiv n photo.
Weitwinkelobjektive pl
achsensymmetrisch adj (Optik)
achsensymmetrisches Brillenglas
spherical (optics)
spherical lens
Multifokalglas n (für eine Brille)
Multifokalgläser pl
multifocal lens
multifocal lenses
Fassung f; Träger m (Optik)
Fassungen pl; Träger pl
Linsenfassung f
mount (optics)
lens mount
Kollimationslinse f phys.
Kollimationslinsen pl
collimating lens
collimating lenses
frontal adj; Frontal…
mit frontalem Lichtaustritt
frontal; head-on
with front lens cap
frontal adj; Frontal...
mit frontalem Lichtaustritt
frontal; head-on
with front lens cap
Silikatglas n (Brille)
Silikatgläser pl
photochromic lens
photochromic lenses
Gravitationslinse f astron. techn.
Gravitationslinsen pl
gravitational lens
gravitational lenses
Einstärkenglas n (für eine Brille)
Einstärkengläser pl
single vision lens
single vision lenses
Einstärkenglas n (Brille)
Einstärkengläser pl
single vision lens
single vision lenses
Linsenreflexion f; Blendenfleck m (Fotografie, Film) photo.
Linsenreflexionen pl; Blendenflecke pl
lens flare (photography, film)
lens flares
lentikular; linsenförmig adj
lenticular; lentiform; lenslike; lens-shaped
Teleobjektiv n
Teleobjektive pl
telephoto, telephoto lens
telephoto lenses
Teleobjektiv n photo.
Teleobjektive pl
telephoto; telephoto lens
telephoto lenses
Kontaktlinsenoptiker m; Kontaktlinsenoptikerin f
Kontaktlinsenoptiker pl; Kontaktlinsenoptikerinnen pl
contact lens optician
contact lens opticians
Kontaktlinse f
Kontaktlinsen pl
contact lens
contact lenses, contacts coll.
Zweischalenfehler m; Astigmatismus m (Linsenfehler) (Optik)
Astigmatismus schiefer Bündel
astigmatism (lens defect)
oblique astigmatism
Zweistärkenlinse f
Zweistärkenlinsen pl
bifocal; bifocal lens
bifocals; bifocal lenses
Weichzeichnerlinse f; Weichzeichnerobjektiv n (Foto Film)
Weichzeichnerlinsen pl; Weichzeichnerobjektiven pl
soft-focus lens (photo film)
soft-focus lenses
Sonnenblende f photo.
Sonnenblenden pl
lens hood; viewing hood
lens hoods; viewing hoods
Dreistärkenlinse f
Dreistärkenlinsen pl
trifocal; trifocal lens
trifocals; trifocal lenses
Dreistärkenlinse f
Dreistärkenlinsen pl
trifocal, trifocal lens
trifocals, trifocal lenses
Schnellwechselobjektiv n
Schnellwechselobjektive pl
quick-change object lens
quick-change object lenses
Kontaktlinsenpflegemittel n
Kontaktlinsenpflegemittel pl
contact lens care product
contact lens care products
Belichtungsmessung f durchs Objektiv; TTL-Belichtungsmessung f photo.
through-the-lens exposure metering; TTL exposure metering
Zerstreuungslinse f, Konkavlinse f
diverging lens, divergent lens, dispersing lens, concave lens
Sammellinse f; Konvexlinse f
Sammellinsen pl; Konvexlinsen pl
converging lens; convex lens
converging lenses; convex lenses
Kontaktlinse f
Kontaktlinsen pl
contact lens; contact coll.
contact lenses; contacts coll.
gestaffelte Anordnung f; gestaffelter Ablauf m; Staffelung f
gestaffelte Linsenantenne
Staffelbetrieb m; Staffelung f telco.
Gegensprechen in Staffelschaltung telco.
echelon lens antenna
echelon working
echelon duplex
Objektiv n photo.
Objektive pl
lens; objective lens; objective
lenses; objective lenses; objectives
Fokussierlinse f (Optik) phys.
Fokussierlinsen pl
focusing lens; focussing lens (optics)
focusing lenses; focussing lenses
Linsenreinigungstuch n (Optik)
Linsenreinigungstücher pl
lens cleaning cloth; lens cloth (optics)
lens cleaning cloths; lens cloths
Lupe f; Vergrößerungsglas n
Lupen pl; Vergrößerungsgläser pl
stark vergrößernde Lupe
magnifying glass; magnifier; hand lens
magnifiers; hand lenses
high magnifier
Landschaftslinse f; Achromat-Linse f (Fotografie)
Landschaftslinsen pl; Achromat-Linsen pl
landscape lens; achromatic lens (photography)
landscape lenses; achromatic lenses
Weichzeichner m (Foto Film)
soft-focus lens; light-diffusing screen; diffusing screen; butter worker coll. (photo film)
Schnittweite f eines Objektivs (Optik)
konjugierte Schnittweite
back focal distance; back focal length of a lens (optics)
conjugate distance; conjugate length
Augenlinse f anat.
Augenlinsen pl
Konvergenzlinse f
crystalline lens of the eye; eye lens
crystalline lenses of the eye; eye lenses
converging lens
Brillenglas n, Glas n
Brillengläser pl, Gläser pl
hochbrechendes Glas
spectacles glass, ophthalmic lens, lens
spectacles glasses, ophthalmic lenses, lenses
high-index lens
Spiegelreflexkamera f; SR-Kamera f photo.
Spiegelreflexkameras pl
reflex camera; single lens reflex camera; SLR camera
reflex cameras; single lens reflex cameras; SLR cameras
Sammellinse f; Konvexlinse f (Optik) phys.
Sammellinsen pl; Konvexlinsen pl
converging lens; convex lens; bull's eye lens coll. (optics)
converging lenses; convex lenses; bull's eye lenses
Gleitsichtglas n (Brille)
Gleitsichtgläser pl
progressive lens, progressive addition lens, varifocal lens
progressive lenses, progressive addition lenses, varifocal lenses
Gleitsichtglas n; Progressivglas n (für eine Brille)
Gleitsichtgläser pl; Progressivgläser pl
varifocal lens; progressive addition lens; progressive lens
varifocal lenses; progressive addition lenses; progressive lenses
Zerstreuungslinse f; Konkavlinse f
Zerstreuungslinsen pl; Konkavlinsen pl
diverging lens; divergent lens; dispersing lens; concave lens
diverging lenses; divergent lenses; dispersing lenses; concave lenses
Linse f (Optik)
Linsen pl
asphärische Linse
bikonvexe Linse
kleine Linse
plankonvexe Linse
lens (optics)
aspheric lens; asphere
biconvex lens; double-convex lens
plano-convex lens; simple convex lens
Lupe f; Vergrößerungsglas n
Lupen pl; Vergrößerungsgläser pl
Leuchtlupe f
stark vergrößernde Lupe
Vergrößerungsglas mit Ständer hist.
magnifying glass; magnifier; hand lens
magnifiers; hand lenses
illuminated magnifier
high magnifier
bullseye magnifying glass; bull's eye
Brillenputztuch n
Brillenputztücher pl
feuchtes Brillenputztuch
eyeglass cleaning cloth; lens cleaning cloth (for glasses)
eyeglass cleaning clothes; lens cleaning clothes (for glasses)
eyeglass cleaning wipe
Linse f (Optik)
Linsen pl
asphärische Linse
bikonvexe Linse
kleine Linse
plankonvexe Linse
lens (optics)
aspheric lens; asphere
biconvex lens; double-convex lens
Fresnel lens
plano-convex lens; simple convex lens
Okular n (eines optischen Instruments)
Okulare pl
Okular mit Dioptrieneinstellung
eyepiece; ocular lens; ocular (of an optical instrument)
eyepieces; ocular lenses; oculars
diopter-adjustable eyepiece; eypepiece with diopter adjustment
Kontaktlinse f; Haftschale f veraltend
Kontaktlinsen pl; Haftschalen pl
harte Kontaktlinsen
weiche Kontaktlinsen
Anpassung von Kontaktlinsen
flach sitzende Linsen
steil sitzende Linsen
contact lens
contact lenses; contacts coll.
rigid contact lenses
soft contact lenses
fitting of contact lenses
flat-fitting lenses
steep-fitting lenses
Belichtungsmessung f photo.
Belichtungsmessung durchs Objektiv; TTL-Belichtungsmessung f
Mehrfeld-Belichtungsmessung; Mehrfeldmessung f
exposure metering measurement reading; exposure meter reading; measuring exposure
through-the-lens exposure metering; TTL exposure metering
evaluative metering (Canon)
Objektiv n photo.
Objektive pl
Objektiv mit Festbrennweite
Weichzeichnerobjektiv n; Weichzeichner m
Zerrobjektiv n; Zerroptik f; Anamorphotobjektiv n; Anamorphot m
lens; objective lens; objective
lenses; objective lenses; objectives
prime lens
soft-focus lens
distorting lens; anamorphic lens; anamorphotic lens; anamorphote lens
Kameraverschluss m; Blendenverschluss m; Blende f; Verschluss m photo.
Kameraverschlüsse pl; Blendenverschlüsse pl; Blenden pl; Verschlüsse pl
Schlitzverschluss m
Lamellenverschluss m; Lamellenblende f
rotierender Verschluss
Ãœberblendungsblende f
Zwischenlinsenverschluss m
focal-plane shutter
lamellar shutter; leaf-type shutter; leaf shutter
revolving rotating rotative rotary shutter
dissolving shutter
between-the-lens shutter
Brillenglas n; Glas n
Brillengläser pl; Gläser pl
entspiegeltes Glas
hochbrechendes Glas
vergütetes Glas
Korrekturglas n
Minusglas n
Plusglas n
Glas mit verlaufender Tönung
Brillenglas mit dreieinhalb Zoll Wölbungsradius
Brillenglas mit sieben Zoll Wölbungsradius
spectacles glass; ophthalmic lens; lens
spectacles glasses; ophthalmic lenses; lenses
anti-reflection coated lens; AR coated lens; bloomed lens; lumenized lens
high-index lens
coated lens
correction lens
minus power lens
plus power lens
graduated tint lens
coquille lens
micoquille lens
Brillenglas n; Glas n (Optik)
Brillengläser pl; Gläser pl
afokales Brillenglas; Nullglas n
entspiegeltes Glas
hochbrechendes Glas
vergütetes Glas
Korrekturglas n
Minusglas n
Plusglas n
Glas mit verlaufender Tönung
Brillenglas mit dreieinhalb Zoll Wölbungsradius
Brillenglas mit sieben Zoll Wölbungsradius
spectacles glass; ophthalmic lens; lens (optics)
spectacles glasses; ophthalmic lenses; lenses
afocal lens; plano lens
anti-reflection coated lens; AR coated lens; bloomed lens; lumenized lens
high-index lens
coated lens
correction lens
minus power lens
plus power lens
graduated tint lens
coquille lens
micoquille lens
Blende f (optisches Instrument)
Blenden pl
Öffnungsblende f; Aperturblende f
Gesichtsfeldblende f; Feldblende f
fokussierte Blende
Hartmann'sche Blende
kritische Blende
Lamellenblende f; Irisblende f
lochförmige Blende
natürliche Blende
telezentrische Blende
diaphragm stop; lens stop; diaphragm; stop (optical instrument)
diaphragm stops; lens stops; diaphragms; stops
aperture diaphragm; aperture stop
field stop; flare stop
focussed diaphragm; focused diaphragm
Hartmann diaphragm
critical diaphragm; critical aperture
lamellar diaphragm; iris diaphragm
pinhole diaphragm; pinhole; pseudo-lens
natural diaphragm
telecentric stop

through the lens Definition

Fresnel lens
() See under Lens.
(n.) A piece of glass, or other transparent substance, ground with two opposite regular surfaces, either both curved, or one curved and the other plane, and commonly used, either singly or combined, in optical instruments, for changing the direction of rays of light, and thus magnifying objects, or otherwise modifying vision. In practice, the curved surfaces are usually spherical, though rarely cylindrical, or of some other figure.

through the lens Bedeutung

accommodating lens implant
accommodating IOL
a lens implant containing a hinge that allows for both near and far vision (thus mimicking the natural lens of a young person)
achromatic lens a compound lens system that forms an image free from chromatic aberration
anastigmatic lens a lens designed to correct astigmatism
camera lens
optical lens
a lens that focuses the image in a camera
closeup lens a photographic lens with a short focal length used to take pictures at short ranges
compound lens a lens system consisting of two or more lenses on the same axis
contact contact lens a thin curved glass or plastic lens designed to fit over the cornea in order to correct vision or to deliver medication
converging lens
convex lens
lens such that a beam of light passing through it is brought to a point or focus
crown lens a lens made of optical crown glass
diverging lens
concave lens
a lens such that a parallel beam of light passing through it is caused to diverge or spread out
field lens the lens that is farthest from the eye in an optical device with more than one lens
Fresnel lens lens composed of a number of small lenses arranged to make a lightweight lens of large diameter and short focal length
hood lens hood a tubular attachment used to keep stray light out of the lens of a camera
intraocular lens an artificial lens that is implanted into the eye of someone to replace a damaged natural lens or someone who has had a cataract removed
lens system
a transparent optical device used to converge or diverge transmitted light and to form images
lens electron lens electronic equipment that uses a magnetic or electric field in order to focus a beam of electrons
lens cap
lens cover
cap used to keep lens free of dust when not in use
lens implant
interocular lens implant
a clear plastic lens that is implanted in the eye, usually done when the natural lens has been removed in a cataract operation
monofocal lens implant
monofocal IOL
a lens with a single focus that is used after cataract surgery to provide clear distance vision
multifocal lens implant
multifocal IOL
a type of lens implant that contains several rings with a common center and adjusts for near or far vision, the eye is in focus for near and far vision simultaneously
objective lens
object lens
object glass
the lens or system of lenses in a telescope or microscope that is nearest the object being viewed
portrait lens a compound camera lens with a relatively high aperture
telephoto lens
zoom lens
a camera lens that magnifies the image
wide-angle lens
fisheye lens
a camera lens having a wider than normal angle of view (and usually a short focal length), produces an image that is foreshortened in the center and increasingly distorted in the periphery
crystalline lens
lens of the eye
biconvex transparent body situated behind the iris in the eye, its role (along with the cornea) is to focuses light on the retina
lens cortex
the tissue that surrounds the lens nucleus
lens nucleus
the central structure of the lens that is surrounded by the cortex
lens capsule a tenuous mesoblastic membrane surrounding the lens of the eye
lens (metaphor) a channel through which something can be seen or understood, the writer is the lens through which history can be seen
lens maker
a worker who makes glasses for remedying defects of vision
genus Lens
genus of small erect or climbing herbs with pinnate leaves and small inconspicuous white flowers and small flattened pods: lentils
lentil plant
Lens culinaris
widely cultivated Eurasian annual herb grown for its edible flattened seeds that are cooked like peas and also ground into meal and for its leafy stalks that are used as fodder
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