
tooth Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Zahn, verzahne
Stachel m (eines Walzenbrechers) mach.
Zahnalter n
tooth age
milk tooth
Zahngrund m anat.
tooth depth
Kristallkoralle f (Galaxea fascicularis) zool.
tooth coral
front tooth
pivot tooth
tooth brush
tooth paste
Nutenteilung f; Nutteilung f electr.
tooth pitch
ZÀhnezahlverhÀltnis n techn.
tooth ratio
Zahnfee f
tooth fairy
Zahnteilung f; Nutteilung f; Nutenteilung f electr.
tooth pitch
canine tooth
einen Zahn ziehen
pull a tooth
tooth spaces
tooth system
wisdom tooth
tooth (irr.)
SchrÀnken n techn.
tooth setting
Zinke f (Rechen, Kamm)
Zinken pl
tooth systems
Zinke f (Rechen; Kamm)
Zinken pl
Ankerzahn m electr.
armature tooth
Zahnfraktur f med.
tooth fracture
BrĂŒckenpfeiler m; Pfeilerkrone f; Pfeiler m; Ankerzahn m med.
tooth abutment
Spanungsdicke f
rise per tooth
Zahnausschliff m med.
tooth abrasion
Zahnstellung f anat.
tooth position
Reißzahn m
scarifier tooth
einen Zahn ziehen
to pull a tooth
Zahnwanderung f med.
tooth migration
Zahnextraktion f med.
tooth extraction
Zahnprothese f med.
artificial tooth
tooth, pl. teeth
ZahnlĂŒckenprofil n techn.
tooth space form
Zahnschnabel-Zaunkönig m ornith.
Tooth-billed Wren
Nagezahn m
rodent front tooth
ZÀhnezahlverhÀltnis n
techn. tooth ratio
Kratzerzahn m techn.
scraper chain tooth
ZahnfÀule f, Karies f med.
tooth decay, caries
Zahntaube f ornith.
Tooth-billed Pigeon
Dreschstift m agr.
tooth of a thresher
SchrÀnklehre f (SÀge)
tooth set regulator
ZahnlĂŒckenprĂŒfgerĂ€t n
tooth spacing tester
Zahnlaubenvogel m ornith.
Tooth-billed Catbird
Bogenverzahnung f techn.
hyphoid-tooth system
Außenverzahnung f
external tooth system
external tooth system
gerne naschen
to have a sweet tooth
SĂ€gezahn m mach.
SÀgezÀhne pl
saw tooth
saw teeth
Zahnspitzenwinkel m (SĂ€ge) techn.
tooth top angle (saw)
SĂ€gezahnprofil n
saw tooth tread design
Hasenzahn m ugs.
HasenzÀhne pl (vorstehende ZÀhne)
buck tooth
buck teeth
Zahnkrone f (Bohrkrone) min.
tooth crown (drill bit)
ZahnlĂŒcke f mach.
tooth space; gash Am.
Hakenkolibri m ornith.
Tooth-billed Hummingbird
Zahnfleischkappe f anat.
Zahnfleischkappen pl
tooth hood
tooth hoods
Zahnkeim m anat.
Zahnkeime pl
tooth germ
tooth germs
ZahnrĂŒcken m techn.
ZahnrĂŒcken pl
tooth back
tooth backs
Zahnfußsicherheit f (Getriebe) techn.
tooth root safety (gear)
Stiftzahn m
StiftzÀhne pl
pivot tooth
pivot teeth
Vorderzahn m anat.
VorderzÀhne pl
front tooth
front teeth
Nutenoberwellen pl; Nutungsoberwellen pl (Spannungsschwankungen aufgrund der Ankernuten) electr.
slot ripple: tooth ripple
Zahnabnutzung f; Odontotripsis f (Abrasio dentis) med.
tooth wear; odontotripsis
Nutenwelligkeit f; Nutenoberwellen pl (Spannungsschwankungen durch Ankernuten) electr.
tooth ripple; slot ripple
ZahngrĂ¶ĂŸendiskrepanz f
discrepancy of tooth size
Stachelpilz m biol.
Stachelpilze pl
tooth fungus
tooth fungi
Zahnform f anat.
Zahnformen pl
tooth shape
tooth shapes
Zahnkopf m (Zahnrad) techn.
tip of a tooth (gearwheel)
Zahnkopfform f (Zahnrad) techn.
tooth pointing (gearwheel)
Stachelpilz m myc.
Stachelpilze pl
tooth fungus
tooth fungi
Zahnhalslinie f; Schmelz-Zement-Grenze f beim Zahn anat.
cervical line of the tooth
Weisheitszahn m
WeisheitszÀhne pl
wisdom tooth
wisdom teeth
Weisheitszahn m anat.
WeisheitszÀhne pl
wisdom tooth
wisdom teeth
Reißzahn m anat.
carnassial, carnassial tooth
Verzahnung f
Verzahnungen pl
tooth system
tooth systems
Er hat sich mit HĂ€nden und FĂŒĂŸen dagegen gewehrt.
He fought it tooth and nail.
Zahnschutz m med.
mouth guard; tooth protection
Verzahnungsgeometrie f techn.
gear geometry; tooth geometry
Zahnfach n; Zahnalveole f anat.
tooth socket; dental alveolus
Druckfingerplatte f electr. techn.
Druckfingerplatten pl
tooth support
tooth supports
Zahnbrust f techn.
face breast of a cutting tooth
Zahnimplantat n med.
Zahnimplantate pl
tooth implant
tooth implants
Frontzahn m anat.
FrontzÀhne pl
anterior tooth
anterior teeth
Zahnwurzel f anat.
Zahnwurzeln pl
root of a tooth
roots of tooth
Zahnextraktion f med.
tooth extraction; tooth avulsion
Zahnfraktur f med.
Zahnfrakturen pl
tooth fracture
tooth fractures
Zahnstocher m
Zahnstocher pl
toothpick, tooth pick
Reißzahn m
ReißzĂ€hne pl
scarifier tooth
scarifier teeths
Zahnfuß m (beim Zahnrad)
root of the tooth (on a gear wheel)
Zahnfehlbildung f med.
tooth malformation; dental dysplasia
Zahnriemen m techn.
timing belt, toothed belt, tooth belt
ZahnbĂŒrste f
ZahnbĂŒrsten pl
tooth-brush, toothbrush
Pfeilerzahnwertigkeit f med.
tooth abutment significance importance
Zahnachse f
Zahnachsen pl
tooth centre line
teeth centre lines
Auge um Auge, Zahn um Zahn., Auge fĂŒr Auge, Zahn fĂŒr Zahn.
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
Nagezahn m
NagezÀhne pl
rodent front tooth
rodent front teeth
Auge um Auge Zahn um Zahn.; Auge fĂŒr Auge Zahn fĂŒr Zahn.
An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth.
Auge um Auge, Zahn um Zahn.; Auge fĂŒr Auge, Zahn fĂŒr Zahn.
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
Zahnfissur f
Zahnfissuren pl
fissure of a tooth
fissures of a tooth
Dentin n; Zahnbein n anat.
dentine Br.; dentin Am.; tooth enamel

gerne naschen
to have a sweet tooth fig.
Zahnwurzelkanal m anat.
ZahnwurzelkanÀle pl
root canal of tooth
root canals of teeth
Eckzahn m anat.
EckzÀhne pl
canine tooth, canine
canine teeth, canines
Zahnkette f techn.
Zahnketten pl
inverted tooth chain
inverted tooth chains
zahnförmig adj
tooth-shaped; dentiform; odontinoid; odontoid
Backenzahn m anat.
BackenzÀhne pl
vorderer Backenzahn
molar, back tooth, grinder
Zahnfach n; Zahnalveole f anat.
in einem Zahnfach (befindlich) adj anat.
tooth socket; dental alveolus
Schneidezahn m; Inzisive m anat.
SchneidezÀhne pl; Inzisiven pl
incisor; cutting tooth
incisors; cutting teeth
Schruppzahn m (RĂ€umwerkzeug) techn.
SchruppzÀhne pl
roughing tooth (broaching tool)
roughing teeth
Zahnbelag m; Plaque m med.
dental film; (dental) plaque; tooth dental deposit
Zahnteilung f; Teilung Abstand der Zahnspitzen (Zahnrad SĂ€ge) techn.
tooth tip spacing; tooth tip space (gearwheel saw)
Zahnteilung f; Teilung Abstand der Zahnspitzen (Zahnrad, SĂ€ge) techn.
tooth tip spacing; tooth tip space (gearwheel, saw)
grausam, blutrĂŒnstig adj
grausame Natur
red in tooth and claw
nature red in tooth and claw
Zacke f; Zacken m
Zacken pl
point; tooth; serration
points; tooths; serrations
Zahnschmelz m; Adamantin n (Substantia adamantina) anat.
tooth enamel; dental enamel; adamantine; odonthyalus
ZweiflankenwÀlzsprung m (Getriebe)
radial tooth-to-tooth composite error (transmission)
grausam; blutrĂŒnstig adj
grausame Natur
red in tooth and claw
nature red in tooth and claw
Milchzahn m anat.
MilchzÀhne pl
milk tooth, primary tooth
milk teeth, primary teeth
Hakenzahn m; Wolfszahn m; K-Zahn m (SĂ€ge)
HakenzÀhne pl; WolfszÀhne pl; K-ZÀhne pl
hook tooth; rake tooth (saw)
hook teeth; rake teeth
Milchzahn m anat.
MilchzÀhne pl
milk tooth; primary tooth
milk teeth; primary teeth
HundszahngrÀser pl (Cynodon) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Bermuda grasses; dog's tooth grasses (botanical genus)
Zahnfehlstellung f med.
malalignment; misplacement of a the tooth of the teeth
Naschkatze f humor.
gerne naschen; eine Naschkatze sein; ein Leckermaul sein
person with a sweet tooth
to have a sweet tooth fig.
Schlangenzahn m
SchlangenzÀhne pl
serpent's tooth; snake tooth
serpent's teeth; snake teeth
Reißzahn m anat.
ReißzĂ€hne pl
carnassial; carnassial tooth
carnassials; carnassial teeth
ZahnfÀule f; ZahnfÀulnis f; Zahnkaries f; Karies f med.
tooth decay; dental decay; dental caries; caries; saprodontia
Zahnhals m (Collum dentis Cervix dentis) anat.
ZahnhÀlse pl
neck of the tooth; dental neck
necks of teeth; dental necks
Zahnfarbbestimmung f; Farbnahme f beim Zahn med.
tooth shade matching; tooth shade determination; shade selection
Zahnlaubenvogel m (Scenopoeetes dentirostris) ornith.
tooth-billed bowerbird; tooth-billed catbird; stagemaker bowerbird
Kultivatorzinke f; Grubberzinke f agr.
Kultivatorzinken pl; Grubberzinken pl
cultivator tooth; cultivator tine
cultivator tooths; cultivator tines
Stoppelpilze pl (Hydnum) (Pilzgattung) myc.
Semmel-Stoppelpilz m; Semmelgelbe Stacheling m (Hydnum repandum)
hydnum (genus of fungi)
sweet tooth; wood hedgehog; hedgehog mushroom
Milchzahn m anat.
MilchzÀhne pl; erste ZÀhne ugs.
milk tooth; primary tooth
milk teeth; primary teeth; primary dentition
ZahnlĂŒcke f
ZahnlĂŒcken pl
gap (in one's teeth), tooth space, gap between one's teeth
tooth spaces
etw. aus etw. herausreißen; herauszerren v
herausreißend; herauszerrend
herausgerissen; herausgezerrt
einen Zahn ziehen
to yank sth. out of sth.
yanking out
yanked out
to yank out a tooth
ZahnlĂŒcke f; Diastema n med.
ZahnlĂŒcken pl
tooth space; gap between teeth; gap in your teeth; diastema
tooth spaces
Zahnstocher m
Zahnstocher pl
toothpick; tooth pick; tooth stick
toothpicks; tooth picks; tooth sticks
Wurzel f anat.
Wurzeln pl
Haarwurzel f
Nagelwurzel f
Zahnwurzel f
root of a the hair
root of a the nail
root of a the tooth
Zahnscheibe f techn.
Zahnscheiben pl
innengezahnte außengezahnte Zahnscheibe
tooth lock washer
tooth lock washers
internal extrernal tooth lock washer
ZahnfÀule f; ZahnfÀulnis f; Zahnkaries f; Karies f med.
Zahnhalskaries f
tooth decay; dental decay; dental caries; caries; saprodontia
dental neck caries
Hausdach n; Dach n constr.
HausdÀcher pl; DÀcher pl
Erddach n
Glockendach n
house roof; roof
house roofs; roofs
earth roof
bell-cast roof
saw-tooth roof
(natĂŒrliche) Zahnkrone f; Krone f (Corona dentis) anat.
Zahnkronen pl; Kronen pl
crown of tooth; anatomical crown; crown
crowns of tooth; anatomical crowns; crowns
SĂ€geblatt n techn.
SÀgeblÀtter pl
RitzsÀgeblatt n
SĂ€geblatt mit breiten ZahnlĂŒcken
saw blade; saw web
saw blades; saw webs
slitting saw blade
skip-tooth saw blade
in die Jahre kommen
to be getting on in years; to reach middle age; to be getting long in the tooth fig.
in die Jahre kommen v
to be getting on in years; to reach middle age; to be getting long in the tooth fig.

Deutsche Zahn Synonyme

Sprossenrad  ÂStachelrad  ÂZahn  ÂZahnkranz  
Ausschnitt  ÂAussparung  ÂEinschnitt  ÂKerbe  ÂNut  ÂNute  ÂZahn  
(genau)  betrachten  Âauf  den  Zahn  fĂŒhlen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âbegutachten  Âinspizieren  Âunter  die  Lupe  nehmen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âuntersuchen  
abgehen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âan  Fahrt  gewinnen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âbeschleunigen  Âeinen  Zahn  zulegen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âin  Fahrt  kommen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âzunehmen  

Englische tooth Synonyme

tooth  Vandyke  aftertaste  asperity  baby tooth  bicuspid  bitter  blaze  bucktooth  bumpiness  canine  chop  choppiness  coarsen  cog  comb  crag  cragginess  crenellate  crenulate  crimp  crown  cuspid  cut  cutter  deciduous tooth  dent  denticle  denticulation  dentil  dentition  dogtooth  eyetooth  fang  flavor  fore tooth  gagtooth  gang tooth  gash  gold tooth  grain  granulate  granulation  grinder  gust  harrow  harshness  hispidity  incise  incisor  indent  inequality  irregularity  jag  jaggedness  joltiness  knurl  machicolate  milk tooth  mill  molar  nick  nonuniformity  notch  palate  peak  pecten  peg  permanent tooth  picot  pink  pivot tooth  premolar  projection  raggedness  rake  ratchet  relish  rough air  roughen  roughness  ruggedness  rugosity  salt  sapidity  sapor  savor  savoriness  sawtooth  scallop  scarify  score  scotch  scraggliness  scrivello  serrate  slash  smack  smooth  snag  snaggle  snaggletooth  sour  spire  sprocket  spur  steeple  stomach  sweet  tang  taste  tongue  turbulence  tush  tusk  unevenness  unsmoothness  ununiformity  wisdom tooth  
tooth and nail  arduously  atrociously  barbarously  bec et ongles  bestially  brutally  brutishly  committedly  decidedly  decisively  determinedly  devotedly  earnestly  effortfully  ferociously  fiercely  firmly  fixedly  hammer and tongs  hard  heart and soul  in all seriousness  in earnest  in good earnest  industriously  inflexibly  inhumanly  laboriously  like a bulldog  like a leech  manfully  mercilessly  obstinately  operosely  perseveringly  persistently  pitilessly  purposefully  relentlessly  resolutely  resolvedly  ruthlessly  savagely  seriously  sincerely  singlemindedly  staunchly  steadfastly  steadily  strenuously  tenaciously  the hard way  toilsomely  unswervingly  unyieldingly  viciously  wholeheartedly  with a will  with constancy  with effort  with total dedication  
toothache  ache  aching  angina  backache  bellyache  cephalalgia  colic  collywobbles  earache  fret  gnawing  gripe  gripes  gut-ache  headache  heartburn  hemicrania  megrim  migraine  odontalgia  otalgia  pyrosis  sick headache  splitting headache  stomachache  throbbing pain  
toothed  acanthoid  acanthous  acicular  acuate  aculeate  aculeiform  acuminate  acute  barbed  battlemented  bicuspid  chopped  clawed  cornuted  crenate  crenated  crenellated  crenulate  cusped  cuspidate  dental  dentate  dentated  dentiform  dentoid  digital  digitate  digitated  embrasured  erose  fanged  fingered  gashed  hispid  horned  horny  incised  indented  jagged  jaggy  jawed  lacerate  lacerated  molar  mucronate  needle-pointed  needle-sharp  nicked  notched  odontoid  pointed  prehensile  pronged  raptorial  saw-toothed  sawlike  scalloped  scored  serrate  serrated  serrulated  sharp-pointed  snaggle-toothed  snaggled  spiculate  spiked  spiky  spined  spinous  spiny  taloned  tapered  tapering  tined  toothlike  toothy  tusked  unbated  
toothpaste  abstergent  cathartic  cleaner  cleaning agent  cleaning solvent  cleanser  cleansing cream  cold cream  cream  dentifrice  depurant  detergent  diuretic  emetic  enema  gargle  holystone  lotion  mouthwash  nauseant  pumice stone  purgative  purge  purifier  rinse  shampoo  soap  solvent  synthetic detergent  tooth powder  wash  
toothsome  acceptable  adorable  agreeable  ambrosial  appetizing  attractive  dainty  delectable  delicate  delicious  delightful  desirable  enviable  exciting  exquisite  flavorsome  good  good to eat  good-tasting  gustable  gusty  juicy  likable  lovable  luscious  lush  mouth-watering  nectareous  nectarous  nice  of gourmet quality  palatable  pleasant  pleasing  provocative  relishing  sapid  savorous  savory  scrumptious  seductive  succulent  taking  tantalizing  tasteful  tasty  tempting  to be desired  toothy  unobjectionable  winning  worth having  yummy  

tooth Definition

Colt's tooth
() See under Colt.
Fore tooth
() One of the teeth in the forepart of the mouth
Lion's tooth
() See Leontodon.
(n.) One of the hard, bony appendages which are borne on the jaws, or on other bones in the walls of the mouth or pharynx of most vertebrates, and which usually aid in the prehension and mastication of food.
(n.) Fig.: Taste
(n.) Any projection corresponding to the tooth of an animal, in shape, position, or office
(n.) A projecting member resembling a tenon, but fitting into a mortise that is only sunk, not pierced through.
(n.) One of several steps, or offsets, in a tusk. See Tusk.
(n.) An angular or prominence on any edge
(n.) one of the appendages at the mouth of the capsule of a moss. See Peristome.
(n.) Any hard calcareous or chitinous organ found in the mouth of various invertebrates and used in feeding or procuring food
(v. t.) To furnish with teeth.
(v. t.) To indent
(v. t.) To lock into each other. See Tooth, n., 4.

tooth Bedeutung

fine-tooth comb
fine-toothed comb
a method of examining in minute detail, he went over the contract with a fine-tooth comb looking for loopholes
tooth a means of enforcement, the treaty had no teeth in it
tooth shell
tusk shell
any of various seashore mollusks having a tapering tubular shell open at each end and a foot pointed like a spade for burrowing
bleeding tooth
Nerita peloronta
gastropod having reddish toothlike projections around the shell opening, of the Caribbean area
tooth toothlike structure in invertebrates found in the mouth or alimentary canal or on a shell
fine-tooth comb
fine-toothed comb
a comb with teeth set close together
houndstooth check
hound's-tooth check
dogstooth check
dogs-tooth check
dog's-tooth check
textile with a pattern of small broken or jagged checks
mouse-tooth forceps a type of forceps
tooth something resembling the tooth of an animal
tooth one of a number of uniform projections on a gear
tooth powder
a dentifrice in the form of a powder
tooth hard bonelike structures in the jaws of vertebrates, used for biting and chewing or for attack and defense
carnassial tooth the last upper premolar and first lower molar teeth of a carnivore, having sharp edges for cutting flesh
tooth socket
a bony socket in the alveolar ridge that holds a tooth
front tooth
a tooth situated at the front of the mouth, his malocclusion was caused by malposed anteriors
back tooth
a tooth situated at the back of the mouth
malposed tooth a tooth that has grown in a faulty position
permanent tooth
adult tooth
any of the teeth that replace the deciduous teeth of early childhood and (with luck) can last until old age
primary tooth
deciduous tooth
baby tooth
milk tooth
one of the first temporary teeth of a young mammal (one ofin children)
canine tooth
eye tooth
one of the four pointed conical teeth (two in each jaw) located between the incisors and the premolars
wisdom tooth any of the last teeth on each side of the upper and lower jaw, the last of the permanent teeth to erupt (between ages and )
tooth root
the part of a tooth that is embedded in the jaw and serves as support
tooth enamel
hard white substance covering the crown of a tooth
sweet tooth a strong appetite for sweet food
tooth fairy a fairy that is said to leave money at night under a child's pillow to compensate for a baby tooth falling out
tooth doctor
dental practitioner
a person qualified to practice dentistry
dogtooth violet
dog's-tooth violet
perennial woodland spring-flowering plant, widely cultivated
white dogtooth violet
white dog's-tooth violet
blonde lilian
Erythronium albidum
North American dogtooth having solitary white flowers with yellow centers and blue or pink exteriors
Canadian aspen
bigtooth aspen
bigtoothed aspen
big-toothed aspen
large-toothed aspen
large tooth aspen
Populus grandidentata
aspen with a narrow crown, eastern North America
tooth fungus a fungus of the family Hydnaceae
dental caries
tooth decay
soft decayed area in a tooth, progressive decay can lead to the death of a tooth
impacted tooth
a disorder in which a tooth is so crowded in its socket that it cannot erupt normally
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy
a form of neuropathy that can begin between childhood and young adulthood, characterized by weakness and atrophy of the muscles of the hands and lower legs, progression is slow and individuals affected can have a normal life span, inheritance is X-linked recessive or X-linked dominant
abscessed tooth an abscess of a common kind in the tissue around a tooth
having fine teeth set close together, a fine-toothed comb
tooth and nail with force and ferocity, she fought tooth and nail
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A tooth is a small, calcified, whitish structure found in the jaws of many vertebrates and used to break down food. Some animals, particularly carnivores, also use teeth for hunting or for defensive purposes. The roots of teeth are covered by gums. Teeth are not made of bone, but rather of multiple tissues of varying density and hardness. The cellular tissues that ultimately become teeth originate from the embryonic germ layer, the ectoderm.

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