
transmission Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Ãœbermittlung f
gear transmission ratio
power take-off unit
Faxversand m telco.
fax transmission
Hauptgetriebe n aviat.
transmission assy
Koaxialleitung f
transmission line
Lastübertragung f
load transmission
Ãœbertragungsleitung f, Leitung f
transmission line
Wärmeübertragung f
heat transmission
live transmission
transmission line
Zwischengetriebe n; Zwischenvorgelege n techn.
transmission gear
Datenversand m
data transmission
Getriebeübersetzung f; Übersetzung f des Getriebes techn.
gear transmission
Netzverlust m; Ãœbertragungsverlust m electr.
transmission loss
Radiosendung f
radio transmission
Rundfunkübertragung f, Hörfunksendung f
audio transmission
Ãœbertragungsfehler m
transmission error
Rundfunkuebertragung, Hoerfunksendung
audio transmission
radio transmission
transmission lines
transmission range
Bitpaket-Ãœbertragung f telco.
burst transmission
Rundfunkübertragung f; Hörfunksendung f
audio transmission
Sendepegel m telco.
transmission level
Alarmweiterleitung f
alarm transmission
transmission ranges
Lichtwellenleiterübertragung f
optical transmission
Trägerfrequenzübertragung f
carrier transmission
Ãœbertragungsgeschwindigkeit f
rate of transmission
carrier transmission
rate of transmission
step-up gear unit
transmission gearing
Fahrzeuggetriebe n auto
vehicle transmission
Transmission f (Orgel) mus.
transmission (organ)
Stoffübertragung f
material transmission
Ãœbertragungsprotokoll n
transmission protocol
Lichtleiterstab m
light transmission bar
Satellitenübertragung f
satellite transmission
Schneckenradvorgelege n techn.
worm gear transmission
Ãœbertragungsrichtung f
transmission direction
Handschaltgetriebe n; Wechselschaltgetriebe n auto
manual transmission MT
Ãœbertragungsfrequenz f telco.
transmission frequency
Datenübertragung f, Signalübertragung f
transmission of signals
elektrische Energieübertragung f
electrical transmission
Datenübertragung f; Signalübertragung f
transmission of signals
Standgetriebe n
stationary transmission
Datenfunk m comp. telco.
radio data transmission
remote data transmission
Synchrone Uebertragung
synchronous transmission
Handschaltgetriebe n; Wechselschaltgetriebe n auto
manual transmission MT
asynchrone Uebertragung
asynchronous transmission
Ende n des Datenübertragungsblocks comp.
end of transmission block
money transmission service
Ausstrahlung f (Radio, TV)
broadcasting, transmission
Blumlein-Ãœbertragungslinie f techn.
Blumlein transmission line
Geldüberweisungsdienst m
money transmission service
Übertragungsweg m über Satellit telco.
satellite transmission path
bei der Ãœbermittlung von Fernschreiben
in the transmission of telex
Lichtwellenleitertechnik f
optical transmission systems
Telematik f
electronic data transmission
Transmission f
Transmissionen pl
optische Ãœbertragungssysteme
optical transmission systems
Transmission f (Durchgang von Strahlen durch ein Medium) phys.
Transmissionen pl
bei der Ãœbermittlung von Kabeln
in the transmission of cables
digital adj
digitale Ãœbertragung
digital transmission
Weitverkehrs-Ãœbertragungsstrecken pl
wide area transmission networks
bei der Ãœbermittlung von Telegrammen
in the transmission of telegrams
Wärmedurchgang m (Wärmeübertragung von einem Fluid durch eine Wand auf ein anderes Fluid) phys.
heat transmission; heat transfer
Ãœbertragungsnetzbetreiber m
transmission system operator TSO
Direktsendung f
live broadcast; live transmission
Lambda-Viertelleitung f
quarter-wave transmission line QWTL
Lambda-Viertelleitung f
quarter-wave transmission line QWTL
Zweiflankenwälzabweichung f (Getriebe)
radial composite error (transmission)
Vererbung f
bequeathing; transmission; passing on
Ãœbertragungsfrequenzband n telco.
transmission band; communication band
Ãœbertragungsleitung f; Leitung f
Ãœbertragungsleitungen pl; Leitungen pl
transmission line
transmission lines
Wellentransmission f
Wellentransmissionen pl
wave transmission
wave transmissions
Sendung f
auf Sendung
broadcasting, transmission
on the air
Ãœbersetzungsgetriebe n
transmission gearing, step-up gear unit
Sendebereich m
Sendebereiche pl
transmission range
transmission ranges
Durchlassgebiet n phys.
Durchlassgebiete pl
transmission field
transmission fields
Ãœbertragungsfehler m
Ãœbertragungsfehler pl
transmission error
transmission errors
Getriebetechnik f auto techn.
gear technology; transmission technology
Ãœbertragungsmedium n telco.
Ãœbertragungsmedien pl
transmission medium
transmission media
Sprachverschlüsselung f; Sprachchiffrierung f
ciphony; scrambling of voice transmission
Synapsenübertragung f anat.
synaptic transmission; synaptic conduction
Spannwerk n einer Drahtleitung (Bahn)
turnbuckle of a wire transmission (railway)
Zugmittel n techn.
traction mechanism; power transmission belt
Trägerfrequenzübertragung f
Trägerfrequenzübertragungen pl
carrier transmission
carrier transmissions
Datenübertragungssteuerung f comp. telco.
data transmission control; data link control
Ãœbertragungskanal m telco.
Übertragungskanäle pl
transmission channel
transmission channels
Ãœbertragungstechnik f
transmission technology; transfer technology
Fehler bei der Ãœbermittlung
errors arising in the transmission of message
Hypertext-Ãœbertragungsprotokoll n comp.
Hypertext Transfer Transmission Protocol HTTP
Bewegtbild… (Video)
Bewegtbildübertragung f
full-motion (video)
full-motion transmission
HTTP : Hypertext Transfer
Transmission Protocol
Hypertext-Ãœbertragungsprotokoll n comp.
Hypertext Transfer Transmission Protocol HTTP
Ãœberspannung f durch eine Fernleitung; Kreuzung f mit einer Fernleitung (Bahn) electr.
traverse of a power transmission line (railway)
Übertragungskapazität f
Übertragungskapazitäten pl
transmission capacity
transmission capacities
Bildfunk m
facsimile transmission, facsimile broadcast(ing)
Bildfunk m
facsimile transmission; facsimile broadcast(ing)
Lichtleiterstab m
Lichtleiterstäbe pl
light transmission bar
light transmission bars
Wärmeübergang m (zwischen der Oberfläche eines Festkörpers und einem Fluid) phys.
transfer of heat; heat transfer; heat transmission
Bitpaket n Bitbündel n Bitgruppe f für die Datenübertragung; Rauschimpuls m telco.
Bitpakete pl Bitbündel pl Bitgruppen pl für die Datenübertragung; Rauschimpulse pl
burst (set of bits for data transmission)
Ãœbertragungsverhalten n
transmission behavior, transmission behaviour Br.
Ãœbertragungsverhalten n
transmission behavior; transmission behaviour Br.
Funkübertragung f telco.
wireless transmission; wireless; radio transmission
Datenübermittlung f, Datenübertragung f
Datenübermittlung aufwärts (z.B. vom Boden zum Flugzeug)
Datenübermittlung abwärts (z.B. vom Flugzeug zum Boden)
data transmission, data transfer
Hydrogetriebe n mach.
Hydrogetriebe pl
hydrostatic transmission
hydrostatic transmissions
Zweiflankenwälzsprung m (Getriebe)
radial tooth-to-tooth composite error (transmission)
Empfangsrate f (Signalübertragung) comp. telco.
receive rate; arrival rate (transmission of signals)
Abschlusswiderstand m electr.
termination; terminator (in a transmission line etc.)
Datenübertragungsnetz n comp.
Datenübertragungsnetze pl
data transmission network
data transmission networks
automatisiertes Getriebe n auto
automated manual transmission; automated manual gearbox
Doppelkupplungsgetriebe n auto
dual clutch transmission DCT ; twin clutch transmission
Doppelkupplungsgetriebe n auto
dual clutch transmission DCT ; twin clutch transmission
Datenfernübertragung f
remote data transmission, long-distance data transmission
Datenfernübertragung f DFÜ
remote data transmission; long-distance data transmission
manuelles Getriebe n auto
manual transmission; manual gearbox; standard transmission
Freileitung f
open wire, overhead wire, transmission line, distribution line
Freileitung f
open wire; overhead wire; transmission line; distribution line
Sendebericht m (Fax SMS) telco.
Sendeberichte pl
transmission report (fax text message)
transmission reports
(technische) Ãœbertragung f (von Signalen) (Radio TV)
Satellitenübertragung f
transmission (of signals) (radio TV)
satellite transmission
Sendebericht m (Fax, SMS) telco.
Sendeberichte pl
transmission report (fax, text message)
transmission reports
Laufzeitmessung f (Radar)
timing the interval between transmission and echo-return (radar)
Sendetechnik f
broadcast technology; transmission technology; broadcast equipment
analog adj
analoge Ãœbertragung
analogue, analog Am.
analogue transmission, analog transmission
analog adj
analoge Ãœbertragung
analogue; analog Am.
analogue transmission; analog transmission
transendothelialer Flüssigkeitstransport m; Zelltransport m; Zytopempsis f biol.
cellular transport; transmission by cell; transcytosis; cytopempsis
Direktübertragung f; Originalübertragung f; Live-Sendung f
Direktübertragungen pl; Originalübertragungen pl; Live-Sendungen pl
live broadcast; live transmission
live broadcasts; live transmissions
Ãœbertragungsart f (bei einer Infektionskrankheit) med.
Ãœbertragungsarten pl
mode of transmission (of an infectious disease)
modes of transmission
Redundanzprüfung f (bei der Datenübertragung) comp.
zyklische Redundanzprüfung (Fehlererkennung)
redundancy check (in data transmission)
cyclic redundancy checking CRC
Ãœbertragungssystem n
Ãœbertragungssysteme pl
optische Ãœbertragungssysteme
transmission system
transmission systems
optical transmission systems
Automatikgetriebe n auto
stufenloses Automatikgetriebe
automatic transmission, automatic gear
continuously variable transmission
Mikroskopie f
Fluoreszenz-Mikroskopie f
Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie f TEM
fluorescence microscopy
transmission electron microscopy TEM
Wärmedurchgangskoeffizient m phys. techn.
heat transmittance; heat transfer coefficient; heat transmission coefficient
Datenübermittlung f; Informationsübertragung f; Informationstransfer m comp.
data communication; datacom; information transfer; transmission of information
Ãœbertragung f
abgeschirmte Ãœbertragung
synchrone Ãœbertragung
erneutes Ãœbertragen
shielded transmission
synchronous transmission
Erregungsleitung f anat.
saltatorische Erregungsleitung
impulse transmission; nerve conduction; stimulus conduction
saltatory conduction
Sperrschieber m (Automatikgetriebe) auto
Sperrschieber pl
lock valve; shut-off valve (automatic transmission)
lock valves; shut-off valves
Kraftübertragung f
Kraftübertragungen pl
power transmission, power take-off unit
power transmissions, power take-off units
Übersetzung f, Übersetzungsverhältnis n
Ãœbersetzungen pl
transmission, gear transmission ratio, ratio of gearing, gear ratio
(technische) Datenübertragung f; Datentransfer m comp.
schnelle Datenübertragung
Datenübermittlung aufwärts (z. B. vom Boden zum Flugzeug)
Datenübermittlung abwärts (z. B. vom Flugzeug zum Boden)
data transmission; data transfer
high-speed data transmission
Kraftübertragung f
Kraftübertragungen pl
power transmission; power take-off unit
power transmissions; power take-off units
Übersetzung f; Übersetzungsverhältnis n
Ãœbersetzungen pl
transmission; gear transmission ratio; ratio of gearing; gear ratio
Antriebsrad n (beim Rädergetriebe) auto
Antriebsräder pl
driving wheel; driven wheel (of a gear transmission)
driving wheels; driven wheels

Deutsche Ãœbersendung Synonyme

Englische transmission Synonyme

transmission  FCC  FM broadcasting  Federal Communications Commission  Hydromatic  abalienation  account  acquaintance  alienation  amortization  amortizement  announcement  assignation  assignment  automatic transmission  bargain and sale  barter  bequeathal  blue book  briefing  broadcast  broadcasting  bulletin  carrying  cession  cogwheel  communication  communique  conduction  conferment  conferral  consignation  consignment  contagion  convection  conveyance  conveyancing  data  datum  deeding  deliverance  delivery  demise  deportation  diapedesis  differential  differential gear  diffusion  directory  disclosure  dispatch  disposal  disposition  dissemination  enfeoffment  enlightenment  evidence  exchange  export  exportation  expulsion  extradition  facts  factual information  fade-out  familiarization  forwarding  freewheel  gear  gear train  gearbox  gearing  gearshift  gearwheel  gen  general information  giving  guidebook  handout  hard information  high  impartation  imparting  impartment  import  importation  incidental information  info  information  instruction  intelligence  interchange  intermediate  knowledge  lease and release  light  low  mention  message  metastasis  metathesis  metempsychosis  migration  mixing  movement  moving  mutual transfer  neutral  notice  notification  osmosis  overdrive  passage  passing over  perfusion  presentation  promotional material  proof  publication  publicity  rack  radiobroadcasting  release  report  reverse  sale  sending  settlement  settling  sharing  shipment  shipping  sidelight  spread  spreading  standard broadcasting  standard transmission  statement  stick shift  surrender  synchromesh  telecasting  telling  the dope  the goods  the know  the scoop  tone control  trading  transduction  transfer  transfer of property  transference  transferral  transfusion  transit  transition  translation  translocation  transmigration  transmigration of souls  transmittal  transmittance  transmitting  transplace  

transmission Definition

(n.) The act of transmitting, or the state of being transmitted
(n.) The right possessed by an heir or legatee of transmitting to his successor or successors any inheritance, legacy, right, or privilege, to which he is entitled, even if he should die without enjoying or exercising it.

transmission Bedeutung

transmission transmittal
the act of sending a message, causing a message to be transmitted
automatic transmission
automatic drive
a transmission that automatically changes the gears according to the speed of the car
cable line transmission line a conductor for transmitting electrical or optical signals or electric power
fiber-optic transmission system
fibre-optic transmission system
a communication system using fiber optic cables
hydraulic transmission
hydraulic transmission system
a transmission that depends on a hydraulic system
standard transmission
stick shift
a transmission that is operated manually with a gear lever and a clutch pedal
transmission transmission system the gears that transmit power from an automobile engine via the driveshaft to the live axle
transmission shaft rotating shaft that transmits rotary motion from the engine to the differential
optical density
transmission density
photographic density
(physics) a measure of the extent to which a substance transmits light or other electromagnetic radiation
transmission communication by means of transmitted signals
transmission channel
a path over which electrical signals can pass, a channel is typically what you rent from a telephone company
transmission control protocol
a protocol developed for the internet to get data from one network device to another, TCP uses a retransmission strategy to insure that data will not be lost in transmission
transmission control protocol
a set of protocols (including TCP) developed for the internet in the s to get data from one network device to another
an incident in which an infectious disease is transmitted
airborne transmission a transmission mechanism in the which the infectious agent is spread as an aerosol and usually enters a person through the respiratory tract
direct transmission a transmission mechanism in which the infectious agent is transferred directly into the body via touching or biting or kissing or sexual intercourse or by droplets entering the eye or nose or mouth
indirect transmission a transmission mechanism in which the infectious agent is transferred to the person by a fomite of vector
transmission mechanism any mechanism whereby an infectious agent is spread from a reservoir to a human being
vector-borne transmission indirect transmission of an infectious agent that occurs when a vector bites or touches a person
vehicle-borne transmission indirect transmission of an infectious agent that occurs when a vehicle (or fomite) touches a person's body or is ingested
the fraction of radiant energy that passes through a substance
transmission time
the coordinated universal time when a transmission is sent from Earth to a spacecraft or other celestial body
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