
triangle wave Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Dreieckschwingung f (Akustik) techn.
Dreieckschwingungen pl
triangle-wave (oscillation)
magisches Dreieck
magic triangle
magisches Dreieck
uneasy triangle
Abnutzung f
dachförmige Abnutzung
exzentrische Abnutzung
gleichmäßige Abnutzung
regelmäßige Abnutzung
sägezahnförmige Abnutzung
schnelle Abnutzung
stellenweise Abnutzung
ungleichmäßige Abnutzung
ungleichmäßige Abnutzung (Lauffläche)
wellenförmige Abnutzung
wear, wear and tear, wearing
roof-shaped wear
eccentric wear
even (tread) wear, smooth wear, uniform wear
regular wear
heel-and-toe wear, tooth-shaped wear
rapid wear
spotty wear
irregular wear
uneven tread wear
wave-like wear
Alphawelle f (EEG) med.
alpha wave
Ankathete f math.
adjacent (of a right-angled triangle)
Begeisterung f, Enthusiasmus m, Begeisterungsfähigkeit f, Eifer m, Verve f
Welle der Begeisterung
enthusiasm, verve
wave of enthusiasm
Dauerwelle f
permanent wave
Dreieck n math.
Dreieck n
Dreiecke pl
Dreiecksungleichung f math.
triangle inequality
Dreiecksverhältnis n
Dreiecksverhältnisse pl
eternal triangle
eternal triangles
Dreikant m
Druckwelle f
Druckwellen pl
blast wave, shock wave
blast waves, shock waves
Einfallswinkel m von Strahlen
wave angle
Elementarwelle f
Elementarwellen pl
head wave
head waves
Erdbebenwelle f geol.
Erdbebenwellen pl
langperiodische Erdbebenwellen
seismic wave
seismic waves
long-period waves
Flutwelle f, Tsunami m
Flutwellen pl, Tsunamis pl
tidal wave, tsunami
tidal waves, tsunamis
Fortpflanzung f, Vermehrung f
Fortpflanzung von Wellen
Vermehrung durch Samen
wave propagation
propagation by seed
Frequenzband n
wave band, frequency band
Gegenkathete f math.
Gegenkatheten pl
opposite (of a right-angled triangle)
Glasfaserkabel n
light-wave cable
Grippewelle f med.
Grippewellen pl
wave of influenza, wave of flu, flu epidemic
waves of influenza, waves of flu
Grundwelle f
Grundwellen pl
fundamental wave
fundamental waves
Halbstufenpotenzial n
half-wave potential
Hirnstromaktivität f, Aktivität der Hirnstromwellen med.
brain wave activity
Hochwasserwelle f
Hochwasserwellen pl
flood wave
flood waves
Jet-Vorwelle f
jet forward wave
Kaltwelle f
cold wave
Kathete f math.
leg (of a right-angled triangle)
Kriminalität f
organisierte Kriminalität f
Welle der Kriminalität, Welle von Verbrechen
organized crime
crime wave
Kugelwelle f
Kugelwellen pl
spheric wave
spheric waves
Kurzwelle f
Kurzwellen pl
über Kurzwelle, auf Kurzwelle
short wave, shortwave
short waves
on short wave
Kurzwellenempfänger m
short-wave receiver
Kurzwellensender m
short-wave transmitter
Langwelle f
long wave
Langwellenbereich n
long-wave band
Langwellensender m
long-wave radio station, long-wave transmitter
La-Ola-Welle f
La-Ola-Wellen pl
Mexican wave
Mexican waves
Lichtwelle f
Lichtwellen pl
light wave
light waves
Mittelwelle f
medium wave
Oberwelle f
harmonic wave, ripple
Protestwelle f
Protestwellen pl
wave of protest
waves of protest
Radiowelle f, Funkwelle f
Radiowellen pl, Funkwellen pl
radio wave
radio waves
Rechteckwelle f (Bitimpulsfolge)
Rechteckwellen pl
square wave
square waves
Schallwelle f
Schallwellen pl
sound wave, soundwave
sound waves, soundwaves
Schwalllöten n, Schwallöten n alt
wave soldering
Schwallwelle f
abrupt wave
Sinuswandler m (DC
AC Spannungswandler) electr.
true sine wave inverter
Sperrkreis m
Sperrkreise pl
wave trap
wave traps
Stehwellenverhältnis n techn.
standing wave ratio
Stoßwelle f
Stoßwellen pl
shock wave
shock waves
Trägerschwingung f, Trägerwelle f
carrier wave
Trapezwandler (DC
AC Spannungswandler) electr.
modified sine wave inverter
Triangel m f , Triangel n Ös. mus.
Triangeln pl
Ultrakurzwelle f
Ultrakurzwellen pl
ultra-short wave
ultra short waves
Ultrakurzwellensender m
Ultrakurzwellensender pl
ultra short wave transmitter
ultra short wave transmitters
Ultraschallwelle f
Ultraschallwellen pl
ultrasonic wave
ultrasonic waves
Verbreitung f, Ausbreitung f
Ausbreitung von Funkwellen
radio wave propagation
Wanderwelle f
Wanderwellen pl
travelling wave
travelling waves
Warndreieck n auto
Warndreiecke pl
warning triangle
warning triangles
Wasserwelle f
water wave
Wedeln n
wave-in (out), weave, weave-in, weave-out
Welle f, Woge f
Wellen pl, Wogen pl
kleine Welle
abklingende Welle
dynamische Welle
stehende Welle
decaying wave
dynamic wave
standing wave, stationary wave
Wellen-Lötanlage f
Wellen-Lötanlagen pl
wave soldering machine
wave soldering machines
Wellenanstieg m
rate of wave rise
Wellenbereich m
Wellenbereiche pl
wave range
wave ranges
Wellenfrontaberration f
wave front aberration
Wellengenerator m
Wellengröße f
wave frequency
Wellenlänge f
Wellenlängen pl
auf der richtigen Wellenlänge
Wellenlängen-Multiplex ...
wave length, wavelength
wave lengths, wavelengths
wavelength division multiplexing (WDM)
Wellenleiter m (Glasfaser)
waveguide, wave guide
Wellental n
Wellentäler pl
trough of a wave, trough of the sea
troughs of a wave, troughs of the sea
Wellentheorie f
wave theory
Wellenzahl f
wave number
Wellschlauch m
wave tube
biegsame Welle f
flexion wave
flattern, wehen, wogen, sich hin und her bewegen v
flatternd, wehend, wogend, sich hin und her bewegend
geflattert, geweht, gewogt, sich hin und her bewegt
to wave
fuchteln v ugs.
mit den Händen fuchteln
to wave about
to wave hands about
rechtwinklig, rechtwinkelig adj
rechtwinkliges Dreieck
right-angled triangle
im Augenblick ganz oben schwimmen
to be riding (along) on the crest of a wave
wellen (Haar) v
to wave
winken mit vt, vi
gewinkt, gewunken ugs.
jdm. winken
mit dem Taschentuch winken
to wave
to wave one's hand to sb.
to wave one's handkerchief
zugewinkt, zugewunken ugs.
to wave to
waving to
waved to
Triangel-Falterfisch m Indischer Baronesse-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon triangulum) zool.
triangle butterfly
LW : Langwelle f
LW : long wave
MW : Mittelwelle f
MW : medium wave
KW : Kurzwelle f
SW : short wave
UKW : Ultrakurzwelle
USW : ultrashort wave
Traegerschwingung, Traegerwelle
carrier wave
cold wave
biegsame Welle
flexion wave
hearing wave
light-wave cable
medium wave
permanent wave
radio wave
short wave
sound wave
Rechteckwelle (Bitimpulsfolge)
square wave
tidal wave
to wave
ultra-short wave
ultra short wave
ultra short wave transmitter
ultra short wave transmitters
ultrasonic wave
warning triangle
water wave
flattern, Welle, wehen, Woge
wave about
Einfallswinkel von Strahlen
wave angle
wave band
Wellenleiter (Glasfaser)
wave guide
wave length
wave lengths
wave range
wave ranges
wave theories
wave theory
wave to
wave trap
wave traps
Warndreieck, Pannendreieck
breakdown triangle
Abnutzung f; Verschleiß m
Verschleiß am Wulst
Verschleiß an der Spanfläche (Drehmeißel)
Verschleiß an der Freifläche (Drehmeißel)
Verschleiß durch Eingriffstörungen (Zahnrad)
Verschleiß durch Reibung
dachförmige Abnutzung
exzentrische Abnutzung
gleichmäßige Abnutzung
regelmäßige Abnutzung
sägezahnförmige Abnutzung
schnelle Abnutzung
stellenweise Abnutzung
ungleichmäßige Abnutzung
wellenförmige Abnutzung
wear; wearing; wear-out
chafing on the bead
face wear (turning chisel)
flank wear (turning chisel)
interference wear (gearwheel)
wear due to rubbing; frictional wear; scuffing wear; wearout; wearing
roof-shaped wear
eccentric wear
even (tread) wear; smooth wear; uniform wear
regular wear
heel-and-toe wear; tooth-shaped wear
rapid wear
spotty wear
irregular wear
wave-like wear
Alphawelle f (EEG) med.
Alphawellen pl
alpha wave
alpha waves
Antenne f telco.
Antennen pl
abgeschirmte Antenne
aktive Antenne
Ballonantenne f
fußpunktgespeiste Antenne
geräuscharme Antenne; störfreie Antenne
Holmantenne f
Kugelantenne f; sphärische Antenne
Schwenkantenne f
Wurfantenne f
parallel gespeiste Antenne
im Tragflügel verlegte Antenne aviat.
in Oberwellen erregte Antenne
Antenne der Raumstation (Raumfahrt)
Antenne in Spulenform; Antennenspule
Antenne mit einem Strahlenbündel mit zwei Strahlungsbündeln
Antenne mit eng gebündeltem Strahl (Satellitentechnik)
Antenne mit fortschreitenden Wellen; Wanderwellenantenne
Antenne mit geformter Strahlungskeule; Antenne mit besonderer Richtcharakteristik
Antenne mit schwenkbarer Strahlungskeule Richtcharakteristik
Antenne mit Sperrtopf
Antenne mit stehenden Wellen
antenna techn. Am.; aerial Br.
antennae; antennas; aerials
screened aerial
active antenna; active aerial
aperture antenna; aperture aerial
balloon antenna
series-fed antenna; series-fed aerial
antistatic antenna; anti-interference antenna
cantilever antenna
isotropic antenna
swivel antenna
dipole antenna; dipole aerial Br.
shunt-fed antenna
wing antenna
harmonic antenna
space antenna (astronautics)
antenna coil
single-beam double-beam antenna
spot-beam antenna (satellite engineering)
travelling wave antenna; TW antenna
shaped-beam antenna
steerable-beam antenna; steerable antenna
sleeve antenna
stationary wave antenna
Ausbreitung f; Fortpflanzung f phys.
Fortpflanzung von Wellen; Wellenfortpflanzung f; Wellenausbreitung f
Ausbreitung von Funkwellen
Rissausbreitung f techn.
Schallausbreitung f
wave propagation
radio wave propagation
crack propagation
sound propagation
Begeisterung f; Schwung m; Eifer m; Enthusiasmus m; Verve f geh. psych.
Welle der Begeisterung
mit neuem Schwung
mit großem Elan
enthusiasm; verve; gusto
wave of enthusiasm
with renewed enthusiasm
with great verve gusto
Begeisterungssturm m
Begeisterungsstürme pl
storm wave of enthusiasm
storms waves of enthusiasm
Bemessungswelle f
Bemessungswellen pl
design wave
design waves
Brandungsstau m
wave set-up
Bugwelle f naut.
Bugwellen pl
bow wave
bow waves
Chaetodon-Falterfische pl (Chaetodon) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Blaupunkt-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon plebeius)
Blaustreifen-Falterfisch m; Hawaii-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon fremblii)
Doppelsattel-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon ulietensis)
Eisenfalterfisch m (Chaetodon daedalma)
Fähnchen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon auriga)
Gelbkopf-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon xanthocephalus)
Gestreifter Falterfisch m; Gitter-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon lineolatus)
Gitter-Orangefalterfisch m; Gelbschwanz-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon xanthurus)
Goldstreifen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon aureofasciatus)
Großschuppen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon rafflesi)
Guyana-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon guyanesis)
Günthers Falterfisch m (Chaetodon guentheri)
Halsband-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon collare)
Hirsekorn-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon miliaris)
Karibischer Pinzettfisch m (Chaetodon aculeatus)
Karibischer Riff-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon sedentarius)
Kleins Falterfisch m (Chaetodon kleinii)
Marquesa-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon declevis)
Maskarill-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon semilarvatus)
Orangestreifen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon ornatissimus)
Perlen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon reticulatus)
Pfauenaugen-Falterfisch m; Vieraugen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon capistratus)
Punktierter Falterfisch m (Chaetodon citrinellus)
Punktstreifen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon punctatofasciatus)
Rippelstreifen-Falterfisch m; Rotsaum-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon trifasciatus)
Sattelfleck-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon ephippium)
Schwarzbinden-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon striatus); Ostpazifik-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon humeralis)
Schwarzer Falterfisch m (Chaetodon flavirostris)
Schwarzrücken-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon melannotus)
Indischer Doppelsattel-Falterfisch m; Sichelfleck-Falterfisch m; Keilfleck-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon falcula)
Silberfalterfisch m (Chaetodon argentatus)
Tabak-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon fasciatus)
Tinkers Falterfisch m
chaetodon butterflyfish (zoological genus)
blue spot butterflyfish
blue stripe butterflyfish
double saddle butterflyfish
wrought iron butterflyfish
auriga butterflyfish
yellowhead butterflyfish
lined butterflyfish
pearlscale butterflyfish
golden stripe butterflyfish
latticed butterflyfish
Guyana butterflyfish
Gunther's butterflyfish
Pakistan butterflyfish
lemon butterflyfish
longsnout butterflyfish
painted reef butterflyfish
orange butterflyfish
Marquesas butterflyfish
golden butterflyfish
ornate butterflyfish
reticulated butterflyfisbutterflyfisbutterflyfisbutterflyfish
foureye butterflyfish
speckled butterflyfish
dot dash butterflyfish
melon butterflyfish
saddleback butterflyfish
banded butterflyfish
yellownose butterflyfish
black back butterflyfish
black-wedged butterflyfish
black pearlscale butterflyfish
raccoon butterflyfish
tinker butterflyfish
teardrop butterflyfish
triangle butterflyfish
spotted butterflyfish
vagabond butterflyfish
pebbled butterflyfish
four-spot butterflyfish
white face butterflyfish
spot-tail butterflyfish
Dreieck n math.
Dreiecke pl
gleichseitiges Dreieck
ungleichseitiges Dreieck
gleichschenkeliges gleichschenkliges Dreieck
spitzwinkeliges spitzwinkliges Dreieck
stumpfwinkeliges stumpfwinkliges Dreieck
rechtwinkeliges rechtwinkliges Dreieck
schiefwinkeliges schiefwinkliges Dreieck
equilateral triangle
scalene triangle
isosceles triangle
acute-angled acute triangle
obtuse-angled obtuse triangle
right-angled right triangle
oblique triangle
Dreieck n (Sternbild) astron.
Südliches Dreieck
Triangulum Australe; Southern Triangle
Dreiecksfläche f math.
area of a the triangle
Dreieckschwingung f (Akustik) techn.
Dreieckschwingungen pl
triangle-wave (oscillation)
Druckwelle f; Verdichtungswelle f (Flüssigkeiten) phys.
Druckwellen pl; Verdichtungswellen pl
shock wave; compression wave; compressional wave; pressure wave (liquids)
shock waves; compression waves; compressional waves; pressure waves
Einfallwinkel m; Einfallswinkel m phys.
Einfallwinkel pl; Einfallswinkel pl
Einfallswinkel m von Strahlen
angle of incidence; incidence angle (of rays)
angles of incidence; incidence angles
wave angle
Einzelwelle f
Einzelwellen pl
solitary wave
solitary waves
Emissionsschwemme f fin.
deluge wave of new issues
Erdbebenwelle f; seismische Welle f geogr. phys.
Erdbebenwellen pl; seismische Wellen pl
Primärwellen pl; P-Wellen pl (Longitudinalwellen)
Sekundärwellen pl; S-Wellen pl (Transversalwellen)
kurzperiodische langperiodische Erdbebenwellen
Ankunftsvektor seismischer Wellen
earthquake wave; seismic wave
earthquake waves; seismic waves
primary waves; P-waves (longitudinal waves)
secondary waves; S-waves (transverse waves)
short-period long-period waves
arrival vector of seismic waves
Explosionsdruckwelle f; Druckwelle f; Detonationswelle f
Explosionsdruckwellen pl; Druckwellen pl; Detonationswellen pl
detonation wave; blast wave
detonation waves; blast waves
Faltung f geogr. phys.
convolution (of a seismic wave)
Flutwelle f ~Tsunami
Flutwellen pl
tidal wave
tidal waves
Frequenzband n
wave band; frequency band

Deutsche Dreieckschwingung {f} (Akustik) [techn.] / Dreieckschwingungen {pl} Synonyme


Englische triangle-wave Synonyme

triangle wave Definition

(n.) A figure bounded by three lines, and containing three angles.
(n.) An instrument of percussion, usually made of a rod of steel, bent into the form of a triangle, open at one angle, and sounded by being struck with a small metallic rod.
(n.) A draughtsman's square in the form of a right-angled triangle.
(n.) A kind of frame formed of three poles stuck in the ground and united at the top, to which soldiers were bound when undergoing corporal punishment, -- now disused.
(n.) A small constellation situated between Aries and Andromeda.
(n.) A small constellation near the South Pole, containing three bright stars.
(v. t.) See Waive.
(v. i.) To play loosely
(v. i.) To be moved to and fro as a signal.
(v. i.) To fluctuate
(v. t.) To move one way and the other
(v. t.) To raise into inequalities of surface
(v. t.) To move like a wave, or by floating
(v. t.) To call attention to, or give a direction or command to, by a waving motion, as of the hand
(v. i.) An advancing ridge or swell on the surface of a liquid, as of the sea, resulting from the oscillatory motion of the particles composing it when disturbed by any force their position of rest
(v. i.) A vibration propagated from particle to particle through a body or elastic medium, as in the transmission of sound
(v. i.) Water
(v. i.) Unevenness
(v. i.) A waving or undulating motion
(v. i.) The undulating line or streak of luster on cloth watered, or calendered, or on damask steel.
(v. i.) Fig.: A swelling or excitement of thought, feeling, or energy
(n.) Woe.

triangle wave Bedeutung

an approach that fails and gives way to another attempt
wave a movement like that of a sudden occurrence or increase in a specified phenomenon, a wave of settlers, troops advancing in waves
full-wave rectifier rectifier that converts the negative half wave of an alternating current into a positive half wave
triangle a percussion instrument consisting of a metal bar bent in the shape of an open triangle
triangle any of various triangular drafting instruments used to draw straight lines at specified angles
wave guide
a hollow metal conductor that provides a path to guide microwaves, used in radar
wave-particle duality
(physics) the property of matter and electromagnetic radiation that is characterized by the fact that some properties can be explained best by wave theory and others by particle theory
wave a hairdo that creates undulations in the hair
finger wave a wave made with the fingers
permanent wave
a series of waves in the hair made by applying heat and chemicals
wave theory
undulatory theory
wave theory of light
(physics) the theory that light is transmitted as waves
wave mechanics the modern form of quantum theory, an extension of quantum mechanics based on Schrodinger's equation, atomic events are explained as interactions between particle waves
Schrodinger equation
Schrodinger wave equation
the fundamental equation of wave mechanics
wave equation a differential equation that describes the passage of harmonic waves through a medium
wave waving
the act of signaling by a movement of the hand
crime wave a sudden rise in the crime rate
gravity wave
gravitation wave
(physics) a wave that is hypothesized to propagate gravity and to travel at the speed of light
sine wave a wave whose waveform resembles a sine curve
(physics) a movement up and down or back and forth
soliton wave
solitary wave
(physics) a quantum of energy or quasiparticle that can be propagated as a traveling wave in nonlinear systems and is neither preceded nor followed by another such disturbance, does not obey the superposition principle and does not dissipate, soliton waves can travel long distances with little loss of energy or structure
standing wave
stationary wave
a wave (as a sound wave in a chamber or an electromagnetic wave in a transmission line) in which the ratio of its instantaneous amplitude at one point to that at any other point does not vary with time
traveling wave
travelling wave
a wave in which the medium moves in the direction of propagation of the wave
sound wave
acoustic wave
(acoustics) a wave that transmits sound
air wave a sound wave that is transmitted via air
wave form
wave shape
the shape of a wave illustrated graphically by plotting the values of the period quantity against time
shock wave
blast wave
a region of high pressure travelling through a gas at a high velocity, the explosion created a shock wave
crestless wave
the undulating movement of the surface of the open sea
tidal wave a wave resulting from the periodic flow of the tides that is caused by the gravitational attraction of the moon and sun
tidal wave an unusual (and often destructive) rise of water along the seashore caused by a storm or a combination of wind and high tide
tidal wave an overwhelming manifestation of some emotion or phenomenon, a tidal wave of nausea, the flood of letters hit him with the force of a tidal wave, a tidal wave of crime
roll rolling wave
a long heavy sea wave as it advances towards the shore
wave moving ridge one of a series of ridges that moves across the surface of a liquid (especially across a large body of water)
wave something that rises rapidly, a wave of emotion swept over him, there was a sudden wave of buying before the market closed, a wave of conservatism in the country led by the hard right
wave train a succession of waves spaced at regular intervals
vanguard van new wave
any creative group active in the innovation and application of new concepts and techniques in a given field (especially in the arts)
New Wave
Nouvelle Vague
an art movement in French cinema in the s
wave front
(physics) an imaginary surface joining all points in space that are reached at the same instant by a wave propagating through a medium
Bermuda Triangle an area in the western Atlantic Ocean where many ships and planes are supposed to have been mysteriously lost
a small northern constellation near Perseus between Andromeda and Aries
Triangulum Australe
Southern Triangle
a small bright constellation in the polar region of the southern hemisphere near Circinus and Apus
Wave a member of the women's reserve of the United States Navy, originally organized during World War II but now no longer a separate branch
alpha rhythm
alpha wave
the normal brainwave in the electroencephalogram of a person who is awake but relaxed, occurs with a frequency of - hertz
beta rhythm
beta wave
the normal brainwave in the encephalogram of a person who is awake and alert, occurs with a frequency between andhertz
brain wave
cortical potential
(neurophysiology) rapid fluctuations of voltage between parts of the cerebral cortex that are detectable with an electroencephalograph
cold wave a wave of unusually cold weather
delta rhythm
delta wave
the normal brainwave in the encephalogram of a person in deep dreamless sleep, occurs with high voltage and low frequency ( to hertz)
electromagnetic radiation
electromagnetic wave
nonparticulate radiation
radiation consisting of waves of energy associated with electric and magnetic fields resulting from the acceleration of an electric charge
Hertzian wave an electromagnetic wave generated by oscillations in an electric circuit
heat wave a wave of unusually hot weather
radio wave
radio emission
radio radiation
an electromagnetic wave with a wavelength between . cm to , m
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