
tube Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Tube, Röhre
U-Bahn (London)
Untergrundbahn f
jet tube
Elektronen-, Ionenroehre
gas tube
Rohrsatz m techn.
tube set
Zufuhrschlauch m
feed tube
Rohrwerkstatt f mach.
tube shop
test tube
germ tube
Wellschlauch m
wave tube
Steuerstange f aviat.
tube assy
Elevator m (Bohrtechnik)
tube clamp
Gabelschaft m
steer tube
mit der U-Bahn fahren
go by tube
radio tube
Kelchkoralle f (Tubastrea spp.) zool.
tube coral
Senderöhre f
radio tube
Startkanister m mil. techn.
launch tube
Neuralrohr n anat.
neural tube
Lenard-Fensterröhre f techn.
Lenard tube
rubber tube
vacuum tube
Sondenernährung f; künstliche Ernährung f
tube feeding
Tube f; Röhre f anat.
Tuben pl; Röhren pl
Gummischlauch m (im Reifen)
Gummischläuche pl
Magenschlauch m med.
stomach tube
suction tube
storage tube
picture tube
Röhre f
Röhren pl
Zylinderrose f (Cerianthidae) zool.
tube anemone
Speicherbildschirm m comp.
storage tube
Tube f, Röhre f anat.
Tuben pl, Röhren pl
Duodenalsonde f med.
duodenal tube
Rohrbestiftung f mach.
tube studding
Muldenwarenspeicher m textil.
J-box; J-tube
speaking tube
flexible tube
electron tube
Abstandsrohr n techn.
spreader tube
Schwerstlastbehälter m mil.
Canadian tube
Diffusionsrohr n
diffusion tube
Eileiter m
fallopian tube
U-Bahn-Zeitung f
Tube newspaper
Reagenzglasgestell n chem.
test tube rack
Röhrenverpackung f
tube packaging
Rohrlänge f
length of tube
capillary tube
Schutzschlauch m
protective tube
electronic tube
connecting tube
fluorescent tube
cathode ray tube
Schlauchzusammensetzung f
lap joint (tube)
Splice (Schlauch)
lap joint (tube)
Naht f (Schlauch)
lap joint (tube)
Trachealkanüle f med.
tracheostomy tube
Stevenrohröl n naut.
stern tube luboil
electron ray tube
flache Breite f (Schlauch)
flat width (tube)
Aschefangrost n mach. (Kessel)
slag (tube) screen
Bogenentladungsröhre f
arc discharge tube
Aschefangrost n techn. (Kessel)
slag (tube) screen
Neuralrohrdefekt m med.
neural tube defect
Rohrauftreibdorn m
tube flaring punch
forcible tube feed
Rohrfeder-Manometer n
Bourdon-tube gauge
arc discharge tube
Zwangsernährung f
forcible tube feed
(gewelltes) Flammrohr n (Kessel) techn.
flame tube (boiler)
Schrägrohrmanometer n
inclined-tube gauge
Elektronenröhre f, Ionenröhre f
Elektronenröhren pl, Ionenröhren pl
gas tube
gas tubes
Rohrsatz m techn.
Rohrsätze pl
tube set
tube sets
Festrohrbündelwärmetauscher m techn.
fixed tube exchanger
Kötzerhülse f; Kötzertüte f textil.
Kötzerhülsen pl; Kötzertüten pl
cop tube
cop tubes
Elektronenröhre f; Ionenröhre f
Elektronenröhren pl; Ionenröhren pl
gas tube
gas tubes
Tonarmrohr n
Tonarmrohren pl
arm tube
arm tubes
Strahlrohr n
Strahlrohre pl
jet tube
jet tubes
Rohr-Steg-Rohr-Ausführung f RStR mach.
tube-fin construction
Rohr-Steg-Rohr-Ausführung f RStR mach.
tube-fin construction
Gasse f (in einem Rohrbündel) mach.
lane (in a tube bank)
Schlauch m
mit Schlauch versehen
flexible tube
Kathodenstrahlröhre f; Braunsche Röhre f (CRT) techn.
cathode ray tube (CRT)
Rohrpaket n (Kessel) techn.
Rohrpakete pl
tube bank
tube banks
Prüfröhrchen n biochem.
Prüfröhrchen pl
test tube
test tubes
Seelenrohr n; Kernrohr n; Futterrohr n mil.
liner of a gun; A-tube
Rohrpaket n (Kessel) mach.
Rohrpakete pl
tube bank
tube banks
Rohrlager n (Bevorratung)
tube store; pipe store
Okularauszug m (Optik)
eye draw tube (optics)
Nanoröhre f
Nanoröhren pl
nano tube
nano tubes
Achsrohr n
Achsrohre pl
axle tube
axle tubes
Unterrohr n
Unterrohre pl
down tube
down tubes
Steuerrohr n
Steuerrohre pl
head tube
head tubes
Sitzrohr n
Sitzrohre pl
seat tube
seat tubes
Kapillarrohrhalter m
capillary tube support
Keimfaden m
Keimfäden pl
germ tube
germ tubes
Eisenrohr n
Eisenrohre pl
iron tube
iron tubes
Reagenzglas n chem.
Reagenzgläser pl
test tube
test tubes
Rohrbrunnen m
Rohrbrunnen pl
tube well
tube wells
Rohrmühle f techn.
Rohrmühlen pl
tube mill
tube mills
Widerstandsröhre f; Belastungswiderstand m; Ballastwiderstand m; Eisenwasserstoffwiderstand m electr.
ballast tube; barretter
Doppelkernrohr n constr. mach.
double tube core barrel
Staurohr n
Staurohre pl
pitot tube
pitot tubes
Kelchkoralle f (Tubastrea spp.) zool.
Kelchkorallen pl
tube coral
tube corals
Faltenrohr n techn.
Faltenrohre pl
quill tube
quill tubes
Messrohr n
Messrohre pl
gauge tube
gauge tubes
Nasensonde f med.
Nasensonden pl
nasal tube
nasal tubes
Glasrohr n
Glasrohre pl
glass tube
glass tubes
Gabelrohr n techn.
Gabelrohre pl
steer tube
steer tubes
Probiertube f; Probetube f econ.
Probiertuben pl; Probetuben pl
trial tube
trial tubes
Querrohr n
Querrohre pl
Reifenschlauch m; Fahrradschlauch m
Reifenschläuche pl; Fahrradschläuche pl
inner tube
inner tubes
Führungsrohr n
Führungsrohre pl
guide tube
guide tubes
Fahrradschlauch m
Fahrradschläuche pl
inner tube
inner tubes
Tragrohr n techn.
Tragrohre pl
sling tube
sling tubes
Doppelrohr n techn.
double pipe; double tube
Unterrohrschalthebel m
down tube friction lever
Blütenkelchröhre f bot.
Blütenkelchröhren pl
calyx tube
calyx tubes
Endotrachealtubus m med.
endotracheal tube ET ETT
Blütenkelchröhre m bot.
Blütenkelchröhren pl
calyx tube
calyx tubes
Glasrohr n; Glasröhrchen n
Glasrohre pl; Glasröhrchen pl
glass tube
glass tubes
Stahlrohr n
Stahlrohre pl
steel tube
steel tubes
Rohrbündel-Wärmetauscher m
tube bundel heat exchange
Rohrbündel-Wärmetauscher m
tube bundle heat exchange
Pollenschlauch m bot.
Pollenschläuche pl
pollen tube
pollen tubes
Bantamröhre f electr.
Bantamröhren pl
bantam tube
bantam tubes
Tretlagerrohr n
Tretlagerrohre pl
bottom tube
bottom tubes
Quarzrohr n
Quarzrohre pl
quartz tube
quartz tubes
Röhrenprüfgerät n techn.
Röhrenprüfgeräte pl
tube tester
tube testers
Vorsperr-Röhre f telco.
Vorsperr-Röhren pl
pre-TR tube
pre-TR tubes
Magensonde f med.
stomach tube; feeding tube
Einschmelzrohr n
Einschmelzrohre pl
Carius tube
Carius tubes
Aussteuerung f (einer Elektronenröhre) electr.
swing (of an electron tube)
Rohrbelag m (Ablagerung) mach.
tube deposit; tube deposits
Rohrbelag m (Ablagerung)
tube deposit; tube deposits
Muffelofen m
muffle; air oven; flame tube
Torpedorohr n mil.
Torpedorohre pl
torpedo tube
torpedo tubes
Intubation f; Einführung eines Schlauches med.
intubation; inserting a tube
Röhre f
Röhren pl
Geißlersche Röhre f
Geissler tube
Senftube f cook.
Senftuben pl
mustard tube
mustard tubes
Rigatoni pl cook.
rigatoni (tube-shaped pasta)
Intubation f, Einführung eines Schlauches med.
intubation, inserting a tube
Lateralrohr n
Lateralrohre pl
lateral tube
lateral tubes
Ansaugleitung f
Ansaugleitungen pl
suction tube
suction tubes
Endotrachealtubus m med.
endotracheal tube ET ETT

Deutsche Tube Röhre Synonyme

Braun'sche  Röhre  ÂBraunsche  Röhre  ÂOszilloskop  
Braunsche  Röhre  ÂKathodenstrahlröhre  
Fußgängerunterführung  ÂRöhre  ÂTunnel  ÂUnterführung  
Braun'sche Röhre  Braunsche Röhre  Oszilloskop  
Braunsche Röhre  Kathodenstrahlröhre  
test tube  Bunsen burner  Erlenmeyer flask  Kipp generator  alembic  anvil  aspirator  beaker  blowpipe  burette  
tube  Amtrak  L  Photronic cell  adjutage  amplifier  anode  attenuator  audio-frequency tube  baggage train  

Englische tube Synonyme

tube  Amtrak  L  Photronic cell  adjutage  amplifier  anode  attenuator  audio-frequency tube  baggage train  ballast regulator  ballast tube  barrel  base  beam-switching tube  bole  branch  cable railroad  cable railway  cask  catheter  cathode  cathode-ray tube  channel  choo-choo  cog railroad  cog railway  color kinescope  column  convertor  current regulator  cylinder  cylindroid  damper  detector  direct-viewing tube  discharge tube  discriminator  dissector tube  doubler  drainpipe  drum  efflux tube  el  electric  electric railway  electric train  electrode  electron-image tube  elevated  elevated railway  embankment  express  express train  feeder  feeder line  filament  fire hose  flier  flue pipe  flume  focus tube  freight  freight train  freighter  funicular  funnel  garden hose  gas phototube  gas pipe  generator  goods train  gravity-operated railway  grid  horse railway  hose  hosepipe  iconoscope  image dissector  image iconoscope  interurban  inverter  junction  kinescope  light railroad  lightning express  limited  limiter  line  local  local-oscillator tube  main line  metro  milk train  mixer tube  modulator  monorail  monoscope  multiplier  multiplier phototube  multipurpose tube  multivibrator  nipple  organ pipe  oscillator  output tube  parliamentary  parliamentary train  passenger train  phase inverter  photocathode  photoconductor cell  photomultiplier tube  phototube  photovoltaic cell  picture tube  pillar  pipe  pipeline  pipette  piping  plate  power tube  pulse generator  put through channels  rack railway  rack-and-pinion railroad  rack-and-pinion railway  radio tube  radio-frequency tube  rail  rail line  railroad  railroad train  railway  rattler  receiving tube  rectifier tube  reed  reed pipe  regulator  repeater  roadbed  roadway  roll  roller  rolling stock  rouleau  shuttle  shuttle train  siamese  siamese connection  sidetrack  siding  siphon  snorkel  soft phototube  soil pipe  special  standpipe  steam pipe  stem  straw  s  
tubercle  abscess  aposteme  bed sore  bilge  blain  bleb  blister  blob  boil  boss  bow  bubble  bubo  bulb  bulbil  bulge  bulla  bump  bunch  bunion  burl  button  cahot  canker  canker sore  carbuncle  chancre  chancroid  chilblain  chine  clump  cold sore  condyle  convex  corm  dowel  ear  eschar  felon  fester  festering  fever blister  fistula  flange  flap  furuncle  furunculus  gall  gathering  gnarl  gumboil  handle  hemorrhoids  hill  hump  hunch  jog  joggle  kibe  knob  knot  knur  knurl  lesion  lip  loop  lump  mole  mountain  nevus  nub  nubbin  nubble  papilloma  papula  papule  paronychia  parulis  peg  petechia  piles  pimple  pock  polyp  pustule  radicle  radix  rhizome  rib  ridge  ring  rising  root  rootstock  scab  shoulder  soft chancre  sore  spine  stigma  stud  sty  style  suppuration  swelling  tab  tap  taproot  tuber  tubercule  ulcer  ulceration  verruca  vesicle  wale  wart  welt  wheal  whelk  whitlow  wound  
tubercular  allergic  anemic  apoplectic  arthritic  bilious  burled  cancerous  chlorotic  colicky  consumptive  dropsical  dyspeptic  edematous  encephalitic  epileptic  gnarled  gnarly  knobbed  knobby  knoblike  knotted  knotty  knurled  knurly  laryngitic  leprous  luetic  malarial  malignant  measly  nephritic  neuralgic  neuritic  nodal  noded  nodiform  nodular  nodulated  noduled  nubbled  nubbly  nubby  palsied  paralytic  phthisic  pleuritic  pneumonic  pocky  podagric  rachitic  rheumatic  rickety  scorbutic  scrofulous  studded  tabetic  tabid  torose  tuberculous  tuberose  tuberous  tumorigenic  tumorous  
tuberculosis  African lethargy  Asiatic cholera  Chagres fever  German measles  Haverhill fever  TB  acute articular rheumatism  aerogenic tuberculosis  ague  alkali disease  ambulatory plague  amebiasis  amebic dysentery  anthrax  bacillary dysentery  bastard measles  black death  black fever  black plague  blackwater fever  breakbone fever  brucellosis  bubonic plague  cachectic fever  cellulocutaneous plague  cerebral rheumatism  cerebral tuberculosis  chicken pox  cholera  colliquation  consumption  cowpox  dandy fever  deer fly fever  defervescing plague  dengue  dengue fever  diphtheria  disseminated tuberculosis  dumdum fever  dysentery  elephantiasis  encephalitis lethargica  enteric fever  epidemic  epiphytotic  epizootic  erysipelas  famine fever  five-day fever  flu  frambesia  glandular fever  glandular plague  grippe  hansenosis  hemorrhagic plague  hepatitis  herpes  herpes simplex  herpes zoster  histoplasmosis  hookworm  hydrophobia  infantile paralysis  infectious mononucleosis  inflammatory rheumatism  influenza  jail fever  jungle rot  kala azar  kissing disease  larval plague  lepra  leprosy  leptospirosis  loa loa  loaiasis  lockjaw  lupus vulgaris  madness  malaria  malarial fever  marsh fever  measles  meningitis  milzbrand  mumps  murrain  ornithosis  osteomyelitis  pandemia  pandemic  paratyphoid fever  parotitis  parrot fever  pertussis  pest  pesthole  pestilence  phthisis  plague  plague spot  pneumonia  pneumonic plague  polio  poliomyelitis  polyarthritis rheumatism  ponos  premonitory plague  psittacosis  pulmonary tuberculosis  rabbit fever  rabies  rat-bite fever  relapsing fever  rheumatic fever  rickettsialpox  ringworm  rubella  rubeola  scarlatina  scarlet fever  schistosomiasis  scourge  scrofula  scrofuloderma  septic sore throat  septicemic plague  shingles  siderating plague  sleeping sickness  sleepy sickness  smallpox  snail fever  splenic fever  spotted fever  strep throat  swamp fever  tetanus  thrush  tinea  trench fever  
tuberosity  bas-relief  bellying  boldness  bulging  camber  convexedness  convexity  convexness  embossment  eminence  excrescence  excrescency  excurvation  excurvature  extrusion  gibbosity  gibbousness  high relief  low relief  projection  prominence  protrusion  protuberance  protuberancy  relief  salience  salient  tuberousness  
tuberous  botanic  bulbous  burled  cereal  farinaceous  fruitlike  fruity  gnarled  gnarly  herbaceous  herbal  herbose  herbous  herby  knobbed  knobby  knoblike  knotted  knotty  knurled  knurly  leguminose  leguminous  nodal  noded  nodiform  nodular  nodulated  noduled  nubbled  nubbly  nubby  plantlike  radicated  radiciform  radicular  rhizoid  rootlike  studded  torose  tubercular  tuberculous  tuberose  vegetable  vegetal  vegetarian  vegetational  vegetative  weedy  

tube Definition

Crookes tube
() A vacuum tube in which the exhaustion is carried to a very high degree, with the production of a distinct class of effects
Geissler tube
() A glass tube provided with platinum electrodes, and containing some gas under very low tension, which becomes luminous when an electrical discharge is passed through it
Pitot's tube
() A bent tube used to determine the velocity of running water, by placing the curved end under water, and observing the height to which the fluid rises in the tube
(n.) A hollow cylinder, of any material, used for the conveyance of fluids, and for various other purposes
(n.) A telescope.
(n.) A vessel in animal bodies or plants, which conveys a fluid or other substance.
(n.) The narrow, hollow part of a gamopetalous corolla.
(n.) A priming tube, or friction primer. See under Priming, and Friction.
(n.) A small pipe forming part of the boiler, containing water and surrounded by flame or hot gases, or else surrounded by water and forming a flue for the gases to pass through.
(n.) A more or less cylindrical, and often spiral, case secreted or constructed by many annelids, crustaceans, insects, and other animals, for protection or concealment. See Illust. of Tubeworm.
(n.) One of the siphons of a bivalve mollusk.
(v. t.) To furnish with a tube
(a.) Having the nostrils prolonged in the form of horny tubes along the sides of the beak
(a.) Belonging to the Tubinares.
(n.) Any bivalve mollusk which secretes a shelly tube around its siphon, as the watering-shell.
Water tube
() One of a system of tubular excretory organs having external openings, found in many invertebrates. They are believed to be analogous in function to the kidneys of vertebrates. See Illust. under Trematodea, and Sporocyst.

tube Bedeutung

neural tube a tube of ectodermal tissue in the embryo from which the brain and spinal cord develop
harpy harpy bat
tube-nosed bat
tube-nosed fruit bat
any of various fruit bats of the genus Nyctimene distinguished by nostrils drawn out into diverging tubes
tube foot tentacular tubular process of most echinoderms (starfish and sea urchins and holothurians) having a sucker at the end and used for e.g. locomotion and respiration
acorn tube a small vacuum tube, used at high frequencies
blowpipe blowtube blow tube
a tube through which darts can be shot by blowing
blow tube
a tube that directs air or gas into a flame to concentrate heat
boron counter tube a proportional counter tube for counting neutrons
rear of barrel
rear of tube
opening in the rear of the barrel of a gun where bullets can be loaded
capillary tube
capillary tubing
a tube of small internal diameter, holds liquid by capillary action
cathodeay tube
a vacuum tube in which a hot cathode emits a beam of electrons that pass through a high voltage anode and are focused or deflected before hitting a phosphorescent screen
color tube
colour tube
color television tube
colour television tube
color TV tube
colour TV tube
a television tube that displays images in full color
counter tube a measuring instrument for counting individual ionizing events
Crookes tube the original gas-discharge cathodeay tube
diode rectifying tube
rectifying valve
a thermionic tube having two electrodes, used as a rectifier
driven well
tube well
a well made by driving a tube into the earth to a stratum that bears water
endotracheal tube a catheter that is inserted into the trachea through the mouth or nose in order to maintain an open air passage or to deliver oxygen or to permit the suctioning of mucus or to prevent aspiration of the stomach contents
gas-discharge tube a tube in which an electric discharge takes place through a gas
Geiger tube
Geiger-Muller tube
an ionization chamber contained in a tube in a Geiger counter
glow tube a gas-discharge tube consisting of a cold cathode and a diode in a tube filled with gas, the color of the glow depends on the particular gas
inner tube an inflatable rubber tube that fits inside the casing of a pneumatic tire
ionization chamber
ionization tube
a measuring instrument that measures the amount of ionizing radiation
picture tube
television tube
a cathodeay tube in a television receiver, translates the received signal into a picture on a luminescent screen
Kundt's tube a measuring instrument used to measure the speed of sound
tube underground
subway system
an electric railway operating below the surface of the ground (usually in a city), in Paris the subway system is called the `metro' and in London it is called the `tube' or the `underground'
nasotracheal tube a tube inserted into the trachea through the nose and pharynx, used to deliver oxygen
neon lamp
neon induction lamp
neon tube
a lamp consisting of a small gas-discharge tube containing neon at low pressure, luminescence is produced by the action of currents at high frequencies that are wrapped a few turns around the tube
pipe wrench
tube wrench
adjustable wrench for gripping and turning a pipe, has two serrated jaws that are adjusted to grip the pipe
Pitot-static tube
Pitot head
Pitot tube
measuring instrument consisting of a combined Pitot tube and static tube that measures total and static pressure, used in aircraft to measure airspeed
Pitot tube
measuring instrument consisting of a right-angled tube with an open end that is directed in opposition to the flow of a fluid and used to measure the velocity of fluid flow
proportional counter tube
proportional counter
counter tube whose output pulse is proportional to number of ions produced
speaking tube a tube for conveying the sound of a voice from one room to another
static tube a measuring instrument used to measure static pressure in a stream of fluid
televisionamera tube
television pickup tube
a tube that rapidly scans an optical image and converts it into electronic signals
television receiver
television television set
tv set
idiot box
boob tube
goggle box
an electronic device that receives television signals and displays them on a screen, the British call a tv set a telly
test tube glass tube closed at one end
torpedo tube a tube near the waterline of a vessel through which a torpedo is fired
tricolor television tube
tricolour television tube
tricolor tube
tricolour tube
a color television tube in which three primary colors are combined to give the full range of colors
conduit consisting of a long hollow object (usually cylindrical) used to hold and conduct objects or liquids or gases
tube vacuum tube
thermionic vacuum tube
thermionic tube
electron tube
thermionic valve
electronic device consisting of a system of electrodes arranged in an evacuated glass or metal envelope
Venturi tube a short tube inserted into a pipeline and used to measure the quantity of a liquid that is flowing in the pipeline
Xay tube a vacuum tube containing a metal target onto which a beam of electrons is directed at high energy for the generation of X rays
tube-shaped structure
(anatomy) any hollow cylindrical body structure
Eustachian tube
auditory tube
either of the paired tubes connecting the middle ears to the nasopharynx, equalizes air pressure on the two sides of the eardrum
Fallopian tube
uterine tube
either of a pair of tubes conducting the egg from the ovary to the uterus
cartilaginous tube a duct with cartilaginous walls
bronchial tube
either of the two main branches of the trachea
alimentary canal
alimentary tract
digestive tube
digestive tract
gastrointestinal tract
GI tract
tubular passage of mucous membrane and muscle extending about . meters from mouth to anus, functions in digestion and elimination
test-tube baby a baby conceived by fertilization that occurs outside the mother's body, the woman's ova are removed and mixed with sperm in a culture medium - if fertilization occurs the blastocyte is implanted in the woman's uterus
germ tube (botany) a slender tubular outgrowth from a spore in germination
pollen tube (botany) a slender tubular outgrowth from a pollen grain when deposited on the stigma for a flower, it penetrates the style and conveys the male gametes to the ovule
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