
twin Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

doppelt, paarig adj
doppelt, paarig
doppelt; paarig adj
halbautomatische Bottichwaschmaschine f
Twinset n (gleichfarbiges Paar aus Strickjacke und Pullover aus demselben Material) textil.
twin set
Doppelkernwulst f
twin bead
twin room
Doppeldraht m
twin wire
Doppellaufwerk m
twin drive
Zwillingszug m
twin hoist
twin drive
twin sister
twin system
Zwillingstürme pl arch.
twin towers
zweiflügelig adj (Fenster)
Albitzwilling m min.
albite twin
Zwillingstürme pl; Zwillingsturm m; Doppeltürme pl; Doppelturm m arch.
twin towers
zweimotorig adj
twin brother
twin engined
twin sisters
etw. verknüpfen v
to twin sth.
Zwillingsforschung f
twin research
twin brothers
Zwillingskinder pl soc.
twin children
Zwillingsgrenze f min.
twin boundary
Perlastrild m ornith.
Rosy Twin-spot
eineiiger Zwilling
identical twin
Zwillingsschwangerschaft f med.
twin pregnancy
Zwillingsstreifung f min.
twin striation
Monteiroastrild m ornith.
Brown Twin-spot
Schieferastrild m ornith.
Dusky Twin-spot
Doppelsiebpresse f techn.
twin wire press
Tropfenastrild m ornith.
Peter's Twin-spot
Zweiwegeführung f telco.
twin path routing
twin barrelled gun
twin barrelled guns
Doppelzündung f auto
twin spark ignition
Grüner Tropfenastrild m ornith.
Green-backed Twin-spot
Doppellaufwerk m
Doppellaufwerke pl
twin drive
twin drives
Zwillingsgeburt f med.
Zwillingsgeburten pl
twin birth
twin births
Doppelschnecke f techn.
double screw; twin screw
Zwillingsbildung f min.
twinning; twin formation
Doppellaufwerk n
Doppellaufwerke pl
twin drive
twin drives
Zweilinsen-Spiegelreflexkamera f photo.
twin-lens (reflex) camera
Doppeldipol m
Doppeldipole pl
twin dipole
twin dipoles
Doppelsystem n
Doppelsysteme pl
twin system
twin systems
Zwillingsschwester f
Zwillingsschwestern pl
twin sister
twin sisters
Dybowskiastrild m ornith.
Dybowski's Dusky Twin-spot
Zwillingsbruder m
Zwillingsbrüder pl
twin brother
twin brothers
Zwillingskristall m
Zwillingskristalle pl
twin crystal
twin crystals
Schwalbenschwanz-Zwilling m
butterfly twin; fish-tail twin
Bottichwaschmaschine f
halbautomatische Bottichwaschmaschine
tub-washing machine
Doppelschiffsschraube f
Doppelschiffsschrauben pl
twin propeller
twin propellers
Doppelader f
Doppelader pl
twin conductor
twin conductors
Durchkreuzungszwilling m
Durchkreuzungszwillinge pl
cruciform twin
cruciform twins
Paralleldrahtleitung f electr.
Paralleldrahtleitungen pl
twin-lead cable
twin-lead cables
Jakobsdrehgestellwagen m; Görlitzer Drehgestellwagen m (Bahn)
twin coaches system Gresley (railway)
Zwillingswaffe f
Zwillingswaffen pl
twin barrelled gun
twin barrelled guns
Zwillingsschleuse f; Doppelschleuse f; Kuppelschleuse f (Wasserbau)
Zwillingsschleusen pl; Doppelschleusen pl; Kuppelschleusen pl
twin lock (water engineering)
twin locks
Doppelsiebmaschine f techn.
twin wire machine; twin wire paper machine
Zweibettzimmer n
Zweibettzimmer pl
double bedroom, twin-room
double bedrooms
Doppelnadel f (Nähmaschine) textil.
Doppelnadeln pl
twin needle (sewing machine)
twin needles
Zweibettzimmer n
Zweibettzimmer pl
double bedroom; twin-room
double bedrooms
Zweibettzimmer n; 2-Bettzimmer n
Zweibettzimmer pl; 2-Bettzimmer pl
double bedroom; twin-room
double bedrooms
Zwillingsbereifung f
dual application, dual fitment, twin fitment
Zwillingsbereifung f
dual application; dual fitment; twin fitment
Zwillingsreifen m
Zwillingsreifen pl
dual tyre, twin tyre
dual tyres, twin tyres
Partnerstadt f
Partnerstädte pl
twin town, twin city
twin towns, twin cities
Partnerstadt f
Partnerstädte pl
twin town; twin city
twin towns; twin cities
Zwillingsrad n
Zwillingsräder pl
dual wheel, twin wheel
dual wheels, twin wheels
Zwillingsrad n
Zwillingsräder pl
dual wheel; twin wheel
dual wheels; twin wheels
Zwillingsachse f
Zwillingsachsen pl
twinning axis; twin-axis
twinning axes; twin-axes
Doppelkupplungsgetriebe n auto
dual clutch transmission DCT ; twin clutch transmission
Doppelkupplungsgetriebe n auto
dual clutch transmission DCT ; twin clutch transmission
Zwillingsebene f min.
Zwillingsebenen pl
twinning plane; twin-plane
twinning planes; twin-planes
Paralleldrahtleitung f; Hühnerleiter f ugs. electr.
Paralleldrahtleitungen pl; Hühnerleitern pl
twin-lead cable; ladder line
twin-lead cables; ladder lines
Doppelschneebesen m (Teil einer Küchenmaschine) cook.
Doppelschneebesen pl
twin-geared whisk (food processor component)
twin-geared whisks
Doppelbett n
Doppelbetten pl
ca. 1, 50m breites Doppelbett
ca. 1, 90m breites Doppelbett
Doppelbett n (2 getrennte Betten)
double bed
double beds
queen-size bed
king-size bed
twin beds
Doppelbett n
Doppelbetten pl
ca. 1 50m breites Doppelbett
ca. 1 90m breites Doppelbett
Doppelbett n (2 getrennte Betten)
double bed
double beds
queen-size bed
king-size bed
twin beds
Doppelbett n
Doppelbetten pl
ca. 1,50 m breites Doppelbett
ca. 1,90 m breites Doppelbett
Doppelbett n (2 getrennte Betten)
double bed
double beds
queen-size bed
king-size bed
twin beds
Schleppkreisförderer m techn.
Schleppkreisförderer pl
overhead twin rail chain conveyor
overhead twin rail chain conveyors
Doppelvergaser m techn.
Doppelvergaser pl
dual carburettor; twin carburettor
dual carburettors; twin carburettors
Ground Zero (Ort der Zerstörung der Zwillingstürme in New York am 11. September 2001) hist.
Ground Zero (site of the Twin Towers in New York, destroyed on 11 September 2001)
Durchdringungszwilling m
Durchdringungszwillinge pl
penetrating twin; interpenetration twin
penetrating twins; interpenetration twins
Fräswerkzeug n; Fräser m techn.
Fräswerkzeuge pl; Fräser pl
zweiteiliger Fräser
milling tool; milling cutter
milling tools; milling cutters
twin (milling) cutter
Doppelschneckenextruder m techn.
Doppelschneckenextruder m
double screw extruder; double-screw extruder
twin screw extruder; twin-screw extruder
Zweiflammenbrenner m (Schweißen) techn.
Zweiflammenbrenner pl
twin-flame blowpipe; twin-flame torch (welding)
twin-flame blowpipes; twin-flame torches
Einsteckmappe f adm.
Einsteckmappen pl
two-pocket portfolio; twin-pocket portfolio
two-pocket portfolios; twin-pocket portfolios
Zwilling m
Zwillinge pl
eineiige Zwillinge
zweieiige Zwillinge
siamesische Zwillinge
identical twins
fraternal twins, nonidentical twins, unidentical twins
Siamese twins
Zwillingsreifen m
Zwillingsreifen pl
dual tyre; twin tyre; dual tire Am.; twin tire Am.
dual tyres; twin tyres; dual tires; twin tires
Fräser m mach.
Fräser pl
zweiteiliger Fräser m
milling cutter; milling; milling tool
milling cutters; millings; milling tools
twin (milling) cutter
Bereifung f auto
Doppelbereifung f
tyre Br. tire Am. equipment; tyres Br.; tires Am.
twin tyres; dual tyres; twin tires; dual tires
Zwilling m
Zwillinge pl
eineiige Zwillinge
zweieiige Zwillinge
siamesische Zwillinge
als Zwillinge geboren
identical twins
fraternal twins; nonidentical twins; unidentical twins
Siamese twins
Begleitstrecke f min.
double entry; twin entry; double heading; parallel heading; companion heading; back heading; parallel road; monkey gangway
Zwillingskristall m min.
Zwillingskristalle pl
twin crystal; compound crystal; geminate crystal; macle; hemitrope
twin crystals; compound crystals; geminate crystals; macles; hemitropes
Vergaser m auto techn.
Vergaser pl
Doppelvergaser m
Fallstromvergaser m
carburettor Br.; carburetor Am.; carb coll.
carburettors; carburetors; carbs
dual carburettor carburetor; twin carburettor carburetor
downdraught carburettor Br.; downdraft carburetor Am.
Kfz-Scheinwerferleuchte f; Kfz-Scheinwerferlampe f; Scheinwerfer pl auto
Kfz-Scheinwerferleuchten pl; Kfz-Scheinwerferlampen pl; Scheinwerfer pl
Doppelscheinwerfer pl
versenkbare Scheinwerfer
Xenon-Scheinwerfer pl; Xenonscheinwerfer pl
motor vehicle headlamp; headlamp; headlight coll.
motor vehicle headlamps; headlamps; headlights
twin headlamps; twin headlights coll.
retractable headlamps; retractable headlights coll.
high intensity discharge headlamps; HID headlamps; xenon headlamps
Kettenoberleitung f; Kettenfahrleitung f; Längskettenwerk n; Kettenwerk n (Bahn)
Kettenoberleitung mit Doppelfahrdraht
Verbundoberleitung; Verbundfahrleitung; Kettenwerk mit Hilfstragseil
windschiefe Oberleitung; windschiefe Fahrleitung; Kettenwerk in schiefer Bauweise
overhead contact system OCS ; overhead line equipment OLE OHLE ; overhead equipment OHE ; catenary equipment; overhead lines OHL ; overhead wiring OHW
simple catenary equipment with twin contact wires
compound overhead catenary; compound catenary; compound catenary equipment
curved catenary; inclined catenary; skewed overhead lines
Industriekessel m; Kessel m techn.
Industriekessel pl; Kessel pl
Heizkessel mit Abgaskamin
einschüssiger Kessel
einen Kessel befahren
aufgeladener Kessel
Zweiflammrohrkessel m
Kessel mit Deckenfeuerung
Kessel mit Doppelbrennkammer
Kessel mit Druckfeuerung
Kessel mit Einzelbrennkammer
Kessel mit flüssigem Ascheabzug
Kessel mit Frontalfeuerung
Kessel mit trockenem Ascheabzug
Kessel mit überlagerter Umwälzung
Kessel mit Unterdruckfeuerung
industrial boiler
industrial boilers
boiler with exhaust gas stack
singe-barrel type boiler
to inspect a boiler
supercharged boiler
double-flue boiler
roof-fired boiler
twin-furnace boiler
pressurized-furnace boiler
single-furnace boiler
slag-tap boiler; wet-bottom boiler
front-fired boiler
dry-bottom boiler
boiler with superimposed circulation
balanced-draught boiler
Belegung f (von Räumlichkeiten) (Zahl der untergebrachten Personen Tiere)
Bettenbelegung; Bettenauslastung (Krankenhaus)
Einfachbelegung eines Doppelzimmers
Doppelbelegung eines Einzelzimmers
Dreierbelegung eines Zimmers einer Suite
Viererbelegung eines Zimmers einer Suite
Mehrfachbelegung eines Appartements
volle Belegung eines Appartements
Mindestbelegung f
Belegungsgrad m; Auslastung f
der alleinige Bewohner Mieter Gast sein
Die Hotels sind zu 80% ausgelastet.
occupancy (of rooms) (number of persons animals accommodated)
bed occupancy (hospital)
single occupancy of a double room
double twin occupancy of a single room
triple occupancy of a room suite
quadruple occupancy of a room suite
multiple occupancy of an apartment
full occupancy of an apartment
minimum occupancy
occupancy rate; occupancy ratio
to be in sole occupancy
Hotels enjoy 80% occupancy.
Kessel m; Heizkessel m mach.
Kessel pl; Heizkessel pl
Heizkessel mit Abgaskamin
einschüssiger Kessel
einen Kessel befahren
aufgeladener Kessel
baumustergeprüfter Kessel
eingehängter Kessel
eingemauerter Kessel
Zweiflammrohrkessel m
Kessel mit Deckenfeuerung
Kessel mit Doppelbrennkammer
Kessel mit Druckfeuerung
Kessel mit Einzelbrennkammer
Kessel mit flüssigem Ascheabzug
Kessel mit Frontalfeuerung
Kessel mit trockenem Ascheabzug
Kessel mit überlagerter Umwälzung
Kessel mit Unterdruckfeuerung
boiler with exhaust gas stack
singe-barrel type boiler
to inspect a boiler
supercharged boiler
type tested boiler
suspended boiler; top-supported boiler; top-slung boiler
brick-set boiler
double-flue boiler
roof-fired boiler
twin-furnace boiler
pressurized-furnace boiler
single-furnace boiler
slag-tap boiler; wet-bottom boiler
front-fired boiler
dry-bottom boiler
boiler with superimposed circulation
balanced-draught boiler
Tunnel m constr.
Tunnel pl; Tunnels pl
Basistunnel m
Bergtunnel m; Gebirgstunnel m
Eisenbahntunnel m; Bahntunnel m
Flusstunnel m; Flussuntertunnelung f; Unterwassertunnel m
Hangtunnel m
Kehrtunnel m
Schraubtunnel m
Unterpflastertunnel m
Unterwassertunnel m (in einer Meerenge)
Tunnel für Dienstzwecke; Diensttunnel m
Tunnel in Vortriebsbauweise
Tunnel in bergmännischer Bauweise
Tunnel in offener Bauweise
Tunnel mit zwei Röhren; zweiröhriger Tunnel
versuchsweise vorgetriebener Tunnel
einen Tunnel anlegen
durch einen Tunnel führen (Straße)
Licht am Ende des Tunnels sehen übtr.
base tunnel
mountain tunnel
railway tunnel Br.; railroad tunnel Am.
under-river tunnel
hillside tunnel
curved alignment tunnel; tunnel on a curved alignment
spiral tunnel; helicoidal tunnel
soft-soil tunnel; shallow-buried tunnel
undersea tunnel
service tunnel
bored tunnel
mined tunnel
cut-and-cover tunnel; green tunnel
twin-bored tunnel
pilot tunnel
to cut a tunnel
to lead through a tunnel (road)
to see the light at the end of the tunnel fig.
Motor m auto techn.
Motoren pl
Blockmotor m
Doppelreihenmotor m auto
Einreihenmotor m
Saugmotor m
Trommelmotor m
abgasoptimierter Motor
bürstenloser Motor; Stromrichtermotor
liegender Motor
quer eingebauter Motor; Quermotor auto
bei mit laufendem Motor auto
den Motor warmlaufen lassen
den Motor hochjagen; mit Bleifuß fahren; auf die Tube drücken ugs.
engine (generating energy through a chemical reaction); motor (receiving propelling power from an external source)
engines; motors
block-cast motor engine; monobloc motor engine; block motor engine
twin-bank engine; double-tandem engine
single-line engine
aspirating engine; naturally aspirated engine
drum motor
exhaust gas optimized motor
brushless motor; BL-motor
horizontal motor; flat motor
transverse engine
with the engine running
to warm up the engine
to gun the engine Am. coll.
Schwangerschaft f; Gravidität f med.
Schwangerschaften pl
Bauchhöhlenschwangerschaft f
biochemische Schwangerschaft; chemische Schwangerschaft (Frühestfehlgeburt)
Eileiterschwangerschaft f
Einfachschwangerschaft f
ektope Schwangerschaft; Extrauteringravidität f
Mehrlingsschwangerschaft f med.
Terminschwangerschaft f
Zwillingsschwangerschaft f med.
mehrere Schwangerschaften
unerwünschte Schwangerschaft
in der Schwangerschaft
der Einsatz von Medikamenten in der Schwangerschaft und der Stillzeit
der Trend, später zu heiraten und Kinder zu bekommen
pregnancy; childbearing; gestation; gravidity
abdominal pregnancy
biochemical pregnancy; chemical pregnancy (very early miscarriage)
tubal pregnancy
single pregnancy; monocyesis
ectopic pregnancy; eccysis
multiple pregnancy
full-term pregnancy
twin pregnancy
several pregnancies; much childbearing
unwanted pregnancy
during pregnancy; during childbearing
the use of drugs during in pregnancy and lactation
marriage and childbearing postponement; the trend towards later marriage and childbearing
Eisenbahnschwelle f; Bahnschwelle f; Gleisschwelle f; Schwelle f (Bahn)
Eisenbahnschwellen pl; Bahnschwellen pl; Gleisschwellen pl; Schwellen pl
Betonschwelle f
Betonstützenschwelle f; Stützenschwelle f; Zweiblockschwelle f
Doppelschwelle f; Breitschwelle f; Kuppelstoßschwelle f; Kuppelschwelle f
Einblockbetonschwelle f; Einblockschwelle f; Monoblockbetonschwelle f; Monoblockschwelle f
Einblock-Spannbetonschwelle f
gummiummantelte Schwelle
Holzschwelle f
Langschwelle f
lose Schwelle
Querschwelle f
Rahmenschwelle f
Stahlbetonschwelle f
Weichenholzschwelle f; Weichenschwelle f
railway sleeper Br.; railroad tie Am.; cross-tie Am. (railway)
railway sleepers; railroad ties; cross-ties
concrete sleeper Br.; concrete tie Am.
double-block concrete sleeper Br. tie Am.; twin-block concrete sleeper Br. tie Am.; twin-block sleeper Br. tie Am.; duo-block sleeper Br. tie Am.
twin sleeper Br.; twin tie Am.
monobloc concrete sleeper Br. tie Am.; monobloc sleeper Br. tie Am.
monobloc prestressed-concrete sleeper Br. tie Am.
rubber-coated sleeper Br. tie Am.
wooden sleeper Br.; timber sleeper Br.; wooden tie Am.; timber tie Am. rare
dancing sleeper Br. tie Am.; pumping sleeper Br. tie Am.
cross sleeper Br.; tie-bar Am.
frame sleeper Br.; frame tie Am.
reinforced-concrete sleeper Br. tie Am.
crossing timber; switch timber Am.
Geschützlafette f; Lafette f mil.
Geschützlafetten pl; Lafetten pl
Bocklafette f; Rahmenlafette f
Federspornlafette f
Gabellafette f
Gelenklafette f
Kastenlafette f
Oberlafette f
Pivotlafette f
Radlafette f; Räderlafette f
Raupenlafette f
Röhrenlafette f
Rundumlafette f
Schartenlafette f
Schnellladelafette f
Schwenklafette f; Sockellafette f
Selbstfahrlafette f
Sonderlafette f
Spreizlafette f
Stauchlafette f
Turmlafette f
Unterlafette f
Verschwindlafette f
Vorderlafette f
Wiegenlafette f
Zwillingslafette f
hydropneumatische Lafette
ortsfeste Lafette
starre Lafette
gun carriage; gun mount
gun carriages; gun mounts
slide carriage; sledge carriage; frame-type carriage
carriage with elastic trail spade
shafts carriage
pivot carriage
box-trail carriage
top carriage; upper carriage
turntable carriage; pivot-type mount
wheel carriage; wheeled carriage
caterpillar tm carriage
tubular-trail carriage; tubular mount
universal gun carriage
embrasure carriage
rapid loading carriage
swivel gun mount; swivel mount; pedestal mount
self-propelled gun carriage; self-propelled mount
special gun mount
split-trail spade carriage; split-trail carriage
telescope carriage; retractable gun mount
turret gun mount
bottom carriage; lower carriage; undercarriage
disappearing mount
front half of carriage
cradle gun mount
twin gun mount; twin mount
hydropneumatic carriage
stationary gun mount
fixed gun mount

Deutsche doppelt paarig {adj} Synonyme

überreichlich  Âdoppelt  Âdoppelt  gemoppelt  (umgangssprachlich)  Âmehrfach  Âpleonastisch  Âredundant  
doppelt  Âdoppelt  gemoppelt  (umgangssprachlich)  Âpaar  Âzweifach  Âzweigleisig  
doppelt  Âin  Kombination  Âpaarweise  Âzu  zweit  Âzusammen  
doppelt  doppelt gemoppelt (umgangssprachlich)  paar  zweifach  zweigleisig  
doppelt  in Kombination  paarweise  zu zweit  zusammen  

Englische twin Synonyme

twin  Doppelganger  Janus-like  accessory  accompanying  actual thing  alike  all one  all the same  ally  alter ego  ambidextrous  analogon  analogous  analogue  associate  associated  attendant  attending  bifacial  bifold  biform  bifurcated  bilateral  binary  binate  biparous  bipartisan  bipartite  bivalent  brother  carbon copy  clone  close copy  close match  coequal  cognate  coincident  collateral  combine  combined  companion  comparable  compeer  complement  concomitant  concurrent  conduplicate  congenator  congener  conjoint  connect  consubstantial  coordinate  copy  correlate  correlative  correspondent  corresponding  counterpart  couple  coupled  dead ringer  dichotomous  disomatous  ditto  double  double-faced  duadic  dual  dualistic  dupe  duple  duplex  duplicate  duplicated  dyadic  effigy  equal  equipollent  equivalent  exact counterpart  exact likeness  exactly alike  facsimile  fellow  geminate  geminated  homograph  homonym  homoousian  homophone  icon  idem  identic  identical  identical same  idol  image  indistinguishable  ingeminate  join  joined  joint  just alike  kindred spirit  like  likeness  link  living image  living picture  match  matched  matching  mate  miniature  mirroring  model  multiply by two  mutual  near duplicate  no other  none other  obverse  of a kind  of a piece  of a size  one  opposite number  pair  paired  parallel  paralleling  peer  pendant  photograph  picture  portrait  reciprocal  redouble  reduplicate  reflection  repeat  replica  replicate  reproduce  resemblance  ringer  rival  rubbing  same  second  second self  secondary  selfsame  semblance  shadow  similar  similitude  simulacrum  simultaneous  sister  soul mate  spit and image  spitting image  such  suchlike  synonym  tally  the like of  the likes of  the same  the same difference  trace  tracing  twain  twinned  two  two-faced  two-level  two-ply  two-sided  two-story  twofold  undifferent  very image  very picture  very same  without difference  
twine  band  begird  belt  belt in  braid  brail  cable  cincture  circle  coil  contort  cord  corkscrew  crinkle  curl  encincture  encircle  engird  enlace  enmesh  ensphere  entangle  entwine  gird  girdle  interknit  interlace  intertie  intertissue  intertwine  intertwist  interweave  intort  knit  lace  ligament  ligation  ligature  line  loom  loop  mat  meander  net  noose  plait  pleach  raddle  ring  rope  scallop  screw  serpentine  slink  snake  spiral  splice  spun yarn  string  swirl  tangle  tendon  thong  tissue  turn  twill  twine around  twirl  twist  twist and turn  undulate  wattle  weave  web  whirl  whorl  wind  wire  worm  wrap  wreathe  wreathe around  wring  yarn  zone  
twinge  ache  acute pain  agonize  ail  anguish  bite  blanch  blench  boring pain  charley horse  cramp  cramps  crick  darting pain  feel pain  feel the pangs  fulgurant pain  girdle pain  gnawing  grimace  gripe  griping  have a misery  hitch  hurt  jumping pain  kink  lancinating pain  misery  nip  pain  pang  paroxysm  pinch  pound  prick  seizure  sharp pain  shoot  shooting  shooting pain  shrink  smart  spasm  stab  stabbing pain  stitch  suffer  thrill  throb  throes  tingle  tormen  tweak  twitch  wince  wrench  writhe  
twinkle  bat  blink  blinking  breath  coruscate  coruscating  coruscation  coup  crack  dance  dancing  dazzle  dazzling  firefly  flash  flashing  flicker  flickering  fulgurate  fulguration  gleam  gleaming  glimmer  glimmering  glint  glisk  glisten  glistening  glister  glitter  glittering  glowworm  half a jiffy  half a mo  half a second  half a shake  illuminate  instant  jiff  jiffy  light  light up  microsecond  millisecond  minute  moment  nictitate  scintilla  scintillate  scintillating  scintillation  sec  second  shake  shimmer  shimmering  shine  shining  spangle  spark  sparking  sparkle  sparkling  split second  stroboscopic light  stroke  tick  tinsel  trice  twink  twinkling  twitch  two shakes  wink  winking  
twinkling  blink  blinking  blinky  breath  coruscant  coruscating  coruscation  coup  crack  firefly  flash  glimmer  glimmering  glimmerous  glimmery  glisten  glistening  glister  glistering  glitter  glittering  glittery  glowworm  half a jiffy  half a mo  half a second  half a shake  instant  jiff  jiffy  microsecond  millisecond  minute  moment  scintilla  scintillant  scintillating  scintillation  scintillescent  sec  second  shake  shimmer  shimmering  shimmery  spangle  spangly  spark  sparkle  sparkling  split second  stroboscopic light  stroke  tick  tinsel  tinselly  trice  twink  twinkle  twinkly  twitch  two shakes  wink  

twin Definition

(a.) Being one of two born at a birth
(a.) Being one of a pair much resembling one another
(a.) Double
(a.) Composed of parts united according to some definite law of twinning. See Twin, n., 4.
(n.) One of two produced at a birth, especially by an animal that ordinarily brings forth but one at a birth
(n.) A sign and constellation of the zodiac
(n.) A person or thing that closely resembles another.
(n.) A compound crystal composed of two or more crystals, or parts of crystals, in reversed position with reference to each other.
(v. i.) To bring forth twins.
(v. i.) To be born at the same birth.
(v. t.) To cause to be twins, or like twins in any way.
(v. t.) To separate into two parts
(v. i.) To depart from a place or thing.

twin Bedeutung

twin bill
double feature
two games instead of one (especially in baseball when the same two teams play two games on the same day)
a duplicate copy
double-propeller plane
a propeller plane with an engine that drives two propellers in opposite directions (for stability)
twin bed one of a pair of identical beds
widebody aircraft
wide-body aircraft
twin-aisle airplane
a commercial airliner with two aisles
World Trade Center
twin towers
twin skyscrapersstories high in New York City, built feet tall into , destroyed by a terrorist attack on September ,
Twin Falls a town on the Snake River in south central Idaho near the Twin Falls
Twin Cities nickname for Saint Paul and Minneapolis
Twin Falls
a waterfall in the Snake River in southern Idaho
(astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Gemini
fraternal twin
dizygotic twin
either of two twins who developed from two separate fertilized eggs
identical twin
monozygotic twin
monozygous twin
either of two twins developed from the same fertilized ovum (having the same genetic material)
Siamese twin
conjoined twin
one of a pair of identical twins born with their bodies joined at some point
twin either of two offspring born at the same time from the same pregnancy
twin give birth to twins
twin grow as twins, twin crystals
match mate couple pair twin bring two objects, ideas, or people together, This fact is coupled to the other one, Matchmaker, can you match my daughter with a nice young man?, The student was paired with a partner for collaboration on the project
duplicate or match, The polished surface twinned his face and chest in reverse
twin-bedded having twin beds
matching twin(a)
being two identical
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Twins are two offspring produced by the same pregnancy. Twins can be either monozygotic , meaning that they develop from one zygote, which splits and forms two embryos, or dizygotic , meaning that they develop from two different eggs. In fraternal twins, each twin is fertilized by its own sperm cell.

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