
vascular Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

vaskulär adj, Blutgefäße betreffend med.
Gefäßwand f med.
vascular wall
Gefäßnaht f med.
vascular suture
Leitgewebe n bot.
vascular tissue
Gefäßchirurgie f med.
vascular surgery
Gefäßerweiterung f med.
vascular dilation
Gefäßleiden n med.
vascular complaint
vaskulär adj; Blutgefäße betreffend anat. med.
innerhalb der Blutgefäße (liegend gelegen) adj
Gefäßwand f med.
Gefäßwände pl
vascular wall
vascular walls
vaskulär adj; Blutgefäße betreffend anat. med.
Gefäßarchitektur f
vascular architecture
Gefäßpflanze f bot.
Gefäßpflanzen pl
vascular plant
vascular plants
Gefäßerkrankung f; Gefäßkrankheit f med.
Gefäßerkrankungen pl; Gefäßkrankheiten pl
vascular disease
vascular diseases
Gefäßchirurg m; Gefäßchirurgin f med.
Gefäßchirurgen pl; Gefäßchirurginnen pl
vascular surgeon
vascular surgeons
Gefäßverengung f med.
vascular constriction; vaso-constriction
Gefäßverengung f med.
vascular constriction, vaso-constriction
Gefäßerweiterung f; Vasodilatation f med.
erweitert; gedehnt adj
vascular dilation; vasodilation
Arteriosklerose f; Atherosklerose f; Arterienverkalkung f ugs. med.
atherosclerosis; arteriosclerotic vascular disease ASVD
Gefäßerkrankung f; Gefäßkrankheit f med.
Gefäßerkrankungen pl; Gefäßkrankheiten pl
Gefäßkrankheiten des Darmes
vascular disease
vascular diseases
vascular disorders of the intestine
Gewebseinschmelzung f; Gewebeeinschmelzung f med.
Gefäßwandverdickung mit zentraler Gewebseinschmelzung
liquefaction of tissue
vascular wall thickening with central liquefaction
peripher; am Rande (liegend gelegen) adj anat.
peripheres Blut
peripheres Kreislaufversagen
peripherer Gefäßwiderstand
peripheral blood
peripheral circulatory failure
peripheral vascular resistance; afterload
Leiden n (unbestimmte Erkankung eines Körperteils) med.
Blasenleiden n
Gefäßleiden n
Magenleiden n
Rückenleiden n
disease (unspecified pathological condition of a body part)
bladder disease
vascular disease
disease of the stomach; gastric disease, gastropathy
back disease; dorsal disease
Gedächtnisschwund m; Demenzerkranktung f; Demenz f (Dementia) med.
Demenz mit kindlichen Phantasien
fortschreitende Demenz
frontotemporale Demenz FTD ; frontotemporale Lobär-Degeneration FTLD
vaskuläre Demenz
dementia disease; dementia; fatuity; aphronesia; aphrenia; anoia
progredient dementia
frontotemporal dementia FTD ; frontotemporal lobar degeneration FTLD
vascular dementia
Gefäßklemme f; Arterienklemme f; Elektroagulator m med.
Gefäßklemmen pl; Arterienklemmen pl; Elektroagulatoren pl
atraumatische Gefäßklemme
Pott'sche Gefäßklemme
vascular clamp; artery forceps; haemostatic Br. hemostatic Am. forceps; vasotribe; haemostat Br.; hemostat Am.
vascular clamps; artery forcepses; haemostatic hemostatic forcepses; vasotribes; haemostats; hemostats
atraumatic vascular clamp; non-crushing vascular clamp
Beck-Potts clamp
Kollaps m med.
Kollapse pl
Kollaps der Lunge; Lungenkollaps
Kollaps nach der Bergung
Belastungskollaps m
Herzkreislaufkollaps m; kardiovaskulärer Kollaps m
Kreislaufkollaps m
Venenkollaps m
massiver Kollaps
narkosebedingter anästhesiebedingter Kreislaufkollaps
reflektorischer Kollaps
einen Kollaps erleiden bekommen ugs.; kollabieren
collapse of the lungs; pulmonary collaps
circum-rescue collapse
collapse due to exertion
cardiovascular collapse
collapse of the circulation; circulatory collapse; vascular collaps
venous collapse
massive collapse
anaestesia-induced collapse
reflex collapse
to suffer a collapse; to collapse
Sklerose f; Verhärtung f; Verkalkung f ugs. (von Geweben Organen) med.
Arteriosklerose f; vaskuläre Sklerose f; Arterienverkalkung f; Schlagaderverkalkung f
Aortensklerose f
Bulbärsklerose f
Sklerose der Gehörknöchelchen; Verknöcherung der Gehörknöchelchen; Otosklerose
Sklerose der Haut; Sklerem (Sclerema)
Sklerose der Hirnwindungen; Sklerogyrie
Sklerose des Nervengewebes; Nervengewebeverkalkung; Neuroklerose
Sklerose durch Faservermehrung; Inosklerose
Sklerose mit Eiteransammlung; Pyosklerose
allgemeine Sklerose; generalisierte Sklerose
amyotrophische Lateralsklerose f ALS ; amyotrophe Lateralsklerose f; myatrophe Lateralsklerose f; Lou-Gehrig-Syndrom n
familiäre zentrolobuläre Sklerose
konzentrische Sklerose; Leucoencephalitis periaxialis; Baló'sche Krankheit (Enzephalomyelitis periaxialis concentrica)
multiple Sklerose MS
posterolaterale Sklerose; subakute kombinierte Rückenmarkdegeneration; funikuläre Spinalerkrankung; funikuläre Myelose; Lichtheim-Syndrom; Putnam-Dana-Syndrom
progressive systemische Sklerose; Madonnenfinger (Sclerodermia diffusa progressiva)
systemische Sklerose
tuberöse Sklerose; Bourneville'sche Krankheit; Bourneville-Syndrom
sclerosis; hardening (of tissues organs)
arteriosclerosis; arteriosclerotic vascular disease ASVD ; vascular sclerosis
aortic sclerosis
bulbar sclerosis
otosclerosis; otospongiosis
sclerosis of the skin; sclerema
atrophic scarring of the cerebral convulsions; sclerogyria
general sclerosis
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ALS ; myotrophic lateral sclerosis; motor neurone disease MND ; Charcot's disease; Charcot's syndrome; Lou Gehrig's disease Am.
familial centrolobular sclerosis; Pllizaeus-Merzbacher disease
Baló's concentric sclerosis; Baló's disease; concentric periaxial leucoencephalitis; demyelinating encephalopathy
multiple sclerosis MS ; polysclerosis; multilocular sclerosis; disseminated sclerosis; diffuse sclerosis; cerebrospinal sclerosis; insular sclerosis
posterolateral sclerosis; Lichtheim's syndrome; Putnam-Dana syndrome
progressive systemic sclerosis; Madonna finger
systemic sclerosis
tuberous sclerosis; epiloia; Bourneville's disease

Deutsche Gefäß... Synonyme

Ader  ÂBlutader  ÂBlutgefäß  ÂGefäß  
Behälter  ÂBehältnis  ÂContainer  ÂGefäß  

Englische vascular Synonyme

vascular Definition

(a.) Consisting of, or containing, vessels as an essential part of a structure
(a.) Operating by means of, or made up of an arrangement of, vessels
(a.) Of or pertaining to the vessels of animal and vegetable bodies
(a.) Of or pertaining to the higher division of plants, that is, the phaenogamous plants, all of which are vascular, in distinction from the cryptogams, which to a large extent are cellular only.

vascular Bedeutung

water vascular system system of fluid-filled tubes used by echinoderms in locomotion and feeding and respiration
vascular structure a structure composed of or provided with blood vessels
vascular system the vessels and tissue that carry or circulate fluids such as blood or lymph or sap through the body of an animal or plant
vascular plant
green plant having a vascular system: ferns, gymnosperms, angiosperms
vascular tissue tissue that conducts water and nutrients through the plant body in higher plants
vascular bundle
vascular strand
fibrovascular bundle
a unit strand of the vascular system in stems and leaves of higher plants consisting essentially of xylem and phloem
vascular ray
medullary ray
a sheet of vascular tissue separating the vascular bundles
von Willebrand's disease
vascular hemophilia
a form of hemophilia discovered by Erik von Willebrand, a genetic disorder that is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait, characterized by a deficiency of the coagulation factor and by mucosal bleeding
spider angioma
spider nevus
vascular spider
a dilation of superficial capillaries with a central red dot from which blood vessels radiate
vascular of or relating to or having vessels that conduct and circulate fluids, vascular constriction, a vascular bundle
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