
velvet browed Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Brauenbrillant m ornith.
Velvet-browed Brilliant
Ameisenwespe f zool.
Ameisenwespen pl
velvet ant
velvet ants
Kordsamt m
corduroy, cord velvet
Samt m, Velvet n
Samthandschuh m
Samthandschuhe pl
jdn. mit Samthandschuhen anfassen übtr.
velvet glove
velvet gloves
to handle sb. with kid gloves
samtig, samtartig, samten, samtweich adj
velvety, velvet
samtweich adj
Neondemoiselle f (Neoglyphidodon oxyodon) zool.
blue velvet damsel
Phantom-Kaiserfisch m (Chaetodontoplus melanosoma) zool.
black velvet angel
Gelbbrauen-Laubsänger m ornith.
Yellow-browed Warbler (Phylloscopus inornatus)
Samtente f ornith.
Velvet Scoter (Melanitta fusca)
Schwarzbrauenalbatros m, Mollymauk m ornith.
Black-browed Albatross (Thalassarche melanophris)
Weißbrauendrossel f ornith.
Eye-browed Thrush (Turdus obscurus)
Brauentinamu m ornith.
Pale-browed Tinamou
Weißbrauenbussard m ornith.
White-browed Hawk
Weißbrauenguan m ornith.
White-browed Guan
Weißbrauen-Sumpfhuhn n ornith.
White-browed Rail
Weißbrauenkuckuck m ornith.
White-browed Coucal
Gelbrauenkauz m ornith.
Tawny-browed Owl
Hyazinthkolibri m ornith.
Velvet-Purple Coronet
Brauenbrillant m ornith.
Velvet-browed Brilliant
Weißbraueneremit m ornith.
White-browed Hermit
Brauenmotmot ornith.
Turquoise-browed Motmot
Gelbbrauenarassari m ornith.
Yellow-browed Toucanet
Weißbrauenspecht m ornith.
White-browed Woodpecker
Rötelmausspecht m ornith.
White-browed Piculet
Olivstirnschlüpfer m ornith.
Ash-browed Spinetail
Fahlbrauen-Blattspäher m ornith.
Pale-browed Treehunter
Weißbrauenschlüpfer m ornith.
Lafresnaye's White-browed Spinetail
Weißbrauen-Meisenschlüpfer m ornith.
White-browed Tit-Spinetail
Weißbrauen-Blattspäher m ornith.
White-browed Foliage-gleaner
Ockerbrauen-Blattspäher m ornith.
Buff-browed Foliage-gleaner
Ockerbrauenschlüpfer m ornith.
Ochre-browed Thistletail
Brauenschlüpfer m ornith.
Buff-browed Spinetail
Gelbbrauen-Ameisenschnäpper m ornith.
Yellow-browed Antbird
Augenbrauen-Ameisenschnäpper m ornith.
White-browed Antcreeper
Weißbrauentapaculo ornith.
White-browed Tapaculo
Gelbringtyrann m ornith.
Lemon-browed Flycatcher
Rotkäppchentyrann m ornith.
White-browed Ground Tyrant
Schluchtentyrann m ornith.
White-browed Chat Tyrant
Goldbrauentyrann m ornith.
Golden-browed Chat Tyrant
Rostbrauen-Laubtyrann m ornith.
Rufous-browed Tyrannulet
Goldtyrann m ornith.
Yellow-browed Tyrant
Goldbrauen-Spateltyrann m ornith.
Yellow-browed Tody Flycatcher
Weißgesicht-Seidenfleck m ornith.
White-browed Purpletuft
Seidenjala ornith.
Velvet Asity
Papualalage f ornith.
Black-browed Triller
Weißbrauenlalage f ornith.
White-browed Triller
Goldbrauenbülbül m ornith.
Golden-browed Bulbul
Weißbrauenbülbül m ornith.
White-browed Bulbul
Camposspottdrossel f ornith.
Chalk-browed Mockingbird
Weißbrauen-Heckensänger m ornith.
White-browed Scrub Robin
Brauenschama ornith.
White-browed Shama
Weißbrauenrötel m ornith.
White-browed Robin Chat
Weißbrauen-Blauschwanz m ornith.
White-browed Bush Robin
Weißbrauenalcippe f ornith.
White-browed Fulvetta
Weißwangenhäherling m ornith.
White-browed Laughing Thrush
Schwarzbrauen-Maustimalie f ornith.
Black-browed Jungle Babbler
Gelbbrauenfoditany m ornith.
Yellow-browed Oxylabes
Brauensäbler m ornith.
White-browed Babbler
Gelbbrauen-Grasmücke f ornith.
Yellow-browed Camaroptera
Schwarzbrauen-Cistensänger m ornith.
Black-browed Cisticola
Goldscheitel-Laubsänger m ornith.
Black-browed Leaf Warbler
Weißbrustprinie f ornith.
White-browed Prinia
Pekingsänger m ornith.
White-browed Chinese Warbler
Weißbrauensylvietta ornith.
White-browed Crombec
Roststirnschnäpper m ornith.
Rufous-browed Flycatcher
Weißbrauenschnäpper m ornith.
White-browed Blue Flycatcher
Brauenwaldschnäpper m ornith.
White-browed Forest Flycatcher
Weißbrauen-Dschungelschnäpper m ornith.
White-browed Jungle Flycatcher
Weißbrauensericornis ornith.
White-browed Sericornis
Weißstirn-Fächerschwanz m ornith.
White-browed Fantail
Augenstreifschnäpper m ornith.
White-browed Robin
Weißbrauenmeise f ornith.
White-browed Tit
Laubmeise f ornith.
Yellow-browed Tit
Samtstirnkleiber m ornith.
Velvet-fronted Nuthatch
Weißbrauenkleiber m ornith.
White-browed Nuthatch
Weißbrauen-Baumrutscher m ornith.
White-browed Treecreeper
Rostbrauen-Baumrutscher m ornith.
Red-browed Treecreeper
Rotbrauen-Panthervogel m ornith.
Red-browed Pardalote
Gelbbrauen-Brillenvogel m ornith.
White-browed White-eye
Goldbrauenorganist m ornith.
Golden-browed Chlorophonia
Gelbbrauentangare f ornith.
Lemon-browed Tanager
Gelbbrauenammer f ornith.
Yellow-browed Bunting
Samtstirnorganist m ornith.
Velvet-fronted Euphonia
Zimtbrauenhemispingus ornith.
Rufous-browed Hemispingus
Brauenschopftangare f ornith.
Scarlet-browed Tanager
Gelbwangenammer f ornith.
Yellow-browed Sparrow
Rostbrauen-Ammerfink m ornith.
Rusty-browed Warbling Finch
Silberbrauentangare f ornith.
Blue-browed Tanager
Goldstreif-Waldsänger m ornith.
Golden-browed Warbler
Olivflanken-Waldsänger m ornith.
White-browed Warbler
Rotbrauen-Spitzschnabel m ornith.
Rufous-browed Conebill
Weißbrauen-Spitzschnabel m ornith.
White-browed Conebill
Rostbrauenvireo m ornith.
Rufous-browed Pepper Shrike
Gelbbrauenvireo m ornith.
Yellow-browed Shrike
Samtstirnstärling m ornith.
Velvet-fronted Grackle
Burtongimpel m ornith.
Red-browed Rosefinch
Rosenbrauengimpel m ornith.
Pink-browed Rosefinch
Weißbrauengimpel m ornith.
White-browed Rosefinch
Dornastrild m ornith.
Red-browed Waxbill
Augenbrauenmahali ornith.
White-browed Sparrow Weaver
Rotbrauenstar m ornith.
Fiery-browed Enodes Starling
Weißbrauen-Schwalbenstar m ornith.
White-browed Wood Swallow
Maskenbaumelster f ornith.
Black-browed Tree Pie
velvet glove
velvet gloves
Fuchsschwänze pl; Amarante pl (Amaranthus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
aufsteigender Fuchsschwanz (Amaranthus blitum)
zurückgekrümmter Fuchsschwanz (Amaranthus retroflexus)
Gartenfuchsschwanz; Kiwicha (Amaranthus caudatus)
amaranths (botanical genus)
purple amaranth
common amaranth; common tumbleweed; red-root amaranth redrooted pigweed
pendant amaranth; foxtail amaranth; love-lies-bleeding tassel flower velvet flower; quilete
Königskerzen pl (Verbascum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
mulleins; velvet plants (botanical genus)
Neoglyphidodon-Riffbarsche pl (Neoglyphidodon oxyodon) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Smaragd-Riffbarsch m; Neon-Riffbarsch m (Neoglyphidodon oxyodon)
neoglyphidodon damselfishes (zoological genus)
bluestreak damselfish; blue velvet damselfish
Rippensamt m; Kordsamt Cordsamt m; Kord Cord m; Kordstoff m; Cordgewebe n; Manchester Nordwestdt.; Schnürlsamt m Ös. (Schusssamt mit Längsrippen) textil.
cord velvet; ribbed velvet; corduroy
Ritznadel f; Zugnadel f (Samt) textil.
Ritznadeln pl; Zugnadeln pl
round velvet needle; velvet pile wire
round velvet needles; velvet pile wires
Röhrenspinnen pl (Eresidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
velvet spiders (zoological family)
Samt m; Velvet n textil.
Samthandschuh m
Samthandschuhe pl
jdn. mit Samthandschuhen Glacéhandschuhen anfassen übtr.
velvet glove
velvet gloves
to handle treat sb. with kid gloves fig.
Samtkaiserfische pl (Chaetodontoplus) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Australischer Samtkaiserfisch m (Chaetodontoplus personifer)
Kragen-Samtkaiserfisch m (Chaetodontoplus conspicillatus)
Masken-Samtkaiserfisch m (Chaetodontoplus meridithi)
Mond-Samtkaiserfisch m (Chaetodontoplus mesoleucus)
Schwarzer Samtkaiserfisch m (Chaetodontoplus melanosoma)
chaetodontoplus angelfishes (zoological genus)
blueface angelfish
conspicuous angelfish
Queensland yellowtail angelfish
vermiculated angelfish
black velvet angelfish
Trompetenzungen pl (Salpiglossis) (botanische Gattung) bot.
velvet trumpet flowers (botanical genus)
Velours n; Velourstoff m textil.
velour; velours; warp velvet; raised pile fabric
Veloursveredelung f; Veloursausrüstung f textil.
velvet finish
dicht; dick; schwer; kompakt; intensiv adj
dichter Nebel Rauch
ein dichter Bart
dicke Luft
eine dicke Hornbrille
schwere Stiefel
schwere Samtvorhänge
ein schweres Parfum
ein schwerer Lehmboden
schwere Wolken
ein kräftig gebauter Mann
heavy (dense thick compact intense)
heavy fog smoke
a heavy beard
heavy air
heavy horn-rimmed glasses
heavy boots
heavy velvet curtains
a heavy perfume
heavy clay soil
heavy clouds
a man with a heavy build
samtig; samtartig; samten; samtweich adj
velvety; velvet
Echte Drosseln pl (Turdus) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Amsel f (Turdus merula)
Bechsteindrossel f (Turdus ruficollis)
Einfarbdrossel f (Turdus unicolor)
Misteldrossel f (Turdus viscivorus)
Naumanndrossel f (Turdus naumanni)
Ringdrossel f (Turdus torquatus)
Rotdrossel f (Turdus iliacus)
Singdrossel f; Drossel f (Turdus philomelos)
Wacholderdrossel f (Turdus pilaris)
Wanderdrossel f (Turdus migratorius)
Weißbrauendrossel f (Turdus obscurus)
true thrushes (zoological genus)
Eurasian blackbird
dark-throated thrush; black-throated thrush
Tickell's thrush
mistle thrush
Dusky thrush; naumann's thrush
ring ouzel
song thrush; throstle poet.
American robin
eye-browed thrush
Gelbbrauen-Laubsänger m (Phylloscopus inornatus) ornith.
yellow-browed warbler
Samtente f (Melanitta fusca) ornith.
velvet scoter
Schwarzbrauenalbatros m; Mollymauk m (Thalassarche melanophris) ornith.
black-browed albatross
Rotscheitelamazone f; Granada-Amazone f (Amazona rhodocorytha) zool.
red-browed amazon
Gelbbrauenkauz m ornith.
tawny-browed owl
Brauenmotmot m ornith.
turquoise-browed motmot
Weißbrauentapaculo m ornith.
white-browed tapaculo
Seidenjala m (Philepitta castanea) ornith.
velvet asity
Brauenschama f (Copsychus luzoniensis) ornith.
white-browed shama
Weißbrauensylvietta f ornith.
white-browed crombec
Sericornis-Südseegrasmücken pl (Sericornis) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Arfak-Sericornis (Sericornis arfakianus)
Beccari-Sericornis (Sericornis beccarii)
Berg-Sericornis (Sericornis nouhuysi)
Braunohr-Sericornis (Sericornis rufescens)
Brillen-Sericornis (Sericornis perspicillatus)
Fahlschnabel-Sericornis (Sericornis spilodera)
Fahlstirn-Sericornis (Sericornis magnirostris)
Gelbkehl-Sericornis (Sericornis citreogularis)
Papua-Sericornis (Sericornis papuensis)
Rotstirn-Sericornis (-Sericornis keri)
Sepik-Sericornis (Sericornis virgatus)
Tasman-Sericornis (Sericornis humilis)
Weißbrauen-Sericornis; Fleckensericornis (Sericornis frontalis)
scrubwrens (zoological genus)
grey-green scrubwren
tropical scrubwren; Beccari's scrubwren
large mountain scrubwren; large scrubwren
Vogelkop scrubwren
buff-faced scrubwren
pale-billed scrubwren
large-billed scrubwren
yellow- throated scrubwren
Papuan scrubwren
Atherton scrubwren
perplexing scrubwren
brown scrubrwen; Tasmanian scrubwren
white-browed scrubwren; spotted scrubwren
Zimtbrauenhemispingus m ornith.
rufous-browed hemispingus
Tangaren pl (Thraupidae) (zoologische Familie) ornith
Abttangare f
Azurkopftangare f
Bangstangare f
Bischofstangare f
Blaubarttangare f
Blaubrusttangare f
Blauflecktangare f
Blauflügeltangare f
Blaukappentangare f
Blaurücken-Bergtangare f
Blauschultertangare f
Blauschwingen-Bergtangare f
Bluttangare f
Brasiltangare f
Brauenschopftangare f
Braunbauch-Bergtangare f
Braunbauchtangare f
Braunbrust-Würgertangare f
Braunflankentangare f
Braunohr-Bunttangare f
Brustfleckentangare f
Cabanistangare f
Carmioltangare f
Diademtangare f
Dreifarbentangare f
Drosseltangare f
Edwardstangare f
Elstertangare f
Feuerbürzeltangare f
Finkenbuschtangare f
Flammentangare f
Fleckentangare f
Flügelbindentangare f
Fuchstangare f
Furchentangare f
Gelbbauchtangare f
Gelbbrauentangare f
Gelbbürzeltangare f
Gelbkehl-Buschtangare f
Gelbkehltangare f
Gelbkopftangare f
Gelbrückentangare f
Gelbschenkeltangare f
Gelbschopftangare f
Gelbstirn-Würgertangare f
Gimpeltangare f
Glanzfleckentangare f
Goldbandtangare f
Goldbrusttangare f
Goldflügeltangare f
Goldkappentangare f
Goldohrtangare f
Goldringtangare f
Goldrücken-Bergtangare f
Goldscheiteltangare f
Goldschopftangare f
Goldtangare f
Graubrust-Buschtangare f
Graukehl-Buschtangare f
Graukopf-Buschtangare f
Graukopftangare f
Graurücken-Ameisentangare f
Grauscheitel-Palmtangare f
Grünkappentangare f
Grünkehltangare f
Grünnackentangare f
Grüntangare f
Guiratangare f
Haarschopftangare f
Halsbandtangare f
Haubentangare f
Heinetangare f
Isabelltangare f
Jelskitangare f
Karminameisentangare f
Kieferntangare f
Krontangare f
Kurzschnabel-Buschtangare f
Maskentangare f
Mennigohr-Bergtangare f
Mennigtangare f
tanagers (zoological family)
yellow-winged tanager
blue-necked tanager
blue & gold tanager
blue-grey tanager
blue-whiskered tanager
gilt-edged tanager
glaucous tanager
black-headed tanager
red-necked tanager
hooded mountain tanager
black & gold tanager
blue-winged mountain tanager
flame-coloured tanager
brazilian tanager
scarlet-browed tanager
chestnut-bellied mountain tanager
buff-bellied tanager
fulvous shrike-tanager
brown-flanked tanager
orange-eared tanager
puerto rican tanager
azure-rumped tanager
Carmioli's tanager
diademed tanager
green-headed tanager
spotted tanager
moss-backed tanager
magpie tanager
flame-rumped tanager
common bush tanager
crimson-collared tanager
speckled tanager
white-banded tanager
brown tanager
blue & yellow tanager
yellow-bellied tanager
lemon-browed tanager
yellow-backed tanager
yellow-throated bush tanager
yellow-throated tanager
saffron-crowned tanager
yellow-rumped tanager
blue-capped tanager
yellow-crested tanager
white-winged shrike-tanager
cinnamon tanager
spangle-cheeked tanager
yellow-scarfed tanager
green & gold tanager
rufous-winged tanager
rust & yellow tanager
golden-eared tanager
gold-ringed tanager
golden-backed mountain tanager
golden-crowned tanager
fulvous-crested tanager
golden tanager
dusky-bellied bush tanager
ash-throated bush tanager
grey-hooded bush tanager
grey-headed tanager
sooty ant-tanager
grey-crowned palm tanager
green-capped tanager
geen-throated tanager
green-naped tanager
bay-headed tanager
guira tanager
black-goggled tanager
yellow-collared tanager
flame-crested tanager
black-capped tanager
burnished-buff tanager
golden-collared tanager
red-crowned ant-tanager
western tanager
ruby-crowned tanager
short-billed bush tanager
masked crimson tanager
scarlet-bellied mountain tanager
vermilon tanager
Natterer's tanager
ochre-breasted tanager

Mahalis pl (Plocepasser) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Augenbrauenmahali m; Mahaliweber m (Plocepasser mahali)
Braunwangenmahali m (Plocepasser superciliosus)
Dornbuschmahali m (Plocepasser donaldsoni)
Rotrückenmahali m (Plocepasser rufoscapulatus)
sparrow weavers (zoological genus)
white-browed sparrow weaver
chestnut-crowned sparrow weaver
Donaldson-Smith's sparrow weaver
chestnut-mantled sparrow weaver
Karmingimpel pl (Carpodacus) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Auroragimpel m
Berggimpel m
Bindengimpel m
Blanfordgimpel m
Burtongimpel m
Dünnschnabelgimpel m (Carpodacus nipalensis)
Edwardsgimpel m
Einödgimpel m
Felsengimpel m
Fleckengimpel m
Gebirgsgimpel m
Karmingimpel m (Carpodacus erythrinus)
Meisengimpel m
Roborowskigimpel m
Rosenbrauengimpel m
Rosengimpel m
Rosenmantelgimpel m
Rosenschwanzgimpel m
Rubingimpel m
Schmuckgimpel m
Weißbrauengimpel m
rosefinches (zoological genus)
Stresemann's rosefinch
Caucasian great rosefinch
three-banded rosefinch
Blanford's rosefinch
red-browed rosefinch
dark-breasted rosefinch
large rosefinch
sinai rosefinch
rose-breasted rosefinch
spot-winged rosefinch
eastern great rosefinch
common rosefinch
long-tailed rosefinch
tibet rosefinch
pink-browed rosefinch
Pallas's rosefinch
red-mantled rosefinch
Przewalski's rosefinch
vinaceous rosefinch
beautiful rosefinch
white-browed rosefinch
Brombeersträucher pl; Brombeerstauden pl; Brombeeren pl (Rubus fruticosus) (botanische Sektion) bot.
Mittelmeerbrombeere f; Ulmenblättrige Brombeere f; Ulmenblattbrombeere f (Rubus ulmifolius)
Samtige Brombeere f; Samtbrombeere f; Weichblattbrombeere f (Rubus vestitus)
blackberry bushes; blackberry shrubs; blackberries; bramble bushes Br.; bramble strubs Br.; brambles (botanical section)
elmleaf blackberry; elm-leaved bramble Br.; thornless blackberry
European blackberry; velvet bramble Br.
Fuchsschwänze pl; Amarante pl (Amaranthus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
aufsteigender Fuchsschwanz (Amaranthus blitum)
zurückgekrümmter Fuchsschwanz (Amaranthus retroflexus)
Gartenfuchsschwanz; Kiwicha (Amaranthus caudatus)
amaranths (botanical genus)
purple amaranth
common amaranth; common tumbleweed; red-root amaranth, redrooted pigweed
pendant amaranth; foxtail amaranth; love-lies-bleeding, tassel flower, velvet flower; quilete
Geweihhaut f; Bast m zool.
antler velvet
Juckbohne f; Kratzbohne f (Mucuna pruriens) bot.
velvet bean; lacuna bean; cowage; cowitch
Samthandschuh m
Samthandschuhe pl
jdn. mit Samthandschuhen Glacéhandschuhen anfassen übtr.
velvet glove
velvet gloves
to handle treat sb. with kid gloves fig.
dicht; dick; schwer; kompakt; intensiv adj
dichter Nebel Rauch
ein dichter Bart
dicke Luft
eine dicke Hornbrille
schwere Stiefel
schwere Samtvorhänge
ein schweres Parfum
ein schwerer Lehmboden
schwere Wolken
ein kräftig gebauter Mann
heavy (dense, thick, compact, intense)
heavy fog smoke
a heavy beard
heavy air
heavy horn-rimmed glasses
heavy boots
heavy velvet curtains
a heavy perfume
heavy clay soil
heavy clouds
a man with a heavy build
die Samtene Revolution hist.
the Velvet Revolution
Echte Drosseln pl (Turdus) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Amsel f; Schwarzdrossel f (Turdus merula)
Bechsteindrossel f (Turdus ruficollis)
Einfarbdrossel f (Turdus unicolor)
Misteldrossel f (Turdus viscivorus)
Naumanndrossel f (Turdus naumanni)
Ringdrossel f (Turdus torquatus)
Rotdrossel f (Turdus iliacus)
Singdrossel f; Drossel f (Turdus philomelos)
Wacholderdrossel f (Turdus pilaris)
Wanderdrossel f (Turdus migratorius)
Weißbrauendrossel f (Turdus obscurus)
true thrushes (zoological genus)
Eurasian blackbird
dark-throated thrush; black-throated thrush
Tickell's thrush
mistle thrush
Dusky thrush; naumann's thrush
ring ouzel
song thrush; throstle poet.
American robin
eye-browed thrush
Schwarzbrauenalbatros m; Mollymauk m (Thalassarche melanophris) ornith.
black-browed albatross; mollymawk
Rotscheitelamazone f; Granada-Amazone f (Amazona rhodocorytha) ornith.
red-browed amazon
Climacteris-Baumrutscher pl (Climacteris) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Braunbaumrutscher m (Climacteris picumnus)
Rostbauch-Baumrutscher m (Climacteris rufus)
Rostbrauen-Baumrutscher m (Climacteris erythrops)
Schwarzschwanz-Baumrutscher m (Climacteris melanurus)
Weißbrauen-Baumrutscher m (Climacteris affinis)
climacteris treecreepers (zoological genus)
brown treecreeper
rufous treecreeper
red-browed treecreeper
black-tailed treecreeper
white-browed treecreeper
Tangaren pl (Thraupidae) (zoologische Familie) ornith.
Abttangare f
Azurkopftangare f
Bangstangare f
Bischofstangare f
Blaubarttangare f
Blaubrusttangare f
Blauflecktangare f
Blauflügeltangare f
Blaukappentangare f
Blaurücken-Bergtangare f
Blauschultertangare f
Blauschwingen-Bergtangare f
Bluttangare f
Brasiltangare f
Brauenschopftangare f
Braunbauch-Bergtangare f
Braunbauchtangare f
Braunbrust-Würgertangare f
Braunflankentangare f
Braunohr-Bunttangare f
Brustfleckentangare f
Cabanistangare f
Carmioltangare f
Diademtangare f
Dreifarbentangare f
Drosseltangare f
Edwardstangare f
Elstertangare f
Feuerbürzeltangare f
Finkenbuschtangare f
Flammentangare f
Fleckentangare f
Flügelbindentangare f
Fuchstangare f
Furchentangare f
Gelbbauchtangare f
Gelbbrauentangare f
Gelbbürzeltangare f
Gelbkehl-Buschtangare f
Gelbkehltangare f
Gelbkopftangare f
Gelbrückentangare f
Gelbschenkeltangare f
Gelbschopftangare f
Gelbstirn-Würgertangare f
Gimpeltangare f
Glanzfleckentangare f
Goldbandtangare f
Goldbrusttangare f
Goldflügeltangare f
Goldkappentangare f
Goldohrtangare f
Goldringtangare f
Goldrücken-Bergtangare f
Goldscheiteltangare f
Goldschopftangare f
Goldtangare f
Graubrust-Buschtangare f
Graukehl-Buschtangare f
Graukopf-Buschtangare f
Graukopftangare f
Graurücken-Ameisentangare f
Grauscheitel-Palmtangare f
Grünkappentangare f
Grünkehltangare f
Grünnackentangare f
Grüntangare f
Guiratangare f
Haarschopftangare f
Halsbandtangare f
Haubentangare f
Heinetangare f
Isabelltangare f
Jelskitangare f
Karminameisentangare f
Kieferntangare f
Krontangare f
Kurzschnabel-Buschtangare f
Maskentangare f
Mennigohr-Bergtangare f
Mennigtangare f
Natterertangare f
Ockerbrusttangare f
Ockerschopftangare f
Olivmanteltangare f
Olivtangare f
Opalscheiteltangare f
Orangebrusttangare f
Orangekopftangare f
Palmentangare f
Palmertangare f
Papageitangare f
Parodihemispingus m
Passerinitangare f
Prachttangare f
Purpurmanteltangare f
Purpurmaskentangare f
Purpurtangare f
Rosenkehltangare f
Rostkappentangare f
Rostkopftangare f
Rotbauchtangare f
Rotbrusttangare f
Rothschildtangare f
Rotkappentangare f
Rotkehl-Ameisentangare f
Rotkehltangare f
Rotkopftangare f
Rotnackentangare f
Rotohr-Bunttangare f
Rotscheiteltangare f
Rotschultertangare f
Rotstirntangare f
Rotwangentangare f
Rubinkehltangare f
Rußgesichttangare f
Sayacatangare f
Scharlachbauchtangare f
Scharlachhauben-Ameisentangare f
Scharlachkopftangare f
Scharlachtangare f
Schiefertangare f
Schleiertangare f
Schlichttangare f
tanagers (zoological family)
yellow-winged tanager
blue-necked tanager
blue & gold tanager
blue-grey tanager
blue-whiskered tanager
gilt-edged tanager
glaucous tanager
black-headed tanager
red-necked tanager
hooded mountain tanager
black & gold tanager
blue-winged mountain tanager
flame-coloured tanager
brazilian tanager
scarlet-browed tanager
chestnut-bellied mountain tanager
buff-bellied tanager
fulvous shrike-tanager
brown-flanked tanager
orange-eared tanager
puerto rican tanager
azure-rumped tanager
Carmioli's tanager
diademed tanager
green-headed tanager
spotted tanager
moss-backed tanager
magpie tanager
flame-rumped tanager
common bush tanager
crimson-collared tanager
speckled tanager
white-banded tanager
brown tanager
blue & yellow tanager
yellow-bellied tanager
lemon-browed tanager
yellow-backed tanager
yellow-throated bush tanager
yellow-throated tanager
saffron-crowned tanager
yellow-rumped tanager
blue-capped tanager
yellow-crested tanager
white-winged shrike-tanager
cinnamon tanager
spangle-cheeked tanager
yellow-scarfed tanager
green & gold tanager
rufous-winged tanager
rust & yellow tanager
golden-eared tanager
gold-ringed tanager
golden-backed mountain tanager
golden-crowned tanager
fulvous-crested tanager
golden tanager
dusky-bellied bush tanager
ash-throated bush tanager
grey-hooded bush tanager
grey-headed tanager
sooty ant-tanager
grey-crowned palm tanager
green-capped tanager
green-throated tanager
green-naped tanager
bay-headed tanager
guira tanager
black-goggled tanager
yellow-collared tanager
flame-crested tanager
black-capped tanager
burnished-buff tanager
golden-collared tanager
red-crowned ant-tanager
western tanager
ruby-crowned tanager
short-billed bush tanager
masked crimson tanager
scarlet-bellied mountain tanager
vermilon tanager
Natterer's tanager
ochre-breasted tanager
rufous-crested tanager
olive-backed tanager
olive-green tanager
opal-crowned tanager
brassy-breasted tanager
orange-headed tanager
palm tanager
grey & gold tanager
grass-green tanager
Parodi's tanager
scarlet-rumped tanager
chestnut-backed tanager
purplish-mantled tanager
golden-masked tanager
silver-beaked tanager
rose-throated tanager
rufous-headed tanager
fulvous-headed tanager
opal-rumped tanager
scarlet-throated tanager
golden-chested tanager
lesser antillean tanager
red-throated ant-tanager
rufous-throated tanager
red-headed tanager
golden-naped tanager
glistening-green tanager
scrub tanager
red-shouldered tanager
flame-faced tanager
rufoud-cheeked tanager
cherry-throated tanager
dusky-faced tanager
sayaca tanager
crimson-backed tanager
crested ant-tanager
red-hooded tanager
scarlet tanager
slaty tanager
black-faced tanager
plain-coloured tanager
golden-chevroned tanager
swallow ta
Stelzen pl (Motacilla) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Bachstelze f (Motacilla alba)
Trauerbachstelze f (Motacilla alba yarrellii)
Japanische Bachstelze f (Motacilla alba lugens)
Bergstelze f; Gebirgsstelze f (Motacilla cinerea)
Japanstelze f (Motacilla grandis)
Kapstelze f (Motacilla capensis)
Madagaskarstelze f (Motacilla flaviventris)
Mamulastelze f (Motacilla maderaspatensis)
Mekongstelze f (Motacilla samveasnae)
Langschwanzstelze f (Motacilla clara)
Schafstelze f (Motacilla flava)
Wiesenschafstelze f (Motacilla flava flava)
Witwenstelze f (Motacilla aguimp)
Zitronenstelze f (Motacilla citreola)
wagtails (zoological genus)
white wagtail
pied wagtail
black-backed wagtail; Japanese pied wagtail
grey wagtail
Japanese wagtail
Cape wagtail
Madagascan wagtail
white-browed wagtail; large-pied wagtail
Mekong wagtail
mountain wagtail; long-tailed wagtail
Western yellow wagtail
blue-headed wagtail
African pied wagtail
citrine wagtail; yellow-headed wagtail

Deutsche Brauenbrillant {m} [ornith.] Synonyme

Englische Velvet-browed Brilliant Synonyme

velvet browed Definition

() Having prominent, overhanging brows
(a.) Having black eyebrows. Hence: Gloomy
(a.) Shamelessly impudent.
(a.) Having (such) a brow
(a.) Having a gloomy look.
(n.) A silk fabric, having a short, close nap of erect threads. Inferior qualities are made with a silk pile on a cotton or linen back.
(n.) The soft and highly vascular deciduous skin which envelops and nourishes the antlers of deer during their rapid growth.
(a.) Made of velvet
(v. i.) To pain velvet.
(v. t.) To make like, or cover with, velvet.

velvet browed Bedeutung

velvet worm
any of numerous velvety-skinned wormlike carnivorous animals common in tropical forests having characteristics of both arthropods and annelid worms
velvet ant a solitary wasp of the family Mutillidae, the body has a coat of brightly colored velvety hair and the females are wingless
velvet a silky densely piled fabric with a plain back
velvet flower
tassel flower Amaranthus caudatus
young leaves widely used as leaf vegetables, seeds used as cereal
velvet plant purple velvet plant
royal velvet plant
Gynura aurantiaca
Javanese foliage plant grown for their handsome velvety leaves with violet-purple hairs
velvet bent
velvet bent grass
brown bent
Rhode Island bent
dog bent
Agrostis canina
common grass with slender stems and narrow leaves
velvet grass
Yorkshire fog
Holcus lanatus
tall European perennial grass having a velvety stem, naturalized in United States and used for forage
mascarene grass
Korean velvet grass
Zoysia tenuifolia
Asiatic creeping perennial grass, introduced in southern United States as a droughtesistant lawn grass
velvetleaf velvet-leaf velvetweed
Indian mallow butter-print
China jute
Abutilon theophrasti
tall annual herb or subshrub of tropical Asia having velvety leaves and yellow flowers and yielding a strong fiber, naturalized in southeastern Europe and United States
tree mallow
velvetleaf velvet-leaf Lavatera arborea
arborescent perennial shrub having palmately lobed furry leaves and showy red-purple flowers, southwestern United States
cowage velvet bean
Bengal bean
Benghal bean
Florida bean
Mucuna pruriens utilis
Mucuna deeringiana
Mucuna aterrima
Stizolobium deeringiana
the annual woody vine of Asia having long clusters of purplish flowers and densely hairy pods, cultivated in southern United States for green manure and grazing
common osier
hemp willow
velvet osier
Salix viminalis
willow with long flexible twigs used in basketry
staghorn sumac velvet sumac
Virginian sumac
vinegar tree Rhus typhina
deciduous shrubby tree or eastern North America with compound leaves that turn brilliant red in fall and dense panicles of greenish yellow flowers followed by crimson acidic berries
flannel leaf
velvet plant
any of various plants of the genus Verbascum having large usually woolly leaves and terminal spikes of yellow or white or purplish flowers
sullen or unfriendly in appearance
resembling velvet in having a smooth soft surface
smooth and soft to sight or hearing or touch or taste
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Einfach einen Begriff in der Tabelle rechts anklicken um weitere Übersetzungen in dieser Sidebar zu erhalten.

Velvet is a type of woven tufted fabric in which the cut threads are evenly distributed, with a short dense pile, giving it a distinctive feel. By extension, the word velvety means "smooth like velvet." Velvet can be made from either synthetic or natural fibers.

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