
vic Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Generalvikar m
vicar general
Pfarrer m, Pfarrerin f (anglikanisch)
Reichsverweser m hist.
imperial vicar
Vikar m, Kaplan m relig.
Vikare pl, Kaplane pl
Vikar, Kaplan
Pfarrer m; Pfarrerin f (anglikanisch)
Vikar m; Kaplan m relig.
Vikare pl; Kaplane pl
vicar; chaplain
vicars; chaplains
Pfarrvikar m; Kaplan m relig.
Pfarrvikare pl; Kaplane pl
parochial vicar; assistant curate; curate; assistant priest Br.; assistant pastor Am.; associate pastor Am.
parochial vicars; assistant curates; curates; assistant priests; assistant pastors; associate pastors
Vikar m relig.
Vikare pl
Pfarrhaus n, Pfarrei f
Pfarrhäuser pl, Pfarreien pl
rectory, vicarage, parsonage
rectories, vicarages, parsonages
Pfarramt n; Pastorat n
Pfarrämter pl; Pastorate
rectory; vicarage; parsonage
rectories; vicarages; parsonages
Pfarrgarten m
Pfarrgärten pl
vicarage garden Br.
vicarage gardens
Pfarrhaus n; Pfarreihaus n BW Schw.; Pfarrei f relig.
Pfarrhäuser pl; Pfarreihäuser pl; Pfarreien pl
parish house; clergy house; priest's house; presbytery; chapel house Scot.; parochial house Irl. (Catholic Church); vicarage; rectory; parsonage (old-fashioned) (Protestant Churches)
parish houses; clergy houses; priest's houses; presbyteries; chapel houses; parochial houses; vicarages; rectories; parsonages
Pfarrgarten m relig.
Pfarrgarten pl
parish garden (Catholic Church); vicarage garden (Protestant Churches)
parish gardens; vicarage gardens
Pfarrhof m; Pfarrhaus n; Pfarreihaus n BW Schw.; Pfarrei f relig.
Pfarrhöfe pl; Pfarrhäuser pl; Pfarreihäuser pl; Pfarreien pl
parish house; clergy house; priest's house; presbytery; chapel house Sc.; parochial house Ir. (Catholic Church); vicarage; rectory; parsonage dated (Protestant Churches)
parish houses; clergy houses; priest's houses; presbyteries; chapel houses; parochial houses; vicarages; rectories; parsonages
allopatrisch; in getrennten geographischen Räumen (nachgestellt) adj (Evolutionsbiologie) biol.
allopatrische Artbildung; Artentstehung durch räumliche Trennung
allopatric; in separate geographical areas (postpositive) (evolutionary biology)
allopatric speciation; vicariant speciation
biologische Art f biol.
Verteilung der Arten
Artenzahl f
ausgestorbene Art
dominierende Art
eindringende Art
gebietsfremde Art
überlebende Art
vergesellschaftete Arten
vikarierende Art
waldabhängige Art
waldbewohnende Art
biological species
distribution of species
number of species
extinct species
dominant species
alien species
survival species
associated species
vicarious species; representative species
forest-dependent species
forest species
Erfüllungsgehilfe m
Erfüllungsgehilfen pl
der Erfüllungsgehilfe von Interessen
der (brave) Erfüllungsgehilfe der Regierung der Musikindustrie sein
vicarious agent
vicarious agents
the vicarious agent of interests
to be the government's music industry's rubber stamp fig.
Ersatzbefriedigung f psych.
displacement activity; vicarious satisfaction
sexuelle Ersatzbefriedigung f
vicarious sexual thrill
Fremdschämen n psych.
empathic embarrassment; vicarious embarrassment
Verschulden n jur.
jds. Verschulden
durch eigenes Verschulden
beiderseitiges Verschulden
Verschulden bei Vertragsabschluss
Haftung für eigenes Verschulden
Haftung für fremdes Verschulden
Haftung ohne Verschulden
Klausel über Schiffskollisionen bei beiderseitigem Verschulden
Ihn trifft kein Verschulden.
Den Verkäufer trifft ein Verschulden.
fault; negligence
fault attributable to sb.
through one's own fault
mutual fault
culpa in contrahendo
liability for fault
vicarious liability for an employee's negligence; imputed negligence Am.
liability without regardless of fault
both-to-blame-collision clause contributory fault; contributory negligence; comparative negligence Am.
No fault can be attributed to him.
The fault is on the side of lies with the seller.
nachempfunden adj
stellvertretend adj
biologische Art f; biologische Spezies f biol.
Artenzahl f
anachronistische Art
ausgestorbene Art Spezies
eindringende Art
gebietsfremde Art
Geschwisterarten pl; Zwillingsarten pl; kryptische Arten
rezente Spezies
überlebende Art
vergesellschaftete Arten
vikarierende Art
waldabhängige Art
waldbewohnende Art
typische Art einer Pflanzengemeinschaft
vorherrschende Art
Verteilung der Arten
eine andere Art verdrängen auskonkurrieren
biological species
number of species
anachronic species
extinct species
alien species
sibling species; cryptic species
extant species
survival species
associated species
vicarious species; representative species
forest-dependent species
forest species
climax species
dominant species
distribution of species
to displace outcompete another species
Erfüllungsgehilfe m
Erfüllungsgehilfen pl
der Erfüllungsgehilfe von Interessen
vicarious agent
vicarious agents
the vicarious agent of interests
Ersatzbefriedigung f psych.
vicarious satisfaction
Verschulden n jur.
jds. Verschulden
fahrlässiges Verschulden; fahrlässiges Handeln
durch eigenes Verschulden
beiderseitiges Verschulden
Verschulden bei Vertragsabschluss
Haftung für eigenes Verschulden
Haftung für fremdes Verschulden
Haftung ohne Verschulden
Klausel über Schiffskollisionen bei beiderseitigem Verschulden
Ihn trifft kein Verschulden.
Den Verkäufer trifft ein Verschulden.
fault attributable to sb.
through one's own fault
mutual fault
culpa in contrahendo
liability for fault
vicarious liability for an employee's negligence; imputed negligence Am.
liability without regardless of fault
both-to-blame-collision clause contributory fault; contributory negligence; comparative negligence Am.
No fault can be attributed to him.
The fault is on the side of lies with the seller.
empfinden, fühlen, spüren v
empfindend, fühlend, spürend
empfunden, gefühlt, gespürt
empfindet, fühlt, spürt
empfand, fühlte, spürte
mit jdm. mitempfinden, mit jdm. mitleben
to experience
to experience vicariously with so.
leiden v (an, unter)
sie leidet
sie litt
sie hat
hatte gelitten
mit jdm. mitleiden
to suffer (from)
she suffers
she suffered
she has
had suffered
to suffer vicariously with so.
stellvertretend adv
stellvertretende, stellvertretender
empfinden; fühlen; spüren v
empfindend; fühlend; spürend
empfunden; gefühlt; gespürt
empfindet; fühlt; spürt
empfand; fühlte; spürte
mit jdm. mitempfinden; mit jdm. mitleben
to experience
to experience vicariously with sb.
leiden v (an; unter)
er sie leidet
ich er sie litt
er sie hat hatte gelitten
mit jdm. mitleiden
Er Sie hat ausgelitten.
to suffer (from)
he she suffers
I he she suffered
he she has had suffered
to suffer vicariously with sb.
His Her suffering is over at an end.
indirekt adv; mittelbar adv
vicariously {adv}
leiden v (an; unter)
er sie leidet
ich er sie litt
er sie hat hatte gelitten
mit jdm. mitleiden
Er Sie hat ausgelitten.
Wer schön sein will, muss leiden.
to suffer (from)
he she suffers
I he she suffered
he she has had suffered
to suffer vicariously with sb.
His Her suffering is over at an end.
You must suffer to be beautiful.
Nachempfindung f
Vikare, Kaplane
Assistent des Vizepräsidenten
assistant to the vice-president
dem Laster ergeben
addicted to vice
innewohnender Mangel
inherent vice
stellvertretender Vorsitzender
vice president
Federspanner m techn.
Federspanner pl
spring compressor, spring cramp, spring vice
spring compressors, spring cramps
Laster n, Untugend f
mit einem Laster behaftet sein
to be tainted with vice
Rektor m, Rektorin f (Universität)
Rektoren pl, Rektorinnen pl
president, rector Am., vice-chancellor Br.
presidents, rectors, vice-chancellors
Rektorat n
rectorate, rectorship, vice-chancellor's office Br.
Rektorat n (Büro)
rector's office, president's office, vice-chancellor's office Br.
Schraubstock m, Schraubzwinge f
vice, vise Am.
Schraubstock m techn.
Schraubstöcke pl
bench vise, vise Am., bench vice, vice Br.
bench vises, vises, bench vice, vices
Schulleiter m, Schulleiterin f
Schulleiter pl, Schulleiterinnen pl
stellvertretender Schulleiter
school principal, head teacher, headmaster
school principals, head teachers, headmasters
vice principal
Sittenpolizei f
vice squad
Sündenpfuhl m
cesspool of vice
Vize m
vice, number two
Vizeadmiral m
Vizeadmirale pl
vice admiral
vice admirals
Vizekanzler m
vice chancellor
Vizekonsul m
Vizekonsule pl
vice consul
vice consuls
Vizepräsident m
Vizepräsidenten pl
Assistent des Vizepräsidenten
vice president, vice-president (VP)
vice presidents, vice-presidents
assistant to the vice-president
anstatt, statt conj
anstatt zu arbeiten, anstatt, dass er arbeitet
anstatt dessen
anstatt umgekehrt
instead of
instead of working
instead of the other way around, instead of the reverse, instead of vice versa

Deutsche Generalvikar {m} Synonyme


Englische vicar general Synonyme

vicar  Grand Penitentiary  Holy Father  abuna  advocate  agent  alter ego  alternate  alternative  amicus curiae  analogy  antipope  archbishop  archdeacon  archpriest  attorney  backup  backup man  bishop  bishop coadjutor  canon  cardinal  cardinal bishop  cardinal deacon  cardinal priest  champion  change  changeling  chaplain  coadjutor  comparison  copy  counterfeit  curate  dean  deputy  diocesan  double  dummy  ecclesiarch  equal  equivalent  ersatz  exarch  exchange  executive officer  exponent  fake  figurehead  fill-in  ghost  ghostwriter  hierarch  high priest  imitation  lieutenant  locum  locum tenens  makeshift  metaphor  metonymy  metropolitan  next best thing  papa  paranymph  patriarch  penitentiary  personnel  phony  pinch hitter  pleader  pontiff  pope  prebendary  prelate  primate  procurator  proxy  rector  relief  replacement  representative  reserves  ringer  rural dean  second in command  second string  secondary  sign  spares  stand-in  sub  subdean  substituent  substitute  substitution  succedaneum  suffragan  superseder  supplanter  surrogate  symbol  synecdoche  third string  token  understudy  utility man  utility player  vicar general  vice  vice-president  vice-regent  vicegerent  
vicarage  Dymaxion house  White House  adobe house  advowson  benefice  building  care of souls  casa  charge  church house  clergy house  cliff dwelling  consulate  country house  country seat  curacy  cure  dacha  deanery  dwelling house  edifice  embassy  erection  fabric  farm  farmhouse  glebe  hall  house  houseboat  incumbency  lake dwelling  living  living machine  lodge  manor house  manse  parsonage  pastorage  pastorate  penthouse  prefabricated house  prelacy  presbytery  presidential palace  ranch house  rectory  roof  skyscraper  sod house  split-level  structure  town house  
vicarious  alternate  alternative  assigned  backup  commissioned  counterfeit  delegated  dummy  equivalent  ersatz  fake  imitation  indirect  makeshift  mock  phony  pinch  provisional  proxy  reserve  secondary  spare  stopgap  substitute  substituted  surrogate  temporary  tentative  token  utility  
vice  advocate  alter ego  alternate  amicus curiae  as proxy for  as representing  attorney  backup  backup man  bad habit  badness  besetting sin  blemish  champion  corruption  crime  criminal tendency  criminality  criminosis  debasement  debauchery  decay  defect  deficiency  degeneracy  degradation  depravity  deputy  discourtesy  disorder  disorderliness  disorderly conduct  disruption  disruptiveness  dummy  evil  evil courses  evildoing  executive officer  exponent  failing  failure  fault  feloniousness  figurehead  flaw  foible  for  frailty  frowned-upon behavior  hooliganism  horseplay  ill  immorality  imperfection  impropriety  in behalf of  in lieu of  in place of  in preference to  indecency  infirmity  iniquity  lawbreaking  licentiousness  lieutenant  locum  locum tenens  malfeasance  malpractice  malversation  misbehavior  misconduct  misdemeanor  misdoing  misfeasance  misprision  misprision of treason  moral flaw  naughtiness  nonsanctioned behavior  on behalf of  paranymph  perversion  pinch hitter  pleader  positive misprision  procurator  profligacy  proxy  replacing  representative  rot  roughhouse  rowdiness  rowdyism  ruffianism  second in command  secondary  shortcoming  sin  sinfulness  squalor  stand-in  substitute  surrogate  thou scarlet sin  transgression  unchastity  understudy  utility man  vandalism  venality  venial sin  vicar  vicar general  vicegerent  viciousness  villainy  weak point  weak side  weakness  wickedness  wrong  wrong conduct  wrongdoing  
vice president  agent  alternate  alternative  analogy  archon  backup  chancellor  change  changeling  chief executive  chief executive officer  comparison  copy  counterfeit  dean  deputy  double  dummy  equal  equivalent  ersatz  exchange  executive  executive director  executive officer  executive secretary  fake  fill-in  ghost  ghostwriter  imitation  locum tenens  magistrate  makeshift  management  managing director  metaphor  metonymy  next best thing  officer  official  personnel  phony  pinch hitter  prefect  president  prexy  provost  proxy  relief  replacement  representative  reserves  ringer  second string  secondary  secretary  sign  spares  stand-in  sub  substituent  substitute  substitution  succedaneum  superseder  supplanter  surrogate  symbol  synecdoche  the administration  third string  token  treasurer  understudy  utility player  vicar  vice-chairman  vice-chancellor  vice-consul  vice-director  vice-governor  vice-king  vice-legate  vice-master  vice-premier  vice-queen  vice-regent  vice-warden  vicegerent  viceroy  warden  
vice versa  a rebours  against the grain  alternately  arsy-varsy  back and forth  backward and forward  backwards  backwards and forwards  bottom side up  bottom up  by contraries  contra  contrarily  contrariously  contrariwise  contrary  contrawise  conversely  head over heels  heels over head  in flat opposition  inversely  just the opposite  mutatis mutandis  nay rather  on the contrary  oppositely  otherwise  over  per contra  quite the contrary  rather  reciprocally  reversed  seesaw  to and fro  to the contrary  topsy-turvy  tout au contraire  turned around  upside down  
viceroy  beg  beglerbeg  bey  burgrave  collector  dey  eparch  exarch  gauleiter  governor  governor-general  khedive  lieutenant governor  nabob  nawab  palatine  proconsul  provincial  satrap  stadtholder  subahdar  tetrarch  vali  vice-chairman  vice-chancellor  vice-consul  vice-director  vice-governor  vice-king  vice-legate  vice-master  vice-premier  vice-president  vice-queen  vice-regent  vice-warden  vicegerent  wali  
vichyssoise  bisque  borscht  bouillabaisse  bouillon  broth  burgoo  chicken soup  chowder  clam chowder  clear soup  consomme  egg drop soup  fish soup  gazpacho  gravy soup  gumbo  julienne  matzo ball soup  minestrone  misoshiru soup  mock turtle soup  mulligatawny  oxtail soup  pot-au-feu  potage  potage au tomate  potato soup  pottage  puree  soup  stock  thick soup  thin soup  tomato soup  turtle soup  vegetable soup  won ton soup  
vicinity  airspace  alentours  ambience  ambit  approach  approximation  area  belt  borderlands  circle  circuit  circumambiencies  circumjacencies  circumstances  closeness  compass  confines  context  continental shelf  convergence  corridor  country  department  district  division  entourage  environing circumstances  environment  environs  extent  foreground  gestalt  ground  habitat  heartland  hinterland  immediacy  immediate foreground  land  locale  locality  magnitude  matter  milieu  nearness  neighborhood  nighness  offshore rights  outposts  outskirts  part  parts  perimeter  periphery  place  precinct  precincts  premises  propinquity  proximity  purlieus  quarter  range  region  salient  section  situation  soil  space  suburbs  surroundings  terrain  territory  three-mile limit  total environment  tune  twelve-mile limit  vicinage  zone  
vicious  Draconian  Tartarean  abominable  acrimonious  amoral  animal  anthropophagous  arrant  atrocious  bad  baleful  baneful  barbaric  barbarous  base  beastly  bestial  bitchy  bitter  black  blamable  blameworthy  bloodthirsty  bloody  bloody-minded  brutal  brutalized  brute  brutish  cannibalistic  concentrated  contaminated  corroding  corrosive  corrupt  corrupting  corruptive  counterproductive  criminal  cruel  cruel-hearted  damaging  damnable  dark  deadly  defamatory  degenerate  degraded  degrading  deleterious  demoniac  demoniacal  depraved  desperate  despiteful  detrimental  devilish  diabolic  diabolical  disadvantageous  disgraceful  disserviceable  distressing  evil  execrable  exquisite  faulty  fearful  fell  feral  ferine  ferocious  fiendish  fiendlike  fierce  flagitious  flagrant  foul  furious  harmful  hateful  heinous  hellish  hurtful  ill  immoral  improper  inaccurate  inauspicious  inexpedient  infamous  inferior  infernal  inhuman  inhumane  iniquitous  injurious  invalid  kill-crazy  knavish  lethal  low  malefic  malevolent  malicious  malign  malignant  mean  merciless  mischievous  miscreant  monstrous  murderous  nasty  naughty  nefarious  noisome  noncivilized  nonmoral  noxious  obnoxious  odious  ominous  opprobrious  peccant  pernicious  perverse  perverted  pitiless  poisonous  poor  prejudicial  profligate  putrid  rancorous  rank  ravening  reprehensible  reprobate  rotten  ruthless  sadistic  sanguinary  sanguineous  satanic  savage  scandalous  scatheful  septic  severe  shameful  shameless  sharkish  sinful  sinister  slanderous  slavering  spiteful  steeped in vice  subhuman  tameless  terrible  toxic  truculent  unchristian  uncivilized  unfavorable  unforgivable  ungentle  unhealthy  unhuman  unkind  unmoral  unpardonable  unpleasant  unprincipled  unskillful  unsound  unspeakable  untamed  untoward  unworthy  vehement  venal  venenate  veneniferous  venenous  venomous  vice-laden  vice-prone  vile  villainous  
vicious circle  absurdity  aimlessness  annular muscle  annulus  apparent soundness  areola  aureole  bootlessness  casuistry  chain of circumstances  chain reaction  chaplet  chapter of accidents  circle  circuit  circularity  circumference  circus  closed circle  concatenation of events  corona  coronet  crown  cycle  diadem  discus  disingenuousness  disk  distortion  emptiness  equivocalness  equivocation  eternal return  evasive reasoning  fairy ring  fallaciousness  fallacy  fatuity  feast and famine  fecklessness  fruitlessness  futility  garland  glory  halo  hollowness  impotence  inanity  ineffectiveness  ineffectuality  inefficacy  ins and outs  insincerity  jesuitism  jesuitry  lasso  logical circle  loop  looplet  magic circle  meaninglessness  misapplication  mystification  noose  nugacity  obfuscation  obscurantism  orbit  otiosity  oversubtlety  perversion  philosophism  plausibility  plausibleness  pointlessness  profitlessness  purposelessness  radius  rat race  rationalization  ring  rondelle  round  roundel  saucer  sophism  sophistical reasoning  sophistication  sophistry  special pleading  speciosity  specious reasoning  speciousness  sphincter  subtlety  the absurd  triviality  unproductiveness  unprofitability  unprofitableness  ups and downs  valuelessness  vanity  vicious reasoning  vicissitudes  vicissitudes of fortune  wheel  worthlessness  wreath  
vicissitude  adverse circumstances  adversity  affliction  aggravation  alteration  alternation  annoyance  asperity  blight  bummer  care  chain of circumstances  chain reaction  change  changeability  changes  chapter of accidents  chop and change  concatenation of events  contrasts  cross  curse  difficulties  difficulty  diversity  downer  feast and famine  fluctuation  flukiness  flux  hard knocks  hard life  hard lot  hardcase  hardness  hardship  inconstancy  innovation  ins and outs  irritation  mischance  misfortune  mutability  mutation  novelty  oscillation  pendulation  permutation  plight  predicament  pressure  progression  reversal  rigor  sea of troubles  seesawing  shifting  shuffling  sport  stress  stress of life  teeter-tottering  teetering  tottering  transposition  trial  tribulation  trouble  troubles  unpredictability  ups and downs  vacillation  vale of tears  variability  variation  variations  variety  vicious circle  vicissitudes  vicissitudes of fortune  wavering  
victim  also-ran  babe  beasts of venery  big game  boob  booby  butt  byword  byword of reproach  casualty  chump  cinch  credulous person  cull  defeatee  derision  duck  dupe  easy mark  easy pickings  fair game  fall guy  figure of fun  fish  fool  game  game loser  gazingstock  goat  gobe-mouches  good loser  good sport  greener  greenhorn  greeny  gudgeon  gull  hard-luck guy  hardcase  innocent  jest  jestingstock  joke  kill  laughingstock  leadpipe cinch  loser  mark  martyr  mockery  monkey  object of compassion  offering  patsy  pigeon  plaything  poor devil  poor unfortunate  prey  prize sap  pushover  quarry  sacrifice  sad sack  sap  saphead  scapegoat  schlemiel  schlimazel  sitting duck  sport  stock  stooge  sucker  sufferer  sure loser  target  the hunted  the vanquished  toy  trusting soul  underdog  unfortunate  venery  wretch  
victimization  McCarthyism  bamboozlement  befooling  bluffing  calculated deception  circumvention  conning  deceiving  deception  deceptiveness  defrauding  delusion  delusiveness  dupery  enmeshment  ensnarement  entanglement  entrapment  fallaciousness  fallacy  falseness  flimflam  flimflammery  fond illusion  fooling  hallucination  harassment  harrying  hoodwinking  hounding  illusion  kidding  mirage  oppression  outwitting  overreaching  persecution  phantasm  putting on  red-baiting  self-deception  snow job  song and dance  spoofery  spoofing  subterfuge  swindling  tormenting  trickiness  tricking  vision  willful misconception  wishful thinking  witch-hunt  witch-hunting  
victimize  bamboozle  beat  beguile of  beset  bilk  bleed  bleed white  bully  bunco  burn  cheat  chisel  chouse  chouse out of  circumvent  clip  cog  cog the dice  con  cozen  crib  deceive  defraud  diddle  do in  do out of  dupe  elude  euchre  evade  exploit  finagle  flam  fleece  flimflam  fob  foil  fool  frustrate  fudge  get around  get round  give the runaround  give the slip  go after  go one better  gouge  gull  gyp  harass  harry  have  hoax  hocus  hocus-pocus  hold up  hoodwink  hound  hunt  immolate  molest  mulct  oppress  outfigure  outflank  outfox  outgeneral  outguess  outmaneuver  outplay  outreach  outsmart  outwit  overcharge  overprice  overreach  overtax  pack the deal  pass the buck  persecute  pick on  pigeon  practice fraud upon  prey on  profiteer  pursue  rook  scam  screw  sell gold bricks  shaft  shave  shortchange  skin  snooker  soak  stack the cards  stick  sting  stonewall  suck in  surcharge  swindle  take a dive  take advantage of  take in  thimblerig  throw a fight  torment  trick  use  
victor  champ  champion  comer  conquering hero  conqueror  conquistador  defeater  easy winner  first  hero  master  pancratiast  prizewinner  runner-up  shoo-in  star  subduer  subjugator  success  sure winner  top  top dog  triumpher  vanquisher  winner  
Victorian  Gothic  Quakerish  antediluvian  antiquated  antique  archaic  bluenose  censorious  classical  demure  fossil  fossilized  genteel  goody-goody  grown old  hidebound  medieval  mid-Victorian  narrow  of other times  old maid  old-fashioned  old-maidish  old-world  overmodest  petrified  prig  priggish  prim  prissy  prude  prudish  puritan  puritanical  sanctimonious  smug  starchy  stiff-necked  straitlaced  stuffy  superannuated  
victory  accomplishment  advantage  command  conquest  control  crushing  dominion  fortunate outcome  go  mastery  overcoming  prosperity  prosperous issue  quelling  subjugation  success  superiority  supremacy  triumph  upper hand  walkaway  walkover  whip hand  win  winning  
Victrola  Gramophone  PA  PA system  audio sound system  audiophile  binaural system  bitch box  bullhorn  cartridge  ceramic pickup  changer  crystal pickup  derived four-channel system  discrete four-channel system  four-channel stereo system  hi-fi  hi-fi fan  high-fidelity  intercom  intercommunication system  jukebox  magnetic pickup  monaural system  mono  needle  nickelodeon  phonograph  photoelectric pickup  pickup  public-address system  quadraphonic sound system  radio-phonograph combination  record changer  record player  sound reproduction system  sound truck  squawk box  stereo  stylus  system  tape deck  tape recorder  tone arm  transcription turntable  turntable  
victuals  board  bread  bread and butter  cheer  chow  comestibles  creature comfort  cuisine  daily bread  eatables  eats  edibles  fare  fast food  feast  feed  food  food and drink  foodstuff  grub  health food  ingesta  junk food  kitchen stuff  meat  provender  provision  provisions  spread  sustenance  table  tucker  viands  vittles  

vic Definition

vic Bedeutung

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