
water polluting Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

wassergefährdend adj
wassergefährdender Stoff
water-polluting substance
water pollution
Hochwasser, Flut
high water
water damage insurance
Schaden durch Seewasser, Seewasserschaden
damage by sea water
Schaden durch Seewasser, Seewasserschaden
sea-water damage
Schaden durch Süßwasser, Süßwasserschaden
damage by fresh water
Schaden durch Süßwasser, Süßwasserschaden
fresh-water damage
water damage
water damage insurance
water supply
Abbindezeit f (bei Zement) constr.
water curing
Abfangwasser n
intercepted water
Abflutwasser n
main water discharge
Abscheideeinrichtung f (Wasser
Dampf) techn.
steam) separation system
Abtropfwasser n
dripping water
Abwasser n
ungeklärte Abwässer
waste water
untreated waste water
Abwasser n
residual water
Abwasserabgabengesetz n
Waste Water Levy Act
Abwasserableitung f
waste water draw-off
Abwasserbehandlung f
waste water treatment
Abwasserbelastung f
waste water load
Abwassernetz n
Abwassernetze pl
waste water system
waste water systems
Adhäsionswasser n
adhesive water
Anmachwasser n
tempering water, gauging water, mixing water
Apfelsaftschorle f, Apfelschorle f
apple juice with sparkling mineral water
Augewässer n
water bodies in the wetlands
Badewasser n
bath water
Bettflasche f
hot water bottle
Bilgenwasser n naut.
bilge water
Bindenwaran m zool.
water monitor (Varanus salvator)
Binnengewässer n
Binnengewässer pl
inland water
inland waters
Bodenschicht f
wasserführende Bodenschicht
water bearing formation
Brackwasser n
brackish water
Brauchwasser n
industrial water
Brauchwasser n
service water
Brauchwasseranlage n
service water system
Brauchwasserpumpe f
industrial water pump
Brauwasser n
brewing water
Brunnenvergiftung f
water poisoning
Brunnenwasser n
well water
Bundesamt für Wasserwirtschaft
Federal Agency for Water Management
Dissoziation f, Aufhebung f einer Verbindung chem.
Dissoziation von Wasser bei hohen Temperaturen
dissociation of water at high temperatures
Druckwasserreaktor m
pressurized-water reactor
Duftwasser m
toilet water, perfume
Durchgangskühlwasserregler m techn.
straight cooling water radiator
Durchlauferhitzer m
Durchlauferhitzer pl
geyser, instantaneous water heater
geysers, instantaneous water heaters
Einspritzregelventil n mach.
Einspritzregelventile pl
spray water control valve
spray water control valves
Fahrwasser n
navigable water, strait
Feldkapazität f
water holding capacity
Felsenriff n, Felsbank f (unter Wasser)
shelf (under water)
Feuchtbodenfundstätte f
water saturated site
Feuerlöschwasser n
fire-extinguishing water
Fisch m zool.
Fische pl
weder Fisch noch Fleisch
die Fische füttern (Seekranker) ugs.
sich wie ein Fisch auf dem Trockenen fühlen
fish, fishes
neither fish nor fowl
to feed the fishes
to feel like a fish out of water
Flachwasserkanal m
shallow water duct
Fließwasser n
running water
Frischwasser n
fresh water, city water
Gänsewein m
water, Adam's ale, Adam's wine
Gas-Kombiwasserheizer m
gas combination water heater
Genie n
ein Genie ersten Ranges
a genius of the first water
Geruchsverschluss m
mit Geruchsverschluss versehen
anti-siphon trap
to provide with a water seal, to seal
Gewässer n
fließendes Gewässer
heimische Gewässer
seichtes Gewässer
stehendes Gewässer
stretch of water, waters
stretch of running water
home waters
shallow waters
stretch of standing water, standing waters, stagnant water body
Gewässerbewirtschaftung f
water resources management
Gewässergütebeurteilung f
water quality assessment
Gewässersanierung f
restoration of a stream, water quality improvement
Gewässerschutz m
water pollution control, prevention of water pollution
Gewässervermessung f
survey of water bodies
Glas n (Stoff, Trinkgefäß)
Gläser pl
ein Glas Wasser
a glass of water
Grauwasser n
grey water
Grubenwasser n
mine water
Grundwasserabsenkung f
water table drawdown
Grundwasserspiegel m, Grundwasserstand m
sinkender Grundwasserspiegel
Absinken des Grundwasserspiegels
groundwater level, water table, phreatic surface
sinking groundwater level
phreatic decline, decline of water table
erste Güte
first water
Hauswasserpumpe f
Hauswasserpumpen pl
domestic water pump
domestic water pumps
Heißwasser n
hot water
Heizungswasser n
heating water
Heizwasser-Verrohrung f
hot water piping
Hochwasser n (eines Flusses)
high water
Hochwassermarke f
high-water mark, flood mark
Hochwasserschutzraum m, Hochwasserschutzfläche m
Hochwasserschutzräume pl, Hochwasserschutzflächen pl
flood water retention area
flood water retention areas
Höhlenwasser n
cavern water
Hölle f
die Hölle auf Erden
jdm. die Hölle heiß machen
auf Teufel komm raus übtr.
a living hell, hell-hole
to give sb. hell
come hell or high water
Hoheitsgewässer n
territorial water
Interstitialwasser n
interstitial water
Kaffeewasser n
water for the coffee
Kalkwasser n
lime water
Kaltwasser n
cold water
Kaltwasserheilkunde f med.
cold water therapy
Kaltwasserkur f med.
cold water cure
Kaltwassernetz n
chilled water distribution net
Kapillarwasser n
capillary water
Kasse f
Kassen pl
knapp bei Kasse sein ugs.
cash box, cash-desk
cash boxes, cash-desks
to be in low water, to be low coll.
Kesselwasser f
boiler water
Kesselwassertemperatur f techn.
gleitend abgesenkte Kesselwassertemperatur
boiler water temperature
continuously adjustable decreased boiler water temperature
Klemme f, Schwulität f
in der Klemme sitzen, in Schwulitäten sein
in der Klemme
in der Klemme sitzen
in der Klemme sein (sitzen)
in der Klemme sitzen
in der Klemme sitzen
to be in a spot
in deep water
to be in a tight squeeze
to be in a fix
to be in the tight corner
to be up a gum tree
Kondenswasser n
condensation (water)
Kristallwasser n
water of crystallization
Kühlwasser n
cooling water
Kühlwasserkreislauf m
Kühlwasserkreisläufe pl
cooling water circuit
cooling water circuits
Kühlwasserpumpe f
Kühlwasserpumpen pl
cooling water pump
cooling water pumps
Kühlwasserregler m
Kühlwasserregler pl
cooling water control radiator
cooling water control radiators
Kunstschwimmen n
water ballet
Leichtwasserreaktor m
light water reactor
Leitfähigkeit f, Konduktivität f phys.
Leitfähigkeit des Wassers
conductivity of water
Leitungswasser n
tap water
Löschwasser n
water for firefighting
Meerwasser n
sea water
Meerwasserechtheit f
fastness to salt water
Mineralwasser n cook.
mineral water, minerals
Mittelwasserereignis n
mid-water events
Mittelwasserstand m
mean-water level
Munddusche f
water pick
Niedrigwasser n
low water
Niedrigwasserabfluss m
low water discharge
Oberflächenwasser n, oberirdisches Gewässer
surface water
Oberflächenwasser-Entnahme f
withdrawal of surface water
Pegel m, Wasserpegel m
level, water-gauge, water-gage Am.
Pegelstand m
water level
Quellmoor n
spring water mire
Quellwasser n
spring water
Rafting n, Wildwasserbootsfahren n
rafting, white-water rafting
Regentonne f
Regentonnen pl
water butt
water butts
Reinstwasser n
pharmaceutical-grade water, ultrapure water
Rohwasser n
raw water
Salzwasser n
salt water, saltwater, seawater, brine
Sauerbrunnen m
acidulous mineral water
Scheitelwasserstand m
peak water level
Schlauchwaage f constr.
Schlauchwaagen pl
water level gauge
water level gauges
Schmelzwasser n
melted snow and ice, melt water, meltwater
Schnee m meteo.
pappiger Schnee
festgefahrener Schnee
Schnee von gestern übtr.
cloggy snow
packed snow
water under the bridge fig.
Schwerwasserreaktor m
heavy water reactor
Schwimmbadwasserechtheit f
fastness to swimming pool water
Schwimmflügel pl
water wings
Schwitzwasser n
condensation water
Schwitzwasserverhütung f
condensation water prevention
Seerose f bot.
Seerosen pl
water lily
water lilies
Seewasser n
lake water
Seifenlauge f
Seifenlaugen pl
soap sud, soapy water
mit der größten Selbstverständlichkeit
like a duck takes the water fig.
Selterswasser n, Sodawasser n, Tafelwasser n
soda water
Sickerwasser n
seeping water, seepage water, percolating water
Siederohrkessel m, Wasserrohrkessel m, Wasserröhrenkessel m
Siederohrkessel pl, Wasserrohrkessel pl, Wasserröhrenkessel pl
water tube boiler
water tube boilers
Siedewasserreaktor m
Siedewasserreaktoren pl
boiling water reactor
boiling water reactors
Solquelle f, Salzquelle f, Salzsole f
salt water spring, brine spring
Speicher-Wassererwärmer m
storage water heater
Speisewasser n
feed water
Spritzwasser n
spray, spray water
Sprudel m, Sprudelwasser m
sparkling mineral water
Spülwasser n
water for rinsing
Stauwasser n (der Gezeiten)
slack water (of the tides)
Stillwasserzone f
Stillwasserzonen pl
stagnant water zone
stagnant water zones

water polluting Definition

Apollinaris water
() An effervescing alkaline mineral water used as a table beverage. It is obtained from a spring in Apollinarisburg, near Bonn.
(a.) Of, pertaining to, or living in, water not salt
(a.) Accustomed to sail on fresh water only
(a.) Unskilled
Napha water
() A perfume distilled from orange flowers.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Pollute
(a.) Adapted or tending to pollute
Rose water
() Water tinctured with roses by distillation.
(a.) Having the odor of rose water
Selters water
() A mineral water from Sellers, in the district of Nassan, Germany, containing much free carbonic acid.
Seltzer water
() See Selters water.
(n.) A channel at the end of a deck to restrain the water.
(n.) An acid.
(n.) Distilled or ardent spirits
(n.) Water for the cure of surfeits.
(n.) Water in a tailrace.
Vichy water
() A mineral water found at Vichy, France. It is essentially an effervescent solution of sodium, calcium, and magnetism carbonates, with sodium and potassium chlorides
(n.) The fluid which descends from the clouds in rain, and which forms rivers, lakes, seas, etc.
(n.) A body of water, standing or flowing
(n.) Any liquid secretion, humor, or the like, resembling water
(n.) A solution in water of a gaseous or readily volatile substance
(n.) The limpidity and luster of a precious stone, especially a diamond
(n.) A wavy, lustrous pattern or decoration such as is imparted to linen, silk, metals, etc. See Water, v. t., 3, Damask, v. t., and Damaskeen.
(v. t.) An addition to the shares representing the capital of a stock company so that the aggregate par value of the shares is increased while their value for investment is diminished, or "diluted."
(v. t.) To wet or supply with water
(v. t.) To supply with water for drink
(v. t.) To wet and calender, as cloth, so as to impart to it a lustrous appearance in wavy lines
(n.) To add water to (anything), thereby extending the quantity or bulk while reducing the strength or quality
(v. i.) To shed, secrete, or fill with, water or liquid matter
(v. i.) To get or take in water
Water adder
() The water moccasin.
Water adder
() The common, harmless American water snake (Tropidonotus sipedon). See Illust. under Water Snake.
Water agrimony
() A kind of bur marigold (Bidens tripartita) found in wet places in Europe.
Water aloe
() See Water soldier.
Water antelope
() See Water buck.
Water arum
() An aroid herb (Calla palustris) having a white spathe. It is an inhabitant of the north temperate zone.
Water back
() See under 1st Back.
Water bailiff
() An officer of the customs, whose duty it is to search vessels.
Water ballast
() Water confined in specially constructed compartments in a vessel's hold, to serve as ballast.
Water barometer
() A barometer in which the changes of atmospheric pressure are indicated by the motion of a column of water instead of mercury. It requires a column of water about thirty-three feet in height.
Water bath
() A device for regulating the temperature of anything subjected to heat, by surrounding the vessel containing it with another vessel containing water which can be kept at a desired temperature
Water battery
() A voltaic battery in which the exciting fluid is water.
Water battery
() A battery nearly on a level with the water.
Water bear
() Any species of Tardigrada, 2. See Illust. of Tardigrada.
(n.) The constellation Aquarius.
Water bed
() A kind of mattress made of, or covered with, waterproof fabric and filled with water. It is used in hospitals for bedridden patients.
Water beech
() The American hornbeam. See Hornbeam.
Water beetle
() Any one of numerous species of aquatic beetles belonging to Dytiscus and allied genera of the family Dytiscidae, and to various genera of the family Hydrophilidae. These beetles swim with great agility, the fringed hind legs acting together like oars.
Water bellows
() Same as Tromp.
Water bird
() Any aquatic bird

water polluting Bedeutung

water travel
travel by water
water sport
sports that involve bodies of water
water-skiing skiing on water while being towed by a motorboat
water polo a game played in a swimming pool by two teams of swimmers who try to throw an inflated ball into the opponents' goal
treading water a stroke that keeps the head above water by thrashing the legs and arms
water conservation the conservation of water resources
water development
water project
water program
making an area of water more useful
water thrush brownish North American warbler found near streams
water ouzel
small stocky diving bird without webbed feet, frequents fast-flowing streams and feeds along the bottom
European water ouzel
Cinclus aquaticus
a water ouzel of Europe
American water ouzel
Cinclus mexicanus
a water ouzel of western North America
water snake any of various mostly harmless snakes that live in or near water
common water snake
banded water snake
Natrix sipedon
Nerodia sipedon
in some classifications placed in the genus Nerodia, western United States snake that seldom ventures far from water
water moccasin any of numerous North American water snakes inhabiting fresh waters
water moccasin cottonmouth
cottonmouth moccasin
Agkistrodon piscivorus
venomous semiaquatic snake of swamps in southern United States
water bird
freshwater aquatic bird
water shrew any of several small semiaquatic shrews usually living near swift-flowing streams
American water shrew
Sorex palustris
water shrew of North America
European water shrew
Neomys fodiens
widely distributed Old World water shrew
Mediterranean water shrew
Neomys anomalus
a type of water shrew
water flea
minute freshwater crustacean having a round body enclosed in a transparent shell, moves about like a flea by means of hairy branched antennae
water flea
minute free-swimming freshwater copepod having a large median eye and pear-shaped body and long antennae used in swimming, important in some food chains and as intermediate hosts of parasitic worms that affect man e.g. Guinea worms
marsh hen water hen swamphen
any of various small aquatic birds of the genus Gallinula distinguished from rails by a frontal shield and a resemblance to domestic hens
American coot
marsh hen mud hen
water hen Fulica americana
a coot found in North America
water turkey
Anhinga anhinga
blackish New World snakebird of swampy regions
water dog a dog accustomed to water and usually trained to retrieve waterfowl
water spaniel any dog of two large curlyoated breeds used for hunting waterfowl
American water spaniel breed of medium-sized spaniels originating in America having chocolate or liverolored curly coat
Irish water spaniel breed of large spaniels developed in Ireland having a heavy coat of liverolored curls and a topknot of long curls and a nearly hairless tail
water vascular system system of fluid-filled tubes used by echinoderms in locomotion and feeding and respiration
water beetle any of numerous aquatic beetles usually having a smooth oval body and flattened hind legs for swimming
German cockroach
Croton bug
water bug Blattella germanica
small light-brown cockroach brought to United States from Europe, a common household pest
water bug a true bug: large aquatic bug adapted to living in or on the surface of water
giant water bug large water bug with piercing and sucking mouthparts, feeds on young fishes
water scorpion long-legged aquatic insect having the front legs fitted for seizing and holding prey and the abdomen extended by a long breathing tube
water boatman
boat bug
carnivorous aquatic bug having paddle-like hind legs
water strider
water skater
long-legged bug that skims about on the surface of water
water rat any of various amphibious rats
round-tailed muskrat
Florida water rat
Neofiber alleni
of Florida wetlands
water vole Richardson vole
Microtus richardsoni
of western North America
water vole water rat Arvicola amphibius common large Eurasian vole
water buffalo
water ox
Asiatic buffalo
Bubalus bubalis
an Asian buffalo that is often domesticated for use as a draft animal
water chevrotain
water deer
Hyemoschus aquaticus
largest chevrotain, of marshy areas of west Africa
boiling water reactor
a nuclear reactor that uses water as a coolant and moderator, the water boils in the reactor core and the steam produced can drive a steam turbine
cistern water tank a tank that holds the water used to flush a toilet
cold-water flat an apartment without modern conveniences
cologne water
eau de cologne
a perfumed liquid made of essential oils and alcohol
diuretic drug
water pill
any substance that tends to increase the flow of urine, which causes the body to get rid of excess water
divining rod
dowsing rod
water finder
forked stick that is said to dip down to indicate underground water or oil
drinking fountain
water fountain
a public fountain to provide a jet of drinking water
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