
weak Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

energielos, schwach
energielos, schwach adj
energielos; schwach adj
weak will
Dünnbier n cook.
weak beer
feige, feig adj
weak wills
schwache Seite
weak point
feige; feig adj
am ganzen Körper zitternd; schlotternd; wackelig auf den Beinen adj
lustloser Markt
weak market
schwachsichtig; sehgeschwächt adj
weak current
schwache Währung
weak currency
angriffsschwach adj sport
weak in attack
abgeschwächter Leistungsverdienstanstieg
weak incentive
abwehrschwach adj sport
weak in defence
financially weak
knieweich; halbherzig adj
weak-kneed fig.
mickrige Person f; Kümmerling m; Kümmerer m; Schwachmatiker m humor.; Schwachmatikus m humor. veraltend; Zniachtl n Ös. pej.
runt (weak person)
willensschwach adj
weak-willed; infirm
willensschwach adj
weak-willed, infirm
dünn, schwach adj; schwach konzentriert (Lösung) chem.
weak {adj} (solution)
Sie ist schwach in Französisch.
She's weak in French.
strukturschwache Region
structurally weak area
strukturschwaches Gebiet
structurally weak area
Willensschwäche f
Willensschwächen pl
weak will
weak wills
charakterschwach adj
weak; of weak character
schwach; flau adj
schwächer; flauer
am schwächsten; am flauesten
schwach, flau adj
schwächer, flauer
am schwächsten, am flauesten
charakterschwach adj
weak, of weak character
Schwachpunkt m, Schwachstelle f, schwache Seite
Schwachpunkte pl, Schwachstellen pl, schwache Seiten
weak point
weak points
Schwachpunkt m; Schwachstelle f; schwache Seite
Schwachpunkte pl; Schwachstellen pl; schwache Seiten
weak point
weak points
Achillesferse f übtr.; wunder Punkt; Schwachstelle f
Achilles' heel fig.; weak spot
Achillesferse f übtr., wunder Punkt, Schwachstelle f
Achilles' heel fig., weak spot
ihre Position gilt als schwach
their position is considered weak
angriffsschwach adj (Sportmannschaft) sport
weak in attack (of a sports team)
Schwachstrom m electr. ugs.
low-voltage current, weak current
Schwächezustand m
state of weakness, weak condition
Schwächezustand m
state of weakness; weak condition
Schwachstrom m electr. ugs.
low-voltage current; weak current
Führungsschwäche f
weak leadership, poorness of leadership
Führungsschwäche f
weak leadership; poorness of leadership
Kreislaufschwäche f med.
weak circulation; weak blood circulation
Magerbeton m constr.
lean concrete; poor concrete; weak concrete
kapitalschwach, finanzschwach adj fin.
financially weak, with insufficient capital
Der Geist ist willig aber das Fleisch ist schwach.
The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
Der Geist ist willig, aber das Fleisch ist schwach.
The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
einen Körperteil elektrisieren; mit schwachen Stromstößen behandeln v med.
to apply weak electric shocks to a body part
Händedruck m
schlaffer Händedruck; letscherter Händedruck Ös.
flabby handshake; weak handshake
Schwachstromtechnik f electr.
weak-current engineering; light-current engineering
Barretter m (Messinstrument für schwache HF-Ströme) electr.
barretter (measuring instrument for weak HF currents)
Vogelgesicht n
(face with a) weak chin; bird-face; micrognathic face
finanzschwach adj fin.
financially weak; with inadequate financial resources
Deklination f ling.
Deklinationen pl
starke Deklination f
schwache Deklination f
strong declension
weak declension
Stelle f, Punkt m, Tupfen m
auf der Stelle, an Ort und Stelle
an Ort und Stelle sein
schwache Stelle f
tote Stelle, weißer Fleck
on the spot
to be on the spot
weak spot
dead spot
Stelle f; Punkt m; Tupfen m
an Ort und Stelle; vor Ort
an Ort und Stelle sein
schwache Stelle f
tote Stelle; weißer Fleck
on the spot
to be on the spot
weak spot
dead spot
Deklination f gramm.
Deklinationen pl
starke Deklination f
schwache Deklination f
strong declension
weak declension
Deklination f; Beugung f von Substantiven, Adjektiven usw. ling.
Deklinationen pl
starke Deklination f
schwache Deklination f
strong declension
weak declension
Zeilensummenkriterium n math.
starkes Zeilensummenkriterium math.
schwaches Zeilensummenkriterium math.
row sum criterion
strong row sum criterion
weak row sum criterion
Sehschwäche f med.
Rot-Grün-Sehschwäche f; Rot-Grün-Blindheit f
weakness of vision; weak-sightedness; weak sight
red-green color blindness
Spaltensummenkriterium n math.
starkes Spaltensummenkriterium
schwaches Spaltensummenkriterium
column sum criterion
strong column sum criterion
weak column sum criterion
Angriffspunkt m
einen Angriffspunkt bieten
keine Angriffspunkte bieten
weak point
to lay oneself open to attack
not to lay oneself open to attack
schlagen v
Mein Herz schlägt schnell.
Sein Puls schlägt ganz unregelmäßig schwach.
to beat {beat; beaten}
My heart beats fast.
His pulse is very irregular weak.
Zyanid n; Cyanid n chem.
Zyanide pl; Cyanide pl
leicht freisetzbares Zyanid
weak acid dissociable cyanide; WAD cyanide; available cyanide
Die Schwächsten werden (immer) an den Rand gedrängt. soc.
The weakest goes to the wall. Br.; The weak have to go to the wall. Br. prov.
Zielstrebigkeit f; Entschlusskraft f psych.
keine Entschlusskraft haben
Er ist ein zielstrebiger Mensch.; Er weiß was er will.
purpose; sense strength of purpose
to be weak of purpose
He is a man of purpose.
Zielstrebigkeit f; Entschlusskraft f psych.
keine Entschlusskraft haben
Er ist ein zielstrebiger Mensch.; Er weiß, was er will.
purpose; sense strength of purpose
to be weak of purpose
He is a man of purpose.
Französisch n ling.
Sie ist schwach in Französisch.
Das ist totaler Schwachsinn - entschuldigen Sie den Ausdruck.
She's weak in French.
This is bullshit! Pardon excuse my French.; This is bullshit, if you'll pardon my French.
etw. in den Mittelpunkt stellen; sein Hauptaugenmerk auf etw. richten; alles auf etw. ausrichten; sich ganz auf eine Sache konzentrieren v
Er konzentrierte sich ganz auf den Schwachpunkt in ihrem Argument.
Wir haben alles auf unser angestrebtes Ziel ausgerichtet.
to home in; to zero in on sth. fig.
He homed in on the weak point in her argument.
We have zeroed in on our intended objective.
Taktschlag m; Schlag m; Taktteil m mus.
Taktschläge pl; Schläge pl; Taktteile pl
betonter Taktteil
unbetonter Taktteil
Schläge pro Minute
in jedem Takt den zweiten und letzten Schlag betonen
Das Ritardando beginnt auf dem zweiten Schlag.
strong beat
weak beat
beats per minute bpm
to stress the second and last beats of each bar
The ritardando begins on the second beat.
jdn. mit etw. abspeisen v
Ich wurde mit einer Kundentelefonnummer abgespeist.
Glaubst du, du kannst mich mit so einer billigen Ausrede abspeisen?
to fob off () sb. with sth.
fobbing off
fobbed off
I was fobbed off with a hotline number.
Do you think you can fob me off with such a weak excuse?
Geist m (nichtkörperliches Phänomen)
der Heilige Geist relig.
der große Geist (indianischer Glaube)
Der Geist ist willig aber das Fleisch ist schwach.
spirit (non-physical phenomenon)
the Holy Spirit; the Holy Ghost (old use)
the Great Spirit (American Indian belief)
The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
Geist m (nichtkörperliches Phänomen)
der Heilige Geist relig.
der große Geist (indianischer Glaube)
Der Geist ist willig, aber das Fleisch ist schwach.
spirit (non-physical phenomenon)
the Holy Spirit; the Holy Ghost former name
the Great Spirit (American Indian belief)
The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
Geschmacksverstärker m; Aromazusatz m cook.
Geschmacksverstärker pl; Aromazusätze pl
flavour potentiator Br.; flavor potentiator Am. (weak); flavour enhancer Br.; flavor enhancer Am. (strong)
flavour potentiators; flavor potentiators; flavour enhancers; flavor enhancers
aus etw. dringen; herausbrechen; hervorbrechen geh. v
dringend; herausbrechend; hervorbrechend
gedrungen; herausgebracht; hervorgebracht
Rauch drang aus der Wohnung.
Ein schwacher Laut drang aus ihren Lippen.
Lava brach aus einer Felsspalte hervor.
to issue from sth. (formal); to issue forth from sth. (formal)
issuing from; issuing forth from
issued from; issued forth from
Smoke issued from the flat.
A weak sound issued from her lips.
Lava issued from a crack in the rock.
aus etw. dringen; herausbrechen; hervorbrechen geh. v
dringend; herausbrechend; hervorbrechend
gedrungen; herausgebracht; hervorgebracht
Rauch drang aus der Wohnung.
Ein schwacher Laut drang aus ihren Lippen.
Lava brach aus einer Felsspalte hervor.
to issue from sth. formal; to issue forth from sth. formal
issuing from; issuing forth from
issued from; issued forth from
Smoke issued from the flat.
A weak sound issued from her lips.
Lava issued from a crack in the rock.
Kreislaufsystem n; Kreislauf m med.
Kreislaufsysteme pl; Kreisläufe pl
Kollateralkreislauf m
enterohepatischer Kreislauf
fetaler Kreislauf
großer Kreislauf; systemischer Kreislauf
kleiner Kreislauf; pulmonaler Kreislauf; Lungenkreislauf m
mit verlangsamtem Kreislauf
schwacher Kreislauf
den Kreislauf anregen
den Kreislauf wiederherstellen
dem Kreislauf verlorengehen
circulatory system; cardiovascular system; circulation
circulatory systems; cardiovascular systems; circulations
collateral circulation
enterohepatic cycling
foetal circulation
greater circulation; general circulation; systemic circulation
lesser circulation; pulmonary circulation
marantic; marasmic
weak circulation
to stimulate circulation; to activate circulation
to re-establish circulation
to be lost to the circulation
Knie n anat.
Knie pl
gebeugte Knie
jdn. auf Knien kniefällig geh. etw. bitten
das Knie beugen
in die Knie gehen; auf die Knie sinken geh.; niederknien
vor jdm. auf die Knie fallen
in die Knie sacken; einknicken
jdn. auf in die Knie zwingen
weiche Knie bekommen haben
vor jdm. auf den Knien liegen
seine Knie umklammern
Mir zitterten die Knie, als …
Du hast mich in die Knie gezwungen (besiegt).
bended knees
to ask sb. sth. on your knees
to bend the knee
to fall drop sink to your knees; to sink on your knees; to get down on your knees
to go down on bended knee(s) before sb.
to sag at the knees
to force bring sb. to his her knees; to defeat beat sb.
to get be weak at in the knees
to kneel before sb.; to be on one's knees before sb.
to hug one's knees
My knees were shaking when …
You've got me on my knees.
Knie n anat.
Knie pl
gebeugte Knie
auf Knien; inständig
jdn. auf Knien kniefällig geh. etw. bitten
das Knie beugen
in die Knie gehen
auf die Knie gehen; niederknien
vor jdm. in die Knie gehen
in die Knie sacken
jdn. auf in die Knie zwingen
weiche Knie bekommen haben
vor jdm. auf den Knien liegen
seine Knie umklammern
Mir zitterten die Knie als ...
Du hast mich in die Knie gezwungen (besiegt).
bended knees
on bended knees
to ask sb. sth. on your knees
to bend the knee
to sink to one's knees; to sink down on one's knees
to get (down) on one's knees
to go down on bended knees to sb.
to sag at the knees
to force bring sb. to his her knees; to defeat beat sb.
to get be weak at in the knees
to kneel before sb.; to be on one's knees before sb.
to hug one's knees
My knees were shaking when ...
You've got me on my knees.
Herzton m med.
Herztöne pl
akzentuierter Herzton
deutlicher Herzton
diastolischer systolischer Herzton
betonter erster Herzton
dritter Herzton; ventrikulärer Herzton
erster Herzton
erster und zweiter Herzton
gedoppelter Herzton
gespaltener Herzton
schwacher Herzton; leiser Herzton
vierter Herzton
zweiter Herzton
fötale Herztöne
kindliche Herztöne
Anspannungston m
heart sound; cardiac sound; heart tone
heart sounds; cardiac sounds; heart tones
accentuated heart tone
strong heart sound
diastolic systolic cardiac sound
cannon sound
third heart sound; ventricular heart-filling sound; ventricular heart sound; filling gallop
first heart sound; lubb
reduplicated heart tone; doubling of cardiac sound
splitting of the heart tone; heart-sound splitting
weak faint quiet cardiac sound
fourth heart sound
second heart sound; dupp
foetal cardiac sounds
infantile heart sounds
tension sound
Pulsschlag m; Puls m; Pulsation f; Sphymgus m med.
Pulsschläge pl; Pulsationen pl
alternierender Puls; wechselnder Puls
anakroter Puls
aussetzender Puls; Miosphygmia
Corrigan'scher Puls
zweischlägiger Puls; doppelschlägiger Puls
drahtartiger Puls; Drahtpuls m
einschlägiger Puls; monokroter Puls
dreischlägiger vierschlägiger Puls
epigastrischer Puls; epigastrische Pulsation
fadenförmiger Puls
gespannter Puls
gespannter und harter Puls
harter Puls
hüpfender Puls: schnellender Puls
jagender Puls
katakroter katadikroter katatrikroter Puls
paradoxer Puls; Kussmaul'scher Puls
langsamer Puls
monokroter dikroter trikroter Puls
mehrschlägiger polykroter Puls
nicht fühlbarer Puls
regelmäßiger unregelmäßiger Puls
schneller Puls; beschleunigter Puls; Pulsbeschleunigung
weicher Puls; nicht gespannter Puls
zweizipfliger Puls
jds. Puls fühlen; jds. Puls nehmen
den Puls beschleunigen
pulse beat; pulse; pulsus; pulsation; sphygmus
pulse beats; pulses; pulsations
alternating pulse; alternans of the heart
anacrotic pulse
intermittent interrupted pulse; miosphygmia
cannon ball pulse; Corrigan's pulse
coupled pulse; bigeminat pulse
wiry pulse
monocrotic pulse
trigeminal quadrigeminal pulse
epigastric pulse; epigastric pulsation
shabby pulse; filiform pulse
tense pulse; cordy pulse
hard and cordy pulse; high-tension pulse
hard pulse
sharp pulse; jerky pulse
running pulse
catacrotic catadicrotic catatricrotic pulse
paradoxical pulse; Kussmaul's pulse
slow pulse
monocrotic dicrotic tricrotic pulse
polycrotic pulse
imperceptible pulse
regular irregular pulse
quick pulse; accelerated pulse; pulse acceleration
soft pulse; weak pulse; low-tension pulse; microsphygmy; microsphyxia
bisferious pulse
to feel sb.'s pulse; to take sb.'s pulse
to quicken the pulse
Pulsschlag m; Puls m; Pulsation f; Sphymgus m med.
Pulsschläge pl; Pulsationen pl
alternierender Puls; wechselnder Puls
anakroter Puls
aussetzender Puls
Corrigan'scher Puls
zweischlägiger Puls; doppelschlägiger Puls
drahtartiger Puls; Drahtpuls m
einschlägiger Puls; monokroter Puls
dreischlägiger vierschlägiger Puls
epigastrischer Puls; epigastrische Pulsation
fadenförmiger Puls
gespannter Puls
gespannter und harter Puls
harter Puls
hüpfender Puls: schnellender Puls
jagender Puls
katakroter katadikroter katatrikroter Puls
paradoxer Puls; Kussmaul'scher Puls
langsamer Puls
monokroter dikroter trikroter Puls
mehrschlägiger polykroter Puls
nicht fühlbarer Puls
regelmäßiger unregelmäßiger Puls
schneller Puls; beschleunigter Puls; Pulsbeschleunigung
weicher Puls; nicht gespannter Puls
zweizipfliger Puls
jds. Puls fühlen; jds. Puls nehmen
den Puls beschleunigen
pulse beat; pulse; pulsus; pulsation; sphygmus
pulse beats; pulses; pulsations
alternating pulse; alternans of the heart
anacrotic pulse
intermittent interrupted pulse; miosphygmia
cannon ball pulse; Corrigan's pulse
coupled pulse; bigeminat pulse
wiry pulse
monocrotic pulse
trigeminal quadrigeminal pulse
epigastric pulse; epigastric pulsation
shabby pulse; filiform pulse
tense pulse; cordy pulse
hard and cordy pulse; high-tension pulse
hard pulse
sharp pulse; jerky pulse
running pulse
catacrotic catadicrotic catatricrotic pulse
paradoxical pulse; Kussmaul's pulse
slow pulse
monocrotic dicrotic tricrotic pulse
polycrotic pulse
imperceptible pulse
regular irregular pulse
quick pulse; accelerated pulse; pulse acceleration
soft pulse; weak pulse; low-tension pulse; microsphygmy; microsphyxia
bisferious pulse
to feel sb.'s pulse; to take sb.'s pulse
to quicken the pulse

Deutsche energielos schwach Synonyme

energielos  Âmüde  Âschwach  Âschwachbrüstig  
kraftlos  Âschwach  
gering  Âkümmerlich  Âschwach  Âwenig  
geringfügig  Ânicht  ins  Gewicht  fallend  Âschwach  Âunerheblich  
brüchig  Âgebrechlich  Âhinfällig  Âkränklich  Âlabil  Âschwach  Âschwächlich  
armselig  Âärmlich  Âbillig  (umgangssprachlich)  Âkümmerlich  Âschwach  (umgangssprachlich)  Âtraurig  (umgangssprachlich)  
energielos  müde  schwach  

Englische weak Synonyme

weak  Adamic  Adamite  Adamitic  abulic  accented  accessible  achromatic  achromic  afraid  airy  alveolar  amenable  anemic  anile  anthropocentric  anthropological  apical  apico-alveolar  apico-dental  articulated  ashen  ashy  assailable  assimilated  asthenic  attackable  attenuate  attenuated  back  backsliding  barely audible  barytone  beatable  bilabial  blear  bleared  bleary  bled white  bloodless  blurred  blurry  boyish  broad  bungling  cacuminal  cadaverous  careless  carnal  central  cerebral  checked  chicken  chickenhearted  chloranemic  close  colorless  confused  conquerable  consonant  consonantal  continuant  coward  cowardly  cowed  crabbed  dark  daunted  dead  deadly pale  deathly pale  debilitated  decrepit  decrescendo  delicate  dental  diaphanous  dickey  dilute  diluted  dim  dimmed  dingy  discolored  dismayed  dissimilated  distant  doddered  doddering  doddery  dorsal  drooping  droopy  dull  earthy  easy  easygoing  effete  emasculate  enervated  enfeebled  erring  ethereal  etiolated  expugnable  exsanguinated  exsanguine  exsanguineous  fade  faded  fagged  faint  faint-voiced  fainthearted  fainting  faintish  fallen  fallow  fatigued  fearful  featherweight  feeble  feebleminded  feeling faint  filmy  fine  fine-drawn  finespun  finite  flabby  flaccid  flagging  flat  flavorless  fleshly  flimsy  floppy  fluctuant  foggy  footsore  forceless  fossilized  fragile  frail  frazzled  front  funking  funky  fuzzy  gauzy  gentle  gerontal  gerontic  ghastly  girlish  glide  glossal  glottal  gone  good and tired  gossamer  gracile  gray  gruelly  gutless  guttural  haggard  half-heard  half-seen  half-visible  hard  hazy  heavy  henhearted  hesitant  high  hominal  homocentric  hueless  human  humanistic  hypochromic  ill-defined  imbecile  impotent  imprecise  impressionable  improbable  impure  inadequate  inane  incompetent  inconceivable  inconclusive  inconspicuous  incredible  indefinite  indifferent  indistinct  indistinguish  
weak kneed  abulic  afraid  chicken  chickenhearted  coward  cowardly  cowed  daunted  dismayed  double-minded  faint  fainthearted  faltering  fearful  feeble  feebleminded  frail  funking  funky  henhearted  infirm  intimidated  invertebrate  irresolute  lily-livered  milk-livered  milksoppish  milksoppy  mousy  overtimid  overtimorous  panic-prone  panicky  pigeonhearted  pliable  rabbity  sissified  sissy  soft  spineless  timid  timorous  uncertain  unmanly  unmanned  wavering  weak  weak-minded  weak-willed  weakhearted  white-livered  wobbly  yellow  
weak link  assailability  blemish  bug  catch  chink  crack  defect  defection  deficiency  drawback  failing  failure  fault  faute  flaw  foible  frailty  heel of Achilles  hole  imperfection  inadequacy  infirmity  kink  little problem  penetrability  pregnability  problem  rift  shortcoming  snag  soft spot  something missing  taint  vincibility  vulnerability  vulnerable place  vulnerable point  weak point  weakness  
weak minded  abulic  afraid  brainless  cowardly  faint  fainthearted  feeble  feebleminded  foolish  frail  infirm  invertebrate  mindless  nitwitted  pliable  silly  soft  spineless  unwitty  weak  weak-kneed  weak-willed  
weak point  argument  argument by analogy  argumentum ad baculum  argumentum ad captandum  argumentum ad hominem  assailability  bad case  bad habit  begging the question  besetting sin  blemish  bug  catch  chink  circular argument  claptrap  crack  crowd-pleasing argument  defect  defection  deficiency  drawback  empty words  failing  failure  fallacy  fault  faute  feet of clay  flaw  foible  formal fallacy  frailty  heel of Achilles  hole  hysteron proteron  imperfection  inadequacy  infirmity  insincere argument  kink  little problem  logical fallacy  material fallacy  mere rhetoric  moonshine  moral flaw  non sequitur  paralogism  penetrability  petitio principii  philosophism  pregnability  problem  pseudosyllogism  rift  shortcoming  snag  soft spot  solecism  something missing  sophism  sophistry  taint  verbal fallacy  vice  vincibility  vulnerability  vulnerable place  vulnerable point  weak link  weak side  weakness  
weak sister  Lord Fauntleroy  Milquetoast  Percy  baby  big baby  chicken  chicken liver  coward  cream puff  crybaby  doormat  dull tool  effeminate  fraid-cat  fraidy-cat  funk  funker  goody-goody  gutless wonder  invertebrate  jellyfish  lightweight  lily  lily liver  meek soul  milksop  mollycoddle  mouse  namby-pamby  nance  nancy  nebbish  nonentity  old woman  pansy  pantywaist  pushover  sad sack  scaredy-cat  sissy  softling  softy  sop  weakling  white feather  white liver  
weaken  abate  afflict  aggravate  allay  alleviate  assuage  attemper  attenuate  bank the fire  bate  beat  blunt  break  bugger  burn out  cave in  chasten  collapse  come apart  come unstuck  conk out  constrain  control  cramp  cripple  crumble  cut  damage  damp  dampen  de-emphasize  de-energize  deaden  debilitate  decline  dematerialize  derange  deteriorate  devitalize  dilapidate  dilute  diminish  disable  disedge  disembody  disenable  disintegrate  disorder  do in  do up  downplay  drain  draw the teeth  droop  drop  dull  dwindle  ease  emacerate  emaciate  emasculate  embitter  endamage  enervate  enfeeble  etherealize  eviscerate  exacerbate  exhaust  extenuate  fade  fag  fag out  fail  faint  fall short  fatigue  fizzle out  flag  frazzle  give out  give way  go downhill  go soft  go to pieces  gruel  hamstring  harass  harm  hit the skids  honeycomb  hors de combat  hospitalize  hurt  impair  inactivate  incapacitate  indispose  injure  invalid  irritate  jade  keep within bounds  kibosh  knock out  knock up  lame  languish  lay  lay low  lay up  lenify  lessen  lighten  lose strength  maim  make worse  minimize  mitigate  moderate  modulate  obtund  overfatigue  overset  overstrain  overthrow  overtire  overturn  overweary  palliate  paralyze  peak  peg out  peter out  pine  play down  poop  poop out  prostrate  put  put back  queer  queer the works  rarefy  rattle  reduce  reduce the temperature  remit  repress  restrain  retund  run down  sabotage  sap  sap the foundations  shake  shake up  shrink  sicken  sink  slacken  slow down  smother  sober  sober down  soften  soften up  spike  spiritualize  stifle  subdue  subtilize  subvert  suppress  tame  temper  thin  thin away  thin down  thin out  throw down  throw over  tire  tire out  tire to death  tone down  tucker  tune down  turn  unbrace  undermine  underplay  unfit  unman  unnerve  unstrengthen  unstring  upend  upset  use up  wane  waste  waste away  water  water down  wear  wear away  w  
weakened  abated  ablated  aggravated  attenuated  ausgespielt  bated  belittled  broken  burned  burned-out  burst  busted  cachectic  checked  chipped  consumed  contracted  cracked  crazed  curtailed  cut  damaged  debilitated  decreased  deflated  deteriorated  devitalized  diminished  disabled  dissipated  drained  drooping  droopy  dropped  effete  embittered  enervated  enfeebled  eroded  eviscerated  exacerbated  exhausted  fagged  failing  faint  fainting  fallen  fatigued  feeble  feeling faint  flagging  footsore  frail  frazzled  good and tired  harmed  healthless  hurt  impaired  imperfect  in bits  in pieces  in poor health  in shards  incapacitated  infirm  injured  invalid  irritated  jaded  lacerated  languid  languishing  less  lesser  lower  lowered  mangled  miniaturized  moribund  mutilated  pale  peaked  peaky  played out  ready to drop  reduced  reduced in health  rent  retrenched  run ragged  run-down  ruptured  sagging  sapped  scalded  scaled-down  scorched  seedy  shattered  shorn  shorter  shrunk  shrunken  sickly  slashed  slit  smaller  smashed  spent  split  sprung  the worse for  tired  tired-winged  toilworn  torn  unhealthy  unrefreshed  unrestored  unsound  used up  valetudinarian  valetudinary  wasted  watered-down  way-weary  wayworn  weak  weakly  wearied  weariful  weary  weary-footed  weary-laden  weary-winged  weary-worn  wilting  with low resistance  worn  worn-down  worn-out  worse  worse off  worsened  
weakening  abatement  abridgment  alleviation  attenuation  attrition  bankruptcy  blunting  breakage  breakdown  collapse  contraction  crack-up  crippling  damage  dampening  damping  deadening  debilitation  decrease  decrement  decrescence  deduction  deflation  depreciation  depression  destruction  detriment  devitalization  devitalizing  dilapidation  dilution  diminishment  diminution  disablement  disrepair  draining  dulling  dying  dying off  effemination  encroachment  enervating  enervation  enfeeblement  enfeebling  evisceration  exhausting  exhaustion  extenuation  fade-out  fatigue  fatiguing  grueling  harm  hobbling  hurt  hurting  impairment  inanition  incapacitation  infringement  injury  inroad  languishment  lessening  letup  loss  lowering  maiming  mayhem  miniaturization  mischief  mitigation  mutilation  reduction  relaxation  ruination  ruinousness  sabotage  sagging  sapping  scaling down  scathe  sickening  simplicity  slackening  softening  spoiling  subtraction  thinning  trying  
weakhearted  afraid  chicken  chickenhearted  coward  cowardly  cowed  daunted  dismayed  fainthearted  fearful  funking  funky  henhearted  intimidated  lily-livered  milk-livered  milksoppish  milksoppy  mousy  overtimid  overtimorous  panic-prone  panicky  pigeonhearted  rabbity  sissified  sissy  soft  timid  timorous  unmanly  unmanned  weak  weak-kneed  white-livered  yellow  
weakling  Milquetoast  baby  big baby  blank cartridge  butt  castrato  chicken  chicken liver  coward  crybaby  doormat  drip  dud  dull tool  eunuch  faintly  fence-sitter  fraid-cat  fraidy-cat  funk  funker  gelding  gutless wonder  impotent  incompetent  invalid  invertebrate  jellyfish  lightweight  lily liver  mark  meek soul  milksop  misfit  mollycoddle  mouse  mugwump  namby-pamby  nebbish  nonentity  pansy  pantywaist  pushover  sad sack  scaredy-cat  shilly-shally  shrinking violet  sissy  softling  softy  sop  sotto voce  sucker  waverer  weak sister  weakly  white feather  white liver  wobbler  
weakly  a bit  a la sourdine  a little  anemic  asthenic  barely  bloodless  by a hair  by an ace  cachectic  chicken  cowardly  daintily  debilitated  decrepit  delicately  dimly  drained  drooping  droopy  dull  effeminately  effete  enervated  etiolated  ever so little  exhausted  exiguously  failing  faint  faintish  faintly  feeble  feebly  flabby  flaccid  flimsy  floppy  fragile  frail  gently  gone  gutless  hardly  healthless  hushedly  imbecile  imperfectly  impotent  in poor health  inappreciably  inconsequentially  infirm  infirmly  insignificantly  insubstantial  invalid  just a bit  languid  languishing  languorous  languorously  lightly  limber  limp  listless  listlessly  little  low  lustless  marrowless  meagerly  minimally  minutely  moribund  negligibly  nerveless  not hardly  only just  pale  peaked  peaky  pianissimo  piano  pithless  pooped  powerless  reduced  reduced in health  rubbery  run-down  sapless  scantily  scarcely  shakily  sickly  sinewless  slack  slightly  soft  softly  sordamente  sordo  spineless  strengthless  strengthlessly  subduedly  tant soit peu  teeteringly  totteringly  triflingly  unhardened  unhealthy  unnerved  unsound  unsoundly  unsteadily  unstrung  unsubstantial  unsubstantially  valetudinarian  valetudinary  weak  weakened  with low resistance  
weakness  Amor  Christian love  Eros  Platonic love  a thing for  abulia  accessibility  admiration  adoration  affection  affinity  agape  airiness  airy texture  amenableness  anemia  aptitude  aptness  ardency  ardor  area  ashiness  assailability  attachment  attenuation  bad habit  bag  bent  besetting sin  bias  bleariness  blemish  bloodlessness  blur  blurriness  bodily love  brain fag  brotherly love  bug  cadaverousness  carelessness  caritas  cast  catch  chance  charity  chicken-liveredness  chickenheartedness  chink  chloranemia  conatus  conduciveness  conjugal love  contingency  cowardice  cowardliness  crack  crush  cullibility  cup of tea  darkness  deadness  deathly hue  deathly pallor  debilitation  debility  deceivability  decrescendo  defect  defection  deficiency  defocus  delicacy  delight  desire  devotion  diaphanousness  diathesis  dilutedness  dilution  dimness  disposition  drawback  dullness  dupability  eagerness  easiness  easygoingness  enervation  enfeeblement  ethereality  eventuality  exiguity  exility  exsanguination  eyestrain  fadedness  failing  failure  faintheart  faintheartedness  faintness  fairness  faithful love  fancy  fatigue  fault  faute  fear  feeblemindedness  feebleness  feeling for  fervor  field  filminess  fineness  flabbiness  flame  flatness  flavorlessness  flaw  flimsiness  fogginess  foible  fondness  forcelessness  forte  frailty  free love  free-lovism  fuzziness  gauziness  gentleness  ghastliness  goneness  gossameriness  gracility  greenness  gullibility  gust  gusto  haggardness  half-visibility  haziness  heart  heart strain  heel of Achilles  henheartedness  hero worship  hoaxability  hole  human equation  human frailty  human weakness  humanity  humanness  hypochromia  hypochromic anemia  idolatry  idolism  idolization  imperfection  impotence  impotency  imprecision  impressionability  impuissance  inadequacy  inanity  inclination  indefiniteness  indifference  indistinctness  indistinguishability  

weak Definition

(v. i.) Wanting physical strength.
(v. i.) Deficient in strength of body
(v. i.) Not able to sustain a great weight, pressure, or strain
(v. i.) Not firmly united or adhesive
(v. i.) Not stiff
(v. i.) Not able to resist external force or onset
(v. i.) Lacking force of utterance or sound
(v. i.) Not thoroughly or abundantly impregnated with the usual or required ingredients, or with stimulating and nourishing substances
(v. i.) Lacking ability for an appropriate function or office
(v. i.) Not possessing or manifesting intellectual, logical, moral, or political strength, vigor, etc.
(v. i.) Feeble of mind
(v. i.) Resulting from, or indicating, lack of judgment, discernment, or firmness
(v. i.) Not having full confidence or conviction
(v. i.) Not able to withstand temptation, urgency, persuasion, etc.
(v. i.) Wanting in power to influence or bind
(v. i.) Not having power to convince
(v. i.) Wanting in point or vigor of expression
(v. i.) Not prevalent or effective, or not felt to be prevalent
(v. i.) Lacking in elements of political strength
(v. i.) Tending towards lower prices
(v. i.) Pertaining to, or designating, a verb which forms its preterit (imperfect) and past participle by adding to the present the suffix -ed, -d, or the variant form -t
(v. i.) Pertaining to, or designating, a noun in Anglo-Saxon, etc., the stem of which ends in -n. See Strong, 19 (b).
(a.) To make or become weak
(a.) Having little courage
(a.) Having weak knees
(a.) Having a weak mind, either naturally or by reason of disease

weak Bedeutung

weak part
weak spot
soft spot
a place of especial vulnerability
weak point an attribute that is inadequate or deficient
weak interaction
weak force
(physics) an interaction between elementary particles involving neutrinos or antineutrinos that is responsible for certain kinds of radioactive decay, mediated by intermediate vector bosons
weak-stemmed having a weak stem
weak deficient in intelligence or mental power, a weak mind
overly diluted, thin and insipid, washy coffee, watery milk, weak tea
weak likely to fail under stress or pressure, the weak link in the chain
wanting in moral strength, courage, or will, having the attributes of man as opposed to e.g. divine beings, I'm only a fallible human, frail humanity
deficient in magnitude, barely perceptible, lacking clarity or brightness or loudness etc, a faint outline, the wan sun cast faint shadows, the faint light of a distant candle, weak colors, a faint hissing sound, a faint aroma, a weak pulse
weak not having authority, political strength, or governing power, a weak president
weak (used of verbs) having standard (or regular) inflection
weak-kneed lacking will power or resolution, the role of the dissenter is not for the weak-kneed
lacking bodily or muscular strength or vitality, a feeble old woman, her body looked sapless
weak deficient or lacking in some skill, he's weak in spelling
(used of vowels or syllables) pronounced with little or no stress, a syllable that ends in a short vowel is a light syllable, a weak stress on the second syllable
weak wanting in physical strength, a weak pillar
weak tending downward in price, a weak market for oil stocks
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