
weed Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Unkraut, Unkraut jäten
Kraut n (Tabak)
Unkraut jäten
Glimmstengel, Unkraut
Leinkraut n bot.
flax weed
flax weed
Schwächling m; Kümmerling m ugs.
weed coll.
Schwächling m, Kümmerling m ugs.
weed coll.
Unkrautbekämpfung f agr.
weed control
Unkraut n; Unkräuter pl bot. agr.
weed; weeds {pl}
Unkraut n, Unkräuter pl bot. agr.
weed, weeds {pl}
etw. aussondern; etw. aussieben v
to weed out () sth.
Jätehacke f
Jätehacken pl
weed hoe
weed hoes
Unkrautbekämpfungsmittel n, Unkrautvernichter m agr.
weedkiller, weed killer
Unkrautbekämpfungsmittel n; Unkrautvernichter m agr.
weedkiller; weed killer
jäten, Unkraut jäten
to weed
jäten; Unkraut jäten; Unkraut rupfen; ausgrasen v
to weed
Dillkraut n; Dillenkraut n Ös.; Gurkenkraut n ugs.; Dill m; Dille f Ös. (Anethum graveolens) bot.
dill herb; dill weed; dill
Schadpflanze f bot.
Schadpflanzen pl
noxious weed
noxious weeds
Gras n (Marihuana) slang
weed, grass, gage, sess slang
to withdraw, to discard, to weed
voller Unkraut; von Unkraut überwuchert überwachsen; verunkrautet adj agr.
weedy; weed-infested; weed-ridden
verunkrautet adj; von Unkraut überwachsen agr.
weed-infested; weed-ridden (weedy)
Rasentrimmer m; Freischneider m
Rasentrimmer pl; Freischneider pl
weed whacker Am.
weed whackers
Seegras n
Seegräser pl
seaweed, sea weed, seagrass
Glimmstängel m, Glimmstengel m alt ugs.
Glimmstängel pl, Glimmstengel pl alt
weed, fag Br. coll.
weeds, fags Br.
Unkrautstecher m; Distelstecher m (Gartengerät)
Unkrautstecher pl; Distelstecher pl
weed extractor (garden tool)
weed extractors
Glimmstängel m; Lulle f Dt.; Ziggi f Dt.; Zichte f Berlin (Jugendsprache); Fluppe f Norddt. Mitteldt.; Tschick m Ös.; Zigi f Schw. ugs.
Glimmstängel pl; Lullen pl; Ziggis pl; Zichten pl; Fluppen pl; Tschicken pl; Zigis pl
cig; weed; fag Br. coll.
cigs; weeds; fags
Alternanthera-Pflanzen pl (Alternanthera) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Alligatorkraut n (Alternanthera philoxeroides)
joyweeds; Joseph's coat (botanical genus)
alligator weed
Sesamblatt n (Perilla frutescens) bot.
beefsteak plant; perilla plant; rattlesnake weed; summer coleus
Chamäleonpflanze f; Buntblatt n; Chinesischer Eidechsenschwanz m; Molchschwanz m (Houttuynia cordata) bot.
chameleon plant; bishop's weed; heartleaf; lizard tail; fishwort
aussortieren, aussondern
aussortierend, aussondernd
aussortiert, ausgesondert
sortiert aus, sondert aus
sortierte aus, sonderte aus
to sort out, to weed
sorting out
sorted out
sorts out
sorted out
ausmerzen v
to weed out, to sort out
weeding out, sorting out
weeded out, sorted out
ausmerzen v
to weed out; to sort out
weeding out; sorting out
weeded out; sorted out
Unkraut n; Unkräuter pl; Beikraut n bot. agr.
herbizidresistente Unkräuter; Superunkräuter
weedy species (of plant); weed; weeds {pl}
herbicide resistant weeds; superweeds
Reseden pl; Waus pl (Reseda) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Färber-Wau m; Färber-Resede; Echter Wau m; Gelbkraut n; Gilbkraut n (Reseda luteola)
mignonettes (botanical genus)
dyer's rocket; dyer's weed; weld; woold; yellow weed
Ruderalpflanze f (die gestörte Vegetationsflächen neu besiedelt) envir. bot.
ruderal weed; ruderal species; ruderal (which recolonizes disturbed areas of vegetation)
Giersch m (Aegopodium) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Giersch m; Dreiblatt n; Geißfuß m (Aegopodium podagraria)
goutweeds (botanical genus)
ground elder; herb gerard; bishop's weed; goutweed; snow-in-the-mountain
Cannabiskraut n; Marihuana n; Gras n slang
cannabis herb; marijuana; marihuana; weed slang; grass slang; ganja slang; pot slang; sess slang
Cannabiskraut n; Marihuana n; Gras n slang
cannabis herb; marijuana; marihuana; weed slang; grass slang; pot slang; sess slang (420 ("four-twenty") )
Knorpelmöhren pl (Ammi) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Bischofskraut n; Zahnstocherkraut n; Zahnstocherammei mm; Ammei m; Khellakraut n; Khella m (Ammi visnaga)
Große Knorpelmöhre (Ammi majus)
ammis (botanical genus)
toothpickweed; bisnaga; khella
greater ammi; bishop's flower; bishop's weed; bullwort; laceflower; lady's lace
etw. aussondern; etw. ausscheiden; etw. ausrangieren v
aussondernd; ausscheidend; ausrangierend
ausgesondert; ausgeschieden; ausrangiert
sondert aus; rangiert aus
sonderte aus; rangierte aus
In dem Raum lagen ausgesonderte Zeitungen herum.
to discard; to weed sth.
discarding; weeding
discarded; weeded
The room was littered with discarded newspapers.
aussortieren; aussondern v
aussortierend; aussondernd
aussortiert; ausgesondert
sortiert aus; sondert aus
sortierte aus; sonderte aus
to sort out; to weed; to pick out
sorting out; weeding; picking out
sorted out; weeded; picked out
sorts out; weeds; picks out
sorted out; weeded; picked out
etw. aussortieren; aussondern v
aussortierend; aussondernd
aussortiert; ausgesondert
sortiert aus; sondert aus
sortierte aus; sonderte aus
to sort out; to weed; to pick out () sth.
sorting out; weeding; picking out
sorted out; weeded; picked out
sorts out; weeds; picks out
sorted out; weeded; picked out
Hibiskus m; Roseneibisch m (Hibiscus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Roseneibisch m; Sumpfeibisch m (Hibiscus moscheutos)
Stundenblume f; Stundeneibisch m; Stundenröslein n; Gelber Hibiskus m (Hibiscus trionum)
hibiscus; rose mallows (botanical genus)
swamp-rose mallow; rose mallow
flower-of-an-hour; flower-of-the-hour; Venice mallow; bladder hibiscus; bladder ketmia; bladder weed
Traubenkräuter pl; Ambrosien pl (Ambrosia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
beifußblättriges Traubenkraut n; Beifuß-Ambrosie f; aufrechtes Traubenkraut n; wilder Hanf m (Ambrosia artemisiifolia)
ragweeds (botanical genus)
common ragweed; annual ragweed; bitterweed; blackweed; carrot weed; hayfever weed; stickweed; tassel weed; American wormwood; Roman wormwood; stammerwort
Rasentrimmer m; Freischneider m (Gartengerät) agr.
Rasentrimmer pl; Freischneider pl
grass trimmer; string trimmer; strimmer Br. tm; weed whacker Am.; whipper-snipper Can. Austr. (garden tool)
grass trimmers; string trimmers; strimmers; weed whackers; whipper-snippers
Stechäpfel pl; Engelstrompeten pl (Datura) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gemeiner Stechapfel; Weißer Stechapfel
thorn-apples; angel's trumpets (botanical genus)
datura stramonium; Jimson weed; devil's trumpet; devil's weed; thorn apple; tolguacha; Jamestown weed; stinkweed; locoweed; datura; pricklyburr; devil's cucumber; Hell's Bells; moonflower
Salden pl (Ruppia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Meeressalde f; Meersalde f; Strandsalde f; Meerruppie f (Ruppia maritima)
Schraubige Salde f; Spiralige Salde f (Ruppia cirrhosa)
widgeon grasses; wigeon grasse; widgeon weeds Am.; ditch grasses rare (botanical genus)
beaked wigeon-grass; beaked tassel-weed; beaked ditch-grass; sea tassel-grass
spiral widgeon-grass; western widgeon-grass; spiral tassel-weed; spiral ditch-grass
Weichei n; Warmduscher m; Softie m; Milchbubi n; Milchbart m; Schwächling m; Schwachmatiker m humor.; Schwachmatikus m veraltend; Weichling m; Waschlappen m; Schlappschwanz m; Seicherl n Ös.; Milcherl n Ös.; Weh n Ös. ugs.
Weicheier pl; Warmduscher pl; Softies pl; Milchbubis pl; Milchbärte pl; Schwächlinge pl; Schwachmatiker pl; Schwachmatikusse pl; Weichlinge pl; Waschlappen pl; Schlappschwänze pl; Seicherle pl; Milcherle pl; Wehen pl
Er ist ein Schlappschwanz.
wimp; softie; softy; wuss; wussy; sissy; weakling; namby-pamby; mollycoddle; milquetoast; weed Br.; wet Br.; cissy Br.; jessie Br.; jessy Br.; weenie Am.; pussy Am.; pantywaist Am.; milksop dated coll.
wimps; softies; softies; wusses; wussies; sissies; weaklings; namby-pambies; mollycoddles; milquetoasts; weeds; wets; cissies; jessies; jessies; weenies; pussies; pantywaists; milksops
He's a wet blanket.
pinkeln; pieseln; pullern; schiffen; strullen Norddt. Mitteldt.; strunzen Mitteldt.; mal für kleine Jungs Mädchen müssen humor.; klein machen (Kindersprache); Pipi machen (Kindersprache); Lulu machen Ös. (Kindersprache); seichen Süddt.; bieseln Süddt.; pischen Ös.; wiescherln Ös. ugs.; pissen slang; brunzen slang v (urinieren)
pinkelnd; pieselnd; pullernd; schiffend; strullend; strunzend; mal für kleine Jungs Mädchen müssend; klein machend; Pipi machend; Lulu machend; seichend; bieselnd; pischend; wiescherlnd; pissend; brunzend
gepinkelt; gepieselt; gepullert; geschifft; gestrullt; gestrunzt; mal für kleine Jungs Mädchen gemusst; klein gemacht; Pipi gemacht; Lulu gemacht; geseicht; gebieselt; gepischt; gewiescherlt; gepisst; gebrunzt
pinkeln pieseln pullern gehen; Pipi Lulu machen gehen (Kindersprache); mal für kleine Jungs Mädchen gehen humor.
to pee; to piddle; to tinkle (children's speech); to have take a tinkle (children's speech); to wee Br. (children's speech); to wee-wee Br. (children's speech); to do wee-wee Br. (children's speech) coll.; to piss slang (urinate)
peeing; piddling; tinkling; having taking a tinkle; weeing; wee-weeing; doing wee-wee; pissing
peed; piddled; tinkled; had taken a tinkle; weed; wee-weed; done wee-wee; pissed
to go tinkle (children's speech); to go wee-wee (children's speech); to go for a pee Br.
pinkeln; schiffen; pullern Norddt. Mitteldt.; strullen Norddt. Mitteldt.; strunzen Mitteldt.; pieseln Mittelwestdt. Bayr. Ös.; bieseln Süddt.; seichen Süddt.; pischen Ös.; wiescherln Ös. ugs.; mal für kleine Jungs Mädchen müssen humor.; klein machen Kindersprache; Pipi machen Kindersprache; Lulu machen Ös. Kindersprache; ablitern humor.; pissen slang; brunzen Süddt. Ös. Schw. slang v (urinieren)
pinkelnd; schiffend; pullernd; strullend; strunzend; pieselnd; bieselnd; seichend; pischend; wiescherlnd; mal für kleine Jungs Mädchen müssend; klein machend; Pipi machend; Lulu machend; abliternd; pissend; brunzend
gepinkelt; geschifft; gepullert; gestrullt; gestrunzt; gepieselt; gebieselt; geseicht; gepischt; gewiescherlt; mal für kleine Jungs Mädchen gemusst; klein gemacht; Pipi gemacht; Lulu gemacht; abgelitert; gepisst; gebrunzt
pinkeln pieseln pullern gehen; Pipi Lulu machen gehen Kindersprache; mal für kleine Jungs Mädchen gehen humor.
to pee; to take a pee; to have a pee Br.; to piddle; to tinkle children's speech; to have take a tinkle children's speech; to wee Br. children's speech; to wee-wee Br. children's speech; to do wee-wee Br. children's speech coll.; to piss slang; to take a leak slang; to have a leak Br. slang; to take have a slash Br. slang; to take a piddle coll. (urinate)
peing; taking a pee; having a pee; piddling; tinkling; have taking a tinkle; weing; wee-weing; doing wee-wee; pissing; taking a leak; having a leak; take having a slash
peed; taken a pee; had a pee; piddled; tinkled; had taken a tinkle; weed; wee-weed; done wee-wee; pissed; taken a leak; had a leak; taken had a slash
to go tinkle children's speech; to go wee-wee children's speech; to go for a pee Br.
to go and take a pee; to go and take a leak

Deutsche Unkraut Unkraut jäten Synonyme

jäten  Ârupfen  Âzupfen  (Unkraut)  
Unkraut  ÂWildkraut  ÂWildpflanze  
Unkraut  Wildkraut  Wildpflanze  
jäten  rupfen  zupfen (Unkraut)  

Englische weed Synonyme

weed  Canada thistle  DET  DMT  LSD  Mary Jane  STP  THC  abate  abrade  abstract  acid  amphibian  angiosperm  annual  antidepressant  aquatic plant  ataractic  backset  bate  biennial  black sheep  blemish  bones  boo  brake  burdock  burr  cannabis  chaff  chicory  cosmopolite  crab grass  creeping buttercup  culm  cultivate  culture  curtail  cut  cutting  dandelion  deadwood  deciduous plant  decrease  deduct  delve  depreciate  derogate  detract  dicot  dicotyledon  diethyltryptamine  dig  dimethyltryptamine  diminish  dishwater  disparage  dock  draff  drain  dregs  dress  dust  eat away  ephemeral  erode  evergreen  exotic  extract  fallow  fertilize  file away  filings  flowering plant  force  foreign body  foreign intruder  fungus  gage  gametophyte  ganja  garbage  gash  grass  gymnosperm  hallucinogen  harrow  hash  hashish  hay  hemp  hoe  hogwash  horsetail  husks  hydrophyte  impair  impurity  intruder  jimsonweed  joint  kava  leach  leavings  lees  lessen  list  mallow  marijuana  mescal  mescal bean  mescal button  mescaline  milkweed  mind-altering drug  mind-blowing drug  mind-expanding drug  misfit  monkey wrench  monocot  monocotyl  morning glory seeds  mote  mulch  mustard  nettle  oddball  offal  offscourings  orts  parings  perennial  peyote  plant  plantain  plow  poison ivy  poke  pokeweed  polycot  polycotyl  polycotyledon  pot  potsherds  prune  psilocin  psilocybin  psychedelic  psychic energizer  psychoactive drug  psychochemical  psychotomimetic  purify  rags  rake  raspings  reduce  reefer  refine  refuse  remove  retrench  roach  rub away  scourings  scrap iron  scraps  scum  seed plant  seedling  shards  shavings  shorten  slack  slag  sliver  slop  slops  spade  speck  spermatophyte  splinter  sporophyte  stick  stone  stubble  subduct  subtract  sweepings  swill  take away  take from  tares  tea  thallophyte  thin  thin out  thistle  till  till the soil  tranquilizer  triennial  vascular plant  vegetable  wastage  waste  waste ma  
weed killer  acaricide  anthelmintic  antibiotic  antiseptic  bug bomb  carbamate insecticide  chemosterilant  chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide  contact poison  defoliant  disinfectant  eradicant  fumigant  fungicide  germicide  herbicide  insect powder  insecticide  microbicide  miticide  organic chlorine  organic phosphate insecticide  pesticide  poison  rat poison  roach paste  roach powder  rodenticide  stomach poison  systemic  systemic insecticide  toxic  toxicant  toxin  venin  venom  vermicide  virus  
weed out  abstract  avulse  backset  cast off  cast out  chuck  clear  clear away  clear out  clear the decks  cultivate  culture  cut  cut out  delve  deport  deracinate  dig  dig out  dig up  disentangle  dispose of  draw  draw out  dredge  dredge up  dress  eject  elide  eliminate  eradicate  evolve  evulse  excavate  excise  exile  expatriate  expel  exsect  extract  extricate  fallow  fertilize  force  get out  get quit of  get rid of  get shut of  gouge out  grub up  harrow  hoe  liquidate  list  mine  mulch  outlaw  pick out  plow  pluck out  pluck up  prune  pull  pull out  pull up  purge  quarry  rake  rake out  remove  rip out  root out  root up  spade  strike off  strike out  take out  tear out  thin  thin out  throw over  throw overboard  till  till the soil  unearth  unravel  uproot  weed  withdraw  work  wrest out  
weedy  botanic  bulbous  cereal  dense  exuberant  farinaceous  flourishing  fruitlike  fruity  gross  heavy  herbaceous  herbal  herbose  herbous  herby  impenetrable  jungled  jungly  leguminose  leguminous  lush  luxuriant  overgrown  overrun  plantlike  radicated  radiciform  radicular  rank  rhizoid  riotous  rootlike  thick  tuberous  unweeded  vegetable  vegetal  vegetarian  vegetational  vegetative  weed-choked  weed-ridden  

weed Definition

(n.) An umbelliferous plant of the genus Ammi.
(n.) Goutweed (Aegopodium podagraria).
Jamestown weed
() The poisonous thorn apple or stramonium (Datura stramonium), a rank weed early noticed at Jamestown, Virginia. See Datura.
Jimson weed
() See Jamestown weed.
Joe-Pye weed
() A tall composite plant of the genus Eupatorium (E. purpureum), with purplish flowers, and whorled leaves.
Orchilla weed
() The lichen from which archil is obtained. See Archil.
(n.) A garment
(n.) An article of dress worn in token of grief
(n.) A sudden illness or relapse, often attended with fever, which attacks women in childbed.
(n.) Underbrush
(n.) Any plant growing in cultivated ground to the injury of the crop or desired vegetation, or to the disfigurement of the place
(n.) Fig.: Something unprofitable or troublesome
(n.) An animal unfit to breed from.
(n.) Tobacco, or a cigar.
(v. t.) To free from noxious plants
(v. t.) To take away, as noxious plants
(v. t.) To free from anything hurtful or offensive.
(v. t.) To reject as unfit for breeding purposes.
(n.) A European species of loosestrife (Lysimachia vulgaris).
(n.) Any kind of Polygonum with willowlike foliage.
(n.) A low, shrubby, rubiaceous plant (Morinda Royoc) growing along the seacoast of the West Indies. It has small, white, odorous flowers.

weed Bedeutung

pot grass
green goddess
gage sess
smoke skunk
Mary Jane
street names for marijuana
a hand tool for removing weeds
weed mourning band a black band worn by a man (on the arm or hat) as a sign of mourning
dill weed
aromatic threadlike foliage of the dill plant used as seasoning
common dogbane
spreading dogbane
rheumatism weed Apocynum androsaemifolium
North American perennial having pinkish flowers in loose cymes, used in folk medicine for pain or inflammation in joints
Indian hemp rheumatism weed Apocynum cannabinum Canadian dogbane yielding a tough fiber used as cordage by Native Americans, used in folk medicine for pain or inflammation in joints
skunk cabbage polecat weed
foetid pothos
Symplocarpus foetidus
deciduous perennial low-growing fetid swamp plant of eastern North America having minute flowers enclosed in a mottled greenish or purple cowl-shaped spathe
any of various low-growing plants of the genus Sagina having small spherical flowers resembling pearls
alligator weed
alligator grass
Alternanthera philoxeroides
prolific South American aquatic weed having grasslike leaves and short spikes of white flowers, clogs waterways with dense floating masses
field pennycress
French weed
penny grass
mithridate mustard
Thlaspi arvense
foetid Eurasian weed having round flat pods, naturalized throughout North America
groundsel tree
groundsel bush
consumption weed
cotton-seed tree
Baccharis halimifolia
a shrub of salt marshes of eastern and south central North America and West Indies, fruit is surrounded with white plumelike hairy tufts
any of numerous plants of the genus Coreopsis having a profusion of showy usually yellow daisylike flowers over long periods, North and South America
Joe-Pye weed spotted Joe-Pye weed
Eupatorium maculatum
North American herb having whorled leaves and terminal clusters of small pinkish or purple flower heads
Joe-Pye weed purple boneset
trumpet weed
marsh milkweed
Eupatorium purpureum
North American herb having whorled leaves and terminal clusters of flowers spotted with purple
broom snakeweed
broom snakeroot
turpentine weed
Gutierrezia sarothrae
low-growing sticky subshrub of southwestern United States having narrow linear leaves on many slender branches and hundreds of tiny yellow flower heads
Gutierrezia texana
annual of southwestern United States having rigid woody branches with sticky foliage and yellow flowers
rattlesnake weed
Hieracium venosum
a hawkweed with a rosette of purple-veined basal leaves, Canada to northern Georgia and Kentucky
pineapple weed
rayless chamomile
Matricaria matricarioides
annual aromatic weed of Pacific coastal areas (United States and northeastern Asia) having bristle-pointed leaves and rayless yellow flowers
dyer's weed
Solidago rugosa
eastern North American herb whose yellow flowers are (or were) used in dyeing
stemless golden weed
Stenotus acaulis
Haplopappus acaulis
dark green erect herb of northwestern United States and southwestern Canada having stiff leaves in dense tufts and yellow flower heads, sometimes placed in genus Haplopappus
Virginia crownbeard
frostweed frost-weed Verbesina virginica
tall perennial herb having clusters of white flowers, the eastern United States
agueweed ague weed
five-flowered gentian
stiff gentian
Gentianella quinquefolia
Gentiana quinquefolia
gentian of eastern North America having clusters of bristly blue flowers
orange grass
Hypericum gentianoides
annual wiry-stemmed North American weed with minute scalelike leaves and small yellow flowers
klammath weed
Hypericum perforatum
yellow-flowered perennial common in fields and waste places but a weed in rangelands
frostwort Helianthemum canadense
Crocanthemum canadense
perennial of the eastern United States having early solitary yellow flowers followed by late petalless flowers, soalled because ice crystals form on it during first frosts
soap tree
Yucca elata
tall arborescent yucca of southwestern United States
coffee senna
mogdad coffee
styptic weed
stinking weed
Senna occidentalis
Cassia occidentalis
very leafy malodorous tropical weedy shrub whose seeds have been used as an adulterant for coffee, sometimes classified in genus Cassia
indigo broom
horsefly weed
rattle weed
Baptisia tinctoria
much-branched erect herb with bright yellow flowers, distributed from Massachusetts to Florida
prairie mimosa
Desmanthus ilinoensis
perennial herb of North American prairies having dense heads of small white flowers
crazy weed
any of several leguminous plants of western North America causing locoism in livestock
pickerel weed
Pontederia cordata
American plant having spikes of blue flowers and growing in shallow water of streams and ponds
Bermuda buttercup
Oxalis pesaprae
Oxalis cernua
South African bulbous wood sorrel with showy yellow flowers
devil's weed
Tribulus terestris
tropical annual procumbent poisonous subshrub having fruit that splits into five spiny nutlets, serious pasture weed
Polemonium viscosum
tall herb of the Rocky Mountains having sticky leaves and an offensive smell
scorpion weed
any plant of the genus Phacelia
cancer weed
Salvia lyrata
sage of eastern United States
blue pimpernel
blue skullcap
mad-dog skullcap
mad-dog weed
Scutellaria lateriflora
an American mint that yields a resinous exudate used especially formerly as an antispasmodic
turpentine camphor weed
Trichostema lanceolatum
aromatic plant of western United States
jimson weed
Jamestown weed
common thorn apple
apple of Peru Datura stramonium
intensely poisonous tall coarse annual tropical weed having rank-smelling foliage, large white or violet trumpet-shaped flowers and prickly fruits
snow-in-summer ghost weed
Euphorbia marginata
annual spurge of western United States having showy white-bracted flower clusters and very poisonous milk
weed any plant that crowds out cultivated plants
butterfly weed
orange milkweed
chigger flower
pleurisy root
tuber root
Indian paintbrush Asclepias tuberosa
erect perennial of eastern and southern United States having showy orange flowers
weed killer
a chemical agent that destroys plants or inhibits their growth
weed clear of weeds, weed the garden
weed out
comb out
remove unwanted elements, The company weeded out the incompetent people, The new law weeds out the old inequities
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A weed is a plant considered undesirable in a particular situation, "a plant in the wrong place". Examples commonly are plants unwanted in human-controlled settings, such as farm fields, gardens, lawns, and parks. Taxonomically, the term "weed" has no botanical significance, because a plant that is a weed in one context is not a weed when growing in a situation where it is in fact wanted, and where one species of plant is a valuable crop plant, another species in the same genus might be a serious weed, such as a wild bramble growing among cultivated loganberries. Many plants that people widely regard as weeds also are intentionally grown in gardens and other cultivated settings. The term also is applied to any plant that grows or reproduces aggressively, or is invasive outside its native habitat. More broadly "weed" occasionally is applied pejoratively to species outside the plant kingdom, species that can survive in diverse environments and reproduce quickly; in this sense it has even been applied to humans.

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