
wet bulb Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Zwiebel, Gluehbirne
Thailand-Hakenlilie f bot. (Crinum thaianum)
onion bulb
Thailand-Hakenlilie f (Crinum thaianum)
onion bulb
light bulb
Zwiebelblume f bot.
bulb flower
Kolben m; Glaskolben m
Kolben pl; Glaskolben pl
Kolben m, Glaskolben m
Kolben pl, Glaskolben pl
electric bulb
Bugwulst m naut.
bulb of a prow
Schlagbuckel m
bulb of percussion
Sehnervenabriss m med.
avulsion of the bulb
Feuchttemperatur f phys.
wet-bulb temperature
Feuchtkugeltemperatur f; Temperatur f am Verdunstungsthermometer
wet-bulb temperature
benetztes Thermometer
wet-bulb thermometer
Ballhupe f auto
Ballhupen pl
bulb horn
bulb horns
Zwiebel f, Blumenzwiebel f, Knolle f, Blumenknolle f
Zwiebeln pl, Blumenzwiebeln pl, Knollen pl, Blumenknollen pl
kleine Zwiebel
Zwiebel f; Blumenzwiebel f; Blumenknolle f bot.
Zwiebeln pl; Blumenzwiebeln pl; Blumenknollen pl
kleine Zwiebel
Samenzwiebel f bot.
Samenzwiebeln pl
seed bulb
seed bulbs
Biluxlampe f auto
Biluxlampen pl
bilux bulb
bilux bulbs
Blaukolbenblitz m techn.
blue (coated) flash bulb
Tulpenzwiebel f bot.
Tulpenzwiebeln pl
tulip bulb
tulip bulbs
Lampensockel m techn.
lamp socket; bulb socket
Flachwulststahl m naut.
flat-bulb steel; bulb plate
Wulstwinkel m; Wulstwinkelstahl m
bulb angle; bulb angle steel
Tochterzwiebel f bot.
Tochterzwiebel pl
daughter bulb
daughter bulbs
Glühbirne f, Birne f
Glühbirnen pl, Birnen pl
light bulb, bulb
light bulbs
Glühbirne f; Birne f ugs.
Glühbirnen pl; Birnen pl
light bulb; bulb
light bulbs
Druckzwiebel f
Druckzwiebeln pl
pressure bulb
pressure bulbs
Harnröhrenschwellkörperarterie f anat.
artery of the bulb of the penis
Feuchtthermometer n
Feuchtthermometer pl
wet-bulb thermometer
wet-bulb thermometers
Zuleitungsdraht m (in der Glühlampe) electr.
Zuleitungsdrähte pl
contact wire (in a light bulb)
contact wires
Energiesparbirne f electr. ugs.
Energiesparbirnen pl
energy efficient bulb
energy efficient bulbs
Blasenanemone f, Knubbelanemone f (Entacmaea quadricolor) zool.
bubble anemone, bubble tip anemone, bulb anemone
Blasenanemone f; Knubbelanemone f (Entacmaea quadricolor) zool.
bubble anemone; bubble tip anemone; bulb anemone
Blumenzwiebel f; Zwiebel f; Blumenknolle f agr.
Blumenzwiebeln pl; Zwiebeln pl; Blumenknollen pl
blühfähige Blumenzwiebel
kleine Zwiebel
flowering bulb; bulb
flowering bulbs; bulbs
top-size bulb
Abriss m; Ausriss m; Ausreißen n; Avulsio f (von Sehnen, Nerven usw.) med.
Sehnervenabriss m (Avulsio fasciculi optici)
Skalpierungsverletzung f; Skalpierung f
avulsion (of tendons, nervs etc.)
avulsion of the bulb
avulsion of the scalp
Bürette f (Labor) chem.
Büretten pl
Glaskugelbürette f
Bürette mit Eichstrichen
burette; buret (laboratory)
burettes; burets
bulb burette
graduated burette
Halogenlampe f; Halogenbirne f electr.
Halogenlampen pl; Halogenbirnen pl
dekorierte Halogenkerzenlampe
halogen lamp; halogen bulb
halogen lamps; halogen bulbs
halogen decorative candle
Chinesische Laternenlilie f; Chinalaterne f; Goldglöckchen n; Weihnachtsglöckchen n (Sandersonia aurantiaca) bot.
Chinese lantern lily; Chinese lantern bulb; golden lily of the valley; Christmas bells
Luftfeuchtigkeitsmesser m; Psychrometer n phys.
Luftfeuchtigkeitsmesser pl; Psychrometer pl
wet-and-dry bulb hygrometer; psychrometer
wet-and-dry bulb hygrometers; psychrometers
Luftfeuchtkeitsmesser m; Psychrometer n phys.
Luftfeuchtkeitsmesser pl; Psychrometer pl
wet-and-dry bulb hygrometer; psychrometer
wet-and-dry bulb hygrometers; psychrometers
Thermometer n; Temperaturmessgerät n
Thermometer pl; Temperaturmessgeräte pl
benetztes Thermometer
geologisches Thermometer
Thermometer für Tiefbohrungen
wet-bulb thermometer
geological thermometer
bottomhole thermometer
Glühfaden m; Glühwendel f; Glühdraht m; Lichtdraht m (Glühlampe) electr.
Glühfäden pl; Glühwendel pl; Glühdrähte pl; Lichtdrähte pl
einen Glühfaden wendeln
incandescent filament; filament (light bulb)
incandescent filaments; filaments
to coil a filament
Bräunungslampe f; Höhensonne f
Bräunungslampen pl; Höhensonnen pl
tanning lamp; tanning bulb; sunray lamp; sun lamp
tanning lamps; tanning bulbs; sunray lamps; sun lamps
Glühlampe f; Glühfadenlampe f electr.
Glühlampen pl; Glühfadenlampen pl
Tuff-Skin-Glühlampe f
incandescent lamp; incandescent light bulb
incandescent lamps; incandescent light bulbs
tuff-skin lamp
Rückenmark n; Myelon n (Medulla spinalis) anat.
verlängertes Rückenmark
spinal cord; spinal chord rare; medulla; myelon
medulla oblongata; oblongata; afterbrain; bulbus; bulb
Lampenfassung f; Birnenfassung f; Fassung f electr.
Lampenfassungen pl; Birnenfassungen pl; Fassungen pl
schräge Wandfassung
lamp socket; bulb socket; lamp holder
lamp sockets; bulb sockets; lamp holders
moisture-proof lamp holder
inclined wall lamp holder
Lampe f; Lämpchen n electr.
Lampen pl
Backofenlampe f
Kühlschranklampe f
Reflektorlampe f
das grüne rote Lämpchen
lamp; light
oven lamp; oven light bulb
fridge lamp; fridge light bulb
retroreflective lamp; reflector bulb
the green red light
Thermometer n; Temperaturmessgerät n
Thermometer pl; Temperaturmessgeräte pl
Feuchtkugelthermometer n; Verdunstungsthermometer n
geologisches Thermometer
Hauswandthermometer n
Thermometer für Tiefbohrungen
Schutzrohr eines Thermometers
wet-bulb thermometer
geological thermometer
outdoor thermometer
bottomhole thermometer
well of a thermometer
aufleuchten v (Lampe usw.) techn.
Wenn die Lampe nicht aufleuchtet, …
Das Kontrolllämpfchen leuchtete auf, ging aber wieder aus.
to light up; to illuminate (lamp etc.)
lighting up; illuminating
lit up; illuminated
If the bulb fails to illuminate …
The pilot light lit up but went out again.
Lauch-Arten pl (Allium) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Zwiebellauch m; gemeine Zwiebel f; Küchenzwiebel f; Gartenzwiebel f; Sommerzwiebel f; Hauszwiebel f; Bolle f (Allium cepa)
Knoblauch m (Allium sativum)
Bärlauch m; wilder Knoblauch m; Knofelspinat m Ös. (Allium ursinum)
neapolitanischer Lauch m (Allium neapolitanum)
Schnittlauch m; Schnittling m; Graslauch m; Binsenlauch m; Brislauch m; Jakobszwiebel f (Allium schoenoprasum)
Alpenschnittlauch m; Schlangenlauch m (Allium scorodoprasum)
Weinberglauch m; Weinbergslauch m (Allium vineale)
Sternkugellauch m; Gartenkugellauch m (Allium c(h)ristophii)
onion genus
common onion; garden onion; bulb onion
ramsons; buckrams; bear's garlic; bear leek; wild garlic; wood garlic
Naples Neapolitan daffodil white wood garlic; Naples flowering Onion; Guernsey Star-of-Bethlehem
sand leek; rocambole
wild garlic; crow garlic
Persian onion; Star-of-Persia
Lauch m (Allium) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Ackerlauch m; Ackerknoblauch m; Sommerknoblauch m (Allium ampeloprasum)
Zwiebellauch m; gemeine Zwiebel f; Küchenzwiebel f; Gartenzwiebel f; Sommerzwiebel f; Hauszwiebel f; Bolle f (Allium cepa)
Knoblauch m (Allium sativum)
Bärlauch m; wilder Knoblauch m; Knofelspinat m Ös. (Allium ursinum)
neapolitanischer Lauch m (Allium neapolitanum)
nordamerikanischer Bärlauch (Allium tricoccum)
Schnittlauch m; Schnittling m; Graslauch m; Binsenlauch m; Brislauch m; Jakobszwiebel f (Allium schoenoprasum)
Alpenschnittlauch m; Schlangenlauch m (Allium scorodoprasum)
Weinberglauch m; Weinbergslauch m (Allium vineale)
Sternkugellauch m; Gartenkugellauch m (Allium c(h)ristophii)
onions (botanical genus)
broadleaf wild leek; wild leek
common onion; garden onion; bulb onion
ramsons; buckrams; bear's garlic; bear leek; wild garlic; wood garlic
Naples Neapolitan daffodil white wood garlic; Naples flowering Onion; Guernsey Star-of-Bethlehem
wild leek; ramp; ramps
sand leek; rocambole
wild garlic; crow garlic
Persian onion; Star-of-Persia
Sonde f med.
Sonden pl
Biopsiesonde f
Harnröhrensonde f
Knopfsonde f
doppelseitige Knopfsonde
Kugelsonde f
Öhrsonde f
stumpfe Sonde
Zahnsonde f; Dentalsonde f
Olive einer Sonde; Sondenolive f
etw. mit einer Sonde austasten
die Passage einer Sonde; die Sondenpassage
Spitze einer Sonde; Sondenspitze f
einen Hohlraum mit einer Sonde untersuchen
surgical probe; sound
surgical probes; sounds
biopsy probe
urethral sound
bulb-headed prob; bulbous probe; probang; pathfinder
double-ended probe
ball-and-socket probang; ball probang; searcher
probe with eye
blunt probe; dull probe
dental probe; dental explorer
probing olive
to probe sth.; to sound sth.
the passage of the probe
tip of the probe; probe tip
to probe a cavity; to sound a cavity; to explore a cavity with a sound
Kopf m; Haupt n poet.
Köpfe pl
von Kopf bis Fuß
ein klarer Kopf
der hellste Kopf ugs.
auf dem Kopf stehen
einen kühlen Kopf behalten übtr.
jdn. vor den Kopf stoßen übtr.
jdm. zu Kopfe steigen
über Kopf
den Kopf (zur Seite) neigen
sich etw. in den Kopf setzen
pro Kopf; pro Person
mit dem Kopf durch die Wand wollen übtr.
seinen Kopf Willen durchsetzen
wie vor dem Kopf geschlagen sein
den Kopf in den Sand stecken übtr.
Sein früher Erfolg stieg ihm zu Kopf(e).
from head to foot; from head to toe
a clear brain
brightest bulb in the box fig.
to stand on one's head; to be upside down
to keep a clear head
to kick sb. in the teeth fig.
to go to sb.'s head
to cock your head
to set one's mind on sth.
per head; for by each person
to wish for the impossible
to get your way; to get your own way
to be paralyzed by surprise
to hide bury one's head in the sand fig.
His early success went to his head.

Deutsche Blumenzwiebel Synonyme

Blumenzwiebel  ÂZwiebel  
Blumenzwiebel  Zwiebel  

Englische bulb Synonyme

wet bulb Definition

(n.) A spheroidal body growing from a plant either above or below the ground (usually below), which is strictly a bud, consisting of a cluster of partially developed leaves, and producing, as it grows, a stem above, and roots below, as in the onion, tulip, etc. It differs from a corm in not being solid.
(n.) A name given to some parts that resemble in shape certain bulbous roots
(n.) An expansion or protuberance on a stem or tube, as the bulb of a thermometer, which may be of any form, as spherical, cylindrical, curved, etc.
(v. i.) To take the shape of a bulb
(n.) An aerial corm, or thickened stem, as of some epiphytic orchidaceous plants.

wet bulb Bedeutung

bulb a rounded part of a cylindrical instrument (usually at one end), the bulb of a syringe
dry-bulb thermometer an ordinary thermometer with a dry bulb, used to measure the air temperature
flash lamp
flash bulb
a lamp for providing momentary light to take a photograph
light bulb
incandescent lamp
electric light
electric-light bulb
electric lamp consisting of a transparent or translucent glass housing containing a wire filament (usually tungsten) that emits light when heated by electricity
wet-bulb thermometer a thermometer with a bulb that is covered with moist muslin, used in a psychrometer to measure humidity
bulb a rounded dilation or expansion in a canal or vessel or organ
bulbar conjunctiva
conjunctival layer of bulb
tunica conjunctiva bulbi
the part of the conjunctiva covering the anterior face of the sclera and the surface epithelium of the cornea
artery of the penis bulb
arteria bulbi penis
a branch of the internal pudendal artery of males that supplies the bulb of the penis
artery of the vestibule bulb
arteria bulbi vestibuli
a branch of the internal pudendal artery in females that supplies the bulb of the vestibule
olfactory bulb one of two enlargements at the terminus of the olfactory nerve at the base of the brain just above the nasal cavities
medulla oblongata
medulla bulb
lower or hindmost part of the brain, continuous with spinal cord, (`bulb' is an old term for medulla oblongata), the medulla oblongata is the most vital part of the brain because it contains centers controlling breathing and heart functioning
bulb a modified bud consisting of a thickened globular underground stem serving as a reproductive structure
bulb anything with a round shape resembling a teardrop
shaped like a bulb
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Wet is the condition of containing liquid or being covered in liquid. Wetness is also a measure of how well a liquid sticks to a solid rather than forming a sphere on the surface. The greater the amount of surface that touches the more wet the condition.

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