
whale Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Walfisch m ugs.
Wal, Wals
Walöl n
whale oil
Blauwal m
blue whale
Walbulle m
whale bull
Walfleisch n
whale meat
Walbeobachtung f
whale watching
Schuhschnabel m ornith.
Whale-headed Stor
Zwergglattwal m (Caperae marginata) zool.
pygmy right whale
True-Schnabelwal m (Mesoplodon mirus) zool.
True's beaked whale
Segeln n, Treibenlassen n (eines Wals) zool.
sailing (of a whale)
Segeln n; Treibenlassen n (eines Wals) zool.
sailing (of a whale)
Waltran m
train oil of the whale
Walkuh f zool.
Walkühe pl
whale cow
whale cows
Springen n (eines Wals) zool.
breaching (of a whale)
train oil of the whale
Aufschlagen n der Fluke (eines Wals) zool.
lobtailing (of a whale)
Walknochen m
Walknochen pl
whale bone
whale bones
Walbulle m zool.
Walbullen pl
whale bull
whale bulls
Walkalb n zool.
Walkälber pl
whale calf
whale calves
Walhai m zool.
Walhaie pl
whale shark
whale sharks
Pottwalöl n, Walrat n
spermaceti, sperm whale oil
Pottwalöl n; Walrat n
spermaceti; sperm whale oil
dunkler Fleck (eines Wals oder Delfins) zool.
cape (of a whale or dolphin)
Walgesänge pl
whale songs, whale love songs
Höcker pl, Warzen pl (eines Wals) zool.
humps, tubercles (of a whale)
Walgesänge pl
whale songs; whale love songs
Höcker pl; Warzen pl (eines Wals) zool.
humps; tubercles (of a whale)
Brydewal m; Tropischer Wal (Balaenoptera edeni) zool.
Bryde's whale; tropical whale
Walläuse pl
cyamid crustaceans, whale lice
Walläuse pl
cyamid crustaceans; whale lice
Springen n (eines Wals oder Delfins) zool.
leaping (of a whale or dolphin)
Finnwal m zool.
fin whale, Balaenoptera physalus
Finnwal m zool.
fin whale; Balaenoptera physalus
Ausschauhalten n, Herausstrecken des Kopfes (eines Wals) zool.
spyhopping, headrise (of a whale)
Ausschauhalten n; Herausstrecken des Kopfes (eines Wals) zool.
spyhopping; headrise (of a whale)
Zwergwal m (südliche Unterart) (Balaenoptera bonaerensis; Balaenoptera acutorostrata bonaerensis) zool.
minke whale (southern subspecies)
Blasloch n (eines Wals oder Delfins) zool.
blowhole (of a whale or a dolphin)
Fluken n (eines Wals, vor dem Tauchen) zool.
fluking (of a whale, before diving)
Schlucken n (eines Wals) bei der Nahrungsaufnahme zool.
gulping (of a whale) during feeding
Fluken n (eines Wals; vor dem Tauchen) zool.
fluking (of a whale; before diving)
Blas m (eines Wals) zool.
blow (of a whale), spout (of a whale)
Zwergglattwal m zool.
pygmy right whale (Caperae marginata)
Blas m (eines Wals) zool.
blow (of a whale); spout (of a whale)
Tasmanischer Schnabelwal m; Shepherd-Wal (Tasmacetus shepherdi) zool.
Shepherd's beaked whale; Tasman whale
Wal- und Delfinschutz-Gesellschaft f
Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society
True-Schnabelwal m zool.
True's beaked whale (Mesoplodon mirus)
Hubb-Schnabelwal m (Mesoplodon carlhubbsi) zool.
Hubb's beaked whale; arch-beaked whale
Schuhschnabel m (Balaeniceps rex) ornith.
shoebill; whalehead; whale-headed stork
Klicken n, Klicklaute pl (eines Wals oder Delfins) zool.
clicking, clicks (of a whale or dolphin)
Klicken n; Klicklaute pl (eines Wals oder Delfins) zool.
clicking; clicks (of a whale or dolphin)
eine tolle Zeit haben; sich großartig amüsieren
to have a whale of a time fig. coll.
Walfang-Ausschauboot n
Walfang-Ausschauboote pl
whale spotting boat
whale spotting boats
Kleiner Zwergpottwal m; Kleinstpottwal m (Kogia simus) zool.
dwarf sperm whale; Owen's pygmy sperm whale
Abschöpfen n (eines Grönlandwals) bei der Nahrungsaufnahme zool.
skimming (of a bowhead whale) during feeding
Schnabel m, Rostrum n (eines Delfins oder Schweinswals) zool.
beak, snout, rostrum (of a whale or dolphin)
Schnabel m; Rostrum n (eines Delfins oder Schweinswals) zool.
beak; snout; rostrum (of a whale or dolphin)
Blasloch n (eines Wals oder Delfins) zool.
Blaslöcher pl
blowhole (of a whale or a dolphin)
Sowerby-Zweizahnwal m; Sowerby-Schnabelwal m (Mesoplodon bidens) zool.
Sowerby's beaked whale; North Sea beaked whale
Winken n mit den Flossen; Schlagen n auf das Wasser (eines Buckelwals) zool.
pec-waving; pec-slapping (of a humpback whale)
Wal m zool.
Wale pl
gestrandeter Wal
Beobachten n von Walen
beached whale
whale watching
Winken n mit den Flossen, Schlagen n auf das Wasser (eines Buckelwals) zool.
pec-waving or pec-slapping (of a humpback whale)
Winken n mit den Flossen; Schlagen n auf das Wasser (eines Buckelwals) zool.
pec-waving or pec-slapping (of a humpback whale)
Kleiner Schwertwal m; Unechter Schwertwal m; Falscher Schwertwal m (Pseudorca crassidens) zool.
false killer whale; false pilot whale; pseudorca
Zwergblauwal m (südliche Blauwal-Unterart) (Balaenoptera musculus brevicauda) zool.
pygmy blue whale (southern blue whale subspecies)
Brydewal m, Tropischer Wal zool.
Bryde's whale, tropical whale (Balaenoptera edeni)
Japanischer Schnabelwal m (Mesoplodon ginkgodens) zool.
ginkgo-toothed beaked whale; Japanese beaked whale
Fluke f, Schwanzflosse f zool.
Fluken pl, Schwanzflossen pl
fluke, tail (of a whale or dolphin)
flukes, tales
Fluke f; Schwanzflosse f zool.
Fluken pl; Schwanzflossen pl
fluke; tail (of a whale or dolphin)
flukes; tales
Südlicher Glattdelfin m (Lissodelphis peronii) zool.
southern right whale dolphin; mealy-mouthed porpoise
Südlicher Glattwal m; Südkaper m; Richtiger Wal (Eubalaena australis) zool.
southern right whale; black right whale; right whale
Beluga; Beluga-Wal; Weißwal m; Weißer Delfin m; Meereskanarie; Meereskanarienvogel (Delphinapterus leucas) zool.
beluga whale; beluga; Belukha; white whale; sea canary
Beluga m; Beluga-Wal m; Weißwal m; Weißer Delfin m; Meereskanarie; Meereskanarienvogel (Delphinapterus leucas) zool.
beluga whale; beluga; Belukha; white whale; sea canary
Kleiner Zwergpottwal m, Kleinstpottwal m zool.
dwarf sperm whale, Owen's pygmy sperm whale (Kogia simus)
Nördlicher Glattdelfin m (Lissodelphis borealis) zool.
northern right whale dolphin; pacific right whale porpoise
Zwergschwertwal m (Feresa attenuata) zool.
pygmy killer whale; slender pilot whale; slender blackfish
Tasmanischer Schnabelwal m, Shepherd-Wal zool.
Shepherd's beaked whale, Tasman whale (Tasmacetus shepherdi)
Walforscher m, Walforscherin f, Cetologe m
Walforscher pl, Walforscherinnen pl, Cetologen pl
whale researcher, cetologist
whale researchers, cetologists
Walforscher m; Walforscherin f; Cetologe m
Walforscher pl; Walforscherinnen pl; Cetologen pl
whale researcher; cetologist
whale researchers; cetologists
Gray-Schnabelwal m (Mesoplodon grayi) zool.
Gray's beaked whale; scamperdown whale; southern beaked whale
Harpunengeschütz n (auf einem Schiff)
Harpunengeschütze pl
harpoon gun; whale gun (on a ship)
harpoon guns; whale guns
Hubb-Schnabelwal m zool.
Hubb's beaked whale, arch-beaked whale (Mesoplodon carlhubbsi)
sanftmütig; fromm adj
ein lammfrommes Pferd
Walhaie sind bekanntlich sanftmütig.
a docile horse
Whale sharks are notoriously docile.
Peru-Schnabelwal m (Name nicht endgültig entschieden) (Mesoplodon peruvianus) zool.
lesser beaked whale; Peruvian beaked whale; pygmy beaked whale
Sowerby-Zweizahnwal m, Sowerby-Schnabelwal m zool.
Sowerby's beaked whale, North Sea beaked whale (Mesoplodon bidens)
Hector-Schnabelwal m (Mesoplodon hectori) zool.
Hector's beaked whale; New Zealand beaked whale; skew-beaked whale
Südlicher Entenwal m (Hyperoodon planifrons) zool.
southern bottlenose whale; Antarctic bottlenosed whale; flat whale
Layard-Schnabelwal m (Mesoplodon layardii) zool.
strap-toothed whale; strap-toothed beaked whale; Layard's beaked whale
Kleiner Schwertwal m, Unechter Schwertwal m, Falscher Schwertwal m zool.
false killer whale, false pilot whale, pseudorca (Pseudorca crassidens)
Indopazifischer Schnabelwal m (Mesoplodon pacificus) zool.
Longman's beaked whale; Pacific beaked whale; Indo-Pacific beaked whale
Japanischer Schnabelwal m zool.
ginkgo-toothed beaked whale, Japanese beaked whale (Mesoplodon ginkgodens)
Schwertwal m, Orca m, Killerwal m zool.
orca, killer whale, great killer whale, grampus, black fish (Orcinus orca)
Südlicher Glattwal m, Südkaper m, Richtiger Wal zool.
southern right whale, black right whale, right whale (Eubalaena australis)
Nördlicher Glattwal m; Nordkaper; Nordatlantischer Glattwal m; Nordpazifik-Glattwal m; Biskayerwal m; Richtiger Wal (Eubalaena glacialis) zool.
northern right whale; Biscayan right whale; black right whale; right whale
Südlicher Glattdelfin m zool.
southern right whale dolphin, mealy-mouthed porpoise (Lissodelphis peronii)
Cuvier-Schnabelwal m (Ziphius cavirostris) zool.
Cuvier's beaked whale; Cuvier's whale; goose-beaked whale; goose-beak whale
Zwergschwertwal m zool.
pygmy killer whale, slender pilot whale, slender blackfish (Feresa attenuata)
Beluga, Beluga-Wal, Weißwal m, Weißer Delfin m, Meereskanarie, Meereskanarienvogel zool.
beluga whale, beluga, Belukha, white whale, sea canary (Delphinapterus leucas)
Gray-Schnabelwal m zool.
Gray's beaked whale, scamperdown whale, southern beaked whale (Mesoplodon grayi)
Breitschnabeldelfin m (Peponocephala electra) zool.
melon-headed whale; electra dolphin; little killer whale; many-toothed blackfish
Zwergpottwal m (Kogia breviceps) zool.
pygmy sperm whale; short-headed sperm whale; lesser sperm whale; lesser cachalot
Nördlicher Glattdelfin m zool.
northern right whale dolphin, pacific right whale porpoise (Lissodelphis borealis)
Zwergblauwal m (südliche Blauwal-Unterart) zool.
pygmy blue whale (southern blue whale subspecies) (Balaenoptera musculus brevicauda)
Grauwal m; Kalifornischer Grauwal m (Eschrichtius robustus) zool.
gray whale; grey whale; Californian gray whale; scrag whale; mussel digger; devilfish
Peru-Schnabelwal m (auf Deutsch noch nicht endgültig entschieden) zool.
lesser beaked whale, Peruvian beaked whale, pygmy beaked whale (Mesoplodon peruvianus)
Hector-Schnabelwal m zool.
Hector's beaked whale, New Zealand beaked whale, skew-beaked whale (Mesoplodon hectori)
Pottwal m; Pottfisch m ugs.; Caschelott (Physeter macrocephalus) zool.
Pottwale pl zool.
sperm whale; great sperm whale; spermaceti whale; trumpet whale; cachalot
sperm whales
Südlicher Entenwal m zool.
southern bottlenose whale, Antarctic bottlenosed whale, flat whale (Hyperoodon planifrons)
Blainvilles-Schnabelwal m (Mesoplodon densirostris) zool.
Blainville's beaked whale; Atlantic beaked whale; dense beaked whale; tropical beaked whale
Layard-Schnabelwal m zool.
strap-toothed whale, strap-toothed beaked whale, Layard's beaked whale (Mesoplodon layardii)
Indopazifischer Schnabelwal m zool.
Longman's beaked whale, Pacific beaked whale, Indo-Pacific beaked whale (Mesoplodon pacificus)
Gervais-Zweizahnwal m; Gervais-Schnabelwal m (Mesoplodon europaeus) zool.
Gervais' beaked whale; Gulf Stream beaked whale; European beaked whale; Antillean beaked whale
Nördlicher Glattwal m, Nordkaper, Nordatlantischer Glattwal m, Nordpazifik-Glattwal m, Biskayerwal m, Richtiger Wal zool.
northern right whale, Biscayan right whale, black right whale, right whale (Eubalaena glacialis)
Cuvier-Schnabelwal m zool.
Cuvier's beaked whale, Cuvier's whale, goose-beaked whale, goose-beak whale (Ziphius cavirostris)
Zwergpottwal m zool.
pygmy sperm whale, short-headed sperm whale, lesser sperm whale, lesser cachalot (Kogia breviceps)
Andrew-Schnabelwal m (Mesoplodon bowdoini) zool.
Andrew's beaked whale; Bowdoin's beaked whale; deep-crest beaked whale; splay-toothed beaked whale
Gewöhnlicher Grindwal m, Schwarzwal m, Langflossen-Grindwal m zool.
long-finned pilot whale, Atlantic pilot whale, Caaing whale, pothead, blackfish (Globicephala melas)
Zwergwal m (südliche Unterart) zool.
minke whale (southern subspecies) (Balaenoptera bonaerensis, Balaenoptera acutorostrata bonaerensis)
Breitschnabeldelfin m zool.
melon-headed whale, electra dolphin, little killer whale, many-toothed blackfish (Peponocephala electra)
Stejneger-Schnabelwal m (Mesoplodon stejnegeri) zool.
Stejneger's beaked whale; sabre-toothed beaked whale; Bering Sea beaked whale; North Pacific beaked whale
Finnwal m, Finner m, Gemeiner Furchenwal m zool.
fin whale, finner, fin, finfish, finback, razorback, common rorqual, herring whale (Balaenoptera physalus)
Grauwal m, Kalifornischer Grauwal m zool.
gray whale, grey whale, Californian gray whale, scrag whale, mussel digger, devilfish (Eschrichtius robustus)
Buckelwal m, Knurrwal m zool.
humpback whale, humpbacked whale, hunchback whale, hunchback, bunch whale, knucklehead (Megaptera novaeangliae)
Indischer Grindwal m, Schwarzwal m, Kurzflossengrindwal m zool.
short-finned pilot whale, shortfin pilot whale, pothead whale, pacific pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus)
Baird-Schnabelwal m (Berardius bairdii) zool.
Baird's beaked whale; northern giant bottlenose whale; North Pacific bottlenose whale; giant four-toothed whale
Seiwal m; Sei (Balaenoptera borealis) zool.
sei whale; sei; Rudolphi's whale; Rudolphi's rorqual; Japan finner; pollack whale; coalfish whale; sardine whale
Pottwal m, Pottfisch m ugs., Caschelott zool.
Pottwale pl zool.
sperm whale, great sperm whale, spermaceti whale, trumpet whale, cachalot (Physeter macrocephalus)
sperm whales
Entenwal m zool.
northern bottlenose whale, North Atlantic bottlenose whale, bottlehead, steephead, flathead (Hyperoodon ampullatus)
Blainvilles-Schnabelwal m zool.
Blainville's beaked whale, Atlantic beaked whale, dense beaked whale, tropical beaked whale (Mesoplodon densirostris)
Gervais-Zweizahnwal m, Gervais-Schnabelwal m zool.
Gervais' beaked whale, Gulf Stream beaked whale, European beaked whale, Antillean beaked whale (Mesoplodon europaeus)
Andrew-Schnabelwal m zool.
Andrew's beaked whale, Bowdoin's beaked whale, deep-crest beaked whale, splay-toothed beaked whale (Mesoplodon bowdoini)
Blauwal m, Riesenwal m, Grosser nördlicher Furchenwal m zool.
blue whale, great blue whale, great northern rorqual, Sibbald's rorqual, sulphur bottom, silver bottom (Balaenoptera musculus)
Schwertwal m; Orca m; Killerwal m (Orcinus orca) zool.
Schwertwale pl; Orcas pl; Killerwale pl
orca; killer whale; great killer whale; grampus; black fish
orcas; killer whales; great killer whales; grampuses; black fish
Stejneger-Schnabelwal m zool.
Stejneger's beaked whale, sabre-toothed beaked whale, Bering Sea beaked whale, North Pacific beaked whale (Mesoplodon stejnegeri)
Baird-Schnabelwal m zool.
Baird's beaked whale, northern giant bottlenose whale, North Pacific bottlenose whale, giant four-toothed whale (Berardius bairdii)
Seiwal m, Sei zool.
sei whale, sei, Rudolphi's whale, Rudolphi's rorqual, Japan finner, pollack whale, coalfish whale, sardine whale (Balaenoptera borealis)
Zwergwal m; Zwergfurchenwal m; Minkewal m (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) zool.
minke whale; lesser rorqual; lesser finback; little finner; sharp-headed finner; piked whale; little piked whale; pikehead; summer whale
Brydewale pl (Balaenoptera) (zoologische Artengruppe) zool.
Gemeiner Brydewal m (Balaenoptera edeni)
Seiwal m (Balaenoptera borealis)
Bryde's whale complex (zoological species group)
common Bryde's whale
sei whale; sei; pollack whale; coalfish whale; Rudolphi's rorqual
Grönlandwal m, Polarwal m zool.
bowhead whale, polar whale, great polar whale, arctic whale, arctic right whale, Greenland whale, Greenland right whale (Balaena mysticetus)
Zwergwale pl; Zwergfurchenwale pl selten (Balaenoptera) (zoologische Artengruppe) zool.
Nördlicher Zwergwal m; Minkewal m; Minkwal m (Balaenoptera acutorostrata)
Südlicher Zwergwal m (Balaenoptera bonaerensis)
lesser rorquals; minke whales (zoological species group)
common minke whale; northern minke whale
Antarctic minke whale; southern minke whale
Südlicher Schnabelwal m (Berardius arnuxii) zool.
Arnoux's beaked whale; southern four-toothed whale; southern beaked whale; New Zealand beaked whale; southern giant bottlenose whale; southern porpoise whale
Zwergwal m, Zwergfurchenwal m, Minkewal m zool.
minke whale, lesser rorqual, lesser finback, little finner, sharp-headed finner, piked whale, little piked whale, pikehead, summer whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata)
Finnwal m; Finner m; Gemeiner Furchenwal m (Balaenoptera physalus) zool.
Finnwale pl; Finner pl; Gemeine Furchenwale pl
fin whale; finner; fin; finfish; finback; razorback; common rorqual; herring whale
fin whales; finners; fins; finfishs; finbacks; razorbacks; common rorquals; herring whales
Südlicher Schnabelwal m zool.
Arnoux's beaked whale, southern four-toothed whale, southern beaked whale, New Zealand beaked whale, southern giant bottlenose whale, southern porpoise whale (Berardius arnuxii)
Walfang m, Töten n von Walen
Walfänge pl
illegaler Walfang
kommerzieller Walfang
Walfang durch Ureinwohner
Walfang für Forschungszwecke
whaling, whale culling
illegal whaling, illegal take, pirate whaling
commercial whaling
indigenous whaling, indigenous take
research whaling, scientific whaling
Walfang m; Töten n von Walen
Walfänge pl
illegaler Walfang
kommerzieller Walfang
Walfang durch Ureinwohner
Walfang für Forschungszwecke
whaling; whale culling
illegal whaling; illegal take; pirate whaling
commercial whaling
indigenous whaling; indigenous take
research whaling; scientific whaling
Buckelwal m; Knurrwal m (Megaptera novaeangliae) zool.
Buckelwale pl; Knurrwale pl
humpback whale; humpbacked whale; hunchback whale; hunchback; bunch whale; knucklehead
humpback whales; humpbacked whales; hunchback whales; hunchbacks; bunch whales; knuckleheads
Entenwal m (Hyperoodon ampullatus) zool.
Entenwale pl
northern bottlenose whale; North Atlantic bottlenose whale; bottlehead; steephead; flathead
northern bottlenose whales; North Atlantic bottlenose whales; bottleheads; steepheads; flatheads
Balaenoptera-Blauwale pl (Balaenoptera) (zoologische Artengruppe) zool.
Blauwal m (Balaenoptera musculus)
Finnwal m; Gemeiner Furchenwal m (Balaenoptera physalus)
Omurawal m (Balaenoptera omurai)
Zwergblauwal m (Balaenoptera musculus brevicauda)
balaenoptera blue whales (zoological species group)
blue whale
fin whale; finback whale; finback; finner; finfish; razorback; common rorqual
Omura's whale; dwarf fin whale
pygmy blue whale

Deutsche Wal Synonyme

Englische whale Synonyme

whale  Loch Ness monster  alevin  angle  bait the hook  baste  bastinado  beat  belabor  belt  benthon  benthos  birch  bob  buffet  cane  cetacean  clam  club  cowhide  cudgel  cut  dap  dib  dibble  dinosaur  dolphin  dress down  drive  drub  elephant  fingerling  fish  flagellate  flail  flax  flog  fly-fish  fry  fustigate  game fish  gig  give a dressing-down  give a whipping  give the stick  go fishing  grig  grilse  guddle  hide  hippo  hippopotamus  horsewhip  hulk  jack  jacklight  jig  jumbo  kipper  knout  lace  larrup  lash  lather  lay on  leather  leviathan  lick  mammoth  man-eater  man-eating shark  marine animal  mastodon  minnow  minny  monster  nekton  net  paddle  panfish  pistol-whip  plankton  pommel  porpoise  pummel  rawhide  salmon  scourge  sea monster  sea pig  sea serpent  sea snake  seine  shark  shrimp  smite  smolt  spank  spin  sponge  still-fish  strap  stripe  swinge  switch  tan  thrash  thump  thumper  torch  trawl  trim  troll  tropical fish  trounce  truncheon  wallop  wear out  welt  whip  whop  whopper  
whaler  AB  Ancient Mariner  Argonaut  Dylan  Flying Dutchman  Neptune  OD  Poseidon  Varuna  able seaman  able-bodied seaman  angler  bluejacket  buccaneer  deep-sea man  dibber  dibbler  drift netter  drifter  fair-weather sailor  fisher  fisherman  guddler  hearty  jack  jack afloat  jack-tar  jacker  jacky  jigger  limey  lobsterman  mariner  matelot  navigator  pirate  piscator  piscatorialist  piscatorian  privateer  sailor  salt  sea dog  sea rover  seafarer  seafaring man  seaman  shipman  tar  the compleat angler  trawler  troller  viking  water dog  windjammer  windsailor  

whale Definition

Right whale
() The bowhead, Arctic, or Greenland whale (Balaena mysticetus), from whose mouth the best whalebone is obtained.
Right whale
() Any other whale that produces valuable whalebone, as the Atlantic, or Biscay, right whale (Balaena cisarctica), and the Pacific right whale (B. Sieboldii)
Sperm whale
() A very large toothed whale (Physeter macrocephalus), having a head of enormous size. The upper jaw is destitute of teeth. In the upper part of the head, above the skull, there is a large cavity, or case, filled with oil and spermaceti. This whale sometimes grows to the length of more than eighty feet. It is found in the warmer parts of all the oceans. Called also cachalot, and spermaceti whale.
(n.) Any aquatic mammal of the order Cetacea, especially any one of the large species, some of which become nearly one hundred feet long. Whales are hunted chiefly for their oil and baleen, or whalebone.

whale Bedeutung

whale shark
Rhincodon typus
large spotted shark of warm surface waters worldwide, resembles a whale and feeds chiefly on plankton
whale louse amphipod crustacean parasitic on cetaceans
whale any of the larger cetacean mammals having a streamlined body and breathing through a blowhole on the head
baleen whale
whalebone whale
whale with plates of whalebone along the upper jaw for filtering plankton from the water
right whale large Arctic whalebone whale, allegedly the `right' whale to hunt because of its valuable whalebone and oil
bowhead whale
Greenland whale
Balaena mysticetus
large-mouthed Arctic whale
blue whale
sulfur bottom
Balaenoptera musculus
largest mammal ever known, bluish-grey migratory whalebone whale mostly of southern hemisphere
finback whale
fin whale
common rorqual
Balaenoptera physalus
large flat-headed whalebone whale having deep furrows along the throat, of Atlantic and Pacific
sei whale
Balaenoptera borealis
similar to but smaller than the finback whale
lesser rorqual
piked whale
minke whale
Balaenoptera acutorostrata
small finback of coastal waters of Atlantic and Pacific
humpback whale
Megaptera novaeangliae
large whalebone whale with long flippers noted for arching or humping its back as it dives
grey whale
gray whale
devilfish Eschrichtius gibbosus
Eschrichtius robustus
medium-sized greyish-black whale of the northern Pacific
toothed whale any of several whales having simple conical teeth and feeding on fish etc.
sperm whale
black whale Physeter catodon
large whale with a large cavity in the head containing spermaceti and oil, also a source of ambergris
pygmy sperm whale
Kogia breviceps
small sperm whale of warm waters of both coasts of North America
dwarf sperm whale
Kogia simus
very small (to feet) sperm whale of central coasts of Atlantic and Pacific
beaked whale any of several whales inhabiting all oceans and having beaklike jaws with vestigial teeth in the upper jaw
bottle-nosed whale
bottlenose whale
bottlenose Hyperoodon ampullatus
northern Atlantic beaked whale with a bulbous forehead
killer whale
grampus sea wolf
Orcinus orca
predatory black-and-white toothed whale with large dorsal fin, common in cold seas
pilot whale
black whale common blackfish
blackfish Globicephala melaena
small darkolored whale of the Atlantic coast of the United States, the largest male acts as pilot or leader for the school
white whale
beluga Delphinapterus leucas
small northern whale that is white when adult
whale sucker
Remilegia australis
large blue Pacific remora that attaches to whales and dolphins
giant hulk
heavyweight whale
a very large person, impressive in size or qualities
whale oil
train oil
a white to brown oil obtained from whale blubber, formerly used as an illuminant
whale hunt for whales
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Whale is the common name for a widely distributed and diverse group of fully aquatic placental marine mammals. They are an informal grouping within the infraorder Cetacea, usually excluding dolphins and porpoises. Whales, dolphins and porpoises belong to the order Cetartiodactyla with even-toed ungulates and their closest living relatives are the hippopotamuses, having diverged about 40 million years ago. The two parvorders of whales, baleen whales and toothed whales , are thought to have split apart around 34 million years ago. The whales comprise eight extant families: Balaenopteridae , Balaenidae , Cetotheriidae , Eschrichtiidae , Monodontidae , Physeteridae , Kogiidae , and Ziphiidae .