
white headed Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Weißkopf-Ruderente f ornith.
White-headed Duck
Weißkopf-Zaunkönig m ornith.
White-headed Wren
Hunsteinnonne f ornith.
White-headed Finch
Weißbauch-Bronzemännchen n ornith.
White-headed Munia
Weißkopfvanga ornith.
White-headed Vanga
Weißkopfvanga m ornith.
white-headed vanga
Weißkopf-Bartvogel m (Lybius leucocephalus) ornith.
white-headed barbet
Weißkopf-Bartvogel m ornith.
White-headed Barbet
Weißkopf-Sturmvogel m ornith.
White-headed Petrel
Greisenkopfpapagei m ornith.
White-headed Parrot
Weißbrusttaube f ornith.
White-headed Pigeon
Wollkopfgeier m (Trigonoceps occipitalis) ornith.
white-headed vulture
Wollkopfgeier m ornith.
White-headed Vulture
Gelbschnabeldrossling m ornith.
White-headed Babbler
Mindanaohornvogel m ornith.
White-headed Hornbill
Weißkopfschwalbe f ornith.
White-headed Saw-wing
Andamanenstar m ornith.
White-headed Starling
Weißkopf-Mausvogel m ornith.
White-headed Mousebird
Arnotschmätzer m ornith.
White-headed Black Chat
Echsenliest m ornith.
white-headed kingfisher
Weißkopfrötel m ornith.
White-headed Robin Chat
Schneekopf-Fruchttaube f ornith.
White-headed Fruit Dove
Nacktaugen-Brillenvogel m ornith.
Stripe-headed White-eye
Nonnenspecht m ornith.
White-headed Woodpecker
Echsenliest ornith.
White-headed Kingfisher
Schuppenkopf-Brillenvogel m ornith.
Streaky-headed White-eye
Weißkopf-Buschammer f ornith.
White-headed Brush Finch
Weißmaskenhopf m ornith.
White-headed Wood Hoopoe
Sumpftyrann m ornith.
White-headed Marsh Tyrant
weißhaarig adj
white-headed; white-haired
Starweber m ornith.
White-headed Buffalo Weaver
Weißkopftimalie f ornith.
White-headed Shrike Babbler
Dschungeldrossling m ornith.
White-headed Jungle Babbler
Greisenstar m ornith.
Ceylon White-headed Starling
Weißkopf-Dampfschiffente f ornith.
White-headed Flightless Steamer Duck
Oxyura-Ruderenten pl (Oxyura) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Schwarzkopfruderente f (Oxyura jamaicensis)
Weißkopfruderente f (Oxyura leucocephala)
Australische Ruderente f (Oxyura australis)
stiff-tailed ducks (zoological genus)
ruddy duck
white-headed duck
(Australian) blue-billed duck
Dampfschiffenten pl (Tachyeres) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Falkland-Dampfschiffente f (Tachyeres brachypterus)
Weißkopf-Dampfschiffente f
Langflügel-Dampfschiffente f
Magellan-Dampfschiffente f
steamer ducks (zoological genus)
Falkland steamer duck
white-headed flightless steamer duck
flying steamer duck
flightless steamer duck
Remiz-Beutelmeisen pl (Remiz) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Europäische Beutelmeise (Remiz pendulinus)
Weißkopf-Beutelmeise (Remiz coronatus)
Schwarzkopf-Beutelmeise (Remiz macronyx)
Chinesische Beutelmeise (Remiz consobrinus)
remiz penduline tits (zoological genus)
European penduline tit; Eurasian penduline tit
white-crowned penduline tit
black-headed penduline tit
Chinese penduline tit
Merops-Bienenfresser pl; Merops-Spinte pl (Merops) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Europäischer Bienenfresser (Merops apiaster)
Blauwangenspint m (Merops persicus)
Malaienspint m (Merops viridis)
Weißkehlspint m (Merops albicollis)
merops bee-eaters (zoological genus)
European bee-eater
blue-cheeked bee-eater
blue-throated bee-eater; chestnut-headed bee-eater
white-throated bee eater; black-crowned bee-eater
Eigentliche Gimpel pl (Pyrrhula) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Gimpel m; Dompfaff m; Blutfink m (Pyrrhula pyrrhula)
Goldrückengimpel m (Pyrrhula aurantiaca)
Maskengimpel m (Pyrrhula erythaca)
Rotkopfgimpel m (Pyrrhula erythrocephala)
Weißwangengimpel m (Pyrrhula leucogenis)
Azorengimpel m; São-Miguel-Gimpel m; Priolo m (Pyrrhula murina)
Schuppenkopfgimpel m; Nepalgimpel m (Pyrrhula nipalensis)
bullfinches (zoological genus)
common bullfinch; Eurasian bullfinch; bullfinch
orange bullfinch
grey-headed bullfinch
red-headed bullfinch
white-cheeked bullfinch
Azores bullfinch; São Miguel bullfinch
brown bullfinch
Eigentliche Gimpel pl (Pyrrhula) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Gimpel m; Dompfaff m; Blutfink m (Pyrrhula pyrrhula)
Goldrückengimpel m (Pyrrhula aurantiaca)
Maskengimpel m (Pyrrhula erythaca)
Rotkopfgimpel m (Pyrrhula erythrocephala)
Weißwangengimpel m (Pyrrhula leucogenis)
Azorengimpel m; São-Miguel-Gimpel m; Priolo m (Pyrrhula murina)
Schuppenkopfgimpel m; Nepalgimpel m (Pyrrhula nipalensis)
bullfinches (zoological genus)
common bullfinch; Eurasian bullfinch; bullfinch
orange bullfinch
grey-headed bullfinch
red-headed bullfinch
white-cheeked bullfinch
Azores bullfinch; São Miguel bullfinch
brown bullfinch
Stelzen pl (Motacilla) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Bachstelze f (Motacilla alba)
Trauerbachstelze f (Motacilla alba yarrellii)
Japanische Bachstelze f (Motacilla alba lugens)
Bergstelze f; Gebirgsstelze f (Motacilla cinerea)
Japanstelze f (Motacilla grandis)
Kapstelze f (Motacilla capensis)
Madagaskarstelze f (Motacilla flaviventris)
Mamulastelze f (Motacilla maderaspatensis)
Mekongstelze f (Motacilla samveasnae)
Langschwanzstelze f (Motacilla clara)
Schafstelze f (Motacilla flava)
Wiesenschafstelze f (Motacilla flava flava)
Witwenstelze f (Motacilla aguimp)
Zitronenstelze f (Motacilla citreola)
wagtails (zoological genus)
white wagtail
pied wagtail
black-backed wagtail; Japanese pied wagtail
grey wagtail
Japanese wagtail
Cape wagtail
Madagascan wagtail
white-browed wagtail; large-pied wagtail
Mekong wagtail
mountain wagtail; long-tailed wagtail
Western yellow wagtail
blue-headed wagtail
African pied wagtail
citrine wagtail; yellow-headed wagtail
Steinschmätzer pl (Oenanthe) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Echter Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe oenanthe)
Fahlbürzel-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe moesta)
Rotbürzel-Steinschmätzer m; Rotschwanz-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe xanthoprymna)
Weissbürzel-Steinschmätzer m; Saharasteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe leucopyga)
Arabischer Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe lugentoides)
Bergsteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe monticola)
Braunbrust-Steinschmätzer m; Braunbrustschmätzer m (Oenanthe bottae)
Elster-Steinschmätzer m; Elsterschmätzer m; Schwarz-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe picata)
Erdsteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe pileata)
Felsensteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe finschii)
Heuglin-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe heuglini)
Isabell-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe isabellina)
Kappensteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe monacha)
Kaukasussteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe chrysopygia)
Mittelmeer-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe hispanica)
Nonnensteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe pleschanka)
Schwarzkopf-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe alboniger)
Schwarzrücken-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe lugens)
Somali-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe phillipsi)
Trauersteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe leucura)
Wüstensteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe deserti)
Zypernsteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe cypriaca)
wheatears (zoological genus)
common wheatear; Eurasian wheatear; European wheatear; Northern wheatear
grey-headed wheatear; red-rumped wheatear; buff-rumped wheatear; Tristram's wheatear
Kurdish wheatear; Kurdistan wheatear; chestnut-rumped wheatear; red-tailed wheatear; rufous-tailed wheatear
white-crowned wheatear; white-rumped black wheatear; white-tailed wheatear
Arabian wheatear
mountain wheatear
red-breasted wheatear; buff-breasted wheatear; Botta's wheatear
variable wheatear; Eastern pied wheatear
capped wheatear
Finsch's wheatear
Heuglin's wheatear
isabelline wheatear
hooded wheatear
Afghan wheatear; Eastern red-tailed wheatear; Eastern rufous-tailed wheatear; rusty-tailed sheatear
black-eared wheatear
pied wheatear; Pleschanka's wheatear; Pleschanka's chat
Hume's wheatear
mourning wheatear; white-underwinged wheatear
Somali wheatear; Phillips's wheatear
black wheatear
desert wheatear
Cyprus wheatear
Steinschmätzer pl (Oenanthe) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Echter Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe oenanthe)
Fahlbürzel-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe moesta)
Rotbürzel-Steinschmätzer m; Rotschwanz-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe xanthoprymna)
Weissbürzel-Steinschmätzer m; Saharasteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe leucopyga)
Arabischer Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe lugentoides)
Bergsteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe monticola)
Braunbrust-Steinschmätzer m; Braunbrustschmätzer m (Oenanthe bottae)
Elster-Steinschmätzer m; Elsterschmätzer m; Schwarz-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe picata)
Erdsteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe pileata)
Felsensteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe finschii)
Heuglin-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe heuglini)
Isabell-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe isabellina)
Kappensteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe monacha)
Kaukasussteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe chrysopygia)
Mittelmeer-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe hispanica)
Nonnensteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe pleschanka)
Schwarzkopf-Steinschmätzer m; Schwarzkopfschmätzer m; Gelbkopf-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe albonigra Oenanthe alboniger)
Schwarzrücken-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe lugens)
Somali-Steinschmätzer m (Oenanthe phillipsi)
Trauersteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe leucura)
Wüstensteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe deserti)
Zypernsteinschmätzer m (Oenanthe cypriaca)
wheatears (zoological genus)
common wheatear; Eurasian wheatear; European wheatear; Northern wheatear
grey-headed wheatear; red-rumped wheatear; buff-rumped wheatear; Tristram's wheatear
Kurdish wheatear; Kurdistan wheatear; chestnut-rumped wheatear; red-tailed wheatear; rufous-tailed wheatear
white-crowned wheatear; white-rumped black wheatear; white-tailed wheatear
Arabian wheatear
mountain wheatear
red-breasted wheatear; buff-breasted wheatear; Botta's wheatear
variable wheatear; Eastern pied wheatear
capped wheatear
Finsch's wheatear
Heuglin's wheatear
isabelline wheatear
hooded wheatear
Afghan wheatear; Eastern red-tailed wheatear; Eastern rufous-tailed wheatear; rusty-tailed sheatear
black-eared wheatear
pied wheatear; Pleschanka's wheatear; Pleschanka's chat
black-headed wheatear; Hume's wheatear
mourning wheatear; white-underwinged wheatear
Somali wheatear; Phillips's wheatear
black wheatear
desert wheatear
Cyprus wheatear
Pittas pl (Pittidae) (zoologische Familie) ornith.
Graubrust-Ameisenpitta m
Bartstreif-Ameisenpitta m
Strichelkopf-Ameisenpitta m
Olivrücken-Ameisenpitta m
Blakeameisenpitta m
Blaßschnabel-Ameisenpitta m
Tachiraameisenpitta m
Rostkehl-Ameisenpitta m
Weißkehl-Ameisenpitta m
Kastanienameisenpitta m
Rotohr-Ameisenpitta m
Großameisenpitta m
Riesenameisenpitta m
Graunacken-Ameisenpitta m
Schuppenkopf-Ameisenpitta m
Braunrücken-Ameisenpitta m
Rotrücken-Ameisenpitta m
Bandameisenpitta m
Rotkopf-Ameisenpitta m
Punaameisenpitta m
Bergameisenpitta m
Rostkappen-Ameisenpitta m
Zweifarben-Ameisenpitta m
Einfarb-Ameisenpitta m
Schuppenbauch-Ameisenpitta m
Königsameisenpitta m
Watkinsameisenpitta m
Salomonenpitta m
Angolapitta m (Pitta angolensis)
Rotkopfpitta m (Pitta arcuata)
Rotrückenpitta m (Pitta baudii)
Bengalenpitta m; Neunfarbenpitta m (Pitta brachyura)
Riesenpitta m (Pitta caerulea)
Blaupitta m (Pitta cyanea)
Schmuckpitta m (Pitta elegans)
Elliotpitta m
Rotbauchpitta m (Pitta erythrogaster)
Granatpitta m (Pitta granatina)
Blauschwanzpitta m
Goldkehlpitta m (Pitta gurneyi)
Regenbogenpitta m (Pitta iris)
Luzonpitta m
Halmaherapitta m
Blauflügelpitta m (Pitta moluccensis)
Blaunackenpitta m (Pitta nipalensis)
Nymphenpitta m (Pitta nympha)
Braunkopfpitta m (Pitta oatesi)
Sichelpitta m
Grünbrustpitta m (Pitta reichenowi)
Schneiderpitta m (Pitta schneideri)
Kappenpitta m (Pitta sordida)
Blaubürzelpitta m (Pitta soror)
Blaubauchpitta m (Pitta steerii)
Mohrenpitta m
Schwarzscheitelpitta m
Lärmpitta m (Pitta versicolor)
pittas (zoological family)
white-throated antpitta
moustached antpitta
stripe-headed antpitta
santa marta antpitta
chestnut antpitta
pale-billed antpitta
tachira antpitta
ochre-striped antpitta
elusive antpitta
chestnut-brown antpitta
rufous-faced antpitta
great antpitta
giant antpitta
grey-naped antpitta
scaled antpitta
plain-backed antpitta
bay-backed antpitta
brown-banded antpitta
chestnut-naped antpitta
puna antpitta
tawny antpitta
chestnut-crowned antpitta
bicoloured antpitta
rufous antpitta
undulated antpitta
variegated antpitta
Watkin's antpitta
black-faced pitta
African pitta
blue-banded pitta
blue-headed pitta
blue-winged pitta
giant pitta
blue pitta
elegant pitta
Elliot's pitta
red-breasted pitta
garnet pitta
blue-tailed pitta
Gurney's pitta
rainbow pitta
Koch's pitta
great pitta
blue-winged pitta; moluccan pitta
blue-naped pitta
fairy pitta
fulvous pitta
Phayre's pitta
green-breasted pitta
Schneider's pitta
hooded pitta
blue-backed pitta
Steere's pitta
superb pitta
black-crowned garnet pitta
noisy pitta
Tangaren pl (Thraupidae) (zoologische Familie) ornith
Abttangare f
Azurkopftangare f
Bangstangare f
Bischofstangare f
Blaubarttangare f
Blaubrusttangare f
Blauflecktangare f
Blauflügeltangare f
Blaukappentangare f
Blaurücken-Bergtangare f
Blauschultertangare f
Blauschwingen-Bergtangare f
Bluttangare f
Brasiltangare f
Brauenschopftangare f
Braunbauch-Bergtangare f
Braunbauchtangare f
Braunbrust-Würgertangare f
Braunflankentangare f
Braunohr-Bunttangare f
Brustfleckentangare f
Cabanistangare f
Carmioltangare f
Diademtangare f
Dreifarbentangare f
Drosseltangare f
Edwardstangare f
Elstertangare f
Feuerbürzeltangare f
Finkenbuschtangare f
Flammentangare f
Fleckentangare f
Flügelbindentangare f
Fuchstangare f
Furchentangare f
Gelbbauchtangare f
Gelbbrauentangare f
Gelbbürzeltangare f
Gelbkehl-Buschtangare f
Gelbkehltangare f
Gelbkopftangare f
Gelbrückentangare f
Gelbschenkeltangare f
Gelbschopftangare f
Gelbstirn-Würgertangare f
Gimpeltangare f
Glanzfleckentangare f
Goldbandtangare f
Goldbrusttangare f
Goldflügeltangare f
Goldkappentangare f
Goldohrtangare f
Goldringtangare f
Goldrücken-Bergtangare f
Goldscheiteltangare f
Goldschopftangare f
Goldtangare f
Graubrust-Buschtangare f
Graukehl-Buschtangare f
Graukopf-Buschtangare f
Graukopftangare f
Graurücken-Ameisentangare f
Grauscheitel-Palmtangare f
Grünkappentangare f
Grünkehltangare f
Grünnackentangare f
Grüntangare f
Guiratangare f
Haarschopftangare f
Halsbandtangare f
Haubentangare f
Heinetangare f
Isabelltangare f
Jelskitangare f
Karminameisentangare f
Kieferntangare f
Krontangare f
Kurzschnabel-Buschtangare f
Maskentangare f
Mennigohr-Bergtangare f
Mennigtangare f
tanagers (zoological family)
yellow-winged tanager
blue-necked tanager
blue & gold tanager
blue-grey tanager
blue-whiskered tanager
gilt-edged tanager
glaucous tanager
black-headed tanager
red-necked tanager
hooded mountain tanager
black & gold tanager
blue-winged mountain tanager
flame-coloured tanager
brazilian tanager
scarlet-browed tanager
chestnut-bellied mountain tanager
buff-bellied tanager
fulvous shrike-tanager
brown-flanked tanager
orange-eared tanager
puerto rican tanager
azure-rumped tanager
Carmioli's tanager
diademed tanager
green-headed tanager
spotted tanager
moss-backed tanager
magpie tanager
flame-rumped tanager
common bush tanager
crimson-collared tanager
speckled tanager
white-banded tanager
brown tanager
blue & yellow tanager
yellow-bellied tanager
lemon-browed tanager
yellow-backed tanager
yellow-throated bush tanager
yellow-throated tanager
saffron-crowned tanager
yellow-rumped tanager
blue-capped tanager
yellow-crested tanager
white-winged shrike-tanager
cinnamon tanager
spangle-cheeked tanager
yellow-scarfed tanager
green & gold tanager
rufous-winged tanager
rust & yellow tanager
golden-eared tanager
gold-ringed tanager
golden-backed mountain tanager
golden-crowned tanager
fulvous-crested tanager
golden tanager
dusky-bellied bush tanager
ash-throated bush tanager
grey-hooded bush tanager
grey-headed tanager
sooty ant-tanager
grey-crowned palm tanager
green-capped tanager
geen-throated tanager
green-naped tanager
bay-headed tanager
guira tanager
black-goggled tanager
yellow-collared tanager
flame-crested tanager
black-capped tanager
burnished-buff tanager
golden-collared tanager
red-crowned ant-tanager
western tanager
ruby-crowned tanager
short-billed bush tanager
masked crimson tanager
scarlet-bellied mountain tanager
vermilon tanager
Natterer's tanager
ochre-breasted tanager

Tangaren pl (Thraupidae) (zoologische Familie) ornith.
Abttangare f
Azurkopftangare f
Bangstangare f
Bischofstangare f
Blaubarttangare f
Blaubrusttangare f
Blauflecktangare f
Blauflügeltangare f
Blaukappentangare f
Blaurücken-Bergtangare f
Blauschultertangare f
Blauschwingen-Bergtangare f
Bluttangare f
Brasiltangare f
Brauenschopftangare f
Braunbauch-Bergtangare f
Braunbauchtangare f
Braunbrust-Würgertangare f
Braunflankentangare f
Braunohr-Bunttangare f
Brustfleckentangare f
Cabanistangare f
Carmioltangare f
Diademtangare f
Dreifarbentangare f
Drosseltangare f
Edwardstangare f
Elstertangare f
Feuerbürzeltangare f
Finkenbuschtangare f
Flammentangare f
Fleckentangare f
Flügelbindentangare f
Fuchstangare f
Furchentangare f
Gelbbauchtangare f
Gelbbrauentangare f
Gelbbürzeltangare f
Gelbkehl-Buschtangare f
Gelbkehltangare f
Gelbkopftangare f
Gelbrückentangare f
Gelbschenkeltangare f
Gelbschopftangare f
Gelbstirn-Würgertangare f
Gimpeltangare f
Glanzfleckentangare f
Goldbandtangare f
Goldbrusttangare f
Goldflügeltangare f
Goldkappentangare f
Goldohrtangare f
Goldringtangare f
Goldrücken-Bergtangare f
Goldscheiteltangare f
Goldschopftangare f
Goldtangare f
Graubrust-Buschtangare f
Graukehl-Buschtangare f
Graukopf-Buschtangare f
Graukopftangare f
Graurücken-Ameisentangare f
Grauscheitel-Palmtangare f
Grünkappentangare f
Grünkehltangare f
Grünnackentangare f
Grüntangare f
Guiratangare f
Haarschopftangare f
Halsbandtangare f
Haubentangare f
Heinetangare f
Isabelltangare f
Jelskitangare f
Karminameisentangare f
Kieferntangare f
Krontangare f
Kurzschnabel-Buschtangare f
Maskentangare f
Mennigohr-Bergtangare f
Mennigtangare f
Natterertangare f
Ockerbrusttangare f
Ockerschopftangare f
Olivmanteltangare f
Olivtangare f
Opalscheiteltangare f
Orangebrusttangare f
Orangekopftangare f
Palmentangare f
Palmertangare f
Papageitangare f
Parodihemispingus m
Passerinitangare f
Prachttangare f
Purpurmanteltangare f
Purpurmaskentangare f
Purpurtangare f
Rosenkehltangare f
Rostkappentangare f
Rostkopftangare f
Rotbauchtangare f
Rotbrusttangare f
Rothschildtangare f
Rotkappentangare f
Rotkehl-Ameisentangare f
Rotkehltangare f
Rotkopftangare f
Rotnackentangare f
Rotohr-Bunttangare f
Rotscheiteltangare f
Rotschultertangare f
Rotstirntangare f
Rotwangentangare f
Rubinkehltangare f
Rußgesichttangare f
Sayacatangare f
Scharlachbauchtangare f
Scharlachhauben-Ameisentangare f
Scharlachkopftangare f
Scharlachtangare f
Schiefertangare f
Schleiertangare f
Schlichttangare f
tanagers (zoological family)
yellow-winged tanager
blue-necked tanager
blue & gold tanager
blue-grey tanager
blue-whiskered tanager
gilt-edged tanager
glaucous tanager
black-headed tanager
red-necked tanager
hooded mountain tanager
black & gold tanager
blue-winged mountain tanager
flame-coloured tanager
brazilian tanager
scarlet-browed tanager
chestnut-bellied mountain tanager
buff-bellied tanager
fulvous shrike-tanager
brown-flanked tanager
orange-eared tanager
puerto rican tanager
azure-rumped tanager
Carmioli's tanager
diademed tanager
green-headed tanager
spotted tanager
moss-backed tanager
magpie tanager
flame-rumped tanager
common bush tanager
crimson-collared tanager
speckled tanager
white-banded tanager
brown tanager
blue & yellow tanager
yellow-bellied tanager
lemon-browed tanager
yellow-backed tanager
yellow-throated bush tanager
yellow-throated tanager
saffron-crowned tanager
yellow-rumped tanager
blue-capped tanager
yellow-crested tanager
white-winged shrike-tanager
cinnamon tanager
spangle-cheeked tanager
yellow-scarfed tanager
green & gold tanager
rufous-winged tanager
rust & yellow tanager
golden-eared tanager
gold-ringed tanager
golden-backed mountain tanager
golden-crowned tanager
fulvous-crested tanager
golden tanager
dusky-bellied bush tanager
ash-throated bush tanager
grey-hooded bush tanager
grey-headed tanager
sooty ant-tanager
grey-crowned palm tanager
green-capped tanager
green-throated tanager
green-naped tanager
bay-headed tanager
guira tanager
black-goggled tanager
yellow-collared tanager
flame-crested tanager
black-capped tanager
burnished-buff tanager
golden-collared tanager
red-crowned ant-tanager
western tanager
ruby-crowned tanager
short-billed bush tanager
masked crimson tanager
scarlet-bellied mountain tanager
vermilon tanager
Natterer's tanager
ochre-breasted tanager
rufous-crested tanager
olive-backed tanager
olive-green tanager
opal-crowned tanager
brassy-breasted tanager
orange-headed tanager
palm tanager
grey & gold tanager
grass-green tanager
Parodi's tanager
scarlet-rumped tanager
chestnut-backed tanager
purplish-mantled tanager
golden-masked tanager
silver-beaked tanager
rose-throated tanager
rufous-headed tanager
fulvous-headed tanager
opal-rumped tanager
scarlet-throated tanager
golden-chested tanager
lesser antillean tanager
red-throated ant-tanager
rufous-throated tanager
red-headed tanager
golden-naped tanager
glistening-green tanager
scrub tanager
red-shouldered tanager
flame-faced tanager
rufoud-cheeked tanager
cherry-throated tanager
dusky-faced tanager
sayaca tanager
crimson-backed tanager
crested ant-tanager
red-hooded tanager
scarlet tanager
slaty tanager
black-faced tanager
plain-coloured tanager
golden-chevroned tanager
swallow ta

Deutsche Weißkopf-Ruderente {f} [ornith.] Synonyme


Englische White-headed Duck Synonyme

white headed Definition

(a.) Alt. of Addle-pated
(a.) Dull
(a.) Built with the stem nearly straight up and down.
(a.) Having a head like a buckler.
(a.) Having a large head, like a buffalo
(a.) Having a clear understanding
(a.) Having a temper not easily excited
(a.) As white as cream.
(a.) Having a head shaped like that of a dog
(a.) Having two heads
(a.) Thick-headed
(a.) Giddy
(a.) Having a head with a flattened top
(a.) Thoughtless
(a.) Thick-skulled
(a.) Having sound judgment
(imp. & p. p.) of Head
(a.) Furnished with a head (commonly as denoting intellectual faculties)
(a.) Formed into a head
(a.) Dull
(a.) Fiery
(a.) Foolish
(a.) Delirious
(a.) Double-headed.
(a.) Disordered in the head
(a.) Thoughtless
(a.) Wild
(a.) Dull
(a.) Having a cylindrical body with a convex head of larger diameter
(a.) Having a head like that of a nail
(a.) Having the hair cut close.
(a.) Bareheaded.
(a.) Having a head like a pig
(a.) Stupid.
(a.) Having the head full of confused notions.
(a.) Noisy
(a.) Having shaggy hair
Schwann's white substance
() The substance of the medullary sheath.
(a.) Silly
(a.) Having a thick and bushy head of hair.
(a.) White as snow
(a.) Weak in intellect.
(a.) Having a thick skull
(a.) Having a head armed with thorns or spines.
(a.) Having three heads
(a.) Having a top, or head, shaped like the top of a covered wagon, or resembling in section or outline an inverted U, thus /
(n.) A vinelike plant (Vitis Caribaea) growing in parched districts in the West Indies, and containing a great amount of sap which is sometimes used for quenching thirst.
(superl.) Reflecting to the eye all the rays of the spectrum combined
(superl.) Destitute of color, as in the cheeks, or of the tinge of blood color
(superl.) Having the color of purity

white headed Bedeutung

white backlash
backlash by white racists against black civil rights advances
white sale a sale of household linens
white man's burden the supposed responsibility of the white race to provide care for their non-white subjects
great white shark
white shark
man-eating shark
Carcharodon carcharias
large aggressive shark widespread in warm seas, known to attack humans
whitetip shark oceanic whitetip shark
white-tipped shark
Carcharinus longimanus
large deep-water shark with white-tipped dorsal fin, worldwide distribution, most dangerous shark
white-throated sparrow
Zonotrichia albicollis
common North American finch with a white patch on the throat and black-and-white striped crown
white-breasted nuthatch
Sitta carolinensis
bluish-grey nuthatch with black head and white breast, of eastern North America
white-bellied swallow
tree swallow Iridoprocne bicolor
bluish-green-and-white North American swallow, nests in tree cavities
blue-headed vireo
Vireo solitarius solitarius
common vireo of northeastern North America with bluish slaty-grey head
white-tailed kite
Elanus leucurus
grey-and-white American kite of warm and tropical regions
grey sea eagle
gray sea eagle
European sea eagle
white-tailed sea eagle
Haliatus albicilla
bulky greyish-brown eagle with a short wedge-shaped white tail, of Europe and Greenland
lowland burrowing treefrog
northern casque-headed frog
Pternohyla fodiens
terrestrial burrowing nocturnal frog of grassy terrain and scrub forests having very hard upper surface of head, of the United States southwest
bone-headed dinosaur bipedal herbivorous dinosaurs with bony crowns
black-headed snake small secretive ground-living snake, found from central United States to Argentina
rubber boa
tow-headed snake
Charina bottae
boa of grasslands and woodlands of western North America, looks and feels like rubber with tail and head of similar shape
spiny-headed worm
any of various worms living parasitically in intestines of vertebrates having a retractile proboscis covered with many hooked spines
white stork
Ciconia ciconia
the common stork of Europe, white with black wing feathers and a red bill
great white heron Ardea occidentalis large white heron of Florida and the Florida Keys
great white heron Casmerodius albus widely distributed Old World white egret
American egret
great white heron Egretta albus
a common egret of the genus Egretta found in America, it is a variety of the Old World white egret Casmerodius albus
white-headed stilt
Himantopus himantopus leucocephalus
stilt of the southwest Pacific including Australia and New Zealand having mostly white plumage but with black wings and nape of neck
white pelican
Pelecanus erythrorhynchos
large American pelican, white with black wing feathers
Old world white pelican
Pelecanus onocrotalus
similar to American white pelican
white whale
beluga Delphinapterus leucas
small northern whale that is white when adult
West Highland white terrier small white longoated terrier developed in Scotland
white wolf
Arctic wolf
Canis lupus tundrarum
wolf of Arctic North America having white fur and a black-tipped tail
Arctic fox
white fox
Alopex lagopus
thickly-furred fox of Arctic regions, brownish in summer and white in winter
bald-faced hornet
white-faced hornet
Vespula maculata
North American hornet
white ant
whitish soft-bodied ant-like social insect that feeds on wood
white admiral Limenitis camilla Eurasian butterfly with brown wings and white markings
banded purple
white admiral Limenitis arthemis
North American butterfly with blue-black wings crossed by a broad white band
small white
Pieris rapae
small widely distributed form
large white
Pieris brassicae
Old World form of cabbage butterfly
white-tailed jackrabbit
whitetail jackrabbit
Lepus townsendi
largest hare of northern plains and western mountains of United States, brownish-grey in summer and pale grey in winter, tail nearly always all white
white-footed mouse
vesper mouse
Peromyscus leucopus
American woodland mouse with white feet and underparts
white rhinoceros
Ceratotherium simum
Diceros simus
large light-grey African rhinoceros having two horns, endangered, sometimes placed in genus Diceros
white-lipped peccary
Tayassu pecari
blackish peccary with whitish cheeks, larger than the collared peccary
Dall sheep
Dall's sheep
white sheep
Ovis montana dalli
large white wild sheep of northwestern Canada and Alaska
Virginia deer
white tail
white-tailed deer
whitetail deer
Odocoileus Virginianus
common North American deer, tail has a white underside
white elephant albinic Indian elephant, rare and sometimes venerated in east Asia
giant perch
giant seaperch
Asian seabass
white seabass
Lates calcarifer
a species of large perch noted for its sporting and eating qualities, lives in marine, estuary, and freshwater habitats
white crappie
Pomoxis annularis
a crappie that is white
white perch
silver perch Morone americana
small silvery food and game fish of eastern United States streams
white croaker chenfish
kingfish Genyonemus lineatus
small silvery marine food fish found off California
white croaker queenfish
Seriphus politus
silvery and bluish drumfish of shallow California coastal waters
white mullet
Mugil curema
silvery mullet of Atlantic and Pacific coasts
white marlin
Makaira albida
small marlin (topounds) of western Atlantic
Pacific sturgeon
white sturgeon Sacramento sturgeon
Acipenser transmontanus
food and game fish of marine and fresh waters of northwestern coast of North America
beluga hausen
white sturgeon Acipenser huso
valuable source of caviar and isinglass, found in Black and Caspian seas
black and white
a black-and-white photograph or slide
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Einfach einen Begriff in der Tabelle rechts anklicken um weitere Übersetzungen in dieser Sidebar zu erhalten.

White is an achromatic color, a color without hue. An incoming light to the human eye that stimulates all its three types of color sensitive cone cells in nearly equal amounts results in white. White is one of the most common colors in nature, the color of sunlight, snow, milk, chalk, limestone and other common minerals. In many cultures white represents or signifies purity, innocence, and light, and is the symbolic opposite of black, or darkness. According to surveys in Europe and the United States, white is the color most often associated with perfection, the good, honesty, cleanliness, the beginning, the new, neutrality, and exactitude.

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