
who Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Brrr!; Halt! (Befehl um ein Pferd zum Anhalten zu bewegen)
Krimi m, Kriminalroman m, Kriminalfilm m, Kriminalhörspiel n
Krimis pl
whodunit, murder mystery
Krimi m; Kriminalroman m; Kriminalfilm m; Kriminalhörspiel n
Krimis pl
whodunit; murder mystery
Vollwertkost f, Reformkost f cook.
Vollwertkost f; Reformkost f cook.
ernsthaft, völlig, rückhaltlos adj, von ganzem Herzen
vollmundig adj (Versprechen)
voll; uneingeschränkt; rückhaltlos adj
jds. ungeteilte Aufmerksamkeit
jds. uneingeschränkte Unterstützung
eine Sache voll und ganz unterstützen
jdm. hoch und heilig versprechen dass ...
whole-hearted; wholehearted
sb.'s whole-hearted attention
sb.'s whole-hearted support
to give one's whole-hearted support to a matter
to give sb. one's whole-hearted promise that ...
voll; uneingeschränkt; rückhaltlos adj
jds. ungeteilte Aufmerksamkeit
jds. uneingeschränkte Unterstützung
eine Sache voll und ganz unterstützen
jdm. hoch und heilig versprechen, dass …
whole-hearted; wholehearted
sb.'s whole-hearted attention
sb.'s whole-hearted support
to give one's whole-hearted support to a matter
to give sb. one's whole-hearted promise that …
ernsthaft adv
mit jdm. einer Meinung sein; jdm. zustimmen; mit jdm. übereinstimmen geh.; sich mit jdm. einig sein; (ganz) bei jdm. sein; mit jdm. konform gehen; mit jdm. d'accord gehen Ös. geh. v (in einer Sache in der Frage +Gen.); es auch so sehen (wie jd.)
Da bin ich ganz völlig deiner Meinung.; Da bin ich ganz bei dir.
„Ganz meine Meinung“, sagte er zustimmend stimmte er zu.
Ich schließe mich an.
Sind also alle einverstanden?
Jugendliche und ihre Eltern sind selten einer Meinung.
Wir sind natürlich nicht überall einer Meinung.
In einigen Punkten waren wir uns einig, in anderen (wieder) nicht.
Es müssen nur neun der zwölf Geschworenen einer Meinung sein.
Wenn er sagt, dass es so nicht weitergehen kann, dann bin ich ganz bei ihm.
Wir sind uns doch über eine Sache einig: die Kontrollinstanz muss unabhängig sein.
Ich bin mit Ihnen völlig einer Meinung Ich stimme Ihnen voll und ganz zu, dass diese Sache unterstützt werden muss.
Ich finde auch, dass die Bedienung zu umständlich ist.
Die Küche ist zu klein für eine große Familie, finden Sie nicht auch?
to agree with sb.; to concur with sb. formal; to be in agreement with sb. formal; to see eye to eye with sb. (about on sth.)
I quite agree.; I agree completely.; I couldn't agree more.
'My opinion exactly', he concurred.
I concur.
Are we agreed then?'
Teenagers and their parents rarely agree.
We don't agree on everything, of course.
We agreed about some things, but we disagreed about others.
Only nine of the twelve jurors have to concur.
He says that things can't go on like this, and I agree completely.
We can all agree about one thing We can all be agreed on one thing: the supervisory body needs to be independent.
I agree concur completely entirely fully wholeheartedly with your opinion with you that this cause should be supported.; I am entirely in agreement with you that this cause should be supported.
I agree (that) it is too clumsy to use.
The kitchen is too small for a large family, don't you agree?
Ernsthaftigkeit f
wholemeal Br., whole-wheat Am., whole-grain
Vollkornmehl n
Vollkornbrot n cook.
wholemeal bread, brown bread (from wholemeal), wholewheat bread Am.
Vollkornpaniermehl n cook.
wholemeal breadcrumbs
wholemeal Br.; whole-wheat Am.; whole-grain
Vollkornbrot n cook.
wholemeal bread; brown bread (from wholemeal); wholewheat bread Am.
Vollkornmehl n cook.
wholemeal flour
Brötchen n Norddt. Mitteldt.; Schrippe f Nordostdt.; Rundstück n Nordwestdt.; Semmel f Nordwestdt. Bayr. Ös.; Weckerl n Bayr. Ös.; Wecken m BW; Weggen m Schw.; Brötli n Schw.; Bürli n Schw.; Mutschli n Schw. cook.
Brötchen pl; Schrippen pl; Rundstücken pl; Semmeln pl; Weckerlen pl; Wecken pl; Weggen pl; Brötli pl; Bürli pl; Mutschli pl
Kaisersemmel f; Kaiserwecken m
Vollkornbrötchen n
Fischbrötchen n
wie warme Semmeln wie die warmen Semmeln weggehen (sich gut und schnell verkaufen)
bread roll; roll; bun Am.
bread rolls; rolls
Kaiser roll
wholemeal roll Br.; whole-wheat roll Am.; whole-grain roll
fish bun
to be selling going like hot cakes Br. hotcakes Am.
Nudel f cook.
Nudeln pl
Buchstabennudeln pl
Vollkornnudeln pl
noodles; pasta
alphabet pasta
wholemeal noodles
Spaghetto n cook.
Spaghetti pl; Spagetti pl cook.
Spaghetti bolognese
Vollkornspaghetti pl
spaghetti bolognaise
wholemeal spaghetti
wholemeal Br.; whole-wheat Am.; whole-grain
Vollkornmehl n cook.
Dinkelvollkornmehl n
wholemeal flour
wholemeal spelt flour
Ganzheit f
in seiner Ganzheit, als Ganzes
as a whole
Ganzheit f
in seiner Ganzheit; als Ganzes
as a whole
Uroboros m (Bild einer Schlange, die sich in den Schwanz beißt, als Symbol für Ganzheit Unendlichkeit)
uroboros; ouroboros (emblem depicting a snake devouring its tail as a symbol of wholeness infinity)
wholesale trade
wholesale quotation
wholesale district
wholesale cooperative society
wholesale function
wholesale cooperative
wholesale business
wholesale warehouse
wholesale market
wholesale price
index of wholesale prices
wholesale price index
wholesale discount
wholesale margin
wholesale establishment
wholesale association
wholesale centre
wholesale dealer
im Großhandel verkaufen
sell at wholesale
im Index aufgeführter Großhandelspreis
indexed wholesale price
wir führen ein Großhandelsgeschäft
we carry on a wholesale business
wir kaufen unsere Ware im Großhandel
we buy our goods wholesale
Aufkäufer m
Aufkäufer pl
wholesale buyer
wholesale buyers
Einzelhandel m, Kleinhandel m
Einzel- und Großhandel
im Einzelhandel
retail, retail trade, retailing
retail and wholesale
Großhändler m, Grossist m
Großhändler pl, Grossisten pl
wholesaler, wholesale dealer
wholesalers, wholesale dealers
Großhandel m
wholesale trade, wholesale
Großhandelsgeschäft n
wholesale business
Großhandelspreis m
Großhandelspreise pl
wholesale price
wholesale prices
Großhandelspreisindex m
wholesale price index
Massenvernichtungswaffen pl mil.
weapons of wholesale destruction, weapons of mass destruction (WMD)
verurteilen, aburteilen v
verurteilend, aburteilend
verurteilt, abgeurteilt
verurteilt, urteilt ab
verurteilte, urteilte ab
etw. pauschal verurteilen
to condemn
to condemn sth. wholesale

Deutsche halt Synonyme

Halt  ÂStopp  
Bahnhof  ÂHalt  ÂHaltepunkt  ÂHaltestelle  ÂStation  ÂVerkehrsstation  
abgleiten  Âden  Halt  verlieren  Âflutschen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âgleiten  Ârutschen  
Anfasser  ÂGriff  ÂHalt  ÂHaltegriff  ÂHandgriff  ÂHeft  (Messer)  ÂHenkel  ÂKnauf  
eben  Âhalt  (umgangssprachlich)  Ânun  einmal  Ânun  mal  (umgangssprachlich)  
Halt  Stopp  
halt  abandon  abort  afterthought  amble  arrest  arrestation  bad  barge  belay  

Englische whoa Synonyme

whodunit  Marchen  Western  Western story  Westerner  adventure story  allegory  apologue  bedtime story  detective story  fable  fabliau  fairy tale  fantasy  fiction  folk story  folktale  gest  ghost story  horse opera  legend  love story  mystery  mystery story  myth  mythology  mythos  nursery tale  parable  romance  science fiction  shocker  space fiction  space opera  suspense story  thriller  work of fiction  
whole  a certain  absolute  account  across-the-board  admissibility  admission  admitting no exception  aggregate  all  all hands  all the world  all-comprehensive  all-embracing  all-inclusive  all-out  amount  amplitude  an  any  any one  assimilation  atomic  be-all and end-all  being  blanket  box score  bulk  bunkum  cast  categorical  census  clear  coherence  cohesion  compendious  complete  completeness  composition  comprehension  comprehensive  comprehensiveness  comprisal  concentrated  conclusive  constituents  content  contents  count  coverage  decided  decisive  definite  definitive  determinate  developed  difference  divisions  downright  either  elements  eligibility  embodiment  embracement  encompassment  encyclopedic  entire  entirety  entity  envisagement  every man Jack  everybody  everyone  exclusive  exhaustive  exhaustiveness  explicit  express  extent  final  fit  fixed  flat  flat-out  flawless  force  full  full-fledged  full-grown  full-scale  global  good  gross  guts  hale  healthy  holistic  implicit  inappealable  inclusion  inclusive  inclusiveness  incorporation  index  indisputable  individual  indivisible  ingredients  innards  insides  intact  integral  integrate  integrated  inventory  irreducible  items  linkage  list  lone  magnitude  mass  matter  mature  matured  measure  measurement  membership  monadic  monistic  number  numbers  omnibus  one  one and all  one and indivisible  openness  orbicular  organism  organization  out-and-out  outright  over-all  panoramic  part  participation  parts  peremptory  perfect  plenary  positive  product  quantity  quantum  reception  reckoning  result  resultant  right  ripe  round  rounded  sane  score  simple  single  singular  sole  solid  solitary  sound  straight  straight-out  strength  substance  sum  sum total  summation  supply  sweeping  synoptic  system  tale  tally  the bottom line  the story  the whole story  tolerance  toleration  total  totality  tote  tout le monde  un  
wholehearted  abiding  ardent  authentic  bona fide  bound  bound and determined  committed  decided  decisive  dedicated  definite  determined  devoted  earnest  enduring  fervent  genuine  heartfelt  hearty  impassioned  never-failing  obstinate  passionate  persevering  persistent  purposeful  relentless  resolute  resolved  serious  sincere  single-minded  steadfast  steady  tenacious  unfaltering  unfeigned  unqualified  unquestioning  unwavering  
wholeness  advantageousness  agreeableness  allness  auspiciousness  beneficialness  benevolence  benignity  class  cogency  combination  completeness  comprehensiveness  desert  differentiation  differentness  distinctiveness  egohood  entireness  entirety  excellence  exhaustiveness  expedience  fairness  favorableness  fineness  first-rateness  fullness  fusion  goodliness  goodness  grace  haleness  healthiness  heartiness  helpfulness  holism  human factor  identity  inclusiveness  individualism  individuality  indivisibility  intactness  integrality  integration  integrity  inviolability  irreducibility  kindness  merit  niceness  nominalism  nonconformity  omnipresence  oneness  organic unity  particularism  particularity  perfection  personal equation  personal identity  personality  personship  pervasiveness  pleasantness  plenitude  profitableness  purity  quality  rewardingness  robustness  self-identity  selfhood  selfness  selfsameness  simplicity  singleness  singularity  skillfulness  solidarity  solidification  solidity  soul  soundness  superiority  thoroughness  total approach  totality  ubiquity  undividedness  unification  uniformity  uniqueness  unity  universality  univocity  usefulness  validity  value  vigor  virtue  virtuousness  worth  
wholesale  abounding  absolute  abundant  affluent  all-embracing  all-encompassing  all-out  all-pervading  all-sufficing  ample  aplenty  at a bargain  at a sacrifice  at budget prices  at cost  at cost price  at piggy-bank prices  at prime cost  at reduced rates  at small cost  at wholesale  be in  bill of sale  blanket  born  bottomless  bounteous  bountiful  broad  broad-based  business  carry  casual  cheap  cheaply  clean  clear  close out  commercial  comprehensive  congenital  consummate  convert into cash  copious  cut under  deal in  deep-dyed  demand  diffuse  downright  dump  dyed-in-the-wool  effect a sale  effuse  egregious  epidemic  exhaustive  exhaustless  extensive  extravagant  exuberant  far-embracing  far-extending  far-flung  far-flying  far-going  far-ranging  far-reaching  fat  fertile  flush  for a song  for pennies  full  galore  general  generous  handle  imprudent  in plenty  in quantity  indiscreet  indiscriminate  indiscriminating  indiscriminative  industrial  inexhaustible  inexpensively  insensitive  intensive  job  large-scale  lavish  liberal  luxuriant  make a sale  many  market  marketing  mass market  maximal  mercantile  merchandise  merchandising  merchant  moderately  move  much  nominally  nonjudgmental  numerous  omnibus  omnipresent  on the cheap  opulent  out-and-out  outlet  outright  overflowing  perfect  pervasive  plain  plenitudinous  plenteous  plentiful  plenty  plumb  prevailing  prevalent  prodigal  productive  profuse  profusive  promiscuous  pure  radical  rampant  reasonably  regular  replete  resell  retail  retailing  rich  rife  riotous  running over  sacrifice  sale  sales  sell  sell off  sell on consignment  sell out  sell over  sell retail  sell short  sell up  sell wholesale  selling  sheer  straight  superabundant  sweeping  tactless  teeming  thorough  thoroughgoing  through-and-through  tie-in  total  trade  trade in  trading  traffic in  turn into money  turn over  turnover  ubiquitous  unconditio  
wholesale house  boutique  chain store  co-op  concession  cooperative  countinghouse  country store  department store  dime store  discount house  discount store  emporium  establishment  five-and-ten  general store  house  magasin  mail-order house  market  mart  post  retail store  salon  shop  store  supermarket  trading post  variety shop  variety store  warehouse  wareroom  
wholesaler  agent  broker  chandler  connection  dealer  distributor  go-between  importer  intermediary  intermedium  jobber  liaison  link  marketer  mediary  mediator  medium  merchandiser  merchant  middleman  monger  regrater  retail dealer  retail merchant  retailer  shopkeeper  storekeeper  tie  trader  tradesman  tradeswoman  trafficker  
wholesaling  agency  barter  bartering  brokerage  buying and selling  consumer preference study  consumer research  consumer survey  dealing  direct-mail selling  doing business  exchange  give-and-take  hard sell  hawking  high-pressure salesmanship  horse trading  huckstering  interchange  jobbing  low-pressure salesmanship  mail-order selling  market research  marketing  marketing research  merchandising  peddling  promotion  retailing  sales campaign  sales promotion  salesmanship  selling  sellout  soft sell  swapping  trade  trading  trafficking  wheeling and dealing  
wholesome  admissible  all  all in all  all there  altogether  balanced  beneficial  benign  bracing  bunkum  clearheaded  clearminded  cogent  completely  compos mentis  constitutional  credible  curing  entirely  exactly  fit  fully  good  good for  hale  healing  health-enhancing  health-preserving  healthful  healthy  healthy-minded  hygeian  hygienic  in toto  invigorating  just  justifiable  legitimate  logical  lucid  mentally sound  normal  of sound mind  perfectly  plausible  purely  quite  rational  reasonable  refreshing  remedial  restorative  right  roundly  salubrious  salutary  sanative  sanatory  sane  sane-minded  sanitary  sensible  sound  sound-minded  thoroughly  together  tonic  totally  unimpaired  uninjurious  utterly  vulnerary  well  well-argued  well-founded  well-grounded  whole  wholly  
wholly  absolutely  across the board  all  all put together  altogether  as a body  as a whole  at large  at length  bodily  collectively  completely  comprehensively  corporately  en bloc  en masse  entirely  exclusively  exhaustively  faultlessly  flawlessly  fully  globally  hundred per cent  ideally  immaculately  impeccably  in a body  in all  in all respects  in bulk  in detail  in extenso  in full  in full measure  in its entirety  in particular  in the aggregate  in the gross  in the lump  in the mass  in toto  inclusively  infallibly  inside out  integrally  irreducibly  just right  largely  merely  minutely  on all counts  one and all  only  outright  particularly  perfectly  purely  roundly  simply  solely  specifically  spotlessly  thoroughly  to the hilt  totally  tout a fait  tout ensemble  unanalyzably  unconditionally  undividedly  unreservedly  
whomp  appulse  bang  bang into  beat  blank  blow  box  box the ears  brunt  buffet  bulldoze  bulldozing  bulling  bump  bump into  burst  bust  cannon  carambole  carom  carom into  clap  clash  clobber  collide  collision  come into collision  concuss  concussion  confront each other  crack  crack up  crack-up  crash  crash into  cream  crump  crunch  cuff  dash into  defeat utterly  drub  encounter  fall foul of  flap  flop  foul  hammering  hit  hit against  hurt  hurtle  impact  impinge  impingement  knock  knock against  lambaste  mauling  meet  meeting  onslaught  overbear  overwhelm  paste  percuss  percussion  ramming  rap  report  run into  schmear  shellac  shock  shut out  sideswipe  skunk  slam  slam into  slap  slap the face  slat  sledgehammering  smack  smack into  smash  smash into  smash up  smash-up  smashing  smear  snow under  splat  steamroller  strike  strike against  swap  tap  thrash  thrusting  thwack  token punishment  trounce  wallop  whack  wham  whap  whelm  whitewash  whop  
whomp up  ad-lib  assemble  bat out  botch  build  bungle  cast  compose  compound  concoct  construct  cook up  create  dash off  devise  do anyhow  do by halves  do carelessly  do offhand  elaborate  erect  evolve  extemporize  extrude  fabricate  fake  fake up  fashion  form  formulate  frame  fudge together  fudge up  get up  improvisate  improvise  indite  jury-rig  knock off  knock out  knock together  lash up  make  make up  manufacture  mature  mold  patch  patch together  patch up  piece together  play by ear  pound out  prefabricate  prepare  produce  put together  put up  raise  rear  rough out  roughcast  roughhew  run up  scrap the plan  set up  shape  slap up  strike off  throw off  throw together  toss off  toss out  toss together  trifle with  vamp  whip up  wing it  write  
whoop  ace  bark  battle cry  bawl  bellow  call  caterwaul  cheer  cry  damn  hail  halloo  holler  hollo  hoot  howl  hurrah  jot  lota  modicum  rallying cry  ray  roar  scream  screech  shout  shred  shriek  squall  squawk  squeal  war cry  war whoop  whit  yammer  yap  yawl  yawp  yell  yelp  yo-ho  yowl  
whoop it up  be enthusiastic  be noisy  brawl  bubble over  carouse  carry on  carry on over  celebrate  chirm  clamor  clangor  cut loose  cut up  cut up rough  debauch  effervesce  enthuse  go on  go on over  gush  gush over  hell around  horse around  jollify  jolly  lark  let go  let loose  let off steam  maffick  make a noise  make a racket  make an uproar  make merry  make much of  make whoopee  noise  racket  raise Cain  raise a clamor  raise hell  raise sand  raise the deuce  raise the devil  raise the roof  rave  rave about  revel  rhapsodize  roar  roister  roughhouse  row  rumpus  see life  skylark  spree  step out  take on over  wanton  
whoopee  celebration  conviviality  elation  exultation  festivity  gaiety  high jinks  holiday-making  hoopla  jollification  jollity  joviality  jubilance  jubilation  jubilee  larking  mafficking  merriment  merrymaking  racketing  raucous happiness  rejoicing  revel  reveling  revelment  revelry  revels  show of joy  skylarking  triumph  wassail  
whooping cough  African lethargy  Asiatic cholera  Asiatic flu  Chagres fever  German measles  Haverhill fever  Hong Kong flu  acute articular rheumatism  acute bronchitis  adenoiditis  ague  alkali disease  aluminosis  amebiasis  amebic dysentery  amygdalitis  anthracosilicosis  anthracosis  anthrax  asbestosis  asthma  atypical pneumonia  bacillary dysentery  bastard measles  bituminosis  black death  black fever  black lung  blackwater fever  breakbone fever  bronchial pneumonia  bronchiectasis  bronchiolitis  bronchitis  bronchopneumonia  brucellosis  bubonic plague  cachectic fever  catarrh  cerebral rheumatism  chalicosis  chicken pox  cholera  chronic bronchitis  cold  collapsed lung  common cold  coniosis  coryza  cowpox  croup  croupous pneumonia  dandy fever  deer fly fever  dengue  dengue fever  diphtheria  double pneumonia  dry pleurisy  dumdum fever  dysentery  elephantiasis  emphysema  empyema  encephalitis lethargica  enteric fever  epidemic pleurodynia  erysipelas  famine fever  fibrinous pneumonia  five-day fever  flu  frambesia  glandular fever  grippe  hansenosis  hay fever  hepatitis  herpes  herpes simplex  herpes zoster  histoplasmosis  hookworm  hydrophobia  infantile paralysis  infectious mononucleosis  inflammatory rheumatism  influenza  jail fever  jungle rot  kala azar  kissing disease  la grippe  laryngitis  lepra  leprosy  leptospirosis  lipoid pneumonia  loa loa  loaiasis  lobar pneumonia  lockjaw  lung cancer  lung fever  madness  malaria  malarial fever  marsh fever  measles  meningitis  milzbrand  mumps  ornithosis  osteomyelitis  paratyphoid fever  parotitis  parrot fever  pertussis  pharyngitis  pleurisy  pleuritis  pneumococcal pneumonia  pneumoconiosis  pneumonia  pneumonic fever  pneumothorax  polio  poliomyelitis  polyarthritis rheumatism  ponos  psittacosis  quinsy  rabbit fever  rabies  rat-bite fever  relapsing fever  rheum  rheumatic fever  rickettsialpox  ringworm  rubella  rubeola  scarlatina  scarlet fever  schistosomias  
whoosh  assibilate  assibilation  buzz  effervesce  effervescence  effervescing  fizz  fizzle  fizzling  frication  frictional rustling  hiss  hissing  hush  hushing  lisp  rhonchus  shush  shushing  sibilance  sibilate  sibilation  siffle  sigmatism  siss  sissing  sizz  sizzle  sizzling  sneeze  sneezing  sniff  sniffle  snore  snort  snuff  snuffle  spit  splutter  sputter  squash  squelch  squish  sternutation  stertor  swish  wheeze  whish  whisper  whistle  whistling  white noise  whiz  zip  
whop  bang  bash  baste  bastinado  bat  batter  beat  beating  belabor  belt  biff  birch  blank  blow  bonk  bop  buffet  bulldoze  bump  burst  bust  cane  chop  clap  clash  clip  clobber  clout  club  clump  coldcock  cowhide  crack  crash  cream  crump  cudgel  cut  dash  deal  deal a blow  deck  defeat utterly  dig  dint  drub  drubbing  drumming  fetch  fetch a blow  flagellate  flail  flap  flog  flop  fusillade  fustigate  give a whipping  give the stick  hammer  hit  hit a clip  horsewhip  jab  knock  knock cold  knock down  knock out  knout  lace  lambaste  lash  lay on  let have it  lick  overbear  overwhelm  paste  pelt  pistol-whip  plunk  poke  pommel  pound  pummel  punch  rap  rawhide  report  schmear  scourge  shellac  shut out  skunk  slam  slap  slat  slog  slug  smack  smash  smear  smite  snap  snow under  soak  sock  spank  splat  steamroller  strap  strike  strike at  stripe  stroke  swap  swat  swing  swinge  swipe  switch  tap  tattoo  thrash  thump  thwack  trounce  truncheon  wallop  whack  whale  wham  whap  whelm  whip  whitewash  whomp  yerk  
whopping  awful  awfully  banging  big  bumping  clobbering  colossal  crushing defeat  damned  decisive defeat  enormous  exceedingly  gargantuan  gigantic  highly  hugely  immense  mighty  much  no contest  overwhelming defeat  pasting  prodigious  shellacking  slapping  smashing defeat  smearing  spanking  thumping  thundering  total defeat  utter defeat  walloping  whacking  whaling  whitewash  whitewashing  
whore  B-girl  Cyprian  Jezebel  Paphian  backslider  bad egg  bad lot  bad woman  baggage  bawd  be promiscuous  bitch  black sheep  broad  call girl  chase women  chippy  clitoromaniac  cocotte  commit adultery  coquette  courtesan  daughter of joy  debauch  degenerate  demimondaine  demimonde  demirep  dissipate  drab  easy lay  easy woman  erring sister  fallen angel  fallen woman  fancy woman  fille de joie  flirt  floozy  fornicate  frail sister  gold digger  grisette  grovel  harlot  harridan  hetaera  hooker  hussy  hustler  hysteromaniac  jade  kept woman  lecher  loose woman  lost sheep  lost soul  meretrix  miscreant  moll  nightwalker  nymphet  nympho  nymphomaniac  painted woman  paphian  pervert  philander  pickup  pimp  poule  profligate  prostitute  quean  rake  recidivist  recreant  reprobate  scapegrace  scarlet woman  sleep around  slut  sorry lot  stew  streetwalker  strumpet  swing  tart  trollop  trull  unfortunate woman  uteromaniac  vamp  wallow  wanton  wench  white slave  womanize  

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