
wide open Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

ganz offen
wide open
weitgeöffnet, ganz offen adj
weitgeöffnet; ganz offen adj
offen adj
am offensten
sperrangelweit offen stehen sein
more open
most open
to be wide open
aufreißen v (Augen; Mund)
to open wide (eyes; mouth)
opening wide
opened wide
Verderben n
mit offenen Augen ins Verderben rennen
to rush headlong into disaster with one's eyes wide open
sich verplappern
sich verplappernd
to open one's mouth too wide
opening one's mouth too wide
opened one's mouth too wide
sich verplappern v
sich verplappernd
to open one's mouth too wide
opening one's mouth too wide
opened one's mouth too wide
Glaukom n; grüner Star med.
Weitwinkelglaukom; primäres Offenwinkelglaukom POWG
glaucoma; green star; green cataract
wide-angle glaucoma; primary open-angle glaucoma POAG
Vollgasstellung f; Vollgas n auto
Vollgas im Leerlauf
mit Vollgas fahren; Vollgas fahren ugs.
Vollgas geben; auf die Tube drücken slang
wide-open-throttle position; wide-open throttle
high idle running
to go wide-open throttle
to accelerate with wide open throttle; to accelerate fully; to put the pedal to the metal slang
Falte f (Verformung im Gestein ohne Bruch) geol.
allochtone Falte
aufrechte Falte
breite Falte
disharmonische Falte
flache Falte
geneigte Falte
liegende Falte
offene Falte
steile Falte
überkippte Falte
überschobene Falte
verdeckte Falte
allochtonous fold; displaced fold
upright fold; erect fold; symmetrical fold
wide fold; broad fold
disharmonic fold
open fold
inclined fold; gentle fold
lying fold
open fold
steep fold
overturned fold; inverted fold; recumbent fold; reversed fold; overfold
overthrust fold
buried fold
Falte f (Verformung im Gestein ohne Bruch) geol.
allochthone Falte
aufrechte Falte
breite Falte
disharmonische Falte
flache Falte
geneigte Falte; schiefe Falte
liegende Falte
offene Falte
steile Falte
überkippte Falte
überschobene Falte
verdeckte Falte
allochthonous fold; displaced fold
upright fold; erect fold; symmetrical fold
wide fold; broad fold
disharmonic fold
open fold
inclined fold; gentle fold
lying fold
open fold
steep fold
overturned fold; inverted fold; recumbent fold; reversed fold; overfold
overthrust fold
buried fold
Visier n (Zielvorrichtung einer Schusswaffe) mil.
Visiere pl
offenes Visier; offene Visierung
optisches Visier
Klappvisier; Klappenvisier; Umlegevisier
(militärisches) Leitervisier
Reflexvisier; Kollimatorvisier
Rotpunktvisier; Leuchtpunktvisier; Leuchtpunktzielgerät
mit Visier versehen
gun sight; sight
gun sights; sights
iron sight; open sight
optical sight; aperture sight; peep sight
bomb sight
three-barrel gun sight
spring-leaf sight
aerial sight
wide-open V rear sight
folding sight; leaf sight
military leaf sight
micrometer sight
reflex sight; reflector sight
red dot sight
quadrant sight
sliding sight
fixed sight; standing sight
step sight; Rocky Mountain sight
Auge n anat.
Augen pl
geistiges Auge übtr.
ein Auge zudrücken übtr.
mit aufgerissenen Augen
mit bloßem Auge
mit freiem Auge nicht erkennbar
unter vier Augen
jdn. aus dem Auge verlieren übtr.
sich sehenden Auges auf ein Risiko einlassen
mit offenen Augen durch's Leben gehen übtr.
blaues Auge; Veilchen n ugs. med.
schrägstehende Augen
stechende Augen
wässrige Augen
große Augen machen
direkt vor den Augen von
Augen mit schweren Lidern
mit aufgerissenen Augen; großäugig adj
mit zusammengekniffenen Augen
vor meinem geistigen Auge
seine Augen überall haben; alles sehen; hellseherische Fähigkeiten haben
jdn. etw. vor Augen haben
jdm. die Augen öffnen
nicht nur ein, sondern beide Augen zudrücken (bei etw.) übtr.
Er hat ein blaues Auge.
mind's eye
to turn a blind eye fig.
saucer eyed
with the naked eye; for the naked eye
cannot be seen with the naked eye
in private
to lose sight of sb.
to go into a risk with one's eyes open fig.
to go through life with one's eyes open fig.
black eye; shiner coll.
slanted eyes
ferrety eyes
liquid eyes
to be all eyes
in full view of
hooded eyes
wide-eyed; round-eyed
with narrowed eyes
in my mind's eye
to have eyes at the back of your head
to see sb. sth. in one's mind's eye; to keep sb. sth. in mind; to keep sb. sth. in sight
to give sb. a reality check
to turn not just a blind eye but an entire blind sense-set (to sth.) fig.
He has a black eye.
Auge n anat.
Augen pl
ein Auge zudrücken übtr.
mit aufgerissenen Augen
mit bloßem Auge
mit freiem Auge nicht erkennbar
unter vier Augen
jdn. aus dem Auge verlieren übtr.
mit einem blauen Auge davonkommen übtr.; glimpflich davonkommen
sich sehenden Auges auf ein Risiko einlassen
mit offenen Augen durch's Leben gehen übtr.
blaues Auge; Veilchen n ugs. med.
schrägstehende Augen
stechende Augen
wässrige Augen
große Augen machen
direkt vor den Augen von
Augen mit schweren Lidern
mit aufgerissenen Augen; großäugig adj
mit zusammengekniffenen Augen
vor meinem geistigen Auge
seine Augen überall haben; alles sehen; hellseherische Fähigkeiten haben
jdn. etw. vor Augen haben
jdm. die Augen öffnen
nicht nur ein sondern beide Augen zudrücken (bei etw.) übtr.
Er hat ein blaues Auge.
to turn a blind eye fig.
saucer eyed
with the naked eye; for the naked eye
cannot be seen with the naked eye
in private
to lose sight of sb.
to get off cheaply; to get off lightly
to go into a risk with one's eyes open fig.
to go through life with one's eyes open fig.
black eye; shiner coll.
slanted eyes
ferrety eyes
liquid eyes
to be all eyes
in full view of
hooded eyes
wide-eyed; round-eyed
with narrowed eyes
in my mind's eye
to have eyes at the back of your head
to see sb. sth. in one's mind's eye; to keep sb. sth. in mind; to keep sb. sth. in sight
to give sb. a reality check
to turn not just a blind eye but an entire blind sense-set (to sth.) fig.
He has a black eye.

Deutsche ganz offen Synonyme

mit  Vorsicht  zu  genießen  (umgangssprachlich)  Ânicht  ganz  astrein  (umgangssprachlich)  Ânicht  ganz  lupenrein  (umgangssprachlich)  Âsuspekt  Âundurchschaubar  Âundurchsichtig  Âverdächtig  Âzweifelhaft  Âzwielichtig  
offen  Âungeschützt  
angreifbar  Âoffen  
abgetaut  Âaper  (südd.)  Âoffen  Âschneefrei  
offen  zeigen  Âpräsentieren  Âzur  Schau  stellen  
direkt  Âoffen  Âschonungslos  Âunumwunden  Âunverblümt  
ausgesprochen  Âganz  und  gar  
(ganz)  still  Âmucksmäuschenstill  
frei  heraus  Âoffen  Âohne  Hemmung  Âunverhohlen  
blank  Âbloß  Âkahl  Ânackt  Âoffen  Âunverhüllt  
eng  beieinander  Âganz  in  der  Nähe  
aufgeschlossen  Âaufnahmefähig  Âaufnehmend  Âempfangend  Âempfänglich  Âoffen  Ârezeptiv  
ganz  von  vorne  Âgrundsätzlich  Âvon  Grund  auf  
annehmbar  Âganz  recht  Âgut  so  Âin  Ordnung  
keinen  Hehl  aus  etwas  machen  Ânicht  verheimlichen  Âoffen  aussprechen  
offen  zeigen  Âoffenbaren  Âouten  Âzu  erkennen  geben  Âzum  Vorschein  bringen  
faszinieren  Âfesseln  Âganz  in  Anspruch  nehmen  
abgelenkt  Ânicht  (ganz)  bei  der  Sache  (umgangssprachlich)  Âunkonzentriert  
(dezent)  spöttisch  Âironisch  Ânicht  ganz  ernst  gemeint  
alle  Âdie  Gesamtheit  Âganz  Âjeder  Âjedweder  Âjeglicher  Âsämtliche  
ganz  Âgesamt  Âkomplett  Ârundheraus  Ârundherum  Ârundum  Âvöllig  Âvollständig  
delikat  Âheikel  Ânicht  ganz  ohne  (umgangssprachlich)  Âprekär  Âproblematisch  Âschwierig  
direkt  Âfrei  Âfrei  heraus  Âfreimütig  Âoffen  Âoffenherzig  Âunverblümt  
aufdecken  Âaufklären  Âauspacken  (umgangssprachlich)  Âdekuvrieren  Âdie  Katze  aus  dem  Sack  lassen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âenthüllen  Âentlarven  Âoffen  legen  Âoffenbaren  Âouten  Âzu  erkennen  geben  
frank  und  frei  reden  Âoffen  reden  Âsachlich  reden  (mit)  
einigermaßen  Âganz  (umgangssprachlich)  Âhalbwegs  (umgangssprachlich)  Ârecht  (umgangssprachlich)  Ârelativ  Âvergleichsweise  Âziemlich  (umgangssprachlich)  
ganz  recht  (umgangssprachlich)  Âgenau  (umgangssprachlich)  Âjawohl  (umgangssprachlich)  
bedeppert  (umgangssprachlich)  Âbehämmert  (umgangssprachlich)  Âbeknackt  (umgangssprachlich)  Âbeschruppt  (umgangssprachlich)  Âdämlich  Âdebil  Âdumm  Âgrenzdebil  (derb)  Âidiotisch  Âirrsinnig  Ânicht  ganz  dicht  (umgangssprachlich)  Âschwachsinnig  (derb)  Âunzurechnungsfähig  
allemal  (umgangssprachlich)  Âauf  jeden  Fall  (umgangssprachlich)  Âbestimmt  Âdefinitiv  Âfraglos  Âganz  bestimmt  Âgewiss  Âin  jedem  Fall  Âmit  Sicherheit  Âohne  Frage  Âohne  Zweifel  Âsicher  Âtodsicher  (umgangssprachlich)  Âunbedingt  Âunter  allen  Umständen  Âunweigerlich  Âunzweifelhaft  Âwahrlich  Âzweifelsohne  
bekloppt  (umgangssprachlich)  Âeinen  Sprung  in  der  Schüssel  haben  (umgangssprachlich)  Âgeistesgestört  Âgeisteskrank  Âgemütskrank  Âirre  (umgangssprachlich)  Âirrsinnig  (umgangssprachlich)  Âneben  der  Spur  (umgangssprachlich)  Ânicht  ganz  dicht  (umgangssprachlich)  Ânicht  mehr  alle  Tassen  im  Schrank  haben  (umgangssprachlich)  Âpsychotisch  Âverrückt  Âvon  Sinnen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âwahnsinnig  
(eine)  Macke  (haben)  (umgangssprachlich)  Â(einen)  Kopfschuss  (haben)  (umgangssprachlich)  Â(einen)  Lattenschuss  (haben)  (umgangssprachlich)  Â(einen)  Schuss  (haben)  (umgangssprachlich)  Ânicht  ganz  dicht  (sein)  (umgangssprachlich)  Âverrückt  (sein)  
ganz recht (umgangssprachlich)  genau (umgangssprachlich)  jawohl (umgangssprachlich)  
ganz von vorne  grundsätzlich  von Grund auf  
ganz  gesamt  komplett  rundheraus  rundherum  rundum  völlig  vollständig  
offen zeigen  offenbaren  outen  zu erkennen geben  zum Vorschein bringen  
offen zeigen  präsentieren  zur Schau stellen  
offen  ungeschützt  

Englische wide open Synonyme

wide open  absolute  all out  at full blast  at full drive  at full speed  at full throttle  bald  bare  clear  cleared  deltoid  disclosed  exposed  fan-shape  fan-shaped  fanlike  fanned  fanning  flabelliform  flared  flaring  flat out  free  full  full speed ahead  illimitable  in full sail  limitless  naked  no strings  open  outspread  outstretched  patulous  perfect  plenary  splay  splayed  splaying  spraddled  spraddling  sprangled  sprangling  sprawling  sprawly  spread  spreading  stretched-out  unbound  unbounded  uncircumscribed  unclogged  unclosed  unconditional  unconditioned  unconfined  uncovered  under full steam  unequivocal  unfolded  unhidden  unlimited  unmeasured  unobstructed  unqualified  unrestricted  unstopped  widespread  with all speed  without strings  
wide open spaces  Lebensraum  agricultural region  air space  alkali flat  alluvial plain  arable land  back country  basin  black belt  bottomland  bushveld  campo  champaign  champaign country  citrus belt  clear space  clearance  clearing  coastal plain  corn belt  cotton belt  countryside  delta  desert  distant prospect  down  downs  dust bowl  empty view  farm belt  farm country  farmland  fell  flat  flat country  flatland  flats  fruit belt  glade  grass roots  grass veld  grassland  grazing region  heath  highlands  lande  level  living space  llano  lowland  lowlands  lunar mare  mare  meadows and pastures  mesa  mesilla  moor  moorland  moors  open country  open space  outback  pampa  pampas  peneplain  plain  plains  plateau  playa  prairie  prairies  province  provinces  rural district  rustic region  salt flat  salt marsh  salt pan  savanna  sebkha  steppe  steppes  table  tableland  terrain  territory  the country  the soil  the sticks  tobacco belt  tree veld  tundra  upland  uplands  vega  veld  weald  wheat belt  wilderness  wold  woodland  woods and fields  yokeldom  

wide open Definition

(a.) Free of access
(a.) Free to be used, enjoyed, visited, or the like
(a.) Free or cleared of obstruction to progress or to view
(a.) Not drawn together, closed, or contracted
(a.) Without reserve or false pretense
(a.) Not concealed or secret
(a.) Not of a quality to prevent communication, as by closing water ways, blocking roads, etc.
(a.) Not settled or adjusted
(a.) Free
(a.) Uttered with a relatively wide opening of the articulating organs
(a.) Uttered, as a consonant, with the oral passage simply narrowed without closure, as in uttering s.
(a.) Not closed or stopped with the finger
(a.) Produced by an open string
(n.) Open or unobstructed space
(v. t.) To make or set open
(v. t.) To spread
(v. t.) To disclose
(v. t.) To make known
(v. t.) To enter upon
(v. t.) To loosen or make less compact
(v. i.) To unclose
(v. i.) To expand
(v. i.) To begin
(v. i.) To bark on scent or view of the game.
(a.) Taking place in the open air
(a.) With eyes widely open
(a.) Generous
(a.) Bareheaded.
(a.) Candid
(a.) Having the mouth open
(superl.) Having considerable distance or extent between the sides
(superl.) Having a great extent every way
(superl.) Of large scope
(superl.) Of a certain measure between the sides
(superl.) Remote
(superl.) Far from truth, from propriety, from necessity, or the like.
(superl.) On one side or the other of the mark
(superl.) Made, as a vowel, with a less tense, and more open and relaxed, condition of the mouth organs
(adv.) To a distance
(adv.) So as to leave or have a great space between the sides
(adv.) So as to be or strike far from, or on one side of, an object or purpose
(n.) That which is wide
(n.) That which goes wide, or to one side of the mark.
(a.) Fully awake
(n.) A broad-brimmed, low-crowned felt hat.
(a.) Extended throughout the world

wide open Bedeutung

open sesame any very successful means of achieving a result
open primary a primary in which any registered voter can vote (but must vote for candidates of only one party)
open frame
any frame in which a bowler fails to make a strike or spare, the break in the eighth frame cost him the match
open-heart surgery heart surgery in which the rib cage is spread open, the heart is stopped and blood is detoured through a heart-lung machine while a heart valve or coronary artery is surgically repaired
fireplace hearth open fireplace an open recess in a wall at the base of a chimney where a fire can be built, the fireplace was so large you could walk inside it, he laid a fire in the hearth and lit it, the hearth was black with the charcoal of many fires
open-air market
open-air marketplace
market square
a public marketplace where food and merchandise is sold
open circuit an incomplete electrical circuit in which no current flows
open-end wrench
tappet wrench
a wrench having parallel jaws at fixed separation (often on both ends of the handle)
open-hearth furnace a furnace for making steel in which the steel is placed on a shallow hearth and flames of burning gas and hot air play over it
open sight rear gunsight having an open notch instead of a peephole or telescope
open weave a weave in which warp threads never come together, leaving interstices in the fabric
wide-angle lens
fisheye lens
a camera lens having a wider than normal angle of view (and usually a short focal length), produces an image that is foreshortened in the center and increasingly distorted in the periphery
wide area network
a computer network that spans a wider area than does a local area network
widebody aircraft
wide-body aircraft
twin-aisle airplane
a commercial airliner with two aisles
wide screen a projection screen that is much wider than it is high
wide wale corduroy with wide ribs
World Wide Web
computer network consisting of a collection of internet sites that offer text and graphics and sound and animation resources through the hypertext transfer protocol
open door freedom of access, he maintained an open door for all employees
information that has become public, all the reports were out in the open, the facts had been brought to the surface
open interval
unbounded interval
an interval that does not include its endpoints
open account an unpaid credit order
open letter a letter of protest, addressed to one person but intended for the general public
open-door policy
open door
the policy of granting equal trade opportunities to all countries
open secret something that is supposed to be secret but is generally known, their love affair was an open secret
open sesame a magical command, used by Ali Baba
open a tournament in which both professionals and amateurs may play
open-face sandwich
open sandwich
sandwich without a covering slice of bread
mutual fund
mutual fund company
open-end fund
open-end investment company
a regulated investment company with a pool of assets that regularly sells and redeems its shares
open shop a company whose workers are hired without regard to their membership in a labor union
open house an informal party of people with hospitality for all comers
Open University a British university that is open to people without formal academic qualifications and where teaching is by correspondence or broadcasting or summer school
open society a society that allows its members considerable freedom (as in a democracy), America's open society has made it an easy target for terrorists
open order a military formation leaving enough space between ranks to allow an inspecting officer to pass
open air
where the air is unconfined, he wanted to get outdoors a little, the concert was held in the open air, camping in the open
open clear a clear or unobstructed space or expanse of land or water, finally broke out of the forest into the open
open chain a chain of atoms in a molecule whose ends are not joined to form a ring
open-end credit
revolving credit
charge account credit
a consumer credit line that can be used up to a certain limit or paid down at any time
credit account
charge account
open account
credit extended by a business to a customer
open-hearth process a process for making steel using an open-hearth furnace
open marriage a marriage in which each partner is free to enter into extraneous sexual relationships without guilt or jealousy from the other
chronic glaucoma
open-angle glaucoma
glaucoma caused by blockage of the canal of Schlemm, produces gradual loss of peripheral vision, open-angle glaucoma is the most common type of glaucoma
compound fracture
open fracture
bone fracture associated with lacerated soft tissue or an open wound
erupt irrupt flare up
flare break open
burst out
erupt or intensify suddenly, Unrest erupted in the country, Tempers flared at the meeting, The crowd irrupted into a burst of patriotism
split break open
come open suddenly and violently, as if from internal pressure, The bubble burst
open up
make available, This opens up new possibilities
open open up become available, an opportunity opened up
open up talk freely and without inhibition
open make the opening move, Kasparov opened with a standard opening
open fire
start firing a weapon
open up
cause to open or to become open, Mary opened the car door
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